THURSDAY, rETiRUARY 2B, 10S2 PAGE EIGHT jtAVi'A'PVM. -SMS A HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON r yk fa J WmmM STATE CHAMPION WINDOW DISPLAY designed and set up by the first period Retail Selling class at Klamath Union High School, has been entered in national competition. Cheery good morning foods for wido-awake breakfasts , . . smocking good foods for hearty lunches . . . thrilling foods for wonderful dinnors all are here at EMIL'S . . . and all are low-priced to help you banquet on your budget 3 times a day every day! There'll never be o dull menu at your house when you do your food shopping hero, because our bigger and better values mean bigger and better meals for your family. Parents-Patrons Plan Meeting Merrill Parents-Patrons will meet this Thursday evening Feb. 28. at 7:30 p.m. in the grade school cafeteria. Tickets are now beine sold for te (0 tne SRlc ls asked to cn ' XZrZi the younRster Trach ' .QuaUs who is the chair-, j room selling the most will receive a prize from the organization. All proceeds from the sale will be used to purchase needed equipment for the school. Anyone havintr foodstuffs to do- ininn in charce. A program will be- presentcd by the youngsters, and 'refreshments will be served. ! Hans Norland Phone 2-2S15. Fire Insurance. HOW THEY GO FOR ITS H? : f " HOW THEY GO FOR ITS and Flaw! .CiUAlLY SH THE DIFFERENCE! Yes, yon can actually see and smell the "table-quality" of Friskies , . and your dog can taste it ! Just watch how he goes for that "meaty" smell and flavor ! PROVIDES COMPUTE NOURISHMENT! Friskies helps keep your dog healthy and live long... is scientifically balanced to provide every food element dogs are known to need for complete nourishment! PRO VED FOR GENERATIONS I The Friskies formula is based on Albers 50 years' experience in animal nutrition... has produced generations of healthy, happy dogs at the Friskie Re search Kennels on the famous Carnation Milk Farm! Albtn MMi'i Company A Diviiion of Carnation Ceneeoy HO 54 PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY affodils 8 SJ Tlii- OXYDOL WHITE KING DUZ IVORY SNOW IVORY FLAKES REG. PKG. misBssmmsmmmset FRESH, GREEN Large Size Sno-boy Spinach-V 2--27c Avocados 2 25c All Frth RADIHE OR r,RFFKI wv unions idc i Lettuce .b Sweet Juicy Arizona White Grapefruit - 8c Bananas 2-35c Golden, Firm Fresh Crabs Columbia River Smelt Fresh Rainbow Trout Fresh Oysters Pork Roasts tLuc,;n Sh"'IJf , 39c Pork Chops l,9h, ' " ,b 53c Smoked Pork Hocks ,b. 19c Wieners Sk"""' N ,b 49c Sliced Bacon "s&T 39c CRATER LAKE U TURKEYS CHEESE,, 59c r I PEACHES I Halves, Vi tin j Graoefruit H BISQUICK , GARDEN - r,. . . L;e. Pkg. Ki S f " 'ar (Si I M Kt,-n B .M M SALAn'rsti & mm m rrm nor. u I M STANDBY H I "S-r 1 If JUICE H SSWS . tm SgS Chinook K gjvxSGot8CSgS3BKK2KX Salmon ""wwaajSB Fir t i CArsup I E II W 0 WmKRaNti GARDEN I N0 2T'n GOLD MEDAL K TAVERN COFFE i ib ba9 75c BABY FOOD Gerber's Strained and Jr., 4" ' '35c MANNINGS COFFEE 65 2-lb.Tin $ Mb. Tin ZJ&J Royal Club Free Parking While Shopping at EMIL'S! SUNSHINE 57c KRISPY CRACKERS 2 lb. box COOKIES Hydrox. 12-oz. pkg. 37c JUMBO JELLIES OQ Mb. bog BURNT PEANUTS lQ-. 8-oz. bag 17 W ALL 5c CANDY BARS ond GUM. 3 PKGS 10c KARO SYRUP RED LABEL I'i-fb. bottle SYRUP LOG CABIN 24-ez. Tin 22c 49c Pancake Flour AUNT JEMIMA 2'i-lb. pkg. 33c BOY-AR-DEE Spaghetti Dinner fA Sauce with Mush- K room. Pkg. W 1 V TOMATOES STATE FAIR Vh Tin 19c HUNT'S PEAS TENDER GARDEN Picnic tin, 3 for 39c RIPE OLIVES Maywood Standard A A No. 1 Toll Tin, 4jy Q Hunt's Hominy No. VA Tin "j CHERRIES Pitted red sour. Success Brand. No. 2 tin 19c MARGARINE All Advertised An Brands, Ib. JHC rT3TMlTrrcH Right Reserved to Limit Quantities 4 A FRISKY DOG IS A HEALTHY DOG Keep your dogitisky wftn Riskies! JELLY 19c mo (US 12-or. Tumbler