Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 29, 1952, Page 7, Image 7

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iiauwiiiii i ' iji'iui )ui
MeetlnK-Kwauna I..K.A. No. 41
will hold praolUa nunday filler
itniui, a ii.in. Ui Hie joor lull,
Klamath KllllB. I .
Another Chante Klnal announce
ment ol lh dale for Hi New York
Urania Guild piny, "Volee of the
Turtle" lo be presented here under
kiioiirnlil, of the Burilnena anil
I'mfMilontil Wnmen linn been ml
for Miirh II. Other dalea, March
IM nd March 14 originally net, eon
lllntrd with the Community con
cert mitt the Merchant' BprliiK
Opening. The ilnv will be preaent
td In Mllln Auditorium.
The Pilot flub member' mid
iMientn' aiiiink I crab feed l ached
tiled for March 19 at the club.
Denervation niual be niade and
paid for before March t. Phone
IH50 or 017 for renervallonfi,
Kappa Chapter Beta Hlirina Phi
met Krb. Ill at the Falrliaven
M'hool. HiiMeiaea were Itulh Mc
Colhini and Vera Gordon. Proitram
chalrinan wan Dorln Burton. Mary
Anna Kernn. ue.it apeuker. talked
on "The Dunce" and a lemon In
rnuiire dancing followed the blial
pea meeting.
The Ronania Kxlrn-ilon Unit
met Feb, i al the home of F.uhi
Prouith. II wan voted to have a
I'lanned polluck luncheon for the
lejitlval. The while elephant wax
v on by Jean Anujal. A demonstra
tion by the Four-H Cooklnn Claim
rill be Riven at the next nieetlim
I, to be held at the library, A lea
ton on purae making- will be (riven.
The la.it meeting- wa on "Blep
flavlntt Kllchenn."
Cub Pack-I will meet for a 6:30
Blue and Gold dinner tonlxlit at
the Altamonl Junior Illiih Bchool.
Vlillom Mr. and Mra. John ToU
and young- dauKliter Lynn, Nampa,
Ida.. Willi Tolk'a mother. Mrs.
Peters. Twin Fells. Ida. were Irrlef
visitors In Klamath Falls yester
day enroute to Ban Franclnco.
Oregon Mothers Club will meet
Saturday al the home of Mrs. L.
D. Oasa. 4tt No. Ird. for a business
meetlnf and election of officers,
lea will be served.
Churn Movie "Barabbaa the
Robber." a lllm produced and di
rected by the J. Arthur Rank, the
F.niltsh film magnate, la to be
Known at the Church of the Brelh
I en, Sunday, 1 p.m.
Vlalllng-Mra. J. T.. Hanllen Is
vl.iltlni Mr. and Mrs. Mack UI
lard of thta city. Mrs. Hanlfen,
Ceattlt, Is Llllard's slater.
reeked Feed Theta Theta Rho
Club la to have rooked food wile
lit J'lKKly WlKKlv Bulilidny.
Htmlrnts Honored -Two Kliiinnlli
Basin tiludentn were aniomi ilionn
inentioiied on Willamette Unlver
ully'a honor roll during the Fall
nemeiiler. Dorothy I. Judd of Kliiin
nlh Falls was among 17 earnlnis
n perlecl average or 4.0. Wallace
Hoe trom Lakevlew was iinmed 111
the group cnrnhiK above a 3 6 av
erage,' ;
Air Wni WaivOlrnn E. Kirch
er, husband of the former Bonnie
Oleiittor of Chlloquln, hns been
awarded the Navy coinhut aircrew
vlnga. He Is member of antl
Mibmarlne Air Squadron 8B2, Bun
Diego, Culll.
Yaohl ClulBundiiy fnmlly. din
ner will feature a "nteii
Fhrlmp Bouts and Virnlnlii baked
ham. Make reservations at me
club,-, ....
. it ,"i)rtea'
4 I ' ''J ',
,i . ill 4
NEW NIGHT FIGHTER A Ue Havilland, Vampire NF-10.
Kcrcams high over West Mailing, Kent, as; the R.A.F.
dcmunstratcK new developments in London's night fighter'
defenses. Together with the Meteor NF-11, the Vampires
arc replacing the Mosquito NF-30. ',
Hot Rod Clubs
To Enter Race
PORTLAND (tl Nine hot-rod
clubs have entered wine 50 auto
mobiles In a M-mlle ful uul
Portland Hlinday.
Banclloned by the Nortliwe-il thn
Init A.'ir.oclnllon. the run will t.f
Judned on. the basis of best time
ft'llhlil tciriil speed limits and
surety In the Hlfhl of cxlstlnn con
ditions. Participating clubn: Pacers,
Portland: lllli Llften, Corvallls;
Road Klns, F.UKene: Dicers. Sa
llem: Marauders, Newberv; Duks.
u...i..fi.i.i. T-ixuiAt-u Pnltiioe
Grove: Slow Pokes and Chokers,
Vancouver, Wash.
, Backers See Mac
Entering Race
I DALLAS. Tex. W John Chap
: pie of Ashlnnd. Wis., niitlon.il
prenldeiit of "FlKhters for Mac
Arthur" Friday wired K- E, Kploi'
of Porllnml he was confident Gen.
Douirlas MaeArlhur would accept
I- draft to seek the Republican
iircsldentliil nomination.
Rplin, who has filed petitions
pTncliiK MacArthur's name In the
Ornirnn primary, said this week Ire
would not withdraw them even If
the general asked him to do so
Chi'PI'lc said he had congratulated
Eplon for that stand.
Chappie was here on a spcakliiR
trip. He said he wotild be In Oreon
before the May IS primary elec
tion. .
SALEM Wl Motorists should
rn-y chains over the Waplnltla
Cutolf at Government Camp and on
the Old Oregon Trail at Meacham,
the Oreaon Highway Commission
warned Friday.
The commission aald ' there la
packed snow on both roads, but
that other roads are bare,
Mr. and Mrs. John Brown left
Feb, 28 for Ban Diego to attend
the wedding of John's niece. R. E.
Thomas will iwlil at the store
during their absence.
Friends are' sorry to hear that
Mn. Pauling Dewey Is 111 at Klam
ath Valley Hospital. She Is the
mother, of Mrs. Mlgxa Burk.
Many, think are given to mem
bers of the Bonanza Farm Bureau
and F.d Oowen for getting gravel
hauled In front of the school house
and gym. Sure Is nice not to sink
over your shoes In the mud any
more. All we need now Is a flood
light.; ... ...
Mr. and' Mrs. Cliff Pepple and
daughters of John Day and Mrs.
Nome Pepple of Klamath Falls
were Saturday evening dinner
guests at . the Owen Pepple home
and visited, with Mr. and Mrs. O.
C. (phticki Wells, who are here
irom Oakland where he hns been
very 111 at the Naval hotpltal. Mrs.
Wells will remain with her parents
and he will return lo the hospital
March 1 for further treatment. Mr.
and Mrs. Wells arrived Friday to
visit her parents the Owen Pepples.
Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Campbell
have returned to their home at
Alnsworth, Neb. afler visiting her
sister, Mrs. Sarnh Ro.sc, and fam
ily. Walter Casebeer called his moth
er from New Orleans on Saturday
and he and Martin Brown are vis
iting friends there and enjoying
the Mardl Gras beforo returning
Paul Sharpe spent the weekend
at the Roger Reed home and went
with the Reeds to Tulclake on Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Pepple and
Pam have moved lo John Day,
Ore., where Dick has a Job.
Cpl. John B. Rons and Pfc. Al
bert B. Ross, twin sons of Mrs.
I Sarah Ross of Bonanza, are now
In Korea with the 40th Division.
Shirley Hubble of Snn Francisco
I spent the weekend with her par
ents, the King Hubbies, and attend
ed the basketall tournament.
. Orval Wagner Is spending several
weeks In Los Angeles.
Congratulations to our basketnll '
team and their coach Whipple for 1
their good playing and good sports-1
manshlp, and for winning the tro
phy twice In a row. I
" " n imitm I )
una cHitbw'NjKCmiUW,
WMut JT7
For used typewriters and addinc
machines .... Volrht Tioneer
i Office Supply. 6?9 Main.
Ala. ufi Four
school records were set when the
University of Alabama basketball
team defeated Louisiana State V4
87 recently.. New marks were es
tablished for points by Alabama
i and by both teams, as well as for
: field goals by Alabama and by
ootn teams.
ARCH Theatre
"91" Octon. Ethyl 31c 1 ,
2135 South 6th
tBtaaa M
tuiiir in MiMr, ui, I a i mi t r I
Hans Norland
Kl rine St.
Tire Insurance. I
The Peshtlgo forest fire in Wis-
r-nnuln l CW-tAhM- 1S11. covered
! 1,280,000 acres 'and caused the
) death of about 1,500 persons.
SA! EM If The condition of
Walter M. Pierce took a turn for
the worse Friday, Salem Memorial
IIompIIuI anio
nic BO-yenr-old ex-governor and
former congressman has been III
for lo weeks. The hnspltul said he
had a (sir night, but that his con
dition now Is poor.
North America's second largest
waterfall Is believed to be the
Orand Falls of the Hamilton River
at the edge of the Labrador Plateau.
Hans Frci
1J54 U. fhen. l-02tl
oose Pance
SATURDAY - March 1
Moose Hall -1010 Pine
Your Membership Card
Is Your Ticket
rUH Imfrntinf, telatful ...
ftoy at tk Hatel Tbiwomb, at tbe
Cirie Center ia tbe tbeaMr aad
slwoaiag diitrid, ia direct Use with
beta grat Bridge.
Briag yaar iaarily.fer a waek-ead
mr Imm.. mmA mmvor- the distjnetiTe
EuiJteoaioifaaadierriee. nNMT l WTIIMir, Ms.
m I mm k UM Sliiai: ttM r II
S fl wniTCOMB
m m
tut comir in uwt mu
wiiiiwir u rata, lua. t a m 1 1
Favk" CtaT mi LMto IUk itm1
KAtl C. Wf Iff
Un Urn Mi," "M4m hi" CirteM mi rm
Dr. Noles '
the winner in Columbian1!
$500 contest to find a name
(or their sensational new
hearing aid.
The winning name,
was submitted by Mrs. Ros Saucy, 10114 N. Tioja St., rortian.
Columbian expresses sincere appreciation (or the interest shown by
to many other contestants.
flatrh ynir papers for in Important annonncement jItIdjc details
of a start line intrmluctorj oflrrl
Columbian's Hearing Clinic Is ready to serve you.
Hearing Aids, Batteries and Repairs for all makes.
a. isr a a &
j fffHffitfff mrr..t I
Rglterert OntoTn"iri.t
'Dr. Omar J. Nolei, Dr. R. P. Aleionder, Dr. Brewer, Dr. H. R. Seribner,
Dr. K. E. Lcitiel
The Cape's the Thing
...with or without,
. It's Double Qlamour
Remov the button-up, silk-lined shoulder cap
. end presto you have a stunning,
high-collared dress for indoor, dressier
xeosions. Cape and dress both of gleaming
rayon faille with velvet trim, highlighted
by handsome rhinestone pin. ..peg-top
hip-treatment gives you doll waist... push-up
cuff sleeves. ..molded fit achieved with
. long zipper ond kick pleat in back.
i I
' ' ' 'l,W'
...where qou can afford to be exclusive!
Faihion Solon Second Floor
TODAY! Ilf52awMR
Thrifty Supenonie Potrrr!
Under the hood is the new Henry J'
mighty Supersonic Engine..
thriftier than ever! You get power plus...
up to 30 miles on a gallon! A "penny a mile"
drives it!
II M I invl-Lounf e Intcriort!
11 pV" Clamorous is the word for the new
'52 Corsair's Vinyl-lounge Interiors.
New "Silent Curtain" insulation in roof
. shuls out heat, cold, and traffic noises.
. ill C W "Velvet Road" springing gives you I
. smoother ride than ever. City
' driving is easier,' too, thanks lo new
"Inner Circle" parking!
Whit iijtwlt tin ixtr if nd uhtit nmltblt
nilT Romyf' Roomy! Roomy!
il C W New 52 Henry J Corsair is big ia
everything but price! A 58-inch
front seat! Ample seating room for six
More storage space, too!
.n fv.FnaTinarrI ChaaaUt
V -i- .i 'co if r r ,.
in lUC new J- iic-uiy j owianu juu
ride on a double channel "Samson"
frame! Overhead is the largest, one-piece
seamless steel roof panel! See it at your
Kaiser-Frazer dealer's today!
The smallest
car on
(he road !
America's k 1 buy
...Hie car that makes
thrift a pleasure!
,,See it at your KqierFraier Showroom '
UIICt'HAllfi ItllS COIPoHtlltN.WIUM MVfl. Hi CHI
531 So. 6th St. Klamath Falls, Ore.