THURSDAY, KWIRUARY 21), 10!52 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVENTEEN' Iff ra an Z7 TIiIn nml That About Woim'ii tdlted by Ruth King IVs A Woman's World" ' . : : .,''-,' N . . t- ' '. A.; , j JLa .V "ijr-I ..,. v.. V , 11' ' t. - - ' 'V V 1 : . ; ! 1 -ja-sff H- 77 4 . y fv r ll I k I I . l -I neip Meeaea 1 To Serve Food i. Anyono lnlcrcslfd In serving the 1 lunchwin or tlio minimi llomcmnk en' Ff.ntivnl Mny Otli, Ix nskcd to META PAINTER, Supremo Worthy High Priestess, To ronto, Ontario, Canada, will be present for a special meeting 8 p.m. February 29 of Naomi Shrine, No. fl, Order of the White .Shrine of Jerusalem at the Masonic Temple. There will lie a no-hostess dinner in her honor at 6:30 o'clock at the Willard Hotel preced ing the meeting. Many visit ing Sojourners and out-of-town guests will attend. A children's nftrty suKRCstlon Is tn iibs tlio top Rriddle of your modern Ran rnnnc to mnko lint pnncnltes served with mnple npplc :yr;i, crlxp bncon unci n RoliUIn Jrult milnd with whipped crenni (IichIdr: topped off with n of milk unci a Good Humor stick cnll the Home Extension office, 8151 or Mr. Mnrk Taylor, 6184. Since between 300 and 350 wo men will be served, those Interested should cnll the above numbers be fore March 6. The onnunl festival brings wo men snd their handwork displays from all parts of the basin. WEBSTER SAYS that mod esty is undcr-estimation of one's worth, one' own capa bilities and merits , . Dora Goddard, chief deputy in the office of Klamath Coun ty's Sheriff, Murray "Red" Britton, Is a modest woman. It took urging to Inarn that she has been in pub lic life in our own home' town court house since 1935. She served four years as court reporter, flashing a wicked pencil under Cir cuit Judge Edward B. Ash urst. She graduated to the County Clerk's office and in 1942 moved into the office of Sheriff Lloyd Low. With the appointment of the in cumbent Mr. Britton, she has served under three sheriffs. If members of the "weaker" sex err, Mrs. Goddard can tuck you safe ly away in lawful custody ... she flicks the keys of a typewriter in her secretar ial duties . . does all the book work when you leave your husband, have your dove cote assessed, as cus todian legal ledgers. She is a member of the Central Committee of the Democratic party in Klam ath County an earnest party worker. She is the mother of two sons and three daughters, all grown . . grandmother of ten boys and girls . . one small namesake grand daughter, Miriam Dora Goddard. Make Own Drapes Help OSC Author Homemakcrs can spruce up their homes for spring with the help of a bulletin on making drapes Just Issued by Oregon State college. "Make Your Own Dranerics." extension bulletin 721. point out that fabrics do much to create the mood of a room, and can tie the decorative scheme of the room together through color, texture and design. Mrs. Myrtle Carter, exten sion home furnishings specialist Is author. The bulletin explains how to measure for drapes, what mater ials are needed, and various ways drapes can be hung. A number ol easy-to-follow Illustrations demon strate each step In making sev eral types of drapes, Including pleated, traverse, and festooned draperies. Instructions are also given for making valances and cornice boards. Free copies of this new bulletin are Available at county extension offices. Lost Book Back In OSC Library OREGON STATE COLLEGE After being lost fur more than 37 vcars, a valuable book Is back on the shelves of the Oregon Btate college library. The volume, Thomas If. Mitw son's "The Art and Craft of Oar- den Making," was added to the college library In 1012 at a cost of $20. It was last checked out June 5, 1014. Sometime after that It disappeared. It was uncovered a few days ago In the attic of a Corvallls resident who never had seen the book be fore and had no explanation of how It happened to be In his home. He turned It back to the library. The aged library records do not dhow whether the lost book was ever paid for. But Dr. William Kozumplik, assistant librarian, snld the accumulation of fines on the volume, which was out for 37 years 8 months and IS days, would be WJt 1 , MIRRORS I U t " " any if Room In the Home! Ki874. The library does not M pect to collect. AN EASY WAY TO HAVIA PIANO . rn can rani l.ralr ,.nl ,la( rrom lha l.oul, H Man. rl tarn- " " ' m..mT, ral., Allar a, ra.aonabl. lmi ya can. ir yon wiah, rhanga from rani U par ch.",? traanianl. lha rani alraadr fall la all cradllad la yaur narcllaai and no otner down pavmanl la naoaa f,".;r' "'"'n'r parmanu cm k llllla hlfbar than rent. Or, If ys gra ft r, yon can oonllnao lo ronfc. Serving Coke servckosjiitolily ' W One thing most guests will welcome is ice-cold Coke. Easy to serve... easy on the budget . . . and so welcome. Keep several cartons on hand. OTTIED UNDEt, AUTHOIITY OF THE COCA-COIA COArANY COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF KLAMATH FALLS "CeJht" fi o roorif fd faoJo-wort. 1933, THE COCA-COIA COMPANY I f CHICK STAMtTIKl I OSS? TRIANGLE Chick Starter '(RUMBLES Here ti a natural feed In Krum bliied form that is easy to feed without waate yet small enough for the tiniest chicks. A balanced ration for healthier, faster growing chicks. .... . Sofol totally by DEALERS) Trey V, Cook Feed Co., Klamath Foils Sharp Grain Co., Merrill, Or. .. IF ' 117 V 7 W COUNTRY STYLE W ENJOYED A TASTIER LENTEN DISH ! I I COTTAGE CHEESE v ty f' "'rt boroins in corn ee eooof ' Vv " " IMm: - ; 1 '- vf' 5"' v I fcj or Lent, enjoy cottage cheese as it sioud taste extra smooth. '' ::'Tm'mmmmmm'mmm Q extra creamy extra rich' I ?:H J"" - i,!-! JCZx Sc&" I Borden's Cottage Cheese is made from the finest pasteurized milk I ' 1 V-BXV,X7i7issX J by the world's most accomplished cheese makers. It has lots of vJ(J?l 1&J t f I pure, fresh cream added to make it the fluffiest, creamiest r,';Uinu,UD iKStltSTStfld HSllM1'1! k j cottage cheese you ever tasted! lf IV jsja. iMfMfMrwi IS I - Never be satisfied with less than the best -always get Borden's j : 1 L Cottage Cheese! ; . tfmmmi Bordens . I f.i , ,r!s bokoinS irs got to ee eooo-'J ffrh ' f t spaaw tMS.t6.v.$ ffltA Vn. - saa- s5- COTTAGE CHEESE 4 Wonderful, varieties Cream Stylo, Country Sfye, Cooge Chee.e with Chivs, Cottage Chtett Fruit Salad. 1