FRIDAY, FEmUJAJlY 20, i0!2 IIEHALD AND NEW?. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE ELEVEN TIME OUT! I i Maakrd Marvel Nuts! t iln lil- ril an that outfit no III" niipniirnla wouldn't Ihr murril -prra-Mlon on till limn' fm-r!" MUuah l'V ' ' " . ' I. I. i. .11 1 K Ainuwtnanl Mi I t Weil-llli-lirm-k 411 VI fti.l hi. Oic. Wll Urlll .....i. M M V.'fl Wnnli i . :n : '-. l.AMiih Karvlr. 17 51 SHI manM . WlBitol Rrv III 04 ' l.atl nrkl Kculla wri n Minna. 1 1 j K'Amuwliwnl 1 Wrll lltlllri Wl-llllrlitk 4 If mil 0 The Writ-Hllrhi-ock Wnlrr lluvi look thretMiiurtlia ol Ihr IhiwIIiik honors In tlio Mmiw I'a'a Irnutir laal WW In ft 1-0 win over Loach brrvlce.. 1 The Wntfr Hoyii rnllrrt hlk'h trnm (,11 mr mid .itrlri, 11IH mul JiMU. Wilbur iHhrlinni Coiirliicv'a Ml MTlrn wa hluh lor Hip fvpiiIiik while Hhcley Kllh'ore nl Ho. Ore. Wrll Drill broke 1111 Ihr W-ll mono lioly with ft HUD hluh Ritine. Houbregs Aims For Record lly The Aaorlati-d I'rfaa ! Ormion's ('liiillitniio Inr n .Inirc nl ei:oinl pliico nnil Hub lloubrnK'ii urn inr a ncorniK rocord npolllKUl Che wlmliip wrrk-enil of bufckrlljiill III the piiclllc Count G'unfcicnuo'n Ntnth.rn fJlvlalon. WiiKlilimlon, with (he tl'lti turked unlelv away. en(U (be Dlvl.-.lon ciim IMilmi In 11 Kilrtiiy-Hiiluidav arric.-i llftalllnt Wnallllllilun Btllle In Bflil tlr. Jloiibri'Kii, the champs' lunky Center, iirrtln 47 point to bent tlin record (if Mt art III 1040 by nolhrr llu.iky, Jack Nlrlioh. Illjt Hob Inn been uvoruuliiK 10. U per cotiltrenco upnie, Oreimn rnii.t mvrr-n lis final in rlM with Oregon lilnio to finish In lie lor lecond with Iili-lio. The leiuna will play Friday nl(rht at Kiwim mid Huturduy nlvht lit Cor-, vrilJln. Urie. too, it acorlnic nice will provide ii HldellKhl. Ciipt. Ken Hunt' of Oirxnn mid Dimnv Jobnnton of OHC Imth will try to become the flrat "little mini" In Northern Di vision hiatnry to acorn a0 points. Until arc Iran Ihmi Ik feet tell. Hum. with Iftt, ahmdy linn ed the- pirvinuii hiniill-ulavcr rn ord of 107 set In l3il bv Wnlly Helmberit of OHC. Johniton hull 171 polnti. fcxiiept lor the one ten (ion when the Ulvlnloii whk esnend ed u Include Monliiim, only 1(1 tail men hnve iioreU 200 over Ihe 10 Kiiine ncheUliie. Ormon will be (nvored to tnke boih (trclhluiw. IiiivIiik trounced the crllur rlub twice In mi earlier xe rich. Wn.-ihiimton nlno will bo the Invorlle, nlihounh WKC holds one ol two declMom uioilnM the Hunklu Ihln yeur In conference piny. Idnho, Ihe only Irnm to bent WnnhliiKton on the Krnllle floor, lias completed lln Division schedule. CAGE SCORES Cnllein Hxkcllmll h lly The Aoillfd J'reti FAR WKHT Montana 63 New Mexico 69 Seattle 70 Portland 76 Huutbeaatern Conference Tourney (I' lmt round I , . Kehliicky 80 Ueoriila Tech 60 Loulilann Hlle 77 MIm SUtc 44 Alnbnma 611 Auburn 41) Vmidcrblll 01 UeorKIa 49 ' KAHT HI. .fohn'a (Bkm 7B NYU 76 LuHnlle 77 Manhattan 66 Ronton University 60 Tuftn 64 Heton Jlnll b John Carroll 71 MIUWF.HT Tulna 61 Wichita 63 Howling Clreen 96 Baldwin-Wallace 71 Oklnhoma City 61 CrelRhlon 46 Toledo 89 Western Reserve 67 MOUTH Cleinnon 76 Boulh Carolina 64 Weitern Maryland 74 Towson (Md) . (1 KOUTIIWKST Arly.ona Slnlo (Tempo 67 Arizona 60 New Mexico Western 64 St. Ml chaeU i N.M.I 4.' HIGH HCHOOI. Marlnn oun'y B Tournament iibllmltv 4, Ueaf Hhool 37 Galea 65, Chemawa 46 Jrfferaon 4l, Oervnla 40 Mill City 60, 81. Paul 39 l.ane County R Tournament Coburg 60, Crciwell 43 TrimiKle l.nke 63, I.orane 16 Crow 33, Lowell 26 Ft-7 riub-Olatrlct Tournament Kcbo 06, Umnplno 10 Umalllla 68, Helix 40 Pilot Rock 61. Alhena 39 lone 64. Htnnlleld 60 A-6 Huli-I)llrli t Tournament RosehurK 60. ReeOKporl 50 Myrtle Creek 62. Butherlln 44 11-4 Hub-Iltrlrt Tournament Flklon 4H, Yoncalla 43 Drain 30, Ouklnnd 39 Olrndnle 39, Daya Creek 31 I Kiddle 24, Catiyonvllle 19 ioo in: l4iilt't Vnott m. .. J l.rn Nrvlr M AD SutturtMD Kluwtr :in K-Aniu,mnt M Hit fuaiitv 3n KUntath rlnwr, 34 Mn4at' tttmlli Ktiliuiban 'J l,ul I lrh 4 Klinmh Mf.wcr 0 K-Amuinini a bur 1 I SHI ; VKI Ttie Mooee Ma'n bowhnu lenitue I" oelUlliR down to a IlKhl for no cond place with Loulc'a hood nine mime tn the Irnd. t Thlrd-iuce Nuburbnn Mower did ii slight cutnim lob on Louie's lend (onday with n 31 win over the rariera. hut the cirocerv cnla mill old a nuir-ftnme lend over necond luce Leuch Service. Lench Bervlce had the hlch tenm terlrn, 3630' Hiiburbun rolled the iHh Kmiie, S03. I mdlviduully. Sully Hcnncil, miIi lilnR for Louie's txored a 189 mmr inr hl!h: lluby Phelps, ijiiburbnn. bad a hluh 616 series with names of 163. 407 and 146. 'Reed' Rallies For Victory UOHTON. lA'i Knrmer Choir Wilder Don William of Worcester. Muss, took everything Welter welitht Chninplon Kid Oavllan could throw a t the latter unlncd a divided decision In their 10 round non-title boxlnx bout Thursday UIKhl nt the Hoston Garden. UimtlliiK Unvilnn one and three quurter pounds at 147 'j. William" survived two first-round knock downs and JoukIiI buck so stub bornly that the bout was even no lri Into the finale. The "Keed" from Cuba had to put on furious final burst to sway Releree Tom my Rnwson and JuiIbc Joe Han larplo in his fuvor. Burke Holds Golf Lead BATON ROUGE. La., (,Ph-JarV Burke, a quiet Texan who silences opponents with shnrpshootlnu Iron shots, holds a one stroke lead In the $10,000 Hp ton Rouge Open Golf Tournament. The little Texan fired a four-un-der-par 68 Thursday, to maintain hla sizzling pace that began two weeks ago in the San Antonio Open. Amateur Bert Weaver, a 20-year-old Louisiana S'nte University Kophnmore from Beaumont, Tex., finished second In the opening round with a two under pnr 69. H-N Wins Playoff Position Herald and News, jdven lust an outside chunce of tlnylnx alive when the season opened, toilay own a soot In the City League playoffs that open Monday at Altamont. The Newsmen, paced bv bis Jay GrliiK with 36 points, bent Cocn Colu, 74-66, last nlht. In a pluyoff for the fourth position In the tourney. Payless Drugs Is first seeded; after winning a coln-flln necessi tated vhen the DruKKlsts and Rlckys both finished atop Ihe heap with 11-1 records. , Ricky Is In Ihe Number 2 spot, Hilltop Cafe, finishing with a 7-6 record, in Number 3, 'Ihe Cokes and Newsmen finished In a deadlock for fourth with 4-8 marks. Last night's single gmnc at Altemont decided II. The Cokes' Querlno Lelll and Newman did their share, popping In 21 and 20 points. But Jim Krantz added 14 to Griggs' 35 for the Scribes. Coca Cola staged a furious thlrd uusrter rally that netted 31 point and came close to catching the Newsmen. Hut the News quint coasted In after opening the fourth quarter with a 04-63 lead. Rtckva faces Herald and News In the 7:30 game Monday night. Pay less and Hilltop mix In the D o'clock afterpiece. The winners square off Wednesday night In the main event, the losers open the show for th consolation prize. Wednesday night's finalists will pair wllh Tulelake and Chiloouln hi a March 1 and 8 tourney at Mer rill for the championship ol the en tire basin. Tulelake and Chlloquin won firs' round games last, night In the Ba sin tournament and tangle Satur day night at Merrill for the title. nox kcorr: (Ml COC 4 OI. SHUFF STUFF STANDING. IIIU Plara, aehui ',. ... Merca ' . ........ fcuburtstn WfH-UB . 7ala I Roundup vrw JCaflaa ttummera f-n evi .7 ' .7.KI yn jvn .SVI .4-.B .4',ll .aw .'JIM .131 The Second round of the city shuftleboard .league Is three weeks old and Bill' Place ovns a squeaky one-game lead over Schuss, 3-1 winners over Roundup lust night. Mecca and Suburban ore bunched 'closely In third place, Just three frnmes behind. , In other contests last night, Tat' blanked Summers Lane, 40, and B it s Place and Suburban split, 2-2. Bruins Need Sweep to Win "LOS ANGELES l Basketball fever In the Southern - Division of Ihe Pacific Coast Conference- be gins to mount Friday night when the tllle-bcnt Bruins' of UCLA tan nic with their crosstown rivals. Southern California. It will be the-first of a crucial two-game scries and UCLA heeds! u .split to cinch at least a tie In the Division, and to sweep the ,twd panics will give UCLA the Division title regardless of how Cnllfornla and Stanford come out in their se ries In the Bay area. After losing n pair to the then cellar bound Stanford Indians at Palo Alio last week, the Trojans of USC face an even tougher proposi tion here. B Grids Stage First All-Star Shrine Tilt PORTLAND" lb Cotiche and? high school aTTrtiatlnj 'cUeais of 0 a shrine club committee will meet here Haturdey to select the players lor tne first class B nigh school all-star game. ' . The game, sponsored bv the Shrine, will be played at Pendleton Aug. Mi will) players drawn irorn next June. The ',- Cleveland Indians liae scheduled 19 exhibition games' wllh the National League champs, the New York Giants. Gun v Repairing ond Rtbluirif ,. THE GUN STORE 1 The Brooklyn Dodgers' lf2 dou ble plays last season was the third highest total In National League history. The Cincinnati Reds in 1028 and again In 1931 produced 194 twin killings. HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND fUGINE, ORE. MEDFORO Thoroughly Modern llr. and Mrs. J. E. Earley and Joe Earley Proprietor- 9. 7ti "i HAS ravt'i fl lUrllty I Origw .1-1 My a ; Diwnn Cora Cola f. Arn) It BfrKloff 20 N'cwma 21 '-4-111 4 Kunz iltilxi E;)Jv 4, kubti Jarkon 8. Tt,f'i fo4 quttiisW, wr fcavi tht sinwtr, Statt fttm Mat 11! AataMtbila Intarontt) Conpuny ttriTti ta intuf anl Ufriwl driven. Cartful tfrivm Mt fewtf occitftiilt. You pay tht Mllmg coil duly wict ifwt't tk kind f iMafaau Stata fofn il fomout tar. So it cam Stott Form Um ta 4 uiirw, 0i4 bcwta Stata Fart it mvtuel company, th policy-holder 0t tk- ioii4)i. It yon tfoo't Mt tb.i tow cast dcpcfuioblc cor intufeiKr coK 3262 . t your Slota for Mt ho yw ho you cm tt complete protection it low coitl Wm. If!. GOEN 2133 Maditon Phone 3262 Domctrakos, Alexander J, Frcel 0. Tacoma Jmh JIbII, 190, Ta- rorna. and Willlr Bean, 203, Las Anrnl rlrow lint -In Semis ST. AUtlUSTINE. Kin . i,Vi-Pnn- eho Segura Thursday defeated (leorge Hlchey ol Houston, Tex.. the aeinl-flnnls i'rnfrhalonul Clny ouriwiaent here, tieorge iticney 01 i 6-3, 0-1, and gained of the Nn I bin. I Pri Cotuts TeiiiMs ynmn qeelibd - hub mp Havo ht brohta (latt proptr ly rtplor4 fey ahlllt4 aata llatltr that II will t aafr from ifca airalnt of aBtMW track vlbrallant. We Ibt bttt pvallabla (lau an4 4 a tha work praptrly. promptly. 'in ' H 4 tn a- (- r ' -;- V1 Ax , ,. i... i. Plan your lighting to help you work... . Don't let poor lighting waste your preciou6 working time! PLAN your kitchen lighting so that a flip of a twitch gives you teeing light where you want it when you need ill No more working in your own ahadow when the light is right. No more fumbling in dark cabinets. No more mixing in salt instead of sugar! t , .. . . ' Let us tell you more about PLANNED Light irig and ehow you how' easily YOUR home can be fitted for today's lighting. I Our Home Ughlint Speeiatirta re ready to help yon PLAN your home lighting for seeing and beauty. Their aci-vicca ant free, to call uj for an appointment. PLAN ,YO;UR LIGHTING FOR PLEASANT LIVING' not 30 its 100 not 40 not 50 - &pl$f. mow - W Erjoy tha flrvtr flavor of bourbon mad Bpam's oJd-fashiorvtd sour mo tit way. Yo, for Mtlifying imoothnois, for tuxvriowt mailownpsi, for top quorrty whiikpy tbat'i all bourbon . . . Insist on loam. Tht World's Flntst Bourbon sine 1795. IVU LJLalnlUUI KENTUCKY SJRAIGHJ BOURBON WHISKEY JAMES B. BEAM DISTILLING CO., CLERMONT, KENTUCKY 1 vtHi iiar vmm FOR '52... Another FordTruclt Firci! THE1E 1.1 memv com new MW&l Delivers the MOST power per cubic inch displacement! This new Ford Truck 145-h.p. Cakgo King V-8 engine delivers more horsepower per cubic inch than any other gasoline-powered truck engine among the ten leading makes! 279 cu. in. New Low-Fkiction design! Standard in Series F-7 Big Jobs. 1 101-H.P. C05T CLIPPER SIX: New LOW FRICTION design. 215 cu. in. Available in Series F-l through F-5. . , ' 106-H.P. V-8: 239 cu. in. Proved in over 2,000,000 trucks. Available in Series F-l thru F-6. 112-H.P. BIG SIX: 254 cu. in. Available in Series F-6 only, 135.H.P. CARGO KING V-8: New LOW FRICTION design. 317 cu. in. Standard in Series F-8 BIG JOBS. save up to 14 on gas O Your truck running costs are due for another drop, with new For Trucks for '52! Short-stroke design of the r.:w Ford Truck engines means less piston -t-?.vel per road mile less friction-drag. L; power is sac rificed to. friction more power becomes. hauling powers xou save as mucn as one vv gallon of gas in every sevenl ' '.' "'Engineered for modern Spc - d Hauling, theVe fftree trandjiow engines combine the advantages of High Compression, AND Overhead Valves, AND short-stroke LOW-FRICTION design! TS.k.T. fE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY Ford cost s And for '52, the world-famous 239 cu. in.iFord Truck V-8 engine is upped to 106 h.p.! The Big Six is advanced to 112 h.p.! Now Five great Ford Truck engines, all with the gas-saving Power Pilot! Over 275 series power combinations, to let you choose a Ford Truck "tailored" for YOUR job! Eos' AfiiliMlrlv of annlBasMl, a nit trim i llliutratH M ff paUsat a iiuLtrtal supply cooditloos. 1 !' I BALSIGER MOTOR CO. i -i t' - V. ' --,1 ' .V ' " v. i PJibrt)3nt Main at Esplanade