"I Won't She , i WORKING TOGETHER Members of the Klamath Air Search and Res cue Unit and the U.S. Air Force have been working as a single team on the search for the Air Force C-47 which vanished with eight men after flying over Klamath Falls, Dec. 2 0. Above left, "Pappy" Newlun, veteran KASRU pilot, talks things over with S-Sgt. Robert E. Luckie and Capt, B. M. Fletcher, of IMtnllton Field. Center picture shows Lt. D. A. Fitzgerald, McChord Field, KASRU pilot Ed Scholer and KASRU Pres. Vic Douglas checking an aerial map. The picture at the right shows S-Sgt. R. G. llatlett donning a pack with the aid of Cpl. H. P. Mulholland. Both men are based at Hamilton. IjlTlic By FRANK JDNKINS Yddlprdny, In th cournc of the comliiKly endlciu wrniiKlo that by courtesy w term tho Korean arnil wtlca negotlnUons, our nlde told the commlrii thai wo FINALITY AND IRREVOCABLY REJECT Ruiuila member of a "neutral Hiiper vlnory commliuilon" to police n armUtlce In Korea In the event bii armistice nhould bo nurrcd upon. Today North Korean Conimunlut Colonel Chanu Chun Ban replies bluntly: "I hereby declare that our Mdr will KTKRNALLY RKJKCT YOUR OPPOSITION TO RUSSIA and will continue our rejection un til you withdraw your unreason able objection." Query: Do you reckon we're Rolnir (o find out, after all these ycani, what really happens when an lr reMiblo lorca meets an lininovublc body 7 Or Is It Just more talk? By the way What do you think would happen In this cuuntry If our upper diplo matic and military ' brass-hould negotiate an armistice In Kumii and then should ACCKPT RU8HIA as a member of Uio "neutral" com mission to suiervlso and Inspect such an armistice? I'd like to think that we'd ALL vole aualnsl ANY administration that aitreed to such an absurdity. In fact, I DO Uilnk to. I'm going to no on thlnklmr It. But I wish I could be SURE of It. We stand for so muny silly Ihlnss In campalxn years that wo might even stand lor that. Tho University of Notro Dame tsoulh Bend, Indlanu) Is apparently watching Its financial p s and q s. Its vice-president In chariie of business affairs noticed a while back that many students were not drinking all their milk at break fast, so he boueht smaller milk glasses, The new glasses went on the tables this morning and tno students promptly got mad and SMASHED THEM. I suppose we'd a' well caption that: "This Modern World Noto" and let It go at that. From Reno: "Burglars entered tho home of a millionaire Investment broker yes terday and made oft with a unto containing noma 2, 500,000 ( 2't, mil lion dollars) In cash, Jewelry and negotiable securities. They left bc ,hli!d another million dollars In securities packed In a suitcase, detectives reported." Miffed by the published esti mates of the value df the loot, the broker said: "The amount should not have been given out becnuse II will only arouse curiosity. " W-o-o-l-l-M I'd say that IP HE HAS PAID HIS JUST AND PROPER TAXES he's quite correct In IiIh complaint. He has a right to own that much property, nnd If ho chooses to do so he has a right to keep lt In a tin can on the shelf over tho kitchen sink. Thin Is still a free country FOR THOHK WHO HAVE PAID THEIR TAXES. . Red Cross Drive Opens Klamath County's Red Cross clrlvo got off to a fast start to day official opening day of thin year's drive with a total of $4543 already collected, Exec. Secy. Vir ginia DIxou reported this morning. Business division was leading the field with a total of $2002 al ready reported. Advanced gifts has bucketed a total of $1304, Industry a total of (878.50, rural $308.50 and special groups $55. No figures were nvallablc from the residential areas today, though reports coming In indicated a good response from that division. Thin year's drive quota Is S25.000. s DIKS NEW YORK Ml Keats Sncod. iVho was executive editor of The Wew York Sun from 1043 until it itvas merged with Tho New York JWor.Vl-Telegram, died Saturday. Ilo waa 72. years old. ni in..- Bay's ite T iii lift' f4i mittMi'liliinii!iMiifWMiiiVW Price Klve Cents 14 rates Paul Reynaud Takes Over As New French Boss; Some See Major Shakeup Coming By CARL IIARTMAN PARIS I Paul Reynaud, the financial wizard who led France In her fall before the Germans, aot on 10 a quicK start ualurduy In his first attempt to head a new kind of rreucu poM-war govcritmcnt. , , There were Indications that If he can win office he will net 1111 a Strong Cabinet of technicians and start a thorough-going shakcun of the unstublo French political svs- torn. The 13-year old veteran politician won the unanimous support of the members of Parliament in his own loosely-organized Conservative par ly, tile Union of Independents and Peasants, That virtually assured him of 103 votes In the National As sembly. Ho needs 313 to bo con firmed as premier. Full support of the party was of- Prisoner Says 'Worked Over' Police Chief Orvllle Hamilton this morning said he would Inves tigate fully the claim of a prisoner Uiat he was "worked over In the Jail by two officers yesterday aft ernoon, ono of them named John nie." In Municipal Court Uils morning Jessio Trujlllo, 30, of Dexter, Ore., complained to Judgo Robert Elder that he had been slapped around and Utat his ribs hurt. Judge El der said, "We'll soon find out II that's true." Trujlllo, arrested Friday for vag rancy, was taken to the Chief and two other prisoners brought Into to see If Uiey would verify TruJIllos claim. Rudolph Chcraldo, arrested yes terday for being drunk, said he was still too drunk when Trujlllo was taken from tho drunk tank to romcmbcr anything. Pcto Bocard, a trusty, who for some unknown reason had been placed In the drunk tank, said he only hrartl an officer ask Trujlllo when ho was going to leave town. Hamilton quoted Bocard an saying he didn't hear or see anvthlng un usual going on outaldo the cell. Hamilton said tho Inst time Tru jlllo was In Jail Jan. 20, he claimed being- sick and asked to be taked to tho hospital. Curfew Violations Lead To Jail Terms For Two Youths Two-18-year-old youths received five-day City Jail terms on vag rancy convictions (being out after hours) In Municipal Court today. Four tuvonilo boys, apprehended nt 2:30 a, m. by City Police at Esplanade and Michigan with the other two, were turned over . to juvenile authorities for investiga tion of Inking a car from Jucke- lnnd Truck nnd Snlcs Servlco Inc. used enr lot last night. Johnny Junior Hawkins, 3153 Lodl St., and Wnyno Byrd, 315 E. Main, pleaded Ruilty to the vng rancy charges, Hawkins Is currently free on $1,000 ball from District .Court awaiting grand Jury Investigation on charge ol entering a motor ve hicle with Intent to steal. Hawkins was one of tho four boys accused of nttempting to steal beer Dec. 0, 1051, from Western Whole- nalers, 1003 E. Mnin. The other three Involved in Unit charge got Hp," Says Lost Mr hm Captain's KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, fered to Revnaud "for the forma tlon of a government of national union, demanded by the country and necessary for tho safety of tno iranc. Reynaud forced a devaluation of Uw frano in 1U38, when he became finance minister in a situation much like the ono that laces France today: A mounting debt both Inside and outsldo the country, a drain on Uic gold reserves of the Bank of France and a heavy re-urmamcnt pro gram. Reynaud laid out a full program of high-level financial and political conferences Saturday. His most Im portant visitor of the morning was ex-Prcmicr Kcne Pleven. In a chat with reporters after ward, Pleven strengthened the Idea that a Reynaud Cabinet would make thorough-going changes In tho French political system. Roy. naud Is known to be partial to the men. A "national union," Cabinet, emoracing all parties but the Com' munlsts, might enable him to do tnih. O rd I n a r v Frenchmen greeted Reynaud's return to high politics with mixed emotions. Many have not lorgiven him for his World War II role which nut old Marshal Phi lippe Pctaln In power to co-operate witn mo Nazis. "Anrlol calls on Reynaud the gravcdlgger," screamed a banner line on the Communist paper, L'Humonite. "He will bring in De Gaulle Just as he brought In Pe toln." But others conceded Reynaud his reputation as a financial expert which France needs now. Friends soy Financial Wizard Reynaud has a plan to deal with the emergency. If ho has. lt will need to be a good one. France Is so near broke that caretaker Premier Faurc had to borrow another 35 billion francs (70 million dollars) Friday from the government-owned Bank of France to pay current expenses. Weather FORECAST: Klamath Falls and vicinity fair thraiich Sunday, high 40, low 17. Northern California, few scattered light showers Satur day night, snow In mountains: raider Saturday night. High Friday ,, 35 Low last night 15 (Additional Weather en Page 4) two years probation In Circuit Court, two of them, Sheldon Aber crombio and Kenneth Lowry have had their probations revoked and are In the County Jail, . Tho four Juveniles accused of taking tho car from Juckelands were held In the City Jail over night and questioned further by Juvenllo Officer Frank Mathews this morning. Mathews said complaints would probably be filed in Juvenile Court against the four for taking an auto without the owner's consent. Byrd was in Municipal Court Friday morning and fined $10 on pleading guilty to charge of viola tion of the basic rule. Officers said ho wns speeding on Mnin St. Thursday night. Friday Judao Elder told Byrd he didn't want to see him back - In court again, and if he were to come buck he wouldn't get off so easily. SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1S52 IUI iru GENE BAILIE, local photo shop operator, was snapped by . the 9 o'clock camera man as today's special. Korean Tank Battles Flare SEOUL im United Nations tanks Saturday rumbled into action on the muddy Korean war front for the second straight day. A tank-Infantry - raiding unit, backed up by Intense artillery fire, hammered Red targets south of Pyonggang on the Central Front for more than an hour at dawn. Chinese artillery and mortar fire damaircd two of the tanks. The Tanks were pulled back to Allied lines. That brought to 12 the number of Allied tanks destroyed or dam aged Friday and Saturday. Allied fighter bombers balanced off part of this loss Saturday after noon. The Mustangs and Marine Corsairs caught a camouflaged Red tank convoy north of pyonggang and destroyed Uiree and badly damaged six. Pyonggang Is the apex of the "Iron Triangle," once a Commu nist troop staging area. U.N. infantrymen fought off a company of charging Chinese In darkness near Chorwon on the Cen tral Front In the small hours Satur day. Maher Pasha Flees Office CAIRO. Eavot HI r- Prime Min ister Aly Maher Pasha resigned Saturday and reliable Informants snid Ahmed Nngulb Al Hilary Pa sha, 80, an Independent, has been appointed to succeed him. Manor rasna s resignation came lust as new talks were to have tnken nlnce aimed at settling Egypt's bitter feud with Britain. Stalking grim-faced from an hour long Cabinet meeting, he Informed reporters that ne nad quit, nut gave no reason. Hilaly Pasha, one of Egypt's top Jurists, has a nation-wide reputa tion for honesty, firmness and in dependence. For years he has been an active nationalist lenaer. ne had been a member of the majori ty Wafd Party, but wns expelled last November after testifying that the Wnfd government had author ized telephone tupping. it-. t No. 5754 L Loss Said Well Over Two Million RENO. Nev. U) Bumlars en tered yie home, of a millionaire iuj -'esimcni oroser rnaay ana maae off with a safe containing some $2, 500.000 in cash. Jewelry, and nego tiable securities. They left behind another million In securities packed In a suitcase, detectives reported. . The theft was discovered by the broker. L. V, Redfield, and police when he returned home from an afternoon luncheon. His watchdog, described as vicious by friends, was In a bedroom happily munch ing a hambone taken from the re frigerator. Redfield and Police Chief L. R. Grecson both refused to estimate the loss, but a report released by District Attorney Jack Streeter showed these figures: Currency: $300,000. Jewelry; Between $50,000 and $100,000. Negotiable securities: Between one and two million. Miffed about this estimate, Red field said: "The amount should not have been given out because it will only arouse curiosity." Police are seeking a dark green pickup truck believed to have been used to haul away the 500-pound safe. ' Redfield and his wife have lived in the three-story 15-rooih house without servants the past seven years. Redfield, 54, moved to Reno 18 years ago from Los Angeles where he made a fortune dealing In oil stocks. He was described by a Reno busi ness associate, who refused to be identified, 'as "the shrewdest man In the financial world today." He said Redfield owned vast amounts of real estate and commented "this (the burglary) won't hurt Red field." Probationer Gets Term Fred Lee Tledtka, 28, of 5055 Harlan Dr., given two chances to go straight, tripped up a third time and is bound or five years In the State Prison. Tledtka was brought into Circuit Court Friday afternoon on viola tion of probntion (writing an $8.50 fictitious check). He wns given five years proba tion In January, 1951, on convic tion of obtaining money by false pretenses and given a second chance when be broke tho proba tion last July. Tledtka told Judge David R. Vanrienhnror he had been maklns $14 a day working at a local mill and could give no reason lor writ ing the bum check. Giles French, Telephone 8111 Seat. Visits Klamath County Giles French, intent on getting to Congress, Is In the Klamath area now to get a first-hand irllmnso of problems he'll be ex pected to wrestle with if he Is elected. French, Moro newspaper publish er and veteran of tne Oregon Legislature, is seeking the Repub lican nomination to Congress from 2 Americans Injured In China Riot HONG KONG WU-Two American government officials were among a dozen persons injured Saturday as Communist-led riots erupted in Hong Kong's teeming Kowloon sec tion. U.S. Vice Consul Robert Ballan tyne, Tulsa, Okla., and Jack Watts Leach, Oklahoma City, U.S. In formation Service officer, were stoned by rioters as they strolled tnrougn Kowioon. Ballantyne was hit in the fore head and one stitch was required to close the cut. Leach was less seriously hurt. The rioters grabbed cameras both men were carrying. The mob dragged the unidenti fied driver of a British army track out of the cab then set fire to the vehicle. Two other Britons were given first aid treatment at Kowloon Hos oital. Several other foreigners were at tacked, but not seriously hurt., " '"Trie "rioting- followed a" "brief pa rade oy an omciauy estimated 4,500 persons who had gathered at Kowloon station to greet a cmnese Communist "comfort mission.' The demonstrators began rioting after covernment officials refused the Red delegation Dermission to enter this British crown colony. Windows were broken and two pri vate cars overturned. Some members of the mob car ried banners reading: "The 100 years' debt is not paid yet. No matter how they try to hide it we will remember lt." This was an obvious reference to Britain's acquisition of Hong Kong in 1841. A tense quiet returned to the area after 40 minutes and the gov ernment announced that "normalcy was restored." Police mobilized tne coionys 1.500 "special constabulary volun teers", presumably as a precau tionary measure. Kennel Club Plans Show The annual Klamath Kennel Club's AKC-sanctioned non - point local dog show has been scheduled for Sunday, Mar. 9, at the County Fairgrounds, Club Pres. Forrest Albert announced today. Purebred entries mav be made by calling 2-1456 or 4356, or may be made at the door up to 12:30 p. m. of the show day. Papers are not necessary. Albert said the show serves a double purpose: to stimulate local interest for the forthcoming Big American Kennel Club show here Aug. 31 and to provide proceeds for trophies for that show. A special trophy donated by Pe kinese Breeder Anna Young, Port land, will be presented best local Pekinese. Mrs. Helen Maring, Portland, will be show Judge. Adler Files For Coroner Dr. George H. Adler today filed for re-election as County Coroner, a Job he has held for years. He will seek the Democratic nomination and probably will be the only candidate on the primary ballot. The Republicans have not put up a candidate. - The job of coroner Is paid on a fee basis and the duties include Investigation of violent deaths. The term Is four years. Candidate For the 2nd District, the seat being vacated by Lowell Stockman. He probably Is the strongest and most experienced of the three Re p ulican candidates for the Job. The others are State Sen. Sam Coon of Baker, who has served in the Legislature one session, and Lt. Ernest Frederick Hlnkle of The Dalles, an Air Force officer. French has been In the Oregon By WALLACE MYERS Attractive young Mrs. Vernon Moe, whose husband was co-pilot on an Air Force transport which vanished in this 1 area Dec. 26 with eight men aboard, says Captain Moe had premonition that his flight would run into trouble. And three nights ago, Mrs. Moe had a dream in which her husband talked to her and mentioned a "landing at , day." At that time, Mrs. Moe said she did not know there was a small town named Day which is in the search area. When Mrs. Moe did learn of Day, Calif., a small timber town 80 air miles south of Klamath Falls, she came here to confer with Air Force and Klamath Air Search and Res cue men conducting the search. Mrs. Moe, a petite brunette, and her brother, Bart Whistler, arrived here from the Moe's Vallejo home last night. Doug Howser, KASRU pilot, talked to Mrs. Moe lasf night and agreed to fly her over the Day area tomorrow morning. This morning, this reporter, had a long talk with Mrs. Moe in her hotel suite. The tiny brunette, her bobbed curls ' still tousled from sleep, said she had not given up hope her husband was still alive. ' "I won't quit hoping until I see something definite "with my own eyes," she said calmly. Bus Strike Set Tonight SAN FRANCISCO 11 Rnme 3,500 Pacific Greyhound bus driv ers and station employes were making preparations to strike at midnight Saturday night in seven western states after wage and hour negotiations bogged down Fri day. ' The AFL Motor Coach EmDloves Union informed its members a strike seemed inevitable and made arrangements to stop all buses at station points at midnight if nego tiations tail Saturday. Federal Conciliator Omar Hos- kins met in two emergency ses sions Friday with company and un ion officials but no progress was reported. The walkout. If carried out. will disrupt service for approximately 100,000 bus riders in California, Oregon. Nevada, Arizona, - New Mexico and parts of Utah ana Tex as. The union is asking a five-day 40 hour week, plus pay increases for both long and short distance driv ers. The company has offered a 4 per cent Increase on a two-year contract that would tie wages to the cost of living index. Tornado Rips Tennessee FAYETTE VILLE, Tenn. Iifl Red Cross workers, highway pa trolmen and national guardsmen probed wrecked homes and busi nesses and poked among twisted trees and a snarl of power lines Saturday looking for more possible victims of Friday's savage torna do. The late afternoon ripper left al least two dead in this South Cen tral Tennessee town. The Tennes see Highway Patrol estimated 150 were hurt or burned In the sub sequent rash of fires. As heavy clouds scudded low overhead in the gray dawn, Patrol Chief W. T. Shelton said, "I don't see how this sort of a blow could strike and kill only two people. "There's no telling how high the toll would have been had lt hit early in the morning when the peo ple were asleep." Shelton said he had heard esti mates of damage ranging up to four million dollars, but added it was impossible to gauge accurate ly the extent of destruction. The business section was raked, but not hit squarely by the tornado. Shel ton said 100 houses were destroyed or damaged. - Congress Today Legislature since 1935. His visit here Friday and today was to obtain Information about tho water and agricultural prob lems of the upper Klamath Basin, and he said he would make sev eral trips -here before the May 16 primary. Klamath County represents the largest single block of voters In the sprawling 2nd district. : Wik One hope that the lost c-47 might be found was dashed yesterday. Ed Scholer and George Wardell made a tough ground search on the slopes of Ash Creek Butte after Scholer had made a perilous Bkl plane landing on a ridge high on the butte. In leaving the ridge late yeater day, Scholer had to take off on a steep slope with strong winds ren dering his rudder control useless. SEARCH OFF An Air Force ground crew was flown here yesterday from Ham ilton Field with the intention of searching this same area but that search was cancelled this morning after Capt. B. M. Fletcher bad conferred with Scholer. The of fleer said he felt lt needless to again search the area since lt was apparent Scholer and Wardell nad made a complete search. A B-17 was to come here from Hamilton this afternoon to return Captain Fletcher and three men to their base. Mrs. Moe said her husband's foreboding about making; the iU fated trip was so strong that "he spent some three hours trying to get out of making the flight. , , ,. "Fo.r one thing, he didn't like the ship (No. 8142)," she said. "The last thing he said to me when he left the house was 'Well. I ll be seeing you if that old bucket of bolts holds together'," she said. Captain Moe was Capt. John O Dells co-pilot on the . flight which left Travis Field In the San Francisco Bay area Christmas night. Moe and O'Dell's mission was to fly two Air Force men to Great Falls, Mont., for special air schooling. v ROUTINE FLIGHT They left Great Falls early the morning of Dec. 26. In a routine stop at Spokane, Moe and O'Dell picked up five "Aerial hitchhikers" (all servicemen! and took off for their home base at Travis. . At 4:17 p.m., that afternoon, the ship radioed CAA at municipal Air port here that the flight was pro ceeding on course at 10,000 feet above Klamjth Falls. That was the last time the plane was ever heard from. Since then, Air Force and civ ilian flyers have totalled search hours believed to have made this the biggest single plane search in the nation's history. Not a trace has yet been found of the missing ship and it's eight passengers. But at least one person, the pretty little wlfo of Captain Moe, still think the men might be alive, possibly holed up In some moun tain fastness. . That's why she's hero ... why tomorrow she is going to fly over some of the search area herself. FIIIK - Chimney sparks and wind result ed in a fire at the home of George Norman, 2051 Erie St., Friday aft ernoon. City firemen said small damage was done to the roof of the resi dence. - Gun Club Shoot Klamath Gun Club inem , bers will hold an Oregon Journal telegraph shoot to morrow, 10:30 a.m., on Its .Wocus range., Thirty-five clubs In the state are . entered.