PAGE TWgNTY HERALD AND NEWS. KUVMATH FALLS. OREGON THURSDAY. FKMUTAnY 20, 10.12 CLASSIFIED RATES Om day per word 4r Thro Dayi per word 11c Week run per word 30c 1 Month run per word 65c MINIMUM The minimum charge lor any one ad is eoo. ' BOX NUMBERS Answers to ads may be handled through box numbers at the paper lor service charge oi use. DEADLINES Classified aas accepted up to 8:30 pjn. for following day's publication Classified display ads accepted up to 13 noou for following day s pub lication. ADJUSTMENTS Please make all ciauns lor adjust ments without delay. Corrections or cancellations re ceived by 6:30 p.m. will be mads In following day's publication 10 SuRVICt CENTRALIZED, SERVICE BUREAU What you dont want, someone else needs! Let us find what you want or find the person who needs what you don't want. This Is the kind of service we are offering . . . why not take advant age of this unique opportunity. Drop in at 255 East Main In Klam ath Palls and get acquainted or Phone 5670 FUNERAL HOMES WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. ' 832 Mllh Strut Phone 3334. MEETING NOT'CES Crater Lake Lodge, No. 211, AP i!fc AM will meet at the I.O.O.F. hall at 7:15 pm Thursday, February 28. The lodge will visit the DeMolay meeting at the Masonic Temple. Bill Fink. Sec. KLAMATH FALLS Aerie No. 2090 Regular meeting every Friday night 7:45 p. ra. O. E. Hall, sth and Walnut. Visiting members cordially Invited. Buffet hours 10:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE, FOR HIRE Honest Rates Weights Service Insured ANDERSEN FREIOHT LINE 2802 South Sixth Ph. 0-40 or 3386 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT ATTRACTIVE two rnonu. Everything ftirnUhrd but grocertet. I U.I Vine. FOR HF.NT, furnuhed 2 bedroom apartment alto 1 bedroom apartment. Private entrance, am 3 Oregon Avenue. Phone a-Q.t,a. r If R NISI IK D bedroom apartment Phone 7t44, Bth and Walnut, Audley Aoartmenu FUHNISHKD 4 romn apt tor A montmt lease, or Ion per. Jimt redecorated, nice and clean, with water, llghti and beat all fumiihed. No dog. or pels. Man and wife preferred. If you want tonic thing good tr at 3jWShanta Way. BACHELOR apartment. Phono- Merrill 4401. - t'NKl'HNISMFD three room duplex, ga rage. $43.30. Phone -ffl87. FURNISHED three room apartment .i2Afl: two room unit $05; all utilities included. 419 N. Tenth. 26 HOUSES FOR RENT EXCAVATING Mobil Shovel and Trench Roe Bulldozer Fill Dirt - Topsotl Crushed Rock Driveway Cinders Compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phoi.e 6541 or 9110 Septic Tanks Cleaned Newest Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Sewer Lines of Roots, Etc ED P. KINO 2434 Orchnrri Phone 9B41 PELICAN DRIVE IN for Lenten menue. BUTTONHOLES. Phone 638S. NAOMI SHRINE No. Order of White Shrine of Jerusalem will hold a special meeting on Friday, Feb. 29, 1952. Supreme Worthy High Priestess and Ceremon ial. All visiting so journers invited. BLANCHE MARKS W.H.P. BELLE JOHNSON W.S. 2 , LOST AND fOUND LOST, cat grey tiger striped with long nair. wcwarq. fnone 751 1. LOST Monday afternoon at Xewberrvs or WoolworUu, large black purse con taining keys, glasses and wallet with pictures xnai are vaiuaoie only to own er. Please notify Box 244, Bly, Ore. ncwira, LOST, man's upper dentures, in vicin ity oi nui uepoi. Kewara. Phone 7B30. GENERAL NOTICES NOTICE 9LOQ Penalty will be charged for o license a iter &at, March 1st. Office will be open all day Sat. Chas. F. fce- FOR fountain dishes go to PELICAN PERSONALS ZOE BRUCE Swanson's Beauty Shop. WASHINGTON Beauty Shop. Evening ton. ORDER your Spencer garment before electing your spring wardrobe. Phone 7153. STANLEY Home Products. Phor? 6609. TRANSPORTATION DRIVING to Oklahoma March 1st, will take four. Write Box 985. Merrill. Ore. Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OP OREGON TOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of the Adoption of Ronald John Gress, Minor. To Stephen N. Gress. Greeting: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby cited and required to appear in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County, at the Court Room thereof, at Klamath Falls. In the County of Klam ath on the 10th day of March. 1952 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any there be. why the petition ui nma a. cunneu ana neien Marie BunneU, praying for the adoption and change of name of Ronald John Gress to name of Ronald John Bunnell, should not be granted, the adoption allowed and change of name permitted as in aaiopeiiiion prayed ior. WITNESS, the Hon. David R. Van- den berg. Judge of the Circuit Court of Oregon for Klamath County, with we seal oi sam tourt affixed this 4th day of February, 1952. ATTEST: Chas. F. DeLap, Clerk By Jane Wever, Deputy Clerk F-7-14-21-28 No. 882 ELECTRICAL contracting. Work guar anteed. Phnne 2-UUO FOR TUNEFUL, TONE-RICH MUSIC let Wm. Morgan tune your piano or organ. Our highly skilled tuning-master puts new life into your instrument and new vitality into your playing. Phone j-v&.ai, nyie morgan rianos. 6Nl" bedroom"home. 201 Cook. PARTLY furnished two bedroom house available March lit. Phone FOR RENT.- duplex in Hot Siulniiv Heat, hot and cold water furnished. Phone 37TW a fter 5 p.m. ONE bedroom furnished house. 310 Washington St. FOUR ROOM furnished house, newly decorated, IMO block Owens. W. Phone 3243 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR RENT, two bedroom furnished house. Oil furnace, electric muse V- er furnished Close in Phone 2-1841 or 6232 LARGE furnished cabin. Route 3, Box 1040 Wocus.Mrs. Gordon. VERY attractive unfurnished duplex. $67.50 includes heat, water, washing machine, garage. Couple only. Phone UNf URN1S11ED four room duplex" Ex cept for stoves. S50. Call U0J7 before 9 p.m. HOUSEKEEPING Phone 3236. cabins. Close in. THK&E room furnished houic for rent rhone 47.15. 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT BEEHIVE u TRUCKS DRIVE Move Yourself Save H New Trucks For Long Trips Pickups Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1301 E. Main Phone 8304 SEPTIC TANKS Pumped, concrete tanks and drain tie ids installed. OrviUe - Musgrave, phone 3070. REPAIR SERVICE On washers, radio and outboard mo tors. MONTGOMERY WARDS 9th and Pine J1 hong 3188 paperhanging. Phone TRIPP'S AUTO painting, body and fen de work. Phone 4040 J. L DEAN Public Accountant and Aurtitnr Office at 306 No. 7th. Phone 9346 FOR TREE TRIMMING Phone 2-0355 IN CO MB TAX KETL'R S For aDDOintment Phon 2-0251. Harvev BisDham. CURTAINS laundfe-ed Phone 4914 and stretched FULLER Brushes. Phone 9604 or 5677. 12 EDUCATIONAL BOOKKEEPING, shorthand tvnine kin dred subjects, office machines. KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE T33 Pine Phone 4780 13 HEALTH MASSAGE, therapeutic exercises for women. Spot reducing featured. Phone 36635506. STROE or office on South Sixth. Ap proxlmately 600 sq. ft. Phone H226 SPUD land. 40 acres, neat noil. Cop peck Bay. Phone Newell 2441. FOR REN 1. ti acres panto land. 5 years In alfalfa, near Adams Point Th.ire 2;!6 Maltn. OFFICE for rent. 623 711. Main. Phone FOR RENT, floor sandcrs latest type equipment Suburban Lumber Co. Uth and Walnut Phone 7709 CAR STORAGE HEATED, day week or month. Earl Lamb, phone 4673 or 7709. 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TAKE A PEAK At this lovely one bedroom home at 2318 Modoc. Flower Garden in Spring. Has new electric heat. cement foundation. Garace at tached. Two large lots, wonderful view and very cool in summer. All for $5600 WANT A.GARDEN? NORTH SIDE Comfortable well constructed one bedroom homo 5 blinks to Main Street. Solid foundation. Conven ient kitchen and breakfast nook. OnrnRc. Lawn, doing for J476U. Terms. 3 BEDROOM FURNISHED $1300 down will bundle this fullv furnished 3 bedroom home near Hillside. Continuous foundation Largo kitchen and dining area. na rune and workshop. Full Price $5250. $60 per month. CALIFORNIA AVE. VERY ATTRACTIVE 3 bedroom home, good sized rooms. Living room with fireplace, dining room convenient kitchen with ventilat ing fan. Wardrobe closets. Large bath, part basement Garage, A good buy at $8700. HOT SPRINGS OUTSTANDING large family home in fine neighborhood. Large living room and dining room, fireplace, modern kitchen. Largo bedroom and beautiful tile bath on main floor, 3 bedrooms, sewing room and full bath on second floor. Newly redecorated. ALSO modern guest house at rear. For quick sale $16,000. Terms. HARRY VAN (Eves. 83041 JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0537) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 3311 42 LIVESTOCK l POULTRY $4200 Five room home on acre. Good foundation. Insulated. Electric heat. Good soil under Irrigation. Small down payment, balance like rent. Anne Mason Eddie Hosley Eves. 6714 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 S. 9th Phone 7266 14 HELP WANTED, FEMALE WANTED. middlMBfrt nr 1Hrlv lartv wishing a home. Live in. Light work. Board, room, salary. Call at 1045 Calif ornia evenings, PART-TIME housework for board and room, aox jy neraia ana News. WAKJtu. nouseKeerer with xnmr practical nursing experience, care for elderly lady in Lakevtew. Ore. Modem home, good wages. Room and board furnished. Phone Lakeview 1363 or write airs. a,, u. raveu 3W south 8th IBKCVieW. YOUNG woman wanted to learn tele type. Must be good typist. Apply at neraiq anq jxewg. Mr. Smith. WANTED, housekeeper to live in with good references. Five in lhe familv Good wages. Phone 3715. HELP WANTED, MALE EQUITY NO. 08 Suit for Divorce SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY ELM O. BAILEY, ( Plaintiff, ) vs. t ALICE BAILEY. Defendent. I To: ALICE BAILEY, Defendent: IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OP OREGON, you are hereby reauired to appear and answer the complaint filed gainst you In the above entitled Court on or before the expiration of four weeks from February 7, 1952, which Is the date of first publication of this summons; and If you fail to so answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in his comnlafnt. to-wit: For a decree of divorce forever dissolving the bonds oi matrimony Heretofore and now exist ing between you and the plaintiff. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof once each week for four successive weeks, pursuant to order or Hon. David R. Vandenberg, Judge of the above entitled Court, aaica reoruary a, law. CMATUBN & BRICKNER Merrill, Oregon Attorneys for Plaintiff r-7-1 4-2 1-28 M-6 No. B85 GOOD. STEADY INCOME TAKING wnutKs uk yUAUTi FAMILY CLOTHING DIRECT FROM FACTORIES Ever home a nrntnrt hi tnn business for quality Patrick products offered only direct from factories. WOO samples furnished. Jackets. slacks, shirts, hosierv. sweaters, work cloth ing, trousers, underwear, lingerie, blan kets, children's garments snowsuits etc. WRITE TODAY. Patrick Duiuth oarment Factory. Duluth. Minn. We have it all plowed ready for planting besides a lovely two bo1 room home with lots of sun light. ?ttJlZ- about them. Bristol Avenue in Peterson school U district on 1-3 acre for $2500 down 3 BEDROOM HOME Yes here It Is. Nice three bedroom home, living room with Jireplnce, study or den. Two baths, part basement, utility room and porch, attached garage. This is situated on three and 13 acres, with three large chicken houses, barn and work shop. Nicely landscaped, berries, apple trees and etc. Better give us a call soon on this one. ATTENTION RANCHERS! Start that small band of sliorp , . . available now, Young good hardy slicop with lambs by their side. -V White faced crossed and Black faced pure breds. . ft Sold in lots to suit. ft Shown by appointment. Write Box 31 ---HERALD AND NEWS 46 FINANCIAL LOANS 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3 BEDROOMS Mills close to bus- $5500. 1 BEDROOM North Side fully furnished J5500. 3 BEDROOMS South Suburban 13 acre J6950. 2 BEDROOMS Mills hard wood floors, one year old, $9500. VERNON DURANT ANDYSILANI REAL ESTATE 631 So. Sixth Phone 9109. 9544 or 7D23 32 BUILDING I REMODELING WIIATIATH YlMMt I.HMI1KU NKIII) mim Huiiiting Mttmrhiu in... fiiu ll rmht! Wo '.iitv full Uii nf uiiiirn nIiiii, itiitii., nitkti. fiiiin., noalii. rl.ior tiiH, hiirtlw urn. imtnti .ml i mi, l)rtl Willi ivmlUk'itcff. IMiunn J-X1IU, 4VI-I .... nun sum. JOIN lliw lIuMlaniuU of homo uvni.rk niiw rnj Inn nmtlrnt iMtlir, kiiiis. .Iinw pi., kitchens. Thiinks In ncv. Iiixmlmi AI.I'MIW.M.l.. Iiiilivlihml Aluminum Willi lilt's, vnlir I'hnlru nf l;l iiiiv hnr mi'llL'lim minis. rir Kivn Kstlnwilr mil hut Mnln I uhlnrt Mtnp. tihmir ih.hi. rvt'tittiiis run 2 111.-14 nr ;ill.1(. 34 FUEL HEATING ACT NOW! This three bevlroom home, two blocks from Mills School, won't wait! Large living room-dlnlng room combination, attractive kitch en with plenty of cupboard space. Automatic oil heat. Attached mi rage. 9500. MILLS ADDITION Three bedroom home on nicely landscaped lot. Needs rcdocoratmK. but priced less- than F.H.A. ui pruisal, (7950. PAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Phone 2-3M5 6446 1025 Main Evenings Ron Fisher 8970 "Hap" Davidson 3871 Bruce Owens Merrill 149 STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPEND ABLE C'hnk nnil Kill Kv.slrm METKIt PRINTED TICKETS Your Gunrantfo Of Ili'iitlni! Hutislactiuii FRED H. HEILBRONNER 'Fuels that Satlsfy-Pliw Service Since 19W lJiytojJto- Phone 1M 7AM UOVT and parlor h. Irril't )0 im. SI . Portinnfl. rtler! Viett hut Kcill, n-M h v. Ort- Jlunj HOT SPRINGS 4 Bedrooms 2 larse baths, llvlnit room, dining room, kitchen, full basement, oil furnace. This comfort able home Is on a level lot on the We have some Rood farm and best located street in the district. ranches listed, come in and see us FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENNTE COATES. Saleslady 408 Main Office Phone 2-3335 Eves 2-1365 WANTED, shop foreman. Fine oppor tunity for right man. Klahn Nash Co. SALESMAN earnings to start, approx. S275 per month. Opnortunitv to advance. Ages 18 to 30. Apply Standard St. tion. Inc. 2nd and Main or Esplanade f VLd time salesman with good car to -ii neu Lomei Auiomauc t ire Extin guishers in Klamath County rural areas. Nationally advertised in Saturday Eve ning Post. Colliers and Country Gentle man. Above average commissions. Write L. C. Rood Distributor, P.O. Box 5112. Portland 16. Oregon. 18 SITUATIONS WANTED HOUSEKEEPING, elderly : people small famil. Phone 8395. HOUSECLEANING. Phone 2-0214. COOK on ranch or preferrably lum ber camp. Write Box 35, Herald and News. IRONING. Phone 6388. BABY-SITTING, responsible nartv. dav or night. Phone 2-0534. - FOR SALE - MODERN 1 BEDROOM HOME ON VA ACRE OF LAND LARGE NEW COOLER WORK SHOP & GARAGE ALSO 1 Large room bui!rting in separa tion for an apartment. Has new floor and 7 windows. Enough new lumber to build 2 rooms on house. Concrete walk, abundance of lawn. Strawberries Raspberries. 5619 Leland Drive. Phone 4072 Jay P. Griggs Eves. Ph. 4254 Gene Favdl Eves Ph 6045. Claire Ellis " Eves Ph. 2-2659 W. W. Thompson at Malin J. W. SANDERS REALTOR 1213 Wain St. Phone 7521 HERE'S NEWS - Best of all. It may be had for $14,500. with very reasonable down payment. NEW 3 BEDROOM Excellent construction throughout. Hardwood floors, Arizona Flagstone Facade fireplace, automatic oil piped heat. This home Is designed and built for combortable luxur ious living. Price $11,750. only 81000 down, payments like rent. NEAR CARL FREI'S CORNER Just off the highway, a very well built 2 bedroom house, concrete foundation, good construction, large garage, fully fenced. Only S5O0O, convenient terms can be arranged. STAN MA till UrATrv-7Til SlftVp. furnai-v Hshl fimi rn.i H.U4 hjrcnal P.vtnn r- , m rnnn. S140 " " """" ni(Y tuna Tii.i,-k" i'.,'r iu.-.: '- r . - " ' w',n,i pipurrs urns. Bin Phon. llisi or a-DUKO S i iITuiieen STAMPS iiV.n' on Imi '"f I'hont 31111 ur 2JIJM (oi oroinui ilc'vory. Llrr YADKNS SIGNAL BEnVICI So eth $$MO'NEY$$ ON THE FlItST CALL I Up to 1500 on your auto On your niluiy or furnllur up to 1:100 "Pay Day- loans a specialty 110, fit, ISO loaned till "pay day" or longer, las cost but 18 cciiti (or one wci-lt. No otlier chargci, LOCAL LOAN CO. 115 No 10th SU M-SS4 DON MrlNTYRB, Mgr. 43 Yeari Friendly Service SI MlittLlANtOUJ fOR SALl" Phone J-3831 8-ina WATCH TRADE IN'S i5r j- -SOLD FOR REPAIRS- 12- lliimlllnii Man's Yellow Onld Filled 17 Jewel 1 C7 Wrist WaUli. D 13 Huron Lady s 14 Curat Yellow Clold tr) A 50 17 Jewel M llulova iJidy'i Yellow Clold Filled r 17 Jewel 10 Klein Man's 15 Jewel 12 HIM) ll Z.75 Pocket Watch 18 KlEln Man's 17 Jewel 10 Kli IrjoSO Pocket Watch ZO 20-Kluln Man's White Gold 17 Jewel 10 Blue IO t50 Pocket Watch Z4 31 lliimlllon Man's Yellow Gold Filled 17 Jewel 12 8ii Pocket Wnlcli No. 24 ORUEN MAN'S WHITE GOLD i nil JEWKL 12 SIZK POCKKT WATCH. I 7 THKSU PRICKS INCLUDE TAX Al l. WATCHFS IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION NEW WATCH GUARANTIEE WE ALSO HAVE BKVFHAL OTHER BRANDS AND MODELS NOT LISTED REPAIR DEPARTMENT RICKYS JEWELERS -Hiunlltnn Mun's Yellow Gold Filled 17 Jewel IO-7&0 Wrist Watch 0 3 lluluvn Man's Yellow Gold Filled 17 Jewel IOZ.SU Wrist Watch ZO 3 Orurn Man's Stainless Hlcel n Jewel oo Wrist Watch ZZ 4 Elgin Man's Hose Gold 17 Jewel ir. so Deluxe 4 o iiuiova Man's Yellow Gold Filled 21 Jewel 7 Camy Mini's 17 Jewel Shock Proof Wrist Watch 10 Elgin Man's Yellow Gold Filled 15 Jewel Watch. .. 17 TjtpSO 14" ,2r '167 ,.,16,sjr 700 Main Phone 3151 AurOMOTivt DEPENDABLE child care my home. Phone 2-3656. CHILD CARE in my home. Exper- HOUR work. Phone 2-2463. Four-H Newi 4-H LIVESTOCK CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Skinner and boys attended the Livestock 4-H meet ing at the Joe Lahoda home in Sprague River Feb. 17. Skinner explained the beef, swine, and sheep projects very clearly as these- are the ones people were the most interested in. Duane McDanlel will have a calf, Darrell McDanlel a pig, while Ken neth Kennedy and Judy Sutherland will have a sheep for their pro jects. Joe Lahoda will be the local leader. The members present decided to hold their meetings every three weeks on Sunday afternoon at some member's home. The next meeting will be at Duane and Dar- rel McDanlel s home Mar. V, 1952 Anyone still interested In joining ' this club la invited to attend the next meeting. It being Darrel's birthday, birth day cake and ice cream was served to members and friends present lor the meeting. SALEM (fl . James Francis Allen, 17-monthslold son of Mr. and Mrs, Francis Allen, died in a hospital here Tuesday from burns suffered in a tumble Into a tub of scalding water. The boy's mother was washing clothing when the mishap occurred earlier In the day. LADY with bookkeeping, stenographic experience win oo worjc in her home. Phone 6430 or 2-3128. COLORED lady wants housework by iiuui. -iione -jua I . BABY sitting. Phone 2-0572. WILL care for children in my home days or your homo evenings. Call Z-1MO. 22 ROOMS FOR RENT ROOM AND BOARD. North Ninth. Men only. 500 ROOMS. S20 week. 629 Jefferson. ROOMS for rent. Private Close in. Phone 4444. BOOMS, prices reasonable. Phor.e 4627. lovely rooms for rent. SS.-S7. a week Cio;t in. Phone 42M. FRONT room for rent. Greer Apart- BOARD, room, reasonable. Phone 4254. NICE, race. heated rooms. 622 Pacific Ter- ROOMS 1034 High 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT, two room furnished aparl- LOST RIVER 240 Acre farm, deep sandy soil. 90 acres in alfalfa, 50 acres ready lor potatoes, has been old alfalfa and clover. Pasture for 60 head cattle. large potato cellar and hay barn. machine shed, home and other out buildings. Priced $85,000. with all farm machinery. In good condition. 320 ACRES Sandy soil, Irrigation, 5 room home and other outbuildings. A bargain at $3500. Cash. Newhouse Real Estate 2060 South Sixth Phones 9832 or 2-3387 . . . if you're looking for a good buy in a home close to town! This one has 3 bedrooms, all on one floor, new carpeting and a fire place that really works. You'll enjoy the cleanliness and comfort of hot water heat. The interior Is very clean and livable, the exterior could stand some work. The house is surrounded by a nice yard and a roomy driveway can accommodate several cars. Large Sec Don Sloan """u,"s w can oe rented or i Homer Sties uuijiuvcu. uci mis place complete for only $11,500. Don Klrkpatrick, Salesman (Evenings Phone 9766) EVERETT DENNIS REALTOR 121 No. 8th Phone 8491 ?8 BOATIPETS SPORTS HOBBIES I Oil SAI F. two only, tamo "young "im'r akrrl. I'h.tne mm llEAU'l'IKWI. I'cklnL'c.ViruppVlirVrli to ciupltt nnlv. Phone 2- ANIIKKMIN Hoarding " krnuii Phone Delawa-. ll llnrilauj nOAItDINfi- KENNKI.S Dog hoarding by day. week or month S.nillary kernel. Well balnnrrd diet Clean individual o.nrl.r r.,. dog Dn,, handled durlrg mating. Wll Pick up and deliver Visitors Welcome Phone, S07 Merrill an ' '" a"4 a"ASTACASrADr KKNNM.S FOR SALE, rrgtttrrrd wlre-hnlrrdlrr" A- USED CARS rlcr pup. Call 2-11 ,r sco it :mi TO EXCHANGE 49 WILL Tit All K acre on Allamvnl for good ued trartor Phone llrin TIIAUE. nine months Gurrnry hcfrr and Jriifv ter for hay. plume 2-stMio .VI'NIT home m Ahlaii1. r. ,r laic model lonemg truck. John lleedy 7IUI l.iwa. Ali!and Phone 2-7:uil. 42 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY Farmers! Eggs To Sell? We are buying. 1951 FORD "V-8" CUSTOM DLX. FORDOR Radio, healer, overdrive. Low inllrs. 1951 FORI) "V-8" CUSTOM DLX. CLB.'CPE.' Radio, heater, overdrive. Min vhnr. Low Miles. 1950 FORI) "0" FORDOR SKDAN Like new. Ixiw miles. Healer 1949 FORD "B V" TUDOR SKDA.V Heater, overdrive. WEKKKM) SPECIALS 1919 CHEVROLET 2 DR. HRATFR 1949 FORI) BUSINESS COUPE ' HEATER ?1895 $1895 ?1495 ?1395 $1195 $1095 l-'or Oii-Thr-RKrt appraisal, see JACK MILLER Home Phone 4203 Sundays or Evenliius MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM BALSISER'S IS? LOT 2152 South 6th St. Phone 4354 46 FINANCIAL LOANS 2V2 ACRES Located on Altamont Drive. 1 bed- " r ' m""a, For your convenience we have chlr-lren hnn. rohhl. h.Av i rrcelv"' "l"tln Ort-Koll State fruit cellar, and an almost new building easily converted into 2 bedroom home. Bargain priced at oniy 54S0O. Open Evenings by Appointment Phone 5658 Eves. 2-24C0 Eves. Fred Scott 5703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1909 111 N. Bth Street Ph. 4564 or 5529 75 ACRES Hatchery or deliver to our farm, Buyer Gooding Poultry Farm Phone 4f10 KOULIRY WANTED Cash paid for wny amount. Top market prtrea frr good quality. For quotations PHONR 3(157 K7 AMATH POULTRY FARMS KA C (All under gravity irrigation. Level, vii ii j 35 acres jffaifat balance spuded i " Alio opuuiu jutiu AIIUUIU iaree two bedroom. Nice lawn tmH i nrmiupp on vriinnr nrrat shrubbery, larc garage and work- Fenced. Some improvements. Nice location. Full price $27,000 terms. $12,000 down, balance $1000 year. POH SAl.F. M hciivy tpririKcr hetfem, 4. ore wrll bred jiml m itkct H"lnc nt Ail (Inutj.r vnTlnnrrfl. V. C. Hvxfurd, KOK'SALK "hi-nvv 1.ririvi.rVr..rv"' hi. If CTM. Bred to Aniiui hull. 1'hnnn I.orlln it. if . MODERN .APARTMENT at the Bram- nan Apis, sixtn and Pine. Phone 4G76. FOR RENT, two room furnished anart. ment, electric stove and refrigerator. Natural hot water heat. Lincoln ApU. UNFURNISHED, basement apartment for bachelor or lady. Natural hot water neat and water furnished. $35. Refrig erator and electric range available. iwain or pnone aim, CLEAN furnished flnartmunt with hurt. room. 213 Cedar. LEASE, small apartment house. Fur nished. cIoec In. $75. Phone 4533. REDECORATED three room furnished apanmeni. electric neat. Two blocks irom mam. Adults. No pets. 312 N 11th. WANTED A buyer who needs an office and home combined in the best resi dential as well as a good business location for an office, with no parklnit meters. A Rood six room house, not counting breakfast nook, alcove, entrance, porch, bathroom and utilities. Located on large corner lot with two floored garages entering from different streets. Lo cated at 830 East Main. Make this home your business. 8ce or Call JAMES HESELTINE, SC69 Salesman with M. L JOHNSON REAL ESTATE . 434 Main St. Office Phone 6113 shop. Was $7500, this week 7,000. HERB SCHMIDT VERNON DURANT ANDYSILANI REAL ESTATE 631 So. Sixth Phone 9195, 5544 7323 or 9879 FOR RENT, 3-room apartment, fur- TWO room furnished apartment. Lights STEAM HEATED apartment with bed- mum, imp vjuk oi, FURNISHED nn.irtmnnl apanmeni 1. zoo Market. THREE ROOM furnished apartment. 2081 W hite. ONE bedroom UnfUrniKhort nnnrtmnnt Gag equipped. Call 2-0611. NEWLY decorated, nrivate hath kit. chenette. Steam heat, eiecti-ie rano $10 week Rex Arms Apartment. run i , iiuuuura mymilErmnh, in quire Sis High. RANCHES FOR SALE If you are In the market for a cattle rancn or larm iana. i win ne renay io do business as soon as the snow goes off. Write or phone PAUL A. TSCHIRKY, REAL ESTATE RU 1, Box 2)2 Phone 7-0456 TULE1AKE. CALIFORNIA EAST MAIN STREET Between underpass and Mills School. Business lot with 54 foot frontage, Im proved with two berjroom furnished home. Easily converted to store and living quarters. Price $7500. Bogue Dale, Realtor. Phone 7206. CATTLE-GRAIN . TIMBER $5 to $15 per acre buys good ranch and timber land at Gov't, Slate and County land Sales. FREE LAND CATALOG. Pacific Lands 1621 KE Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood 28, Calif. FOR SALE nice level lnt N R. rnrn. Addfson and Lakeview, Accept rcasnn- uucr. Moris wniie, BOX 13J3, CHAS. A. BOLESTA REAL ESTATK - INSURANCE Phone Merrill 8501 FOR SALE, .1 room house furnished, Best cash offer. 1127 N. Bth Street. m ACRE rancn, partly fenced, house, dairy barn. Tillable. 00 ready for grain balance in Das turt With nr gic, uox 30 Herald and Nc wb. TWO BEDROOM modern house, acre- $1500 down, balance like rent, Box &f Herald and News. FOR SALE, caullv In two bedroom modern home. Phone 2-0031. HOMES POR SALE EVERETT DENNIS REALTOR Don Klrknatrfck. SalMitiAn 1 2IN B t b Phone B491 FOR SALE. Iwn hedroom home. I, or or- living and dining room, oak floors, fire place, kitchen and dinette, service porrh. Large garage. 2415 Wlard. Phone 8007. 3 BEDROOMS A well arranged 6 room home In the South Suburban district. Ranch house style on a laree lot. Approved by F.H.A. In all respects. Assume present loan and continue monthly payments for approx. $58.00. Will sell furnished or unfurnished. SUNNYLAND 2 bedroom home, hnrdwood floors, urepiace, cieciric neat, combina tion playroom and service room at. tached to house. Lanre lot. Prlrp wwv. Terms. SKLOND nmyil Nortnnndiile Hereford ranrn rff,trrrfl H.rcfnrd lc. hnfers fcrt-il to Uirry Domhiu lred nuns, .in m-lls all nf Wllit DlfKidllne Hille hf It! at Crooked liivrr Hd'.mdiip i "hiius, i-i uiuviiic. trrntm, tvinrrn l) 12::0 p.m. J. L. Jacob & Sons, I'rine vtlle. Ort'Kon. HKD HVKRS and rtjn-.lcrd for side, freshly dressed ready for the p.m. ev ery friday and Saturday. I'hono H.I4I after 4. AltTIKiCI A.', BRKhUINU SKMVICK Phnne 11721 M, C. (Chuck' uarren Rt 2. liox M.2. If no answer Phone 4400. Evenings KOH SALE at my home- 17 ycorllnii wniie i.ircii chiup, inrce Jerttey ;e:ir ling he if crn, two Jersey rnllk cows, lint 5 year old rrai'.lcrffl I'itiomir.o mart' npv small pnlomino ktd's pony. Phone FOR SALE, day old calves. 1322 lfome dnlv. i(W. kai.i:, tiui- I- WAK'l KO rolored' lirni' Phcne 4 Ml WKA1KII l'K;S and cull polutoes for hoIc Phone HVT ( 1 1 ( li LSI prices oaidTor poulTry, hosi and livcKtick. BIO Y MEAT MARKET LAkevlow .luncti"n Phone 4ff2' 44 MISCtLLANtOUS WANTED Fred Cofer Bob Stephens (Evgb, 3503) (Eves. 9230) Barnhisel Agency 112 S. 8th 6t. Phone 4106 & REMODELING SUBURBAN acre for sale, fenced. I400. Call FOR SALE. In Klamath Falls. One bedroom comoletely furnished hoiue New bath, electric heat, acre of jrouna, seiimg neiow cost, can xuie ake 7-0000 after 4 p.m. NEW HOMES for sale. Powell, Phone 8529. William B. SUBURBAN HOME $14,750. Modern 3 bed room -fire pi ace partly carpeted. Newly redecorated in side and out. Dlshwashcr-outbuildlnga-near school and bus. Bordera two streets Can be subdivided. Call flOHl. FOR SALE, five room house, 'other buildinga. Two acres of ground. Phone 4070. 32 BUILDING ftOOFINO Bullt-Up Composition Shingles Aluminum Shingles SIDING Asbestos Cedar Shakes INSULATION Blown-In Fiberglass COMBINATION ALUMINUM SCREEN AND STORM WINDOWS Kuhlman Insulation Phone 4468 or CLEM LESUEUR 2-2443, Agent ALL WORK GUARANTEED DKSIRE to renl two or three Iic.lroren houNc, unfurnished, except staves. nninh Freeman, 11.(54. 'WANTED to'rent. 2 or 3 bedroom un furniahed home locntrd where a cow can be kcpt.Phonc407H. ' WANTKIJ, lo rent, two bedroom unfur niKhed h'tunc, by rcllnbln couple with one child. Phono aidl betweon 8 a.m. and 0 p.m. WANTED. dm wern, ued dresser or chest of Phone fll.'i2 evenings. LINK TO BUY, 4 wheel drive pickup or Inle model a ton with 4 ttpcod irnnNmision. 1'none x-iiiu:i. IMMEDIATE Cash Lo.ans Borrow pn Onl 100 17 27 Mo . Kcpny In 18 Installments UP VO 1300 ON FURNITUlia OH SALARY UP TO 11200 ON CARS nrE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pj Locally owned New Cars 'inancct tt bunk rates "WUNEY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co 20 years serving Klnmutli Bail! See "Cl.uclc" Bailey Mm. Ill N 7U1 8L Phone 332! 8-S41 M-ns Commercial Furnishes Cashi CASH LOANS 150 to $300 Auto Furniture Livestock Salary $f)0 to Automobiles (paid for or not) WANTRD to buy. .1 way Urnwnllpe for i j ton irucK open uriva tine. I'nonr WANTF.D to leare, larne hnuc. Close In, with playroom. Box 20, Herald and IVflWS. WANTED, David llrfldley or IfnrrlK Bnlc Loader. Adams It (inch. Phono 7221 Merrill. WANTF.D, lo lease. Imlldlnff suiliihle ror rcpntr shop. I'rctcr on faouth Sixth, more a-oiiiY. kVK NEED CAIIS! O Ruse Moior Co th 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES tt top prtri now1 ;nd Plum KinnV vacuum cfciiiicr anrl ntdlahf r. :( Phone mm. HAY baled. Stored In barn. 20 tons. Second cutting. Earl Mack. Phone B7I1L DRY-CLEANINfJ mute for sole. Onnnr- tunlty for steady employment at good iay. ror iuii pnriicuiun write uox j.i Icrald and News. Prlvote Sale of Autoa Financed Make your deals CASH dealsl Commercial Finance Corporation Eob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie 8-2M H.'j.r.i 107 No 9th Phone 7711 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RESTAURANT FOR SALE LOCATED On Summers Lime In unnic bulld HiR an Loulc'n food More A Sum mers Lnnc Tnvcrn. Also cloo to urive-jn tncntcr. NETTING $150, DURING SUM MER MONTHS. 8MOUI.IJ NET PROM $250 to $100 MONTH. HAVE 3 YR, LEASE. ALL YOU NEED IS A REFRIGERATOR At. $500 OR TRADE TOR GOOD PICKUP, ' PHONE 9373 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GENERAL MERCHANDISS STORE FOR SALE 71FER As WIE LICENSE Tttnktinir With Llvlnit Qunrteri OHOSShD OVER $11000 IN lOal LOCATED Bin VALLEY IN CALIFORNIA SELL CASH TltADK OR LEASE - WRITE HERALD NEWS, HOX NO. 38 lohll.linl frnwilif Inral liu.lnru. hour, wrrklv nrrdril. In. vc.lrnrnl trrurrrl. Wrlt lor (till nsrU n.lnr. In ll ;H llr rlrtndNew., prvrn""frnnrhUe htislnrn Laplld nredril Um Ut Wooo. No ulllnt nr Iruv.ln.- Kxtirrlenm and ... ,,, lm,.,tlnnl Idrnl tr man and wife. Box I". Hpintil and Hrwa. SI MISCELLANEOUS fOR SALE SPECIAL WHILE SUPPLY LASTS Lndiik Alfalfa 45c b. Purity D998 Germination 03.50 Etna Mills Ktnn. California Phone Etna 65 USED SEWINO MACHINES VACUUM CLEANERS THAT HAVE TtKn:N TURNED IN ON NEW KENMORES Singer Treadlca Whit Treadles Willamette Rotary $10.50 up $10.50 tin $15.00 AND OTHERS THEY ALL SEWI Eureka Vacuum Cleaner $4.50, up Hco Vacuum $0.00 Kcnmnro $7.50 Electrolux Tank $10.00 SEARS & ROEBUCK 133 So. 6th. Phone 5118 Build Better With Pumi'ce-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Phone 5140 DR1VEWAV MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and 'Gravel Co. . M. Barnes M. J. Barnos Ph. 7GM Ph. 7991 LANDSCAPING, eve ween n, nhrubi and ireeii. Wo trim, mrav and miuivi HirKi Irren, LAKESIIOR15 ClAHURNS NURHKRY Phnne 420(1 ion sai.k. r.ofio w, onnn i.uiii full uiiloninMc llfi -TM volt A(--JJC Jlqlit plnul, runifilelelv (iveihnulrd will poll nr Irwin for llvetslork. At ftlrhf'eld .Service SlAtloii, 'i'Jl milOft north at Klmo nth Fnlls, orcnll Cdlloauln f:t. " TON billed uifoTia ;ifl MrTT"PTioiw T11 Iclfi k o 7 1 04. 2 NF,W"fl.7(i)ii tlrcn fnr nale, $Si. iloTa Homednlo. Phone