PAGE FOURTEEN HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, "OREGON SATURDAY. MARCH 1, 1982 KLAMATH COUNTY Ws. Salute . . ureau week March 2 to 8 FARM BUREAU ACHIEVEMENTS Promoted full development of the Land Grant Colleges, Experiment Stations and Extension Services, Farmers have been saved billions of dol lars through Farm Bureau action on freight rote adjustment and legislation assuring fair trade, practices on livestock markets and regulating grain exchanges. Farm Bureau helped design and pass the Research and Marketing Act as a means of expanding market ing research. Farmers' marketing and purchasing as sociations have been developed and are being devel oped with Farm Bureau assistance. All of these are bringing farmers and consumers the advantage of mora efficient and less costly marketing. Farm Bureau has long fought for the development of new uses for farm products and the diversion of surpluses to useful purposes. Farm Bureau has consist ently supported a sound school lunch program. Donate a Pint of Blood We Pull The Most, When We Pull Together! What Is The Farm Bureau? The largest farm organisation in the world. The Farm Bureau is a family organisation, na tional in scope, made up of rural people working for the advancement and protection of agriculture. It was devoloped and is controlled by farmers. 1,432,210 farm families, people who actually produce the food and fibre of America, speak for themselves through local, county and stote Farm Bureaus ,and the American Farm Bureau Federation. Farm Bureau policies are developed from the de sires of farm people os expressed through resolutions democratically adopted at local, county, stote and national levels. They are developed on a non-partisan basis and supported on a bi-partisan basis. They rtp resent the combined thinking of Farm Bureau members. There are 16,000 local Farm Bureaus, 2,300 county Farm Bureaus, and 47 State Farm Bureaus. THE RECORD SHOWS THAT FARMERS CAN AND DO SPEAK EFFECTIVELY FOR THEMSELVES AND THAT PROGRAMS ADVANCED THROUGH THEIR OWN ORGANIZATION, THE AMERICAN FARM BUR EAU FEDERATION, BENEFIT NOT ONLY AGRICULTURE BUT THE ENTIRE NATION. 502 Local Farm Bureau Families The Farm Bureau Vigorously Supports Inflation Control IT URGES: CONTROLLED CREDIT FULL PRODUCTION PAY-S-YOU-GO TAXATION GOVERNMENT ECONOMY and NON-DEFENSE SPENDING CURBS Donate a Pint of Blood March 2nd - FARM BUREAU SUNDAY - March 2nd THIS KLAMATH COUNTY FARM BUREAU WEEK AD IS SPONSORED BY THE FOLLOWING FIRMS: J. W. Copeland Yards Retail Lumber and Building Supplies 66 Main St. Klamath Falls J. W. Kerns International Harvester Dealer Hardware Feed Firestone Tires 734 S. 6th St., Klamath Falls Phone 4197 Crater Lake Machinery Co. Caterpillar 1410 So. 6th St. John Deere Klamath Falls Swan Lake Moulding Co. "Time Tells in Building" Phone 3169 3226 S. 6th St. First National Bank of Portland Klamath Falls Branch For the Best in the West See Dugan and Mest 522 S. 6th St. Phone 8101 Lorella Store General Merchandise Cold Drinks Lorella at Longed Valley , Frank DeBel, Prop. Ashley Chevrolet 410 S. 6th St. Phone 4113 Murphey's Seed Store "Seeds that Grow" 434 Klamath Ave. Klamath Falls, Ore. The United States National Bank Klamath Falls Branch Klamath Falls, Oregon Yonna Valley Store Groceries and Gasoline Lakeview Highway D. J. Bliss, Prop. First National Bank of Portland .Merrill Branch While at Merrill Shop at Grigg's Superior Foods Walker Brothers Wholesale and Retail j Shell Chemicals Shell Products , Good Year Tires and Batteries Distributors ' Merrill Meat Co. Merrill, Oregon Wholesale Meat Custom Work REEVES In Merrill Your Westinghouse Dealer Wiring Supplies & Contracting Merrill,. Oregon Merrill Pharmacy Prescriptions & Veterinary Supplies Merrill, Oregon Merrill Lumber Co. Quality Materials Merrill, Oregon Courteous Service Phone 2331 West-Hitchcock Corp. Allis-Chalmers GMC Trucks 677 S. 7th St., Klamath Falls Phone 7771 McCulloch Motors Cars STUDEBAKER Trucks Klamath Falls 1 Emma's Store The Family Clothing Store Malin, Oregon The Loveness Lumber Co. for Building & Building Materials Phone 756 Malin, Oregon Basin Building Materials Complete Line of Building Materials Phone 666 , Loveness Mills Malin, Oregon Byron Johnson -MinneapolisMoline Machinery Klamath Falls and Malin Raima's Food Market & Hardware "Quality Foods" "Zenith Appliances" Malin, Oregon T. A. DeMerrit Standard Oil Products Merril Phone 2503 Malin Phone 251 Standard Implement Co Case Tractors ' "Propane" for Power 2700 S. 6th St. Klamath Falls Phone 9336 Phone 2085 Warfield Union Service Station Gas Oil Accessories Sonoma Bonanza Fire Department Roy Warfield Chief In case of fire call day or night 2085 Bonanza Variety Store Fountain Remedies Notions Phone 21 11 Bonanta, Ortgoa Rice Feed & Supply Store Dairy, Oregon Fiihinq Tackle and Other Assorted Farm Equipment Simplot Soil Builders Fertilisers t Insecticides 2052 Washburn Way Phone 2-1431 Garrison Equipment Co. Oliver Tractors & Farm Machinery Merrill-Lakeview Junction Phone 7312 Big Y Market Lakeview Junction Our salute to this democratic farmers' organisation We ar proud to be an associate member Groceries Meats Notions Meet Your Friends at the Winema Hotel & Coffee Shop Famous for Fine Food Main and Eloventh . i , ' Phone 4181 Farm Bureau Insurance At Cost Auto-Truck-Farm Crops-Emp, Liability Disability-Equlpment-FIre John Tofell. Bonania 2187 V Eber Kilpat'rick Merrill . 1 504 1 .