FRIDAY, FKMUJAIIY 21), 1052 IfKRALD AND NKWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OBEOON PAGE NINE o)M fo) mm Truce Talks Show Russell Name Looms Larger On Political Horizon; Some See Him as Threat to Truman in decorated by Btalln nd carry a caption indicating Elsenhower "served him well." Dull Mid an Immense amount of money In being spent to discredit Eisenhower, Regarding the pamphlet, he Raid that's the kind of campaigning "that rich people did in Germany to brinfr Hitler to power." MHiitcanua i than his learanfeW 1"""' grass, Reds Extra Savings On All Three Floors at YOUR STORE sot Issue rT No Pre Press I ,iUi llv lillllttilt ,. M Aid III It . ttlly rr)rilrd by our side" MUNSAN, Komi Mi Allied I Col IJon Diirrow told llir lUds: truro neuoiliiiiirs bluntly lull! I lie "I now tell you formally, tin- C'nniiiiiinlMii I'mliiy: U.N, rrlrctlun niulvoculjly unci wlili tlio fullest t Soviet Wi'Mit ns u member ol iiutilot l,n tlmi tluil the U.N. com n iiiMili ul Mipi-rvlMiry c.iiiiiiiIsnIiiii , miind's decision to reject Ihe Ho la ' II j m, J ll in I mid li trvuntlil.:." Uri Union itn n member of the lieu A U.N. spokesman Mild tlir Allied trnl niitlon supervisory commls statement tuts thn "ntionui'M sliue nliui I IiiiiiI unil Irrevocable. Kur last July" when II io Urdi wrrnther debate tin thin subject It com wurned tint nitnlstlie iirwilliilloiin plrlely lutlle." abandoned demands lor a cniiu- i Ui.k. Cicn. Wllllnm P. Nuckols. tirr lino on tlin .'IHlii pitt'iill. I. i.ifflciitl U.N. spokesman, luld Uiir The Communist irplled In nt-'row's statement "would not l.e must f(lilly strong ImiKiiniip thai made without tho prior Knowledge "ny such altitude o! nnoKiinrc ol higher inilltnry levels, anf arbitrariness will lie nitrgorlr. ' "I llilnic the next move Is up o w " 1 " ; me communist Sewage Plan For Suburbs Wins Praise II y The Assorlated I'rmn Ben. IIU'.scll ol CleoiKla, In enter Hue 1 1 io Democratic presidential lin e, nuiy hnvc snatched the Dixie banner irom 'ieiinc.'mcc'u cundldiite tnten Kefauver. Moreover, Russell In seen as Ihrem to President 'Iruinan him fell II Hie rrcsldenl decides to run u In. Truninn raid Thursday he won't rnnke ti In plana known before about March 21) tit the rnrllrf I. rtiinscll, populiir M-yenr old bach elor, already has received favora ble reactions from governors ol Houlh Carolina, Georgia, Vlrglnln. and Mississippi, and probably will et the support ol the Texns gov ernor who nun b-en urging him to run. He ban tho bncklnif ol a dozen southern senstors. This support lor the Georgian, who described himself as a "Jcf frrsoiiliin Democrat who believes In the greatest practicable degree of "have more conlldence In our ablll- tared the April 1 Wisconsin prl ly to lead the world." mary. Taft, Btassen and a backer Other political developments; ?' "en MacArthur also are en- Hen. Taft of Ohio, a candidate tered' for the Republican presidential A full slate of 30 delegate eandl- nomlnatlon, said In Cleveland heldatts was entered for Warren In hoped to win four of New Hump- i Wisconsin, but leaders said there shire's 14 delegates to the OOP ' an understanding thay would III mi adjacent lent the subcom- inltec on prlroner exchange mude nuii; piiiuresh in lis lira session since I''el, 0. til jiff iitflrrrs turned the volun tmy repalrlutlon problem back to the subcommittee alter reachlnz vlrluiil iiitrec-mrnt on all oth.-r polliU ol nil cxrlmngc nllill. bull) oimnltieemeu lion-d out local self-government," Is far more some minor disputes F riday but , potent than the leadership which lulled to bienk tho voluntary re- sparked the 1048 Mutes rlnhts re- pntriulton deadlock. volt. I ileur Adui. II K. Llbby said the However, his entry Into the race r'fltmmillli.1.. nix.ltt lirn,,l,t Mtl . l ... i iw -n wnnt.w u,, : sirrilKl'irilS IiUiiimin imitu ui utic I Krti. 18 riot In n U.N. nrlson coin- I . ..... i, th DrlHiii ilnsn'l Mm A tiiw pliin fur n South Sub- pound on Koje Island In which VS i and backs Gov. Adlal Stevenson ol urban tewime sytunii drew Invor- Knrcnn clvillmis were killed and ! mtnoln the governor mlkht llnd nble oinmi iil Irom Hnbui linn j ;I wounded. mK t.Kllse helped by a possible Lent!"" ineiiiiii i s mil nmin. nun ine iteqs rnnrnea: innt rtineu i Uirec-wuy spill In the south 111 n ltl rilimi , ,,. .M'llM.n i MM ,i( ,lll'l(in I 1111.111 I CU lliriT llKUIIC rouHhiyimll the Mre nl the nre wnii rifles, hand ffrenades and In ivimt another sewiiKe plan was jiiinks." deleete In an election Inti year. U.K. Army authorities announced Jim ireii, iiiv biki iiiiiiuy Ainu- ill I'u.-iiiu uuil a Ptcvrn'Hiuii iniuiniy , ,.u.. ti.i.... tartan, weseuted the new plan ut bnurd headed by Col. Alexander l" K- . a Hubiiliiin l.eaMiie iiierilnu Inst M. Miller ol Monlclalr, N. J . hasl The Tennewean. In a New York nluht. Inly 13 U kkuc iiicmbcro I completed Its liive.tnailon of the ! television show, said Thursday were tieaent. CoininiinlM led Koje riot, nesulti ' '' there oimht to be more em- A in last vrnrs delenled plan. 'ol the Imiulry will not be released l-b"- on Ihlims other than ar tlm ne iirnpnsnl would crento a until the report Is studied by hljh-1 mamenl In the American lorelun suburbul siiniinrv district I..- fl- cr authorities. jpollcy. imnclnicDf uWe sewune and drain' At I'linmuiijnm the R'ds again On the whole, however, he aald he (ysiem, l rimed the iieMion of foreign "a-1 backed the administration's pollcv. Here IMtie wnv the new .system ti'inals Interned In Houlh Korea, jaltliouiih he said the people should would hntmtnllrii! rl'hey InMsted that llm U.N. pledge From luista Wnv to Wlnrd, In an armistice to return any It bail Wlnrd toivaiit, Ilrvant to Hume- In custody. dale, Homiiale to Cotuige. Cottuge l-'bby replied that only a 30-year to Madliwif Mndlhon to 8. 6th, M. ;M Russian mftlher has been In Bill to HoitMlnle. llumedale to the 'emed and Soviet diplomatic aulh 0C:AF; lra Is, nl.ins the trucks to oillles already huve been notified. Summers Ine. Mummer Ume to I Army sources Identified the Bristol. Biitnl tn Xtuek. Muck to V"'"ir mother as Lubov Mldltlchna Rlsliee. Hlse in Jlrbtol out Alia- 1 D'"'"1" D'H Pva and said she moiit tn H .lit, S. nth to' the leedrrl"" l"!kr(' UP bV So"'" Korean canaS ulo.t tiio canal to Sluistn l? L ' iKf,- l uthon-,she yt'av. . mid her 20 months old daughter HIT- iieiu hi I'.ISllIl. Htuff olllcers National Convention, At the same time, he protested his position on the New Hampshire ballot lai.t, because names are listed alphabetically, putting Gen. cisennower, naroin t. ntasaen. and a fit. Louis attorney, William R. Schneider, ahead of him. Ills objection was turned down. Tail was more pleased with news from Florida, where 16 of the 18 state delegates selected Monday are reported to favor him. He wired his thanks. Gov. Warren of California, an other announced GOP aspirant, en- Kefauver publicly welcomed Rus sell's entry Into the Democratic race. He said It would bring a new discussion ol issues, which Is a Firm Faces Court Charge CHICAGO ' - The federal gov ernment has accused the Sunbeam Con)., electrical appliance manu laclurer, of conspiracy to fix and control retail prices of Its wares. The company, a Chicago con cern. Is one of the nation's largest makers of household appliances. In a complaint brought by the ami - trust division of the Depart ment of Justice, the government alleged the company and Its ap proximately 1.200 wholesale dis tributors entered Into Illegal con tracts covering prices. The distributors are not named defendants but are described In the suit filed In U.S. District Court as co-consplrators. The action al leges the conspiracy began In June, 1051, and that Sunbeam fixed and i witch to Elsenhower at the con vention If Warren'a chances fade. From Minnesota came word that the names of neither Elsenhower nor Kefauver will appear on the March II Minnesota presidential primary election ballots. This means Btassen. former Min nesota governor will fight it out wth a MaeArthur backer for the state's GOP delegates, and Sen. Humpnrey io.-Minn.,) win Be aione on the Democratic ballot. Kefauver originally was tnterad. but didn't want to buck Humphrey. Humphrey's Minnesota, votes will be turned over to Truman If he runs, the senator his said, Elsenhower's name was with drawn when It was claimed that certain names on the filing peti tions were not legally obtained. Sen. Duff (R.-ra.,), an Elsen hower supporter said bitterly en a political program televised from Washington that anti-Elsenhower pamphlets being distributed over the country are "the most scan dalous unamerlcanlsm I ever beard of." They caricature the general be- EVK gtj.. i ii-.-jm- IV "it a i established minimum retail prices V tjiWkX iiUMAt, ; 44 ' in violation of the Sherman Ami KrJWT ,n ,950 .pnroxi- Ihc nru t'.Mt'm would Mrve j prnxiMit-lvt;.(M0 nf thn r Mltimird ' , m' ,olllirr mvcuNMiiR mire 11,000 Kmil Ruburbnn rcRidcnl " " ... ",m"lcr p' , i pwijiuiiiiiiiiirp IlltTfTI- nelghborhoA'ol hull n million clol-' '"."1" "! .". i""1""1" I lurs. 1'Sr Friday) In Pnnmuiijoin. ; Leap Year Son 'i ITOTH'SlKET ine niuiiiin ir warcn ana ue- tr . rue Unit Ml! hold n meeiiiiK at I IxeCpS I radlTIOfl the Pilot's Itih Wedn.-Mli.v 8 p.m. .KALAMAZOO. Mich. ! Mrs for annual lectlnn of ofllrers 'llarold JV I.lgmnn. who has had Hie meePi; In. s been called by nv ,CVPn blrlhdv. gave birth KAHItU prudent Vic Douglas. irndav tn a son who'll be shorted "'iiiii a'i r" n"1 birthdays, loo. ,..,,,.,n!su ii..'v .. - Mr"- Kinan wns born on Feb. WASIIIMnON ofi-The gallon- ; io;.!, al Prraltifion Authority Friday i jhe b'by Doy WBS reported "do wnrned lit cnmiuinles It Is lllegnl nnr." to vnlrniiu) white rubber strips on "We'll celebrate our birthdays Io nising U (linulnte white tldrwnll ipether. once every four years," tires. Uaid the muther. PISTRIt'T I OIST reel! r. tltfriwv. pAulns on frt hill rorfdt IIS hail. Fail . Golxil. overload, rorfalt l Cart.- r Thoinpion, ovcrhlhl. for feit SIS ball. William O. Knox, no vehicle llccma. rorffll IS hall. Jamta Sutlun, overlrnsth. Forfeit 115 ball Jamel Sutton, overhelsht. Forfait SIS bail. Arnold J. Jarvlf, no PUC permit. Tine IIS. Slurray V. nirklnaon, no operator' llcenae. Fine Stl. MtSKIPAL rO!T Fanrlteo Rivera, drunk. Fine SJS Pete C. Boeard. drunk. Fine SIS or 7'- d" Jm Wilaon. drunk. Fine lis or 7lj da) a. BIRTHS I JOHNSON-Born to Mr. and Mre. Vlrill Jehniion. Rox 64.1. Klama.h FalN. at Klamath Vallev' Hospital Feb. 76. Ift.s2. a boy. Wclfhl: S poundi 12'i JOIINSOf-Blrn In Mr. and Mrs. r" Johnnn Tiilelal,e Calif., at Klamath Vatley lloapftal Feb. 2S. 1S52, a boy. Weight: S pound S't ounrea. mated 67 million dollars, the suit related. About 110.000 retail nutlets Transient Faces Larceny Charge Charge of lareeny from a store was filed by the district attorney's office Friday morning against a 42-year-old transient from Tulelake Charles Frank Lanae was arrest ed by City Police Monday night trying to peddle a shirt allegedly stolen from the Comer Store. Lange was booked for being drunk at the time aiJ is now held in the county Jail for arraignment on the larceny charge. NEW LOOP SALE LAKE CITY Ml The Al- In the United States handle the isoclated Press news report filed products. Tn the last five years more than 470 million dollars has been in. vested In expanding Australian manufacturing Industries. from Salt Lake City began moving on a teletypsetter circuit Friday. The new circuit serves 1 news papers in Idaho, four in Utah and two, in Washington. It operates en I day and night cycles. I : Robiri Jewelry Co., . 83? Main, Klamath Falls, Ore. SEND r Ih SIO IS Piece Kittnen, Knife ed Cleaver Set at He SAIE ptite of W.99. I am enclo.ina & ... . . Ml i:v.-t' m:r: PILiUlf f VIII ( ,n , tv' h t, s i iwa Dauton (jEc&a 00 $n95 l Cm Never, ntur before A pillow like De Luxe Koolfoun. It's 40 thicker than the vege fojm pillow , . . 2 thicker . thn so-called "plump" pillows, Unbelievably soft for lasting eomfort , . . linnniou sleep. Cool. Sanitary. Allergy-free. Cashable. De Luxe Sanforized fine oougt broadcloth cover. Cordtd edge, Concealed full length xipper. Koolfeam Junior 4,45 Other Koolfoami from i.JS "For Distinctive Gifts" YOUR STORE It's the event you've been waiting for! Your Store's "clean up' en doxens of fine quality items . . . deliberately priced low for quick sale. No exchanges, no refunds, no "will calls," all sales final. Quantities are limited ... so shop EARLY! HOSIERY CLOSEOUT! PLANTERS 044t m' ads! Includes mr rap A OS Attractive eopear henoirtl stylo, kfeadt! 14 J rri Irom Vo'W Re. -165 89C ..Hrt.t-- 9.95 Reg. 1.25 VUC Reg. to 1.65 w - , - First Floor 3 Fair for 2.00 t.34 Alerm Clacks ' 1 First Floor fint f, COASTERS DRESSER SETS COOKIE JARS - ''- Ckelee of silrer ar felal. Gaily dicarettd clowns in bright AtO' lM9l 14.00 0 Reg. 89c set TC .,5 15.00 Reg. 2.29 " rint Floor Flower Bowls A.S.R LIGHTERS ?EAlij!lcfCfTS 89c Trieie clever little fifunnes ore 5.40 f 15i 98c 6.00 Rg.2.95 I.UU s 129 7 CA First Floor , el . (. io.oo .50 wqql RUGS -..mammmr. vai-r Rs. by Bread-Butter FINE SHEETS . pates ltSJT-140 R-17" III ' 2 Q AO pettem. Only S ot these. IO Re. 12.95 0.17 .n ' Jtt ' Scnd F'r Reg. 1.20 ea. tVC !!L Ruff led Curtains M"ani" ejf!vVI?oR0B?S,fl tt?ZS Stangle Ware 4 01" ,1 (dQ eati litl .95 Reg. 2.95 ll.HY ' SondFUr M ' . sfiaMW TABLE CLOTHS bi iT .'. ",or St",ex pri"h Luncheon Plates BlankeTS ""' Handsome Cescade pattern. Itmch St pweeat Rerea, SO percent , 1.39 P' """"' wa4. Pesret celert. Setin aiadiat. Re9- uy 00 7X10. Second Floor Reg, ,25 ejfv rh i3s 10.95 Spread, Curtain M"'onin Second Floor Karen taHeto spread and iw.j STEMWARE Plastic Ruffling TM' 7.95 2ttZWma 14 laalhi each make cam- J , , AQ 0 aJte wiadaw t.ver. Second Floor Reg. 1.25 .17 C R.f. 1.25 79c Wool Blankets Me,,anin Second Floor 100 Prcent all wool. 72x84. IMPORTED e--- Satin-baund, big color selection. J" X.. Dlaloe. DISH TOWELS ,12.95 P'6tUre Rej. 45c 29c Rayon-Wool Mexxanine "-r BLANKETS Cpicxnl . if Utn ,iM qeelity! 72x90. In ex- rySTOI rlOral DrapeS crtlnt colon. Biautilullr decorated crystal trees. Haea, H.v. plt.d tap. R,s ,3 ,5 0.95 " " 9 Reg. 1079 0.70 Second Floor Reg. 1.25 7 WW Second Floor ... M"an;", r- Tufted . BATH TOWELS BED SPREADS TEACUPS Peacy Cannon PaHerns. Choice of lath full and twin b.'d sises tn Hend-decarated teacups and tew etleri. ( the wonted colors. cert. While they lastl Reg. isc 49c Kt, . 7.20 4.95 98c Second Floor Second Floor Mexxonine Table Cloths LACE COVERS Picture Plates Fesaeas C.luaikia in 3151 tiat. All axcjultlto lace in 53x54 else. Irer popular hand-decersted "Cun vSava1.91t Special value! tier and Ives." S only. Reg. 6.50 - 4.95 Reg. 3.50 2.49 Reg. 4.25 1.98 Second Floor Second Floor Mexxanine KLAMATH'S OWN I!. mit at dowi payment and to pay sue a week til Hie full Amount It paid. ( D New Anounl Q (hoii Ta Mf Amusl (J lull Amount Indent) fj Slsa t i t. Nome L "For Distinctive Gifts" 837 Moin Phone 4663 City . , , Zone . . Stole J Phone 4361 721, rKeM.4S1 721 Main