Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 01, 1952, Page 11, Image 11

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    SATURDAY, MARCH I, 10.12
Covemeim INlop Medferd T
KF Beats
In Waltz
By 1(1.1) m ill)
11m vllluiie la jiimpliiK with Joy
It's l heciiiii.e of two IjiimIcpU
hall uuiiioh hint nlKlit Ihut wenl thr
rlHht wny mid put His Pellriuis
Miiiu k dull limit In tho middle ol
llir Dim. 4 rnce.
Kluiniilh 1'iiIIh nutlnsted Ashland.
3(1111, In it slowed-down mime Ilia I
hurt ii lioiiidul ol luns ynwnliiK
lid hiiollnu.
UiiiiiIn Piihk, In a spoilers' role,
rdurd Medford, 4M4. when Dick
.Imiirn threw III it iiie-iiiiiider hm k
ol Ihn key wllh hIIkIiIIv more limn
k iiiIiiiiU' to mi, llirn fitallnd the
rrii of (he wny.
I. lint lllRhl'H result tiMKl'd Med
lord nnd Klnmitlh Kulls Into n
tlriiillork wllh Juxl IoiiIkIU'ii iiuinc
'Ilm I'livriiicn will nliiy ho.il lo
'Ilie Pels and CilllMlll'H clobc out
Ihelr m;rlHN on I'rlkiili Court nl 8
The luiilor viir.'illirN ol both schools
open Uie snow lit II 46.
Anlilund Couch Clunk JiiiiUitiiii
uiidl tin- only style ol nliiy Unit
could hnve beaten tho luHl-bionk-Init
I'ellriitis nnd lor awhile II
limited like It would work.
Hut Jrrry Johnson puuipcd In
(uii nrt Minis nnd Itulph Cirro!l
added two tlp-lim in I hr hint quur
Irr as the I'cllciuiB finished wllh
ihp bltmenl bulKC of the entire
Aiililiiiid never devlnled Irom II
slow-down pattern. The Orlnxllr
played riilch, liopluu Uie Pellciim
would iii'CNK. But nller the rein
grabbed h lend early in the sec
ond t 8-7. they played n cnl-und-mouse
name with tho Orlzslles. As
a result, A ihliiiul on several occa
sions would have control ol the
bull lor a minute or more, wiiIIIiih
lor a chance lo break Into the
In nc.
'Ihn break mine now mid then,
but the Grltite lor Ihe most part
were missing Ihelr shots or were
fouled In it drive lo Ihe net.
Ashliim! mnde ut one field
goal In Ihe second hull nlonu with
even free thrown.
The Pel" huld a 12-0 lend at
' the hull and ntnnnrd It un lo 17-10
early in Uie third Quarter. But
Ashland Mnrled connectinn on Iree
thrown lo clone It to 17-18 roIiik
Into Ihe fourth frnnie
Thnt'it when the Peln went lo
ork la brenk up Ashland's little
co (trol party.
Cnrroll finished wllh 11 oolnln,
Jn'uiMnn with seven.
Athlnnd inny hnve tried lo run
with Ine Pel", bill llnee reKiilnrn
nnd two part-time hnndn wore
tni'iimit with vnrloun Injuries,
mni i.iNi ii
. r.iuldcn Bill Halllniisworth.- out
villi nn nnkle Injury, remiliirri
Merle Deeln nnd Meivln Taylor
nnd nubs Wlnton Miller nnd Phil
hnnnlne nre also on the sidelines
Another win for Ornntn Pnwi to
nl? ht would hand the district piny-
nlf berth to the Pels without s
ntruRRle provldinu Klnmnth Fnllf
enn Ret over Ashlnnd BRnln.
nut If the expected happens e
win for both Klamath nd Moriford
- then the two tennis Would mix
In n KlnRle-Kame decider for Ihe
rlRht to meet Crnter HlRh for Uie
151st. 4 title nnd berth In thr
tHle tournnment.
rox nrrmt:
Asiii Avn rn rr rr Tr
T Teener., t .. I 3 a I
mum. f . .. ., o i a i
t-lnlnier. e 0 I I
wood! c . . i a i 4
V Teemy, f 0 I t . I
Myrlok 1 1 0 I
rowir . .. . .. o n . I
JvflrlM n 3 0
Grefn - ii o n n
Kll. f
Morton, f ....
Cnrroll. e -
JohnMin, x
rjllmore, g ..
Yount .. ....
10 13 IS
rn it rr tp
.. I 0 S J
... 0 0 0 0
4 3 4 II
..3 1 I 1
Touu io a is
Italflmr Kote: Klninnlh Vll 13
Aahlanri 9 Free thrown mlrd: Ah-land-
-T. Teeney 3. Mllet, Llnlnner.
Wonrta. Jfllrlei. Klamath FalU Rrll 3.
Carroll 4, Ollmorn, Younf. Olllciali:
Pllnk and Bwanann.
MONMOUTH Ml-Thc chnmpion
khlp of the OrcKon CollcKinte Con
ferenco will bo decided In Port
lnnd Sdturduy nlRht In bn.iketbnll
Runic between Vnnport nnd OrCRon
College of Education.
The two tenms rc tied with rec
ords of elRht wins nnd Uiree losses.
On Frldny nlRht OCE defented Vnn
port 55-R2. . Hownrd Sulllvnn, who
cored 18 points, pneed the win
ners. Norm Hubert whs high for
Vnnport wllh 14.
Jayvees Win
Family Feud
KlHiiinlh's Junior Vnrsllv
whipped lis little brothers, the KU
Wlldcnls, 44 lo 33 In the prellml
nnry to the Klnmnlh Fnlls-Ashlnnd
Rdiiie Inst night.
i Tho" Wildcats lend 8-4 with tine
second left to play In the first
ipiiirter when Don Mills snnk a
long one to tic the score. The JVs
drew nhend In the second onnrter
nnd Ruined n 34-14 hnlf time lend.
The Wlldcnls were within six
points of the Junior Vnrsity nt the
end of Ihe third period. 38-34.
Vernon Keller whs IiIrIi with 18
Dolnt. Jim Bevnns, Wlldcnt Ounrd,
Vns next wllh 14.
Salesman to Travel
Selling Athletic Equipment.
Call , in Person
- tf-"1'-
LITTLE JOHNNY O'BRIEN, the miylity mile of Seattle University, doesn't tare how many men' guard him. He still gets
his raft of points. The 5-9 bundle of basketball dynamite w as the first collegian to score 1000. points in a season. He
reached 1000 against Portland Thursday night. At left, Jo hnny looks like a frustrated wrestler as he is closely guarded
by two opponents. The two pictures at right show Johnny's versatility as he attempts to break through the Iron Cur
tain of defenders set up to stop him. His shot (center pictu rc) is blocked by two taller foes. But, at right, he neatly
picks up the blocked ball and drops in a jump shot from a n almost impossible angle at the side.
Lead KF
( Al. lint. IAMIIM,S
I 1.(1011
I .7111
1 .7711
I .IWil
1 .414
1 .444
I .1X1
I .faTHl
I .0W
Mrdlnrd I
Klamalh FalU .
(;ianLi Paia I .
tn Hoy
LaitMdl Valley
Mynlff Point .
Mrdlonl 3
Sri.ll Vallry ..
Hultr Vallny . .
Uianti I'au 3 ..
Mcdloid's crnck rifle tenm Ik ser
lints nbout rcpenlliiR Its win last
yeur In Uie Culliuriilu-OrCKon Rule
Allcr 10 rounds of shooting, the
Medford lemii holds a oiic-riiiiio
lend over M'foiul-plnee Kliiiiin.n
Fnlls, losers to Medford In the
tenth round by a lSHS-iMl sco.e.
'J lie winner of the Kl-U'iim nun
circuit qunllflen fur the suite meet.
II. Ilrltlr ntelth aim :i'(ti K. itlrolwrit
F. Illlall 37(1 370 R. ('lOlcnll
L. CuiiH(-r :u3 373 M. Shallr
C. Ilichniond :imi 371 t. Dlllinan
K. IAI.I.S IIMtl ll.HI.ll M'OTT VI. 1.
W. Opprlt aim a(i7 E. Smllh
J. Plritaa 3114 373 W. Malhewa
H. Blnklcy 3117 3K3 O. Iwli
M. Athtv 373 371' CI Itenilrlckn
1KIKA 1IB17I 113171 ASI.A.MI
O. Urlar .K12 373 A llaaklni
K. l.nna 37(1 3112 O. Howard
II. Mill 3(13 378 R Miller
II. Trlvelntecr :ui4 IB I W. Crandiill
AKdlald t IKHIII 11.1131 l.anirll VU
C. Llrhbrand 3I4 .I'll U ScltlF
C. Charley 37 1 37H III Settle
V. Ituih ;HI1 :till W. Noble
C. Taylor 3114 377 C. Woolen
t:oos nAT iiriiai (iian u. pash s
R. Iltll :lll.l . .'UUl R. ItoherU
W, Rleaeliarff 3111 :)34 W. Kllaaoli
E. "Cooper 37(1 374 R. lleGrneaull
II Potli 37.1 3X1 P. Mauilen
Kelrl.uri (1,1011 .1110) II u 1 1 e Vlv.
W. Jonea 37S 3.VI H Kiellne
U. PailUen 373 37(1 R. Lucaa
II. llmlev 371 377 D. Raellne
II. Uaaui-hamp 3113 333 L- llammorley
nol'Nll I
MllllOlin 1 11,13111 illll.1l llt'TTI! Vl.Y.
D. Bolton :tstl Jtill It. alnelliir
II. Ilelilenrolch 3!lt( 303 R. Lilt-ah
F. Ruah ;U10 37n D. Enrllt e
C. Hlrhinond 37.1 3.17 V. Hamilton
O. I' A SB I (1.1:1111 (11.1111 II. 1'ASB
J. RhhardMin 3112 3711 . II HoberU
l UeUeneiiult ;U12 ;HI.1 ' W. Kllaaon
E. MrAlvane 3(14 373 B. UeGelleuull
G. Butter 3HH 342 P. Mniuirn
VBKKA 1103X1 lllillll RI1SEI1HHU
O. Uelar .107 37.1 W. Joilea
E. I.yona 37(1 374 D. Pnulf.rn
H. Mill, 371 31,0 II. Ballev
H. Trlvelptece 3114 371 H. lleauclianiD
V. Illlall 3110 :nl E. Rmllh
E. Ilvall 374 3(Hi W. Malhewa
C. Taylor 3H0 :il(4 O. Lcwia
v, (.Oliev .ill. .ill I. urnuniB.
U. FALLS 11,13111 IIV'71 ASII1.AMI
W. Oimell 3114 1 311.1 R. Mill- I
J. Frellaa :U1I :UU Van Uuaklik
B. Blnkley 3112 3111 W. Crnndall
M. Alhev 3113 370 E. Ilrown
COOS HAY (I3II3I llllrjl I.AM.I.I.l. Vl.Y.
H. Hill 373 373 1J. srntlie
W. RleaeberE 372 372 M. Settle
H. Pottl 370 3111 W. Noble
L. Howley 3H.0 3HH C. Woolen
ROI1N1I 10
Mi:nionii t 1 1 mi) ii.iii i. r.iss t
C. Charley 371 ;(7n R. rtoberta
V. Ilvall 371 3.13 W. tllaaou
E. Hva 370
C. Taylor 373
11. PASS I (lollHl (14X1) MYRTLE PT.
J. Rli'hardaon 37B 373 R. RleaelicrA
L. DeUnnoau I 373 377 K. llullon
Ci. Butler 300 373 M. Shatter
C. Jonea 371 :ll E. Dlltni.in
ASHLAND 1,1111 llllllll SI (11 I VI. V
A. Ilaaklna 37H .370 J. Frv
O. Howard 3110 370 K. Smllh
Van Buakirk 37H 37.1 O. Lewla
W. Crandall 3111 373 G. Henilrlrka
MKlll(IKI) II.V.'J) (1.111) K. FALLS
D. Bolton 37(1 :IH3 W. Onnelt
II. Heldenralch 3117 371 B. Blnkley
F. Rllah 3IIH 377 A. Slroud
C. Rlehmond 3im 30 W. Hall
R. Hill 374 371 R. Eaellne
W. Rleaeberl 370 370 R. l.uraa
H. rnilfl ;n .1.1 u, untune
L. Howley 37(1 370 V. Hamilton
YRF.KA (1.133) (1,119) I.ANIIKI.L I'll.
O. Deter 3lm 303 O. Settle
Lyona i 377 , ;ui4 M. seme
H. MIIH ' 37T ' 3B0 W. Noble
II. Tiivelpfere lino 373 c. uenrborn
Hollywood. Cnllf. VlrHll Ak-
Ins, 135, St. Louis, stopped Henry
Dnvls, 1313, Honolulu, 9.
New Orlciuis Walter Hnlnes,
145 Ii. New Orlcnns. otituolnted
Freddie Dawson, 146 , Chlcn
o,, 10.. . .
People DO TOO
i read small space
I ads - you are!
i "
'David' Shows Goliaths
"i ii.yiiywwi'.wfJ?-''''''i;T
. ..-VV'.. I n I ni (1 II Ail. II I
. .. 1
6 Pel
Salem In
CORVAI.LIS (Pi Hillsboro
Snlem and Klamath Foils loomed
ns Involllej to capture the state
luuh school wrestllim tournnment
niter second round matches were
completed here Friday night.
Snlem led In Falls with 6, Hills,
boro, close behbid had 5. The Pel
icans mnnaocd only one fnll but
sun nnvc men leu in the tourna
ment which rocs Into the semi
final round Saturday afternoon.
Hillsboro entered the semifinal
round with 6 men remaining In
contention while Snlem had 5 and
Newborn and Cnnby had 4 each.
Flnnls will be Saturday night In
tho Oregon State College men's
Pelicans left In this nfternoon's
semi-finals were Carl Stewart in
uie 100 - pound division; Orvlllc
Swindler, 123, state champion In
the 106-pound class; Jnv Dearing
nnd Perry Wllllnms, 130; Roland
Blehn, 141; and Dean Johnson,
Stewart bent Horton of Beaver
ton In the first round, Kim of Can
by In second round.
Swindler got by Bechalne of Os
wego and GraUi of Albany.
Doarlng dcclsioned Largetl,
Snlem, and Earl, Dallas.
Williams won over Brown Mc
Mlnnvllle, and Engle. Salem.
Blehn eliminated Friesen. Dnl.
las, and Syverson, Ncwberg. !
Johnson defeated Mnnsflcld. Mc-'
Mlnnvllle. and Wargnler, Snlem. '
Pelicans winning first round
matches, but knocked out In the ,
second round, were Don Dexter,
115; George Knight. 115; and
heavyweight Vernon Pryor.
Chiefs Wait
NCAA Berth
SEATTLE m Seattle Univer
sity, which ended Its regular sea
son on the glory rond Friday night
with a 75-69 victory over Portland
University, waited hat-in-hnnd Snt-
urdny for an NCAA tournament
The Chieftains hnve had their
eyes riveted all the wny on the
NCAA rcglonnl tournament at Cor
vallls in mid-March and covet one
of the two at-lnrge berths.
"its going to be hard for the
NCAA selection committee to pass
us up now," said Coach Al Biignt
mnn after his team closed out lis
schedule with a record of 29 wins
and seven losses.
As usual, Johnny O'Brien, the
nation's all-time lending bn.sketbnll
scorer, sparked the Chiefs to
their triumph Friday night. The
"Super Chief" dunked In 24 points
to run his season's record to 1,030
points 60 higher than ever scored
by a collcglnn before.
The win was Ihe second straight
for Scnttle over Portland and spilt
their four-gnnie scries. The Chiefs
won Thursday night, 79-15.
build mm FOR IU3
VfKMIN roo
m m urn.
in IByspimess
i mmim i
Li i iinmift"T ss-m fmmmlttm j
illaimen Left
0lTS -SlACKf
Cloth lint
U 15 ANO rIN
"I'm sorry, but you newspaper
men will have to clear off the
field and interview the players
after the practice lame!"
W I, Pet.
Schmeck'a ..52 as .6.10
Schoop-Schuli 43 3.1 .5(1:1
Roundup ...40 40 ,500
Molatore's 3H 41 ,4aa
Marvln'a 36 44 .490
Lowell'a Lockera aa 51 .350
Laat IVtek'l Reaultl
Roundup 3 Shoop-Schulz I
Lowell'a 3 Marvln'a 2
Schmeek'i 3 Molalore'a 1
Roundup's 2661 series Inst week
was good enough to rate third h'sh
position for the season In the Lady
bug league, topped only bv Mar
vin's 2669 and Shoop-SChuIz' 2665.
The Roundup gals also rolled Ihe
high game, an 896.
Mary Bothwell, ex-city bowling
champ rolling for the league-lending
Schmeck's team, notched the
high Individual series, 527, while
Barbara Wade, Lowell's, had the
high game, a 196.
Bruce Hnle, former player-coach
of Ihe Indianapolis Olympians In
the NBA, is now a member of the
officiating ranks of the basketball
open under new management
Phone 2-2606
By The Associated Press
Oregon State rose up from the
depths Friday night to beat Ore
gone in a bitter game and Wash
ington trounced Its cross-state ri
val, Washington State, handily in
Northern Division Pacific Coast
Conference play.
The Oregon State' 55-52 victory,
the team's third win in 15 con
ference games, knocked Oregon out
of any chance to tie for second
place in the league standings, giv
ing the berth to Idaho which has
finished its season. Washington
trounced Washington State 75-37.
Bob Houbregs, Washington high
scoring center, tallied 20 of 47 need
ed points to break the Northern
Division record of 265 held by Jack
Nichols of Washington. His night's
bag brought his season total to 239.
He left the game early in the last
quarter but still - has one more
game to set a new mark. -
In a tingling finish, Oregon State
staved off a last-minute Oregon
bid which cut its lead to one point,
with 50 seconds to go. But Capt.
Ken Hunt of Oregon missed a long
desperation shot with 10 seconds
left and Jack Orr bagged a cripple
for the Beavers for the last two
points. Chet Noe of Oregon was
high for the game with 17 points.
The teams meet again Saturday
night to wind up the regular sea
son play.
Friday night's games saw one
record tied and another broken.
Capt. Ken Hunt of Oregon be-,
came the first player In Northern
Division history under six feet in
height to score more than 200
points. His 14 against OSC boosted
his season's total to 207 with a
game to go. The previous small
plaver mark of 187 was set in 1936
byWally Palmberg of OSC-
Washlngton State's Eric Roberts
equalled the free throw record of
77 established in 1948 by Nichols.
Roberts hit six from the gift line
against Washington.
Two starters on Duke's basket
ball team Bill Fleming and Rudy
D'F.niilio attended the same high
school, Northeast, High of Philadel-
pnia, fa. . '
3 Teams
In State
Associated Press Sports Writer
Scappoose Joined the Portland
League's two top teams, Lincoln
and Cleveland, in the Oregon High
School Basketball Tournament by
edging Clatskanle, 61-59, Friday
Scappoose, Lincoln and Cleveland
are the only three teams assured
of berths In the 16-team tourney,
l- be played at, Eugene March 19
22. fjcappoose, representing Dis
trict 14, will meet the District 5
winner, expected to be Marshfleld,
in the opening round
La Grande, rated No. 8 in the
Prep poll, clinched the District 1
Western Sub-Division Champion
ship by defeating Baker, 48-45. It
will meet Vale, the Eastern Sub
Division titllst, for the District
crown and a state tourney berth.
The Dalles waB upset by Hood
River, 48-45, thereby losing a
chance to clinch the District 2
Western Sub-Division title and en
ter the district play-off with Pen
dleton, the Eastern Sub-Division
winner. The Dalles and Hood River
meet again Saturday night, to de
cide the Western Championship.
Oregon City and Milwaukee won
their way Into the final of the
Clackamas County District 12 play
off. Oregon City walloped West
Linn. 65-42. while Milwaukle down
ed Lake Oswego, 57-35. The win
ners will meet next Friday for the
District title.
Hillsboro moved a step closer to
the District B championship by 1e
fea.ing Tigard, 54-46, in the third
round of a double-elimination tour
nament. Beaverton, which eliminated
Banks'55-27. and Tigard will clash
Saturday night. The winner will
meet Hillsboro, unbeaten in the
tourney, Tuesday night. A Hills
boro victory in that one would give
it the title. If It loses, a final
play-off game will be necessary
TOURNEYS Three 'other district tournament
got under way Friday night.
Newberg shaded Salem Academy
66-54, and Wlllamina beat Sheridan,
47-44. to open the District 8 single
elimination play-offs.
The tourney favorites see action
Saturday night. Mc Minnville. rank
ed No. 5 in the state AP poll,
plays Dallas, and Dayton, unbeat
en in high school competition,
meets Central Union of Monmouth
Independence. Newberg clashes with Taft In
still another game. The semi-finals
end final will be played next week
nd. t-u. -..un. rna.1 Ttltti-tnt 10 rlnll.
ui. .iin,in.tUn TVt..mamnt nnenefl
with Astoria, the favorite, defeat
ing Tillamook, 55-51. and Seaside
routing warrenton, oi-w. eeasiae
meets Astoria and Tillamook plays
warrenton (Saturday nigni,.
nieiln, 11 tamD rM.ofln another
Salem, the favorite and ranked No.
10 in the state, defeated its towns-
,v DaTMl Moo rt Kooe.
Woodburn trounced North Marion,
The Saturday night schedule pits
Silverton against Stayton and Mt.
Angel against Cascade Union-
Thursday night, remained in the
Lnsirici 9 western Duo-uivision
.,1..,, ..... .v,n It mamnaH Mvrtl
Creek, 72-48. The winner will meet
Marshfleld, rated No. 4 in tne state,
for the district title.
DiMag Returns
For One
HOLLYWOOD ( Baseball star
Joe DiMaggio is coming out of re
tirement for one afternoon, any
Chairman Newt Small said Sat
urday that DiMaggio has accepted
an invitation to play in tne annual
Klwanis crippled children's base
ball game at Gilmore Field March
Tule Trims
Sacred Heart
The Tulelake Honkers handed
the Sacred Heart Trojans their
come - uppance on the winners'
court last night by a 82-71 count.
The Honkers led ail tne way. as
Jack Avres pumped in 22 points,
Jerry King and Rex Oslen added
16 ana ll. Jim Manoney ana nay
Beard led the Trojans with 25 and
The Tulelake B team beat the
Trobabes, 51-44, In the preliminary.
SAC. RT 171) (SS) TUI.Bl.AltK
Mahonay JS r IS KlnK
Koch . r aa Aer
Pratt C IT R. OUen
Beard 30 G - 11 Goldblatt
Howard 14 O Snort
Sacred Heart auba Neubert 3 Heldtr
er 4. McAndrawa. Tulelaka aubs P.
Olaen. Manceau 2. Pederaen. Sowlea S.
"Yes, son, I've just sowed a crop
that will really bear fruit re
tirement assurance in the Bun
Life Assurance Company of
Canada. And the same policy
provides that if anything hap
pens to me while we still have
a mortgage, the farm will be
clear of debt for your mother."
No farmer should be without
this protection .
Nt 7777 t4rt
Dirt. Aft.
(nn itker
College Basketball
By The Associated Press
Wyoming 69 Colorado 39
Washington 75 Washington Stats 17
California 66 Stanford 62
San Francisco 69 College of Pa
cific 62
Brlgham Young 76 Colorado AA;M
UCLA 66 8ovthem California 61
Oregon State (6 Oregon 62
Colorado State 65 Western State 47
Seattle 75 Portland 6ft
Willamette 79 Pacific 55
San Jose State 58 San Diego State
Oregon Education 56 Vanport 62
Santa Clara 72 Honolulu Universal
59 .
Los Angeles Loyola 64 Calif Poly 49
Washington State Jayvees 67 Wash
ington Jayvees 65
Seattle U. Papooses 79 Everett Jun
ior College 67
Missouri 53 Iowa State 49
Valparaiso 55 Washington (St. Lou
is) 43
Case 81 John Carroll 58 ,
New Mexico Western 62 St. Mi
chaels 61
Columbia 83 Dartmouth 50
Princeton 65 Harvard 55
St. Francis I Pa.,) 71 Hartwick 87
Buffalo State 65 Allegheny 63 (over
time) Rhode Island 98 Providence 12
Duke 94 North Carolina 64,
Cincinnati 82 William and Mary 76
George Washington 57 Maryland 58
Davidson 73 Loyola (Baltimore) 65
Richmond 83 Randolph-Macon 63
Southeast Conference Tourney
Kentucky 85 Tulane 61
Tennessee 61 Alabama 60
Louisiana State 75 Mississippi 60
Florida 66 Vanderbllt 63 (overtime)
NAIB Tourney
P-Mh Region)
First Round
Tampa 79 Stetson 64
Florida state Tt Miami tria.i iu
By The Associated Press
R-7 Snh. District Tournament
Stanfield 53 Umapine 44 (Fifth
Athena 73 Helix 55 (8ixth place)
Grant Union 48 Mt. Vernon 40
A-ll District Tournament
(First Round)
Woodburn 59 North Marion 41
Salem 52 Sacred Heart (Salem) 36
A-12 District Tournament
Oregon City 55 West Linn 42
Milwaukle 57 Lake Oswego 35
Linn County B xournamem
, (Final)
Harrlsburg 46 Sclo 35
A-S Sub-District Tournament
Reedsport 72 Myrtle Creek 48
Marlon County lournmmcni
Sublimity 46 Gates 35
Mill City 54 Jefferson 46
A- District Tournament
(First Round)
Willamina 47 Sheridan 44
Newberg 66 Salem Academy 51
A-i District Tournament
Beaverton 65 Banks 27
(Banks Eliminated)
Hillsboro 54 Tigard 46
A-lt District Tournament
(First Round)
Seaside 51 Warrenton 40
Astoria 55 Tillamook 61
Portland League
Lincoln 70 Benson 39
Grant 71 Washington 56 ,
Cleveland 65 Franklin 49
Jefferson 62 Roosevelt 60 (over
time) Other Scores
Central Catholic 77 Columbia Prep
50 (Both Portland)
Gresham 60 Sandy 47
Klamath Falls 26 Ashland II
Monroe 44 Alsea 37
Albany 53 Corvallis 39
Parkdale 61 Maupin 44
Cascade Locks 59 Corbctt 44
Nestucca 55 Tillamook Catholic 38
Garibaldi 70 Nehalem 52
Mosier 36 St. Mary's (The Dalles)
Hoed River 48 The Dalles 46
La Grande 48 Baker 45
Parkrose 70 Rainier 68
Sweet Home 54 Lebanon 41
Scappose 61 Clatskanle 59
Grants Pass 45 'Medford 44
Spray 56 Dayvllle 44
lv Itta AMw.mtaMl Vrmnm
One Year Ago Today Mai
Whitfield won the 800-meter run in
the Pan-American games at Buenos
Aires in 1:53.2.
Five Years Ago Olhaverry,
15-1 shot, won the $100,000 Santa
Anita handicap; Armed, the fa
vorite, finished fifth.
Ten Years Ago Torger Tokle
broke American ski Jump record
with a leap of 289 feet at lorn
Mountain, Mich.
Twenty Years Ago Lefty
Grove signed with A's after holding
out for a salary increase.
Freshmen Win
Gerald B e v a n s" freshmen
whipped the Grants Pass frosh yes
terday afternoon to the tune of 63
to 23. '
The KU frosh scored almost at
will against the Grants Pass fresh
men. Jumping to a 15-2 first quar
ter lead, widening it to 32-10 at
the end of the first half.
The win was sweet revenge for
the 41-37 defeat the Grants Pass
freshmen gave the KU boys at
Grants Pass.
wanted for Klamath
and Lake Counties. Call
2-0131 between 12 and 5
For appointments.
,8 complete cleaning
" and polishing units
, in one-Ask for free
h o me demonstra
tion. Phone 2:0131
. ' v.'
1, l&Slmmm.
. . . back with headlocks
Inks Tag
Promoter Mack Llllard Is serv
ing up another helping of Wednes
day's tag team match for wrest
ling patrons.
The four principals Soldat and
Ivan Gorky and the Yorg Cretor-ian-Kurt
Von Poppenhclm team
will have to play for keeps this
time because the Russians are put
ting up their trophy emblematic of
the Pacflc Coast tag team title.
The trophy will be on display at
the Oregon Woolen Store,
The match ended In a draw the
first time.
Such won't be the case Wednes
day, Llllard said, because there'll
be no time limit attached.
The Russians are angry. They
feel their reputation was smeared
by letting cretorian and von rop
get a draw.
The Proud Prussian can ba
blamed for that. He escaped a
headlock and shoved Soldat Into
Cretorian, the latter wrapped up
for delivery In Ivan's headlock.
The Gorky boys were figuring
on cracking their opponents' heads
like turkey eggs. But instead 8ol
dat got the treatment he cooked
up, along with Cretorian.
Both were counted out In a weird
ending. .
Lillard has signed popular Geor
ges Dusette for a return here. The
French-Canadian Hercules win lace
Buck Weaver it the one-hour open
er. The tag rematch Is expected to
lure a larger crowd than last week
when seats were at a premium.
Castleberry Drughs have reserved
ducats on sale.
Malin In
Gun Wins
Klamath ralla
Lansell Valley
Butte Valley ...
Mooae ...
Amancan Legion
Malin stayed a jump ahead of
Klamath Falls in the Midland Em
pire Rifle League after recent
rounds of shooting.
Both won, Malin out-shooting
Chiloquin 1858-1840 and Klamath
Falls defeating Langell Valley
In other matches, Butte Valley
split, losing to Moose and beating
the American Legion team. . -
Box ecorea:
it. rAixt asm) mat) lanobm.
Op pelt 384 377 . M. fetUe
Blnkley XRO 374 B. Noble
Hall 3B0 363 D- Settle
TaUow 37 374
Morian 378 374 W. Noble
r. Vlctorine 3B 38J
Haley 375 37S Baldwin
B. Vlctorine 373 388 Jack
Chotard 363 .Kid Brautlacht
Van Meter 360 Zi , .Da-rtd
Thoellca 371 37 Hunter
turner 111 W ii""
Waanburn ass 363 Tlaher
Caxland 364 364
Cross 3S3 363 Eselln
Boyae 3S3 367 Hunter
Walder 35S 387 Lucaa
Tellln 353 384 Va ton
Hamm 333 363 Bjelln.
Hartley 328 363 riaher
Russians In
HELSINKI Wl The Soviet Un
ion will participate in all events
In the summer Olympics here and
.v.. Cn.,iAf thlataka era. tn live tn
the Olympic village. This was an
nounced Baiuraay oy uie uchu ui
the Russian Olympic Committee,
Adrianov. -.
t.nlo rVuaai TlorVeT
Seattle 2. Vancouver 1
Victoria 7, New Westminster 4
Saskatoon. 7, Edmonton 3
Thoroughly Modern
Jtt. and Mrs. J. B. Karley
and Jot Eariey
W 1. et
.- 7 1 J7S
a .tso
, ., , S -161
S I ."Wt
a a w
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