THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2D, 10.12 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE nv t'nllnl Away Mm. Frnnclii D. Jlrown, Orynlul, Ore., left this iiioiiiIiik fur Minneapolis, culled by Urn dViitli nf u Ijicitlirr-lii-luw, linn Hliiruock. Hhn will niicnd n nmnlli with relatives LicIiiiu rotuniliiK homo. Tea I'urtyThr Women's Horlely nf C'lirhllnil Hcrvlco of tlio Mntho dint church Clilliiiiuln, will hn hont rnnrH nt h Silver 'I'm, 3:3(1 to 6 ?. in, Friday nl tlio homo of Mm, 'rod MiiKiuiirilt. Rnninmlinr tlio inonllnir for He publlciiiM tohlKlit, In Hit) lllirnry of the llcnloy lilfih m'hool, culled rnpoclully for roMilenui of Ml, l,nkl, rinn Qrnvn, Mlillmid nnit I'on Valley prttclncU. Mm, Miirnhnll Cornntt, Oregon Natloilul Commit Irflwonmn will tulk on "Brumlng Iho Niillomil IMnlurn lo tlio I're clnct Level," mul Btulo Hcimtor l'hll HlUihcock will tulk on '"11m Itrpubllcan Picture 111 1W2. Charles DeLap, County Clerk, will Minsk on rrulnlrnllon. Red Cross Board Maps .Drive Gains A novel anil striking progress board in (he Clun More window on Mull) Btrrrt will show dully stand Inns of the six divisions in the Klamath lied Cross membership. JiliufS drive now under wuy. Quotiu of Uio nix drive divisions add up to a (2a,0O0 guul net lor thin year. The progress board depict Uie division driven as an airplane race Inward Die 100 per cent mark. The rare courne la across 10 grad ualrd circles with the 400 per cent mark In the center. Hlx atnall planes will be moved tip on the board dully according to progress nf the divisions they represent. UiiUdde the biir circle are pictures of the alx dlvlnlon heads. The Advance UIIU division, di rected by Wca Lorenr., la off to a bin lend but that waa expected alnce this division collects many donatloru before the drive actual ly net under way. As of this mornlnir. the division raccra shaped up like U1I.1: Ad vance Gifts iWes I.orrnrl, 40 per cent; Business (Roy Murphy), 22 per cent; Industrial (O. K. Puck rut, 17 per cent; Hural (Herb Pol lard and Jim Em mom 1, 8 per cent; Special Clroups (Carrol Howe and John lleydcni 1 per cent; Res idential (Mrs. OcoriiB Clark 1, zero. Donations accounting for the above percentages were practically all unsolicited. When the door-to-door campaign Rets under way, the tall-end divisions are expected to move up quickly. CONKAII BAI.EM I Hie Oregon section of the American Association of Physics Teachers will meet at Wlllametto University here Friday. Moro than 60 OrCKon and Wash Inxlon graduate students, high school teachers and coIIpko protes tors In physics will attend. Canasta Hhufflers, cam en and rills .... Vnlglit's Pioneer Offlre Kupply, 209 Main. Leaving Mr. and Mm. Paul Ot Icrbcln, Mr, and Mm. Fred Hell brnnnnr and Mrs, Einll Paul, local president of the Eight rl Forty nrn leaving today for Portliind whero the men will nttend a-Trl-Hluto Wreck of Uie Forty mid Klglit mid the women will attend an ex ecutive bourd meelliiK of the Klulil et Forty, On Tour Word has been re ceived by Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O'Coiiner, 133 Oraiil, Unit Uii-lr duimliter, l'utl, Junior at Hi. Mary's, Notre Omiifl, Ind., recent ly made n tour to Washington DC, Williamsburg, Va., and oth er points of historical Interest. The tour Is conducted annually by a member of tlio college faculty. Dr. llartholoiuew. With the 21 others taking the tour, Pall was photo graphed on tlio steps of Blnlr House and the picture was pub lished 111 "Static" collcgo paper The group lunched In the Senate restaurant' and met numerous Sen ators and Representative during Youth Again Panel Subject "Dulld the Basin" polls have shown tha llasln citizen consider youth our greatest potential re source. How tomorrow's adults ma ture and develop lias grcut bear ing on what our country will be. To determine whether or not youth la but a dormant power which potentially could be dlrec ed Into constructive activity, the next "Illllld Uie llasln" series will study the topic "How Can Youth Heal Contribute Toward Building the Basin?" A panel half of students and half nf adults has been selected lo mull the questions and problems of putting tomorrow's adulla on an active participation basis In the community today. Originally, a full panel of young people, representing ull levels of thinking from the city, the county and even from further points hrd been considered. However, the polnt-of-vlew of parents and others was added as a stimulus lo draw out deeper con victions and Ideas from panel members. As In the past, the facilities nf The Herald and News and radio station KKLw have been set aside for the series. The panel will take to the air on a broadcast at 8:30 p.m. Monday, and If past programs on youth problems have been any Indication, this one, too, will carry a full hour and a half 30 minutes longer than "Hulld the Basin" pro grams are scheduled. In fact, no "Build the Basin" program has yet been contained within It's originally scheduled one hour limits. A full audience participation Is expected from this series; youth topics lo dale have topped all oth ers In concentrated Interest of Ba sin citizens. their Washington visit. I On Vurallnn Word has been re ceived hern from Mr. and Mis. A. K. Kvckiiiiiu. Tulflnkn. on two- months vacation In Mexico with their son Norman, that Nnnnnn was alrlckrn with ucute appendici tis and iiuu surgi-rv at vanes, Mex ico, Fed). 11, Surgcrv was per- 101 mud py a Mexican pliyiilcliui with little knowledge of English. He Is making a satisfactory re covery. The family was within 200 miles of Mexico City while Visiting Carlshnd Caverns, they met Mr. 11111I Mrs. It, M. l.alr and Mrs. N. C. Wilkinson, Tulelako residents en rou to home from a visit In the Kasl. HervlnR Cpl. Joe H. Oallegos, whoso wile lives In Yrekn, Is serv ing with the 7 LI) Infantry Division In Korea. Ills division occupies a strong bunker and pillbox defense Hue on the mountainous east-central sector of tho front, Ho re celved Ills basic training In Fort Wins, Texas. If Interested In serving the luncheon lor the annual Hoincinak cr's Festival. Mnv flth please con tact the Homo Demonstration of lice, Hlal or Mrs. Mark Taylor .181 by March 8. Between 300 and 360 women arc expected. Methodist Men's Club Is spon soring a "Sportsman's Night" at the Methodist Church Frldnv eve ning from 7 tti lu p. in. Demon strations bv local sportsmen, mov ies on Ihhlng, hunting and vaca tion travel. The public Is Invited. Meeting The Mt. Manama Toast mistress Club will meel 0:30 p. m. tonight lor dinner at tho Wlllard Hotel. Talent Show The Mt. Cnrmel Altar Society, Chllociuln, will spon sor a talent show, March Mlh, 8 p. in. In the grade achool gym. For applications to enter, call i2'i Chllociuln or tlio Chlloouln tele phone office. Cash awards to win ners will be made. A hand cro cheted table cloth will be given away. The Altamont Home Extension Unit will meet March 4th, 10 a. m. at tho fairgrounds with Dorothy rnl eth. new County Home Kxten- i.lon agent lo glvo the demonstra tion on "Kitchen Planning." The kitchen floor plan mailed earlier hou d bo filled out and taken lo the meeting. Tako own table service, llimimaee Hale Summers School P'l A In sponsoring a rummage aale Krldav and Saturday across from the bus dnpot on Klamath Ave. Clothing may bo left at the school or store on eitncr nsy. ror pick up phond 2-0027 or 8M1I. Toaslmaaters Bob Knoll wan first placo winner on last night's program at the Modoc Toastrnas lers, followed by John Rlach and Tony Oluntonl. Knoll, Oluntonl and John Alter were speechcraft sneak ers, Rlach, Leo Northcutt and Wal ter iinise wcro regular speakers. Next Wednesday nlght'n meeting will neo Uio election of officers lor tho corning half year. Dalta Kappa Gamma - Alpha Chapter meets at the home of Mrs. Den Jean Wright, 202s Wlard St., Saturday, 1:30 p. m., for dessert and business meeting. Assisting will be Olive Wilson. Ruth Oben chain and Ida Edsall. Mineral Club The Klamath Min eral Club meeta Thursday. 8 p. m. In the Chamber of Commerce. Vis itors are welcome. Fire Auxiliary The Suburban Fire Department's auxiliary has scheduled a meeting for March 3. In the flro hall. Wives of all vol unteers are Invited to attend. Time Is t p. m. Mothers Club Tho Oregon Moth er's Club has scheduled a meeting for Saturday, Mar. 1, at the home of Mrs. L. D. Oass, 429 N. 3rd. Business and election of officers Is planned, Itcfrcshmcnts will be served. Food Sale The Midland Home Bring tho fane I for coHto . .1 I cheep am The collections of art works of New York's Melropollllcan Muscun of Art are said to be the most extensive In the Western Hemis phere. - WALKER'S Alley Cat Drive Inn REOPENS Saturday, March 1 k We're all cleaned up -rested up and rarin' to go! South 6th and Martin JTt WBNHAsD COMPANY POHAND, OIEOOM SH0PPERScA)fgSg Party Time tO 17W Poteet's Market Owned and Operated By Bob & "Peanuts" Potcct Lean Oregon SLAB BACON Any tixe piece ,b oC Sliced Valpak BACON "Standard Quolity" Pound Package 35c SKINLESS WIENERS ib. 49c LEAN PORK ROAST Center Af cut, lb. DEPEND ON US FOR QUALITY Prices Iffective Friday and Saturday SALMON large can Mackerel CQn 15c Colden Anchor, Shredded Tuna con 25c Durkee's Mayonnaise QQ Pint 'C ?fc WHITE STAR M Lenten Solid Pack TUNA Lots. n MACARONI """"' sZheim, 25c BISQUICK one large package large package 39c 3 for 43' Carnation Milk ORANGES CABBAGE CARROTS LETTUCE 1710 Oreaon Ave Phone 3860 Free Delivery On $5.00 Orders Or Over Economics Club In to have a food sale at tho Pine Street Market, 7th and Pine St'a., Saturday. Old Time Banre Sponsored by the Midland Granite at the Grantee Hall Saturday nlKht. SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA Saecoifallr TratUi EveliiWt Math 4 U Nt. 1th Pbtn 10Ht CbtrpraAll0 Phyalclm r La Come To The - ' Wi-iic-ina COFFEE SHOP not just to eat lint To Eat Better Food at reasonable prices-! ! 1 i -i i i -A t irri r hiiimwii" Penney's STORE HOURS 9:30 TO 5:30 pring ashii -1L AND YOUR ions KEYED TO YOU -1L AND YOUR BUDGET! NOW ! FOR MEN ! SPORT SHIRTS AND SLACKS IN NEW SPRING COLORS and FABRICS ! SPECIAL VALUE! 1 lL; :;f .'lit E 1 f. ri I Si I ..w.;.'.v;'; I MAIN gTfo FLOOR I i Crease-resistant RAYON ! GABARDINES SLACKS 4, I HEN'S S1KF0MZB GINGHAM PLAIDS 298 In handsome plaid pattens . block or scotch I Vat-dyed, sanfor ized woven gingham fabric wean and launders superbly I Good look ing colors. Sizes S, M, I MAIN FLOOR . 55 majmmmmm I muni Fine quality regular weight rayon gab ardine slacks a hard-to-niatch value at Penney 's low price! Shapeholding crease-resistant finish, with many fea tures usually found only in more ex pensive slacks. Continuous waistband, reversed pleats, zipper fastener. Blue, tan, gray, brown, green. Sizes 28 to 42. i V 1 MEN'S RAYON-NYLON GABARDINE SLACKS 7 90 Smart slacks made of rayon and nylon, balance-blended for hard, sheen finish, extra long wear! Choose handsome solid colors, styled with continuous waistband, reversed pleats. Sizes 28-42. MEN'S SLACKS IN 100 WOOL 12 75 n I.., YouH choose solid gabardines, textured sharkskins, soft flannels, or novely weaves In the finest assortment of colors avail able. Handsome detailing . . continuous waistband style. Sizes 28-42. r.. MAIN FLOOR GW. COLORFUt PRINTS RAYON CREPE . Cool hand-washable rayons In ab stract floral prints: geometries; splashy batik prints; paisleys! Long sleeve style. Hurry In now for yours! Sizes S, M, L MAIN FLOOR DOWNSTAIRS Men's Plain Toe Oxford CUSHION-CREPE SOLES S HEELS SIZES H 90 6-iiD trp They're lighter, softer, more luxurious, and easily outwear ordinary crepe! Come in! Try on a pair. See for yourself how light and comfortable they are. Notice too, how smart they look on yous feet . , deep rich bur gundy color! You'll want to wear a pair home. Men's Mercerized Cotton ARGYLE SLACK SGX Expensive - looking washfait argyles of fine combed cot ton! Won't run, evert Smart tri-color combination. Sizes 10-13. MAIN FLOOR 17 BOY'S RUGGED JEAN BOOTS SIZES 8V2-12 4.98 SIZES 12V2-3 5.50 6.90 v vv j . . ytr. v SIZES 2-6 V ". JN Fine Side Leather upper al n,7-i with composition soles and ijr neeis, oaniuzea. wow Welt construction. - '.i DOWNSTAIRS PENNEY'S END-OF-MONTH CLEAR-AWAY VALUES! CLEARANCE! TOWELS Hand Siie ft 00 3 FOR Bath Size (f 00 2 FOR 1 r MAIN FLOOR CLOSE-OUT! 54"x54" Plaid TABLE CLOTHS 150 i Assorted Colors BALCONY FINAL CLEARANCE! 10 Wool Unions 00 1 RUMMAGE TABLE MAIN FLOOR FINAL CLEARANCE! SNOW SUITS 3 00 RUMMAGE TABLE MAIN FLOOR