Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 01, 1952, Page 6, Image 6

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, v.. v II " '.;
NURSES T ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL, San Francisco, were
first to h. ,' the news of the engagement of Florence Marie
Narey to uohn D. Butler. Florence is the daughter of Mrs.
Stanley Narey, former Klamath Falls resident, now of
Richmond, California, and her fiance is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Willis Butler, also of Richmond. The prospective bride
attended Marylhurst Coilege in Portland and was graduated
from St. Mary's Hospital where she has continued her
nursing career. Florence is the niece of Mr. and Mrs. Brady
Narey, of this city. April 19 is the date set for the wedding
in St. Mark's Catholic Church, Richmond.
Photo bv Don Basco
Langell Valley
Home Nursing
Cross Home Nursing course given
by Mrs. Gordon Ashbee was com
pleted Feb. 21.
The croup met on Tuesday and
Thursday evenings at the parish
hall and reported that all gained
much lnformtion from Uie course.
Mrs. Walter Smith Sr. and Mrs.
Art Monroe assisted Mrs. Ashbee.
Those taking the course were
Mrs. Opal Harris. Mrs. Billie Col
well, Mrs. Gertrude Graves, Mrs.
Lila Scott, Mrs. Winona Faulstich,
Mrs. Mary Noble, Mrs. Bonnie
Fernlund, Mrs. Lois Monroe. Mrs.
Genevieve Smith, Mrs. Dorthy
Smith, and Mrs. Madge Monroe.
Merrill BPW
Club Meeting
MERRILL Short sketches on
women prominent' In world affairs
were given by club members when
the Merrill-Malin BPW met on
Feb. 20.
Guest speaker was Lois Kirby.
whose subject "Vivian Kellens."
was Instrumental in starting the
Liberty Belles, a women's club ac
tive In the eastern states.
Audrey Lewis told about Jessie
Binford and her work with young
people. .
LiUian Thomas spoke on three
prominent women, Carrio Van
Boss, active in public affairs in
Holland; Margaret Heindeman,
.BPW club officer in Canada; and
Margare Hlckey. who is an editor
on the Ladies Home Journal.
President Lorena Honeycutt re
ported on her attendance at the
last BPW conference held 4n Eu
gene. The dinner meeting was held at
the Presbyterian social parlor with
the ladies of the church serving.
Places were set for the following:
Lorena Honeycutt, Grace Sanders,
Louise Tracy, Helen Brumley, Lu
cille Austin, Kathleen Brickner,
Delia Hodges, Harriett Fothering
ham, Lillian Thomas, Eva Bow
man, Audrey Lewis, Myrtle Beas
ley, Eva Van Cleave, and guest
Lois Kirby.
Women of Moose
Chapter Night
MERRILL The Chapter Night,
program of Kathryn Baley and her
ritual committee, was held at the
Feb. 19 meeting of Merrill Wom
en of the Moose, Carol Stone and
Barbara Salyers sang several pop
ular songs, accompanied by Mrs.
George Donathan.
New candidates Initiated Into the
chapter were Norma Wolf. Vera
Wolf. Joe Ellen Elzner, Lois Lucas,
Evelyn Rush, Mary Harper, and
Deneva Tralcllo. Ruby Tschlrky of
the Klamath Falls chapter was a
Date of the square dance spon
sored bv Elizabeth Holland and
her committee has been changed
to March 1 because of conflicting
The next meeting of the execu
tive board will be Feb. 26. at the
home of Lillian Thomas. Regular
meeting of the Women of the Moose
will be March 4.
Zion Lutheran
Zlon Lutheran Ladies Aid met
at the Church Feb. 21, with 14
members attending. Rev. R. E.
Graef presented the topic on "The
Lord's Supper."
Routine business was conducted
with additional discussion on the
Zone Conference to be held here
In April.
Mrs. Gertrude Blind and Mrs.
Virginia Rulter were hostesses.
awn'sin o a a a first it g'fOTnTii
ht co.Q .'.lJ'a ooooeooeoooQoitaa H-iLg vvvvviiiiwOvvvUlv?
Lost River
Garden Club
MERRILL An lnterestinu talk
ana aemonsu-auon of "pruning"
was given by Francis Smith of
Klamath Falls, when the Lost Riv
er Garden Club met Feb. 22, at
the home of Mrs. Dale West. The
vice president. Mrs. Walter Fother
ingham, presided in the. absence
of the president, Mrs. John Deg
nan. Appointments made by the pres
ident were that of Mrs. Ivan Kan
dra as chairman of the Snrmi?
Flower Show Tour; Mrs. Scott Mc
Kendree and Mrs. E. Webb-Bowen
as representatives of the club on
the program committee for the
Siskiyou sub-district.
Refreshments were served bv
the hostess to Mrs. Randall Pope.
Mrs. J. Frank Adams. Mrs. Joe
Micka, Mrs. c. E. Sharp. Mrs.
Perry Haley, Mrs. M. A. Bowman
Mrs. Mattle Rasmussen. Mrs. Wal
ler Fotheringham. and one truest.
Mrs. R. L. Dragoo.
CHILOQUIN Antonio Unive re
turned last week from a six months
tour which took him from Oregon
to Canada. New. York. Italy, Swit
zerland, France, Belgium. Ger
many, Spain and a trip through
the south back to Oregon.
Tony, who visited Hawaii and
numerous ports in the Orient while
on duty with the navy for four
years, attended summer session
last year at the University of Port
land. When Uie session ended he
and a friend drove east to New
York city Including a visit In south
ern Canada on the way.
Unive spent some four weeks In
the big city, attending theater per
formances and sightseeing.
On an Italian liner he docked ten
days later In Naples where he
spent several days sightseeing,
watching cameo carvers, and strug
gling with the language.
Two weeks In Rome was fol
lowed by a train trip to Switzer
land. Over four mouths were spent with
Paris as headquarters, from which
side trips were made to outlying
distrlctsand into neighboring coun
tries. Asked about future plans, Tony
replied, "A Job first and then sum
mer school at the University of
Mexico sounds interesting."
Fifth Birthday
Dearborn entertained in honor of
her son, Ted, observing his fifth
birthday on Feb. 22. The party was
held at the Langell Valley parish
hell. All the children received fav
ors, and Teddy received many gifts
from his little friends.
Games and contests were en
Joyed followed by party refresh
ments and a beautiful birthday
Those invited Included: Jeral and
Matt Monroe, Maria Burnett, Fred
die Dearborn, Virginia and Allan
Harris, Michael Baker, Punken and
Mickcr Rosendich, Jimmy Seater,
Wilma Albert, Jimmy, Benny and
Billy Brown, Judy, Susan and Deb
ie Randall, Danny Grallan, Kath
leen and Mary Anne Keysor, Vir
ginia and Dayle Noble, Linda and
Eddie Fernlund, Tommy Lindsay
and Butch Thomas.
Mothers attending the party were
Mrs. R. E. Thomas. Mrs. George
Baker, Mrs. Wes Dearborn, Mrs.
Art Monroe, Mrs. Ell Rosendich,
Mrs. Bud Harris, Mrs. Ted Albert
Mrs. Kermlt Keysor, Mrs. Barney
Brown, Mrs. Bob Scaler, Mrs. Mar
ion Lindsay, Mrs. Louis Randall,
Mrs. George Fernlund, Mrs. Eddie
Gralian and Mrs. Paul Monroe.
- iiTtrtnro - D - a - a a a a a c a ivkj
Invitations and Announcement!
m.O Per Hundred
Ask For Your Copy Of
By Evelyn Murray
tk. m fionttrOfftaSuub
Bridal Shower
For Bly Bride
BLY The Bly School "Cafeteria
at 2:30 p.m.. Fob. 20, was the
scene of a bridal shower for Mrs.
Dale Smith, the former Janet Grif
fin. The couple were married Feb.
10. In Carson City, Nevada.
The American Legion Auxiliary
Unit 13 ol Bly was hostess. Janc'i
is a Gold Star daughter and mem
ber of Uie unit, and the bride
groom Is adjutant ol the Blv Le
gion Post. Auxiliary president,
HaicI Hamilton pinned n corsage
of yellow carnations tied with roval
blue ribbon on the honored guest.
An electric toaster from the Bly
post, and a set of Club aluminum
ware in Legion .colors were two of
Uie Bitis given Mm. Smith.
Auxiliary members wore rihhnn
of gold and blue and table napkins
uca cornea me scat ot tne Aux
iliary. Refreshments were served tn ih
honor guest, members of Uie Aux
iliary ana tne fallowing invited
guests; Mrs. Jim Brllev and Khan.
non. Gloria Kness. Mrs. Morris.
ocrnice iven. Evelyn. Franklin.
Mrs. Ruth Hall. Mrs. McGilvrav
and Carolyn Inei Griffin, Alice
Wilson. Bessie Dillavon. Mabel
n-uuieia. uaroara Renlel and
daughters, Veda Stanley and sons.
Hnsel Hamilton. Carole Griffin,
Mrs. Nixon. Helen Pankev. Goldle
Clemens and Nancy, Hilda Bar-
neii, wutn Anaerson, Vesta Rob n.
Mildred Gnrey. Virg'nia Watts
and daughter.. Grace Nelson aivl
Teddy. Amy O'Neil. Jacauelin Os-
born. Iva Cllne. Olive Hall and
vuwiic. inez uoencnam, Mrs. W.
Ellington. Lauretta Smith and
Robyn, Jean Cline. Nancy Tibbits,
Shirley Dillavon. Darlene Hadley.
Carol Tucker. Elba Tucker. Marie
Brady and daughter. Norma Me-
Cloude and son.
Sending gifts, but unable to at
tend were: Norah Caven, Marlon
Hunt. Thclina Abbott, Nisha Had
ley. Ruth House. Virginia Haven.
Faye Cummings. Margret Sey
mour. Margaret stiles, uorris Bell,
Mrs. McCain. Mrs. Prebostel, Mrs.
Keffeler, Mrs. Cambron, Susie
Kuhlman. Mrs. Walt Campbell,
Mrs. inanaier, Lucy wininms, Kav
Dillavon. Mrs. James Dixon. Ruth
Obenchain. Sally Bates, Pearl Hen-
aerson, Bemice House. M a x I n e
Stone. Mary Gordon. Leta Tikka-
nen and Babe Heldenrelch.
CDA Study Club
Catholic Study Clubs and their
organization will be discussed at
a 7:30 p.m. meeting Monday at
Uie home of Mrs. Helen Wagner,
435 Laguna Street.
Mrs. Wagner, who is 1952's Dro-
gram chairman in Catholic Daugh
ters, hopes to set up two or three
different study groups to function
during the Lenten season.
Individual study books and other
supplementary material will be
available for all prospective mem
bers. Anyone interested in Joining
a Catholic Study Club should plan
to attend Monday's meeting at the
Wagner home.
Mrs. Rose O'Leary at the Cath
olic Daughters open meeting last
Monday night, explained the im
portance of Catholic literature in
a modern world of complete secu
larism end false truths.
Wilma Beever, violinist and
Madge Chilcote, cellist, were ac
companied by Sue Vandenberg who
also played two piano solos.
Jerry Igle sang three selections
accompanied by Mrs. George Mc
Intyre. Louise Eastman and Carole Er
vln gave, two humorous readings
which won them first and second
places respectively in the Fair
haven Elimination Speech Festival.
Father John Edwards, parish as
sistant, stressed the need for more
good Catholic literature in the
homes of all Catholics.
Following Father Edward's talk
two fairly recent books were re
viewed informally. They were Rev
rend John A. O'Brien's "Road to
Damascus" and "Color Ebony" by
Helen Caldwell Day.
Refreshments were served bj
Mrs. Saverlna Smith and her com
mittee which Included: Rosemarie
Bair. Barbara Bogatay. Katherine
Brown. Alice Clark, Lillian Dale,
Loretta Druecker, Jean Duke.
Carole Griflith, Cody May. Owen
Miller. Marcella Murray. Marjorle
Narey, Marie O'Conner, Violet
Pieser and Caroline Tennant.
Dual Shower
CHILOQUIN Mrs. Floyd Ohlcs
entertained a week ago Friday at
a double stork shower for Mrs.
Sidney Burgdorf and Mrs. Harry
Wright. The afternoon party fea
tured games with a bay motif, as
did the service of refreshments
later in the afternoon.
Attending or sending gifts were
the following: Mrs. Seldon Kirk,
Mrs. Harriet Zumbrum, Mrs. Enid
Sortwell, Mrs. Andrew Ortis, Mrs.
Gaylor Hatcher.- Mrs. Manuel
Ochoa, Mrs. Alvle Youngblood,
Mrs. Reatha Charles, Gloria Ochoa
Mrs. Ben Lopez, Mrs. Doma
Wright. Mrs. Ruth Johnson. Mrs.
Beryl David. Mrs. Clarice Lotches,
Josephine Rossi, Christine Man
ning, Mrs. James Chipman. Mrs.
Maggie Dumont. Mrs. Mildred
Cookman, Mrs. Richard Harring
ton and Mrs. Mary Wright.
512 Main
Invites You To
You, too, con win valuable
prizei in competition with
Studio contestants.
COHA ROGERS t Mm. James)
la convalescing at home now
ai'tfr major surgery at Klamath
Valley Hospital which news wc
aro very huppy to report,
that Mnry Sue McNabb, soph In
business and technology at OSC
has been elected corresponding
secretary of the OSC chanter of
Sigmn Kappa Her parents are Mr.
ana Mrs. K. A. McNabb 716 Rose
way Drive.
W. O. Scarth home 83 Pine was
Hildegard Elges She is a grad
uate assistant at U of O teaihes
Spenlsh Mrs. S (Donna Re Wor
den and Hildegard met In Sultlllo
Mexico during the time that boih
were Blending summer session of
Texas State College lor Women.
the Yacht Club tomorrow for the
regular Sunday dinner A new Len
Wedding Date
Set In Apri
DUNSMUIR Miss Put Dorwnrd,
i Kindergarten teacher has set April
j 6 as the date for her mar
riage to Roger Zwanzlger of Weed.
I Vows will be exchanged In the
jDunsmuir Methodist Church: Rev.
Robert M. DcWolr offlciatlnu.
The bilde-lo-be is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John Dorwnrd
of Paso Robles. She was graduated
from the University of California
m oania uaroara in 1831.
Zwanzigcr, son of Mr. and Mrs.
George Zwanziger of Weed, was
a member of the 1950 graduating
class at the University of Califor
nia at Davis. A World War II Navy
veteran, he purchased the Albee
Ranch on highway 97 near Weed
from his uncle. Ralph Albee in
1950. The ranch has been in the
family for 100 years, having been
bought by Zwanziger's great-grandfather,
the late Abner Weed,
pioneer cattle raiser and lumber
man, who foundol the town of
Weed, from Nelson H. Eddy In
The young couple will reside
Ida Momyer Odell was speaker
at the regular luncheon meeting of
the Soroptinitst club. Feb. 28, at
ihe Pelican Party Room.
Kathleen Thompson, program
chairman for the day presented
the speaker as "Mrs. Soroptlmist"
as Ida is past president of the
local club, and a former officer
of the northwest region.
The Odells, Ida and husband Bob.
left last April 3. on a leisurely
trip around the Unied States. They
stopped at several places in Cali
fornia, crossing from San Diego
to Arizona and pausing for a sloo
at Tucson, then on to El Paso
and San Antonio, Texas by way
of the Carlsbad Caverns.
The travelers found much of In
terest In Louisiana and among
many stops, visited St. Martins
ville, where may be seen the tomb
of Evangeline.
un a trip through the deep south,
and following the Gulf of Mexico,
the Odells toured Florida, espec
ially enjoying tne old city o: St.
Augustine, where still may be seen
the first schoolhouse In the United
The speaker presented each club
member with a real "southern
praline" and promise to finish her
travelogue at a later meeting.
President Ofa Smith, read greet
ings from Truda Payne, president
of the Brighton-Hove England, Sor
optlmist club, expressing apprecia
tion of the Christmas package sent
by the local group. A tape record
ing is being sent of the holiday
party when the gifts were received
in Britain.
Isabelle Brixner won the special
award for the day.
Hazel Hinds, director of nurslntt
a the Good Samaritan hospital.
Portland, will speaic at tne next
Rebekahs Plan
Chicken Dinner
BONANZA Rebekah Lodge of
Bonanza annual fried chicken din
ner is scheduled for March 15, 8
p.m. in the high school cafeteria.
Mrs. George Fernlund heads the
Dorothy Gray
Hormone Hand Cream,;
may make ihe wonderful difference!
Tin's extraordinary cream is made willi natural estrogenic
liormoncs (10,000 units per ounce!) to help tclllalo
hands hide their age! PLUS an exclusive emollient ingre
dient to guard against wind, weather, walcr. Get Dorolhy
Cray Hormone Hand Cream today while you save 50.
Nowlo Price!
Medical-Dental Building
mmvyz fin
ten dish will bo odcicd "shrimp
Boats" also Virginia baked hum
suit Call Uio club lor reservations
THE H N has settled down
almost to normal now that ihe
young scion of Ihe James Ludlowa
Is days and not hours old a limit
aroma of cigar smoke still Hirers
on however.
regular Clyttrs out of us sun
starved Klamathltes We want io
plan picnics gel out fishing gear i
buy tumults and generally get
ou and soak up warmth from ole
Apollo Ho-huin snow tomorrow;
as usual.
PASS via Portland with the ncV
of the marriage of Fvelvn Naomi'
Drew to Air Force officer Charles
Kinney Sat night In CP Key '
Frank Brown Methodist Church
Mflrlatli'T Know thnt congratulu-1
lions will be aplenty.
Jobs Daughters
Serve Dinner
Jobs Daughters served a very
tasty dinner lo members ol the
Masonic Lodge. Monday evening,
Feb. 2o. when Pasl Masters were
honored guests.
Solournertt mil In il, D....I n....
yui Room at the Willard Hotel.!
" "or a no-hostess luncheon. I
which preceded a short business
Hireling ana social hour of cards.
Guests Introduced by president.
Mrs. Winston Purvine, were: Mis.
C. L. Matiuch. Mrs. J. F. Leek
emby, Mrs. William Daley. Mri.
Lynn Zlegelmeycr, Mis. D. A.
Rlchnrdson and Mrs. Jessie
Mrs. C. E. Chase was welcomed
as a new member.
Mrs. C- U. Dakin Is chairman of
the annual spring dinner-dance,
scheduled for March 21 at Ihe
Yacht Club. Guests are welcome.
Mrs. Art Kramer nnrl MrH
Bcchtel were hostesses for the last
meeting In February. Card prlnes
were awarded to: Mrs. C. L. Ma
tuscli. pinochle: Mrs. H. L. Robert
son, bridge; Mrs. E. B. Llndskog,
The neyt mepllnn ,,.iii , tn.u
13 at the Willard. 13:30 p. in. New
comers to Klamath Falls are Invlt
ed to attend. Anyone Interested
call Anna Cook at 3375.
Worthy Advisor
DUNSMUIR Barbara Davis
d&Uffhter nf Mr awA vt-. n 11
E. Davis, was installed worthy ad-
vi umiauiuir Assembly Or
der ot Rainbow for Girls, to serve
for the ensuing three months. She
succeeds HUlis Steele. Sharon Kim
sy is the associate worthy ad
visor. Mrs. Burlon Coon Is the new
mother advisor and Mrs. Robert
narns associate mother advisor.
Other new officers arc Rebeccu
Leslie, Donna Grltton, Barbara
Vosc. Mary Hlnes, Janice Belau,
Jo Ann Hall, Donna McPeak, Aud
rey Johnson. Joan Bllllngton, Syl
via Aders, Betty Palmer, Patricia
Fillmore. Sandra Orenvlk. Carlene
Walter. Dolores Lewis. Dclorcs Mc-
vjee, ana oienda Walter.
Thursday evening. Feb. 21, In the
Masonic Temple, Jobs Daughters
Initiated six candidate, Including
umutuu l.uu jsryan, uau werselh.
Marilyn and Carolyn Nancarrow,
Twila Greene and Royann Plass.
An entertaining book review,
"One Foot In Heaven," by Spcncc,
was given by Barbara Solle
Following the meeting, refresh
ments were servca.
Deborah Group
Deborah group met at the home
of Lois Thompson. 1210 Eldorado,
Friday evening, Feb. 23.
President, Dorolhy Johnson, con
ducted the meeting.
Subject discussed was "How the
Community Serves the Family."
Mildred Kallenborn led the dis
cussion and Marcllle Miles led Ihe
worship service
Others present were: Mouryne
Landing, Esther Vincze, Peggy
Barnes, Jean Norrls, Joyce Pryor,
Mrs. Webb and Betty Lewis.
Ph. 6712
Langell Valley
Women's Club
Cuithliiuhiim eiileitiiliiril the Lain
gell Valley Women's Club at her
home Feb- ao. Co-luu'ti'ssea were
Mrs.' Bub Colwell and Mis. Jack
The meeting was called to order
by the president Mis. 1, U. Morris.
A dunce waa planned lor March 16
at inn community hall. The com
milieo In chuigo will bo Mildred
CuiinliiKiium, Hi ii re Dearborn, Opal
Harris ui'ii Nettle D a v I a. The
committee In cluirgo of the Febru
ary dunce, was Stella Urllel, Wi
nona Faulstich, mid F.Krcda Lind
say, Twenty dollars whs cleared
on the February dunce. Club mem
bers decided lo luivo a few "come
as you are" parlies to cl out ol
Following Die mretliiit cards
were enjoyed with Mrs. Uellel
winning high prlre in pinochle. Mrs
llurueit In br duo and Mrs. Gift
nigh in rraro.
Tho hostesses served cherry pie
a nil ico cream.
Next meeting will bo at Ihe home
ot Mrs. liuo Adams with Mrs
Potucek assisting, and will be held
March 20 nl 3 p.m.
Those enjoying the parly were
.Mis. Nellie ruMor. Mrs. Itiiy I'uv
Is, Mrs. Ola Williams, Mis. Wes
Dearborn, Mis. Geoign Feinliiud
Mis. Unbelt llurdrn, .Vis. Unit 1 In I'
ll.-. Mrs. Drlbert Fiiulstlch. Mrs.
Dub Aduni.s, Mis. Marlon Lindsay,
Mrs. f rame Ueuei. mis. mil inn
nett and Mrs. Colwell. Mrs. Wclm
er mid Mrs. Cunnliiitliiuii.
Women's Club
At Bonanza
Mrs. Hill Bechdoldt and Mrs.
Plva Maxwell enlerliilneil Ihe Bo
nanza Women's Club ul the Library
Feb. 33, 8 p.m., al the regular
social nicotine.
Canasta was plnyed with Mrs.
Merrill Klcnarl winning high prize.
Mrs. Bill Jours, traveling prize
and Mis, Tommy Blackmail, door
Decorations and refreshments
curried out the Washington birth
day moltf.
Eulalona Chapter
Eulalona Chapter, Daughters' ol
the American Revolution will meet
March 3, 8 p.m. at the home o(
Mrs. Roland E. Wright. 83S Ala
meda Ave. Assistant hostesses will
be Mrs. Robert E. Wallenbuiii.
Mrs. H. B. Van Huoscn and Mrs.
Roberln Blomqulsl.
The program will be in charge
of Mrs. William D. Foster and
Mrs. L. H. Stone and -will dm I
Willi a phuse of Oreiion hlalory,
'lhc by-laws of Eulalona Chan
ter have been revised by a rum
mlttee composed of Mrs. Nllncli
clni. Mis. Lloyd Goble, and Mrs.
A. O. Roenlcke and will be voted
un alter lhc second reading which
will occur at this meeting.
Several delegates plan lo attend
the state coulercnce In Eugene,
March 10-18.
The conference headquarters will
be In the Eugene Hotel and "Ore
gon Lewis and Clark Chapter" will
be Ihe hostess chnpler.
The meetings will be beld In the
Masonic Temple.
Bridge Party At
Paul Monroe Home
Monroe entertained three tables ol
bridge al her home on Feb. 20.
High prize lor the afternoon went
to Mrs. Lester Leavllt. Mrs. John
Sullivan, won second high and Mrs.
Lloyd Gilt won the traveling prize.
RelreshmcnU were served bv
Mrs. Monroe to Mrs. Owen Pepple
Mrs. Bill Bcchdoldl, Mrs. Lcland
Harris. Mrs. Lloyd Gilt. Mrs. I.
B. Morris, Mrs. Frank DcBcl, Mrs.
F. W, Brown. Mrs. Bill Burnett,
Mrs. Jack Welmer, Mrs. Lester
Lcavitt, Mrs. John Sullivan.
Merrill Rebekahs
MERRILL Mildred Rexford,
noble grand, presided at the Feb. i
18. meeting ol Merrill Rebekah;
Lodge 151. A report was heard
concerning the purchase of dishes
lor the dining room, and alter dis
cussion and a vole of the mem
bership a set of good quality plas
tic dishes was ordered.
Good of the Order chairman Na
omi Chase, presented a short pro
gram, and led the oldccrs In prac
ticing the retiring and entry drill.
Cards were enjoyed following the
meeting, and refreshments were
served by Mary sharp, Susan Wil
liams, and Mr, and Mrs. Virgil
It was announced that drill prac
tice would be held Feb. 20, and i
March 1, lo prepare lor Inlation ou
March 3.
i T I 7 " m
km mr jmw
W. ...
Si ,r. '
MRS. PAUL PATTERSON, lllll.shoro, lioiisi'Riicst of Mrs.
Victor O'Neill, 1054 Port land, while hero to attend the
iiiec-tiny of the Oregon Technical Institute's Advisory Com
nilltce. Mrs. 1'iillerson is active In many branches of educa
tion a nil is now serving her second term with the State
Board of education. Other than her association with tho
Slate Board of Kducation, Mrs. Patterson is a member of
AAUW, American Legion Auxiliary and IT A. Her hus
band was president of the 1901 state senate. She is a gifted
speaker and addressed the group at the OTI meeting Fri
day. Several social functions were given in her honor dtir
higher recent visit to Klamath Kalis. Photo by Kettler
Past Matrons
Aloha Past Matrons Club met
Feb. 22. 1 p.m.. In the Ma.sonlu
Temple lor dessert luncheon.
Mrs. Lawrence Phelps, Mrs.
Charles Gilbert and Mrs. Oscar
Peyton were hostesses.
Decani lions were in Ihe George
Washington motll.
Mrs. W. P. McMillan poured.
President Mrs. T. M. MureU pre
sided al ihe bu.ilncs meeting,
when Mrs. W. B. DcWItt and Mrn.
Fred Coler were appointed lo vlsll
thul-lua during Murch.
High In cards was won by Mrs.
Wallace Uerllngs. aikl Mrs. A. U.
Epperson was nwarded door prize.
BONANZA Mr. and Mrs. Cluv
Ion Sharps entertained with a Post-
tournament parly at their home In ;
Hoiuiiiza on Feb, 1 (or lucullv i
members and wives and husbands.
A bullet supper w in served (ol-1
lowed uy cards. j
Those enjoying Uie evening were
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dowbry o(
Malln and the following (rum Bo
nanza: Mr. and Mrs. Merlon Whip
ple, Mr. and Mrs. Wully Foster,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Glvan, Mr.
and Mrs. Dewev Morn, Mr. and
Mrs, Lloyd Sparks, Mr. and Mm.
Hob Schmor, Mrs. Sarah Ross.
Ross. Mrs. Ollvo Fraley, Miss Ruth
Merrill, Miss Joan Cole. Tom
Blackmail, John Miracle and Mr.
and Mrs. Shiirpe.
Initiation After
OES Meeting'
Following a meeting ot Aloha
Chapter, OES, on Tuesday evening,
Feb. 28, Jobs Daughters Initiated
a class of candidates: Nancy El
liott, Nadlne Wllkerson, Shirley
Ann Chiiuey, Jackie Hayden and
Nancy Stiles.
The choir was a highlight of the
Initiates as guests of the chap
ter were served dessert at dis
tinctively decorated tables.
Mothers! It's not too late!
Enter Fcreliee Sdibios
1 r Annual
i rf- a! i Most
?'- Uliitrlhf
One of 1951'( Winner..
Mothers! It's Free! No Obligation!
. M JFV.
) M -v I 1 '
' :- . JrYl f 7' . .2.
New Grandson
Mr. and Mis. James M. Foster,
?-'A Eldorado, lire the proud grand
parents o( a new grandson, Joseph
Parker III. who una born Feb. Id
to Dr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Parker
The new arrival weighed eight
pounds-eight ounces.
Ilia mother was Uie former Phyl
lis Foster and IiiiikIU Spanish al
KUII8. He has a sister, Busauim,
three. Ills grandmother Is In Mem.
plus to sec hi i n now, and Ins
grandfather Foster will Join them
Uicro next month.
Women of Moose
Meet at Merrill
MKRKILt. Friendship com
nillteo ol Merrill Women ol Ihe
Moose were luwtessca lor a pi
nochle party at Ihe Moose Hall
Feb. 15. Seven tables wero In play.
Prizes were won by Clarence
Hundley, men's high; Ivan Iren
bice, second high; nnd John Baley,
men's low, Anna Lnhoda, women's
high: Louisa Icenblcc, second high:
and Hazel Hundley women's low
score prize. Paul Lahodn won Uie
traveling prize.
Rclrcshmenui were served by the
Jjmtt Invitations
Engraved or Proctnted.
'rienallzed napklni lor your
rocaption ,
Cupi and plotot.
Show Stationery Co.
729 Main
, r
PHONE 3292