HERALD AN ,. KLAMATH KAI LS. OHICGON THURSDAY, FfiNRUARY 2fl, 3052 AGE FOUR MARKETS and FINANCIAL Groins Foil To Follow Gains DHICAOO Wl Grains turned In s'i rather spotty performance on 4 board of trade Thursday, fall tk to show much follow through art Wednesday's late rally but nev tftheless remaining above the low prices etablished early In the ses ilon.' -' Wheat and oats were stronger . than the other cereals. Corn was ; weakest. , , . Beliel that export sales would I pick up brought buying Into wheat while demand developed for oals on the theory that grain was un , derprlccd. Hedging of cash grain receipts depressed com. Wheat closed ft-1 H higher. Mar. t 12.53 Vt, corn lower, Mar. t II 5 Hi-3i, oats unchanged to , higheii. Mar. 80 tA rye '.4-1 . L higher. May $1 95 '4, sovbeans H ' lower to higher, Mnr. $2.95 hi-V. and lard 7 to 15 cents a hundred i pounds higher, Mr. $11.50. Wheat Open High tow Close 2.52 -li 2.54 . 2.52 ' 2.54 2.50 V4 2.61 i 2.50 H 2 51 V 2.45 2.45 1, 2.44 2 45 ' 2.46 a 2.46 a 2.45 V, 2.46 H 2.49 4 2.49 2.48 H 2.49 U San Francisco Livestock SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO 1 Cattle: 20. Not enough to test mar ket, earlv in week good-choice slaughter steers 32.00-33.00, canner and culler cows inuu-2u.au, low utility dairy type cows 32.00, couple small lots good feeder steers 31.50- 32.00. Calves: None. Hogs: 250, steady, 180-240 pound butchers 19.00, one load medium 180 pound 1850. 455 pound choice sows 14.00, Wednesday choice sows 485 pound and down 14.00-14.75, so lar mis ween cnoice au-iuu poimn feeder pigs steady 19.00-21.00, small lot 46 pound 32.00. Sheep: None. Wednesday gen erally steady, little over 200 head utility and mostly good 89-93 pound wooled slaughter lambs 28.00. short deck sorted with good lambs at 28 00 and feeders 26.00. : Mar ; May ! Jly !l Sep ' Deo t Hoa Prices Turn j Slightly Upward ' CHICAGO Wl Another slightly ! reduced run Thursday finally stem . med the sliding market on hogs, ' temporarily at least. ' Prices turned 15 to 25 cents high ( or In a f&trty active trade. Cattle I were steadV 'to 50. cents lower, and sheep steady to 29 cents off-. - Most butcher weight hogs- sold :' from S16..25 to $17.50 with about 100 ! head topping at, $17.60. Sows-were J! worth $14.00 to. S16.00. . I Good andv choice steers brought J29.5Q Mo ' S35.50 ; and comparable ' beifers3s00 tf $32.59. Cows topped " prafittMIl at $24.00. . "' i Good to prime fed western lambs 1 sold ea.rly. tlt $27.25 but most of the . run" teas unsold. Ewes remained at ,' $15 00 'arid below. , ' I Stocks Show Some : Success Today I' NEW YORK (IP) The stock ; market; made progress Thursday i' under-the Influence of good de ;. mand for the rails, and spectacu i: lar performances In the oil group " enlivened the session; The advance carried from frac tions to between 1 and 2 points at ' the average top, but beyond that t the peak gain was 22 points added ... by. Amerada Petroleum. ' Trading totaled 1,200,000 shares, j. Ajrierada Petroleum which Is ) having high success with its wells J In the Williston Basin of North j Dakota, gained as much as 22 points at one time. Portland Grain PORTLAND Wl No course grains. Wheat. '(bid), to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft White 2.53: Soft White (ex cluding Rex 2.53: White Club 2.53. Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 2.53: 10 per cent 2.53: 11 per cent 2.53: 12 per cent 3.8J. Hard White Baart: Ordinary, 2.53; 10 per cent 2.53: 11 per cent 2.53: 12 per cent 2.53. Car receipts: Wheat 7i: oariey 5: flour 4; corn 4; oats 2; mill feed 5. Quotations New York Stocks By The Associated Press Admiral. Corporation. Ains cnauners r-v , --. Allies Chalmers ' -' American Airlines' American Power Light American Del. & Tel.. American Tobacco Anaconda Copper t Atchison Railroad ' . Bethlehem Steel Bocfnk. Airplane Co.. I: BorR Warner BtfrrCBKhs Adding Machine caufemnv Kicking : Canadian Pacific , V Caterpillar .Tractor' : Oetoinese Corporation ' Ciller Corporation -,'. Cities Service '. . -' 1 Consolidated Edison Consolidated Vultee i Crowa- ZeUerbach CurtisS Wright ? Douglas -Aircraft ! duPomV de Nemours-" . Eastman Kodak . Emerson Radio -. General Eleotrio . . t General Foods - ; General Motors '' Georgia Pac Plywood - ., Goodyear Tire Homestake Mining Co. Interna-tional Harvester - International Paper . Johns Manville , ? Kennecott Copper f ' Libby. McNeUl t Lockheed Aircraft ' Loew's Incorporated Long Bell A ! Montgomery Ward t Nash Kelvinator . . New . York Central , Northern Pacific Pacific American Fish Pacific Gas & Electric Pacific Tel. & Tel. Packard Motor Car Peririey (J.C.) Co. ; Pennsylvania R.R. ' Pepsi Cola Co. Philco Radio - Radio Corporation ; Rayonier Incorp ' Rayonier Incorp Pfd . Republic 6teel . , J, , , ; Reynolds' 'Metals" Richfield Oil ; Safeway Stores Inc. : ,' Bcott Paper Co. ! Sears Roebuck & Co. Socony-Vacuum Oil ! Southern Pacific I. Standard Oil Calif j Standard Oil N. J. Studebaker Corp. ( Sunshine Mining i Swift 4i Company j Transamerica Corp. . Twentieth Xentury Fox ! TTi nil rnmnsnn Union Oil Company union pacific United' Airlines United Aircraft ' United Corporation United States Plywood United States Steel Warner Pictures Western Union Tel Westinghouse Air Brake Westinghouse Electric Wqolworth Company 26 & 48 4 48 4 14 S 24 155 'i 60 &a 48 ' 75 4 49 48 ' 64 17 26 34 V, 51 46 i 68 4 104 33 '! 17 ?, 56 8 56 86 72 14 55 43 50 S 20 ' 43 35 U 33 3, 47 ,s 65 80 H 8 4 20 16 Ta 40 60 19 . 19 ' 70 16 it 35 110 Y2 4 4 68 Vj 18 9 . 28 H 24 ?, 64 41 V 61 54 : 30 52 V 50 V, 36 V 51 75 32 10 s 31 Vx 23 2 18 37 ', 111 Vi 28 't 30 5 31 38 14 40 14 25 35 42 JTnThe 1115 .Continued from page 1 ... our government Is centered In Washington one person can't do very much. Washington is so big. and so remote, and so impersonal that one person simply can't do much there. But in Ute old days, when the bulk of government was wisely beld close at home. In the city halls, the court houses and the state houses, even one person could do quite a lot and a dor.en persons could always make themselves heard. Government was then close enough to the source so Unit It could be handled by the people. So. as one Individual. I'm Im mensely impressed by Senator Rus sell's statement that he believes in the greatest practicable degree of local self government. All In all, I think . that . Is the best platform that has yet been advanced bv ANY candidate for the Presidency. Portland Livestock PORTLAND UP Cattle salable steady on steers and heifers: cows and heifers; cows weak to 50c low er: early Wednesday some bids 1.00 off: utility and commercial steers 25.00-31.50; few head of good up to 1,430 lb fed steers 34.00; few good around 900 lb fed heifers 32.00; odd head to 33.00: utility heifers 23.50-27.00: canner and cut ter cows 17.00-20.50: questionable shells down to 10.00; utility cows 21.00-25.50; odd commercial bulls 28.50-29.00; Utility 25.00-27.50. Calves salable 25.00: market steady: choice vealers 35.00-37.00: commercial and good calves and vealers 27.00-33.00; utility down ward to 20.00. Hogs salable 100: market steady to 25c lower:-choice No. 1 butchers scarce; scattered lots No. 1 and 2 190-230 1 weights 19.50-20.00: No. 3 tvpe 1925; odd choice 260 lbs 18.50: choice light sows 17.00-17.25; choice 400-550 lb weights scarce, quotable 15.50-16.50; feeder pigs scarce; good and choice nominally 17.00 18.00. . Sheep salable 10: market nom inal: good and choice under 110 1 wooled lambs quotable-26.50-27.50: odd good slaughter ewes 13.00; few cull ewes unsold. Potato Shipments 50-51 51-52 Feb. 26 38 43 Weeks Asks For Attorney Lorenzo Buford Weeks, 35-yenr-old Indian from Beatty charged with second degree murder, asked tor time to consult an attorney on arraignment in District Court Wed nesday afternoon. Weeks is accused of stabbing to aeatn Miguel lenorio Mauricio. 38-year-old Mexican, early Tuesdny morning in a cabin at 1304 Adams St. Weeks, now held in the County Jail without bail, was reportedly visited oy s locat attorney, Wed nesday afternoon. ' District . Court representatives said today the attorney asked for time till Monday to decide whether or not he would take the case. Month to date Season to date 715 766 8270 7675 Obituary M ATI'S lliitlip June Mutt, 70. Klnnmll. FIU, died hertj February ST. Survivor (n cludr: the widower John S MulU 11J Crriffiii Av.: a it u g h t r r Mr. Br-mic Mwuldm; two m liild Vim t1. mid Hubert tl. Ymu : two tmdli er Mr. Walter Scum and Tom Mean: one timtrr Mr. Delia Iter and five grandchildren. Mrs Malta lived in thu community ilnre 11)23. Funeral ervlce will be held at OUair Memorial Chapel, 6th Street and Pine Saturday, March 1. at II am Interment will be held at the Ltnkvtlle Cemetery. I It N Ida Marie Men. 73. native of Mli neitpoiiK, Mtnneftota, iaed awi.v In inu ctly Feb. aT, MM. She had been rent dent of Klamath Fitlti lor the past atx years. Survivors include a daugh ter. Mr. Kvelyn M, Johnon. two ini John 11. I. Ion and O'Uonell M Men of Chicago. Three brother, Andrew B. Nelson. Uendru'kn. Minn. Pcder J. NeUon, Minneapolis, Minn. Selmer C. NeUon. Mon City, low; four iMer Anne Muhl. Minneapolis. Minn . Sarah ratrhett, Oskalooa. lowfi: Mabel Av rv. Maioti Citv. Iowa: Theda Treanor. Maxon City, Iowa. Four grandchildren Larry and Marlvn Jotuuon, Falls; Margaret Lien. Maicm Oly Court Eyes Full Docket Of Cases Probation of two 10-year-old youths was revoked In Circuit Court Thursday morning;. Kenneth It, Lowery and Sheldon Aberoromblc, each nivcn two-years probation Dec, 28, 1051, on plead ing utility to slni ling beer from a Western Wholesalers truck, Dec. 9, wero ordered to apirnr In court next Tuesday for passing of sen tence. Testimony of Art Beddoe, proba- KUmaiii tlon officer for Kliimnth and Lake rmmtifvs. mritrntiri hntil vnnllix false pretenses. ICslOK admitted cashing a I00 check earlier Oils mouth at Hardy's Moll's Store. tWll Aliilli HI., itrltlim $30.25 In chiuigo and credit on a suit, tie mi Id he had been drinking, but could give no reason lor ensil ing good money. Vhit'n claimed drinking was Ills downhill, although' lie hud been nlilv In limvo It nloho while In prl noli 10 months at Snleiu, even though other pi'lniineis thero had "lots to drink." Wednesday ftiteriimm In court 17- Ing the check since he was earn- year-old Idibert E. Law, who riimo hero from Wyoming lo give lilm. self up, pli'iiilcil uullly lo nbtaliilng tuouoy by falso pinleimus. Law snld lie hud rushed uljiiut $500 worth of bad chi'cks lieni In Illlls pvor five weeks, 'V He wus rciriamli'ri to the Cminly Jail while furt tti- study of the of.o Is made by Ilia court. o;wVm"n,.To,ai!r Vr'."oir,dT'b;ok "' Probation by drinking O Hair a Memorial C ha pel. driving cars and a&soclatuig to gether. Beddoe also related Abercromblc allowed Lowery to have Intercourse with his -( Abercrombie'st 16-ycar-old wife, who Is three months preg nant. Both Aborrromblp and Lowerv niRTRU r i'iii kt I admitted the Incident, saying Abei-1 Hamia b. noBuan, ovciuaa. inneii cromuio plnmien it so ho could pel "H.'ld B Robln. ovtr.....h. ror-1 !it',,,1'!'!',R " "if Vh' . T" " .l k.,i . .tlrin't love and wanted to divorce. Fred L. I'uiti, overload, forfeit :i7 i Also slated for sentencing Tues- j "iU W. saow. overload. ror.eU .j" X's cc-orcr j. Cunha, no Puc permit, morning to obtaining money bv Fine 915. I K.irl 1). Seibert. violation Dasic run. Fine $7. SO. Bnbbe L. GrUriUl. no vehicle license. Forfeit ball. Talk On Europe Planned On Friday Roy McCorkle, former executive secretary in Europe lor CAR E, is to make an nddrcss here to morrow night at 8 at the Seventh Dav Adventist Church. McCorkle. who has traveled widely in Europe and the East during the past several years, is to speak on "An American Looks at Europe." There is no admission charge for the address. IRAN SKI, LINT, RVC'.S TEHRAN. Iran Oil-rich, cash-short Iran announced Thurs day she Is stripping government i offices of her Persian carpets and selling them" to raise money. She also is selling 1,000 government automobiles. rhtereifo Modern ffeo Pure ornnne flavor that children like. Accuracy that Moth ers prefer. Tablet n are i adult doae. Buy It today. 38c. I ST. JOSEPH 1 I ASPIRIN 1 j FOR CTIIDRH j OVERHAUL YOUR CAR MOTOR NOW.. PAY LATER! OUR SPECIAL complete overhaul "vE FURNIiH: Piilon rle Plttoa ' Dittflbutet ol" Co"""' , ...a . AH iota-"v ond D." 5 Qu.lO . . recondilioninfl guarantee? - - cchan. - ,ea uv ". WILL: ..it lii.a '" ln.t.11 '" GtiJ ,v,, , .tt,r CUoa .) ""V" ormi , Adiuit mo'" d0d . . nn..i". ""V Clean oil P" Clean oil breclhs' Tun. i"' A i .11 P' l. r,nrtS. For a limited tima only Pay Only $6.63 Per Month! FIX YOUR CAR NOW AND FIX US LATER! ASHLEY CHEVROLET 410 So. 6th Ph. 4113 OyYOyyOYyOyYOyyOvyOvyOyyOYYOyyOyyOv V JmmlM JIpAt oa. THaJdha. aJwu. and. ihopA. ? Cot"k-A-Ioodlc-lo . . San Francisco I Potatoes BAN FRANCISCO (JP Potatoes: 14 cars on track; arrivals, Cali fornia 1, Maine 2, Oregon 4; no sales. I. . .LOS ANGELES UPI Potatoes? S3 cars on tr'ack; arrivals, Nevada , 1 . California 3, Idaho 6, by truck i 1; market steady; no sales. i . .' i ( PUTPiftA M Tt 4 . A..t.. i vi j iynuw tri ruittiuca, ninv ls 77, on track 242; total U.S. t shipments 977: supplies light; too i limited trading to establish market t trend; track sales: Colorado Mc : Olures per 100 lb local $5.46; new i stock: Florida carlots SO Jb sacks v Triumphs $2.85. Street sales per 100 lb according to basis of sale: ; Colorado McClures $5.81-91; Idaho J Russets. t6,40-6J: Minnesota-North t Dakota Pontiacs fe,00-35; Nebraska t rrlumphs $5.76-84. y..: .... .K-w ,.m niRTns FRY Born at Klamaur Vauey Hot- pitat, Feb. 28. 1952, to Mr. and sirs. Tom Frey, Tulelake. Calif., a boy. Weight: 8 pounds 13 ounces. VAN OOTEGHAM Born at Klamath Valley Hospital Feb. 27. 1952. lo Mr. and Mrs. Sun Van Ootegham. lai? Siskiyou St. a boy. Weight: 5 pounds 14 ounces. CHAIN Born at Klamath Valley Hos pital. Feb. 27. 1952. to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Crain. 1003 Delta St.. a girl. Weight: 7 pounds 10la ounces. COMPLAINTS FILED Richard B. Maxwell and Paul B. Far rena vs. Clifford J. Shuck, suit to col lect 1750, with Interest thereon at 6 per cent from Feb. 9. 1952. $250 at torney fees, costs and disbursements. B. 3. Goddard, attorney for plaintiff. Paul Miller vs. H. S. Hubbard, suit for dissoluUon of partnership. U. S. Balentlne. attorney for plaintiff. MABRIAGE LICENSES BREWSTER CATIFF David L. Brewster, 37, male nurse. Native of Missouri. Resident of Klamath Falls. Ore. Hazel E. Catlff. 35. cook. Native of North Dakota. Resident of Klamath FaUs, Ore. Weather Northern California Partly cloudy Thursday and Friday ex cent fair in extreme north and scattered showers south of Fresno I and King City. Local log ana grad ual cooling along coast. Variable winds of 8 to 15 miles an hour off coast. Grants Pass and vicinity Sunny Thursday and Friday, with patches of morning fog. High Thursday 57. Low Thursday night 32. High Fri day 60. 24 hours to 4:30 a.m. Thursday irecip. Baker Bend Eugene La uranae Lakeview Medford North Bend Ontario Pendleton Portland ROseburg Salem Boise Chicago Denver Eureka Los Angeles New York Red Bluff San Francisco Seattle Spokane my Dame has lost her shoe . . her cheeks are blue . . her hair's awry but there's a glitter in her eye BECAUSE she is on the way to.CL'R- HAZEL BISHOP'S COM- ' PLEXION GLOW . the MIRACULOUS , .cosmetic . li miracle mat turns you - ' INSTANTLY from a Frowsy Fanny into . a . Charming Cinderella . openiy provaciive . . "SV Tnis new LI5UID the years . . makes you look young as a babe in it's crib (almost) . . , gives you natural, kissable checks that will STAY natural looking from the time you im prove on nature in the early day until you're, ready ,to "unlatch" your bra and head for the arms of Morpheus . . THREE gay as a "spring nosegay" shades PINK GLOW . . CORAL GLOW ', ROSE GLOW to match the breathless beauty of new COSTUME colors . . TWO sizes . . $1 and SI. 50 plus tax . . HAZEL BISHOP'S COMPLEXION GLOW at Cl'RRI.VS will. not smudge, run. fade . . its incomparably becoming . . lastingly luscious . . SEVEN shades of MATCHING or comple menting HAZEL BISHOP "NO SMEAR" LIP STICK . . at CURRIN'S the lipstick that gives you the COMPLETE look with NONE, of it EVER left where lipstick shouldn't be . . Top your prettiest Spring ensembles with fresh Spring garnish . . escape from the com monplace with HAZEL BISHOP'S COMPLEX ION GLOW ROUGE and matching LIPSTICK from Ninth and Main, .'iirrin"s yard Max. Min. 38 4 54 "19 45 35 42 18 42 15 51 32 54 37 31 1 45 32 48 . 31 60 41 47 30 45 22 40 32 66 31 62 48 75 62 39 34 72 . 45 i 64 ' 51 46 . 27 38 19 ft- Funeral RANDOLPH Funeral services for Omer Lee Ran dolph, 63, who died here Feb. 24. will take place from the chapel of Ward's Klamath Funeral Home. 92S High St.. Friday, Feb. 29, 2 p. m., Kev. uavia Rarnptt Jr. of the First Pesbvterian Church officiating. Commitment service and interment In Klamath Memorial Park. AVALANCHES KILL 12 TEHRAN. -Iran Wl Twelve per sons were killed in ice and snow avalanches near Badien Abad in mountainous Northwestern Iran Thursday. Eleven died trying to rescue one. WURLITZER A magnificent . piano. Many -lovely styles and finishes to choosa from, i LOUIS R. MANN , ,PIANO CO. 120 Noi 7th I Coordinate your fabrics . . with ginghams, chambrays, use . a patterned fabric in plaid, stripe or floral with a plain color repeating the accent color . . line a tiny bolero with the plain use It as godets or apron Inserts, as ties, stoles. ' . Women Will Kick Over the traces , . feed the family cold beans . . forget the baby's laundry . , leave the poodle ithout water and - "dlsremember" they have t better-half wandering around with holes in His socks all BECAUSE f the utterly ENCHANT ING display of IMPORT ED CUPS and SAUCERS It YOUR STORE. Was rrumpy with the "winter willies" this week when are wandered wearily up lo - the mezzanine at YOUR STORE and RIGHT THEN the "blues" ' turned rosy . . right then we KNEW the world ould be topsy-turvy until WE could scare up cash to add some of these newly arrived BEAUTIES to our own buddlne tollection ... Folks at' YOUR STORE plucked the cream of the crop , . caught, a LUCKY CATCH at market . . color-studded, fragile as a Mon lrch's wing, dainty as a flrc-fly , . exquisite is a Jewel, CUPS and SAUCERS . . glinting with coin gold, splashed with gcm-likc high lights . , scalloped, plain, floral, antique, modern, footed, large, small, medium, HAND PAINTED CUPS and SAUCERS for YOU . . the MINIATURES are SO sweet . . prices 3TART at ?1 . . you get SO much for SO little at 721 Main, ' , .;Your Store Color! Color! Color! Madcap, gay and gorgeous COLORS . . riotous colors borrowed from the red of a hawthnrne bloom , . the blue of a late June sky , , yellow from the 'buttercup , . gold and green and gray . . ALL the COLORS ever dreamed by man gathered in ONE spot, the YARDAGE department at MIl.I.KKS, ' If you NEED the FEEL of Spring . . need to shed the boredom of winter, put on your Seven League boots and join the stampede . . WE , did and WISH we could snip , and sew on EVERY piece of FABRIC that we found . . you'll gaze and gasp and give your last shekel for . . Soft as silk CHAMRRAY . . striped and plain, si per TISSUE DOT SHEERS M a July snow apple, S1.29 . . DAN RIVER GING HAMS, In checks, Scotch plaids and BIG plaids, a riot of COLOR, S1.25 . . Dainty TISSUE SHEERS. JI.19 . , flashy flirty DENIM, plaids and plains and checks and strines. 6!)c and 79c. The PERFECT answer to a fun-fan's "yen" . . SAILCLOTH . . with a linen finish, drapes like a dream, "ynu plrk the colors" at SI .39 . . this is the SAME ma terial used in WHITE STAG play-togs. SEERSUCKER . . 1952 stvlc In checks, stripes, plaids, plain . . far cry from the stiff texture of yesteryear . . perfect warm weather wearable . . 1 . , found the "SWEETEST" paisley prints In VOILE, lovely as silk, crease resistant, S1.29 . . beautiful plain colors In slightly ribbed SANDORA COTTONS, $1.29 . . Big, splashy, brilllant-hucd. "no-wrlnkles" hand-printed CALIFORNIA cottons, $1.49 and M.95 . . these for SWIRL skirts . . Exquisite, dainty, flower-sprigged BATISTE 59c . . TISSUE SHANTUNG In the glowing new colors. IJ9 . . EYELET EMBROIDERED ORGANDY for formals and weddings, $1.69 . . SUNNYBROOK SUITINGS, $1.69 , . Soft rayon FLANNELS for bright Easter parading. $1.95 and LAST, like the topping on three-layered cake . . rayon CREPES that ilng with COLOR ,plum, gold, violet, brown, rose, aqua, blue, purple, rust. Finding the YARDAGE department this eek. was like finding apple blossoms in Jan uary , , a big thrill , . smart women EVERY WHERE are beating the budget . . SEWING . here's an invitation to gay adventure . . shop for YARDAGE at 613 Main, Miller'M Mm If You've lleeu Thinking womanly wishing . , wanting and waiting for SUEDE JACKETS that WOULDN'T lake a hnlf-moon bite from your annual budget we've found the ANSWER at LA I'OINTF.'S. This AGED heart skipped a bent nt all ' the brqiillliut, bewitching, beautiful, luscious new COLORS . . geranium ' red. 'buttercup, pink, lime, blue, brier, acqtia, oy.itrr white, sand. Krllry green, chamois that were teamed In the window with bright new I Spring versions of other wtv grt - arounders nnd "MY WORDS!" at WHAT prices . . If you've been thinking SUEDE JACKETS a LUX URY, your thoughts will J!y Jown Mnln street when you see THESE darlings at LA POI.NTF.'S. You'll find QUALITY plus BEAUTY In these soft and sweet casuals, plus ECONOMY so "dream gals dicum" . . use a lime Jacket with violet skirt , . geranlmum with white, sand with Kelley . .worn with the stunning new pleated PLAIDS, a hint of the same colors picked up In scarf, costume Jewels and little wee flats and you'll go places gals, you'll go places . . Now hold your collective BREATHS for here nre prices . . SUEDE JACKETS at $22.95 . . $25 . . $39.95 . , $49.95 and everyone worth TWICE the price . . several styles . . slash and big patch pockets, belted, loose, cuffed or "no" . . all NEW. all utterly DIVINE . . you can AFFORD them . . you can GET them .they're the "swcctnln' lor your Spring wardrobe at 507 Main, 1, lOlftTK.S 6,4 ftO r - I u cr ft I Do go glamorous with the new sleeves. Nothing dates a frock as definitely as the lark of imagination when buying It . . . flatterer ill . . the Leg o" Mutton . . Wing . . Push-l'p. ft ft the valley and lastln Easter bun VsWX . aurprlsi X (April 13.) iW X story as V to 118 . . I Flouers and Candler . . ring glinting on a satin pillow . . you float ing In a mist of enchantment up the aisle to HIM and all the WHILE you'll be DREAMING about your vine covered cottage and your JILVF.R PLATE from HARWIN'S . . Ilka NEW 3 a 1 1 e r n "ENCHANT MENT," in 1881 Rogers,' i bit ornate, comparable "Bridal Veil" in Ster ling, lovely as morning lew on tne petal of a rose. Dropped In to browse a bit ihls week and found thnt iriendlv HA It WIN jew. ELERS have stunning sets of eight and single pieces i TOO, in IK87 ROGERS . . 1881 ROGERS , . COMMUNITY . . TUDOR . . HOLMES and EDWARDS . . ALL the FAMOUS,- nationally advertised STERLING PLATE . . you have a WIDE choice , . from all the NEW patterns . . ALL the, ones you've already learned to admire, STERLING PLATE Is REINFORCED Where the WEAR comes . , you expect QUALITY you get It, along with a friendly smile, S 4c H Green Stamps, and easy CREDIT at 701 Main, . Jlarwin's Jewelers arc accented by a Why Ileal Around the bush . . why not come strnlght to the point and tell you that this Is a PREVIEW of ELGIN BANNER BUY days at IllCKYH. starting when March winds first blow over tne vauey iiwarcn n and lasting until the bunny arrives to I s e everyone, 13.) Here's the 'twas told to us . . ELOIN BAN NER BUYS arc BACK . , history making values starting at the low price of $3.1.75. Case styles of ELOIN BAN NER DAY WATCHES high, curved crystal and smart expansion band, famous ELGIN criilu manship assures enduring accurnry and de pendability . . you get them at ItK KVS , . . Make an ELGIN your BIG VALUE choice NOW for as little as the price you'll pay for a new spring chapeau . . tax INCLUDED In all prices . . ELGIN WATCHES are SMART and NEW for '82 . . see the new SMARTER styles . . the new SMALL watches . . the new DOME crystals . . the new METAL BRACELETS . . ALL the new features of these FAMOUS, nationally-advertised TIME PIECES for MEN and WOMEN at RICKYH . . why be tied down to a time piece thnt kcnp.i you a slave to the question "Have the TIME?" when ft BANNER BUY ELGIN will give it to you on the dot If you shop with your "Registered Jeweler," 700 Main, IliekyN lie l)oe Adore Your Hig blue eyes , , your shining curls , . your Unit lisp . . the pert, swnrt way your mue turns up to meet your widow's peak but listen Indies , , hrrra a lip . , you may use your wllrs mid flirt, and tnlnt . , but unless you can wield a wicked stew pan he's m:i lo Ilnd Just what you 'ain't" . . a goc.l COOK. JSO . , Alt I Kits' wniita I to help you win and hold M'our man , . CAItTF.ItS' jnuws that It's seasoning 1 thnt "makes the gnosr" 6PICE ISLANDS SEA SONING used In Just about EVERYTHING except a boiled eug , . SPICE ISLANDS SPICES from the lnnds where gentle zepliyrs kiss the tree-lops and nun shines bright and rnln Is soil and blue sens foam upon the beaches , . The SPICK ISLANDS shelf at CARTERS' Is TERRIFIC . . CRAMMED with more VA RicI Y than you've ever dreamed could be found around the globe . . Cnrdninon from Ceylon . . Cu.wlii Buds and Cinnamon from Saigon . , Ginger from Jimmies . . Chill Pequlng from the In nils down south . . whole white MUNTOK PEPPER . . sweet bell pep pers. anise seed and gnrllc . . dill and fennel and Gumbo pile and hull a hundred others . . at CARTERS'! . . ALL the FLAVOR . . ALL the AROMA has hern caught and KEPT In crystal lant . . by the folks who bring 8PICE ISLANDS SEA SONINGS to you . . ,i: "You may have hickory nuts to crack and crunch . . Big fat raisins and sun-dicnrhed dates . . rurlniis fools from the Malnv stales . . but UNLESS you have SPICE ISLANDS SEASONINO for your everyday hamburger . . your Sunday roast, the homemade bread you put U toast you'ro headed for trouble gals, you're headed for trouble . . so start for "Vnur Most Thoughtful Grocer, and SPICE ISLANDS SEASONING . . 1420 Esplanade, Curlers ft Whirling, swirling tklrls are fashion's favor ites for Hprlng and Summrr. Home call It the bell" silhouette. These full-bloom skirts popu larize flirtatious prttlroats, belittle the waist and even "hide" broad hips. Home women com promise, rutting the swirl to only moderate fullness. If -you are fashlon-tvlse you'll dump the sheath skirt In the ash-ran. ' ft Denims are a Clndcriilla fabric this year , they will even go (n parlies, Once upon a time denims were dark blue, stiff and only went to work. In the next reincarnation they became lighter in weight, went to the seashore, the lentils courts and yachting. This year they step Into high fashion and right here , . In our lawn, shining from piece goods counters you'll find a parade of giddy, gay, gad-about denims, soft enough to drape beautifully one designer has aeenrrilan-pleated a dance frock of dcnlm that sells for $155.00 ft ft Don't forget to register , ledge of every American Registration books close April 18 , voting Is the prfvl man and woman. How short are shorts? Either very short or very long . . "little boy" typm are very brief, without pleats, even seem skimpy and your thigh shouldn't have "hump" big as a goose pimple . . gaining In favor, the pedal-pusher, done this summer as matador, pirate or ship wreck pants, tight fitting, tapered,' button or lace below the knee . , not recommended Cor grandmothers , . because tight pants dnrrii'l shrink any tighter look for the Uiinfortzcd label.