PAGl SKVEN Thursday, I'T.nnuAriY 2n, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLSOREGON State's Toughest Convict Wins Parole To Escape Threat Of Prison Murder ... . .... . .. 1 ...ui.. 1.L vonn lit. the Orff- BAUSM, Kelt. 3H - Mi - The unn prison, Rll wo" H volvo; n Oregon Bluli) I'enllcnlliiry'H list ubolll nil tliu Iroublo tho pilson esl mid iiiiihI troublesome ohnvlot hud. him been pinnlcd so tho other con- entered Dec 4, 1047, to nerve vlrln can't kill him. 12 yeiim lor beating a ninn up in lln Ih John Kdwnrd Riilph, 91. in cirundu unci robbing nlm ol .. ...I .., i,....h..ii.mI i.rlmltml j inn l lllllll llinil mill imiu w - fiuii, WHO HIHIIU'IUV MUM n tiii'iiKK n..i..i. i..nH mivAit mi In the bltt IU4B cscnpo attempt, wncn wiiire convicts set flro la tho prliion lln II- ....... nf 111 Coll- llllll, Illl wn" - ---- viol eoinnilllco that led the prison huiigur strike mm summer, nmin tried iimny oilier limes ki uum-cm unnniinu for nllcimilod breaks, Lust October 31. lie wns one ol Ihn 10 convicts who looked tliplr Kiinrtlii In their cells and tried to gel out. limy niciii i Kei mi., H I. I..nii.n II11.U hiirln't fltr. tlll'llltllt "I MIHW ...... - - urrd n way to get out the mnln pihon mill!. u'nH lhiu In). ftll.imnt.. Tlnlnh Dot auulhcr 3U days In Isolation. After thnl, he wn transferred, along wlih he oilier cscupe arilstn, to scKrcuitllon cells. . . ......ll. lln n..l..l. ..Ill In lur.lnlln.i HeiirotelUlUIVCH Ol IWO column-1 mni iiiu km wiii i """" Ices one appointed by Ihc liner- : nun nisi time, ne sbici "i wihii nicy V v ' ii. ..nn..,l In, llir I it'iuilil mil mn In Ihl. unn plllltll inr." iw.,.1.1 tin fivnMMi.fl fin eMi'iini not. unci liml'tt why II was iiimule to let him mnmm with the other pris oners, ... , Ho, nt Ihn wiui'iit of Warden Vlrull O'Mnlley, Kulnh wan Ii'bim (mred hint week to Fnlsom, Cnllf., Prison where lie win wnntril ns ii piirnln vlolntnr to llnlsh a flve yeur term lor onto theft. Council May Be Formed ITCH, our niivin.. Ahciicv Council, the fiecond by the PTA Connly Council mot Tuesday at the home ol Mm. V. E, O'Neill liillliu Jllv hut ill nil; ira i.ii,.i,,v . He ndded Hint hl chief ambition wiih to kiii giimus. Hi the home Ol earn, v, a, -m k"i". 10 explore the poUIUOllliy Ol ninn-i vn novfllioer in, mill! nm ninn- Inn un ndull conniiiinlty council lion cell, Kulph Bent this leltcr .?. unrl viilllll In IliA ujii i-rli.n III! Uii iiimi" - - ,. i (.inllu 1111(1 VOIII 1 were the port lie nohlcvementit nd preHenl Xivcllltlen mid renourcen ol the communlly ii ml bimln: the orKimhtiitlon end piirponm of Youth Council una Community uouiir.ui.; -- mid tliu Hmter prottinnni; the need lor encoiirnBemenl o! lellntlye "I'm 111 living hell, prcpnrea to die, ... I believe dead mull hn the bent o nnywny no wor lien, no trouble. Lel'ii come to un uwtcrHtHiidltiK or I'll Rive you the chiiuce to curry mo out In box" Out onlv two weekH Inter, tin lor encoiirnBemenl Ol leiiininuvr am oniv iwo wn-n imci, n nctloai deniliur with youth proh- mini. io blller t society In neneral lenin und couiiHClllnir nervlcen; the und the prhon iniimiKement In pnr necewilty lor well-rounded pro- llculur, reverxed his Held, iirunix Inchidlnir recrenllon n one A Ktiiiid nllpped nun. dunner, Tiluinn ' only nnd Intercut In youth lummuulllon und dynumlte to the Iirobleiim In the community which tdrnpernte men In ncurcKntton. And Imv. been orently loslored bynnlnh lold the other Kuurdx Bboul KFLW brondenxix. H. thus blocklnit nn e.-jenpe plol It wax decided lo cull com-1 In which somebody nilxht f"-ve munlty-wlde meeting In the lioiebwi killed. ,.,,,.. Hint All intereHieu orKuiviuiwi! vyhkii-ii w nnwn-y v.oihi;ii . i, ii hi. n . ,ii ,(i ..i hnu Riilnh rinmxed the ...,ii ...... -rli flrwl mprlinu will wuii-i "'. i "i, ; will be miilnly lo determine need lor mi oriiunluuloii to coc with UrlH"'""'. plot. But a newspaper told about it brieuv, mia nil inc cunvicut avun knew about II. , I- rom then ' on, iihipii s uie Prcxenl were Mm. unie upxicr. -nii mru un, n,i,i, o Mrs B H. Hnller. Mrs. Ilnitnn wnxn't worth two cents around ' url n w. 'ftttnrnx. Mrs. Knrl Urquhnrt, Mrx. Earl Hherldnn Mrs. P. 8. Hitchcock, Mrs. V. K. O'Neill mid Mrs- Richard Smith. Members of committees unnble to attend were Mrs. K. A. Clesry. Wallnce Myera and Rev. D. L. l'roett. 11 B" Spuds Get Shipping OK Shipments of "B" nlie potatoes enn beuln ns of Mnrch 1, Asst. Mm-. Bill Huso of the Potato Mnr keilnu Control Committee has an nounced. The announcement came late Tuesday alter the Secretary of AltrlcuUiire In Wushlnnton, D. C nve npprovnl lo tho committee's lecominendnllon that the "U s" be In ken olf Iho bnn list. Meanwhile, OP8 Administrator Curl C. DonauRh. Portlund. report ed toduv that OPS rcnulntlons al low a io-cenl premium on No. 1 potatoes only II they arc ol two Inch minimum. He snld there had been aome question as lo whether or not one and seven-eliihths Inch potatoes were ellulblo for the premium, too. Donnuuh said the potato price rollback; will have saved Orenon housewives alone about 1400.000 by June 1. There are about 400.000 housewives In the stnle, nccordliw to estimates made here. That menm each famllv In the stale will hnve nnved about one dollnr In five months. , . . Meanwhile, Boss Aubrev. head of Iho local Inspection service of Ihe slate riepnrtment of BRi'lcullure reported that aclunl losses of In come to Klamath orowers, as near as can be llRurcd on nnner from Bolnu prices at the time of Ihe OPS rollback, will show about 1. 600.000. Thai Ii about $500,000 less thnn original estimates, Aubrey points out. mostly because enrlv Ruesses at lolnl potato stocks here were a lllllc too hlRh. However, the prices mav hnve rouc even hmher thnn the roIiir price of S per 100 pounds at Hie lime oi inc numnn when the same spuds wean ordered priced nt $3.65 ns a base. Local Riocers hnve reported thnr lncnl potnto prices hnve been marked down on tho retail mnrket only noout one-half a cent per pound In conformance with OPS's rollback. llowevor. Cnllfoinlnns are ' re portedly pnyniR even more now thnn before, mostly because East Const potatoes arc belmr shipped hi and freluht costs are hlffhcr, lorchm retail prices upwards. DON'T ni.AMK TIIK DOO ' TELUK ANSON. Mnlnyn I A younft Chinese girl, chnrRCd with fiilluro to muzzle her dog nnd al lowing him to bite another girl, lold the court: "My dog did not bite her. It wns I who bit her In n quarrel." n girl, 10, was found guilty nnd fined. l . ll. . BUI The warden got mm ins paroic .n.l .,ul..n lilm nlf In III Vflilllin. mah County Jail. The Cnllfornln ollicers picked nun up mere a ic days suo. n..l.H I..I a Innr? rMrnrft nt 14 .i.iifii ., .1 . .. arrests for vagrancy, burglary, roDDery ana buio uicu. nc im l.n.n mt II.M B nt 1 Mlnrtl-rf hlK criminal career at 18. nnd was In tne rctorniniory a yrar inter. tl. Ka rtnrni-i.ii.ri hnnri Unit IhP psychiatrist snys that makes him l.tlln. nnlnl. la Ul-honill ll . I.'IIITTI, VI.,'II l ... meaning he Is morally defective, not knowing me meaning ui nun estv, truth und decency. Most vet eran criminals are-psychopaths. Another reason Ralph wns sent to Folsom Is that It hns better Incllllles for giving psychiatric treatment. , A. Vnl.nm tlftl.ll. mloht fTflt Ta of his delusions of persecution, his suspicion anil nm yiiiuiciivvucw. Joseph White Death Learned v irT ki kTii v ,-u'R it'n. re ceived here Monday, Feb. 25th. ol the death ol josenn wimc. lurmn m vi.m.ii. a tut emnlove of the U. 8. Korest Service. Death came to Mr. White ni tne veicr nns' hospital In Portland on Feb. .".u nltn..,lnn ft llnirftrlno Illness. lllll IWlll'ntim " " .. He In survived hv his wife. Bllllc, who was wlih mm io tne am. Since leaving here several years . I nn Wfl-ft Whllft mnde ItHO, i.ii . itiiu .-. - --- - their home Hi Myrlle point, where final rites were nem on reunmij Sdth for the late Mr. White. Pall bearers at the funeral service in eluded several of his associates o the Forest Service. . Deepest symnniny is exicmui Mrs. White In the loss of her hus- j U.. nl.l f-ln.irl.. In Wirt. K IllTl UIIIIU v inn i.....,.,.-, . -- --- nth. He wns well-known throimhoi' the Kln-nnth Basin ns wen ns ncie Simplified BOOKKEEPING Syltemi Inifollod and Maintained for a nominal monthly fee N. J. Rosenbaum 1213 Main St. Telephone 7521 or 5863 GALS! HERE'S YOUR CHANCE! LEAP YEAR DANCE SATURDAY, MARCH 1 MAUNI v MUSIC BY BUNNELL'S ORCHESTRA TOMB NEW COAT g, IIS MPOKTAMT FOE? msH ITS WEAiAilUTV Here they are two new versions of the timeless coat. In both you I .' 'T4 I i see elossie lines handled with a new grace and flair. In both you find jfc -kt -t I magnificent, different fabrics. The shortie, a cloudy fleece ... the . ft ' MV KlfBK long coat, o focinating Bancroft Tweed ... just two from our eollec- 'tf' "t ti0n 0' eXCit'n9 P""9 C00tS FREE EASY PARKING