PAGE FOURTEEN HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS.' OREGON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 10r2 14 AATMINTI K HINT fOR' nSHT. three ' room lurnlehed ep.rtimmt; Adulla only. SIM Orchard. Inquire S0J7 nadcllffe. ton ItENT, three room fumiahed S j . "r"a apartment. Phone 7731. MObferiN fumiahed three room and bath apartment. . OLYMPIC APTS ., , , 307 I AST M A 1 W . NEWLY decorated apartment. Greer Anta. 710 Main roR HUNT, two room lurnuhed apart .1 .. r. t - -: . "" tii anuua. aai rjroeo uutnn ArARTMKNT at the uram hall Apt., Sixth and Plna. Phona 87. TOR RENT, two room fumiahed apart ment, alectrlc atove and refrigerator. Natural hot watar heat Lincoln ApU. 310 K. Main. llNruRNISItED, bcaement apartment J or bachelor or lady. Natural hot water eat and watar fumtihed. $39. Refrtg rator and alectrlc range available. CLEAN furnlihed apartment with bed. room. 313 Cedar. , LEASE, email apartment houte. Tur jilahed. olose In. $7.V Phone 4M3. REDECORATED three room furnlihed Apartment, electric heat. Two blocks from Main. Adults. No pelt. .312 N. iitn. Titihed. Adufta. 33B Broad. wO room furnished apartment. Light fid water. 11 2.1 Walnut. .BTEAfcl HEATED apartment with bed room. B Onk St F URN I SHED apartment Sot rant A partment 1. 200 Market. THRES BOOM furnished apartment 3061 White. bNK bedroom unfurnished apartment Cai equipped. Call 2-Q6U. ViEWLY decorated, private bath, kit chenette. Steam heat electric range 10 week Rex Armi Apanmem. FOR RENT, fumUhed aparttrent In- pulre SIB High- ; ATTRACTIVE two roomi. Everything furnisneci dui groceries. for rent, furnished 2 bedroom apartment alto 1 bedroom apartment Private entrance. 2015 Oregon Avenue. Phone 2-0.T28. . FURNISHED bedroom apartment Phone 7644, 8th and Walnut Audley Apartments .BACHELOR apartment Phone Merrill 4401. UNFURNISHED three room duplex, ga rage. H.l.50. Phone 2-33ffY. FURNISHED three room apartment $52.50: two room unit (35; all utilities Included. 418 N. Tenth. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT FOR RENT, two bedroom furnished house, 1449 Wiltord. wo per roonin. TWO BEDROOM unfurnished house, 1220 Bown, $40 per mo. FOR RENT, furnished three room apartment at 438 Huisiqc. rnone a-ww. ONE bedroom partly furnished house. Close in. can FOR RENT, two bedroom furnished apartment, pnone z-ua. TWO bedroom house down town. Phone 7485. FOR RENT, two bedroom modern House unrurnisneo. i-none ONE bedroom house. 201 Cook. pahtt.y furnished two bedroom bouse available March 1st rnone 3g. rn bvkt rfunlrx in Hot Sorines. Heat hot and cold water furnished. Phone 3790 aner a p-m. ONE bedroom furnished house, 216 Washington St. LARGE furnished cabin. Route 3, Box 1046 wocug. Mrs, waon. trrnv attrnrtiv unfurnished dlTDlex. 87.50 Includes heat, water, washing machine, garage. Couple only. Phone BHOS. UNFURNISHED four room duplex Ex ept for stoves. $50. Call 3027 before p.m. HOUSEKEEPING cabins. Close in. Phone 3236. TffREE room furnished house for rent Phone 4735. . 79 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT - BEEHIVE u TRUCKS DRIVE Move Yourself Save New Trucks For Long Trips Pickups Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main Phone 8304 FOR KENT, Irrigated pasture for 60 head cattle. miles south of Klamath Falls, call iwia a iter o p.m jam, v-au imij iici " h-w STROE or office on South Sixth. Ap- j ..I., onn - Dhnna SfTiH FOR RENT. 60 -acres poUto land. 5 year in alfalfa, near Adams Point rnone omdim OFFICE for rent 623 Main. Phone 7101. equipment. Suburban Lumber Co. 11th ana wainnr rnone now CAR STORAGE HEATED, dw week er month. Earl Lamb, phona 4673 r 7700. 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOMES FOR SALE HOT SPRINGS Well kept two bedroom home with fireplace, full basement. $8750. MILLS ADDITION Nice two bedroom home. Well located. $8500. CLOSE-IN Two bedroom home. $5500. CLOSE IN One bedroom home. $2800. ST. FRANCIS PARK Lovely two bedroom home. Electric heat, dome furnishings. $8750., . THREE BEDROOMS On acre good soil, all fenced. $5600. BEARD AGENCY REALTORS and INSURANCE 1020 Main Ph. 2-3471, 4734, 4880 IRRIGATED FARMS HENLEY 80 acres, close-in on paved road. This farm selling for $21,000, only $6000, down, $1500 per year. No buildings. POE VALLEY 220 acres, with two bedroom home. 80 acres under ditch, balance can easily be put under water. 90 acres in alfalfa. Only $28,000, $15,000 down, balance $1100 per year. LANGELL VALLEY 240 acres under ditch, 40 acres alfalfa 120 acres permanent pasture, balance In grain last year. Fenced and cross-fenced. This farm has a com fortable home and tenant house, large barn and plenty of buildings. See this one I It is selling for only $45,000 fully equipped or $39,000 without machinery. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0527) t AL SCHMECK , REALTOR and INSURANCE 617 Main Phone 3211 bedroom home including new elec tric range, Venetian blinds. Priced for quick sale. Inquire evenings or week end!. 2043 Wan Hand. FURNISHED four room home on two acres. Chicken house, cooler. Near bus. eww. W7 Bartlett Ave. 17A Armro 100 acres Irrigated. 40 acres dryland farming. Excellent set of buildings, twenty miles out on Main highway. Price $34,000 terms. 179 ACRES . Cloae In. 150 acres under cultivation In pasture and farmland. Free Irriga tion on all. Good home. Priced only 28,800, 912,000 down. Balance on long terms. Jack Gardner NEWHOUSE REAL ESTATE 9090 So. fllfe. Phone M SO RIAL ISTATI MR SALE You Will Ha Ha Ha As You Hoe Hoe Hoe The rich sandy soil on this dandy H acre in the Shasta, District. You will kick yourself if you miss tills chance of a lifetime. Large ( room modern home all newly redecorated Inside. 2 bedrooms, nice living room, dining room, light modern kitchen, sun room or sewing room, dandy large bath room with lots of linen space and attached garage. AU this for only $6,750. $1,450 for owners equity and assume Veterans Loan on the balance. Monthly payments like rent. LOOKING FOR A CHEAP. E? If you want a real bargain in a small neat clean inexpensive home DON T MISS THIS BUY. Nice residential district. Only 1 block to store. Well constructed and easy to heat. Partially furnished. Newly redecorated. Cash sale price $3750. Near Mills School 2 bedroom home only 4 blocks to the school. Ideal for a small family. Concrete foundation and automatic heat Nice living room with fire place. Hard to believe but the price Is only $4950. Assume owners G.I. Loan or refinance to suit on any type loan. BATHTUB Only $7,500. Beautiful white porce lain, hot and cold running water. With this we will throw in I large living room, 2 nice bedrooms with light modern kitchen and dinette. For good measure we will give you a garage with concrete floor, con crete walks and metal clothesline mounted in concrete. House has insulation and storm windows. AU kidding aside you should see this one. Situated on H acre in the South Suburban area. Only 2 blocks to school. Al Longmire 6724 Eves. 5332 Joe Perry BURTON EGRAY REALTOR and INSURANCE 1037 Main St. Ph. 3665- or 3421 RIVER VIEW ADDITION Two bedroom home. Glassed in break fast room, large garage, lawn, garden and shade trees. Corner lot. $7250, FHA or GI terms. HARLAN DRIVE Three bed room home. Garage, fruit cellar, garden and berries, hi acre, on pavement. $7250 terms. ONE BEDROOM Modern home. Two car basement garage, close to school. $3,000, $1,000 down, $35 per month. , 1926 MAIN STREET. Three bed room home. Garage. $3850, $500 down. Terms. JACK CASHTN L.Willard Cedarleaf REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 3927 So. 6th Phone 2-0154 Eves. 2-3170 ' HOMEDALE Attractive two bedroom, almost new. Large living room, dining room, kitchen, tub and shower bath. A bright and cheery home with electric heat throughout Large garage. 13 acre all fenced. Lovely lawn and shrubs. Good garden space. A. real bargain at $7900. Reasonable down payment Balance like rent. , $300 DOWN A small suburban cottage, built on a hill with a lovely view of the city. These quarters are a bit small and run down, but with a refrigerator, oil stove and .other furniture in cluded. You can't miss on this one at $2350, or owner will trade equity for trailer house. YALTA GARDENS A lovely, spacious home located in the heart of one of Klamath's fin est restricted districts. 2 large bed rooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and bath. Also a big fire place and a cozy den to add to your comfort and relaxation. This one has the best that there is to offer in home life and it's really a show place that you will be proud of for years to come. Reasonable terms may be arranged. , FOR THE THRIFTY A cozy little suburban home with two bedrooms, bath, living room, large kitchen, utility room,' nice garage with cement floor on 13 acre of rich dark soil that is now producing one of the finest gardens in the area. Plenty of room for chickens or other live stock. A swell place to beat the high cost of liv ing. A real, bargain at $4950. 8EE US FOR HOTELS, MOTELS, BARS, AND APARTMENTS Johnny Hobson (Eves. 2-2713) Dale Grubb (Eves. 3544) Art Frederlckson (Eves. 6725) with AL LONGE, Realtor REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 111 So. 8th Phone 8283 Ranches For Sale If you are In the market for a cattle ranch or farm land, I will be ready to do business as soon as the snow goes off. Write or phone. PAUL A. TSCHIRKY REAL ESTATE Rte. 1 Box 212 Tulelake, California , Phone 7-0458 FOR SALE, in Klamath Falli. One bedroom completely furnlihed houac. New bath, electric heat, acre of ground. Selling below colt. CaU Tule lflke 7-0000 after 4 p.m. NEW HOMES for sale, WUllam B. Powell. Phone 6929. FOR SALE, five room houie, other bulldinffi. Two acrei of ground. Phone 4070. 10 MAI 1ST ATI FOR SALI 3 BEDROOM HOME Yes here It ts. Nice three bedroom home, living room with fireplace, study or den. Two baths, part basement, utility room and porch. attached garage. This is situated on three and 13 acres, with three large chicken houses, barn and work ahon. Nicely landscaped, berries, apple trees and etc. Better five us a call soon on this one. We have some good farm and ranches listed, come in and see us about them. 2 bedroom house for rent Unfurn ished. ' Jay P. Origgs Eves. Ph. 4254 Oene Favell Eves Ph 6045. Claire Ellis Eves Ph. 1-2659 W. W. Thompson at Malln J. W. SANDERS . REALTOR 1213 Main St Phone 7521 HERE'S NEWS- . . . if you're looking for a good buy in a home close to town! This one has 3 bedrooms, all ' on one floor, new carpeting and a fire place that really works, You'U enjoy the cleanliness and comfort of hat water heat. The interior Is very clean and livable, the exterior could stand some work. The house is surrounded by a nice yard and a roomy driveway can accommodate several cars. Large building In rear can be rented or improved. Get this place complete for only $11,500. . Don Kirkpatrkk, Salesman (Evenings Phone 9766) EVERETT DENNIS REALTOR - ' 121 No. 8th Phone $491 TAKE A PEAK At this lovely one bedroom heme at 2318 Modoc. Flower Garden In Sarins'. Haa hi-a dn'M, h-.. cement foundation. Garage at- tacnea. jwo large Jots, wonderful view and very cool in ' summer. All for $5600 WANT A GARDEN? We have It all plowed ready for planting besides a lovely two bed room home with Kits of sun light South view. Owner will paint out side of house. This is located on Bristol Avenue in Peterson school district on 1-3 acre for $2500 down. FRED E. FLEET ' REALTOR DENOTE COATES, Saleslady 408 Main Office Phone 2-3335 Eves 2-1365 -FOR SALE - . MODERN 1 BEDROOM HOME ON 1H ACRE OF LAND LARGE NEW COOLER WORK SHOP & GARAGE ALSO ' 1 Large room building in separa tion for an apartment. Has new floor and 7 windows. Enough new lumber to build 2 rooms on house. Concrete walk, abundance of lawn. Strawberries Raspberries. 5619 Leland Drive. Phone 4072 WANTED A buyer who needs an office and home combined in the best resi dential as well as a good business location for an office, with no parking meters. A good six room house, not counting breakfast nook, alcove, entrance, porch, bathroom and utilities. Located . on large l corner lot with two floored garages ; entering from different streets. Lo i cated at 830 East Main. Make this home your business. See or Call JAMES HESELTINE, 5669 Salesman with M. L. JOHNSON . REAL ESTATE 434 Main St. Office Phone 5113 Free Rent and Income Invest in future that Is secure, in the ownership of this 3-unit home, all rented with the excep tion of a choice apartment for the buyer. Immaculate condition, above average construction' and located on a suburban paved street. Owners apartment is 2 bedrooms with one other 2 bedroom apartment and another 1 bedroom apartment. Each apartment has private bath and la completely furnished with choice furniture and appliances. Move right In and let the. income pay for it. Full basement, piped irriga tion and large double garage with storage overhead (could be made into another apartment). See this today for $23,750. Substantial down payment required. t "PAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Phone 3-3546 6446 n 1025 Main Evenings Ron Fisher 8970 Bruce Owens Merrill 149 FOR SALE, 3 room houaa furnlihed. Beit caih offer. 1127 N. Sth Street. FOR SALE, equity In. two bedroom modern home. Phone 2-0931. HOMES FOR BALI VERETT DENNIS. HEAJUTOB Don Kirkpatriek, Salesman 121 N. 81 PnonaVMSI EAST MAIN STREET Between underpaii and Mllli School. Builneii lot with 54 foot frontage, Im- S roved with two bedroom furnlihed ome. Eailly converted to etore and living auarten. Price S75O0. Boaue Dale, Realtor Phone 72M. . 41 UVISTOCK ATTENTION RANCHERS! Start that small band of sheep . . , available now. Young good hardy sheep with lambs by their side. ft White faced crossed and Black faced pure breds. it Sold in lots to suit. ft Shown by appointment. Write Box 31 --HERALD AND NEWS 10 RIAL ISTATI FOR SALI ACT NOW! This three bedroom home. two blocks from Mills school, won't wait! Large living room-dlnlng room combination, attractive kitch en with plenty of cupboard space. Automatic oil heat Attached ga rage. $9500. MILLS ADDITION Three bedroom home on nicely landscaped lot. Needs redf rorating. but priced less than F.H.A. ap praisal, $7950. "PAT" HOWES ; JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Phone 2-35456446 ' 1025 Main Evenings Ron Fisher 8970 ' "Hap- Davidson 3871 Bruce Owens Merrill 149 HOT SPRINGS 4 Bedrooms 2 large baths, living room, dining room, kitchen, full basement, oil furnace. This comfort able home is on a level lot on the best located street in the district. Best or all, . it may be had for $14,500. with very reasonable down payment NEW 3 BEDROOM Excellent construction throughout. Hardwood floors, Arizona Flagstone Facade fireplace, automatic oil piped heat This home is designed and built for combortable luxur ious living. Price $11,750, only $1000 down, payments like rent. NEAR CARL FREI'S CORNER Just off the highway, a very well built. 2 bedroom house, concrete foundation, good construction, large garage, fully fenced. Only $5000. convenient terms can be arranged. - v, 2K2 ACRES ' Located n Altamont Drive. 1 bed room modern home, good outbuild ings, consisting of large bam, 2 chicken houses, rabbit hutches, fruit cellar, and an almost new building easily converted into 2 bedroom home. Bargain priced at only $4500. Open Evenings by Appointment See Don Sloan Phone 5658 Eves. Homer Sties 2-2460 Eves. Fred Scott 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH , REALTORS Since 1909 111 N. 9th 8treet Ph. 4564 or 5529 NORTH SIDE Comfortable well constructed one bedroom home 5 blocks to Main Street. Solid foundation. Conven ient kitchen and breakfast nook. Garage. Lawn. Going for $4750. Terms, 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED- $1200 down will handle this fully lurntshed 2 bedroom home near Hillside. Continuous foundation. Large kitchen and dining area, ga rage and workshop. Full Price $5250. $50 per month. CALIFORNIA AVE. VERY ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom home, good sized rooms. Living room with fireplace, dining room, convenient kitchen with ventilat ing fan. Wardrobe closets. Large bath, part basement Garage. A good buy at $8700 HOT SPRINGS OUTSTANDING large family home in fine neighborhood. Large living room and dining room, fireplace, modern kitchen. Large bedroom and beautiful tile bath on main floor, 2 bedrooms, sewing room and full bath on second floor. Newly redecorated. ALSO modern guest house at rear. For quick sale. $16,000. Terir- HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) JOE LEONARD (Eves.' 2-0527) ' AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 3211 $4200 Five room home on acre. Good foundation. Insulated. Electric heat. Good soil under Irrigation. Small down payment, balance like rent. Anne Mason Eddie Hosley Eves. 6714 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 S. 9th Phone 7266 CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER $5 to $15 per acre buys good ranch and timber land at Gov't, State and County land Sales. FREE LAND CATALOO. Pacific Lnnjs 1621 KE Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood 28, Calif. FOR SALE nice .level lot N.E. comer Addleon and Lakeview. Accept reason able offer. Dorla White, P.O. Box 1339, Fraeno.- Calif. A POULTRY 10 RIAL ISTATI FOR SALI 75 ACRES All under gravity Irrigation. Level. 35 acres alfalfa, balance spuded last year. The spuded land should produce an excellent grain crop. Fenced. Some Improvement"!. Nice location. Full price $27,000 terms. 112.000 down, balance $1000 year, CHAS. A. BOLESTA REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE Phone Merrill 6501 FOR SALE, two bedroom home, l.arae living and dining room, oak floori, fire place, kitchen and dinette, service porch. Large garage. 241S Wiard. Phone 8807; SUBURBAN acre for lale, fenced. i0. CaU 80HI. SUBURBAN HOMK 914.7SO. Modern 3 bedroom-tlreplace-parlly carpeted. Newly redecorated In lde and out. DUhwaiher-outbutldlnai-near achoal and bui. Bordrra two Irecu Can be subdivided. Call Scull . 12 RUILDING ti REMODELING ROOFING Built-up Composition Shingles Aluminum Shingles SIDINO Asbestos Cedar Shakes INSULATION Blown-In Fiberglass COMBINATION ALUMINUM SCREEN AND STORM WINDOWS Kuhlman Insulation Phone 4468 or CLEM LESUEUR 2-2443. Agent ALL WORK GUARANTEED NEW PLYWOOD. 1" fl.. V" Sur- faced. Phone ssoa. WHATEVER YOUR LUMBER NEED Baaln Building Material! Inc. fill It right! We carry a full line of dlmen aion. doore, iaih. framei. poiti. flnor ing. hardware, palnti and ao on. Deal with confidence. Phona 1-2M3. 4784 South Sixth. 34 FUEL HEATING . STANDARD HEATING OIL5 Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Heating Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER 'Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1919 821 Spring St. Phone 4163 Strvre. furnace. Ught fuel. coal, wood :harcoal Peyton and Co g39 tfaraet Phone Sl. DRY plna blocki for aale. Open eve nlngi and weekend. Metlen Broa. PRESTOLOCS pickup of delivered Cliff Yadeni Signal Servloa 2900 So Sth Phone 3681 or 2-9200 SH CREEN STAMPS given on bait ing oili. Phona 3S81 or 2-9260 for prompt delivery. CLIFF Y ADEN'S SIGNAL SERVICI 2960 So Sth II BOATS PITS SPORTS HOBBIES WANTED, good home for kitten. Phone SEVEN pupi, V. Irlih and . iprlnacr ipanlel. S3 female, i male. 29X7 Kane. FOR SALE, Pektngcae pup. Inltiaia AKC. 142 Nevada. FOR SALE, two only, tame young par akceti. Phone 8243. BEAUTIFUL Peklngete puppy. Will aell to couple only. Phone 2-323S. ANDERSON Boarding Kenneli Phone 3047 9688 Delaware oil llomedala BOARDING KENNELS Dog boarding by day. week or month Sanitary kenneli Well balanced diet Clean Individual outdoor rum for each dog Dogi Handled durtlg mating Will pick up and deliver. Vinton Welcome Phone S07I Merrill Ro Rt 2. Boa S04 SHAS1A CASCADE KENNELS FOR SALE, reglitered wire-haired ter. rier pup. Call 2.1496 or lea at atJIO Clinton Avenue. 40 TO EXCHANGE WILL TRADE 1090 Ford four door an down payment on two or three bedroom houie. Phone 3874. WILL TRADE acre on Altamont for good iued tractor. Phone 4006. TRADE, nine months Guernsey heifer ana jeriey iieer for nay. rnone 2-zoov. 3-UNIT apartment house In AihlandTfor late model lofftTlng truck. John Reedy, 7B8 Iowa. Ashland. Phone 2-7581. 42 LIVESTOCK ft POULTRY POULTRY WANTED Out) paid for any .mount Top market prices for good quality. For quotations PHONE 3857 KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS AUCTION SATURDAY. MARCH 1 ALTURAS, CALIFORNIA 200 mixed white fared 900 mixed white faced calves. Fat and feed er cattle, hogs and sheep. MODOC AUCTION YARDS Phone Alturaa 7HB1 R. E. (BOB) RHODES. Phone Klamath Falls 4032 CATTLE PASTURE FOR HENT. for summer season, near Fort Klamath. Not inesnF We are offering exclusive ter Excellent pa Mure and water available Aorll 15 or Mav 1st to October III. Rea sonable rates. Write Box 40 Herald and News, CHESTER WHITE boar iervlce. Phone 2-0(104. FOR SALE, two registered duroc gilts. gnrrow in pni. i-none oouu, FOR SALE, twelve Hereford stock er calves. 4th place south Midland Grange nan on oia miaiana roaa. rnone uibu. FOR SALE. R4 heavy sDrlnaer heifers. 43 are well bred and marked Holstelns. AU double vaccinated, v. C. Rexforu, Merrill, Ore, Phone 1321. FOR SALE, heavv snrlnier dairy heif ers. Bred to Angus bull. Phona Lore lis RED FRYERS and roasters for sale, freshly drnased. readv for the nan. ev ery Friday and Saturday. Phona 8341 aner 4. ARTIFICIAL BREEDING SERVICE Phona 6721 Ift. C. (Chuck. Warren. Bt 2, Box S22. If no answer Phona 4400, Evenings FOR SALE at my home 17 yearling white faced cattle, three Jersey year ling heifers, two Jersey milk cows, one S year old registered Palomino mare, one small palomino kid's pony. Phone Ha!. I, FOR SALE, three boari. Phona H7S3. Wanted colored Bans. Phona 4M1. 42 LIVESTOCK ft POULTRY Farmers! -Eggs To Sell? We are buying., For your convenience we hnve receiving alatlnn nt Oregon Bute Hatchery or deliver to our form. Buyer Gooding Poultry Farm ' Phonej4M iTujliKsT prioerpaid tor poultry, kogi and livestock. BIO V MEAT HARK El Lakavltw Junction Phona 4nu 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WARTitn tXwk "and grating ranch ' to rim 4-ftitO head, water anil fencing. HiilldingH mil esnenttat. (Innter Jntim. Homlffd Reallur. HI 8. 4th, Tels. &U1- wAtftKBn&Atfir buy, two or three bedroom house, with acreage. Phone 2-1431. U ITS 1 11 K to rent Two yr mree' "tjetlroom houte. unfurnished, ' except stoves. naipn r reenian, anon. WANTKD to rent. 2 or 3 bedroom lin furnlihed home located where a cow can be kept. Phone 407B. WANTED, to rent, two bedTnitm unfur nished huiue, by reliable couple with one child. Phone 31M between I a.m. and p.m. WANTKD, tued d'iisr r or "chest "'of drawers. Phone6lU evenings. LIKE TO'lUtY. 4 wheel drive pickup or lale model W ton with 4 speed tranamlMilon, Phone 1-MrtD. WE"NEKD CARS' now" Ro.- Moinr Co Kin end Plum 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMFDIATE Cash Loa.ns Borrow P Onl $100 S7.27 Mo Repay In 18 Installment UP VO 1300 ON FURNITURe OR SALARY UP TO 11300 ON CARS HIE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to par (, LocaHj owiMd New Can "nan cart al bank ralea MONEY IN HURRY" Motor Investment Co M vein aerrtnt Klamath BavtU See "Cnuck" Balky Mcr III N 1th 8t Phone u B-M M-17 Commercial Furnishes Cash! CASH LOANS 60 to 1300 Auto Pumltura Livestock Salary 160 to 1500 Automobiles (paid for or ootl Private Sale of Autos Financed Maka your deals CASH dealsl Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie 8-351 - N-233 107 No Ith Phona 7711 41 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RESTAURANT FOR SALE LOCATED On Summers Lane In same build ing as Louie's food store c Sum mers Lane Tavern. Also close to Drive-In theater. WW NETTINO 1150. DURINO SUM MER MONTHS. SHOULD NET FROM $250 to $300 MONTH. HAVE 3 YR. LEASE. ALL YOU NEED IS A REFRIOERATOR A $500 OR TRADE FOR GOOD PICKUP. PHONE 9373 GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE FOR SALE BEER & WINE LICENSE Building With Living Quarters OROSSED OVER $0000 IN 1951 LOCATED BIO VALLEY IN CALIFORNIA SELL CASH TRADE OR LEASE WRITE HERALD NEWS, BOX NO. 38 MAKB BIO MONKV IN YOUR OWN . nUHJNESfl' At last! The solution to your search for future security! Your big chance to make a la rue, steady Income to become Independent with your own bus iness! We are off firing exclusive ter ritory right for highly profitable drive in type refreshment stand. Ncwl Unique! Money-making! No red tape or royalties! 9.1,000 or 14,000 will put you Into your own business, which paya huge dividends! No experience) neces sary! Dont delay! START PLANNING rOR THE PROFITABLE MONTHS AHEAD! Get all the facta! Rend tor free booklet no obligation. Write LYONS-MAGNUS INC.. Franchise Dlv.. leth it Alabama SU., San Francisco 3, California. .. OTlfER WORK neceaslUtea sale of tabllshed and growing local business. Car and few hours weekly needed. In vestment secured. Write for full parti culars to Box 34 Herald and News. ESTABLISH proven franchise business. Capital needed 94000 to 90000. No selling or travellnt. Kxnerlence and age not Important. Ideal for man and wife. Box 30, Herald and Newa. , I DRY-CLEANING route for sale. Oppor tunity for steady employment at good fray. For full particulars writ Box 33 lerald and Newi. : .. SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALI Guaranteed rebuilt appli ances at a ractlon of their original cost Waahers, Ranges, Refrigerators. MERITS BARGAIN BARN, Ml Com mercial St. . NEW Phllco range, alight freight dam age. Buy at a Reduction. MERITS 600 so. oin. ai. . BRAND new 10 cu. ft. double door Phllco refrigerator, fully automatic de frost. Never been used 9330.0S. MERITS 600 So. 6th. St. FOR SALE, electric cook stove; Not much lor looks but works good. 918. Phone 2-0776. FOR SALE, refrigerator. 933. Phone a-0111 or B-lfl Apt 14, Ore Tech, Oregon FRATEX Plastics. Phone B3B4. KIRBY vacuum cleaner and polisher. 937.S0. Phone 0200. HAY baled, Stored In harn. 20 tons. Second cutting. Ea rl Mack. Phona B7BI . 2 NEW 6.70x1(1 tires for aale. 9.14. 3010 Homadal. Phona a-0090. - 44 FINANCIAL $$MO,NEY$$ . ON TILE FIRST CALL I Op to IS00 on your auto On yotu Hilary or furnlturt up to 1300 "Pay Day" loani a apcolalty - 110. m. M loaned till "pay day" or longer. lit ooau but II cent lor ont wee No other chart ee LOCAL LOAN CO. Ill No. 10th St. U-Ui DON MiJNTYRE, Mitr.' H Yean Friendly Service II MISCILLANIOUS POI SALI WATCH TRADE IN'S -SOLD FOR MTIamlltnn Man. Yellow Onlri Filled 17 Jewel 10-760 Wrist Watch. . O I Iiulova Man'i Yellow Clold Killed 17 Jewel O.t0 Wrlut Watt-h. .ZO J Omen Mun'a Stainless Steel 17 Jewel trrW What Watch ZZ i Klln Man's Rose Oold 17 Jewel tn jlO Deluxe. Z 6 liulovn Mnn's Yellow Oold Filled linM 31 Jewel. I 7 7 Cnmy Man's 17 Jewel Shock' Proof i nM Wrlit Watch. 10 10 RlKln Man's Yellow Oold Filled II i j 50 Jewel Wrist Watch. I 4 No. 34 ORUEN MAN'S WHITE OOLD 17 JEWEL 13 8I7.K POCKKT WATX'lt. THESE PRICES INCLUDE TAX ALL WATCHES IN FIRST CI.A8S CONDITION NEW WATCH OUARANTEE WE AI.SO HAVE SEVERAL OTHER BRANDS AND MODELS NOT LISTED REPAIR DEPARTMENT ' RICKYS JEWELERS . 700 Main SPECIAL WHILE 8UPPLY LASTS Ladak Alfalfa 46c lb Purity MM Germination S3 W Etna Mills Etna, Cnllfnrntn Phone Etna 11 USED ;EWINO MACHINES VACUUM :i.F.ANERS THAT HAVE BEEN TURNED IN ON NEW KENMORES linger Treadles White Treadles Willamette Rotary 110 M up tlO.M up 11100 AND OTHERS THEY ALL SEW I Hureka Vacuum Cleaner 1410 up Jee Vacuum MOO Kenmore 17.50 Electrolux Tank 11000 SEARS L ROEBUCK 133 So. 1th. Phona 6118 Build Better With Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Phone 5149 Driveway material FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph 7091 Colored BATH ROOM SETS IN 8TOCK No Delay Take Them With You! We now have many styles and colors to choose from. Free Estimate? Gladly Given! COME IN TODAY G C. Motley 812 Klamnth Ave. Phone 6616 CRUSHED rock and driveway cinders Phone 2-1107 ADDING MACHINES, calculator, type writers, cash registers, desks, chairs (lies for sale or rent PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY fl3P Main P hone 74 1 3 OIL storage tanks Peyton and Co fl.13 Market. ELKCTROLUX CLEANER and pollshei and supplies. Phone 7167 far k el Tweet 931 Market USED FURNiTUhR values can alway', be found at Klamath Furniture Co. 321 main, fnone 0:1.13 8-INCH concrete culvert" pipe. 70 cent per foot. PEYTON ft to DRIVEWAY MATCH1AL8. Phone Joe Bart, 9758. AN8CT6 Reflex' Camera" Case, flash gun. New cond Itlon. HfiO. Call 2-31 00. W0xl RECAPS $!i..l5 EACH EXCHANGE We buy used tlrts. O.K. Rubber Weld. T. 3.1M So flth. Phone 4,'HP FIVE H.P. ROTO-T1LLER . 2fl0. Call 2-1. DniVEWAY MATERIAL. Phone 2-1684, FOR SALE, hydraulic farm hand, with buck rake. Black and White Ranch. FOR SALE, 20 tons baled alfalfa hay. 932, SO per T. Don Potter, Tulelake 7-0.132. FOR LtJMRER "KNOW-HOW" n- stn Building Materials Inc. If you know rxticiijr wnai your neea is, we mi mat need. If you're not sure, we do our best to find out what's best for your Job. For all your building materials, visit 4784 South Sixth or phone RECONDITIONED Oliver 70 tractor, new Oliver train drill used leu than week, Phone 2-0033, 391B Homedale. CaruK showcase. Six feet long. Plate glass, h a rdwood. i:ifl. Phone fllHIfl, CHUSHED ROCK, driveway cinders! Phone 0341. CARLOAD SALE on Blltwell davenport, and chairs, bed davenos and chairs, 2-plece sectionals and swing rockers. This special carload purchase allows us to offer these sets at a great saving to you. Wool f re lie suites start at $104.00, the largest selection we have ever offered in 30 years. Small down J ay men t, long time on baler cc. Now the time to save money on your davenports and chairs, bed davenos, 2 piere sectionals and awing rockers. Buy now at Lucas Furniture, IBS East Ma In. LANDSCAPING, evergreens. shrubs and trees, W trim, spray and remove large Trees. LAKESHORB GARDENS NURSERY Phone 42flfl FOR SALE. 8000 W. Onnn built full automatic 115-230 volt AC-DC light pi am, completely overnauiea will sell or trade for livestock. At Richfield Service Station, 22 miles north of Klam- ath Falls, or call CjMunfia; ofPFSN baled alfalfa 38 per T. Phone Tulelake 7-104, . LOANS Phona I-3M1 a-tfi i REPAIRS- 19-llnmllton Mnn's Yellow Onld Filled 17 Jewel II c71 Wrist Watch. I J 13 Hurrn Lady's 14 Carat Yellow Oold r A X 17 Jewel. Z 14 H.ilovn Ijidy's Yellow Oold Filled IrtlM 17 Jewel. 1 Z 10-KlKln Mun'a II Jewel Vi Size II 71 Pocket Watch. IO lo-RIi;1!! Mini's 17 Jewel 1(1 Hl.e eOS0 Pocket Wntt'h. ZO 30 KIkIii Mini's White Oold 17 Jrwpl 10 Size tr 1 M Pocket Watch. Z 31- llnnilIlon Mini's Yellow Golf -Filled II Jewel II 7b,. 13 HI Porket Watch. I O ,197. Phone 31S1 REFRIGERATORS RANGES WASHERS Rebuilt and Ounranleed h Merit's. Priced at a fraction of their origin al mil. MERIT'S BARGAIN BARN 031 Commerrlal St. AUCTION SUNDAY 12 NOON Featuring: beautiful ft-pc. blonde bedroom set. 3-pc. walnut bedroom set. box sprints and mnttreiuen, end tables, Inmns, IIvIiie room furni ture, eleclrlc ramies, nearly new Kenmore wher. tables and chairs, windows and eatings, vice, press drill, saws, hammers and other tools, complete assortment of ni spnrk plugs. 1 Bring what you want sold. Summers Lane Auction Mart 3000 Summers Lane WE HAVE A whole warehouse full of com pletely rebuilt used appliances. Every one guaranteed. We must sell these at a fraction of their original cost, We must have tills warehouse space for shipments of NEW 1053 PHILCO RANGES and REFWQ. ERATOKS that will ba arriving shortly. For a better value In used WASHERS, RANOES REFRIGER ATORS etc. with a guarantee with ench purchase, see this large selec tion at: MERIT'S BARGAIN BARN 831 Commercial St. AUCTION SALE FRIDAY NIGHT FEBRUARY 39 1 P.M. H & II AUCTION MART wocus STOVES, TABLES, CHAIRS, CAN NED FRUIT, LUMBER. CHlCKEN AND A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING BRING YOUR ITEMS FOR SAL AUCTIONEERS COL. FKED HOWARn ! and OTIS MEAD0R Phone 9410 53 AUTOMOTIVI rOH SALE, ll.hlnf rar, 37 ford. Rea aonalile. See Jim Hall, Herald Newt Compoitlns Huom. 1037 KOHU pickup; (nod mechanlca condition. Ju,t painted. 2uo. See a 8'anal Service, 1103 Itoat Main KOH SAJ.I!, 1IM8' "Plymouth two door Low mllrase.l'hone 2-107l; A REAL CONVERTIBLE BUY 1MB Ford Convertible. Radio, healer seat cover,, ha. everything. Flr.t claai In every way. A barsaln at $107.1. H. I. JIAUOKR BtlICK QARAOI Used Car Department Malnjst Broad Phone Oiai 10.TO CiillY.SI.Kll Wlndaor CiiiV Coupa S2IHI.1. Kenlly uluirp! Dlmlmt IJod Cm. South Sixth and Plum. Phona 0130. Eva njnsiijmd Sundnya MM. .l.WKI Mii.ES 'on this IBM Plymouil three-pa.aenser coupe. Ulmhnt Uei Cnra. South Sixth and Plum. Phone 1130 Rvenlns. and Sunday. fl2S.. LOTS OK EXTRAS on till, tfi rori Super Deluxe Tudor Sedan al SII03. Dim hot U.ed Car., South Sixth and Plum Phone 0130. Evening, and Bungay. um. 1(147 FOIID Super Deluxe Tudor .eilnn Radio, heater, new paint Job, Rcallj nice limn, Dlmbal tlaed Car., flnull Sixth and Plum. Phone 0130. Evening! and Sundny. nnas. 1040 illilCK Super. A real deal, loadel with exlrnn, Sl'lfl.1. Dlmhnt tlaed Cor. South Sixth and Plum. Phone 0130. Eva nlngs and Sundaya ntl2S. 1040 Dbb6ECoronel Club coupe, 1' Dlmbat Ue1 Cnra. South Sixth am Plum. Phona 0130, Evening, and Sun dnya BITCH. 1 FISHERMEN and hunterin-AltentloiJf"11 You can save fllno to 700 on till. I0 Willys pickup. Only 4.0.10 mile.. DIM BAT Uaed Csra, South Sixth and Plum' Phona 0130, Evenings and Sundays Wis