y Klamatln I Yacht Club Dinner Dance fa 'SOCIETY I))' Milly K.imsL-y Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Oilier. i h it V ! JO 1 YJ I VI v r f.!l ; anl Mf. Richard Maxwell, iiruee tfirfh and Moxine Liskey. KLAMATH YACHT CHiB DIMMER DANCE . . . February 23 . . found all hands on deck at 7 p.m. far refreshments, good -food and on eroning of dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Watters were chairmen for the affoir, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Byrne, Mr. ond Mrs. Richard Maxwell, Mr. and Mrs. Troy Cook, Dr. and Mrs. M. E. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bailey, Moxine Liskey and Sruco Wirth. The last named were responsible for the clever decorations which carried out the Mardi eras theme - All photos by Kef tier.- ) J V 1 4 I. 'UK V ,1 Mrs. Truman Runyon, lioli Most anil Mrs. Haorby Bechen. ... saavp ' I, If " " nri ' 71 Wdi i The Roaring Twenties Relived at iReames 5T 71 5 HE 1 if 7. . si-- jmaat-. mm f i TV - II , S I Cfiore, ii i Jooson i , 3t . 7; ft , " V Mrs. Elbert Stiles, John O'Neill and Mrs. Adolph Zamsky. I'M uY .... nLs. r. I ,cMe; yuTri Mrs. John Shaw and Fred Scott. Frank Drew and Mrs. Fred Surqoyne. SIN I Mrs. James Kerns Jr., Tiuinan Runyan and James Kerns Jr. r - 1 V lilSiiliiaii "4 Mr. and Mrs.' Julian 'Ecclos . i . who arrived' In their ancient Stutz (under its own power). Elbert Stiles, Mrs. C. (3uit Larkin and Geno hooker. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Burroll and Mrs. Fred Scott. A