niihikday, fkiihwahy 2fi, mr.2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OTtEfiON PACK NINETEKM ft: Vi.;.iiM. fir 1 7& N(v: 1 1 .7 X 'v i.-'J.. 1J i rr v. Plan Your Home Decorating Like an Architect On Paper llv HOROTIIV ROM HNnrUird f'reas Women's ICdllnr IJoiiilliy IJnipnr, niitileciirt up eiter of the deinrutliiK world, shvk A i ic-r leu i women, known as II it: world' lienl-dressed, prnrluea mine oi the world n wr.ldreieU homes. Bhe iioldn Unit mot n( Hie my lennus n urn MirrniintlliiK the l t lice nl Interior decora tln lt ao ninth hokum, Kiid Im.l'.U thai' any l.ody ciin do It. Mr. Draper, In llvlilf proof of Home Extension News STARTING ON HER FIRST QUARTER century with the C'alifornia-OiTijoii Power Company is Grace Wells, who on March 1st embarks on her 2!illi year with the same firm. Mrs. Wells is Home Service Director for the company and probably knows more about electric cookery than any liomemaker in Klamath County. KiiAtii viiomkdam' Hie February meeting- of the hhiitii-fiomcdiile Kxiiiiitn Unit Met nl Joan's Kltfliin, on tins 161li The biriliieis nice t J im bruiiii nl 1 0 : 30 with 14 members iiimuci'lnu i oil cr.ll. Those Interested In btisktt wenv- I Init ahotild t:onl lift Civ. vn Wollruin imiiicfiiiiiciy. mere wui or a ape t in I cla.s lor llici.c women in Miirt-li. 'I he drinnntratlrn on a "-.ton-hnvlnu lolciien" wits pre mtcd bv Porolliy Tolleth, Klamath County lender. Memiiers were fthown sample of piiim Unit will be nuidc at i lie April iiitctlnit. her theory. Thomrh she Im been rt nponHlblu fur cIiiiukIiik the? whole f iirri iit ronrept of dwomllriK, 'hp iiutnlln liKhtly she never Murlled the nlull lit all, knows nolhltiK of period furniture nnd "really never vent In school." A brief nkirinlnh with a vounir ladles' flnl.ihliiK school coir.l I lutctl nitmt nf the loninil (-duration of thin IlKlit-lirnrlefi tycoon win no turns out who.'e hou iiik projects, luxury hotels, iiiotlern iipiirlment hulldlDK and prlVHte hoinen In (ray, imonhotlox coIoia uud fuiict.onul lo i nlshlliKK, Mr. Uriiper, who Klvnn off 'nouish enertty to run nil aU,in iiii.'.tinu iniiclilnc. khvs tlreiislntt nnd det.oriillnit inn two hiilven of the Mine apple, tihe explnlns: "Thnnkii to our Inphlon maKa ine. the averimn IB-year old Klrl 1 nowndnyn In a wlzaid at planiunn her own clolhen. , "But when thin mime Klrl Bel married and ntiirtH buvlnn furni ture, mux anil drapcrlcj for her new hmiic, ihc ollen itoex haywire 8he i.tnrt-, out with no definite plan In mintl. buvi a bed here, a thair lliere and a lump Htimeplatc ele Mrs. Maxwell Anderson Puts On Blue Bonnet For Star Billing! l.ula Ihein all toitcther and then wonders why notluriK looks rlthl." Mra. Draper hail some praetlt al advlKe lor the woman atarltnst ou! lo decorate a homo or an apart ment. "Fln-t he should vn out and buy xomn hi? brown envelopes one lor each room he' goliiR to furnish. In each envelope koch all the data i he tiaa Kiilliercd up on the kind of effect Mie wanta color 8cheinc, liibrlo hwatchea and no on. "Then ahe aliotild birt1 a alx-tot rule, a supply of aoft pencils and foine blir aheeu of paper, which rhe merk Into one-.'oot souares. On each sheet of paper she locate the necessary Items of lurnlture, and with crayons she blobs in the colora. i "Next she list the Ihinns the must buy. For the livini; room she will need one divan, two end table".. Caught Napping? Save Face With Appetite Teasers Do ft lends drop In occitslonallv and ratfh von with uolhlnK to herve? The mien of hospitality ate much more flexible than they used to be, but many a hostess makes her reputation by never bemi: cauRht In this uncomlortalile situa tion. Her iflrrshiurnts may lit simple end easily prepared but they are lasiv anil iirat'tnuilv served. There's no trick to It: lust a mailer ol hnvliix the lnnredl'iiis ever-ready on the pantry shelf or In the relrliteriitor, and havlne one or two tiled and true quick refreshment formulas. One of the many dellKhtlul uses for cheeie la It Its pi-rlect adapt ebllltv as an appclnt-r. In fact. It's rillliiult to imaftlne a trv ol appellors without cheese! There rte many delicious dips. dunk:., macks nnd saudwith spreads mntle v-ith Cheddar, cottnire. crenm and blue c'leeses. Thy are easy to make, inexpensive anil uood to eat. The lucky woman with u ran keen n bitten or two nf atipe lizers in the Ireezer, readv I" pop Into 111" oven lor a muck i-rlspliiu v.'hen itnestH arrive, ..Hut treever or not. the Ijii'V homcmnker la ulwav prepared If she has cheese In In r refrigerator and cracker on the helf. .lust sec If the followlm? ap-petlle-teaseis don't fit Into vour pattern of Informal euterlaliiini:. iihoii.i:!) iii;i:si: iiincs 3i cut) (tralcd Chctldar cheese 1 eRu volk. beaten 2 1. p. Worcestershire sauce 3 Tbsp. ketchup. Mix liutredlenta tliorotmhly Into a paste and spread evenly on Bllces of new bread, rut thin the long way of the loaf. Roll strips like Jelly roll and wrap lightly, in waxed paper. Store In refrigerator about 3 hours. Remove paper with hoi. sharp knife, cut olf thin slues, place In pan and toast under broil er, turning once. Serve hot. DU E IIKKSE 1)11' 1 lb blue cheese 1 lb. croam cheese 1- 'i eupa cotluite cheese 2- 3 cup lemon Juice 2 tsp, dry mustard onion nail and pepper to taste Cut blue cheese In small pieces. Tlace In mixer bowl. Add lemon Juice, mustard, onion aalt and pep per. Beat, using low speed until smooth. Add cottage cheese and ci earn cheese. Heat again to con sistency ol whipped cream. This dip can be kept for weeks In the relrlgeralor In a tlnh'ly closed Jar. fc'erve with crackers or potato chips l-K.I.irlS IN III.ANKKTS 1 can cocktail sausages U lb. Cheddar cheese 3 or 4 dill pltkles lb. bacon, sliced fiplit each sausage from end to end. Insert' thin slices of pickle and cheese. Wrap with narrow i trips ol bacon, raslen wllh tooth crisp. Herve hoi, hot (tik.i:si-: balls Combine ' lb. grated Cheddar cheese, ' ib. butler, 1 cup Hour a drsh ol cayi-.ine pepper. Mix will and shape inlo balls, walnut i.:.e. Hake on cookie heet in hot oven. -TJ0 F-. lor IS to 20 minutes. 1 AIItllAV I N The Falrhaven Home Extension Unit met February 20 at the lalrgrounds for a business meet ing and demonstration on "Easier Ironing." led by Mrs. Karl Freld rlt h and Mrs. James Hopkins. Members decided on the colors to use In the new restroom. Potluck lunch was served at noon to 14 members and two children. The next meeting will be March li at the home of Mrs. Clint Mvciv, Keno road. An automatic gas clothes dryer Is the secret desire of every wom an who has the family iaundrv problem to solve. And rlRhlly so. ;hecati'e in 20 to 25 minutes at least one-third of the wash, cloth ing os well as towels and sheets. ii.t fluff-dried, ready to fold and put away; end the clothes that do require ironing; don't need time consuming sprinkling. Mrs. Maxwell Anderson, noted play wright's wife, finds Bixn Bonnet Margarine in perfect taste for family meals or formal dinners. You, too, will love its delicate, sunny-sweet Juror. And JJIXE Boknet gives your family real nourishment. No other spread for bread is richer in year round Vitamin A! What's more, the high-priced spread for bread cost up to 4Ue a pound more than Bixu Bonnkt Margarine! So buy Blue Bonnet and enjoy "all 3" Flavor! Nutrition! Kconom-e-e! New Idea Decor Done Willi Iron Todav's Intlatetl costs have book ed yard goods sales lo the point where more than ever, American women are "sewing to save." New full-color decal designs for fabrics, calld "Fabrl-cals." have captured the fancy ol housewives looking lor an easy. Inexpensive way ol decorating clothing, aprons, and laljrlc household Items such as draperies and table-cloths. Fahrl-cals ate easy-to-npply, re tinlre no needlework, and can be Minplv "Irnncci-oii" to nylon, ray ons, silk, even heat-resistant cot tons ai.f wool. They arc washable, durable, and come In a pleasing variety of gay designs, priced to f.l any "sew and save" budget. Announce in e 11 1- The KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE is pleosed' to an nounce thot it has been selected os the exclusive lcensee to represent the SCHOOL OF SPEEDWRITINC of Klamath Foils to teoch this famous System of ABC Shorthond, uni versally known os SPEEDWRITINC. SPEEDWRITINC can be tauqht in Day School in 8 weeks, and in Night School in 16 weeks. The reason for this short leorninq period is that fewer symbols ore used mainly the letters of the olphobet. SPEEDWRITINC is now in its 26th year, 'and there are over 100,000 writers in the country. This System is ideal for those whose work requires the need of note taking; businessmen ond women, secretaries, stenographers, typ ists and many others. To meet the present-day demand for trained personnel the KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE is organizing classes in this eosy-to-learn ABC Shorthand. Enrollment is bcinq accepted for the class starting on March 1 0th. For information Phone 4760 or call in person. SAVE WITH A GOOD m) m;u im. ini iini; ilMOliS SI IKES.., our .Wiit'cliotinc is bursting with tlicm . , . machines inspected and adjusted liy our expert SINGKR mechanics. , . nnrry, po mail or iioio orderi, TBIitllMiS (tlri beads) f roilTIBMi lilcdriB COXSOLB Blerlriti " $2250 3250 On tnlc only nl the SINGER SEWING CENTERS listed below: ah-footsie y IAVAGI-WAYNI Bouncy Foam Rubber Soles Washable tops on thick, bouncy foam rubber soles. QUILTED PLASTIC New faille velon in brilliant red, green, blue Women's sliest small (4-5); wedium (5Va.6'i); l--.. IT-SI- extra larae (81A-91Al. f A LE0NS 525 Main fTrORI NAME, PHONE AND ADDRESS HERE Please send me $1.99 per pair. Site I Color. .pair of "ah-footsles" at I I .2nd Color. Name. two lamps, two arm chairs, a cf I fee tank-, a ruff and pictures for I the wails. ! "She shouldn't try to economise I too tn'ieh rn the main piect'i oi I furniture, she shouldn't buy any ; IhlriK mat later she will want to throw away. Il'a better to splurge !on handsome lamps, for instance, i and save on aucti thmj as the end tables. "Her color acheme can be one of three thintts: (Ai sharp contrasts. ;.uch as white walls, a red carpet vn black accents, for Instance; i B Bll one color, such as walls, runs, drapes and furniture all the same tone of llKht blue; (Ci blend ed lon-;s of various colora This Is !the thins most women trv to do. land Is by far the most difficult." I The ematcur decorator can't jro ivrong, however, saya Mrs. Draper. If ahe taleea the suKirestlons of the manufacturers of runs drapes and such, on co-ordlnnted colors, tex tures and fabrics. These companies are hlrlnn lop designers to work out complete room plans that are almost fool proof. Mrs.. Draper, who believes that everybody needs some color In his life does everything on a dik scnie and hates dinky things, doesn't care how many periods are com bined, Just co they are In scale "And look Hunt." f HEY GALS! THERE WILL BE A LEAP YEAR AT THE ARMORY SATURDAY NIGHT There Will Be Lots of Tag Dances WICKS DUI TO COLO! Reei.hnritwn hnrna nmiiy to uh It . . ,V NAPORU Luxurious SPA Resort SPECIAL WINTER RATES The holiday you've always wanted now at a special low price! Amid the snow capped peaks surrounding beautiful Lake Harrison, B.C., enjoy the happy com bination of complete spa facilities and erery resort diversion. Two heated pools! Exotic Copper Room for dancing and relaxation. Now is the ideal time! - REDUCED WINTER RATES siJrF.RB :t:rsir. jiii April t fEortpesn Flint . , . Brukfut I .90 8..Nr;LEllhrlb,M.(IO!..SO l.unchw0 MtDLE with balk, 16.00 to 7J ' Itinnar - 2.30 MUSIC BY BALDY'S BAND "Just Good Done Muiic" . featuring George Willis & Paul Swigart DANCING 9-1 SI. 20 PER PERSON (Tax Inc.) for referral ionts write, wire or telephone the Manager, Ilarrtaon Hot Springs Hotel, Harrison, B.C. or aee your travel agent. Color brochure on request. li n a you ever used i Crackers are singly-stacked, no need "break them apart" before serving I Serve without taking the pack off the shelf thanks to the end-openingl &(SGl&tnm... Re-fold the wrapping of each packet in a flash keeps crackers oven-fresh to the last! tWl... You'll love the tastier goodness of thinner, crisper SNOW FlAKlj saitinesi Kepi freshest of all by wax paper protection! BAKED BY NABISCO ft NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY uw m f x ;; " - : . ' ."1 n kL3 4 Wrapping women Voted o use!' WflX PACKETS When it comes to downright goodness, no cracker in ils field comes close to Snow Flake Saltines! This thin and tasty cracker is so delightfully crisp, so invitingly good, you'll love it equally with spreads, with soups or salads, or just as is with beverages. Do try them. Now in the new 4 In-Er-Seal Wax Packets, at your grocer's. Address. I State Phone 2-2513 .City. 633 Main I Cash Charge C.O.D. . Mi,i:it Miinuniiinninii'uv i