miDAY, FEnilUAHY 20, ior2 MKRALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON i Bonneville Administration Hands Out Pats On Buck To Self - Boasts of Record Year; No End In Sight For Power Sales ff JUTLAND W Tim llnmir Villi- 1 AtlllllMnll allull ri'DliI ti ll h liM'uitl year Wriliionilny, Willi tin c nil yrt III nlKliI fur I he iiniiiiinl nl pnwcr llinl run bo milil In llio I'm. c i 1 1 ( Mmlliv.rnl. , . 'I he aiiniiiil ri'imrl wild inure limn III hllUnii klluwiill limns nl powfi- WVI'O Villi III Illicit I ll'.tl till' 11 IIT- mil rinti', Mini S'Ml inlli'H nl power liiit-M wi re iiililnil In niiik'o llii' liitul i.'i'ttt inlJc. mill Unit t'l'lHivnii'iii In din i'iivi'1 nini'iil uun liir nlii'iiil of urlii'ililli'. Tnr crrnii Inr nil Hit,-, wan kivcii tu n sltniilt: fni'iimlii: Low ntlic. Ullllllll'lc IIIIWI'I- II-.". Tor inm A'lniHil- iniliir I'mil J. Haver Klivr tllfil' lll'lllnt: Wll'-ll iliiiini'Vllli' Diiiii wtni Inio mii'iii tion In IOTH the nvrriiRp II H ruv li'llirr UTll tm-! klliiM itttr.. Ihnr III OICUOII mill Wl'Mlllmlnn lr.nl 1.410 Now llii' r i t i - -. mi' l.li.'il klliiumi.-. lor Hir nvi-riiir fUstiiliiiT. mill 4HII7 lor 111"-!- Ill Uri-Kiin "'Hi Wiislilnu. Ioii,. . . , it lilt' Itillllf llmi' III!' IIMTIIUI IJ.H. inlet1 iii'i k l I'm ii 1 1 hour m i u.ilK- clown ironi I II'.1 i i'iitn in 'j U renin, while tlic Oicimhi-Wii'.lilnulni! urine tm" ilrrri'ii-" il limn 2 i.'i In t :W I'l'ini. The rt.'imrt hiiKI llunnrvillc Diun In 211 tirr cent piild hn-, nller hrven I'ciiih. nl niirntliin. Inclnilliiu Iti-(fi-f.it iwyiiii'iiu likiiirii ut a , un arm. Ill" (Irmnl Coulee nlliinllnii b iinnr c'oiupllcnleil. Kcpitvniciitr for pnwur Invcutmctil hit eMIiniitcil nl lr nrr cnit ol tiilnl cunt, hut tin- u dam's Downr revenues will havr. to iihsmli some, nl the lrrlatln costs In liiluro yearn. The report ll.ilrd power snlos ut miumi.irai, ii mUii o u per cent nvm- llncitl IIJ.'iO. Nut llicoineiiltnr inlt't i-fjl, depreciation and expeiis-i;n-wiih $II.4US.5M, ii '11 per cent (;lill liVI'l- 111.10, Itnver mild thlH drinuiiatraUnl Unit the II1U mtP pur Itllowntt yrtiir wiii iiiiiind, iiIIIioiikIi hlKliar construction cosU inuy lorcc a nllKhl Incrrnne whim proncnl con tracts end In MM llii mild di'inuml for power con llniii'd to ItiRrriiM) after the clone id llii' lineal yi'iir, nnd Unit the bin ni'rd In Inr mure power production, lueludliiu Iml'llred plants nnd In-ter-tli'K Willi Idiiho nnd California Uuvcr limed the federal Invest ment In the Hnnnevllle syaU-m ut tMO.aHl.lfla. lie bu Id revenue Ironi power rule hni cut the unpiild balance to nilMZIMMI. nepny iiieiiii me 101 per cent ntieud ol nrlii'dulr, he udded. 'Hie nhiiitlnuin Indimtrv iillll I" I he hmn"Ht nlnule noiirce ol ln rnine. Iiiklnir 43.4 per cent ol the power nnd provldlnit 37 4 per cent ii' Hie Income. Other Indimtry dd-. 10 4 per (rut nl the Income; pub llclv owned utilities 27 6 per cent; pi lvitlclv owned utllltleii J3 8 per cent mid oilier nuleit 1.3 per cent. Hoopsters Prove Top Students, Too BALEM Willamette Unlver ity'B chumplon bunltetbiill tenm mi crntk the liotikn Hn well an nick ncorliiK record!. The two lorwurdn. Trd Loder nnd ink Mime, unl nlrnlxht A'n ut the nd ol the urmcnu-r thin week. 'Hie rem ol the plnycrn net nver ge marks or belter. Tile Henrriitii. who won the lorthwcnt Conlerence title this cur. Imve lot only one conlerence tune. Hnver defended the wle of In- tcrruptlble power to aluminum iilnnU, and the policy of plnnnlnK lor the liilure on the banin ol me. diun ntrcnrn flow rather than crltl t.al atrenm How. lie no Id thin war. ii calculated rink, Juatllled by the lucl thai the policy would account Inr II per cent of the national nlumlnuin production In the critical detente period. UA1.EM ifl Article! of Incor- inutlnn TliuiMlay. Jefferion Ciinnlnn Co., Co-im, Jrflernon. J400.000. Hnrvey Mitch ell, Jack W. DeVuney and oihera. A ii ii o ii n c e m on t- The KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLECE is pleased to an nounce thot it has been selected as the exclusive licensee to represent the SCHOOL OF SPEEDWRITINC of Klamath Falls to tcoch this lamous System of ABC Shorthand, uni versally known os SPEEDWRITINC. SPEEDWRITINC can be tauqht in Day School in 8 weeks, and in Night School in 16 weeks. The reason for this short Icarninq period is that fewer symbols ore used mainly the letters of the alphabet. SPEEDWRITINC is now in its 26th vcor, ond there ore over 100,000 writers in the country. This System is ideal for those whose work requires the need of note tokinq; businessmen ond women, secretaries, stenographers, typ ists antl many others. To meet the present-doy demand for trained personnel the KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLECE is orqonizmq closscs in this easy-to learn ABC Shorthand. Enrollment is bcinq accepted for the class startinq on March 10th. For information Phone 4760 or coll in person. UAW Blasts Red Suspects DKTHOIT il'i A necond wltnena, who refuted to co-operate In Ihe House unarnerlcan Activities com mittee' probe of Mlchlftan Com munlnm, ran Into trouble Thura ilny an Irllow auto workera relused to work with him. Paul Henley, M, wai escorted from the Dodite engine plant of Chrysler Corporation after aonie ISO workera gathered around htm. I'lnnt protection police led him to nalely. Ilcnlrv ii Id the men, lellow mem bers of the CIO United Auto Work em, leathered around him an: "threatened nif with physical vio lence unless I left the plant " There was no Immediate comment from the company or union. Henley, who declined to anwer many questions durlnf the sub commute hearing, Buffered anoth er reverse Wednesday when he was defeated 33-2 In voting for re election aa a union ateward. The vote was announced a !ew houis alter his apixarance as a "reluctant" committee witness. Another "reluctant" wlliiea-. John Cherveny was escorted oil his Job at the American Metali Product Company Wednesday alter he too declined to co-operate with the House Committee. Chcrvenv told the Committee Tuesday that It was made up ol "witch-hunting Klu Klux Kiana men." tie reluned to anawer 37 ques tions about bin alflllatlons with or knowlcdne. of Communist activities, Meanwhile, the Communist In quiry pushed on with hints that investigator! migni aaopi a go' lough policy toward rebellious wit nesses. .;:Doing without advertising is like winking at a pretty gir in the dark . . . you may know what you're doing but r - i nobody else does! Itccalii anil Htw$ Ph. 8 1 1 1 for Illustrations, Copy Writing, Layout New Look for 1952 Henry J Sedans aryrii-inniMm m' ttm -'n mi ' f'l , "' '" Jae" , CLASSIFIED RATIS On day per word I rhrea Dsn , V wort lie Week run per word lOn Month run '. per word Wo MINIMUM The minimum charge for any one ad 1 Kc. BOX NUMBERS Answers to ads may be handled through box numbers at the paper for a service charge ol 20c. DEADLINES Classified aos accepted up to 1:30 pjn. (or following day's publication Classified display axis accepted p tc 13 noon for following day's pub UoUon. ADJUSTMENTS Pleas make ail claims for adjust meat without delay. Corrections or cancellations r ceived by (:30 pm. will be ndt In following days publication 1 NEW INSIDE AND OUT for 1952 arc the Henry J. Corsair four and six-cylinder sedan models. Wide horizontal bars, which enclose parking lights and a bronze "K" medallion distinguish the new grille design. The rear styling treatment features new tail lamps mounted in the crown of the fenders. Exceptional fuel economy and high-performance horsepower are leading mechanical features of the low-priced models. Illustrated is the six-cylinder Corsair DeLuxe. The new Corsairs are now on display at Clark Motor Co. Massey Takes Canada Post OTTAWA 11 Vincent Massey was Installed Thursday as Can ada's governor-general the first' son of Canada to represent bis sov ereign In his homeland. Massey, to year old chancellor of the University of Toronto took three oaths of office before a glittering assemblage in the gold-celllngei Bennte chamber as the personr representative of Queen Ellr.abetl. II. Breaking a tradition that stretch ex back Into Canada 'a colonial pai he succeeds 17 Britons who ha held that office since confederatlo His Immediate predecessor, Ftel Marshal Lord Alexander, reslgne to become Britain's defense mlntr 'er. Actor Raymond Masaey Is th lew governor-general's brother. LvaaaaaMakw aiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaJ C FUNERAL HOMIS WARD'S Klamatb funersj Horn. tH miso airaet. rhon 3334. 2 LOST AND FOUND LOST. Coldn Rrlcvtr male dof. an- LOST. ca long hair. Reward. Phona 7911. with L08T Monday afternoon at Nawbarrrs or Woolworth. larsa black purM con- lainint v. flixii and wallat with picture! that are valuable only t own er. neiH noiuy box a, my, ore. iajsT, man upper dentureii. In vlcln- y oi hui uepot. Reward. Phone 7880. 4 GENERAL NOTICES POn fountain dlihei (o to PELICAN PERSONALS ZOt BRUCE Swanaon'i Beauty Shop. Phone 7181. " w ABiiiNGTON Beauty Shop. Evenlnf ORUER your StMIIMr Mmun "IfcUnf your iprinf wardrobe. Phone STANLEY Home Products. Phone' 10 SERVICES ALTER ATIONRA II , . Anlu- '"7 Main. Phone j CARPENTER work. Remodelliuj ' MMV.m, rnww RUNNER UP in state championship competition was this valentine theme window dis play. Klamath won first and second places in the contest, the first time it has ever won anything in this competition. ju '"""tron' Phone 1-0Z31. aunrey Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS nonce ii nereby siren Uist the r', , Dee" appointed exeeu- Irlx of the catate of J. E. praney deceated. bv th rim,H r. Lt KUmath County. Orefoa. and that all k... luivma eiaima asaimt said ee tate of ald deceaied are hereby notl. fled to present the lame to said ex rlx It 1 Melhaae Building. Klam ran., ureion, locetner with proper voucheri, within ' Hi months at the date of this notice. Dated thu lit day of PebrtMry. Ira. r -8-15-22-23 No. SSO PAGK THTTRTttN IIRVICI Call Hit Locsl-Long Dlsuuice Ilano and appliance moving specialty Transfer and Storage Bekln'i Moving and Storage Peoples Worehoust "Sine lair fix That RADIO Our Business is Sound CONNER'S SERVICE CO, Phono W8 CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU What you dont want, someone else needs I Let us find what yo want or find the person wno needs what you don't want. This Is the kind of service w are offering . . . why not take advant age of this unique opportunity. Drop in at 355 East Main in Klam- atn Fans ana get acquainted ear Phone 5670" Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE. FOR lURE Honest Rates -r Weights Service Insured ANDERSEN FREIOHT LINE 2802 South' Sixth Ph. 240 or 338 EXCAVATING Mobil shovel and Trench Hat BtuldoHT Fill Dirt - Topsail Crushed Itoek Driveway CtadtH Oonrpressor CRAM SKRVIOI GRAHAM BROS. Phone (Ml er 111 Septic Tanks Cleaned Hewee. Stuilter Methods Also . ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Sewer Lines of Roots, II ED F. KINO HM Orchard Phoos WW PTLlCAfT DRIVE IN for Lenten taeniae. BUTTONHOLES. Phone e38. !n ijiii.njtMfc ' ' -i : jd'y&&$&: ' 'W 1S ;JLeW mm S3 Special Jury Dismissed LOSS ANGELES 0T) A special federal grand Jury investigating or ganized crime in Southern Califor nia has been dismissed by U.S. Judge Leon R. Yankwich on the ground it was not legally consti tuted. The special Jury, formerhr the regular grand jury, was discharged last month by Judge Yankwich but was recalled by U.S. Attorney Wal ter S. Binns to hear further testi mony in Attorney General Mc Grath's nationwide crime urobe. Judge Yankwich said Wednesday the Jury wasmerely a "body of 23 citizens" and added that if At torney Binns wants a snecial arand Jury "he may apply to me and I win impanel one. Judge Yankwich criticised the special jury for issuing t statement to the press in which ft asked for legislation, including the death -en-alty. if necessary, to halt the nar- legislation,. Including the death penalty, .If necessary, to halt the narcotics traffic. The Jury sug gested high bail for all narcotics cases. ELECTRICAL contracting, Work guaf anteed. Phone a-1010. rOR TUNEFUL. TONE-RICH ITUSIC let Win. Morran tune your piano er orsart. Our highly skilled tuntnf-maeter puts new life Into your Instrument and new vitality tnto your playing. Phona 1-0200, Kyle Morfan Pianos. SEPTIC TANKS Pumped, concrete tanks and drata) fields Installed. Orvllle Mtuarava). phone SOTO. efp A Tw srnvicK On washers, radios and outbeewd aat tors. MONTGOMERY WARDS tth and Pme Phone ttta PAINTING and paparbangln Phone TB1T. TalPPi AlJfo painting, Mr an aC oer WBTK. rnene eoeo. PULLER Brushes. Phone 9804 3. L. DEAN Public Aecountaat anrt Auditor Otflee at SOS No. 1th. - rOR TREE TRIMMING Phone Z-oaSS COTrTADS amndtTed aax nm. BOULDERS BLOCK HIGHWAY Huge boulders fill U.S. Highway 30 in Ecno Canyon 30 miles east of Ogden, Utah, completely blocking passage. They fell from jagged cliffs of canyon wall and stopped just short of mainline Union Pacific railroad track at left. Road crews estimated the highway could be cleared in 12 hours. ' 1 i. ETX VI By MYRTLE WIMER Mrs. Lyle Bressler of Berkeley, Calif., arrived here last week for a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. '"Jerry" Slsemore and daughter Jo-Ann. She is Mrs. Sise more's mother. Mr. and Mrs Nelson Hackler have returned to their home at Cassel, Calif., after a stay of two weeks as guests of his brother and wife. Mr. and mrs. wminm u. Hackler, at the Hncklcr ranch. During their visit, Mcison nncKier was confined to the Klamnth Val ley Hospital in Klamath Tails for several days when a severe attack (Suburban Service On Your Worn Equipment I itn walnut rn. 7709 of flu threatened to develop Into pneumonia. The prevalent epidemic of bad colds and llu has affected many local families in Wood River val ley. Recovered from the flu are Carl Wilson and children. Richard Wilson and children, while Mrs. Richard Wilson escaped with only a cold. The Wilsons live at wnson s cottages, five miles north or here on Crater Lake .HlRhway 62, where the snow has now attained a deptn of nine feet on the level. Frank Edwards was brought home Monday. Feb. 18. from Hill side Hospital m Kinmntn f ans, where he was taken following a severe nervous reaction louowing attack of flu. He Is getting along fine now. although still under s doctor's care. Mr. and Mrs. w. E. Davis have returned from a trip to Canyon Texas, where they visited relatives for the past month, Mrs. Joseph Hallord left by bus Thursday for Paskenta, Calif., where she will stay for a lew days' uioi niih her husband, who has been employed Uiere all winter by Stewart Nicholson, local stockman. During her absence, the Halford children arc In care of Mr. and Mrs. William Herbert, the lHtter be ing Halford's sister. The Herberts Painful cramps of "Monthly Periods" stopped or amazingly relieved k . . . .i i- j.-i.,. own fasts! v jf.f- in J OUT syr " - - the uterus wiiiioi" Women and girls who suffer from those function-ally-csused cramps, back aches and headaches of menstruation who , feel upset and irritable on cer tain "particular days may often be suffering quite unnecessarily I Such is the conclusions from tests by doctors in which Lydia E. Pinkhama VegetaDie jompuuim uk ol puiii-deoitenfno drut)l The deotlrenMS ot Lydla Ptnkham'a needs no proof to the millions ol '''in girls whom It has M'""1: But howabnut yont Do you know what It may do for jiou' To Lydla Plnkhsm s through the month. See " vou don't art the same reltot from the pains and weakness, ot "thoee days"! See It you don't (eel better brore and A,.rinn vnur nerlod I Oet either tyaia r mra... TableU, with added Iron T I ir- l? ii i. the cases testeUI T".!r:..-il.,nii with "hot have been visiting here for some time at the Halford home, and ex- nect to leave for Los Angeles, Calif., when Mrs. Halford returns home. i Reminder . is made that the "Clothing for Koreans" drive is still underway here, with Mrs. Ray mond S. Loosley and her 4-H cook ery club girls undertaking the pro ject. Any kind of ciotnmg is ac ceptable, and donations may be left at tne rt. Klamath grange for delivery to Mrs. Loosley. Joyce CODeland Is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin coneiand. arriving nere last week from Ban Francisco, me young girl has just returned from a trio which fulfilled a long cher ished dream she made a sea tour to South America as hostess aboard a liner, the ocean trip taking- a month to make and living up fully to her expectations. Joyce is tne only cnna oi Mr. ana hits. Copcland, and after graduating in art from OTI in Klamath Falls, has been studying further at the Rudolph School of Design in san Francisco, where she plans to re sume her studies soon. Mr. end Mrs. Harry. Orem re turned Monday. Feb. 35, from Port land, where Mrs. Orem has been a nntlent for six weeks oast. Welcom ing their mother after her enforced abscrlce from them were 'her two little tots, son Oary and daughter Anne, who have been cared ior oy Mrs. Ord Prltchett at her home here. After a month's stay here as house guests of Mr. and Mrs, Mar vin Roeder. Mr. and Mrs. Art Schneider left Monday morning, vah 95 for their home at Merrill, Wisconsin. The eastern visitors plan to take the route through the South ern states back to Wisconsin, and will stop off enroute in san i-Tan- .len for a -few days' visit With friends. They enjoyed tneir stay here very mucn ttnis oespue vne i i SINUS INFECTIONS . DR. E. M. MARSHA RaeeeraraHr Treated . Bxelasie MatfceS - . 1 We. Ti Pe 1te t-nlresraelto Phvalelan . IDUCATIONAL shorthand trefag nciciiCBtJtaPiifaT deed eabieeta. offlee lliailllliea KLAMATH BUS1NUS COLLate TSJ Pine - Phono Tt 11 HlALTH unusually stormy weathar prevail ing during their visit . . .) and liked our section of the country so well that they expressed the desire to dispose of their Wisconsin busi ness interests and move out here to locate permanently. In anr event, they said they will make anotner trip to Ft Klamath again soon, possibly as early as this summer. Wintry blasts attain acourired Wood River VaUey during the week just past, leaving In their wake a lau of fourteen inches of new snow on the level, adding to the four feet which already covered the ground as the aftermath of contin uous previous storms. In the north ern part of the valley the snow Is several teet aeeper, wnile all over are huge drifts blown by the gales into hillocks resembling small mountains. At the risk of becom ing boresome and . repetitious, against the background of snow covered mountains and evergreen trees, the winter landscape of Wood Kiver vaney in its fresh white man tle of snow is a sight too beautiful for words to describe, especially unaer tne oiue sxy and Wltn tne sun snimng so brightly as It did today. Sunday, Feb. 24. Leonard "Socko" Smith stjent the weekend at the home of his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Smith, making the trip by car from Cor vallls, where he attends Oregon state. Accompanying Smith was Margaret Kartell, student in Home Economics at OSC. who visited here Friday night at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, Bob Cable. On Saturday, Marga- ret's brother, Kenneth, drove here and took her to Klamath Falls where she spent the rest ot the i'rs,nt tvttH Kr nsrmtt Ur mil Mrs. uuy Marten. Tne latter are wellknown former Fort ; Klamath residents. Donald Roeder spent the weekend here from Southern Oreson College at Asmand at the home of his par ents and brother, Mr. and Mrs, Marvin Roeder and son Clark. State and county snowplow crews have been kent busv during- the past week again clearing roadsof ariiten snow in mis vicinity, ine continuous storms which started m earlv December have kent the snow equipment operators ' busy practic ally day and night,-and a fine Job has been done all winter in keep ing the roads open. The men nan-rlllne- this herculean lob deserve high praise from all residents of this section, a special vote of thanks being due Don Veatch and Al Lewis, logging superintendent and mechanic, respectively, of the Morion Lumber Co. These two men have gone out of their way to accommodate weal residents living back from the main Hifrhunve. T.ewis nlowina- out drive ways with the huge eat belonging CONVALESCENTS AGED-INVALIDS 34-Hour Nursing Cart, Vith Kef. ft tered Nurse in charge. 1 Attention given to Special Diet. Equipped for bed patients. Fully licensed by State of Oregon. Tour inspection invited. Courtesy to your family doctor. . Private or pension cases welcome. The Mitchell Sanatorium .Jacksonville, Ore.. Phone Jacksonville 451 MASSAGE, therapeutic xtrciu fhr woman. Spot reducivs futured. FBona 300J -woe. 14 HELP WANTI&V tVAAlt WANTED, mlddleaged woman to hatp Houm for tldarlj man, -Phone 8194. WANTED, housekeeper for iamliy Jk rancn. pnone boo. WANTED, nriddleared" or" elderly lady wiahlng a home. Live in. Light work. Board, room, salary. Call at IMS Calif ornla evening!. PART-TIME housework for board and room. Box 37 Herald and Newa. WANTED, housekeeper with amt practical nursing experience, car for elderly lady In Lakevlew, Ore. Modern home, - good wages. Room and- board furnished. Phone Lakevlew 1363 er write Mia. K, O. JTaveU 369 South tth Lakevlew. WANTED, housekeeper to live In. with good Good wage. Phone 3715. the family. U HELP WANTED, MALI WANTEfj. ahon foreman, fine OD3or- tunlty for right man. Klahn Nash Ce. FULL time salesman with good car to sell Bed Comet Automatic Fire KxUn gulsheri in Klamath County rural areas. Nationally advertised In Saturday Eve ning Post, Corners and Country Gentle man. Above averase commissions Write L. C. Rood Distributor, P.O. Baal 8112, Portland 19. Oregon. - 17 HHP WANTID COUPLE wanted for ranch work. Xx perlcnce necessary In . handling live stock and machinery. New two bedroom home and salary. References necessary.. Phone 3824 after a pjn. . '. It SITUATIONS WANTID PAINTER handyman, good work, reaa- onable by the day or week. Herald news, dw WILL car for your children, as-s 1 to S years In my home days, or while you shop. Phone 1082. : . HOUSEKEEP1NO. elderly iMOVha gr small family. Phone Ksn. HOURLY work. Phone 2-0214. COOK on." ranrti or preferrably luaa ber camp. Write Bex 3d, Herald aag news. IRONINO. Phone S38S. DEPENDABLE child car my borne. Phone a-saw. HOUR work. Phone a-14da. I.ADV with bookkeeDlns. . stenograohle experience will do work in her heme. Phone 6430 or a-ai2B. COLORED Isdy wants housework kg hour, mono a-auw7. BABY sitting. Phone 2-0572. WILL care for children In my ftosr geys ee S-1949. your home evaningg. Call 22 . It 00 Ml FOR HINT ROOM AND BOARD. North Ninth. Men only. M ROOMS. $20 week. 2 JgffersonT entrsnee. ROOMS for rent" Private Cloee In. Phone 444A ' ROOMS, prices reasonable. Phone 4ST1. LOVELY roome for rent M.-4TI. i Close In. Pho QgaB. ' ' fr6n room lo. rent. Oner Aperv ments. no ai.in. , , BdARD. room, reasonable. Phone 454. Mti, Seated looms. ' ficlfie Tar- c. ROOM 1034 High. . to the Moaoc uimuer wo. . i