THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2B, 1552 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON 0& ffl 0$ SHE'S PHOTOGENIC Blondc-browncttc Clamlcttc Thorton who reigned for three successive years as "Miss Houston" is ac claimed by Hollywood cameramen as the girl with the "perfect film figure." Claudettc is 22, weighs 119 and is fivc-fect six-inches tall. iionanza ( ooKMoni: cu n Tlie firat mrcunif ol tho Cook nlore Club, was held on February lull In the nchool cafeteria, with Mr.i. Norma lla.-kina aa leader. Tltr following offirrra were elect ed: t.oulsr- Srhinoe. president: Em llv Duartr. vice president: Virile Brhmoe, aecrrtnrv: Inei Harmon mi Mary I. Inn Itnlpli, aonu lead ers; Cnrol Holt nd Kathleen Turn er, yell leader; and Dranna Brown news reporter. It -aa derided that the club meet every Tuesday. Iieanna tlrown Newt Reporter MIATA BKWING BKES At ihe February lmh, nieelinit ol lilt) ftha.Ma fcewini; Been, the onea who had their Mulled anlmala fin ished were told to atari making head acarfa. Many members were au.ent. Snnita were aunit. then the meeting wan clewed with the H-H pledge. ("arnlre Klncletnn yi -. - ; ., . lUlwrler ( ikx oi.aii; drops The ' Choeola'.e Dropa CooklnR Club of Henley had iiiretlirg on Fivortiiiry 13'h. 'Hie meeting was railed to order by Ihe Vice Pres ident. Vt'e Inlked about how much we had to do yet on our projects. The February 20th meeting was liacmed. Karh one Is to brlnij 4 cookies or cupcakes. The lender. Mrs. John filiort. will brim Ire cream (or all. Alter the meetlnn was adjourned same called "Oos- sip was plnyed. Lawrence Kavlor News Iteporler ji st iio SKivrns On February IS. the Just Eo Sew ers met at the home of the lender. Mrs. Ken Enmaon. This was a work meeting with nil glrla working on cotton dresses. Carole l ee. one of the outstand ing club members has almost com plelcd her prolect. All the elrls are anxious lo finish their dresses as In Mrs. Samson, the faithful club leader, Is moving to Montana very soon. Bondell Crawford ' Newa Reporter There might not be anything new under the aun, but one of the coun try's leading foundation houses has Jtlat come up with as clever an Iden aa has been seen In many moons. Why didn't somebody think of It before I A camisole that's a bra a bra that's a camlaole. It's aunh a beautifully simple answer to ev ery woman'a aummer support di lemma. The camlsole-bra Is a new and very unique trick. An exqulrlte lop for the starched crinolines that will be rustling In months ahead, the camisole com pletes the aummer foundntlon pic ture so well. It makes us wonder how we ever got along without It. To every woman who has shunned aheer blouses and dresses during the spring and aummer be cause of the unsightly accumula tion of straps, this new all-in-one Is going to be a real delight. Designers point out that although the banlo design Is strictly 185:, the fabric and detailing on the bra make It resemble an expensive camisole sold by the company In 10M. The effect Is old-fashioned charm with a modern function a combi nation that Is bound to make a lot of women very happy In the month to come. The eamlsole-bra la made of a fine white cotton with all-over eyelet embroidery. White satin rib bon hss been run through the shoul der atraps and across the top. An elastic band around the bottom holds the camisole In place. Ihe uplift, cleverly assured by a new design, Is so firm that even women with a heavier bust will feel at ease. Cool In Itself, the camlsole-bra Is going to keep temperatures especially low this summer because It looks best un der the very lightest materials. iii:m.i:y rkwino si'sif.s Articlea mnde bv the Henley ficwlnir Susies Club, which met Feb. 12 at Ihe home of Mrs. Karl Mack, were modeled nnd Judged. All the Rlrls hnve started some obleets In their project. ' Refreshment were served. Bar barn Jarnbsnn, president, ad journed the meeting. Rosemary O'Reefe News Reporter JOU.y PAI.S A party was planned for Feb. 22 bv the Rlrls at the lost regular meetlncr. with the vice president, Doris Tuning, presiding. It waa derided to Invite the girls yenr and show them whnt the sew ing projects are nbout. A window rilsplny was nlso dla cussed for National 4-H week to be shown In sonic window on Main street. This dlsplny will show the people of this community whnt the boys and girls arc doing. Watch for It the week of Mar. 3 to 11. Doris Tuning and Lou Ellen Cook were the only girls who braved the snow nnd mud one Saturday to go to Min. Lnhoda's home to ew. Doris worked on her dress nnd Lou Ellen began making her skirt thai dny. News Reporter Canasta Hhufflers, gnmes and gifts .... Volght'a Pioneer Office Supply, JIM Main. Merrill Building Purchase Told MERRILL W. H. Homes. Union Oil distributor here, has announced the purchase of the lot and two Morv.lrame building located on the corner of Front and Main streets. Vacant for the last several yeart., the structure was last occupied by bafeway slores. The second floor was used aa a meeting place bv various organizations for many years. Future plans call for dismantling the building, but In the meantime, it will probably be rented, accord ing to the new owner. K. C. Burkes, from whom Homes purchased the building. Is a former Merrill resident, now living in Em pire, Oregon. KXTRA SKRVICE OSHKOHH. Neb. W-Lola of serv ice and a big smile Is gospel with John R. Grieve Jr., filling-station operator. When a cou ple drove In recently he polished their windshield, checked the tires and radiator, then asked. "Will that be all?" The customer turned to his wife. "I want my girdle vulcanized." she told Orlcve. He did the job. U fc 'Iv2 MOLD YOUR CURVES tsj Z2tLJZl. JLJ UlTJL LL JL. J W P JAjJULM-Xav' f'-'V IV ' '' new combination XIfXJK'" J-AJKJAJ VJKy I ' i f Vfc 'il'&V of bra and camisole. Per- "kz'Jf . ' t I i. . t'i.V'A feci for under a sheer mm Bk L, ! I V, ' f ..! hlntivn. Will . inn riisllino P v A ia9 s?"si rTi WE JS. TZM TTM Rl in 1 - M 1 y u:'" ihe.on.he'cou,; wti .v. - . t--v 1. ..m1 S Jr 2 Iry'a leading foundation houses ha Kz$- iwru ' It fl I J-" ft "Ti m mi mm . . -j rv u uy . . . mm mm ma man iitih m m mm 11 rm l ii 1 ilS MWl IIVUL! U W w triiiriix I t F..,hd.j iiil M - folger's 2-lb. Tin ALLS -43 BEEF ROAST 69 PORK CHOPS 59 BACON 39 PORK ROASTS 45s, PORK STEAK ---4ft DURKEE'S 8-ox. lb. C lb. c lb. BLUE BELL Rea. 25c Size WIENERS SKINLESS No waste 49 Potato Chips DOC FOOD if 2 -27 'l7 MARGARINE l IP f II With Coupon II l V ,U ib. Uj) ib. 9 &viWmb - .g-ytcwwsx I eke every . joy ts fanciest, quality Ilia that rut fwiai tsi uvtn ! Cy aa Ihe ludHt III) t Sflflfl I This tempting variety to chaos from I IU!T r Mil HttiiuT ruiiti tiLvi tiiMoM rittrrt CHUM t SIMON rillITt Mtirie coo riutTi rittIT It HAItOCK SAVINGS IN OUR TH Rl FT DEPARTMENT ! TOWELS c'Si" ,J9 J FAMOUS CANNON 15 DENIER .-r Quality NYLONS - 79', A 89'. AiLSWl lsm Mil !?2lz. BORSeVrEE! "BUMBLE BEE" Fancy No. Vi Can SWEATERS iSUITING 100 NYLON Women's $04 DAN RIVER MILLS 44-45 Cfl 1Q Pastel. Snrina l-.t. WiJW C rotterni vj acarom 5) OtTSUP MISSION Ideal Lenten Dish, 24-oz. Denniton'i, fancy 14-oz. mm N8 CUP AND SAUCE IN MOTHER'S OATS Beautiful "Aiur-lfe" Blue Glaitwart by Anchor Hocking Inline every hit qiif pltkije of Mothtr'i Oati you att a valuable, useful jirtmlum. Acta' ally a ttaubli value because moaay can't buy a finer quality, more delicioui, mora Douriahlng oatmeal than Mother's Oatal Start now lo give your family this aood, hot: creamy.amonth oatmeal every morning. And act famoua "Hre-Kina" Cupt and Saucers, oe Aluminum Ware, "Wild Rose" pattern China, or Carnival Ware, lluy Mother I Oats toda jJ! MOTHER'S OATS-o product of THI QUAKCK OATS COMPANY Brussel Sprouts 10: IV 1 -I a. H Chinese lettuct grand tared 4 tk. Napa Lettuce Br: lOs. CAULIFLOWER s:.10i Green Peppers 23k AVOCADOES r'-.-IO CABBAGE 6! APPLES Gm"'iiH?pi-' lOs.. Jewel il APRICOTS SWIFTNING EGGS GRAHAI1S CINCH PURE CLOYER ,0Bey 2-lb. Jar Swift's Pure Vegetable Oil Qr. Hunt's Whole No. 2Vx Tins 31b. Tin LARGE "AA" Farm fresh Help the farmer move the local surplus. SUNSHINE 2-lb. pkg. CORN BREAD MIX for Lent! SWANSON'S Chicken Spread 29c ic H BRING US YOUR COUPONS! SPRY 3-lb. tin With Coupon 75c I 3 U aR F Giant Size With Coupon 49 C PACK NTNTS BaBBBBaaaBaaa kv i$fl67 69 o49 25 23 Die DOZ. PKG. 33' 29 IS' r'