HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON !( Twelve Friday, February 39, 1953 GLAMOR GIRLS w rxxTvra nvMCATc w, w worn usuvxa. "Oh, please, Dad! Do you want Freddie to think you're old fashioned?!!' with MAJOR HOOPLI c Capitals Antwer to Prtvlou Puzzt JB1 5 Unnecessary Raises 7 Cereals ' , 8 Employ il .T, j. 8 Of body HO , I . L motions V. 14 Kind ol socks ,nI.,.mUK ... of Ixeiles 11 New York take f 13 AlirllrifiK 18 Grease 31 American , 21 Simmered aviatrlx, ; .' . n Pi.nii.1 nf 'Amelia i 'ndi" South Dakota 32 Blows .jaFleurde ,... ss Tried 23 Evergreen tree2g SpanIs)l dotlar 34 Greek poem 24 Renned 1 ,n r. i . . ... capital ' capital HORIZONTAL 1,6 Capital o( . Louisiana , 11 Trend 13 Italian city 18 Sweet potato 17 Scents ; 19 Distant (prefix) - 30 Shoshonean STuEl IT10ylsi fOLB SLATER S J A T A g T egT L- R AC T A l 2 K E R"oatj.tB T t S TSt'AcSa 26 Cut in cubes 27 Autumn flowers 28 Color 29 Existed ' 30 Detain V 34 Is indolent ;S7 Divide I" equitably 38 Guide, 39 Club , 40 Goes astray 41 Tavern 42 Wide separations 44 Strike 45 Incarnation 47 Japanese city 49 Delay , 50 Bred 4. 51 Checks' 52 Impressions VERTICAL rt Chemical salts 2 Add 3 Attempt 4 Norwegian capital 36 Woolly 37 Friend (coll.), 39 Chars 42 Profit 43 Snicker 46 Siamese ' language 48 Brown I II 13 1 15 I ll 17 18 19 Ik) 5 17"-5 1 20 "tti rr.n 55 31 132 u H " 17 ST - 51 52 ' ' ' I La IMIIIIIIIH1' I NOW, THAT 5 THE J I I0ONTA1CGUE .(l'M NOT ARGUING! NO. BUT YOU 1'" lUII.'MLL , THlTO TIME ITS WITH ME WHEN ) -1 NEVER SAID WEPE LISTENING) V , ,N . ' 'mni . HAPPENED AND ) I KNOW r ' V"- A WO INAVE&V rV!.- ilorW'W'SC' t VOJ HAVE NO fV, IM " ANTAS0NlSTiy3& I WE'LL RUN THESE A IL- ".u J I MIGHT VII I WHAT'S V" RO. MtANS"PAUPWS I V TABOODLE WON WW R-MaMWe.WX PON-T WOKKY, 1 (JoVRPP lIlO'l .QlD'Jfc 1 fQrX: O 01 fll Ui MiyT cSilc strip aw V I 'VfiOSH.MOTHERrr Mas well H that, S.ooob.-voosmeupooW BETTYSHEART - 1 gotta BLdw Xoupfnc- OPVnUAvv K'V' C-VjsM Ll -iCJl INEVERV PAPER I ti"'lAM NOOKG. tl TEU.VOU MOTHER? JSPOINKLE fOORSELF . VtAoJs J THAT THING ) APTEKTONlSHT V f T -V! v . V' OK I ' rVjF T4 1 7-iS: VT L -s 'pg f r Fl 11 II I MV FOOTS ASLEEP - J I I II pZZl I I cih- P I i n i i 4 ' - . . HENRY 1 T ' Lyii. if THERE'S OCOOiJlHM-JUOOKd LIKE fHOLUS.I SJi LI fOOOLA,VOOWHY NOT? IP IT HADN'T I os-"" A L """i-N i " rihatoW boati3 2qTl know, but heJ f That's the answer Vou T Vbu've got 1 Walt, I carft see why vou Trt isnt cricket, Vtrytos, years okt and In Vlhinls it tops could buy a new car and ) something there, f it& true, i Nul pkioe that! wn VT first vovrb jane kcwcker-A pout be cross f on. lord', y but i chmioed it to tuili have to wait till Vicker to drive a better one dry dock hah4 the tweraTythinq built . he'd still think his is Phyllis f y haven-t tolo v7t) 7 1 wwjt the whole Si then vou cdmit beins janet ) with we. esv. mow we re whbm i wrote uontcAwt oK rTriw Kr tte for want f parts! Vnowadavs. j T better! J J-Jliil All about me.emy. truth! itw too conf usep tuiusN0W vou deny it iAn( ul tell vou starting -.well, it won be wxi, m l J 9ves lp tnac ou Fierte-Uran the txiss does. wait. Biyniazjnauays, !L' 2j but honestly it I bv your cowuctinq Kbfc who are you i euekythimo1. my ail over Uipmt want the public to learn j 3 AjTCwtocjetanewcar.TT-rr-, - mr Tffl I f VT1 g. T,T TTVJ-r H woulpnt throw V stories to thiwk. PySW.' .-s REAL name is again-Ato been in prison-even if i 3 AlHTCE j WO 0 72l. nn 8 " ,?D' PI IlSst nSot DTO0seeJw letlI0 W J1 loSftJE0pSlsREH HIS I Kt nore vool? ft .oW wf w ftvy. I mmM C -X - ' I JEB" HAD TO htLLtK WHHL-MEHN KIDDLES" "V WU2 tAJROIMG K4 lYIHW HN w ?6 LWT I Nl r4St& rir A ' aH&TTy' , h-Wr .VN XWten&tlRfei h ; r-- B'Ty!j7l LTBNaSTSHOTyj rAJfHOTAOj 7 '5,05 fURD'S GETTING ANOTHER, I V fy, J I WISMTHAT HOODOO WOULO f H MISSED W " j 1'Vg FREE -j QWTWIP Li J I IPNOU DOrT-fLL BUMP I fl'M STAVING AtT t VE5. I 1 MEANWHILE- " I ,Jrp 1 riT Hlfrr call ' """A I I "-mr liimsvpoo vk w, r'vwiv-.i " ? "NOW. LISTEN. VOU COT " n?frJB iMSEP COME IN- IS MODEL" rw "vSYhhw JUST CALL f rRiLT'cTO DOUGH IM SOUR SAVINGS MSrtiTO in tt COME IN.' HOMEf A poor in SOME wws, hoodlum might come V uncle KRIS- J VI J 6TARTB0CAU.INQMB ( of rr Era ...... ACCOUNT. BRING IT TO ME, ,m-mT . tt5Xt2 A i3!rSO 1 JAlJjT I II Tin O ANNIE-BUT VOU WILL BACK-I'LL GO TO , ; jrt Tiffl THAT YEARS AM-IT'S VW.UrKLeKWS- ALSO A COUPLE OP CLEAN lgj'"k Vi 1 77' 1 fWFir UU "5 find Warm th' door with voo, i?5Nr S aswoaname as anv-V 6 5NDASUn " flWwMtl, ' 's'' . ,1),, ,-. .... ... ; - ,f H. OUR IOARDINO HOUSI ; SIMPLE 6mOH WAS AM y&Ztl TMAT (5UV HOW ABOUT ! ATOMIC 6CIBN1TI6T C- N6MBR vJILL y ( TH6 MACJORfi 1 COMPARBO TO US 6O0RD-M COMB BACK "k IOO PA COM OAWEr WITH I.0OO FOfill COMMISSION! MTURIES OLDER NAFOLeON4'5 ) CAM'T VJft r TJitJO&AOR e&, ) V6STMAV66 j PUT THt r 5 VMS SUV IT IT ALL FOR A SNA.TCH ' lHafl 'XAW' I RIGHTS TO ALL ) I'M Sip kSSlJ ulrsptoT 'T"; I (i. Jfcl 8& eiTTegfXc1; OUT OUR WAY V . I. J. R. WILLIAMS rjLlttU.,l COULU WELLi VHt. CAMS IT& LIKE ""l CKOWP ONE MORE 1 "UH- WITHOUT EVER SUPPGWLV OM, BUT WHV f " THAT'S I RUWNIM' . ASKIN' k. - 'P BIS RUWNIM' KIGHT, ONUO'TIIEM leuyNAMCy THIS Blta MACHINE TOO THINSS-AN' I MIKE HOW FC OMLV TWO , BUT'- I TH' LEAf,T J TO &P8LL V TH' NEXT PATCH" Ak,, .I OUES1IOM 1 MIKE-IK) A iV 0 WHAT? ''iEZ-XJV THMDWii J FEW MINUTtfS "i JUiTLrHlr HIM 71 NEITHER ONE J . . THg piFFF-OENCErS WHAT T w .WH -.S"