PAGE TWO IIKRAL1) AND NKWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON - FRIDAY. KKnniJARY 20. 1052 i.,,,,,!,!! ii..n.ii. g, agj.igsnsi.ta, i,'W Ja, ' s : U V. ' 7 -V v""AV. v KFLW 1460 Kc PST Friday Evening Feb. 29. Ml Sports Highlights 0:15 Horn Town Newg 0:2S World Nawa Summary A:iO Suburban Serenade 49 Haadllna Edition ABC li:M fianka Newa Roundup ABC 7 00 Gillette Fights ABC :0O Richard Diamond ABC nqw SHOWING I u I fn 1 1 1 1 I 1001 adventures) FLAMING . f 8:10 Tht Is Vour FBI ABC 0:00 Otie and Harriet ABC 9 30 Concert of Favorites 10 00 10 P.M. Headline! 10:13 Dr. Cino's Musical ABC 10:30 Secly. Dean Acheaon ABC 11:00 News Summary 11:05 Sign Oft KFLW 1450 Kr.r$T Saturday, March 1 6:00 Sign-On News Summary 6:0.1 Corn m tha Morn 8: Farm Far 7:00 Nwi Brkfst Edition 7:15 Charlie's Rounduo 7:30 Bob Carred. News ABC 7:40 Top of the Morning 7:U Music :00 No School Today ABC f-00 Radio Kids Bible Club 9:30 Spaca Patrol ABC 10 00 Lady 5k hook 10:15 W'h.M America Was Planing 10:30 Shake the Mararas ABC 11:00 Matrop" Opera ABC 2 43 Basin Briefs 3:00 Junior Junction BC 3:30 American Farmet ABC 4:00 Request fully Yours 5:00 The Navy Hour ABC 5:1 Roh CrosDv Snow Jl:45 Errands of Mercy Magic ,Cil Canasta Shufflers, games and 11 gifts .... Volght's Pioneer Office S j auppiy. .nam. i .11 TODAY - OPEN' l: J. 4lCl1llll1li aavi.7 s.m M'! ail i ".v a i .fmaaiBai aaa X : . " Extra ' X I Isa Dorah Moldovan'e I mJsJ9ammmmfij I "KLAMATH JUNIOR I irriiii N0W I FOLLIES" J rmSjm ROD CAMERON 0W OUR IJWi M Mmqr Mock BROWN V STAGE SIf-- extra siwoAr, vV JfS 55 I : AMin t o....f I vrvv Ha. H n?i t7gi yinNiiiNiir gp III 4200 Women one man in a perilous ir . Tirj 'aIt4fVs ' Werness adventure! ' I JM U ill nnnrnr Tsvinn ct-r-nivii' i DENISE DARCEL 3gS7 V III .1Idiii FHFBSON Iflhi MclNTIBF n ALu C I TONIGHT " I J J J.i 111,111 IWDNjgjT SHOW -i-J iiml3 j I H Sporla Tllihllihu :ia Home Town Nrwa ' :2S World Newa Summary 6:3g Scirnc Editor ABC C:4S Word of Ule 7 oo Mr. DUlrU't Allornay ABC 12) Music T:;'0 Dinner 4n the r.rfen Room ABC 8 00 Lone Ranger ABC a:.10 Deadline AltC 8:00 Dan'Mna Parly ABC 10:00 10 P.M.. Keenllne I0:IA Brother Art Proiram I0:.T0 Inomnia Cluh 11:00 Newa Summary ' 11:03 Sim Oft KFJ1 1IS0 Ke PST Frlrlav Kvenlnj. Fro. !9. 00 Gabriel Hrattrr MBS a. IS Klamath Theatre tjuia 6::w Around Town News. 0:45 Sam IToyeaNewa ABC 6 -.3 BUI Henry MBS 7i30 Adven. of Malsit MBS 7 :H1 Clero Kid MRS 8:00 Basketball Time 8:05 Bxktbl. Ashland at Kt'HS 0:00 Glenn Hard Newt MBS 0:15 Bsktrjl. A. hi. nil at Ki lls :W Fulton LeU Jr. MBS 9 M 3-Mtnute Final Mns 10:00 i Lov a Mystery MBS 10:13 Adven. Is Your Heritage 0::0 Armei Forces Review ivlBS 11:00 Kite Owl News 11:03 Ntiht Owla Club 12:00 Sun Off KFJI 1150 Kc-PST Saturday, starch 1 6.00 Musical Reveille 0:43 I arm Rep. 6:35 Regional News 7:00 Hemingway News MBS 7:15 Breakfast Cang MBS 7:GO Heaalines and Bylines 7:43 Buys 6:00 Morning Melodies 8:15 Breakfast Cang MBS 8:30 Haven of Rest MBS. O.oo Pop Tures 8:13 Dance Tunes 8. .10 Your Income Tax MBS 8:45 Favorites of Yesterday 10:00 News MBS 10:13 Name Bands 10:?0 4-H Club 10:43 Concert 10:30 Currin'a Program 10:35- Social Security Program 11:00 Music 11:2.1 News MBS 11:30 Melody Time MBS 12:00 News 12:13 Mark Rogers MBS 12-.M1 Kicicy s Kequesi 1:30 News MBS 1:33 Music for Saturday 2:00 staglines MBS 2:15 U.S. Navy Band 2:30 Bands for Bond! MBS 3:33 News MBS 3:00 Oklahoma Symphony MBS 4:00 OPS 4:13 Frank Hemingway. Jsews MBS 4:30 Mark Rogers MBS 4:3 Twin Views of News MBS 3:00 Dude Ranch Roundup MBS 5:30 Christian Science 3:43 Bandstand USA MBS 3:35 Baukhage Talking .MBS 6:00 Around Town News 6:15 Klamath Theatre Quiz 6:30 Assembly of God 7:00 Hawaii Calls MBS 7:30 Klamath Temple 8:00 Basketball Time 6:03 Bsktbl. Ashland at KU1IS 8:00 Newt MBS 9:13 Bsktbl. Ashland at KfHS 9:55 Cecil Brown. News. MBS 10:00 Lombardo Land MBS 10:30 Arthur Van Orch., MBS 11:00 Kite Owls News. 11:05 Night Owls Club 12:00 aifn vix 1.08 ANGELES) Comtminlnt imdei'Krtiuiid plmm, a ntiUonal rad io cominuiilcnMona scheme and an Rtcmito .Hclontlsl ll t'ontiiliifd in the testimony ol a top ex.-uoiiiniu-nlst liave enlivened llio tilnl ot California's 15 parly lenders. . t John. Lautner, eastern (uiH'llon- ary oi the party (or 21 years, Jolted the Thurnday with Ihcse disclosures from llio witnes.i sliind: ' . , . Tlie Communist pnrlv In 1848 ami 149 devised an Intricate syslem for Rolinr iindcrifround In New York and elsewhere If and when the party was declared tllciinl. it was directed Dy Robert Government Puts Finger On Carriers WASHINGTON L The fMvll Aeronautics Board has ordered alx major domestic airlines to provide Rcmilne eoorh-servlce rates and schedules effective Aurll 1 or lo quit certain of their low-rule tourlsl operations. The board has held that the car riers authorised to provide coach service a year aco lo meet com- j petition ironi the iow-rnte nou- rvneauiea airlines In uielr sched ules for the new period starliiiR April 1 have foiled either to re duce off-pen It mlght-tlmc) fores lo the specified four cents a passen Ser mile, or to 4nt In enoush seat ing capacity to qualify the plants as true coaches. Here is how the order applies: To Capital, Eastern and North west 'Airlines generally. However, the more than four cents a mile fare of Northwest Airlines to which the CAB objects Is for round-trip nlsht flights between New York Newark and Minneapolls-St. Paul. The board sold Northwest's pro posal to use 55-sent DC-4 planes. ....icjuicica as to nour of depart tire was -"not sufficiently high I seating density" for this ivpe t'f I conch equipment. 1 To Um,wt and Western on the.e , fliRhts between Los Angeles-Oak-; land-San Francisco and Portland- Seattle; and between Portland and ccniiir. "United and Western's fill nrs ns well as some of those of Northwest i Ington, and Oregon Christmas tree specified fares of more than four ' Riowcrs are considering a tree cents per passenger mile for both RruMng program designed to keep night and day coaches," the board P001- trccs " U'9 market, said. Growers' representatives meeting "For technical reasons it was j her Thursday named a committee necessary to suspend the entire 10 work on a program and report filing although the fare level was ! Us findings at another conference objectionable only as applied on I In September, night coaches. i US. Forester Martin Severson of "The remainder of Northwest's ! Portland told the group shipping tiling was suspended because the seating density was less than that which the board has tentatively determined was required for an economically sound coach operation." Plans To Go Underground Described In Testimony As Red Leaders Face Trial link the prniiosed underground. l.auluer wait In cIiiiiko of buying and distributing priming equip ment under llio pluu. In 1040. he snlri, he gave a mimeograph machine to Dorothy Henley, one of the present drlend aula, while she was attending a meeting In New York. In IIMI, one of hli teachers at the party's National School for leaders wus mi atomic nrlentlsl, an avis! nut professor at Columbia linlversity. known to Latitnrr onl) as "John." "Hr was supposed to teach us one day." the witness te:itilled. "but he said he couldn't make It Thompson, one of the 11 national I !?."!"'v?J::, '''...'".."r "." c1.',?!" leaders convicted ot conspiracy In 1U49. Thompson appointed Lautner to carry oul the program in New York state. John Williamson, another of the convicted hierarchy, discussed with Lautner the possibility of a na tlqnnl network of amateur radio stations and mobile transmitters to Doctor Gives Sound Advice DENVER Ml A doctor who gave up practice in Detroit to serve the peonle of a South Dakota town ol 900 population gave a few simple rules Friday which he said would help a small town get and hold a doctor. Dr. Kenneth Kalsch of Phillip. S. D., spoke at the Seventh National Conference on Rural Health. He said a small town should: To obtain a doctor, provide ade- ouate nospltal facilities and per sonnel, oince space for a doctor to rent and the type of town in which a person would want to live: To keep a doctor, treat him as a human being with the same mental outlook and physical stamina as yourselves, try working with him instead of against him. Xmas Tree Grading Asked TACOMA Wl Western Wash- era! Kleclrlc Laboratory at Sche nectndy lo amitsli atoms." When the prtiseculton called at tention to (he (act Hint this wits four years before (he Hiroshima A-bomb, defense counsel objected strenuously, llut the testimony stood. The Callfornlans are charged with conspiring with each other and with the convicted national lenders lo tench and advocate vio. lent overthrow of the Kuvernuieiit WURUTZER A mognificcnt piano. Mony lowly stylet and finishes to cKoosa from. LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No. 7rh Ching Battles Oil Strike WASHINGTON Wl Federal Conciliator Cyrus S. Chlng Friday promised "Intensified" efforts to produce a compromise and head off a nationwide oil strike now set for March 9. Ching won a week's postpone ment Thursday night from a coali tion representing: the CIO oil work. crs and a score of AFL and in dependent unions. He said a strike would have an "immediate" effect on millions nf auto drivers, would hamper or stop production at every big refinery in the country and would strike a blow at the defense program, now run ning at full speed. A strike would affect oil fields, pipeline transportation and refin eries. Industry sourrfes said the Impact on the pipe lines would depend on WRlcrr- refining plants were closed and how long the strike lasted. lop-sided, scrubby and off-color trees to other states "degrades the good trees and gives this state bad name." Members of the study committee are Mark Heckman of Scappoose, , ure.: tnnnes Ladd, Salem, Ore., Eugene Hofsted. Olympia: Flovd Addlngton, Puyallup. Walt Sim mons. Shelton, Wash.. Clarence Stohr. Tacoma. and Ed Olldon. Port Orchard. Wash. 1 . :arv ,.-mmQBrf.m a aaiW SI J Zellerbach Stock Dividend Boosted SAN FRANCfSCO Wl Crown Zellerbach Corp. Friday Increased Its quarterly dividend to 75 cents a share from the S cents paid previously and' declared an extra ot 30 cents a share. Both payments will be made April I to stock of record March 13 bringing dividends for the Rscal year ending next April 30 to $3 a share comDared vjtn J2.80 In the previous fiscal year. . Boby Survives Truck Incident CLEVELAND Wl A parked tour-ton truck rolled Into a baby carriage Thursday, crushlna it un der the front wheels. inside tne carriage was 10 week old Pamela lohman.. St. Luke's Hospital attaches-nald the lot re ceived no apparent injuries.. The driver, Edward Oales, 31. i lumped from the rear of his truck , I and mannered tn nnah Lhp rhilrl'a I . ;'jl A if pi; 'i ? 1 ADD 110 PICTURI TV NOW OR LATIR THE BELVEDERE. Supcr aensitivo radio-phonograpri with AM-KM and automatic 3 -speed record playor, to which you can add 1 V Inter. CMOH GIRLS ITS rOOU TURN TO E TOLD! LEAP YEAR DAY! And tn E4jr is 4ieiAf h hala yew celatrafa and "get with romantic LEAP YEAR MIDNIGHT SHOW! CapM himself helped as select prcfreai that hi faaraaff ei n please him, and rati, tact kilt PLEASE NOTE! NO I0YS WILL IE ADMITTED WITH OUT GIRLS .. NO GIRLS ADMITTED WITHOUT BOYS! , . ALL TICKETS MUST IE PURCHASED IY GIRLS . . . AND THATS NOT ALU PLEASE NOTE SPECIAL COMIINATION ADMISSION PRICE TWO for ONEj 80' for Boy and Girl Together A FAMILY PICTURE At Mm fm rf He ft$ t at ' Met IwW-nliaaf axtftaHan tt tww h mttrkt tmtk. MaiH lit ajtaf tn em Mm at tat tjMkif vvn - Z' Grandmother "Youngest" OTTAWA, 111. Wi Mrs. Dalsv Johnson, 53, claims she is one of the nation's youngest great-grandmothers. Mrs. Johnson, who Is employed at an Otttrwa drug store, became a great-grandmother Wednesday when her granddaughter. Mrs. Rob ert Bond, gave birth to a three pound son. Mrs. Johnson was married when she was 15 and was a grandmother when she was 32. Her daughter, Mrs. Roscoe Sarles, was 17 when she was married. Mrs. Sarles' daughter, Mrs. Bond, also was 17 when she was married. The remains of Neanderthal man who lived about 100.000 years ago, were first discovered in Germany. The white-pink ant) blue stuccoed houses on the Azores today give the islands a Mediterranean atmosphere. e5 $335 HECKLING INSTRUCTIONS KUALA LUMPUR. Malaya W Rpnt-navprs in thie. FArljrntinn ran. ltal, determined that they shall beimother. Mrs. Sylvia Lohman. 34. ! In hlnnrln nnlr tun In rich iicnru on municipal matters, are out qj tne vcnicic a pain. : rnahncinnv finish eointr to De tautrnt now In heckle ' a o ' ' Padi A. Krishman, chairman of the Selangor Rent-payers Associa tion, said his group would support but one candidate in forthcoming city elections. "But," he said, "we are going to heckle plenty. I shall instruct members bow to heckle myself." See the Btlvedate Deluxe -with 2 ipeoken. '395 In Blonde Show Must Go On D-.a. C L LI .- put jne tt as i-aie i LOS ANGELES. Pi Television actress Anne Sterling has con vinced the superior court that it was physically Impossible for her to have been here in time to testify as the star witness in a theft case. Judge Jesse J. Frampton erased from the record Thursday the con tempt citation against her but he did not order remitted the $50 fine he Imposed upon her. The case had to be postponed. Miss Sterling presented docu mentary proof that she was aboard a grounded plane enroute here from Vancouver. Wash. Mrs. Yolanda R. Elliott, accused by the actress of stealing a lur piece, was acquitted by a Jury. Sex Offender Bill May Go To Voters PORTLAND Wl A plan to give treatment to persons convicted of sex oiienses may go beiore Oregon voters next November. The plan was drawn uo Thursday In the office of Mayor Dorothy MeCullough Lee. It calls for in determinate sentence law, a state institution for sex offenders and a psychiatrist to work with the courts. After further conferences thn clan may be offered on Initiative petitions for a statewide vote. Ship In Port For Costly. Repair PORTLAND Wl The Liberty freighter Augustln Daly llmDed ,back Into Portland Thursday for Jiu.uw in repairs OI aamage sui fered in a downriver collision. In heavy fog the Daly and the French- motorshlp Bresle collided near Puget Island. The Bresle headed out of the river for Cuba, after undergoing Inspection at Astoria. FOR ONLY 3 Per Pound F ff ill YOU (,., a fine 9yR Portrait ;8ff (hot J3 baby ( 1 month fa 10 yean) THIS IS A SPECIAL BABY OFFER GOOD UNTIL MARCH IS. ALL EXTRA PORTRAITS AT REGULAR STUDIO RATES. juudsodan STUDIO 1125 Moin Ph. 2-2791 KLAMATH tAlL0, OniOOaM I AMERICAN CHINISE ;i at rhaft baatl Pa. 4 Pat Ortlan Ta Take Oat Ben B. Lee, Mgr. aWHar sight. Bettar sound. Better buy...MAONAVOX , 120 No. 7h Ph. 4519 l SPEClMjte V 7 CV NrAijjyj Batty Crocker MAGAZINE OF THE Al By MARJORIE OVGARD "Whitptrlni Streeti" a new, di versified drama sarles bated ee tha eiparlancos of a sophisticated au thor and ai-nawipapar correspond ent, will make its bow on KFLW and ABC Monday at 10: J5 a.m. Tha program replaces "Edward Arn old" and "Batty ,Crockar"; the former will be discontinued, and "Batty Crocker" moves to 3:00 p.m. This necessitates moving "When a Girl Marrlas" to 2:15 a.m. daily. So remember thaia changes, coma next Monday. As Ricky Nelson would soy, he doesn't mess oround, boy. In on other amusing episode in "The Adventures of Ozzio ond Harriet" to night, the youngest of the Nelson clon certainly doesn't mess oround when he gets a donee invitation from Julio, Thornberry, his next door neighbor. The complexities of doncing with one girl oil evening ore omusingly related on tonight's "Ozzie ond Harriet" program ot 9:00. Another half-hour of Saturday morning time is turned over , to tha kids starting tomorrow, when "Radio Kids Bible Club" re turns to KFLW. Tha production Is almost entirely juvonile-staffad, and faaturas Bibla stories, sonoi by children'! choruses, and ad venture stories. It will ba heard ovary Saturday at 9:00 and is sponsored by tha local Child- Evangelism Fellowship. From 8:00 to I OilS a.m. now it's kids' tima on LW. "No School Today," "Radio Kids," "Seaca Patrol" and "Lady Skyhook." At 11:00 tomorrow, opera lovers will hear one of the moster- pieces of comedy in music, Mozort's "The Marriage of Figaro." Cesare Siepi will sing the role of Figaro, with Nadine Conner os Susanna. Attroctlva Arlana Francis will become the first mittrats of musical caramonias on "Stop tha Music" when sha takes over for tha vacationing Bart Parks this Sundoy, And sha will head tha list of wall-wishers to bid forewell to Kay Arman, Immediately after this week's broadcast, Kay Armen will fly to the West Coast to start a motion picture career. Kay Is a veteran of "Stop the Music" since Its Inception fours years ago. Taking over for her will be June Valll, 21 -veer-old rising star. , "Cavolcade of Sports" tonight presents Chlco Vejar ond Frltrie Prdden in o 10-round welterweight bout, storting ot 7:00 p.m. Unwrlnkla your furrowed brows, harried taxpayers, and funa In "Deadline" tomorrow night at 8:30. This Is a spociol program with typical questions ef taxpayers being answered by a ponel of oxpertt from the American Insfituta ef Accountants. 1- '; :. V . A O - $ o The raeufre of a fifteen roar ffudy show ffiet acfulfa toll fo eenitme etfeeuafe milk far phve'eaf welf bafng. Dad, who '"lift" m lint foefer then he anca did, and Mafhar, wftosa porienea aflorfans at ffia and of fhe day, con both benefit by fncreoefnf tha amount of MILK and dairy faoda In their diofs. Tfy THIi: ft the naif ale weeae drink MILK Instead of coffee or tea with at laser two of your meofa oach dor . . . and FIND OUT haw much BUTTER you can ff EL I Co your YOUNG SELF aaofo f ... far St ILK la the MOST VALUABLE a Mo la rood ON EARTH. i 111 mm"mmmmmmM