ta AGE TWO I1EKALL) AND NKWS. KLAMATH FALLS. ORKGON THURSDAY, KKBRUARY 211, 1952 - ;' O J- 1 KFLW-M5 Kc PST Thursday Evening, Fen. It :00 Sporu HlfhllfMi 1 IfcflPfl R0D CAMERON I drftWMMmr Mod BROWN 6: IS Horn Town Newi C 25 4rid N a Summary 6::t0 Subtirbin Scrnadt 6-45 Headline Edition ABC 6:M Coming Attracttoni on ABC 7:00 Mr. Proident ABC 7:30 Defense Attorney ABC fl 00 Ori. Amateur Hour ABC 8:45 Bine Croaby Show Red Crow 8:00 Tlie Redhead ABC 9:M Concert nf Furnpc ABC 10:00 10 PM Headline 10:1ft Slarllrht Roof ABC 10:30 Insomnia Club 11:00 Newi Summary 11:05 Sim Off Friday, Feb. 29 i:00 Sign on Newt 6:05 Corn in the Morn t:4.1 Farm Fare 7:00 New BkM Edition T:1S Charlle'n Roundup 7:30 Bob Gar red & Newt ABC 7:40 Top of the Morning 7:55 Jcnn Come Sings BC 8:00 Breakfait Club ABC B:00 Hank Henry Show 9:30 Break the Bank ABC 10:00 Chct Huntley, New ABC 10:15 Lone Journey ABC 10 30 My True Story ARC 10:55 Edward Arnold ABC 11:00 Betty Crocker ABC ii:is stop c btiop 11:30 Against the Storm ABC 11:45 Musical Roundup 11:55 Market Report 13:00 Newt. Noon Edition 12:15 Fay lesa Sidewalk Show 12:30 Lucky U Ranch ABC 1:00 Paul Harvey ABC 1:13 Better Living 1:30 Mary Maigbiet McBride ABC 2:00 Basin Briefs 2:15 Accent on Melody 2:30 Joyce Jordan, M.D. ABC 2:45 Rom. Evelyn Winters ABC 3:00 When a Girt Marries ABC 3:13 Ted Malone ABC 3:30 Dean Cameron ARC 3:45 Mary Martin ABC 4:00 Requestfully Yours 5:00 Fun Factory ABC 3:23 World Flleht Renorter ABC 5:30 Chet Huntley ABC 3:43 Voice of America CONTINUOUS SHOWS EVERY DAY g Randolph SCOTT 0' . and new greatness I I jj til ' S u ' ILL 6 00 Sports Highlights IS Home Town News 8:33 World News Summary f :30 Suburban Serenade :45 Headline Edition ARC 6-53 Sa'tV-a Nw Roundup ABC 7.00 Gillette Fights ABC 00 Richard Diamond ARC 8.30 This IS tyur FBI A HO P OO Oirie ard Harriet ABC :30 Cone, of Favorites I0:fi 10 PM He-'t-e 10:13 Dr. Hi no's Muslcalt ABC 10:3u Insomnia Cluu 11:00 News a w sign orr KFJI ll!iO Kc PST Thursday Kvrninn, Feb. ZS 00 Gabriel lleatter MRS IS Klam. Theater Quia. :30 Around Tnwn New 6:5 Sam Haes- News MBS 33 Bill Henry MBS 7:00 Harmony lime 7:t!t Sr-tt th'i 7:30 Bobby Benson MBS S:00 1 Mr tail MBS 8:30 Votce of America 8:43 Heidelberg Harmonaires :00 Glenn Hardy News MBS IS Fulton l-ewit Jr. MPS 0:30 Mutual Newsreel MBS 0:45 Sport Final 9:35 3-Mtmite Final MBS 10:00 I Love A Mystery MBS 10:15 Rod and Gun Club MBS 10:43 Serenade in Blue 11:00 Night Owls FiMtion .1:03 Night Owls Club 12.00 Sign Off KFJI 1150 Kc. PST Friday, Feb. 29 8:00 Muslcai Revet lie 6:43 Farm Reporter 6:33 Regional ews 7:00 Hemingway- News MBS 7:15 Break fan Gar. MBS 7:30 Headlines & Bylines 7:43 Best '-UJ8 8:00 Cec Brown MBS 1:15 Iiivakfast Gang MBS 8:3n Bible Institute MBS 0:00 Horn emu kern Harmonies 9:13 Backstage Blonde 0:30 Platter Party 0:45 Favorites of Yesterday 10:00 News MBS 10:15 Telia Test MBS 1C:30 laPoirtes 10:45 Concert 10:50 Currins 10:53 Ken Carson MBS 11:00 Ladies Fa r MBS 11:25 News MBS 11-30 Queen for a Day MBS 12:00 Name Bands 12:13 Noonday Newt 12:30 Danes Tunes 12:43 Music Box 12:50 Market & Livestock 12:53 Klamath Notes 1:00 Jack Ktrkwood MBS 1:30 Take a Number MBS 1:35 New 2:00 New MBS 2:05 Network News MBS 2:15 Two at 2:13 2:45 Answer Man MBS 3:00 Ricky's Request - 4:00 Speed Gibson 4:15 Hemingway News MPS 4:30 Curt Massey Time MBS 4-43 Sam Haye- -News MBS 3:00 Twilight Time 3 30 Wild Bill Htckock MBS 3:33 News MBS C:00 Gib! -el Heatter MBS 6:15 Klamath Theater Qu i , :30 Around Town New 6:45 Sam Hayes News MBS 6:53 Bill Henry MBS 7:0n Adventures of Mairie MBS 7:30 Cisco Kid MBS 8:00 Basketball Time 8:03 B.tktbl. Ashland vs. KUHS 0:00 Glenn Hardy, News MBS 9:15 Bsktbl. Ashland at KL'HS 0:45 Fulton Lewis Jr. MBS 9:55 5-Min. Final 10:00 I Love A Mystery MBS 10:15 Adven. Is Your - Heritage 10:30 Armed Force Review MBS 1:00 Night Owls Edition 11:05 Night Owls Club 12:00 Sign Off What Is Your Opinion ? Young people, previous opinion polls show, are considered our greatest potential resource. How thfy develop and mature liasa definite effect on what Amer ica will be tomorrow. But they are human, many of them already well educated and well posted individuals. Can tomorrow's adults become today's active participants in Democracy? Can the great force of youth be directed to constructive use? How Can Youth Best Contribute to Building the Basin? . (Answer the following questions, clip out the form and mail to "Build the Basin", Box 041, Klamath Falls. ) 1. Docs youth generally recognize its responsibility to the community? ' yes f 1 no ( ) 2. Do parents, schools and other involved agencies properly teach children their duties as junior citizens? yes ( ) no ( ) 3. Properly directed, could youth solve many of its own problems such as juvenile delinquency? yes ( ) no ( ) 4. Since teenagers arc conscrinted to fight and die in war. should the voting age be lowered so they may have a say in government? yes ( ) no ( ) 5. Should youth serve the community more, rather than the community be asked to serve youth more? yes ( ) no ( ' ) 6. Student "overnmen in our school systems was designed to teach the workings of democracy. Poos it do the job intended? yes (1 no ( ) 7. Should school student bodies be reoreseted on district school boards by student representatives? yes ( ) no ( ) 8. Does the community make adequate room for youth's participation in civic activities? ' yes ( ) no ( ) 9. Does youth penerally recognize property rnd in dividual rights of others? ves ( ) no ( ) 10. Hot Can Youth Best Contribute to Building the Basin? Navy Sticks To Explosive Tests In Pend Oreille Mint (Ml In IIir lukn will ) pit Irrlrd lliroiiull llio line o( nrli In Uio IohI. iiron.J -j WASHINGTON W Hie NnvV definitely pinna to no nheiul with explosive lel In Lnko Pend Oreille,, Jdnho, tin official' mid Wcdncsdiiy, . . NiimeruuH proln.u iii:ilmt llic proptMed exppTlniuntnl explosion in the Inkii hnva been received liy ConKi es.slonnl members - tram lllnllo nnd WiiHlihiKton. Ttte Nnvy offloliil told ti reporter Hint no hifoi'mntton eould be leased on llio Mine of the explosive cmii'lien unit will do Used. The tests will huve to do with "the niifcly of men nnd ships nl .sen." the spokesman mild. Nnvy Heeretnry Klmbiill wrote I Idiiho Hint loin I iuillioiitle.i nre tnorotiKity iiiniiiinr wnn me Niivy's plnns nnd hnve nnreed Hint the trsus. nre In llio iinlliinnl interest. Sen. Welker (R.-Idnlio) could not be renclied Wcdncsdiiy for com ment. The offlco of Sen. ' Mnitnuson (D.-Wuh. Mid ho hns rncolved nbout 1.1 letters objection to the forthcoming explosive IcdLs. KAM tun LESLIE-DREW ujcma KNOX r ) ADDED BCHARO UOIBEI (Orcaeater) ' SHE TOOK A mnL-B"frMMt r Jil Woman Injured In Accident Mrs. Harold Barrett observed her 29th birthday Wednesday from a hospital bed, alone with four bro ken ribs, a broken shoulderbladc and injured chest muscles. A chimney iell on her. The accident occurred at her home on the Old Fort Road Tues day afternoon when Mrs. Barrett climbed up on a ladder to take the caD off a chimney. The chimnev fell against her and knocked her to the ground about eicht feet be low. She is at Klamath Valley Hospi tal. Mrs. Barrett's husband is an electrical student at on, and their two children now are being cared for by Mrs. Mike Foley. 1i it 1. Tn "-ritini in m rm .. math classes, taken by them dur inn their nclivity period on Wed nesday and Thursday. PEOPLE IN LAKEYIEW LISTEN TO KFJI DAYTIMES They'll Hear: 11:00 a.m. !.dlr Fair 11:85 a.m. Snm llnyn Ncm 11:20 a.m. Uuern for a Day 12:00 noon Name lt.imla 12:15 p.m. Noonday News 12:30 p.m. Ilanre Tunea 12:45 p.m. Miulc llox 12:50 p.m. Market 4k Livestock 12:55 p.m. Klu mo Hi Notn 1:00 p.m. Jack Kirk wood Show 1:30 p.m. Take a Number 2:00 p.m. News 2:15 p.m. Two at 2:15 2:45 p.m. The Answer Man 3:00 p.m. Itlrkrj Krqurst Time 5000 Wotts 1150 en 1 your dial Sen, Miiiiuunoii (old a reporter he was asaiired Wednesdny tlmt( the exploitive tentn will be on n i very amnll n'nle, with Indlvldtinl explosions posHlblv rqulvnli'lit III force lo threo ntk-ki of dyiminlle MnKimson siild Klmbnll told him I HOTELS ' OSBURN ' HOLLAND lUCIMr, OR I. MtD'ORD .Tlioroiiihly Modern Jlr. and Mra. J, E. barley and Joe Enrley t l'roprletor C'MONMl Zf TS YOUK TORN TO E TOtO f , LEAP YEAR DAY! W ' Iff And the Esquire H geinf re help ye celebreti end "er . 1 LEAP YEAR MIDNIGHT SHO W! Cupid himMlf hf1p4 m Mlt prcgraiw ffcat ii f M n n4 H plMM run,, and jw. tel GAINING SALEM (.Ti The Oregon cam paign against Brucellosis in cattle is gaining ground, the State Agri culture Department said Thursday. Of 283.714 cattle tested last year, only 1.23 per cent had the disease. That is the lowest percentage in 11 years. By JEAN OWENS Latin club met today in order to make plans for their annual Latin club banquet. The date set for the Vlair is April 8. Also club members are consid ering new officers for the club, which are elected every year in the early spring. This years' offi cers arc president, Dick Tracy, vice-president, pick Hilton and secretary-treasurer, Janice Larson. The dance-a-lor. group have al ready selected a theme for' their annual spring formal, although It will be kept a secret lor quite some nme. A decorating committee consists of Lois Balliet, Nancy Berg, Doro thy Cramer, Shirley Crawford "arbara Custer, Mary Demetrakas joAnne Hanora, Donna Long, 3er aldine Moore, Shirley Tawney, Pat' ty Tealc and Doris Torans. For used typewriters and adding machines .... Voight's Pioneer Office Supply, 629 Main. Toinorrow afternoon, a pep rally will be held In Pelican Court for the Pelicans who face the Ashland Grizzlies tomorrow and Saturday nights. The Klamath sports album will be on the air tonight at 7:15 over KFJI. Hear the sportstrait of Doug Pence and try for the answer of the quiz question to win Uiose two free tickets to this weekend's bas- Keioaii games. oil heafer- G1VE TOO LITTLE HEAT, BURIl TOO MUCH OIL?! End your troubles today, SWITCH TO A OUT-HEATS 'EM ML! frTODAYATTHE 1 Yesterday the Juniors discussed the results of the Iowa Educational tests, which were taken recently, aunng me nomeroom periods. Today seniors again took the math test which they are required lo pass. Those who uass it this time will be allowed to drop the 111 OUT GIRLS . . . NO GIRLS ADMITTED WITHOUT 10 YS! Ill ; LVVBt? , . ALL TICKETS MUST IE PURCHASED IY GIRLS . . r 7 T!T r AND THAT'S NOT ALL! PLEASE NOTE SPECIAL III . ' is-. ftiV V COMBINATION ADMISSION PRICE TWO for ONE! I f jMPL J wfiv M w wlj5 jjStu&j mn4 rt 4t "nu $8i3t4r .1 Z 4-Zj f'. ADVENTURES! r 000000'ZltiQit9k- I ON CU!i STAGE "uSi Friday 9 p.m.' I 1W. rtttCK Vla Tfc ' - Is Dorah Moldovan'i I 'V.-iHttlGS -"" i "KLAMATH JUNICR I tS000 V FOLLIES" Grass Ranch Sale Told ONTARIO, Ore. 11 A new livestock feeding company here will take over 15,000 acres of grass ana nay land on tne o. A. Master son ranch. Masterson, widely known Juntura and Westfall cattleman, will sell his 1,350-anlmal hereford herd here Friday, and the new company of which he Is half owner, will buy z, ouo nead of young steers lor grazing on his land. Owner of the other half of the new firm named Oregon Feeding Company is the Oregon Frozen Foods Company. Its by-products and waste materials will be used In the final fattening of the steern which will graze on the Masterson ranch during the grass season. After the grass season, the steers will be brought to the George Car penter feed yards which the frozen foods company bought last week. ROADS OK SALEM w Pavement was bare Thursday on all Oregon high ways except for a few Icy spots at warm springs Junction, Meacn am and Seneca, the State Highway Commission reported. Fire, Auto, Casualty Insurance that fits you like a glove can be had from Hans Norland. 627 Pine Hf. Phone 2-2515. KLAMATH MU.. T -A- .1 Iff.i m ft 4I h B. . -A I AnNTIB aTAUTOMATIC OIL ei GAS HEATERS i-M r r -1 f j-'i II Ur lW,..7SS-W Z ...unl sMf I eBAicnL!l if yeur Sfis'er 0(1 er Cei Heeler deeiit'l deliver mere and hotter heel ever the flaer tkett ANT cempereble lite hearer reeo'dl" el mehe er erkt, you ! yevr money beck. jrTajii:i.'H-iMi.ii!if;i:MM:iJ!iajiNB.iJi:ijwfiira SEE YOUR NEAREST DEALER, or writs Siegler, Centralio, III. IT'S SOOTLESS! IT'S SMOKELESS! wwv 0B03OQ6 HAFTER FURNITURE SELECT YOUR NEW WARDROBE NOW... USE OUR LAYAWAY PU brand new DRESS fashions $J70 DRESSY AND CASUAL TYPES Your favored fabric, your favorite color . . . they'ro heKe in one and two piece styles! Your choice of any Reg. 8.99 drcii 2 days only ot 57.70. 100 All Wool TOPPERS STAR CHECKS AND MANY NEW NOVELTY WEAVES Gauntlet sleeves, stand up collars, novelty cuffs aro just a few of the style fea ture that make them "New for '52." $18 00 NYLONS 77l DUPONT NYLON First Quality Hose Rcq. 1.09 Values LEAP YEAR DAY SPECIAL! BLOUSES Clonic, eml-drtliy and quliilaly trimmed style! at tine eoltoni. Worth morel SKIRTS $388 Solldi, chectl, ilrlpti In straight Una ar f lorad atylaa. Worth Mere) AMERICAN CHINESE Em rhir hettl Ph. A4U Pat Otdtn T Take tat Ben B. L, Mgr. 9th and Klamath Phone 4878 617 Main i : : , I