3. f iAturpay. MARCH 1, 1032 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THIRTEEN ! REAL 1ST ATI OH SAll J IRRIGATED FARMS & mcNUCY BO nncn, clow-Ill tin f Diivril mad. Thin fnnn m-Mlnii tor 121.000. only MOOO, nown, aiowi per frnr. No bulldlnga. J'OK VAM.KY !fc!0 ncrtu, Willi 'two bedroom home. 80 ncreit under nirh. bnliiiice inn eanlly be put &' linear WHler. 00 m-reii III rKiiIIh. J only I'JU.mxi, 110,000 down, biilmico 6 il 100 per yeur. f i l.ANCIKl.l, VALLEY WO crr f imidrr dltrli, 40 ncrrn nifnlfn 1211 j ' ncrrn iMirninnent piialurc, biilunoc ': In u ruin hint yeur. Kruccti mid ,. uroxn-fenied. 'I')) In farm linn n com i rortuble lionin mid leniint Ikiiim. ft In i uc barn mid plenty of bulldliiiiii. ' i Hre tills one I Jl In nellliiK tor only I jift.noo fully niulppcd or t:i",oou without nincliliiery, 'J HARRY VAN IKvrn. 8204 1 I JOB LEONAIID tKven. 2-0027) Jl AL SCHMECK j RKALTOK mid INBUItANCK 5$ 517 Mnln Phone 3211 Ranches For Sale If you me In the market fur n (utile lunch or fnnn Innd, 1 will he rondy In do bunliirn nn noon (ih the snow goe off. Write or phone. 4PAUL A. TSCHIRKY ntAL ESTATE Tile. 1 Ilnx 213 Tulrlnkc, Cnllfornln rnone n-om TAKE A PEAK At thin lovely one bedroom home at !!:I1B ModK. Flower Unrden In Hprlng. linn new electric bent cement foundation. Uaraiie au Inched. Two Inrge lot. wonderful view and very cool In summer. All (or $5800 WANT A GARDEN? We have It all plowed ready for planting benlden a lovely two bnl room home with lou of aun Unlit. Koiilh view. Owner will paint out nlde of liouac. This In located on Bristol Avenue In Peterson achool dhlrlct on 1-3 acre for 12600 down. FREDE. FLEET, REALTOR DENNIE COATES. Saleslady Hit Main Office Phone 2-3335 Even 2-1365 - FOR SALE - MODERN 1 BEDROOM HOME ON l'i ACRE OP LANU LAROE NEW COOLER i WORK SHOP OARAGE J AI.HC l.ii me room bulVllnir In nepara tlnn for an apnrtment.. Han new floor and 7 window. Enough new lumber to build 3 room on house. Concrete wnlk. nbundnnce of lawn. Slrawberrlen Raspberries. 6010 Lelnnd Drive. Phone 4072 WANTED A buyer who needs an office and home combined In the best resi dential as well as a good business location for an office, with no parking meters. A good six room house, not counting breakfnxt nook, alcove, entrance, porch, bathroom and utilities. Located on large comer lot with two floored garages entering from different atreels. Lo cated at 830 East Main. Make this home your business. See or Call JAMES HESELTINE. 5000 Salesman with M. L. JOHNSON REAL ESTATE 434 Main 81. Office Phone 6113 Free Rent and Income Invest In a future that Is secure. In the ownership of this 3-unlt home, all rented with the excep tion of n choice apartment for the buyer. Immaculate condition, above average construction and located vi a subtirbnn paved street. Owners anartmenl Is 2 bedrooms with one other 2 bedroom apnrtment nnd nnother 1 bedroom apnrtment. Each npnrtmeiit has prlviito bnth nnd Is completely furnished with choice furniture and appliances. Move right In nnd let tho Income pay lor It. Full bnseinenl, piped Irriga tion and large double garage wit), storage overhead icould be made Into another apnrlmentl. See this todny for 2.1,750. Substnntlnl down payment required. "PAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Phone 2-3545-0410 1025 Mnln Evenings Ron Fisher 0970 Bruce Owens Merrill 149 FOR SALE, :i rofim house furnished, flesl cash offer. 1127 N. Blh Street. ron SALE, enully In Iwn mntlern home. Phone 2-:it. homes ron sai.s eVEMETT DENNIS nEALTOR ... Dtn Klrkoalrlck Salesman g? N l Phone 11411) EAST MAIN STP.EET Jelween underpasa and Mill School, nuslneaa lol wllh 04 font fronlaiie. Im proved with Iwo hedroom furnlihed home. Easily converted to atore and living quarlcra. Price $7500. Bogue Utile, nealtor. Phone 72110. ' flimilRDAN HOMR ""!W, Modern :i bedrnnm-fireplare. PV'ly rarpeted. Newly rnc'ecnraled In aifln and out. Dlrihwatiheroiilhiill(llngH nenr achool and bua. Borden Iwo itreeU Can lie auhdlvlded. Call (Hlfll. NEW HOMES for Powell. Phone 8520. It. William B. JO RIAL EST ATI FOR SALI . ACT NOW! Thl three brdrnom home, two blocka from Mill" Uchool, won't wnltl Lihko living; ronm-rUnlng room eoinblinitlon, nttrnctlve kite li en with plenty of cupboard npner, Aiitomntlc oil hen I, Attached Ka raite. 10500. MILLS ADDITION Three bedroom home on n'eely liindrteuped lot. Needn rederoriithm, but priced Ira tliun F.H.A. nu- priil.nil. 7tl.'0. "I' AT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Phone 2-3545- 0440 1025 Mnln EvenliiK.i Ron Klnher 8070 "llnp" Uuvldnon 11871 Bruce Owen Merrill 140 NORTH SIDE Comfortuble well constructed one j bedroom home 5 blocks to Mnln Hlrret. Solid foundation. Conven- lent kluhen nnrt breakfiint nook. I rli.rnue Ijiii rinlnir (or 141MI. Terms, 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED SI200 down will hnndlc this fullv furnished 2 bedroom home ncur lllllslde. Continuous foundation. I.iiikc kitchen unci dining sren, mi ruge mid workshop, full Price 5.'50, 150 per month. CALIFORNIA AVE. VERY A'lTR ACTIVE 2 bedroom home, good nixed room. Living room with fireplace, dining room, convenient kitchen with venlllnt ing fun. Wnrdrolie closet. Large hii th. part basement Onrngc. A good buy nt 18700. HOT SPRINGS OUTSTANDING Inrge family home In fine neighborhood. Large living room and dining room, fireplace, modern kitchen. Large' bedroom nnd beautiful tile bnth on main floor, 3 bedrooms, sewing room and full bath on second floor. Newly redecorated. ALSO modern guest house at rear. For quick sale. 116.000. Terms. HARRY VAN (Eves. 82041 JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0427) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 117 Mnln Phone 3211 CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER (S to I5 per acre buys good ranch and timber land at Gov't, Stale and County hind Snles. FREE LAND CATALOG. Pacific Lands 1021 KE CaJlucuga Blvd. Hollywood 28. Cnllf. roit SALE nice level lot N K. cor er AddlMin and 1-akeview. Arrept reaon ab!e oiler. Ooria While. P.O. Uox 1X13. Erernn. Calif. EOlt HALE, two bednionhnnieLanrr living and dining room, eak Moora, fire place, kitchen and dinette, aervlre porch. Large garage. 24IS Wlard. Phont swr7. 12 BUILDING I REMODELING ROOITNO nmit-up Composition 8hlnnles Aluminum Shingles S1DINO Asbestos Cedar Shakes INSULATION Blown-Jn Fiberglass COMBINATION ALUMINUM SCREEN AND STORM WINDOWS Kuhlman Insulation Phone 4468 or CLEM LESUEUR 2-2443, Agent ALL WORK GUARANTEED NKW H.YWlHIl). 1 Hi. Hi. Sir faced. Phone SSO.V WHATEVER YOl'R LI'MRER NEED flaMn llulldlng Material Inc. fllla II right! We carry a full line of dimen sion, doors, eaah. frames, pnau. floor ing, hardware, palnu and an on. Oral with confidence. Phone 2-2SS3. 47S4 South Sixth. 34 fUEL HEATING STANDARD HEATING Ol su.ve, furnace, light fuel, coal, wood ;hircoal Peyton and Co. S3A Marital Pnnne 3149 DltY pine block a for aale. Upen "J" nd w"jcnda, Mrtlera Broa. IMtKSTOLOfis pickup or delivered Cilff Yadem Signal Service JUBO So flth Phnne .tnsi or 3-0260 $ At H antr.s stamps fivtlTolTKMi Ing nili Phont S6S1 or 7-0260 (or prompt delivery. CLIFF YADRN'S SICNAL KCnVICI 23008o 6th 18 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES WANTED, good home forkittrn"rPhbne 7;rm. SfcVKN pup Irl'll and sprinflor snanlel. $1 female. $5 male. 21)23 Kane. HKAUTii-ul. rcitingefp puppy. Will aell In couple only.Phone2-;i2fi3. ANllliiisoN Boarding ke'nr.en Phorii 11147 rmnn Delawnre off Homedalt noARDING KENNELS Dog boarding by day, week or month Sanitary kennels Well balanced diet Clean Individual O'itrtonr runft for earn dog Dogs nandled durlrg mating. Will pick up and deliver. Vlallora Welcome Phong M78 Merrill So Rl 2. Dok D04 SHAS1ACASiADE KENNELS FO'rt SA"lE. registered " wire-haired ' ter rier pupa. Call 2-H.W or ace at 3011, C'ntnn vemte. 40 TO EXCHANGE WILL TI1ADK lO-IO Ford four donr n. down pnyment on two or three bedroom hoil-e. Phone :iB74. . WILL TilADE acre on AMnmont f.nf,t' u-cliT1rtnr- ''none Anno. f It A Ilk. nine itionthiTTsuernMy" he l fpr and Jersey si err for hay, fjionc 3-20(19. fl-UNifVpBrtment hotire In Aahlahd. for late model logging truck. John Reedy, 7118 Iowa, Ashland. Phone 3-7:iRl. 42 LIVESTOCK 4 POULTRY & BABY CHICKS ALL POPULAR BREEDS PROM UNITED STATES AP PROVED PUl.LORUM CLEAN FIOCKS Available Every Monday ORDER NOW TO BE ASSURED OP HAVINO YOUR CHICKS WHEN YOU WANT THEM MALIN FEED & GRAIN PHONE 66S CHESTER WHITTEoar aorvlce. Plioiie 2-01104. 42 LIVESTOCK I POULTRY HKLKriTKI) -FEED GRAIN- onuicri now roii later DELfVEHY CUPTOM fM.fANEI) A: TREATED MALIN FEED & GRAIN PHONE MS POULIRY WANTED Cmh paid for wy amount. Top market prices frr good quality. For quotations PHONK 38ft? fC(.AMAtH J'OUJnW FAriMfl catti.r i,AH:wnKr6nnfsr. r.Tr urn tin r eaioit, nar fort Klamath. Not ' 1 W r of iflrig t-tu-Jivp fxrlrnt panliire and walrr available April 13 or Mv ( tn October 1 It Nonhl4 raltv. Write Hon 40 Herald and Nfww. KOIl HAI.F.7 "twu"rRtlretfrl "dunic gllU. rarrow In April, PUud !WWi. VOH MAlfc. Iwi-lva i-rriurt lrkr ralvai. 4 Mi plm lotilh Mldlitnd (irtnge hall (tn ull Midlanrl road. I'lioni O4lt0 Hill HAI.?."M l"vy ' iprlnHflr ' hvlfcra, 41 ara writ ttrrd and marked HoU'tin All drtiihlf vai-clnalrd. v, C, Rex ford, Merrill. Ore. Phone (Ml, COM HAI.K. heavy wprl )Ker"d I ry tv-lf-era. Hred to Aiiiiir bull. I'lton Lore I la :n:tT. lir,IJI HVrnK "ndruatera for tale. Irenhlv d retired ready for H'e pun, ev ery Krlday and Halurday. Phont 8.141 after 4, sin IHt'lA numJiM, Hr.nvu't C fChurki Warren Hi Phf'ne D12 M now nj, n nu aiuwer Phona 4400, KvrnlnifH COII " HAI.Kalrny"hoine- 1 7 y ear line while fared rallle, ihree Jnraey year HfiK helfor, two Jemry milk vowt, one ft year old leffMetcd Pilurnlno rnaro, nne small palornlnu kld'a pony Phone r'.!4:t. Vii"f '"'Ji7rihoii" . pirrriV"it7:r WAN:l;lorrrad nana JPrione jlSOl HirjilKHT prlrai paid (or poultry, ho and llvejitork UIO V MKA'l MAnKFT l.akavtew Juncll'-n Phone inn 44 MlSCtLLANEOUi WANTED WANTED lrk and Haling rarMh to run 4-.WI head, water and frnrlng. Iliilldlngi not eaNenllal. fiomer Jnnra. Hnnded nealloi. 111 8. 4th. Tela, exil- 7S'7. WANTED TO "LEASE with option to buy. two or three bedroom home, with acreage. Phone 2-H.ll, WANTED to" rent- 2 'or : hedrno.! urT lurnuhed houe lord where cow ran Im keol. Phone 407S. LIKE TO nilY.4 "wheel-drive-pirkiip or late mwlrl ' Ion with 4 apeed tranMmhilnn. Phone 2-ISon. Wg NEED CARH'" CJel Inn prlre now nor Motor Co fith end Plurr. 4 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pay Onlv $100 17.27 Mo Repay In 18 Installments UP TO 1300 ON rURNITUKE OR SALARY UP TO 11200 ON CARS THE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cars 'inancd at bank rale "WONEY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. to years serving Klamath Bs,sli See "Cr.uck" Bailey Mgr. Ill N 7Ui St. Phont 3321 6 341 , MV7S Commercial Furnishes Cash; CASH LOANS 150 to $300 Auto Furniture Livestock Salary (50 to 1500 Automotilles (paid tor or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH deals I Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie 8-251 - N.Wi 107 No Blh Phont Till 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RESTAURANT" FOR SALE LOCATED On Summers Lrtnc In some build ing ns Louie's food store As Sum mers Lniif Tnvern. Al.vo close to Drive-In thentcr. NETTING $150, DURING SUM MER MONTHS. SHOULD NET FROM $250 to $300 MONTH. HAVE S YR. LEASE. ALL YOU NEED IS A REFRIOERATOR A $500 OR TRADE FOR GOOD PICKUP. PHONE 9373 GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE FOR SALE BEER WINE LICENSE Building With Living Quarters GROSSED OVER $6000 IN 1961 LOCATED BIG VALLEY IN CALIFORNIA SELL CASH TRADE OK LEASE WRITE HERALD NEWS, BOX NO.' 38 EXTRA INCOME $400 monthly, spare lime. We will (tr ied a relinhle per mm from this area to refill, collect monthly from our New Automatic Merchandising Machine:. No celling. To qualify, applicant muni have car, references, 9t)O0 working; enpllnl. Devoting 4 houra a week will net up to 9400 monthly with the poisibiltty of taking over full Kmc. Tor Interview, write Box 41, giving full particulars, nimg, add real-, awe, phone number. SMALL RESTAURANT and stock for sale. Good locallon on Highway 07, 20 mile north. Phone 6M, Chiluquln for detfilla. F.STAHLISH proven frnnchlne buslnesa. Capital needed $4000 to $0000. No gelling or trivelin". rncrlf nro n-d ae fiot Important. Ideal for man and wife. Box :i0. Herald an d Newa. DRY-CLEANING route for sale. Oppor tunity for steady employment at good Say. For full particulars writ Box 3U erald and Newa. SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE WATCH TRADE IN'S- -SOLD FOR REPAIRS- 1 Hamilton Men's Yellow Gold Filled 17 Jewel 10-7M) Wrlnt Watch O 2 llulova Man's Yellow Gold Killed 17 Jewel Wrist Watch ZO 3 Gruen Man's Stabile Steel 17 Jewel tririM Wrist Watch ZZ 4 Elgin Mans Rone Gold 17 Jewel Deluxe. 2460 8 Bulova Man's Yellow Gold Killed 21 Jewel. . . 1 pM 1 Cmy Man's 17 Jewel Shock Prool WrlKt Watch 10-Elgln Man's Yellow Gold Pilled IS Jewel Wrist Watch. . $18M M4M No. 24 ORUEN MAN'S WHITE OOLD 17 JEWEL 12 SIZE POCKET WATCH. THESE PRICES INCLUDE TAX ALL WATCHES IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION NEW WATCH GUARANTEE WE AI.SO HAVE SEVERAL OTHER BRANDS AND MODELS NOT LISTED REPAIR DEPARTMENT RICKYS JEWELERS 700 Main SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE SPECIAL WHILE SUPPLY LASTS Ladak Alfalfa 45c lb. Purity 9908 Germination 93.50 Etna -Mills Etna, California Phone Etna 55 Build Better With Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Phone 5149 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes Al. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 REFRIGERATORS RANGES WASHERS Rebuilt and Guaranteed by Merit's. Priced at a fraction of their origin al cost. MERIT'S BARGAIN BARN 631 Commercial St, KOH SALE. John Deere model l) trac tor, like new, uncd two kcaurui, llghtii, larier. food rubber. Priced right. Mn. tpl1,lint- JLunci!n 9y- Oregon 1-OH SALE, tVhe baler. ifWfl m(ideVau lomntlr pickup, two or three wire tie bale 17x24. Ca-e engine powers It. Ued nne waton. Mm. H. L. Plank, Bt. 2. jiinmon tuv. urefton, NfclAIILY NEW wanher, laundry Iravs, also Kleer-Kleen furnace, 140 gal. tank. IMione420f). f'O ri" S AXeTM ton baled a I fal fa hay! In larn all winter. John A. Short. Phone m4. HOUSEHOLD good fur aale. Phone T-D6 tractor with Be-Ge pump. 8 It. JuinlKi acraper. Inquire Shell Station, Maim. KOR SALE, wood cook -j.tove-.. doorit and window !. Inquire at "Little Cafe" 2Tii6So. Sixth or phone 2-1272 evenlnitx. 'OR SALE, two wheel trailer with rr:c. Phone 8123. ; KOH SALE, one 4 drawer chest of drawers. Stronalv bnlll. 42" hieh. .14- j Wide. 18" deep. $25. One 3. HP electric anu i.iicn. neavy auiy. 1725 RPM M3. Two burner hoi plate. ..Kti.ijir juicer. iu uaymn. 8 FT. Montgomery Ward refrigerator. Good condition. 75. Phone 4735. FOh SALE, baby bed. Ukenew. See at 4110 Douglas Ave. Phone 2-0041. GUARANTEED REBUILT APPUt ANCES at a fraction of their original coil W wrier. Ranges. Refrigerators. MERITS BARGAIN BARN, tkll Com mercial St. NEW Phllco range, tltght freight dam age. Buy al a Reduction. MERITS 609 So. th. St. HRAND new 10 cu. ft. double door Phllco refrigerator, fullv automatic de front. Never been uied MERITS BQ9 So. fith. JSt. FOR SALE, electric cook atove! Not much for looka but works good. $13. Phone 2-07711. FOR SALE, ref ripe rat or. $:i3. Phone 2 9U or B'13 AP- 1 4. Ore Tech. Oregon Fit ATEX jianttcn. Phone 8.124. 2 NEW .70tS tires for aafe. So4. 3016 Ilomednlc. Phone 2-0O.V1. CRUSHED rock and driveway cinders Phone a-1167 ADDING MACHINEsTTalcutators. t.vpr writers, cash registers, desks, chairs files for sale or rent. PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY Main Phone 741V OIL storage tanks. Peyton and Co BUS Market. ELLCTHOLUX CLEANER and polishet ar.d auppllei. Phont 71ti7 lark el Tweet 121 Market USED FURNITURE vnltlcs can alww be found at Klnmath Furniture Co. 22i Main. Phone ft.U.1. 8-INCH concrete culvert pipe. 70 cents per foot. PEYTON & CO DRIVEWAY MATERIALS. Phone Joe Bart, 97.1ft. ANSCO Reflex Camera. Case, flash gun. New condition. $1.10. Call 2-3l0(V ' btkiKltt HhCAHS ;..1I5 EACH EXCHANGE We buy used tires. OK. Rubber Weld er. 2.101 So 6th Phone 4310 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL. Phone 2-I6B4. FOR SALE, hydraulic farm hand, with buck rake. Black and White Ranch. FOR SALE, 20 tona baled alfalfa hay. $:i2.50 per T. Don Potter, Tulelake 7-0352 FOR LUMBER "KNOW-HOW" see Ba sin Butlutng Materials Inc. If you know exactly what your need In, we fill that need. If vou'te not sure, we do our beit to find out what's bet for your Job. For all your building materials, visit 4784 South Sixth or phone 2-2.183. CRUSHED ROCK, driveway cinders. CARLOAD SALE on BHtwell davenport and chairs, bed davenos and chairs, 2-piece sectionals and swing rockers. This special carload purchase allows us to offer these sets at a great saving to you. Wool frelze suites start at $104.50, the largest selection e have ever offered In 30 years. Small down oayment. long lime on bnla.ee. Now Is the time to save money on your davenports and chairs, bed davenos, 2 piece sectionals and awing rockers. Buy now at Lucas Furniture, 193 East Main. LANDSCAPING, evergreens, ah rubs and trees. We trim, spray and remove large trees. LAKESHORG GARDENS NURSERY Phone 4286 12 Hamilton Man's Yellow Gold Pilled J7 Jewel ft c76 Wrist Watch. D 13 Buren Lady's 14 Carat Yellow Gold n) Aw 17 Jewel 14 Bulova Lady's Yellow Gold Filled to 150 17 Jewel Z 16 Elgin Man's 15 Jewel 12 Size $1 75 Pocket Watch. . 10 I8-EIgln Mans 17 Jewel 18 Size I-SO50 Pocket Watch ZO 20 Elgin Man's White Gold 17 Jewel 16 Size 0 t50 Pocket Watch. ZQ 21 Hamilton Man's Yellow Gold Filled 17 Jewel 1 76 12 Size Pocket Watch. 10 19 .73 Phone 3151 ! AUCTION SUNDAY 12 NOON Featuring: beautiful 5-pc. blonde bedroom set. 3-pc. walnut bedroom set, box springs and mattresses, end tables, lamps, living room furni ture, electric ranges, nearly new Kenmorc washer, tables and chairs, windows and casings, vice, press drill, saws, hammers and other tools, complete assortment of new spark plugs. Bring what you want sold. Summers Lane AucUon Mart 3609 Summers Lane WE HAVE A whole warehou&e full of com pletely rebuilt used appliances. Every one guaranteed. We must sell these at a fraction of their original cast. We must have this warehouse space for shipments of &EW 1952 PHILCO RANGES and REFRIG ERATORS that will be arriving shortly. For a better value in used WASHERS, RANGES REFRIGER ATORS etc. with a guarantee with each purchase, see this large selec tion at: MERIT'S BARGAIN BARN 631 Commercial St. FOR SALE. MOO W. Onan built full automatic 113-230 volt AC-DC light plant, completely overhauled will fell or trade for livestock. At Richfield Service Station, 22 mile north of Klam- UL F11- or c11 ChHt!"" .ft. W TON baled aUaifa VW per T. Phone Tulelake 7-1H84. 55 AUTOMOTIVE REPOSSESSED -CARS-- SEE AT 107 NO. 9th 1047 CHEVROLET 4-DR. SDN. 1941 CHEVROLET PICKUP TAKE BOTH FOR ONLY ?595 a pontiac "8" -jcr HO 4-Dr. Loaded. R.&H. DJ ' ir OLDS Clb. Cpe. QZ Needs trans, work 100 '395 M75 '41 FORD Clb. Cpe. Clean DODGE 4-Dr. ' A 1 1 Make it run. 'OO FORD FORDOR OO New rubber. R&H I ZD 'il PONTIAC Sdn. Cpe. (1QC r I Needs battery. Located I YD Needs batter. Located In Lakevlew. Ore. THESE CARS ARE SOLD "As Is -Where is!" toi a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Your International Truck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES llth and Klamath ?hone 2-258J FUR SALE, fishing car, 37 Ford. Ru sonable. See Jim Hall, Herald JVew. VIIIUUMI1) HWIIll, 11K.7 KOHU DickUD. aood mechanical condition. Jusl painted. S200. See at Tony Signal Service. 110:2 ast Main. FOR SALE. 194 Plymouth two door. Low mttca ge. Phone 2-1071. A REAL CONVERTIBLE BUY 1948 Ford Convertible. Radio, heater, neat rovers, has everything. First class In every way. A bargain at $1073. H. . HAUGER BU1CK GARAGE Used Car Department Main at Broad Phone S131 1U!KI CHRYSLER Windsor Club Coupe. 200.1. heally ttliarp: Dinibat Used Cars. South Sixth and Plum. Phone 9139. Eve nlngs and Sundays S82.V U.iiOO MILES on this 1931 Plymouth three-pardcngrr coupe. Dimbat Used Car. South Sixth and Plum. Phone 9139. Evenings and Sundays 8623. LOTS OF EXTRAS on this 1048 Ford Super Deluxe Tudor Sedan at SOU. Dim bat Used Cars, South Sixth and Plum. Phone 91 ;i9. Evenings and Sunday 8833. 1047 FORD Super Deluxe Tudor ttedan. Radio, heater, new paint Job. Really nice $893. Dimbat Used Cars. South Sixth and Plum. Phone 9139. Evening and Sundays 8823. 1949 BLJ1CK Super. A real deal, loaded with extras, $1.03. Dtmoat Used Cars. South Sixth and Plum. Phone 9139. Eve nings and Sundays 8023. 1949 DODGE Coronet Club coupe, $1393. Dimbat Used Cars. South Sixth and Plum. Phone 9139. Evenings and Sun days flflZ.1. FISHERMEN and nun ten Attention! You can save $800 to $700 on this 1931 Willys pickup. Only 4,038 miles. DIM BAT Used Cars. South Sixth and Plum. Phone 9139. Evenings and Sundays 8823, c Directory ; OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES "IJIani&th'a Only Directory That is Kept Up-to-Date From Week to Week"; AIR CONDITIONING RlDE It IOLLANDJ21Sprmg. Phone .MIS Air Conditioning HeAllng-Venttlat-Ing Sheet Metal-Weldins-Hteel Fabrics- lion. ARCHITECTS PEHMN. HOWARD PI. ARCHITECT A I. A. -Phone 8117-1 121 Main Blreel AUTO DEALERS USED imiVK MORE MOTORS-Wh walk' We buy. Itll. trade or Mill on ron. alfnment only the cleaned, flneat. nev.t. :iQ2 Bant Main. Phone y,7n. BAKERIES POLLY ANN BAKERY-MS North Slh Phone 7277-"Blrthday Caket Our Spe. cia'tv." VACS BAKERY "SpeHal Occasion Cakes Mad. to Order " 4800 South 6th Phrne M:s4. CAMERA SHOPS BJ'D-S PHOTO SEFtVffc&rioni Ma7n Phone 35fifl. Everything Photorraphtr Film Developing In by 10 a.m.. Ou by 4p.m. 1,'KtJER WfS5wSc7MilK SHOP""727 MLin Phone 70W. Leading r rand Photographic Suppllei. Expert Photo Elntrhlng Hustcrafl Cregtlng Cards. CHINA-SILVERWARl "" RICKYS JEWELERS - 700 Mam rhone .1151 "Home of ramout Bra..ds." Lenox-Picard - Royal York . Royal Dilton Wed-Lok - Corham - Wallace nirs inwie - uuni - international CLEANERS-DYERS CHAPMAN CLEANERS - Phone 7K2 318 East Main Pick up and Delivers HOWARD'S CLEANERS VS. Eai Main Phoat m$- "In At 10 a m, Oui at 5 p.m." KLAMATH CLEANERS "Klamath', Oldeat and Flnen" 4.H Main. Phone NEW METHOD CLEANERS 1451 Es planade. Phone 4471 "For Particular People." CLOTHING NEW AND USED THE CLOTHES MART 123 South 9th Phone 3364. Clothing For Ail! Hand Made GifU CLUBS TAVERNS TINY TAVERN S. W "Perk" Perk Ini. W. E. "Bill" Mathes. "Acres al Parking. "Manory'l Big "Y " DRUG STORES CASTLEBERRY'S DRUGS P. D Mead Prop Drugs, Prescription. Sundries 330 Main Phone 3333. ELECTRIC APPLIANCES LAST SIDE APPLIANCE - Bob Rob bins - Dewey Randolph. Owners. 623 Klamath Phone MM. "Your Friendly Wertinghoure Dealer." MERIT'S Sales and Service Mavtag. Phllco . Servel - Ironrite - Hamilton Necchl. BOO South 6th. Phone 2-3429. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS EAST SIDE ELECTRIC 623 Klamath. Phone 3184. Industrial Wiring and Sup plies ELECTRIC HEATING EI.T.CTRIC HEATER SALES CO. Car ro Colvln. Owner. 623 Pine Phone 2 3221 ELECTRIC LIGHTING VAN FLEET ELECTRIC 2nd and Main Phone 4413. Modern Electric Lighting Fixtures. FARM MACHINERY CRATER LAKE MACHINERY CO. Caterpillar - John Deere. Phone 2-2544. FLOWER SHOPS CHARLIE MACK'S KLAMATH FLOW ER SHOP 131J Main. Phone 4159. Member FTD. KOHN'S 'FLOWER AND GIFTS Bill and Rita DePew. Phone 8173. 430 Main. FURNITURE KLAMATH FURNITURE CO. - 221 Main Phone 3331. WUlard Hotel Build Ins GROCERS MARKETS COMMUNITY GROCERY 1040 Ea Main. Phone 5636. Free Delivery. Fresh Vegetables. Meats. GRIGGS SUPERIOR FOODS Three Stores Klamath Falls - Merrill - Stew art Lennox. 53 AUTOMOTIVE Extra Soecia Week-End Specials! 1941 BTJICK SPECIAL SEpANET Radio, heater. $ 00n Real good ZD 1940 PONTIAC ,-6" CLUB CPE. New tires. $ OQC radio, heater ZD 1949 INTERNATIONAL PICKUP Ton. Overload springs. Heater. Perfect $1 1 -j r condition I I D 1950 PLYMOUTH CLUB CPE. Immaculate i rn r condition IOOO 1947 HUDSON 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, COC heater JUJ 1948 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4-DR. Beautiful Scotch plaid up holstery. Visor, rndio, heater, Si im every extra I irivj 1946 FORD V-8 STATION WGN. Fine S 7QC condition 7 sj Also Several others well worth your Inspection. JIM OLSON MOTORS 316 So. Sixth A DANDY CHEVROLET 1930 Chevrolet Styline Deluxe 2-Dr. se dan. Radio, heater, low mileage. Looks and drives like a new n e. M67.Y H. E. HAUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Main at Broad Phone 3131 1931 KAISER 4-dr. Deluxe sedan. Over drive, radio, heater, new tires. Low mil eage. Celling price S2300, will sell for S1B30. Phone 9134. LOOK THIS ONE OVER 1930 Bulck Special Sedanet. Radio, heat er, Dynaflow drive. Low mileage. Beau tiful dark green finish. A car you will be proud to own. $1843. H. E, HAUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Main at Broad Phone 3131 HERE'S YOUR FORD! 1949 Ford V-8 Custom Fordor sedan. Radio, heater, overdrive. Clean as a pin. Try to duplicate It for only S1393. H. E. HAUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Car Department Main at Broad Phone 5131 WHY WALKT DRIVE MORE MOTORS 301 E Main Phona 3379 "We will sell your car for you." We buy and trade! THE HERALD AND NEWS if ass if- GET THE HABIT Read and Use " THIS CLASSIFIED SERVICE Your Weekly Guide to Klamath's Progressive' Merchants GUNSMITHS RALPH'S GUN SHOP 4820 South eth. Phone 4273 Authorized Winchester and Remington Gunsmith. INSURANCE GENERAL DRISCOLL AND PADGETT Fire Auto - Farm - 206 Williams Buildlnf Phone 7313. JOHNSON M. L. - 26 Yean In One Block. Associates: Grayce Eaton - Bob Causemakrr. 434 Main. Klamath Falls, Oregon. JEWELERS HAR WIN'S "A Jewelry Store of Out. standing .Values." 701 Main. Phone 8821 J C RENIE. JEWELER - 1019 Main Phone 4006. Watch. Clock ft Jewelry Repairing Diamond Setting Engraving Orange Blossom Diamond RinRs. Hani llton . Elgin ft W.vler Watches. RICKYS "Home of Famous Brands " The finest ncmer In Watches. Diamonds Silver. China and S ' Apnltances lnox-Pickard - Royal York . V'd-Lok Gorham - Wallace - Kirk - Sn. Towle - Lunt Rolex - Bu'ova - Ham ilton - Elgin - Art Carved Speidel In. ternational and many others. Rlckys Jewelers. Certified Gemologists Reg istered Jeweler 700 Main Street. LAUNDRIES SELF SERVICE BCB'S SELF-SERVICE LAtTNDRY 1711 Main Phone 9234. Kenmora Auto matics. SS AUTOMOTIVE A-1 1951 DODGE Va TON PICKUP Heater, sportlitc, sun visor, dual swipes, low mileage. 4-speed transmission 1950 FORD V-8 Ms TON PICKUP Heater, dual swipes, low mileage, 4-specd transmission. Just like new 1949 FORD V-8 TON PICKUP Heater, large grille guard, 4-speed transmission - 1948 FORD "6" Mi TON PICKUP Heater, sportlitc, 4-specd transmission. Fine condition P 1949 FORD V-8 TON PICKUP 4-speed transmission : 1940 FORD V-8 Vi TON PICKUP 4-specd . ... transmission ' 25 OTHER CARS & PICKUPS PRICED FROM S25 UP! For On-The-Spot appraisals; see JACK MILLER Home Phone 4203 Sundays and Evenings BALSIGER'S cae? LOT 2152 South 6th St. COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIR1NU BALSIGER ' MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanade 1 ' ' FOR SALE. LA Case tractor S2000. with hydraulic pump or S1800. without pump. Can be seen at Clyde Horsley Ranch, Midland. Oregon. 1950 CHEVROLET a TON Pickup. New appearance and condition In every way. Lota ot accessories, radio, sportltte. ipe cial horns. 18.000 actual milei. Drop In and look it over. It. E. HAUGER BUICK GARAGE Used Cat- Department Main at Broad Phone S191 FOR SALE or trade, equity tn 1048 Pontiac S sedan. Radio, heater. Bal ance 9483. payments $30. Phone 42W. red MASSAGES MASSAGE Natural hot water mineral baths. Open evenlnga. Phone B40JI. MOVING AND STORAGI PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Phona PCS 142S South eth Moving . Local Long Distance. Storage . HH Gooda Vurnl ture. Agenta Bekins. ORNAMENTAL IRON HOWIE BROS - Pre-Kut Ornamental Iron - Fences and Railings 1337 Soutt fith. Phone 4;iM. PHOTOGkAPHERS PHOTOS BY GtlDERIAN 112S Main Phona 2-271)1. r.mm.p.i.1 - tAt..it. Aerial - Copying . Pictura 'ramina 1 Oil Coloring. mitEBEE STUDIO In TS. National Bank Building. Phona 3232. "Worth, while Photography at Reasonable Prices. PIANO DEALERS KYLE MORGAN PIANOS-1033 Main. Baldwin pianos, organs; Selmar-Holton band Instrumental piano tuning! pianos, band Instruments for rent. Phone 2-02no LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 12 North 7th. One of Largest Stocks Lead ing Make Pianos In West Hammond Organ - Solovox. Rental Sale Plan. PLUMBING C C. MOTLEY 812 Klamath. Phona 661. Plumbing - Heating - Sheet Metal. ; PUMPS GARHISON EQUIPMENT COMPANY .' MerrlH-Lakeview . Junction. JacurM pumps and water systems. Sales and services. Phone 7312. RADIATOR SERVICE . ......... ..nLr.n.un "UHRC 1SUI South 6th. Phone 6042. Eves. 6667. RADIO STATIONS KFLW American Broadcasting Co. "Ton. In r.H in II . n . . .n . your dial. RESTAURANTS CAFES BARNEY'S CHAT-N-NTBBLE Eat th . famous BAR-NEE-BURGER. Horn ' made Pies. 1319 Esplanade. Dial 3-2406. . SAW FILING BODENHAMER SAW SHOP 391 last Main. Sales and Service. Lawntnowers. ' BSA. Motorcycles. All Saws Mni Tools SEED STORES MURPHEY'S SEED STORE "Seeds That Grow." 834 Klamaih. Phone 344.1. ' SECOND HAND STORES COFER'S EXCHANGE Roland Cofer, Owner. 09 Klamath. Phone Phon 7160 "House of 1001 Bargains" New and Used. SERVICE STATIONS RALPH'S MOBIL SERVICE 3 IltTs and Klamath. Phone 5422. Auto Repair. Ing Motor tune-up . Mobilgas MobS oil. "Complete Line Accessories. SEWING SINGER SEWING CENTER-633 Main. Phona 2-2313. Complete Line of No tlons . SHEET METAL PADE ft HOLLAND 222 Spring Phcne 3616. Stainless Stee'. Flu Extensions-Kitchen Ventilators. SHOE REPAIR ED'S SHOE SHOP Tom Dunn. Phon 6(121 1022 Main St QUALITY SHOE REPAIR 912 Malt Street. Phorc 8702. Expert Repairing. SHOE STORES MODEL SHOE STORE Shoes for En tire Family. Featuring Naturalize"-. Roblea - Buster Brown. 7L7 Main. . Phone 7363. VAN ORMAN'S "Klamath Falls Nev est Family Shoe Store." Trlm-Tred : Poll Parrot - Rand - Star Brand 127 Main. . StH GREEN STAMP STORES BROADWAY CLEANERS - 453J South : 6th Phone (403. "For Those . wpo Care." ' USED PICKUPS 1495 1395 1295 $1195 $1295 8 295 Phone 4354. BEST VALUES! - ;. USED l TRUCKS -CARS ; GUARANTEED AS .REPRESENTED West-Hitchcock Corp.U; YOUR GMC DEALER 77 a 7th Phone 7771 ' BUS SARUANT'S USED CARS WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE Corner Shasta Way and Arthur SUasla Phone 8205 WE NEED CARSI Oat top prlc BOWl . Rose Mntor Co 6th and Plum WILL SELL equity' in 1050 Hudson Pacemaker. Phone W123. '41 NASH four door sedan, lien. Phone 2-2428. MM Eber- PANEL SPECIALSI 19.V) "" ndlo and heater, 1049 Ford V-8, heater. $12 Both luat Ilka new. Balal(ers Used Car Lou Phon 43M . .' t 4) 1