PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON , SATimnAY, MARCH 1. 1052 PTTI" ' -A "( t'f mi.? - U Vi ft GLAD RAGS FROM FEED sociation of Soil District convention as Cleveland, three Baldwin-Wallace College students model clothing made from feed bags. The National Cotton Council said it was the first showing of the year of what can be done with bags produced for the feed, flour and fertilizer industries. For several years bags have carried designs making it possible for farmers' wives to convert them into dresses. The girls (left to right) are: Naomi Perez, Cleveland, Gerry Howe, Birmingham, 0., and Odah Huffer of Dayton, 0. ifi anaiaisosasasaaaeaeasi . . . , LmmmmJ VOTE GOES AGAINST THEM Delegate Joseph R. Far rington (R-Hawaii), Sen. Joseph O'Mahoney (D-Wyo) and Delegate E. L. Bartlett (D-Alaska) (L to R) pose at the capi tal in Washington, where the senate by a one-vote margin sent the Alaska statehood bill back to committee for fru ther sudy. The three are leaders in the campaign to get statehood for Alaska and Hawaii. The vote virtually ended any possibility that Alaska will be given statehood by this ession of congress. A bill to grant statehood to Hawaii still is pending. U.N. OPENS NEW BUILDING The U.N.'s new five-story conference building was opened . with this meeting of the U.N. Trusteeship council in the most unorthodox of all rooms in the structure which represents the last word in modernity. Most unusual features of this chamber are multi-colored lattice work suspended from the ceiling and a carpet : with bright multi-colored stripes. The other two main chambers are considered a little less jolting, but all have the latest technical facilities. Russia made another unsuccess full effort to kick Nationalist China out of the Trusteeship council, providing a brief show for the opening-day audience. ROBINSON BOOSTS BEAVERS' HOPES Clay Hopper (right), new manager of the Portland Beavers, goes into . huddle with Aaron Robinson, who he hopes will be the mainstay of the Portland catching staff this year, at the Beavers' spring training camp at Riverside, Calif. Robin son played with the Boston Red Sox last year and with the Detroit Tigers before that. As a seasoned big league per former, he's expected to add strength where it's greatly needed. '? . 1 - M in I. I IIIILlUliaH J afe BAGS Before the National As . Cvv 1 BOY OR GIRL? Despite all the platinum hair, etc., the one in middle is a boy. Police arrested trio as they hitch hiked through Memphis, Tenn., enroute to New Orleans. Identified by police as (I to R): Dale Evank, Bob Barto lotti and John Cochanos, all of Chicago. WARREN IN RACE Gov. Earl Warren of California, officially entered Wisconsin's Republican presidential dele gate election when he signed his consent for the April 1 race. With him as he filed his papers at Madison, Wis., are Sen. Bernard Gettelman, Milwaukee, state Warren : group leader (right) and Sec. of State Fred R. Zimmerman (left) who accepted them. Allies Probe Russia Deal WASHINGTON tfl Sen. Moodv fD.-Mich.,) has promised to look into a report that Russia was al lowed to seize a huge airplane making tool urgently needed by this country. Lt. Gen. Kenneth B. Wolfe, head of Air Force procurement before his retirement last July, testified Friday before a Senate Small Busi ness Committee headed by Moody. woiie said a 30,ouu ton press, "far biffcer" than any In the Unit ed States today, was located nev er a 1 years ago in the Russian Zone of Germany. Efforts were made to get it for the U.S., he said, but the Allied Reparations Commission al located it to Russia. "We'll find out who agreed to that," Moody said. The U.S. is now rushing a big er press into completion, Wolfe said. EGGS OFFERED NEEDY WASHINGTON U) The Affri- culture Department Friday offered to give away 3 V2 million pounds of surplus dried eggs for distribution among needy persons abroad. The eggs are part of remaining stocks of about 9 'A million Bounds bought under a producer egg price support program in 1950 at about $1 a pound. firm i-. RUSSIA'S Ol'STER ASKED WASHINGTON 11 Rep. Arm strong (R.-Mo.. lntrndlirpd lptfl.q. latton Friday calling or Soviet Rus sia j expulsion Irom the United Na tions unless Its rulers terminate "sponsorship" of the Korean con flict. Armstrong also called on Con gress to brand Russia as an ag gressor against international order and peace. Legal Notice NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SAL OF REAL PROPERTY NOTICE U hereby given that by vir tue of an Execution and Order of tale Issued out of the Circuit Court of the b:aie of Oregon for Klamath County on the 23th day of February, 1952. upon a certain Judgment duly given and made by said Court on the 3rd day of October, 1939, In a suit pending therein wherein Investment Service Co. was plaintiff, and Chester Avery and Mrs. Chester Avery were defendants, and which judgment was renewed on Sep tember 29th. 1949, which execution and order of salt was to me directed and commanded me to sell the real prop erty hereinafter described to satisfy certain Mens and charges In said Judg ment specified. I will on Monday, the 31t day of March, J 952 at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A.M.. at the front door of the County Court House In Klam ath Falls, Oregon, offer for sale and sell at public auction for canh, all of the right, title and interest of the de fendant in said acUon and of all par ties claiming by, through or under them or any of them In or to the fol lowing described real property, to wit: The North Half of the Northeast Quarter (N'iNE'Ar of Section Township 30. Range 0, E.W.M., Klamath County, Oregon. Dates this 2Hth day of February, 1932. J. M. BRITTON. Sheriff By Dora Goddard Chief DtDutv Ml -8-1 5-22 No. 001 NOTICE OF DATE Or FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON , FOR THE COUNTY Or KLAMATH In the Matter of the Estate of EUNICE JANE PIPER, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that I have filed my final account of the adminis tration of the above entitled entnte and that the Court has appointed March 31. 1952 at 10 A.M. aa the time for hearing objections to such final ac count and the settlement thereof. ... - Marie demons, Executrix Ml -8-15-22, No 000 NOTICE OF DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIKCUIT COUKT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY in the Matter of the Estate of HAROLD L. McPHER80N. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that I have filed my final account of the adminis tration of the above entitled estate and that the Court hn innnlntH Mnri-h 31. 1952 io A.M. aa the time for Hearing objections to such final mr. count and the settlement thereof. Hulh McPherson,. Administratrix Ganong & Ganong Attorneys for Administratrix M-1-8-I5-22. No. 809. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS Hl-itfRV niviPM Thot i have filed my Final Account as admin istrator with will annexed of the Estate Of ELLA MAY ANIlF.HflnM nlan known as MRS. OLIVE M. ANDER SON, deceased, and the Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County, has fixed Mon day, the 17th day of March, 1052. and the Courtroom of . said Court in the Courthouse at Klamath Falls, Oregon, aa the time and place when and where any person may present any objections or exceptions to anything therein con tained, and at said time and place the Court will finally settle said account. u. un i h sisemore, Administra tor with will annexed or the Es tate of ELLA MAY ANDERSON. nho known an MRS. OLIVE M. ahukhsun, aeceaied. r 16-23 M 1-8 No. 896 Legal Notice EQUITY NO. lO.tWo NOTICE OF HA I IS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or THE STATE OF OIlKtiON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH THE FIRST NATIONAL HANK OF PORTLAND. national banking asso ciation, Plaintiff, KENNETH R. WIENER, record owntr; P. K. KHIK1EH; PAUL W. SHARP, r. C. ADAMS, KHANK WATERS JOHNHON, ROHF.RT I. MUKII.CtH, A. IVAN THOMPSON AND RICHARD L CUKRIN, copartner, doing biutiiSM as Klamath Mrdlral Clinic OWENS ADJUSTMENT HKHVIC'K. INCORPOR ATED, an Oregon corporation; DALE WEST. L. LYON AND C. K. SHARP, co-partners, doing business as Sharp Grain Company; and CAHL 1,. CI1AM UERS. ROIIKHT D. MacLEAN and RAY SMITH, am nmrnbcri ttf and con slitutlng the State Tax t'nmmlMlon of the State of Oregon, Defendant. By virtue of an execution, Judgment order, decree and order of sale lulled out of the above entitled Court In the above emitted cause, to me directed and dated the Tth day of February, uuon a ludxment rendered and entered in said Court on the Tih day of February 1933. In favor of Plaintiff The Hr.t National Bank of Portland. a national banking junocimion. and aUo In favor of drfrndaut P. H. Kruaer, the defendants Paul W. Sharp, t C. Adams. Frank Waters Johnson, Robert L. Mueller. A. Ivan Thonumon and Richard L. Currltt. copartner, doing business as Klamath Medical Clinic, the defendants Dale Went, L. uvuit and c k Mtaru. copartners, doing biiKineis as Sharp Grain Com pany, and attains! the defendant Ken neth R, Wixncr, fur the following sums: 1. The following sums, with Interest l the following rates and from the km lowing aaies: Amount Interest Dale from Which Rate Interest Run 4t per annum Mar. 1, 14 " Aug. 10 lM Bfr Aug. 3. MM None Aug. 2, 10.11 W. 300 00 .VI M 40 IN) U 50 on 4.UOMH a; per annum Dec. I, 1930 37 90 None 78 til 8'. per annum May 37, 1949 4H 23 8'. " " Feb. 23. UiM 17 30 8 " " May 13. W30 33.03 8", M Nov. IH. IWUl 26 23 B' Feb. 23. 1D.M W.eUI 8. - April 34. IP31 973.00 None plus the cost i and disbursements In cur red by the plaintiff, taxed and allowed in the sum of S37.L8. all of the same being due to the plain tiff in accordance with the said de cree: and 3. The further sum of 142.00, plus In trrest thereon at the rale of 8 per cent per annum from the 12th ntiv of December, 1949, together with the sum of 819.76. plus the costs and disbursements Incurred by the de fendants Paul W. Sharp. F. C. Adams, Frank Waters Johnson. Rob ert L. Mueller. A. Ivan Thumpxm and Richard L. Currln, copartners doing business as Klamath Medtral Chntc, taxed and allowed tn the sum of $26.23. all of the same being due to the said defendants In ac cordance with the said decree; and 3 The further sum of $1.6Auoo. plus Interest thereon at the rate uf 3 per cent per annum from Nuventtwr 2.1, 1949. together with the sum of MM). 50, ana plu the roils and dis bursements of the defendant P. R. Krtiger Incurred, taxed and allowed tn the sum of 11.13. all of the Mint being due to the said defendant in accordance with the said decree; and 4. The further sum of S603 00, plus In tereat thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from May 10. lu.0, together with the sum of 119.76, plus the costs and disbursements of the defendants Dale West. L. lyon and C. E. Sharp, copartners, doing bui new as Sharp Grain Company, taxed and allowed In the sum of 827 M. all of the same being due to the said defendants In acccrdance with the said decree and 3 Together with interest on the ag gregate of said sum at the rate f 6 per cent per annum from the 7th day of February, 132, and the costs of and upon said writ of exe cution: commanding mi Io sale of the following described real property, ittu- ated in the County of Klamaih. Stala of Oregon, to-wlt: The fiorthpail Quarter of the South eal Quarter iNK'.SK1 I and the South half of the South half iUl,Sli) of ntctlnn I. Township 41 South. Ranee 12 East of the Willamette Meridian, and the North half of the Northwcit Quarter 'N'sNWV' of section 13. Townhlo 41 South, Kanse 13 East of the Willamette Meridian subject to all easements and right oi way oi recora or apparent on ine iana, ana sumeci to future as aesamenti for Irrigation, drainage and Reclamation du roosts. NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of aid execution. Judgment order, decree and order of sale, and In compliance with the commands of said writ, 1 will. on ine atn aay oi Marcn. ism. at looo o'clock a.m.. at the front door of the Klamath CouAty Court House, In the City of Klamath Falls. County of Klam ath. State of Oregon, sell at ouhllc auction (subject to redemption', to the nishest bidder for cash In hand. the right, Utle and Interest which the defendants and each and all of them tn the above entitled suit had on the 3rd day of May, 1S47, the date of the plaintiff 'a first mortgage herein fore closed, or since that date have had In and to the above described prop erty or any part thereor, to satisfy said execution. Judgment order and decree, interest, coats and accruing costs. DATED Pebruarv 7. IMS FIRST publication. February 9. 1M2 LAST publication. March 1. 1032 J. M. BRITTON Sheriff of Klamath County, Oregon F-9-M-1 No. 8KB . NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or THE STATE OF OHEOON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of LAURA A. CRAWFORD. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that I have been appointed administratrix of the estate of Laura A. Crawford, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are required tn present them to me with proper vouchers, at the office or oanong At uanoni, a ,-viatn treei. Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from February B. 1SS2. which is date of first publication of this notice. Ann R. Prock, Administratrix Ganong & Ganong Attorneys for Administratrix F-n-lB-2.t M-I No. 8KK NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that the under signed has filed his Final Account, as the Executor of the Estate of Sam A. Zois, deceased, with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the SUte of Oregon, for Klamath County, and that B. J. Goddard, District Judge Pro tern In the absence of David R. Vandenberg, Circuit Judge of said Court, and M. A. Carter. District Judge, has set Monday. the 17th day of March. 1932. at 10 o'clock a. m., as the time, and the Circuit Court Room In the Court House, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, as the place, for hearing objections, If any, to said final account, and the settlement there of. Dated this 15th day of February, PETER P. KATCH1S Executor of said Estate r 1W-3.VM 1.8 No. 8flB SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON j IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH Equity No. 113 LAURA EASTWOOD, Plaintiff vs. SIMKON WILBER EASTWOOD, Defendant TO SIMEON WILBER EASTWOOD, Defendant IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORFGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed agiiinnt you In the above entitled suit within four weeks irom the date or the first publication of this sum mons In the Herald and News, a news paper printed and published In Klam ath County, Oregon, which said date Is the 1st day of March, 10.12, and If you fall to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to this Court for the relief prayed for in her com plaint. This summons Is served upon you by publication pursuant to an order of the Honorable David R. Vanden berg, Judge of the above entitled Court, - made and entered February 25th, 16S2, which order requires that summons herein be published once a week for four successive weeks, and that the date of the first publication of said summons shall be March Jat, 1052. .. V. 8 Bnlentlne Attorney for Plaintiff I.O.O.F. Bldg. Klamath rails, Ore. Ml-a-tS-22-No SOS IT HELPS TOD In so many ways when you learn the trick of bene fiting by Herald it News Classified ads. They're excellent for selling, buying, hiring help, finding work and recovering, lost articles. Phone 1111. CLASSIFIED RATES Ont dj . per word nue Dyt . , per word Ho Wk run . per word 30o Month run per word 85o MINIMUM Tlie minimum churg lor ny oui 10 u 00c. BOX NUMUKR8 Answers to ds mny be hnndled through box numbera t the pper lor a icrvice ciiurge 01 a&c. WW DEADLINES Classified tat acuepiea up to 1:30 pjn. lor following day'i publication www ClftMtlled display writ accepted up to U noou lor following dty'i pub lication. WW ADJUSTMENTS Pleat muit, ail ciuiuu lor adjust ment without delay. Correction or cancellation, re ceived by 6:30 p.m. will be made In following dny'i publication A CARD OF THANKS k mtf l ATM li'K WV w UhTo '.xt.mriniT hcHrUelt th.nki .ml miprtu'ltillnit fur til. NVI. uf klltdnc.., lit,.aH. of tym pnlhy, anu beautiful flnrnl uff.rlnl. r vilva front our kind frlrnd, and nvlgli bora during our rei'vnl hravtnut In the Ium or our beloved hiwtiatid and father, l.ter r. Klrkitatrlrk. We t.. perlally thank Merit olienrhatn. Chrl.. tlan Srlenra Header, and member of II P.O.. No 1247. The Klrkuatrlck ram lly. FUNERAL H0MF.J WAMU'S Klamath flinrraj tlnina. Illlh Street PHone MJ 2 LOST AND FOUND Cdal'T'ti'uTden ltelrteverniale dog, an, awer. to name "Tint". Phone 01UJ. 3SS0 Heolamatlon. LOST Monday "afternoon at Newberrya or Woolwortha, large blark uurM con taining key., glawe, and wallet with picture, that are valuable only to own er. 1'lra.e notify Uiux 344, nly, Ore. llcward. LOST, man, upper denture., in vicin II) of llu Depol. Heward. Phone 7BIW. 4 GENERAL NOTICES Neighbors of Woodcraft Meet In K C. Hull, 4th and Main, 1st and 3rd Monday of each Month Visiting members welcome FOR foutalttd1.he,niotVCLYcAN DII1VE IN. TO WHOM if'MAY" CONl'KHN:' Thl. la to aerve nollce that Hugh I. Ounn. now aervlng In the Armed r'orre. will not be re.pon.lble for Indebted, nr.. contracted by other, than hlm aclf. Slrned: A. C. Yaden. Atty. PERSONALS zbfrUmTcif""Swan.on 'a Ueauty-Shop. Phone 7161. OHUEK your Spencer garment before .electing your .bring wardrobe. Phone 7IM. STANLEY Home Producu. Ptinne 0' 10 SERVICE CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU Wht you don't want, nomroni : else needs! Let US lllld What you i ,nt-. , . . " , wnat you don t wnnt. This is the kind o( service we arc offerinR , . , why not tnke advnnt arc ol thlK unique opportunity, Drop tn at 255 Knxt Main In Klam ath Falls and Ret acqunlntcd -or Phone 5670 Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE. FOR HIRE Honcat Rales Welghta Service Innured ANDERSEN FREIGHT LINE 2B02 South Sixth Ph. 2W or 3381 EXCAVATING MoDil Shovel and trench Ho Bulldoxer Fill Dirt TopaolJ Cruihed Rock Driveway Clnden Compreaaor CRANE 3ERV1CI GRAHAM BROS. Phoue S641 or S110 Septic Tanks Cleaned Newttt Sanitary Method! Aim ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Jiearu Setter Lines ol Roots, EU ED F KINO J434 Orchard Phone (141 MHS. PENCE, formerly of Whyula will do .ewln, at home. Phone H0I5. ALTERATIONS All work eiiarenteTiif Jennie Hare. AnlUa. 707 Main. Phone M3. CARPENTER work. Remoriellne new contraction. Phone 3-WII7. INCOME TAX UKTIINMB For appointment Phont 2-0231. Harvey Blxoham. PELICAN DIIIVEjNorLenten menu. BUTTONHOLES. Phone KWI. ELECTRICAL conlrarun,. Work fiiar anleed. Phone 2-1010 fiEPTir; tamith Pumped, concrete tank, and drain fields Installed. Orvllle repaTr si ri vice : On Washers, radios and nulhnard mA. tors. - MONTGOMERY WHIM lh and Pine Phone 3IM PAINTING and paperhanglne Phone 7817. THIPP'S AUTO oalntlne. hod and fan. der work. Phone 4040. FULLER Brushes. Phone 9004 or flflTT. 1. h. DEAN Public Accountant and Auditor Office at 301) No. 7th. Phone 34 FOR THEE TltlMMINrj Phone 2-o:i;w CURTAINS laundfed and stretched Phone 414 12 tDUCATIONAL DIESEL HEAVY EQUIPMENT WE NEED several mechanic ally Inclined and reliable men to train for positions In the Tractor and Equipment Indust ry. If you are not making bet ter than $00 per week, or you don't have all year Job secur ity, you owe It to yourself to write for free facts, without obligation, about this training and our A.ivlsory Placement Service. TRACTOR TRAINING SERVICE Write Box 42 co Herald Si News BOUKKRFJPINO. shorthand Utduii kin. drod subjeeu. office machines. KXAMATH BUSINESS COLLfOE ?33 Pine Phone 47IW 14 HELP WANTED, FEMALE MlDDLEAORD ladv for rhlM rare Board, room and reasonable wages. rnone a-a77 after z WANTED, housekeeper witii some practical nursing experience, care for elderly lady in Lakevlew, Ore. Modern home, good wages. Room and board furnished. Phone Lakevlew 1362 or write Mrs. I. o. Favell 369 outh sth Lnkevlew. WANTED, hou.ekeenrr to live In. with iood references, rive In the family, ood wages. Phone J715. 14 HHP WANTIDf MMALI WAiVlilJnVl.,ilfar hotua for vldrrly man. IMiune SIM. Wanted, hmufKatiter" lor family" oil ranch. Wumt ntom, ANTr.l, inlitillaaactt orlilrTy lady w lull log a httma, Live tit. Llfht wnra. Hoard, room, salary. Call al 1U4S Calif nrnla Nvtmlnii TAHT-TIMK hmiBuwnfk f7tr "nartf run in. Hun i17 I It raid and Niwi. U HILPWANTID, MALI NAfTONAL CONCKHN'wllh tWirT reacntallon wanla ambit Iimii Kalaiman for tlfady nalllnn. I'rvfvr ntan 2ft In .tit yrara old. Wrlta.. Jinx 43 care uf lltrald and Nawa. 8ANnANCMMCOPOHfiN("7bTl)l.: Johltar wrnili ex,ierli,rd uportlng ItioUa Mir mi tan to call on hardwate and purling gwtrti dvuloii. Tarrtlory Eugt-ne In Ihiiumulr, Calif.. Ini'ltidlng all Southern Orrann iuwtta. If quallflrd wrlit nr phuna ft. H. Ilarrli at tlmrli and Gordtm. a;ift MUlnn Hi, Han rran clito S, Calif e Intarvtfw ran be ar rangrd. WANTItft, hn"lnfaniair"Klnrnirpi.r- tunlty 'rjpi(fht mai Klahn Nanh Co. f'Vl.L time altn,aii wllh'goou' Va'r tu nil lied Cornel Automatic lr Kulln guUhara In K la mailt County rural areaa, NnlUiniilly atlverlUiMt In Haturday Kva ning l'ol, Colllara and Country urntl man, Above avarage rointnlwiloii, WrltaM.. C itnnd nuirllmlur, JP.O, llox fllia, Pm-tland 10, Oregon, L HIL?WNTI? COUPleK wanted for raTtrh work, I uvrttuva ittti'fRMary In haiMlllim II tiu'k and maWiinvrv. Nrw two hfdroom noma ami Miary. Hvitranret naceaiary, Phont :tliJ4 aftr p.m. 1 15ITOA7ION$ WANTID' PAlNTkiOianrfyman, good work, raV ouaoia ny ina day or weak. Ilarald WILL care for your children, agi 1 tn S yvara In my home daya, or whllt jimi snop. I'nnne wooei. llMiSKKRKIMN(i;'elderly paopla oi mull fNinll Phona H;i!K1. oW v"Jvoi'k phone "TdaY4. niftNINt;). Phon"liHlMr Hl br.PENUAhl.C "child" care my nomV Phonv 2-:ulm. lUMfRorkPhona 2-248X I.AUV witli h okkiM'ping. Mn7igi ai.lm'' Hporli-nrt will do work In har home. Photi or 3-31 an. CU1.UHKD' lady "wanu"ToUMWorkB hour. Phone 3-ann7. UAIIY lltlng. Phone 3 0573. WILL care for rhlltlran In my horn' da v or your home evenlnga. Call a- 22 ROOM$"bltilINt ?( )OMSweV. H20jfif fTrion. HOOM AND BO A II D. Men only. 900 norm Nimn. ROOMS for rent vati entrance. i:ioe in. Phone 4444. HOOMS.jpriretreatonatiVahonritilT LOVE1.V roomi for wnl M41 a week Ctotc tn Phone 4am. VHOSt room for "rent. Grear Apart menu. 710 Main."phVn4YM. NICK," hlMl roomiLaaa PaclflcTer" HOOMS .KM lllfh 24 APARTMINTS FOR RENT rOR HE NT. ona brilrnom f.irnnhrdapl" Private bath and antranra. 301 Oraaun Av. I'hona 2 03311. rUMNISHEO 'uplalrapVrmanr WikhJ hratlUrgailn. I'hun 0133 or 1-OU53. YiiH HK.NT.'Bti.all atlrarllvV apartinvnt atillalils (or ftlnclt pmm. ; quipped rnndairf, Hgttu and walar funiuhrd 143 Smith Hiver-ldt. KtR RENT, "ihra room r'urntihVd apartment. Centrally located. 131 South 3nd. rOh RENT three room jlrnlVhed apartment. Adulu only. 3.3t Orchard. Imiulre 2U37 Kadcllffe. KOH HKNTi" three "room furnu'hd team heated apartment. Phone 77;il MODERN furnUhed ihrH rm.m .nrf bath apartment. OLYMPIC? APTS 307 EA.ST MAIN NEWI.V '" decorated apartntent. Qreer ApU. 710 Main. Eolt RENT, two room turniihed apart menl for adultM. 331 11 road. EOH HKNT,"lwornom furnlih(iapiirr ment. elerlrtc atnve and relrtf oretor. Natural hot water hrat. Lincoln Apia. 310 K Main. IJNEUKNIMIEDI Ba'm'e"rit apaftmaiii for bachelor or lady. Natural hot water heat and water furntihed. KM. Ilefr It erator and electric range available. 3U13 Main or phone 3410. CLEAN furniihed apariment with bed room. 213 Cedar. LEASE, amatl apartmrnt'-hmue Txir nuhed. rloee IneS. Jhone :i3. REDECORATED three room"" fu'rnimhed apartment, electric heat. Two block (mm Main. Adulla. No peU. 313 N. Ilth. EOH RENT. 3-room apartment, (u7 nlihed. AdulU. 3:ill llroad. TWO 100m riifhlihed apartment. Ufhta and water. 113.1 Walnut. TBAM" " IIKATEna'(iHmTnr wllh (m? room. 038 Oak St. FURNISHED aDarlment "ToT" rent. Apartment i, zuy MatHel. THREE ROOM furnished aparelTami'l ONE bedroom " unfurnished apartmenC Ga equipped. Call 3-Oflll. NEWLY decorated, private bath." fH chenette. Steam heat, electric range 10 wee h Ri Armi Apartment. roit RENT. furnUhed apartrrtn quire SIS Hlfh ATTRACTIVE two roomr Everything rurninen nui grocer let. lien I'lne rtlRNlHHED bedroom apartment mime in, mm ana wainut. Audley Aparimenie B A C H ELORpar tme nlT 4401. f'hone Merrti FURNISHED three room apartment W2.S0; two room unit e-13; all utilities inriutled. 41B n. Tenth. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT THREE room, nicely furnitfhec. cottitfe'. very cozy. view, no earaaa. automatic heat. Splendid for bualneu couple. Cloa, In ja. 1)1. Ainu ' SMALL, furniihed houit. Suitable for couple. 13. rnone oim. FOR Jt'r.NT. duDlex In Hot flnrin.i. Heat, hot and cold water furnUhed. rnnne .wiru. FOR BKNT. two bedroom furniihed notiM, mid wtirorn. o per month. TWO BEDROOM unfurnlihed houM. uviHown, o per mo. FOR HE NT, furnlnhed three room apartmeni at ma iiiiimne. enone 2-0003, ONE bedroom partly furniihed house. Clone In. Call 2-02M. FOR RKNT, two" hedroom lurrTliihed apariment. Thone 2-0XH. TWO bedroom home down town. Phone 74RS. UNFURNISHED four room duo (ex. Ex. cept for itovei. $30. Call 3027 before p.m. HOUSEKEEPING cablni. Cloie In pnone 32:ib. 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT BEEHIVE u TRUCKS W DRIVE Move Yourself Save 14 New Trucks For Long Trips Pickups Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main Phone 8304 fOn RENT, Irrigated pasture (or (10 head entile. 9 miles south of Klamath Falls. Call n:in afler6 p.m.. aflidi; or ofice on South Sixth. XS. PJxMelJJjiiljrPhone mas. foil Iir.NT. liil acres potalo1arid. .1 years In alfalfa, near Adams Point. Phone SflO Malln. OFKICE for rent. 71AI. 823 MaliT Phone FOR RENT, floor i.nri.n i.n. equipment. Suburban Lumber Co. tltb andWalnm Phone 77(111 CAR STORAfiE - JIEAfKHTaey" wet or month. Earl Lamb, phone 4673 or 7700, 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALI PRICED TO SELL 60 acres sandy loam, near Adams Point. 15 acres ready for spuds, balance in clover, barley and al falfa. 2 bedroom modern homo, barn and chicken house, ED POPE MERRILL, OREGON FOR 8 ALE, modern two bedroom home at Modoc Point. R. H. Nlchola, Box 13, Modoc Point, 30 RIAL ISTATI I1 0H SALI Near Conger School Nrwly-bulll ullriictlvn 'J' brilnioin rniich limnc Klrvtiic lieu I. Inniil nlril, tlntililt) minim'. Allini'llvi'ly liiniHcitiiril lot . Tills lininn wn built iinilrr f'HA npuclllnilliuis. Price llU.ltUO. SUBURBAN !2 ACRE Muilvrn 1 bdlnioin hemic. IHro. plnrri, Ihiko iinniuc with wnrklm. A oud buy nl 4r00. HOT SPRINGS Tills biiiiitllill two brilroiini llonn una built luol yciir. YiikI III com plctPil, Willi liiwn, mitiiiiinllo cop per uprlnklrr nyslem, Bloiio whIIh. lc. Kull CDiici'ole binniiriit, coin plrte Willi Riiinne, woikiiliiip, util ity room, Inmo purty room Willi bur find necoiid (Irnplucr. Kully In niilntfid, rlvctrlo hriit, ciimtortnblii arpnriila dlnliiK riioiu, imtuiiil wou.1 cnblnrlii In kllilirn, tllrd until, mi'l n world or built-in lorniie piu. Cull in lor im npiMilntmnil now. MILLS ADDITION New 2 brdioiim homi', vrry com fortably plmiiiril. Lump living room, arpuriitn dlnlnit loom, very convenient kitchen. kIhummI-Iii util ity room. Hardwood floora tlirouulv out, Inaulatrd 111 both walla and celling. Anlmitoii lillmt. Inru double onrniir, fully Inndaciincil. Easily take any kind of ninxliiiuin lonil. OI'KN EVKNIN08 DY AIM'OINTMKNT Don Bloan Pliona MM Fvea Homer Slllea J-3400 Evrt. Fred 8colt M3 Evea. CHILC0TE & SMITH REALTORS Blnre IDOd 111 N. th 8t. Phone 4WM or K2 SAY G.l.'s Do you want to fill that deep freeze next Minimrr? Well, lake a look at thin 'j acre and re what you can buy for 14000. There ara two bedromni, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath and utility room. Double gurnite and boy'a bedroom with electric heat, nt tarhed. Fully modern One bli k from Hlinnta Wnv. Will to State O.I. lMm will handle this. FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENNIE COATKfl. Snlendy 408 Main Office Ph. 3W8 Even, i-mt HOMES FOR SALE HOT BPRINOK Well kept two bedroom home with fireplace, full bnnemenl. 87S0. MIl.til ADDITION Nice two bedroom home. Well located. IRMIO, CI.OHE IN Two bedroom home. $U00. CIWE IN One bedroom home. $2800. ST. FRANCIS PARK lively two bedroom home. Electric heat, some furnlahtiiKa. R750. THREE BEDROOMS On H acr good toll, all fenced, bm. BEARD AGENCY REALTORS and INSURANCE 1020 Mnln Ph. 3-3471, 4734! 4(W0 H0MEDALE Attractive two bedroom, almost new, Larae UvltiR room, dining room, kitchen, tub and shower bath. A brlulit and cheery home with electric heat throunhout. Larue gnrnue. 13 acre all fenced. Lovely lnwn and shrubs. Good gitrdrn space. A real buritnln at $71)00. Rrn.sfliinble down payment. Balance like rent. $300 DOWN A small suburban colUgc, built on a hill with a lovely view of the city. These qunrters are a bit small and run down, but with a refrigerator, oil slove and other furniture In cluded. You can't miss on this one at 12350. or owner will trade equity for trailer house. YALTA GARDENS A lovely, spacious home located In the heart of one of Klamnth's fin est restricted districts. 2 large bed rooms, living room, dlnlne, kitchen and bath. Also a big fire place and a cozy den to add to your comfort and relaxation. This one has the best that there Is to offnr In home life and It's really a show place that you will be proud of for years to come. Reasonable terms may be arranged, FOR THE THRIFTY A cozy little suburban home with two bedrooms, bath, living room, large kitchen, utility room, nine garago with cement floor on 13 acre of rich dnrk soil that Is now producing one of the finest gardens In the, area, Plenty of room for chickens or other live stock. A swell place to bent the high cost of liv ing. A real bargain at HOBO. SEE US FOR HOTELS, MOTELS, BARS, AND APARTMENTS Johnny Hobson (Eves. 2-2713) Dale Orubb (Eves. 3644) Art Frcdorlckson (Eves. 6725) with AL L0NGE, Realtor REAL ESTATE And INSURANCE 111 So. Sth Phone B283 ONk'lir'droom home Including new eltVt trie rftniie. Venetian bllntii. Prir.H fjulck lale. Inquire evening or week ends. 2043 Wentland. FURNISHED four room hnma nn acrei. Chicken house, cooler, Neir bui IHWO. 4407 Burtlett Ave. FOB SALE, five room hmifl7thir Two acrei of iroimri nhA. 4070.