Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 29, 1952, Page 8, Image 8

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FRIDAY, FRfinUARY 2Q, 19(52
60 to fibrA Sunday 14 i
llti Wantland Thane 8068
, Arthur C. Blackwell
10:00 A.M. Bible duxes
11:00 A.M. Worship service
7:00 P.M. Evening crvlco
7:00 P.M. Wednesday service
Klamath Revival Center
Paitor. Rev. Dorothy MClaln
1625 Mitchell Phone 4521
10:00 A.M. Sunday School
11:00 A.M. Morning Worship .
7:46 A.M. Evangelistic Service
7:00 P.M. Tuesday AYA group
7:45 Pja. Wednesday Prayer
7:45 PM Friday Bible Study
7:45 P.M. Saturday Young
People') -Meeting.
Church of Christ
1774 Arthur Phone 1-1140
10:00 AM. Bible Classes
11:00 AM Morning Worship
7:30 P.M. Mutual edification
1:00 P.M. Wednesday
Bible study
Missionary Baptist Church
4134 Douglas
Elder C. V. Blanchard, pastor
0:45 AM. Sunday Bcnooi
11:00 A.M. Morning Worship
7:00 P.M. Training Union
8:00 P-M. Evening Service
7:00 P.M. Thursday Bible Study
Tenth and Washington
11:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Sunday Service
8:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening
. Service
5:3C pjn. Sat. radio program
1 Klamath Temple
IM7 Pine Phone (3!5
Rev. D. B. Anderson, minister
Rev. Warner Bock, Asst. Pastor
S:45 a jn. Sunday school
11:00 ajn. Morning worship.
8:30 p.m. Overcomer services
7:45 Evangelistic .service
7:45 pra. Wednesday. Bible study
and praye rmeetmg.
7:45 p.m. Fiday. Young peoples'
7:30 p.m. Ssturdav, radio broad
cast. KFJI
Community Church
of the Brethren
47!3 Bristol
Rev. Edward Lander
:45 A.M. Church School
11:00 AM. Morning Worship
7:00 to 9:00 P. M. Wednesday
Hobby & Cralt Club
Salvation Army
4V Klamath
ilaj. and Mrs. Jack Little
10:00 At Sunday School
11:00 A.M. Holiness. Meeting
11:00 A M. Junior Church
6:30 P.M. Young People's Meeting
8:00 PJtL Salvation Meeting
Immanuel Baptist '
llth and High
; Rev. W. F. Templin
8:45 A.M. Bible School
li:00 A.M. Morning Worship - -6:30
PAi. Young People
7:30 PM. Evening Worship
7:30 PM. Wed. Evening Prayer
Hope Evangelical Lutheran
' Shasta School
Rev. M. R. Anderson, Pastor
Parsonage, 1143 Kane
9:30 A.M. Sunday School
11:00 A.M. Worship Service
First Presbyterian
Rev. George A. Milne
10.00 A.M. Sunday School
11:00 A M. Divine Service
7:00 PA!. Fireside Service
Nursery Open
First Christian
. , Ninth and Pine Sts.
George Alder. Minister
9:45 a.m. Bible School
11 :00 a.m. Morning Worship
6:30 p.m. Christian Endeavor .
7:30 pjn. Evening Worship
7:30 pjn. Prayer Meeting Wed.
, Gospel Tabernacle
Altamont and Maryland
Rev; W. D. Bigby, Pastor
10:00 A.M. Sunday School
11:00 A M. Morning Service
7:30 P.M. Evenings Worship
Also service at 7:30 p.m.
Saturday and Wednesday.
Merrill Baptist Mission
Recreation Building
9:45 A.M. Sunday school
11:00 AM. Worship service
Klamath Latter Rain Church
I 16?7 Washburn Way
Rev. Art Simpson
10:00 A.M. Sunday School, all ages
8:00 PM Evening Service
SIZE TRUCK, or passenger tar.
Our modern equipment li the only COMBINATION axle aad
frame equipment south of Eugene. From passenger cars to the
largest trucks, we can do the Job!
for complete service, axle and frame
alianmcnli wheel balancing, come in;
It will save you money.
Balsiger Motor Co.
Main and Esrslaneda
W. K Weeks, Pastor
9:45 A.M. Sunday School
11:00 A.M. Worship Service
6:30 P.M.. -Twining Union
7:30 P.M. Worship Service
7:00 P.M. Wedneday Prayer and
Choir Pratlca
-, r .
Pilgrims Holiness
2301 H'anUand Phoae 5SI4
Rev. O. D. Weaver
9:45 A.M. Sunday School
11 W A.M. Vorning Service
6:45 P.M. YJS. i
7:30 P.M. Evangellstlo Meeting
7:30 PAL Wednesday Prayer
Church of the Naiarene
Garden and Martin
Rev. Deal Van De Grift
9:45 AAL Sunday School
11:00 A.M. Morning Worship
6:45 P-Li-Young People
7:30 P.M. Evangelistic Service
730 P.M. Wednesday Prayer
8:30 P.M. Wednesday Choir
First Baptist
X. 8th and Washington
Dr. E. M. Causey, pastor
9:45 A.M. Sunday School
11:00 A AI. Morning Worship
6:15 p.m. Training Union.
7:30 pjn. Evening Service
7:00 p.m. Wednesday, young
people's meeting.
8:00 pjn. Wednesday, mid-week
prayer service.
7:30 p.m. Thursday, choir rehear
sal. Keno Gospel Center
Phone 2 3043
Rev. Gladys ulllford, Pastor
10:00 A.M Sunday School.
11:00 A M. Morning Worship
7:45 P.M. Sunday Eve. Services
7:45 P.M. Tuesday, Prayer Meet
ing 3:30 PM. Frl, Children's church
7:45 P.M. Friday Bible Study.
OTI Sunday School
Guest Howe
10:00 A.M. Sunday School every
First Presbyterian Church
C01 Pine
Rev. David Barnett Jr., Pastor
9:30 A.M. Church school for all
9:30 and 11 a.m. Morning
11:00 A.M Junior Worship
6:00 PJd. Junior high Westmil
ster Fellowship.
6:30 PM. Senior high Westmnv
ster Fellowship.
Assembly of God
74 Oak
Rer. Daniel Bayliss, minister
Rev. Donald Annas, assistant pastor
9:45 a jn. Sunday School
11:00 AM. Morning services
6:45 p.m. Youth services
7:30 p.m. Evangelistic rally
7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Bible study
and prayer service i
10:00 a.m. Thursday, Prayer
7:30 pjn. Thursday, preaching
8:00 pjn. Saturday, street
428 S. 9th
Rev. Fred C. Neumann, aaaUr
8:30 A.M. Broadcast. KFLW
9:45 A.M. Svnday School
6:45 p.m. Young people
7:45 P-M. Evening Evangelistic
7 :30 P.M. Wednesday, Midweek
Calvary Baptist
E. Main at. Garden
Burgess P. Baggett, pastor
9:45 A.M. Sunday School
11:00 A.M. Morning Worship
6:15 P.M. Training union
7:30 P.M. Evening Worship
7:15 PM. Wednesday, teachers
8:00 PM. Wednesday, prayer
2:00 PA!. Thursday, WMU.
First Church of God
2802 Altamont
Rev. C. H. Beahm
9 45 AM. Sunday School
11:00 A.M. Morning Worship .
6:45 '.MvYoung People
7:30 P.M. Evangelistic
7:30 PAL Bible Study.
Union Gospel Mission
251 Commercial
' Pastor O. M. Timmi
10:00 A.M. Bible School
'11:00 A.M. Worship Service.
Pliant 1121
Malin Community Church
Rev. George A. Shuman. pastor
9:45 A.M. Sunday School, all ages
11:00 A.M. Morning Worship
7:00 PAL Senior and Junior High
Young Peoples Societies
Kingdom Hall
Jehovah's Witnesses
833 N. 9th
7:45 PAL Sunday Watchtower
7:45 P.M. Wednesday Bible study
7:45 P.M. Friday Service meeting
8:45 P.M. Friday
Theocratic School
Mt. Lakl Community
Arthur L. Rice, minister
9:45 A.M. Sunday School
11:00 A.M. Worship Service
7:50 PAL Christian Eiideavor
First Methodist
ltb and High
Rev. Lloyd Holloway
9:45 A.M. Sunday School
11:00 AAL Morning Worship
a: i"-m. in-ermeflla' M.Y T.
7:00 PM. Senior M.Y J.
Seventh-Day Adventist
1735 Main
Rev. P. C. Alderson
9:30 A.M. Sabbath school
11:00 AAL Church Service
7:30 PAL Evangelistic service
7:30 P.M. Wednesday and Friday
evangelistic service
Klamath Lutheran
Cross and Crescent ' "
Rev.- Irvin Tweet
9:45 AAL Sunday school
11:00 AAL Divine Worship
6:00 PAL Senior League
First Covenant
833 Walnut Phone 8517
Carl G. Strom. Pastor
9:45 AAL Sunday School
11:00 A AS. Morning Worship
7:45 PAL Fellowship Hour
4:00 PAL Wednesday Bible ' '
Study and Prayer
llth and High '
Rev. R. E. Graef, pastor
11:00 A.M. Morning worship
9:45 AAL Sunday school
10:00 A.M. Bible class
10:30 AAL Lutheran Hour, KFJI
Garden near Martin Sis.
Rev. Donald M. Cassiday
9:45 AAL Church School
11:60 A.M. Worship Service"
7:00 P.M.-HIgh School Pilgrim
Peace Memorial Presbyterian
4431 S. Sixth Phone 5857
Rev. Dwayne L. Proett
9:30 AAL Church School
11:00 AAL Morning Worship
Reorganized Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter .
Day Saints' . .' i
City Library
9:45 A.M. Sunday School
11:00 A.M. Church Service
First Sunday of every month Sac
rament service For information call
7890 or 5915.
Church of Jesus Christ
Of Latter Dav Saints
Home and Martin
9:08 AAL Priesthood Meeting
10:30 AAL Sunday. School
7:00 PAL Sacrament
2:00 PAL Sat. Primary Meeting
2:00 P.M. Tuesday Relief Society
7:30 PAL Tuesday M. L.A.
Bible Baptist Church
2344 Wiard
Keith P. Fields. Pastor
9:30 a.m. Sunday school "
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
6:30 p.m. Baptist league.
7:30 pjn. Evening service.' ' '
7:30 pjn. Wednesday, all family
church night. ,
St. Paul' Episcopal
111 Jeffenea Phane 3515
Galea H. Onstad, Rector
1:00 A.M. Holy Communion
1:30 AAL Church School
11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer '
7:30 P.M. Young People' '
Baptist Mission
Rev. L. W. Rowland, pastor
173S Lakeport Blvd..
8:30 A.M. Sunday School
10:45 A.M. Morning Worship
7:00 P.M. Evening Worship
7:00 P.M. Thursday. Young
Peoples Meeting.
One of the
Programs Featuring An Almost All-Juvenile
under way at Klamath Tem
ple conducted by Evan
gelist Floyd R. Hoole, Sac
ramento, Calif. Two serv
ices will- be held Sunday
in addition to one week
day nights. Saxophone
ducts ' will be played dur
ing the service by Hoole
and his brother, Rev. John
Hoole. Oakrid.ee, Ore.
Loyalty Month
During March
Church Loyally Xlonlh Is- to be
held at Calvary Bnptist Church
during March under soonsorsliln m
lll.e Training Union Department and
.eaaersnip ot us director, Mrs. Pcr
lay Webster.
Object of the oroiiram Is to net
.ill the church members participat
ire In all the urograms of the
1 church. High light of the nionih-
lonr activity will be Church Roll
Call Duy, Mar. 30.
John T. Slsemore Sunday School
secretary for the Oregon-Washington
Baptist Convention, is sched
uled as speaker for that day.
Next Mondav Rev. Bob Slaop.
Yuba City. Calif., will Instigate a
study course for church members,
while observance of Home Mission
Prayer Weeks will be held by la
dies of the church.
Mrs. Roy L. Gueck. president of
Calvary Baptist WMU will have
charge of the observance.
Church to Hear
Bishop Barton
Lane W. Barton. D.D.. bishop of
Eastern Oregon, will be celebrant
at Holy Communion at 10 a.m.
and preach at the 10:30 service
Sunday at St. Barnabas church.
The services will be loilowcd by
potluck lunch.
Afterward Bishop Barton will
show his film of Eastern Oregon,
accompanied with a running com
Brethren Church
Schedules Movies
r-ii., n,mh r ,,. nr.ih
n nnrtJ? f i L m Ihlt
ren. Sunday at 7 pm., wil show
B.h'KlJ'.h. nSSS; , Producllon-
..... .... ;m ,0 ,ne (jregon sccreiary 01
The film Is centered around the: .,. Iha, ,. nm. be keDi
man who was released when the
mob demanded the crucifixion of:
Christ. -
Morning worship services at 11
a m Sunday, will feature singing j
of the carol choir and a sermon,
What Do You Hear?" by Rev.
Edward Lander.
Ministers Attend
Clergy Conference
BONANZA Rev. Gordon C. Ash'
bee. accompanied by Rev. Galen '
Onstad and Hazel Morrison, at-1
tended the annual Clergy Confer-:
nrl at Miltnn lat n.'irlr
Bishop Barton presided over the
conference attended by all Epis
copal clergy of Eastern Oregon.
First Church of Christ. Scientist
A Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist,
in Boiton, Mais.
10th end Washinfttn
Services' Sunday Service. 1 1 a. at. .
Sunday Scheal, 1 1 :00 a.m.'
Wtdneiaay venini Meeting. 1:00 a'cltck.
Lesson-Sermon Subject March 2
Christian Science Reading Room
1021 Mala St.
Radio Broadcast -Sat.. 5:30 p.m. KFJI
Nation's Outstanding Christian
Volunteer Aid Remodeling
Zion Lutheran Basement
Members of Zlon Lutheran church
are currently pitching In with vol
unteer labor for current extensive
remodeling of the church basement.
Directing the operations are Bill
Ronfcld, building committee chair
man, Harold Eberleln and Elir
hardt Blind, trustees.
Plans call for partitioning tit the
old basement Into workroom, stor
age and furnace 'rooms, lavator
ies, church offices and a meeting
A modern kitchen has already
been Installed, financed by the La
dies Aid. The .old basement was
originally used as the church audi
torium, prior to completion of the
new church on llth and High Sts.
Plnns are now being considered
for Improvement of the new church
basement to provide educational
facilities, and furnishing of the
church office by the Ladlei Aid.
Worst News
Found By Wife
TNOLEWOOD, Calif., i.T Mrv
Peggy Paulsen, a widow at 19.
Thursday found her worst fears
confirmed when the colfln of her
husband, slnln in Korea, wai.
opened as she prajod in a nearby.
Mrs. Paulsen was hoping against i
hope that conflicting stories of how
her husband. Robert, 31, was killed
in Korea, Sept. 3. were all wrong. I
She had asked that the casket be
opened, "just to bo sure li s him. i
"I in satisfied It s Boo. a cousin. -Robert
Wing, told her as he came '
from the room at a locnl mortuary
Oh God! They killed him. They
killed him." she gasned, then fell
Into the arms of her dead hus
band's brother.
As othrrs made funeral plans,
Mrs. Paulsen left, clinging to her
tnfnnt rimlffhtr hnrn fivA flavs be
fore Pvt. Paulsen was killed. !
Mrs. Paulsen said Paulsen'a
commanding ofiicer wrote that her ;
husband was killed by enemy fire.
A chaplain wrote he wai klllol
I when a truck hit a land mine. A
soldier btiddv wrote he was strafed
by enemy planes.
Revolution Said
Backed By Book
TOKYO I The Nippon Tunes
reported Friday the outline for a
Communist revolution In Japan is
UClllaf, LlllUintCU 111 V ill-
In a booklet en-
how to raise flower bulbs."
The newspaper said tne pampruei
proposes that revolutionaries arm
themselves by stealing weapons
from occupation forces and Japa-;,,,
nese police.
These would be supplemented
by bamboo spears, home made
grenades, swords, carpenter's tools
and farm Implements.
The Times said the movement
would be financed by stealing
goods from occupation forces and
reselling them.
Douglas Protests
Name On Ballot
PORTLAND '.tl Monroe Sweet
land. Democratic national commit-
tecman for Oregon, said Tnursosy
inight that William O. Douglas does;
not want his name on the Oregon
:r.v,rt.ntllli nrimarv ballot.
Douglas told him that he is writ-1
,h. j,.,,,., sii.nH said.
"c.o.ii.r rumi.. mraiate lust-
. . TT S Rimreme Court.
;r.i. ..I. .... . . nriiri.te
petition, to put him
on the Democratic ballot went into
i circulation In Oregon last week.
Promptly rallava caught at
CARE Chief
Forum Talker
Rov McCorkel, former direolor
of Uia CARE program in Europe
for two years, will b speaker to
night at Seventh-Day Adventlul
Church here.
Following McCorknl'a adilresa at
8 p.m. on tlio topic, "An American
Looks at Europe," an open Jorum
discussion will be held.
McCorkel Is curiemly on a na
tionwide lour under sponsorshln of
Ihe American Friends Service Com
nilttee. Local sponsorship (or Hie
meeting is also being given bv the
Seventh-Day Adventist Church and
Community Church of the Breth-
An offering will be taken at the
meeting for the American Friends
Service Committee.
Indian Pine
Auction Set
A giant block of virgin pine on
the Klamath Indian reservation Is.versy.
to be aold at auction April 8 at A apokesman In Salem explained
Klamath Agencv. armory rentals were left to local
The timber stand. Including an officers under a policy thai there
estimated 40.000.000 board feet of ! would be no discrimination as to
pnnderostt and 3.000,000 feet of su- .rare or creed,
gar pine plus some fir and other I The rental agreement for the
types of timber. Is located south 'armory was signed about two
of Yaniaay mountain and north of months ago by Major Don Burke,
the Sprague River rosd, In the bnitallon commander for the Na
northeastern nart of the reterva- tlonal Guard In Southern Oregon.
i lhe gprague River road
It Is the largest block of Indian
Umber put up lor sale In recent
years. It covers about 7.800 acres
and Is known as the Wlldhorse No.
3-A logging unit.
The Indian senMce has put a
minimum bid of 437.24 a thousand
board feet on the pine, the highest
floor ever designated lor tlmbei
on the reservation. Minimum ac
ceptable bid on Douglas fir Is
S1330. $5 8.1 for white fir
Sealed bids from buyers will be
received at Klamath Agency until
I p.m. the day ot the aale. then
opened and posted. Alter that the
timber will be put up for auction,
with only firms submitting accept
able sealed bids eligible to take
Dart In the nrtt aurtlnn
A certified check for 140.000 must
, accompany the sealed bids. The
timber Is to be cut by April 1.
EUGENE tf, The Oregon State
Broadcasters Association opened
,,! meeting here Friday.
Speeches by John Kendall, Port-
Und. Josepn Ward of ,he Audfnc,
Mea - Blir(.au. ,nd nilIl)h
Hardy, government relations direc
tor for the National Association of
Radio and Television Broadcasters,
are scheduled.
Election of officers will follow
WASHINGTON Several sen
ators were laid uo with colds Fri
day. Sen. McFarland (D.-Arl..,
Democratic floor leader, comment
ed: "There seems to be aome kind
n( bUR going around other than
tne presidential bug.
fi,h which can paralyre small fish
with Its barbs. It then pulls them
Into Its mouth.
You've read about
Cleans rugs and wdll-to-woll carpeting, absolutely dry
and ready to walk on in 15 to 30 minutes.
A DRY CLEANER, Not a Shampoo
k Revives color.
Fluffs crushed pile. .
k Removes Grease and
Food Soils.
k Dustless.
Hope Lutheran
Services Set
A five-day preaching mission at
Hoiie Lutheran Church, l ached
tiled to start Mar. 18, according to
Rev. M. R. Anderson, pastor.
Giving the mission will be Rev.
Peter J, Dennis, associate director
of evangelism for the Hoard of Bo
oial Missions of the United Luther
an Church,
The mission will start wilh the
II a m. and 7:30 p.m. service Mar.
18, followed by aervlcea nightly at
7:30 p.m. Ihorueh Mar. 30.
During the Lenten season. Rev.
Anderson has scheduled special ser
mons at Sunday morning services
with special topics for Sunday eve
ning Christian Way of Life classes
at 7:30 p.m.. and Wednesday eve
ning services at 8 p.m.
Battle Rages
Over Meeting
GRANTS PASS If! A Jehovah's
Witnesses meeting opens In the
armory here Frldav over the pro
ten of the Veterans of Foreign
The V. F. W. carried Its protest
lo Die governor and tin adlulanl
I... a .f I H.I.I
h"y would not enter the contro-
I The Jehovah's Witnesses sect
meeting Is scheduled through
Saturday and Bunday. The V. F. W.
protested that the sect had been
I Involved In court caes for refusal
i to salute the U.S. flag.
' THE DALLES iti State 8en
i Ben Musa will run for Congress
j on lhe Democratic ticket this year,
' announced Ills candidacy
'Thursday for representative from
i Second Congressional District.
City Mission
L. W. Roland, Patter
Ph. 3902
Sundoy School 9:30
Worship Servlco-10:45
Iva. Worship 7:00 p.m.
Sale Management
(iridiftU Wfiliri Mtf
Ot jtHIn-lr . . . IIIMInr. Mn.
af 'mwiUUA tawllarrM UrnmAmr
Sucrrufnl Kale are lhe Result
rromollon. Managrmrnl and Aurllonrrrlng.
SprclalltJnr In FARM. PDRr.RRED LIVE
G. W. (Jerry) FALES,
IM Alva Klamath Falls Ph. t-iiit
I'ree Service on Church A Benefit Auelrsni
the new rug cleaner in
Removes shoe polish, lip
stick, chewing gum, tar.
Prevents colors from
-k No shrinkage.
Carpets stay cleaner longer.
n li if . i
Jlo?i Coveting
Prayer Week
For Missions
Members of First Raptlnt Church
will observe the annual "Week of
Prayer for Home Missions' iMnr.
J to . ,
lhe observance la In support' of
more than 800 mlsxlon employes of
the Home Mission Board of the
Southern Baptist Convention work
ing In many countries of the world
Including the United States. I
The sermon Hunday by PrK. M.
Causey will concern "Thci Wiprem.
acy ol Christianity."
Women of the church will meet
each afternoon during the week at
1 p.m. In the church lor study of
mission work, i
Supervision of the mentlna will
be handled by Mrs. Lawrence Wein
berg, president of lhe Woman Mis
lonarv Union of (lie First Baptist
Program planners ami dlrrrton
Include Mrs. David Jdnet, Mm.
Bunnell Tucker, Mrs, $. It. Wil
liams, Mrs. Kvrlyn Hnanglrr, Mrs,
Elmer Bates and Mrs, II. F. Ilankn,
Senator Sued
By Cab Driver
PORTLAND t.f Police arrested
Dial Ben. Thomas R. Mahuney of
Portland on an assault and battel v
complaint Thursday. He was Herd
on iio bond.
An Oregon City taslcab driver,
Wayne Hull, signed the complaint
against Muhouey, acniislng the
state senator of knocking money
out of his hand and pushing him
In front of the Oregon City Klka J
Club Wednesday night. !
Mahnney Insisted he w as , Inno
cent. He said the taslcab driver
mistook him for a man who had
called a cab. i i
"The taxi driver grabbed r by
the arm and Insisted he van en
lltled to a fee. I only exerted sul
flclent force lo cuue him lo re
lease me," Mahoney said.
No hearing date has been net.
The llrst long-distance telephone
call was made from llriinltord u
Paris, Ontario, Canada, by Alex
ander Graham Bell over 78 yeara
i ago.
To lry
Creed and Puna
Word's Klamath
Funeral Home
Marguerite M, Ward
and Som
93S Hiah Phono 3334
f fro per ff
national magazines