PAGE SIXTEEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALI-S. OREGON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 19(12 iureau Studies Water Level In Butte Valley As Survey Progresses Observations of 40 wells nd three sumps In Butte Valley are be-inn- taken now bv the U. S. Bu reau of Reclamation in an effort to determine Just how much nat ural underground water mav vauey has and can count on year after year. : The Bureau has drilled 20 shallow wells, 35 to 50 feet deep, In vari ous parts of tne vauey, ana nss Also gotten permission to niti&e uu ervatlons of 20 other wells and "QUEEN BESS" Bess - Myerson, "Miss America of 1945" and now a New York . television star, shows a new variety of pink camellia, named "Queen Bess" in honor of her selection as national camellia queen of 1952. The flower was devel oped at Magnolia Gardens, Charleston, S.C. three sump privately owned for Irrigation or stock watering. The study began last Fall and probalv will continue until next Fall and possibly through next Win. ter. At present the studies are of the water level. A monthly check Is made. Next irrigation season the study will go deeper into a "paired hole" system to determine how pumping from one well will effect the water level of another hole nearby, how much drawdown of the water level there is and generally what the movement of underground water is. After the data is gathered over year or more, the information obtained is to be turned over to experts of the Bureau to see whnt questions Uie studies have answered. The questions the Bureau would like to have answered include: How much underground water supply is there? Does it all come from precipitation, or how much is from runoff of higher levels? How Bus Strike Talks Slated SAN FRANCISCO m Pacific Greyhound officials and union rep resentatives meet again Thursday with Federal Conciliator Omar Hoskins in an attempt to head off a seven-state bus tieup set for this Weekend. They met Wednesday but made So announcement of progress. Some 3,500 members of the AFL Motor Coach Employes' union have voted to strike at 12:01 a.m. (PST) Sunday if their new contract demands are not met. The union represents drivers and employes in Oregon. California. Nevada. Arizona, New Mexico, and parts of Utah and Texas. The union has asked for- a 40 hour five-day week and wage hikes that would increase long distance drivers' mileage pay from- $7.26 to $8.50 per 100 miles. It wants hourly rates for short- run drivers increased from S1.63 to $2.04. . The company has offered a four per cent wage boost and a two year contract that would tie wages to the cost of living. Mystery Object Balloon Weight WALDPORT W) The strange object found hanging in trees near the Alsea River turned out to be only a weight, cast off from a high flying scientific balloon. It was a barrel of sand with three parachutes attached that Everett Barclay, a logger, found in the Scott Creek district. Inquiry brought out the fact it was a weight automatically cut loose from a bal loon that ascends to heights of 75. 000 to 100,000 feet, recording scien tific data. - The balloon was released at Tillamook, Ore., an Air Force liaison officer said. Others have been released in the past, several years, and were blamed for many of the flying saucer reports. I Lobbyists Doing Okay WASHINGTON W A senator who checked incomes of lobbyists and found over 100 of them made more than members of the Senate and' House said Thursday mere curiosity prompted the survey, and that he was not Jiinting at pay raises for Congress members. Some of his colleagues thought Wednesday Sen. Hayden (D.-Ariz.) may have had a pay raise in mind when he checked the incomes of 525 registered Congressional lobbyists. tie saw nis survey showed that 138 collect larger pay than the $15,000 a year that goes to mem bers of Congress. Hayden said 40 lobbyists collect over $50,000 a year. 18 between $35,000 and $50,000; 22 between $35,000 and $35,000 ; 21 between $20,000 and $25,000; and 37 between $15,000 and $20,000. Asked by a reporter why he made the survey, Hayden said "I ! was just curious." He said the official Congressional Record was : filled with lobyists' reports, but no one before had troubled to sum marize them. Sleepy Boy Still At It LA GRANDE Lfl Lloyd A. Chandler, 52, who started yawning with the new year, is still at it. He yawns every five minutes, and is encouraged by that. Its a big improvement from the early days of January, when he was yawning every two seconds. He spent two weeks in a hospital, just yawning, but then improved enough to go home, still yawning but not quite so fast. Chandler says that what's wrong with him is lack of oxygen in his oiood, Decause of arthritis. His physician. Dr. John B. Greggory, has not commented publicly. Chandler believes he can get rid of the yawns in a few more months. He is resting, trying to build himself up. When they cease, he intends to go back to his job as a Union Pacific railroad clerk. EDUCATOR DEAD PLATTSBURGH, N. Y. 11 Dr. Charles C. Ward, president of Plattsburgh State Teachers College since 1932, died Wednesday night in a Montreal hospital. He was 62. Happy Is The Day When Backache Goes Away Naroinff backache, loss of pep and enenry, headaches and dizziness may be due to Blow down of kidney function. Doctors say good kidney function is very important to good health. When some everyday condition, such as stress and strain, causes this important function to slow down, many folks Buffer nag ging backache feel miserable. Minor blad der irritations due to cold or wrong diet may ea use gettingup nights or frequentpassages. Don't neglect your kidneys if these condi tions bother you. Try Doan's Pillsa mild diuretic Used successfully by millions for over 60 years. It's amazing how many times Doan's give happy relief from these discom forts help thelSmiles of kidney tubes and fil ten flush out waste. Get Doan's Fills today I SPECIAL! NEW LONG PLAY RECORDS At Less than Half the Price you have been paying! 33! LP. RECORDS 10 inch I and I 12 inch 141 Different Titles to choose from! Symphonies, concert end opera vocals, concertos, light classics, piano, chamber music, popular. dwhifcMmk Co. steady Is the supply? How does (lie water move around under the grouna? And a lot, ol others. Butte Valley contains around 85, 000 acres of land, extending from Just below the Oregon - California line down to south of Mncdoel, and east and west to the ridges. It Is roughly shaped like a dinner plate, with elevation of about 4,300 feet along the rims of Uie valley proper all the way around and of about 4,240 in Uie center. A good deal of the land Is pri vately owned, some is public land, leased to the Butte Valley Soil Conservation District. It represents the largest nearby potential agri cultural development of the entire Klamath Basin. At present no water is Imported Into the valley for irrigation. About 80 wells will be pumping next sum mer, and the idea of the USBR study is to determine the extent of the underground water those wells will be drawing from, and how much last that underground water can take care of; whether Butte Valley can be self-sufficient for wa ter in complete agricultural devel opment. In addition to the well studies, four precipitation gauges are in op eration in the valley to determine Uie amount of water it gets from rain and snowfall. Two non-recording gauges, one in Red Rock Val ley and one at Tennant, have to be read every day. and two recording gauges from which readings are ! tatron nArimlloll,, r, pa Im.iuI . ' Prather Creek and on the road to Shovel Creek. Data from those gauges Is sent to the Weather Bureau of the De partment of Commerce, which is cooperating in the studies. Digger Ban Over-ruled PORTLAND Wl Three circuit Judges Wednesday held that a city ordinance banning coin-operated digger machines is Invalid. Judges Martin w. Hawkins ana James R. Until held that the city cannot ban the machines because Uie state regulates Uiem. They previously made a similar ruling on pinball machines. Judge McCormao Snow ruled that Uie city did not show cause for designating the digger ma chine ban an emergency measure. This ruling was similar to an ear lier circuit court opinion Invalidat ing a ban on punch boards. City Attorney Alexander O. Brown said he would recommend Uiat the ruling be appealed. Ruling on piiioaii macnines ana puncii' boards now are under appeal. The court test was brought by Raymond and Elsie Bowc, doing business as tlio Portland Crime Company. innoK-iiinoK RUMBLES MANILA Wt Hlbok-Hlbok vol cano on Camlguln Island is rum bling again, the Weather Bureau's Geophysical Division said Thurs day . An eruption last December killed an estimated 800 persons. Weather Bureau Director Arturo Alcaras said there was no need to be "unduly alarmed. He said it may be monUis before another eruption. QUAKE IN PHILIPPINES MANILA OB A mild earthquake rocked Uie town of Tacloban on Leyte Island in Uie Central Philip pines Thursday, but no damage was reported. The temblor was recorded at 10:15 a.m. Expert Gun Repairing and Rcbluing THE GUN STORE ttClV and Deigned You A COMPLETE ELECTRIC SINK featuring Westinhouse Ml'" - ' . . f court, Dishwasher Models as lew as $279.95 8 Months to Pay Roll?Out to Load I Rolls Back to Wash! The Wash Well rolls out for easy, no-stoop loading . . . for greater capacity. Wash pots and pans with dishes or wash a complete dinner service for 8 at one loading. The Wash Well is watertight, leakproof. Jet spray washing and rinsing are thorough. Dishes dry in live, circulated, heated air. Top is a full-time counter work surface. In Cabinet, Under-Counter and Electric Sink Models, latter with or .without the Waste-Away Electric Garbage Disposer. SIMPLE TO INSTALL SAVE COST SEE NOW a&i Sick Appliances Corner 7th and Klamath Ph. 8886 wu can be sure., if .rsAstinghouse Forest Surveys Badly Out Of Date Says Stockman, Funds Asked For Field Use WASHINGTON Iffl Available forest surveys are "badly out ol date," Hep. Stockman (R.-Oie.) sum Thursday. ine Oregon congressman ex pressed lila belief in a statement prepared for presentation to the House Appropriations subcommit tee now considering appropriation Bequests for the U.S. Forest Serv ice during the 12 months begin ning July l. Stockman, who was' to appear before the subcommittee in closed session Thursday, made conies of his slatement available to report ers Dctort'iuina. TRIES FOR SECOND CINCINNATI MV-Bobby Adams, who will be starting his seventh year as utility lnticlder for the Cincinnati Reds, hopes to get the regular second Paso Job this sea son, Adams will have first crack at the position vacated by Connie Ryan who was traded to the Phil lies. In 60 (tunics last scuson Adams batted .266. Bottled or canned beer and ale should be chilled on the bottom shelf of your gas refrigerator. Onco they're cool, it Is advisable not to take the cans or boll Irs out of Uie refrigerator until used. In urging approval of an $808,000 item for forest surveys, Stockman declared that a re-survey la "bad ly needed" In Oregon and other limber states to show modern con ditions. Tremendous changes In limber utilization and In the nature of forest Industries have occurred in the 1!0 years since tho first sur vey was mado, ho said. "We must know tho facta regard ing our timber resources to deter mine the kind of management poli cies needed to sustain our Indus tries on a permanent basis," he declared. 't The Oregon congressman also urged approval of a 13 million dol lar request for forest development roads and trails, but expressed re gret that no Increase had been re quested In funds for access road construction, Now Many Wior FALSE TEETH With Little Worry i.JL,,:..,?n'' l,ul! .or " without llir.1 ,n,rrl'V l"'tt ,triimln,r. ... -uu,,,,,,,, r vn-l r.r. I'll noun Vi!" ,"'m" "n'l mo" comfortably. Thti peasant powtltr h. no jrummy. laoty, p..,,- t, or r,rln, ,M,- rS.ut ""! " ataalina inon.a.M,!). u.l rASTfckTII i any diuf atort Assorting that over-rlpo timber on thousands of acres la going to wattlo each year because it Is In accessible, Stockman aald "a few million dollars for the construction :it roads Into audi arras would pav off hundstimelv In facilitating the harvest of timber at Ihn peak of Its volumo and quality, in hastening request to carry out research Into the regrowth of new timber on the area, and In Incroascd returns to the treasury." Ho favored a (1,08:1,3711 request A Quiet Time Was Enjoyed By All RIO DE JANEIRO, Brand Iff Tho local newspapers praised Po lice chief (Jim. Cyro Resentle Wednesday for a peaueful four-diiv pre-lenten carnival. Only 30 fatalities and 3,300 In juries occurred. Among the fatalities wore five murders, 13 tralflo accidents, one fall, one poisoning. Normally car nival fatalities average nine a day. for timber sale nilmlnlutrallon on grounds It will return added rey. vnuea to I ho treasury Uirough 111 creased miles; urged acceptance ot a ;no,titiu reipicnt for lire coiMml, contending It would result In re duced los.'iea ol natural rentiiuiirs In reduced emergency fire fighting obligations: and ciidurnod n I3l,:i7 refluent to curry out research Into (ha control of Hulognton weed. BUILD mm PVrOMMMC& BUILDING BLOCKS r PEYTON I 111 bCO. MiRKIT r. II "SPORTSMENS NIGHT Friday Night at Methodist Church ' 7 to 10 P.M. Demonstrations by locol iportsmon and movios on fish inq, hunting and vacation travel. Opon to the public. Bring family (or good entertainment. Light refreshment icrved. 50c per person. 9th and Pine Phone 3U 1 s ' IN BOUQUET-FRESH PASTELS 1.98 lovely sheer acetate ninons in freh-a-prinotinia colors, bedecked with loca or embroidery. Some In new, shadow-checked textures. Well-made, hem-typa seams prevent ravelling. Whlte,pink,blu,moiie.32-38. WIDE CHOICE IN RAYON 2.98 Skirts you would never expect to find at only 2.98, in the season's latest rayon fabrics suitings in tiny checks, gay plaids or solid gab ardines. Some with self belts, high-rise waist bands for blouse tuck-in. Come In, try them on. In springtime colors. Sizes from 22 to 30. 2-SKIRT CAROL BRENT, Black and colon 9.98 Sing 9 to 13 Wards offer you 2 new spring outfits for Ihe price of one. The jacket is of checked rayon suiting, with skirt to match. Extra skirt of solid color rayon. Skirts hove six gores, swirling 58-lnch sweep. FOR GREATER SUIT VALUE IT S "D0NCASTER" AT DON'S By J. Schoeneman w ic i iiiim i ii eyre ine dcst A Leading Consumers Report Says "They're The Best For Their Price" We Want " You" To Find Out That They're The Best W DO Ml OFFER FREE --ONE WEEK ONLY Mark Twain Shirt (3.95) Tie (1.50) Socks ' (75c) With The Purchase Of Any DONCASTER Suit JfflM SHIPMENT mM m l$m) ARRIVED 120 No. 7th 6th and Main Ph. 4519