THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2fl, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE TWENTY-ONE ss AUTOMpTIVI AUTOMOTIVI S3 AUTOMOTIVE 55 AUTOMOTIVI . LOOK! USED CAR BUYERS! EVERY CAR LISTED HERE A REAL BUY LOOK! 1040 HUICK ROADMASTER SEDANET Radio, liciilcr, IJyiinflow drive. 11)50 RUICK SPECIAL SEDANET Iliidlo, lira I r r, nliinctnicl triiiiiuiila.'iltin 104(1 11UICK SUPER SEDANET Modlo, Iinilrr, 10.10 HUICK SPECIAL SEDANET Radio, healer, Dynnflnw Drive 1042 RUICK SUPER SEDANET Riiilln, lirnler. $1765 '1795 '1395 - '1895 ! 595 BEST in the WEST TRIPLE-CHECKED PICKUPS & TRUCKS v7 VALUE v1 PERFORMANCE v7 APPEARANCE BELIEVE IN SIGNS? You can if you tome here where you know that every SAFETY-TESTED used tar is a GUARAN TEED VALUE! THE REPUTATION OF DICK B. MILLER CO., IS YOUR SUREST SIGN OF QUALITY AND SATISFACTION. Rememb er . The some low finonce rate we offered in 1938 Still Prevails! W0 PACKAIIO '8' 1JI.X. 4-DR. BKUAN f Itncllu, heater, uvcrclrlve 1048 iiuick Buriai convertible Rndlo, lirulrr 1047 0-"70" CLUB 8KDAN Itnilln, henler, llyriinmiitlr 1949 FORD V-8 CUSTOM I'ORDOll Rndlo, lienter, 11MII CHEVROLET TON PICKUP 4 flirrl tiniiMtilvilun 1925 M495 Ml 65 '1345 Ml 95 1051 8TUDE. CHAMP. REGAL 4DK. Rndlo, tieutrr, auto. Inum 1048 PONTIAC '8' UTR.Ml.INEU 4 UU. Rndlo. heater 1040 FORD V-8 CUSTOM FORDOR Rndlo. Iieuler, overdrive. 1950 CHEVROLET 'i 'ION PICKUP Rndlo, hentrr. 1010 PONTIAC '6' HTR.MI.INKR DI.X. 4-l)r. Bedim. Rndlo, lieuier, llyd. M895 Ml 95 M395 M395 M595 1047 STUDEBAKER l'i TON 1047 CMC '! TON PICKUP 4-specd, excellent condition. ft OUR WARRANTY ft "THE CUSTOMER MUST BE SATISFIED" REAL GOOD LOW-PRICED BUYS ln FORD V-8 TUDOR SUDAN, Henter linn lOilO CHEVROLET BUHINK8H COUPE, Rndlo, lienter, A wonderful buy trrt 1040 PLYMOUTH BUSINESS COUPE ; m 1041 DODOK FOUR-DOOR SEDAN. Fluid DrlW, intiS 1039 DODGE LUXURY I.INER 4-DR. Rndlo, lienter. tnte motor . 205 1040 FORD V-8 BUPER DLX. TUDOR. Rndlo. heater HI0.1 1040 HUICK SPECIAL 8-PABSENGER CPE. Rudlo. lienter $305 1041 FORD V-8 BUPER DLX. FORDOR. Reconditioned motor J435 1041 OLDS -O 70 FOUR-DOOR SEDAN. Rndlo, lienter, Hyd $495 QUALITY IS SUPERIOR PRICES ARE COMPETITIVE 1050 G.MC Vi TON PICKUP 3- npeed triiiiMirlmlon. deluxe cab. 1050 FORD PICKUP Vi TON 4- npecd transmission 1040 CHEVROLET TON Very good condition Shop Around First Then SEE US! H.E.HAUGER "20 YEARS YOUR BUICK DEALER" USED CAR DEPARTMENT 1047 DODGE PANEL Excellent condition. Down Payment 31500 s28350 448r' $435 s37500 $24750 V CHECK SPECIAL OF THE WEEK 1050 DODGE 2 TON STAKE Factory bed, 2-specd renr axle, radio, heater. 8000 actual miles, lull price M895 .M.i in at Broad Phone 5151 SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE "1001 BARGAINS" Appllnnres, tools, motors, rnrito.v furniture, shoes, clothes, pockrl' knives, Burden hose, Inwn mowcu. eic. Cofer's Exchange CIS Klumuth Ave. Ph. 7100 Colored r BATH ROOM SETS IN 6TOCK No Delny Tnke Them With You I We now hnvc mnny styles and colore to choose from. rree Entlmnte. Gladly Olvenl COME IN TODAY G. C. Motley 812 Ave. Phiw 6610 HUSHKU ruck and dnvvway cu.iicr. rhune a-l 1W7 AUIJINU MACHINES. KilcuiVlorTnVpr wrltvn. ch, dtiki, chain fura for or rent. PIONLtH orriL'B SUPPLY m Miq Phuif 741 till. kl(rf lank Prvlnn mnit I -A litA Markri l.L.C l itOLUJf Ci r.ANt n Bnri iT.. .... .mm.. m niuinain rumuurt to. Z2I Main. Phnne Axvi INCH cuncrcia culvert pipe, 70 ctnQ PEYTON A HO ifllTViCWA Y MAI tlllALeSTl'hnrir" 3iTc Ilari. MAS. ANSCO ftfflrx Can)eraCa-,J' rinjtrTtjiT Nrw rQtnimon.tiau.Can a-aioo. UiMxiti KM'Al'M iVlfft KACH KXCHANliK we buy upd Urea O.K. Rubber Weld er 2;m1 S. nth Phone 4113 nVK IIP. JIOTO-TIUJEII. Call f-1. Kill. i I SAi K. in I iV.pot rrlnt- erntnr. FrleUtalre tmt hnili f vrcilcni eiertrir Sunbeam lion. Phone anal, are JU I.HH1 IIDK, I ill I V K WAY "M Ami I Airn7Tne: tltl 1 . t'Oii KAl.K, Biiod' srada alfnlfa liny. JKHirrjIftrr. -,,(, ,VMI1. liSlill lour door Irrni I illc."Voltlla "Ol firr Kupply, MjiKi, AKW break CaU tnhrVndcirlrrnv" rno and iwinu rocker, rock tail rorkrr. new run, lvo end tuhlea, iwo retidlnfl mm pit, commnauon ranio-phnnnRraph. 'Mher ntiineroua I'rj'WPltnnflwi. SlAUic Chief table lop una range. Late kniodel, excellent con ill lion. Uurna any "i .in .puis Liinion KOIt HAI.E. one iiaed wnnhlng machine ithpimip.j;io. 2fi:in Jlnrrow. FOR 8AI.K, hydraulic inrm hnntl. with liuckrake. JBhick and While Hnnrh. FOR SAI.K. 20 tnna" halrd alfalfa hav. ;ia SO per T. Don Poller, Tulelnke 7-ftlM FOR ""MJMBK'rr"' kNOWHOW cirnn oln nmltiini Material Inc. If you know exartly what your need In, we III) thai nted. If you'te nol mire, we do our "fH In find out whitf lie.t for vnur ioli. For all vnur htillilhiR malrrtali. vim iin Motim Mvin or jimohp a-a.i;i, RKCONlilflONl ji Oliver 70 tra lor. new Oliver grain drill imrd Im thnn S-? p"on a-Ofl.VV :mill Hnmedale, OR SALE. Farmall tractor inounlrd plow, excellent condition. Phnne MWA. i.ARCJE ahou'caRe. Six" feet long. Plate glawa. hardwood. :t3. Phone ;ili(IR. CiOVT. lil'.DO. SAI.K! ao'ft. i40 It. a Apt. I duplex houietil Onlv ftKUK) Complete, Including: free delivery In huiuitrrt'd, eoy -to . erect piincln direct In your lot! TEXAS WltECKINt! CO N W. yrnntPorllnnl. Ore. j'lillSMKl) HOCK,' driveway cliitlerV lMinft-an.n. i'ARLOAni SAiTlToirVlTlweU dVvetpi'rlh nd I'hnlrn, bed dnvenna and ehnlrn, -P'fffft fceellnnala and mvhig rnckrin. I Itin npeclal carlond purrhnre allown us la nffer Ihfie $rn at a great Having I" .vou. Wool frrlrf Mitten atari at SIM.3A. I he largr-i nelerlion m have ever offered In ,'!fl yean, hinall down payment, long Mm on !: in. Knw Is he lime to rave money on your 'venpotti and rhalia. hrd davennn. i p are ectionala and awing writer. Buy row at l,ura Fiirninire. 111.1 East Main. AUTOMOTIVE ' PANEU SPECIALSI 1030 "fl" r idlo and .Ler,.,M0 For V-8, heater. Y e fl2H nnth Juit Ilka new. Ilalalgera Uicd tflrJL'.0l- Phono jl:in4. FOR BaVe, 1U41 Plymouth. New Urea, pvarhaulcd, A-l ahape. Phnne .Hail or I'llllt Creacont Avo. VADIlCaC, IIHI "four door gednn. AH ii r"1. Oo0fl l,pe o"il condition, i'i1re fl7fl.JPhone fl2fin. 'On RALE. iO;m"CaRnlle""8-pBf.n. coupe, mrrhanlcally fair. Oond body. adln n healer, neannnahle, Phnne a-ofi4. THESE CARS MUST GO TO MAKE ROOM FOR '52 Nash Golden Airflyte Models -SHOWING IN MARCH - NEW 1951 NASH CUSTOM RAMBLER Radio. Weather-Eye. overdrive, clock, directional slitnnls, alrloam rubber seats. NEW 19S1 NASH SUPER AMBASSADOR 4-DH. . Hydrnmntlc. Weather-Eye. recllnn sent and bed features, air lonm rubber senls. -iV & vV OUR SELECT USED CARS CANT BE BEAT CEILINO OUR PRICE PRICE 194!) NASH AMBASSADOR SUPER S1613 $1495 1949 NASH "GOO" SUPER $1466 S1395 1948 NASH AMBASSADOR SUPER $1294 $1145 1948 NASH AMBASSADOR SUPER $1294 $1145 Yr ir $25.00 DOWN THE ONLY REQUIREMENTS STEADY EMPLOY MENT 1'OR 1 YEAR GOOD CREDIT STANDING ALL PRE-WAR CARS SOLD AS IS 41 CIIEV. ' nautili J29S '39 FORD - 24 '41 NASH "600" J295 M9 DESOTO S245 '40 OI.DS 1,-WI :i45 38' BUICK S115 40 PLYMOUTH $345 41 OLDS 96-8 $193 1830 PONTIAC 1195 SHOP EVENINGS Open 7:30 p.m. for your convenience, Saturday till 6 p.m. KLAHN NASH CO. 006 South 6th Phone 3650 If you need a new or used truck, see us. We have the answer to your trucking problem. Visit either of our convenient locations. 632 South 6th A. II. "Shorty" Wcatherford Phone 5276 677 SOUTH 7th West-Hitchcock Corp. Phone 7771 Act Now And Get A -BETTER CAR ft A BETTER BUY ft A BETTER DEAL The town's finest all clean, fresh, attractive cars that you'll be PROUD TO OWN. Select one of our PERSONALIZED USED CARS ft OLDSMOBILES ft 1930 OLDS ROCKET 98 CLUB SEDAN Jlydramatlc, radio, heater, clean Interior, perfect light gray body. A one-owner car and we have the service J c record on Die lor your Inspection 2-A"tO 1950 OLDS ROCKET 88 CLUB SEDAN Hydramatlc, radio, heater. Service record on file. Own a rocket engine Oidsmobile OAOC at a real savings ZXJD 1949 OLDS '88' CLUB COUPE Fully equipped and guaranteed. We sold new $i q c and have service history. I OO 1949 OLDS 98 DELUXE 4-DR. SEDAN Hydramatlc radio heater. Perfect body and spotless interior. Completely reconditioned and guaranteed. 5io i r A family rocket engine car in perfect condition I 1950 OLDS 88 FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Standard shift. Radio heater, visor, Clean Interior and tutone gray body. $-1 qq r Mcchanically perfect. Guaranteed 1 7 7sJ 1947 OLDS 98 CLUB SEDAN Hydramatlc, radio, heater, tutone brown and beige body. Good tires and nice Interior. 1 1 Q r ' We sold this car new and have records on file I I J OTHER POPULAR MAKES 1951 NASH STATESMAN SUPER 2-DR. SEDAN Only 7.300 miles. Equipped with radio, heater, reciin- ing seats. Like new throughout. $ n i r A real economy car at a savings 1 040 1949 FORD '6' CLUB COUPE Radio, heater, overdrive, top condition. MOA Lots ol miles per gallon I OO 1948 FRAZER MANHATTAN 4-DR. SEDAN Tutone blue body, new seat covers with air-loam cushions. Good tires. A bargain $ Q7C in a late model car 0 O 1948 PACKARD CONVERTIBLE Radio, heater, leather trim. Perfect body, good tires. Priced far below market. '110 Buy before Spring and save I I O 1946 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, clean as a pin inside and out. $ AO Small payments OO See The Bargains We Have In 1939 To 1941 Models! i THEY REPRESENT REAL VALUES IN TRANSPORTATION BUY WITH. CONFIDENCE Dick B. Miller Co. LEE HUFF WANTS YOU TO MARCH IN LIKE A LION AND DRIVE OUT IN n THE BEST DEAL IN T0VVN1 1951 DODGE CORONET SEDAN Gyromatlc drive. Less than 8,000 miles. 100 Guarantee! $2295 I 7J I . ' CUSTOM SEDAN Radio, heater, automatic transmis sion. Fully guaranteed lor only. $2345 1951 WILLYS STATION WAGON 4 Cylinder Hurricane engine. Com plete with overdrive and heater. Extra low mileage. $1895 1950 PACKARD "8" SEDAN ' Nice clean car, good condition. Hat j radio, heater, and overdrive lot economy. Sale priced ... SPECIAL & 1948 HUDSON COMMODORE "6" 4-DR. SEDAN Radio heater, seat covers Dark green paint. Has been completely reconditioned - '1435 YOU PAY NO MORE FOR OUR 2 DAY FREE DRIVING TRIAL YET IT CAN SAVE YOU HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS. A 2 DAY FREE TRIAL LETS YOU ASSURE YOURSELF THAT YOU GET THE BEST DEAL IN TOWN! SEE US RIGHT NOW! 1949 OLDS 1950 CHEVROLET 1948 PONTIAC 1949 DODGE 1948 CHEVROLET 1949 PLYMOUTH 1949 STUDEBAKER 1948 PONTIAC 1949 FORD 1946 FORD SPECIAL -sir 1947 FORD 2 TONE PAINT, GOOD TIRES CLEAN INSIDE & OUT ONLY 797 For the' BEST in the WEST see DUGAN&MEST DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Ralcd" TRUCKS 522 So. 61 h Phone 8101 I' m a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Your International Tnrk Denier JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES llth and Klnmnlh Phone 3-3581 BUS 8ARUA&TS UXL11 LAHS WE nilY, KF.I.L AND TRADE Corntr Shut Way and Arthur Slrettl Phone 831)3 fit NEED CARS! tut lop price now Roue Motor Co flth nci Plum WILL SELL equity in 1050 lludiun Pncvrnnkor. Phone tlfl?3. FOR SALE, Ill-Ill Fold pickup Jonilrrl with pxtnm. I'hone 41411 UuyH. lice at l:i:l7Vhii-iljitlcr jtpm. FOR SALE. 'inSj Packard 0 redan. Recently overhauled. Good condition. H2SCallfnnilaAvenue. li NASH ioiir dnor'Vedan. MM Ehe7 Urn. Phnne 2-343D. 1951 BUICK SPECIAL 4.-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, Dynaflow drive. Many extras. 12.000 actual miles. Our price lor short time only. 1950 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION 4-DR. SEDAN Heater and overdrive, seat covers, low mlleace. Now only. 1949 PONTIAC 8'" STREAMLINER DELUXE 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, lienter, Hydramatlc, seat covers. Si JQ C A one-owner car i 7 J 1949 PONTIAC '8'' STREAMLINER DELUXE 4-DR SEDAN Henter, Hydramatlc, seat covers. Priced now at. 1949 DODGE CORONET 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, healer, Fluid drive, other extras. Like new. At only 1948 HUDSON SUPER "6" 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, henter, sent covers. Light blue linlsh. For durability nnd safety 1947 OLDS "8" 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, Hydramatlc. Low mileage. Like new. Now. 1947 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION 5-PASS. COUPE Rndlo, henter, overdrive. Tutone pnint. Excellent running condition 1941 PONTIAC "6" 2-DR. SEDAN Motor overhauled. 1940 BUICK ROADMASTER CONVERTIBLE $ QS Radio, henter. runs good. Now - J7J 1941 BUICK SPECIAL SEDANET ' OS Light blue pnint sJ 7 J V & COMMERCIAL SPECIAL ft J 1947 DODGE V2 TON PANEL Nice appearance. Good mechanically. PQ Priced Now at only. U7J Juckeland Motors HUDSON AUTOMOBILES INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS llh & Klamath Ave. Phone 2-2581 '2295 1545 1695. 1565 $1365 Ml 95 $1050 395 7th and Klamath Phone 4103 PARKER PONTIAC CO. ft ft FINAL WEEK ft ft - Removal SALE . THE SLICKEST CONVERTIBLE IN THE BASIN 1950 CHEVROLET WITH POWER-GLIDE and every conceivable accessory. Plus Cadillac lenders and hubs. Special Grille. Jl CA 130 175 1948 PONTIAC STREAMLINER DLX. SEDAN-COUPE In glenmlng black. Hydrnmatic. Loads of extras, $i t r PRICED BELOW MARKET BY 1950 PONTIAC STREAMLINER SEDAN-COUPE Lovely Berkshire green and spotlessly clean. At a SAVINGS OF 1949 PONTIAC STREAMLINER DLX. 4-DR. Hydramatlc and loaded with extras. Owner by a local Doctor. Priced at a SAVINGS OF . SAVE ON THIS CAR 1947 DODGE 4-DR. SEDAN Beautiful new paint and mechanically perfect. You can buy this car AND SAVE 135 COMPLETE Radiator Service CUEANLNG FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanade BEST VALUES! USED TRUCKS -CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED vVest-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER 977 8 7th Phnne 177 WHY WALK? DRIVE MORE MOTORS .102 E Main. Phone H57fl "We will iell j-oiir car for you." tVe buy and trade! WE HAVE PRE-WAR CARS COMING OUT OF OUR EARS NO REASONABLE OFFER WILL BE REFUSED. COME IN AND WRESTLE US YOU'LL SAVE DOUGH! $1895 1950 CHRYSLER WINDSOR SEDAN Clean, one-owner car, fully equip ped with radio, heater and auto matic transmission. Condition guar-anteed. $2 1 25 1950 BUICK SPFriAl A.r& SDN Stnndnrd transmission, radio, and heater. Very cean. $1695: Here's A Hot Number 1940 FORD TUDOR SEDAN Glenmlng Black perfect body, excellent tires nnd a new motor nbout 7,000 miles old '350 SPECIAL ft ft ft SPECIAL 1939 FORD COUPE IT RUNS! FULL PRICE $87! 50 DON'T MISS BIG CHIEF WILLARD'S Final Clearance Sale! $ 4 $ u cant bcat P0NTIAC A. $ U can't beat a vP T vP PARKER PONTIAC DEAL PARKER PONTIAC 4th and Klamath Ave. Ph. 8164 East Main at Wantland Ph. 6221 1950 CHEVROLET Vz TON PICKUP Deluxe cab, 4-speed transmission. In tip-top condition. j - . $1395 1950 WILLYSi, PICKUP i Economical light pickup. Has 6-ply tires and is in good condition for only ... $ 1 095 " 1949 DODGE CORONET SEDAN Very clean. One owner. Excellent condition. $1595 PACKARD ft WILLYS LEE HUFF USED CAR DEPARTMENT 7th & Oak Ave. Phone: 7258