Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 01, 1952, Page 2, Image 2

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( .t
KFLW 1459 Kc PST
VU turd ay Errnlnj Mr. 1
:M Sporta HlfhliihU
6:15 Horn Town , Ntwi
0:35 World Newi Summary
30 Sclvncc Editor ABC
0:43 Word! of Ufa
7:00 Mr. DlltriCt Ally. ABC
7:30 Dinner in th Green Room ABC
0 00 Th uont mnier ABi
S::U) Deadline, AB C
10:00 10 p m Headllnei
10:19 Brother Art Program
J 0:30 Iruomia Club
11:00 Nwa Summary
11:03 Sign Oft
Sunday, Mar. X
1 00 Newi ABC
.IS Morning Song ABC
1:30 Light and Life Hour ABC
rOO Calvary Echoes
13 Chapel In Sky
0:30 Negro College Choir ABC
10:00 Sunday Newi Special AFC
10:13 Brunch Time ABC
)0:W National Vespera ABC
11:00 Klamath Lutheran Church
11M rhrlillin In Artinn ABC
12:30 Thti Week Around the World ABC
1:00 Old ratmonea Revival
9:00 Voice of Prophecy ABC
2:30 Greatest Story ABC
3:00 Hour ot Dec it (on ABC
3:30 Songi of Faith
3:43 Guett Star
4:00 U. S. Navy Band
4:15 Jimmy Fidler
4:.in Simmv Kae Serpnarie ABC
a -OO Ktr.n the Mumic ABC
6:00 Kilo Pinu - Boacm'ry Cloonty
0:13 Home Town Newt
0:2-1 World New Summary
6:30 Caicading Rhythmi
7X0 Paul Harvey ABC
7:5 Serenade In Blue
7:30 The Great Adventure, ABC
i nn nn PcarKon ABC
:0 Kr.io P'nijs-Rcsem'ry Clooney ABC
0:13 Mon, Morning Hdina ahu
0:43 Chft Huntlev AB
tiM CBC Symphony Concert
10:00 10 P. M. Headline
10:13 Geo. E. SokoUky ABC
10:30 A Man His Music ABC
11:00 Newt Summary
11:03 Sign Off
KFLW 1450 Kc PST
Monday, Mar. I
6:00 Sign On Newt Sum.
0:05 Corn In the Morn
0:45 Farm Fare
7:00 Newi Breakfast Ed.
7:13 Charlie's Roundup
7:30 Bob Garred, Newi ABC
7:40 Top of the Morning
7:55 John Conte ABC
8:00 Breakfast Club ABC
0:00 Hank Henry Show
0:30 Break the Bank ABC
10:00 Chet Huntley News ABC
10:15 Lone Journey ABC
10:30 My True Story ABC
10:53 Whispering Street ABC
11:15 Stop and Shop
11:30 Agalnit Storm ABC
11:43 County Agent Speaks
11:55 Market Report
12:00 Noon Edition News
13:15 Pay less SdewlV Show
12:30 Lucky HU" Ranch ABC
1:00 Paul Hn-f
1:15 Better Living
1:30 Mary Margaret McBride ABC
2:00 Basin Briefs
2:15 When A Girt Marries ABC
2:30 Joyce Jordan, M.D. ABC
2:45 Rom Evelyn Winters ABC
3:00 Betty Crocker ABC
3:15 Ted Malone -ABC
r:? D-sn Cameron AC
3:43 Mary Marlin ABC
4:00 Request fully Yours
S:KJ Fun Factory ABC
5:25 World Flight Reporter ABC
5:30 Chet Huntlov ABC
5:45 Stars of Defense OPS
6:00 Sports Highlights
6:13 Home Town News
6:23 World News Summary
:n Suburban Serenade
6:45 Headline Edition ABC
6:55 Coming Attractions on ABC '
7.00 The Lone Ranger ABC
7:30 Henry J. Taylor ABC
7:43 Preview of Tomorrow
0:00 The Big Hand ABC
0:30 "How Can Youth Qest Contribute
to Building the Basin?"
10:00 10 ' PM Headlines
10:13 Navy Star Tim
10:30 Insomnia Club
11. -00 News Summary
11:03 Sign Off
KFJI 1450 Kc PST
Saturday Evening;, Marr 1
6:00 News - ' .
6:13 Klamath -Theatre Qui , .
"6:30 Assemble rf Go Hour
7:00 Hawaii Calls MBS
7:30 Klamatb Temple -
6:00 Basketball Time
83 Bitktbl. Ashland at KUHS
9:00 News MBS
0:15 Bsktbl. Ashland at KUHS
0:55 News MBS
10:00 Lombardo Land MBS
10:30 Arthur Van Orch. MBS
11:00 Night Owls Edition
11:05 Night Owls Club
12:00 Sign Off
KFJI 1150 Kc PST
Sunday,. Mar, t
0:00 Wings of Healing
1:30 5-Min. News
S:35 Music
Bring thg fanej
for coffee . .1
only $19
A Miracle
of Electronic
S3Tte fe I
ih ii iTiii in
(invites you t. a FREE DEMONSTRATION)
of the Sensational New v" J
Here It lsl The sensational new Revere Deluxe Standard
Recorder with ULTRA-LIGHT WEIGHT opens a new world of
entertainment and education for the whole family. Make your
' own recordings of music, drama, voices of friends and family,
business meetings, anything you can heart Outstanding features
galore: SUPER FIDELITY fine tonal quality that has won the
praise of leading musicians I EXTRA ECONOMICAL records
J two full hours on a 6-inch reel with only half the ordinary
amount of tape. ULTRA-LIGHT WEIGHT the lightest weight
and the most portable of any automatic recorder. Let us show
you the exciting new Revere Deluxe Recorder todayl
CURRIN'S -for drugs
The Friendly
9th and Main
- vh-' V 4 4
0:43 Children's Chapel
0 00 Radio Bihle Class MBS
0:30 Kiam. Rev. Center
0:45 Uland Melodies
l(i:00 News MBS
10:15 Mark Hogem MRS
10:30 Lutheran Hour MBS
11:00 Frank and Ernest MBS
11:15 Show Tunes
:30 Romance of Highways MRS
11:45 Mauler Radio Canaries MBS
13:00 News
12:15 Bill Cunningham MBS
ia:o0 Air force Hour MRS
1:00 Crime Fighters MBS
1:23 Newi
1:30 Under Arrent. MRS
1:55 Bobby Benson MBS
2 00 The Shadow MBS
2:M True Detective .MRS
3:00 Gabby Hayes MPS
3:30 Nick Carter MBS
3:55 Cecil Brown, News, MBS
4.-00 News MBS
4:15 Mark Rogers MBS
4:30 Steamboat Jamboree
5:00 Musical Arts Council
A 30 Enchanted Hour MBS
6:00 Around Town News
6:13 Klamath Theatre Quit
6:30 Youth Views News MBS
T.P0 J. J. Anthonv MBS
7:30 Adven. ot Casanova MBS
RrOO Twenty Questions MBS
0:30 Forward America
0:00 Glenn Hardy Newt UBS
0:15 Guest Star
a-rm Th ivhi.tler CBS
100 MCM Musical Comedy Theater
11:00 Sign Off m-
KFJI 1150 Kc. PST
Monday. Mar, 3
6 00 Muical ReveP'e
6:45 Farm Reporter
U:.ti Regional New
7:00 Hemingway News MBS
7:13 Breakfast Gang MBS
7:30 Headlines & Bylines
7:43 Best Buys
g:O0 Cecil Brown MBS
0:15 Breakfast Gang MBS
0:30 Bible Institute MBS
0:00 Homemaker Harmonies
9:13 It's a Dog's Life
9:30 Platter Party
9:45 Favorites of Yesterday
10:00 News MPS
10:15 Tello Tet MBS
10:30 La Potntes
10:13 Concert
10:50 Currins
10:55 Ken Carson MRS
11:00 Ladies Fair MBS
11:25 News MBS
11:30 Queen for a Day UBS
12:00 Name Bands
12:15 Noonday News
12:30 Your Dance Tunes
12:43 Music Box
12:50 Market & Livestock
12:55 Klamath Notes
1:00 Jack Kirkwood MBS
1:3U Take a Number M3S
2:00 News. VPS
2:05 News MBS
?:15 Two at 213
3:45 Answer Man MBS
3:00 Ricky's Requcftt
4:00 Speed Gibson
4:13 Hemingway News MBS
4:30 Curt Mawey Time MPS
4:45 Sam Hayes. News MBS
f .00 Bobbv Benson MBS
5:30 Wild Bill Hick ok, MBS
5:55 News MBS
6:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS
6:13 Klarrath Theatre puis
6:30 Around Town News
6:45 Sam Hayes, News MBS
6:55 Bill Henry MBS
7:00 Proudly We HaU
7:30 Bright Star
6:00 Let George Do It MBS
830 Hcl!ywo- Theater MBS
0:00 Glenn Hardy Newa MBS
0:13 Fulton Lewis News MBS
0:30 Mutual Newsreel MBS
9:45 Sports Final
- Winut Final MRS
10:00 I Love a Mystery MBS
10:15 Survival
10:30 Crowell l west Mua
10:45 Country Music
11:00 Nifht Owls New
11-03 Night Owls Club
12 00 Sign Off
Rogue Timber
To Be Sold
A small sale of Rotrue River Na
tional Forest Umber is- scheduled
to be rrtude at the Klamath Falls
forest oflice next Thursday after
noon. Sealed bids will be received un
til 2 p. m. that day.
The timber is located on about
CO acres a short distance north
west of Pelican iruard station. The
ttand includes an estimated B7.ooo
board feet of ponderosa pine, 148.
000 board feet of Douglas fir and
122,000 feet of white fir and other
Minimum acceptable bids are
$27.25 per thousand on the ponde
rosa, 17.90 on uougias iir un i
a thousand on the rest. In addi
tion, a deposit of $1 a thousand
is required for slash disposal and
S3 a thousand for reforestation.
Fm at riwte beat!
n. 44M Fw Oraen Ta Take Oat
Ben B. Lee, Mgr.
for drugs
Drug Store
Ph. 2-3475
Youth Panel
To Be Held.
On Monday
'Build the Basin" Ditrtlclmints
the radio-listening and newspnper
rcBdinir public have bv polled
opinion rated vouth the No. 1 re
source of America . . . and it has
been said that youth is the urcat-
cst force on earth.
Can this enemy ot suir1ii young
life be harnessed, or, more aptly,
directed to the betterment of all?
"How Can Youth Best Contri
bute ta Building the Basin" has
been selected as the topic for Mon
day nisht's "Build the Basin" fo
rum over radio station KFLW.
And to date It has been vouth
topics that have drawn some ol
the sruatcst reactions from the
The panel this time will empha-:-ire
youth and its point of view:
only three of the seven panel
members are adults.
The younger representatives In
clude Sylvia mills and Marvin
Nerseth. KUHS students: Sallv
Thomas. Tulelalte high school sen
ior, and Lyle Read, president of
the OT student body.
Elders of the panel: Mrs. George
Clark, a parent: Francis Skinner.
County 4-H. ARent and father oi
Ihree future teen-agers, and Don
Sut.-liffe, neither a parent nor
youth worker, but whose disasso
ciated views make him unique with
the panel.
This week's panel was originally
to have been an ell-youth nanel:
iiowever. adults were invited in so
mat further stimulus could be giv
en the topic.
A "Form Your Opinion" poll
was published in Thursdays Her
ald and News, and readers have
been invited to mall in their Ideas.
Monday night, when the "Build
ihe Basin" program gets under
way at 8:30, Klamath citizens arc
invited and urged to loin in by
phoning in questions pertinent to
the topic . . . youth.
The phone number Is 8111.
Mrs. Cornett
Plans Tour
Mrs. Olive Cornett. National Re
publican Commltieewoman from
Oregon will leave Sunday for The
Dalles, first stop in a four-city
itinerary in the state, to take part
in a school of politics.
The ABCs of doorbell ringing
will be included in the school,
sponsored by the party organiza
tion and workers for committee
women and other volunteer work
ers. The school will be conducted
March 3rd at The Dalles for rep
resentatives from Wasco, Sherman,
Wheeler and Hood River Counties:
March 4th. Pendleton, for Umatil
la. Morrow, Union and Wallowa:
March Sth. Vale. Malheur, Grant,
Harnev and Baker: March 6th.
Klamath. Lake, Deschutes, Jeffer
son, Crook.
Dancers Plan
'52 Jamboree
Anrlt J has been selected i the
date for the 1952 Square Dance eJ Indian and then optioned for
Jamboree, sponsored by the Klam-18300,000.
ath Basin Square Dance Callers! The original sale was approved
and Instructors Council, and thisiV some officials of the Portland
year a "big name" caller has been0lfice ot the Indians Affairs Bu
scheduled for appearance here. ree.u.
Top Caller Les Gotcher, a South- T" employees of the bureau
era Califomian, has been secured Earlier this week were released
by the Council for the Jamboree.
j i e n: i . i
aim www h iiau ui suiucieiib size
is the chief worry of the sponsors.
Location of the affair and starting
time will be announced later.
Charles Kerr w. riwpntTu olnM.
ed Dresident of ih' i-oiir rn.
cil. Tom Orr vice nwirient and
Mrs. Charles Kerr sccreatrv-treas-
Eight Greek
Spies To Die
ATHENS. Greece im A court
martial Saturday sentenced to
death eight members of a 29 mem
ber spy ring.
Four others were sentenced to
life imprisonment.
The prosecution had asked the
death sentence for 12.
The military tribunal's verdict
finished one of the mast sensation
al espionage cases ever tried in
Greek courts.
Eight of the 29 persons accused
of spying and high treason were
women. Their trial began Feb. 15.
Government witnesses produced
codes, radio eoulpment seized last
Novemoer, and copies of wireless
messages for Cominform head
and other Communist stations sur
rounding Greece in their cases
against the conspirators.
The testimony said highly secret
military Information was reaching
the Communists,
Eyes Office
SALEM (PI John F. Stcelham.
mer, Salem attorney and sneaker
of the State House of Representa
tives, said Saturday he would be
a candidate for the Republican
nomination for attorney general.
Steelhammer, who has served 13
years in the House from Marlon
County, said he would file Mon
day. Two other Republicans Leon
ard Lindas, Clackamas County dis
trict attorney, and E. O. Stadter.
Deschutes County district attorney
already have filed for the nom
ination. Attorney General George Neun
or, a Republican, has announced
he will not seek re-election.
State Reo. Robert Thornton of
Tillamook said Saturday he would
seek the Democratic nomination
for the post. He Is the first Demo
crat to announce for a major state
PORTLAND Wl Multnomah
County Young Democrats will meet
here Monday night to hear a de
bate on the school district reorgan
ization bill referendum.
Speakers will be Raymond Kcll.
attorney for the state grange, and
Cecil Posey, executive secretary of
the Oregon Education Association.
v fc vest
KU KLUX ROUNDUP Ed Floyd Rogers Jr., (left) ami Hu
bert Hilburn, both of Fair Bluff, N.C., wait in the sheriff's
office at Whiteville, N.C., after they were arrested in a
roundup of Ku KIux Klansmen. State and county officers
picked un 11 Klansmen and charged with kidnaping and
assault. Rogers is a sergeant in the National Xiuard and
was picked up at the Armory in Fair Bluff.
HST Strength Wanes In
South As Russell Looms
In Picture; Ike Slipping
Br The Associated Press
Pulse-feeling in the presidential
campaigns brought reoorts Satur
day of weakening in President Tru
man's strength in the South and a
slowing of Gen. Elsenhower's band
wagon in New Hamothlre.
H also was evident thnt the en
try o! Sen. Russell of Georgia Into
the Democratic race had sapped
much of the power of Sen. Ke
fauver of Tennessee In the South.
Jack Bell, Associated Press poli
tical writer, said Russell was a
serious threat to anv hopes Tru
man might have. The President'
has said he won't disclose for at
least a month whether he plans to
Lawyer Makes
Cheat Charge
PORTLAND W An attnrnpv
told a judge Friday that he thought
his two Indian clients had been
defrauded in a timberland sale
The attorney, Lcroy L. Lomax.
reported to Probate Judge Ashby
g rv..-0.v ,n the ,wo Indjam
Jasper Grant and Harold F.
'mormon had sold their Currv
County properly for $135,000. The
property was then resold by anolh-
Irorn lnr,r amies unui inev con
anvuvr formal rnnrirAQ floflfner
formal charges against
them involving land sale irregular
Lomax said he plnnned to have
the sa!c set aside. Judcc Dickson
told him, "if these Indians' have
been cheated I want you to recover
for ,n-m wnatever they may have
PORTLAND iffi Kenneth J.
Miller, operator of a meat mar
ket, was arrested here Friday on
a charge of selling horsemeat illegally.
tei.tjuuvvuiiuiy uiniimg.
n an : a
I II 'ft illln- U
'iv jgavaassssafri
i 1 KfujilM
huW ...
A Republican senator. Wavne
Morse of Oregon, said in a Los
Angeles Interview Friday night
that Russell's entry meant Tru
man was out of the running-
"This means," Morse said, "that
every Southern state will be pitted
against Truinnn at the Democratic
convention and Truman knows it."
AMI Truman forces in Alabama ,6.000.00(1 feet of timber east ol the
pained a foothold for a possible uit 0f the mountain,
boil from :'ic party should Truman 0ne oI tne owners of the Silver
be renominated. The State Supreme company. Cel Peyton, said timber
Court ruled that anti-Truman Dem- under contract to Ihe firm west ol
ocrats could run for presidential ; lhe sunimlt would be sold Into
elector without pledging support to;MP(iford
the regular Democratic nominee! The silver mill Is located jusl
whoever he might be. ovfr lnP county line In Jackn
On the Republican side, chances Cotintv, but Its lumber has been
appeared dim for a sensational vie-1 shipped out ot Klamath Falls. The
lory by Eisenhower in New Hump-1 null was built In 10.18 and has
shire's March 11 primary. Backers been owned by Pevton, William
had been hoping for an Impressive Dullard of Klamath Falls and Ike
showing to start a popular clamor stenerson of Salt Lake City since
for the general's nomination. :l!H8.
Taft has consistently said his own I 'l hn b,T n operating one shit'
chances there are slim because ; day. with a 60.00U board feet
New Hampshire's prominent Re -
publican leaders are backing Ei
senhower. ' But local surveys by editors of
eight Associated Press newspapers
found Elsenhower's strength only
10 per cent or less above Taft's
Bell wrote that Taft has so be
littled his chances In New Hamp
shire that Eisenhower backers are
wondering if anything short of a
landslide would help their candi
dates' cause.
A hint that Eisenhower might re
turn from Europe soon came Fri
day night from Sen. Lodge R
Mass). national chairman of the
general's campaign forces.
He told a news conference In
Manchester, N. H.. "there are go
ing to be some unexpected develop
ments" and he said Eisenhower
"will be In the right place at the
right time."
Harold E. Stassen's entry Into
California's primary against Gov.
Warren was welcomed by a group
of antl-Warrcn Republicans. Both
i Warren and Stassen of Mlnneoln
are avowed candidates for the GOP
presidential nomination
Sponsors of the anti-Warren Cal
ifornia faction said thev welcomed
"a legitimate candidate for the
president," that stassen adheres lo
"genuine Republican principles as
opposed to Warren's Trumanlstlc
66 Packs
H o) -s.
f ?
Spud Report
Heard By
The KlamuUi Fulls Roluiv Club
lined various of its niemheis Fri
day to raise H'JS IKI as the Html
ot a Rotary YMCA lEiiulpmeiit
Fund. When the fund Is complete
tho Rotary Youlh Hervlco commit
tee will buy needed equipment for
tho new Y plant here. It was an
nounced by president Warren lien-"0l-
. ..
This action was taken louowing
a report, "Inside Washington." by
Scott Warren, vice president of the
club and chairman of the Oregon
Potato Commission, who wim a
clelrgalo to Washington on potato
matters recently.
"The OPS action on potatoes was
politics all the way through flrsl,
last and always." Warren said.
He pointed out that, alter ateel
workers demanded wage Increases
on Doc. 2. potatoes were singled
out lor a counter move to "keep
the cost of living down.
Although potato prices had Rne
only 5 per cent above pnrllv
while other farm products had
gone over as much as 80 per cent
spuds wirro made the goat on
vote getluiii" basis.
The OPS order was drawn up
without consulting anyone In the
potato Industry. As a result It was.
and still Is, doing nothing but con
iuse the sllunllon and providing
employment for several thousand
more OPS olllclals.
The OPS Is sensitive to spring
potato planting activities, and thai
Is why there nave oeen some
rmendments to the order to reas
sure potato areas where planting
decisions come early, he said.
Tommy Wallers was chairman
ol the day.
Silver Lumber
Company Sold
The Silver Lumber Company
plant on the Oreenspiings Is be
ing bought by Puckctt and Scher-
cr of Keno.
0. K. Puckctt said Ihe transac
tion Included the sawmill, the plan
ii, n n,wi hf.tu'ftn onn nnn and
1 capacity
Puckett and Karl Scherer oper
ate a mill at Keno. The price ol
the Silver mill sale was not dis
SANTA CRUZ, Colli, i Silas
Jenkins celebrated his 25th blrth
dav at nearby Ben Lomond Friday
wlih his 92 year old wile and a 58
year old son. Jenkins was porn
on Leap Year Day 100 years ago
For uied typewriters and adding
machines . . . Volght's Pioneer
Office Supply. 629 Main
rcueu, ncn tfuvniiuo iu
heights of excitement r
louau PAMONS
a big wallop -a story
captures the real feel of
battlefield friendship!"
N.Y. Jotirtiol-Amtricon
66The most human yarn
to come out of the Korean
War-a Marine story that
warms your heart!"
N.Y ton
vcai nai iiiuiio tfiiiuw
The Bie Parade'!"
No Leap Year
Babies Born Hero
Leap Year HiiIiIoh were rulher
hurt around Kliiliuith Fulls today,
Hut Ihcin wcro sonic Leap Year
grandpa reins.
Mr, and Mis. Charles W. Deer
became the paieiils ol u six-puiind
niiie.mini'e iiii, unristie Aim, nl a
Nnval huipltal lu Oakland. Deer
lelt onlv last Tuesday abiiuril the
I'SH Jenkins fur duly In llnwall.
The lialiv wus born ul 5:2(1 p, m.
Feb. 29. 11152.
Patoiiial Grandparents are I ,n -
kin A. Deer, 512 N. Dili, mid Mrs.
Clifford Kelly, lloineduln. The
mother Is the tnrnier lliirilrll
Gardner, Poi lland. Her parents me
Mr. and Mrs, Lyiidcl Gardner,
I nut vrniQioiM luvnu
avv r
frSDi nnn du writ
jf ft nniiuuLin ubuii
; heading a great cast in the
AsuC igEest western Technicolor
ttU VTi SpeQtaC'e in yearS !
Kur'iisM typewriters and adding
limel)llirs , , , ViilRht'n Pioneer
nfflce rSupply. DUO Main
Ml1' A NINO , l
I TTfij KnterUlnmont yJ
I , Indian fighter, womin
f.fl hater. These ploneei
rv ' (Ills were lust mother
meal ticket to him, but
one ol them burned her
brand on his heart!
i?..l'... CCrVfP m """f-
-John MclNTIRE