PAGE TEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON FRIDAY, FKHRUAHY 20, 10.12 ' MEKEBD H0U W (BQlRfMifll my PES Ashland Here For Two Tilts i District 4 basketball activity this weekend will Rive the answer whe ther it's the trunk or the hangers Jor Pelican cane (rear. ! The Klamath Pelicans host Ash land in two, opening tonight on Pel ican Court, 8 p.m. In Rogue River Valley, district leading Medford and Orants Pass will trade courts In a two-game se ries, starting tonight on Grants Pass', floor. ; " Medford should wrap It up and oualify for the district showdown with Crater High, the, series that picks the Eugene state'tohrnament pist. 4 representative.. 5LBut hopes are still, high that orants Pass can do some spoiling against Medford. ; If Klamath Falls can sweep the" Ashland set, the Cavemen can give the Pels a tie with Medford by dividing their series with the Tor nado.' , ONE GAME ', IA that event, Medford and Klam ath' Falls would settle the deadlock in a one-game quarrel. Two wins for the Pels, two for Grants Pass, would give Klamath Falls the title. But even the opti 'mistic and fool-hardy aren't looking for this. Medford holds a one-game bulge on the Pelicans with an 8-2 record. Klamath Falls has won seven of 10 starts. Coach Paul McCall's Pelicans aren't figuring to be caught nap ping. They'll go for two over the Grizzlies and hope Grants Pass can turn at least one upset over Medford. " McCall has his five starters ready to shooVtha works. Center Ralph narroll. who measures 6-7,. is at the. center spot where he's dunked nmitrfc noints to lead the Southern Oregon Conference in scoring with room to spare. Flanking Carroll at the forward positions- are 6-5 Bay Bell and 6-4 jack Horura. Speedboys Jerrv Johnson and Cal Gilmore are down for the guard calls. Ashland's hopes of upending the Pels are seriously cramped with the loss of Bill Hoiungsworin. uie Grizzlies' too scoreboy, out with an ankle injury. Guard Harvey Woods will prob tbly carry the bulk of Ashland's tally chore. He'll team with either Vera Tenney or Bob Myrick. Forward starters will likely be Ted Tenney and BUI Miles. Gregg Lininger, promising sophomore, gets ,the center call. i Tonight's 6:45 preliminary puts the junior, varsity, against the Wild cats in a' family fued. The Jayvees face Ashland's junior varsity in Sat urday's opener. Graders Open Hoop Tourney . . The grade school Class B single elimination basketball tournament opens tomorrow, 9:30 a.m., on two fronts! ' At; Mills', Roosevelt .and Mills' first team mix in the first game, followed by Fairview aijainstTnIiUs . The Pelican-Conger and Riverside-Fremont doubleheader shows at Fairview on the same time sched ule, i ' . Semi-finals will go on Monday, the championship game Wednes day. Mills Is the defending champion. Saturday's games will be preced ed by free throw contests. CZECH .MJas. ..... 3 St I li'wr'wa pi mi I -- "- ii n ML ZJ w.. v r icriii 'iu-M haSSSSSSSBSSSSJMlW. atf S OiiH.M' v MHBHBl O'Brien Tops 1000 As Chiefs Edge Portland SEATTLE W Seattle Unlver shy's Johnny O'Brien got his thou sand points and six to spare Tbuis day night. Needing only 30 points to become the first collrge plavrr In the hi.s tuiy of bnskcbnll to hit 1.000 in one season, the Senlllc Super Chief popprd In 36 to lead his Chieftains to a 79-15 victory over the Portland University Pilots. The new total set in 35 games this season bettered the former I high set by George King of Morrls ; Harvey College in 1849-50 by 39 points, and raised O'Brien's per Bmc scoring average to 28.7 per , cent. ' The six free throws credited to me nvc-ioot-ninc inch South Am- JERRY JOHNSON, whose speed and ball-handling has been a contributing factor in the Pelicans' 154 season, will be on deck tonight when the Klamath five opens a two-game series with Ashland on Pelican Court. Split Nod SPOKANE ' () Former ' Ban tamweight Champion Harold Dade of Los' Angeles, now fighting as-a featherweight, took a split decision from Bobby Woods of Spokane in a 10-round match here Thursday night. . f ' ' $ave2T50-75on fuel Tulelake, Chiloquin Win Playoff Scraps Tulelake and Chiloouln won orien. ing games in the Klamath Basin basketball playoffs last night at Merrill and will ' scrap Saturday night for the title.. - , 'The first-seeded Tulelake Timers beat the Jayhawks, 61-M; fourth- seeded Chiloquin upset second seeded Malin, 60-52. Saturday night, Jayhawks and Malin meet in the 8 o'clock opener at Merrill for the consolation prize. The championship main Vanport Can Cinch Title MONMOUTH. Ore.'W Vanport and Oregon College of Education will tangle here Friday night with the Oregon Collegiate Conference basketball championship at stake. Vanport can take the crown by winning, an O.C.E. win will leave the matter up in the air until the scheduled Saturday night game be tween the teams at Portland. MAJORS ONLY ST. LOUIS. Mo. Wl The St. Louis Cardinals will play 35 spring exhibition games and aU will be with major league clubs. The Red Birds will travel north with the Philadelphia Phillies. In addition to the Phils, the Cards will play the St. Louis Browns, New York Yankees. Boston Braves, Cincin nati Reds. Boston Red Sox, Wash ington Senators, Detroit Tigers and the Brooklyn Dodgers. event follows. Chiloquin led virtually all the way last night with Wayne and Chief Hatcher throwing in 23 and 17 points to pace the victory. Jim Conroy scored 14 for Malm, be low par for the big center, while rim Anaerson aaaea-iz. . , Malin ou (scored Chiloouln In the final ciuarter but couldn't close a 34-48 deficit. , It was Tom Crawford who led Tulelake. Crawford dumped in 23 wnne Wilbur Welch and Marlon Klrkpatrick chipped in with 10 each. Abe Homer paced Jayhawks -with ?fl but Gary Dawes, usually good for a fistful of points,' could find juj-t 10. ... Even at that. Tulelake had to rally for the win. The. Jayhawks jumped into a 24-11 first-quarter lead and lelt at intermission time wllh a 37-29 bulge. The Inners closed it to 42-44 coine into the fourth and put together a 19-point last-frame blitz for the victory. . , nnx M-nreBI rmi.noiiN ii W. Hatcher '23 V Soueri F Minato 9 C C. Halrhcr 17 r. Miller 7 C Chiloquin sub Geinger, Bratton 4. Wampler. Bickers. .Malin subs Brifhf man 9, Vlctorlne. UnK Dalton. Ken yon 4. Lindsay. Smalley. JVnAWKS 151) (Hit Tl'l.r.l.AKE Homer 20 F 23 Crawford Gilchrist F 10 Welch Dawel 10 C 2 Cross Banta 3 C, .8 Landing Brvant 9 C 3 Dahle Jayhawk subs Patterson S, Bevls 5. Brown. Klme 1. Tulelake subs Urbach 9. Klrkpatrick 10. One Spot Open For Cage NIT By The Associated Press ! Only one spot remained to be 1 filled in the National Invitation Basketball Tournament Friday and ', that coud be grabbed by any of a half-dozen teams. ) This has been one of the tough est seasons on record for the NIT i nnd its Selection Committee Chair- j man, Asa Busline!!. . The committee, in fact, had to waive a rule it recently had adopt edthe long standing NCAA ban against a player performing in a fourth year of varsity competition in order to lure the University of Louisville into the fold. U TEAMS Along with Louisville. New York University, Western Kentucky and LaSalle were entered In (lie tour ney Thursday, bringing the total to 11 teams. Now the leading contenders for the last spot are DePaul (18-7. Loyola of Chicago 17-7, St. Jo seph's of Philadelphia tl6-S, Tex as Christian 120-31. Vlllanova (17-6) and Miami of Ohio U7-5). The Tourney starts a week from Satur day with a triple-header in Madison Square Garden. NYU and LaSalle both were se lected before Uieir games in Mad ison Sauaro Garden Thursday night. Theoretically, they should have been out of the running since they both previously lost "test" games. NYU, In fact lost two. La Salle looked good, though, turning back Manhattan, 77-55, while NYU took another whipping at the hands of St. John's, 78-75. , . WIN FIRST , - Kentucky, the NCAA and South eastern Conference champions, won its fir.rt game Impressively in the SEC Tournament. The Wildcats, led by Cliff Ha can's 29 points, crushed Georgia Tefh. 80-59. LSU's Bob Pettlt tossed hi- 35 noints as Louisiana State drubbed Mississippi State, 77-44. In other tourney games Vanderbilt downed Georgia. 81-49. and Alabama elim inated Auburn. 63-49. South Carolina missed out on next week's Southern Conference tcurney by losing to Clcmson, 78-84. Boy. N. J, Junior gave hhn 338 pouns iroin me cnarity line loi the season, 47 more than the record set 'by Newt Oliver of Rio Grande College in 1948. O'Brien passed Oliver's mark two weeks ago. Mr topped King's srorlng recor,l agnlmt the same Pilots last week. ONK t'HANCK SeatUe and Portland end their series Friday night, giving O'Bi lvii at least one more clumee to ad I new pages to ba.skclball's record books. He Is within 20 field goals of King's all time record of 354, :oi Instance. Topping Klug in that branch Is an almost impassible asslgiimxiu lu the season-ending clash with Portland Friday, but the Chieftains still hold some hope of a post season tournament bid. The Seattle victory Thursday night partially avenged the douhle shellacking Portland handed the Chieftains at Portland last week. EARLY LEAD The Pilots, led by Guard Jim Winters who scored 23 points, took an early lead but Seattle wont ahead near the end of the first quarter and held a 66-40 httlftlme edge. Portland was rapidly closing the gnp In the last few minutes, after three Chieftains fouled out and another was Initirert. hm k. altle adopted a tight ball control defense and held the lead until the final whistle. O'Brien made his 1.000th point at 1:30 of the third period. Metiers BombT&l Rnnni rkfn bombed the net for 24 points each ; Z 7 meiiers won the r 13th V rlnrv lnnt.. .....i . .- . . ..HU, Mil IMC A IIUUUI defeat, an R.tJtA nln t i ----- - ww naii utij 1IUU and Industry. tfud Mullen and Blgby led the way with 17 each a Gun Store WAlIonpri Crater f nlr rPn..,.ri. 69-36, in the other (tame on the f ii view iioor, T & I's Houscr scored 21 of hit tpnm's nnintc Mf.r hA ii )i half lime lead. GVS ft TORE ) Plummer 4 r Kn 10 r Bcxtlflwr s r Mullen 17 C. ' t t iora Gun Store ub Henrv, Y rnrk 3. Wood 7. Crater Lake utM-lr,t 0. MKT!. ERA tgj) (3d) T I Chayne 24 . T Mm!. Lyona 24 F ft Cahoon Robinson 13 21 Moiwrr Matlar 13 C. 8 Hofll Dow 4 Ct Metier iubn Robert! S. J These Pitchers Tounh on Joe NEW YOHIC, Wl-Jim l)IM"'h looked buck over Ilia 1 .vetrii in Hie Miilnr l.eiiuurs Friday and humeri live plulmi n who luunied him inmo limn any nlhera.' Thfl "Blif I'lvn" whom tie r tiled Yankoe Clipper acknoulcdiiai lira happy to be rltl of ait: , Mel Harder, Cleveland j Bub Lemon, Cleveland. J l)lv Trnul, Detroit, Art llniilleman, Detroit. ' Ellis Kinder, HuMcin Kril Box. j is a Man who Cares AN AbblbT Ufo Koiuly scans Hetty tirablo's racing pro gram, helping the pretty movie actress select a winner. TI10 tall Chicago Cubs infielilor works as a checker at Santa Anita during the off-season. j4j Button In Big Lead .-.-!, MAI.TN 2 Woodier 9 OKeef 14 Conrov 12 Anderson 2 McKoen tfiermetttftc . Prestolog Heaters Am., (tMdx heat far hemci, thop ti ifarta. BURNS WOOD OR PRESTOLOGS Hundreds ef Ortfon awaeri enj.y rail ' winter comfort and save m.r. than cost of ht.t.r first year vied. All models new available. $52.50 to $149.50 SEE AN ASHLEY AT WORK AT PEYTON & CO. US Merkat St. Miene 514 SWEEP9 A I SEE 1952 INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS y.v PICK-UPS FARM TRUCKS LOGGERS " From Vx Ton to 45 Ton Gas or Diesel JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES and SERVICE llfh and Klamath Ph.2-2581 Sports Mirror By The Aiunelated Press Four Years Ago Today Law on Little stroked a 272 to win the $2,000 top prize in the St. Peters burg Open Golf Tournament. Eight Years Ago The Ameri can League released Its playinj schedule Jor 1944. Twelve Years Ago Aldo Donel 11 signed a three-year conract to coach football at Duquesne. Sixteen Years Ago Luclle Rob inson defeated 18 year old Patty Berg one-up In 21 holes in the fi nal of Ormond Beach Oolf Tournament. is.k rnTFii ifi llaruton St. John 3 III M,'Jr 7 riora 1 Cobb PARIS Wt Dick Button, bonsl Ing a cotnmandlnu laid, ane. aftei his filth straliiht men s world (In ure skulliig crown Krldity nlulii while n new champion will be crowned In the women's division. Button, Olympic winner In. 1048 and In the recently completed Karnes nt Oslo. Norway, piled up a huge advantage In the compuls ory (Isurcs Thursday. The Enclewood, N. J., star col lected seven plnce points from each of the seven Indues for six compulsory figures to draw Inr ahead nt European Champion Hel mut Scibt of Austria. Friday's final test will he the free-skntlng event at which Button is In a class by himself. Tenley Albright, a l-year old .'rhool girl (rom Newton Center. Mass.. making her second start in i world meet. Is a blight favorite lu win the womrn'i championship. While Billion was compiling a big lend. Ilia and Putil Flk ol tier many won the pans title, bentluit nut Peter and Karol Kennedy ol Seattle. I HOCKEY I'arlfle Coast llorkey tlv The Assorlated Press Calgary 8 Edmonton 4 lie enjoys CARSTAIRS ...because it' a heller driik ALL WAYS! Dit l NUnlii it not lite npii of an ai-ltial jnrmi, but ii itber a lype ilio Man it ho Cici. Hall, Bean In Deadlock TACOMA lPi Jess Hall of Ta- coma and Willie Bean of Los An geles battled 10 rounds to a draw Thursday night In a fight billed as the Pacific Coast heavyweight championship bout. Bean, at 203, outweighed Hall by 13 pounds. Hall was down for an eight-count in tne nrst ror.nn. WANTED Salesman to Travel Selling Athletic Equipment. Call in Person THE GUN STORE Dog Owners NOTICE $1.00 penalty will be charged for dog . licenses after Saturday,. March 1. Open all day Saturday to serve you, Chas. F. DeLap, County Clerk. 1 S iw CtMTAlW All j jcswe. 1 - Cirstairs Hrnt. Pl.tillljl Co., lnc-4 New York, N. y. Hlrn.H Whi.Lff (10 1'toof 72 Grain hutrtl Spirits, FREE YOUR DOG OF OFFENSIVE ODORS! first feetf ft ir, Improved K9n-LBltMl Now CTiIorophyllin oirurc's on mir acle deodorant is added 10 meat-flavored Ken-L-Bislck! Exclusive feeding of this completely nourishing food ends all un pleasant dog odors in 7 days r Itss! Dogs love Ken-LBiskit it has appe tizing sniff appeal. with added ehhrophyUin still sells at same low price. Get Ken-L-Bistvit at your favorite store or dealer's, or write for free speciaJ certificate that saves you l)f on your lirst package. Send this ad on a postcard to Ken-L-Products, Dept. 249, Box 5339, Chicago 77, III. "IF YOU NEED HEY GALS! THERE WILL BE A LEAP YEAR AT THE ARMORY SATURDAY NIGHT There Will Be Lots of Tog Dances DANCING 9-1 SI. 20 MUSIC BY BALDY'S BAND "Juit Good Dane Music" featuring Georje Willis I Paul Swigart PER PERSON (Tax Inc.) i 01 mi ! FOR ONLY $fliS)W 6.00.16 PLUS TAX AND YOUR OLD Tim DEFIANCE FULLY GUARANTEED . 7 FULL TREAD RIBS CENTER "SAFETY-ZONE" TREAD ZIG-ZAG ANTI-SKID DESIGN NOW EXTRA CUSHION 6.70-15 DEFIANCE ONir 1A95 I "T TAX AND YOUR OLD TIRE BUY ON OUR BUDGET PAY PLAN JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES and SERVICE, Inc. , I 11th and Klamath Ph. 2-2511 FIRST IN RUBBER MM A TRUCK, SEEJUCK" SPOTS Values To $49.75 Values To $65.00 ' $ 3950 AT!!MDY1 $29