PAGE SIXTEEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON WUPAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1082 Hew Austria Peace Plan Shaped for Russ Study Court OK's Death For am a. . il : WASHINGTON Wt The U.S. Court, of Appeals Thursday unani mously upheld the conviction and death sentence of Oscar Collaso, Puerto Rican fanatic who tried to assassinate President Truman 16 months ago. Collazo's Puerto Rlcan compan ion and a White House guard were killed during; a. furious gun battle louRht on the steps of Blair House, temporary home of the President at the time of the shooting on Nov. 1, 1950.. The 37-year-old Collaio was charged with murder although it was determined that the bullet that killed White House Guard Leslie Coffelt came from the gun of Grls ello Torresola, Collazo's compan ion. Torresola was shot to death when Presidential guards opened fire on the Puerto Ricans. Collazo was wounded during the assault. So were two other - White House guards. The : law Drovldes that every member of a group convicted of committing a felony that results in murder Is subject to a charge of first degree murder and punish able by death. Collaao's court-appointed attor ney appealed the conviction im posed in district court by contend ing there were a number of errors in the handling of the trial. The three-judge Court of Appeals said It found no error in the trial and noted "in accordance with our custom in capital cases, we have examined the entire record to as certain whether in our view errors were made which were not called to our attention by counsel for the appellant." "We found none," the Appeals Court said. "The Judgment of the district court must be affirmed." The opinion was handed down by Judges Pinbrough Stone, E. Barrett Prettyman and Charles Fahy. Collazo still has two chances to escape the electric chair. The su preme court could reverse the con viction or Mr. Truman could com mute the sentence. Radio, Video Trusts Eyed WASHINGTON IB A federal grand Jury in New York city is making an anti-trust inquiry into the radio and television manufac turing Xield. This was confirmed Thursday by the Justice Department in response to inquiries. It refused to give any details. The disclosure followed reports that the Department had begun an investigation to determine whether there was any conspiracy among television -receiver manufacturers in relation to the long fight over color television. Officials acknowledged that sub poenas have been served on some major set-makers. Californfei Has Big Surplus Fund SACRAMENTO, Calif. Ufl A state general fund surplus in ex cess of $140 million was forecast by State Controller Thomas H. Kuchel Thursday. Accelerated tax revenues, he said, prompted revision of his es timate last December that the state would have a minimum sur plus of SIS million at the end of .1 1 v. uwnjuK Lai . u uxic OU. Br RICHARD O'REGAN VIENNA, Austria Wl The Unl ted Slates, Britain and France are examining new proposals to Russia for a peace treaty with Austria. Tills move possibly mav be de signed to get a clear Idea whether the Kremlin intends to start a war in Europe- The announcement of the three Western powers was Uie first step toward proposing to Russa that the four powers sign an abbrevia ted: treaty mat would pull all lor- eiftn troops out oi Austria ana (Ma mimlbaq Veterans who sell their homes and let the purchasers assume the 4 percent G.I. loans remain per sonally responsible for the Dav ment of the loan, according to the veterans Administration. The VA has cautioned World War n veterans not to sell their prop erty without making certain lhat their interests are protected. The Dest way to ao that, tne VA said is to have the purchaser pay cash or arrange a loan in his name. The VA pointed out that prop erty is more easily sold with the favorable 4 percent G.I. mortgage remaining m enect a factor that should influence the selling price. However, a veteran selling his property with the G.I. loan intact runs . the - risk of later having to pay all or part of the debt result ing from a default by the new owner. ' Should the new owner of the property fail to keep up the mort gage payments, the holder of the G.I. mortgage can foreclose. When the proceeds of the sale resulting from the foreclosure do not cover the amount of the G.I. loan outstanding, the difference may remain a debt against the veteran. The VA has to pav the holder of the mortgage for the guaranteed portion of the debt. The veteran will then owe the government the net amount of that payment, plus interest. Veterans faced with the problem of foreclosure on property they have sold with the G.I. mortgage in effect can obtain assistance and advice from their nearest VA re gional office. QUESTION OF THE WEEK A. I was disabled a couple of months ago, while training in an Armv caniD in the United States. Would I be eligible for vocational training since I was disabled dur ing the Korean hostilities, even though I didn't get my disability in the Korean fighting? A. Yes. you may be eligible if you meet all the other require ments of the law such as a com pensable service-connected disabil ity, a reed for training to over come your handicap, and an other-than-dishonorable discharge. The disability may have occurred any place in the world. Missouri Mules Get Backing MANILA tfl The Philippines is going to organize a cavalry squad ron mounted on mules. It's Defense Secretary Ramon Magsaysay's newest idea for chas ing Huk rebels to their hill hide outs. Magsaysay plans to import the mules from Australia. Old-timers say he is going the wrong way. Ine Australian breed, they say. can't match the pugnacity of a Missouri mule. AN EASY WAY TO HAVE A PIANO Ta can rent a lovely new spinet niatis from tbe La nit B, Mann Piano Com pany, 120 N. 71b, at a low monthly rate. After a reasonable time yon can. If yon with, chance from rent to pur chase agreement. The rent already paid la all credited to your purchase account ana no omer aown payment 11 necea ary. Tbe monthly payments can be little higher than rent. Or, tf yon pre fer, yon can continue t rent. 9th and Pine S . Phone 3188 ' ' I , t - Y r ' ' . - V 't. i '.?. : - - ' CUT TO ORDER low aw .89 37'A-lo. x6lt , Come to Wards for any width shade you need for. windows in your home or office. Choose the .... material best suited to your needs ever-popu-; lor,, durable, washable, machine-oiled cloth. ; Come in today with measurements Words do the rest.. , - . No chorge made for cutting, - give the country Its freedom. rroiongca negotiations on a trea ty were broken off In London 14 months ago. Thursday's declarations sought to Pin down blame for the present stalemate and called on Moscow to honor a 1943 agreement which pledged a free and independent Austria. The "new proposals" being ex amined were not further identified In Washington. But informed diplo matic officials have indicated they involve a Western proposal lor an abbreviated treaty. The Russians would have three choices to make. 1. Thev could accept the pro posal. This would be a far-reaching indication of peace. S. Thcv couM reject the proposal, but nevertheless keep the six-year talks on a complete treaty going. In this case the West would not worry. Western diplomats here fig ure this would mean Russia's Im mediate Intentions in Europe, at least, are peaceful. 3. They could reject the pro posals and split tiny Austria be tween East and West, as has been done in Germany, Dinlomata hem sav tills would be a clear indication that the Kremlin is ready for war. They reason thus: The Russians as a matter or local policy ao not want to see Austria split., A divided Austria would have no political value to the Russians. Economically, a decapitated Aus tria would leave the Eastern part without electrlo power to operate is factories. Militarily, Russia would gain no advantage since she already has 44,000 troops In her Eastern sone as a springboard. Smaller contingents of American, British and French forces are sta tioned in Austria. Therefore, if the Russians force partition it is part of an overall policy in which the Russians are ready to risk conflict. r 1 9th and Pine Phone 3188 s' ' : li it Hiatal' K M f 4 ' 'i fc --4jr- SAVE 4 WAYS WITH WARD POWER TRACS 10-33 4 ply 69.00 Plus Fed. Tax . POWER TRACS COST LESS Wards factory-to-slore-to-you distribution makes Power Tracs lower-priced than nationally known brands. , DO MORE TRACTOR WORK, FASTER Deep-b'rte tread bars pull through mud when heavy work must be done. Surer grip does more work per hour. SAVE GAS; LESS ENGINE WEAR Scientifically designed extra-high tread bars grip soil firmly. Less wasted power saves wear, gas, and oil. , COST LESS PER HOUR Specially compounded rubber prevents excessive weath ering, cracking, checking. Tires age better, wear longer, GET PADDLE-WHEEL TRACTION River craft use paddle wheels to push heavy barges. The paddles, straight across the wheel, develop tremendous pull ing power in the water, likewise, Wards big, straight tread bars bite into the ground for paddle-wheel power. LIBERAL TRADE-IN MOUNTED WITHOUT CHARGE BUY ON WARDS FARM-INCOME PAYMENT PLAN 9th and Pino iQ Phone 3188 HOME FURNISHINGS SALE Sale ends Saturday, so come in right away. There's still a wide selection of top values for you to choose from. Save on all your home needs now at these low sale prices. SATURDAY LAST DAY Req. 239.95 ELEC. RANGE Sal prlet 2 I 9 XS dowt Automatic electric cooking clock con trols 20' porcelained oven, 6-qt. Deep-Well cooker and oppllonca outlet, 3 storage compartments. !' :mm l REGULAR 129.95 MODERN FIGURED FRIEZE SOFA-BED 109.88 Reduced to A handsome living room set by day you'd never guess it's an extra bedroom at night. The large arms on sofa-bed are attractively modern in style. It opens to a comfortable 45-inch innerspring bed that accommodates two; single-deck coil- On Termt, 15 "on2 springs over No-Sag spring seal. Bed ding compartment In sofa for storage of extra bedding. Covered In deep-piled wool and collon figured jacquard Fries. REGULAR 59.95 Matching Platform RoeV er with No-Sag spring seat. Now, 44. tit' REG. 31.95 CRIB-YOUTH BED Sale-Priced 27.88 10 Down Replace toe-touch drop-side with guard rail, crib ts youth bed. Hard maple in maple or waxbirch finish. 4-level spring. 12.95 Wet-Proof Mattress 11.88 PLASTIC-COVERED ROCKER Reg. Price 54.95 47.88 13 Down Sink back In this comfortable, long-wearing Plat form Rocker. The durable plastic cover wipes clean with damp cloth. Attached coil-spring seat cush ion. No-Sag spring back. Solid hardwood frame. L