Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 29, 1952, Page 3, Image 3

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    FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1952
(Attorney Says Surplus
war Ships Sales Legal
WAMI1NCITON 11 An attorney
(or a tlrrfik hliliipliiK niiiHimUi con
lendi'rt to InventlKiiUnic aenntora
llmrnday there wun no Ihw viola
lion In tin Amorluiin Kroup'a eale
ol war iturplim alilpa to a company
controlled by tin Ureek,
llandolph II, cjuthrle, Now York
lawyer, bntlllcd Hi htiirlnici by t
KriiHta Invenlliiutlona imucoinnilttaa
which In diluting Into fihlp itcnln
whnrbv JiMoph El. Canny, fnrinnr
emigre nmmnnr, and hla Irlnnili
sol a , million dollnrn relUrn on
canh Invitxtiiitmta ot flul.OOO.
The Canty group made Hit protlli
by buying eight tunkera from tho
government mid eventually selling
them. Five ol the tanker nanaed
tn control ol Btavron Nlnrchon,
Oreek with "hipping Interest ll
ever the world. ,
Otithrte km before the mibcom
Inltlee mi cuunnel lor Ntarchon,
One ol the quetlonn the eenetom
(re purnulnR In whether there waa
lull compliance with legal require
ment that aurplua U.K. ahlpa be
old only to Americana.
Caaey'a iiroui) held the hlp
Home two yeiim brlorg idling
Uuthrle argued thnt both the "let
ter mt:l nplrlt" ot the law com
piled wllh. on Uie technical aide,
he pointed out that Caaey'a group
organized an American corpora
tion to buy the ahlpa from the U.S
government and that whnt Nlar
choa bouithl waa the American
Guthrie relnted that Nlarchoa.
while In the United Stale lent No
vember, had heard "dlanulalliiK re
port" that there were question
about the deal In government cir
cle". .
Nlnrchoa undeaatond there waa
fear the live venaela might tall Into
unfriendly foreign nanda, ouinrie
He aald the ahlpplng operator
Ihereupon wrote a letter to Vice
Adm. K. L. Cochrane, United
male Maritime admlnlalrntor, offering-
to algn a binding agreement
that he would not tranafer any ves
sel under hla control without the
conaenl ot the Maritime Admlnla.
Cluthrle aald he and Nlnrchoa vis-
lled Cochrane alter sending tho let
ter and renewed the olfer.
The matter now la In the handa of
Maritime Administration attorney.
he aald. NothlnK has been signed
no far.
Mnny of the glazed tllen used
for paving Iloora In France Hen
alsnance palacea were the work
of Maaaent Abaqueane, famous pot
ter of Rouen.
If You Want A New Dress.
Careful Of Blood Pressure
NEW Oltl.HANH I The ren-
on women often fnlnt while being
iiticu lor a new urena la because
hiiniun bclim were never Intended
to atmid on two Iran, nnya a medi
cal expert,
Dr. II. B Mnvernon chairman
ol the Department of Physiology at
Tulana Unlveralty, apoke at the
opening of a neven-day courae on
li'Kiil medicine. He (llncussod the
funclloim of the heart.
"Man waa never meant to atand
on two legs," he declared, "lie
wan built to aland on four other-
wiae hln orgun would not have
been hung like a Chrlatmaa tree
In hla body,"
Gravity tend to pull blood down-
wum lu me lie nam, ana in
order for It to return to the heart.
blood vcaacln mu.it contract and
push It up.
"That la why we . twitch our toes,
nhlft from foot to foot and flex
our leg muaclen," Dr. Mayeraon
naueu, "inai in aino wny women
luint when being fitted for a new
He explained that a rigid atance
stllfcn blood vessels no that the
brain doen not got an adequate
aupply of blooa.
He Doesn't Want
To Go Yet I
TOLEDO, O, W Police BkI.
Mnrtln Maher naked hln auperlora
Friday la net him off the keg ot
dynamite he han been aiding on
for nearly a year.
The nergeant formally reported
thai a cane ol dynamite had been
t.lored In the basement property
room directly beneath hla Balelv
liulldlng po.it and the police prean
room. He nnld he underntond dyna
mite exploded wllh a nliKht ar
alter drying and corroding for
"I believe thin condition nhould
bo checked belnre nome desk
sergeants and reporter take a ride
Into oblivion," the sergeant wrote.
"I am not ready to go."
lalra Ward
Mac bay
Kltclrlfl or Mm4
Lust montb'a rtnlal It pH4 t ft)t
furebf prlc.
Pioneer Office Supply
girls' Spring straws
outstanding example of smart
styling at these low prices
t budget prl
You'll find the newetl illhouettet and
Maturei tn thii tpetioll prked coot
group. We've sketched o typical value
fitted wool tuede coot . . . Ih
front and bock fullneu caught at
the waiit ond clinched with a
contour bell. Ice blue, corol, gold
nude and time. 10 to 16.
Ixpentlve detailing feature thit
eecial group of brand new lult iryltt.
We've niuttrated utt one ... in rayon
heen gabardine . . . with button detail
o coll attention to your liny waiit
ond arched hipline. Navy, red, royal,
km blue, honey beige and check.
.10 to 18.
Ki ft liY
n exciting new fashions . . .
Demurely V-, truly enchentin
WJ . nr the cream
these Sprtnq rc,w - -
of the season's nax -pretty-pretty
styles..-such clever
L the 7-ta-U miss. In your cho.ee
of qoy Easter colors.
Saddle Oxford
r.i O 88
Summer Soft9g
Bes.rfstesnno 8y2-C
Plaid Denim
Plaids as scotch as their low
price! Sturdily made, full cuffs,
bib top. 'Maximum shrinkage
1. Sizes 3 to 6.X..
Enchanting .Spring wear for
your 7 to 14 miss. New wools,
fleeces or suede cloth, novelty
trimmed. Pastels, navy, checks
or tweed. : ,
Infants All Wool
Coat and Bonnet
Adorable hand embroiderf
and scallop trim! 100 virgin
wool i nmaize, light blue, dusty
pink. 6-12-18 month.
for casual wear, young men-about-town perfer Boyville Jr.
Hara'i a wondtrful orroy of
budgat-pricad ipring holil
Soilort, clochai, thalli, bonnati,
plllbexai..kWilh crltp veila,
liny (lower duitars, ribbon
trlmi! Novalty trawi,
ilrawclothi ond ipring faltt
with piquet Evary popular
spring hat
xcluilvaly ttylod for ui at
Mollinion'j checkerelto and butterfly
100 nylon dresses
Only at Saari con you gat that exciting
foihloni priced 10 low . . . dollort lait than
you'd pay oUewherol Exquisitely itylad
draiial tn Malllnton't original nylon shear
fabrki . . . lightweight, cool and the loll
word in comfort I Navy, blue, pink, aquo, lilac
ond beige. Mines', jumWond half iliet.
Sajfy&aaw SEARS
Store Houn: 9 A.M. e 1:10 P.M.
133 So. 8th PkM UN
if iw h 41
rT 1 j (- f
s if ,L ff
V li m I I '"'
Jemior DrtM Shirts .
Sanforized finely woven
white cotton broadcloth . . .
Boyville Jr. fine quality ot
this low price! Sport style,
sizes 4 to 10. 'Maximum
shrinkage 1 .
jwmor Sport Shirt
Bright plaids and prints In
woshfast cotton broadcloth!
Boyville Jr. expert tailoring.
4-6-8-10. Sanforized, maxi
mum shrinkage 1 .
Values for boys from 10 to 18
C r X Boyt' Rayon
Leisure oponb voau sport coats
Crease resistant rayon gab
ardine in a goy array of
Spring colors , . . tan. green,
maroon, navy blue. Equally
suited for dress or casual
BeMMttfuHy taitof(f 000ft
fashioned of 50 reprocessed
woof; 50o EoyoAe. .Smoci oow
poltafMf cotors t
BorvSle Jr. Stripad
Wowhfciit Skirts ;
vote oMyf Rn combosj
eotloa y eoiotM, boM
Uowdripo. Siaea 4 to J.
Sa&)fecZ&fc g&ataA&ed n poatmmBy fact" ffiMK
Store Houn:
133 So. tth
t:00 A.M. te 1:30 P.M.