THURSDAY, FKBRUARY 20, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREflON PAGE FIFTKEN Tag Foes In Wild Deadlock Till' (Jinky lll'ollii-rri, limlrlriilf-'l Inr Iwii mill it hull yi'iiiH In Iiik Irnin wrr.-illlim, lininlii'il m n diml lirnl Willi Ynm Cirtiiiiiin mill Kuil Vmi l'iiiiriilif-lni Iiim niuht nt Uin miiinry mill Huldiit (imkv mill Cirtoi'lmi fliilftlicri wiih hriiilurhi'x, Tim Clarky. clrfylim I he ruin Ihrtiuilliiiut that Just mm itirnilii't' n( null li'n in ! In the rliiK l Ihr mi mo tlinr, hull Die liiiri -limiil ni"l of the wuv. Hut IhrV uol n lllllr Ion iiiin uhrn rut')) Irmil hail imr lull mill It intil lliriii it- tlmw. Hnliliit liilrliril niilu Vmi P"i Willi n liriiillnrk; Ivmi Uiuky (IHI llio Mitnr In Crclcirlmi. AIM Tili-ll Hit lluvilnii liovn bucked fill. Iniik Hint, mill mmtril tiiurlli'-r )lkf riinnwny rsiiiTM liiilnri. Thn Mrnrral lilrii. nl ruin'riii, wun tn hump C'itIoi'Iiiu'ii licuil mi Vmi J 'fip' r Vim vrl'nu, Hill tin' Clriiiuiii limli'il up their 'plrni. Jlr itavr Kntiliit n Miililt-n hlinvt', fMu)lii tin liradlm-k. 11 win Moltlm'it iiiiKum Unit plnyru lull with Crtlnriiin'ii iioukHi. liiiiMiiiii'h nit Kolflat mill Cri'lor. Imi wrifl Dip two who writ hrriip. iiIiir when thn wlmlo IhliiK Miuli'il, Vmi Pup mid I vim couldn't nettle thn Imui. ' Nrlthrr could Suliliit mid Ynrir. Thry were hnth out colder thmi (lrpi-NP iimrkpiohi! Cfll'NTKII Ol T Dolli were ciiuiiIpiI out by Uol ncri Buck Wi'iiver mill Cllno Nlru llnl. who at Irnnl hhowrri thry roiilrt count In 20. Thry ilidnT tlmw nnylliliiK cine and Imictlipr could not htindlc Hip rouiih bout. Ivan worcd unliliiKlnit Von rniippiiliplm with till octupwi hold. Von Pupprnhrltn evenrd iimltr-rn with the bnck-urenkrr mid Ivan wan the victim. Nlcollnl to Weaver In the npenrr when the Italian boy pl (or a unit an old an Jack llriiny. Kuril had a lull mid Nlcollnl was piinlMiliiK Wruvrr Willi a li'K hold. Ill back wan to Weaver mid the ri-Inrilnnii loolbnll alar rrmjicd up and palled him on the buck. Ltr io lllnn, loollnhly think Inn Ihe pat caiiin from Releree Von Ptippen helm, released run bold. Weaver lirabed Ihe rip-haw hcadlock tor the rubber fall. Nlcollnl wnn the llril lull with the apreail v.'iiiKlock, Weaver the acrond with Iho teeter-tntler press. . I'l'oinoler Mack I.llhird sitlct lo ll a V ho In tryliiK to rematch the Oorky brothern iiuiilnut Cretorlun and Von Poppenhelm aller hint iiiitht'a weird and uivuill.ilaclory endiiiR. .. i . "TJnw ii in n mi i jjjiiu l mM mm-.,': -v mW - - L V-tfW' 1'i" 1 r't:'1 CAGE SCORES rnllcge Ranketball By Ihe Aaaoclaleil J'reaa FA It WKHT Colorado A M 70 Denver C2 Montann male 57 Utah mate A3 Colorado CoHeec 711 Oninhii 63 rJiuitu Clura 71 lluwull Unlv Ui KANT Prim Htate 84 Went Vlmlnla f,5 Hvracune 67 Cornell 60 F'ordham 70 llutiiera M fovertlinci Uetty.iburK 03 Muhenberx bi MII1WKHT Kradlev 64 Hownton 60 chli'iiKO Loyola Hi Illinois Tech 01 Ottawa iKubj 70 Collexe o( tin- porta 47 HOIITIIWKKT . New Mexico AfcM M Arizona Hlnle li'liiKMliiMi 49 MOUTH I.oulHvllle 101 Xavlcr 'Ol H7 Wfntern Kinlucky 04 Kentucky WcHloyan 8 William It Marv 87 Vlmlnla 86 Maryland 54 Richmond 60 HIGH HCIIOOI. Hy The Auoelalrd l'rr B-7 hub-lllrlrl Tournament Umuplne 48, Irrliton 44 Helix 6:i. Uklnh 36 Htantleld 53, We.iton 41 Pilot Rock 81, Boardman 54 lover time i Athena 83. Lexlniftoii 28 lone 50, Bt, Josephs ol Pcndlcfon 40 A-5 Kub-I)ltrlrt Toiirnamrnl ReedHport 81, Myrtle Cn-ek 39 HiwpOui'K 67. Sutherlln 32 Houbregs Leads In Scoring lly The Annoclalril Prem Hob HoubrcKH nf the Northern nivlnlon Cluimplon Washlniilon llikles continue! to lead the Divl nlon In total ncorln but mnrka maruihlp honor now belong to Ore gon Guard Ken Wcgncr. BtiitlMlc.i released by the Pacific Coast Conference roinmlialnner'a Metiers Win 12th Ronnie Chcync poured In 20 points last night to lead Metlern to a 48-34 win over Crater Lake at Fairvlew. The victory wn Mitlrra' twelfth aKiiin.-t no lo;...Cb In the Victory league. Orland Dixon with 18 points paced the aecond-place Klamath Packers to a 63-18 win over Men u Hand Laundry in the other same on the program. Tommy Upton, nhort-slop for (he Washington Henutorn, is ntudyinn at the University of Southern Cali fornia for a master's degree in mathematics. office Wednesday showed Wegncr has dropped 21 of 46 floor (hots In 12 league games this season for 46.7 per cent, equaling the Division's field goal standard set by LaDon llenvm of Washington In 1951. The league office reported Hou bregs' mark Is 45.7 per cent. He has combined 80 field goals In 175 attempts with 59 free throws for 219 points. Both players will have a chance to better tho marks this week-end, Houbregs when Washington playa Washington State Friday and Sat urday and Wegner against Oregon State tho same days. The gams end the. regular season schedule. FOR COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE ALWAYS THJNK OF ' - 7 I"'- w., , . i ; q.iww.awr..i.i a ' -"'ri Engine Overhauling Our Specialty Cars and Trucks JUCKELAND TRUCK SSL 11 fh ond Klamath, Klamath Falls Phona 7755 SOVIET SHENANIGANS The Russian Gorkys teamed up lust ni),'lit on Vor) Crctorian and almost succeeded in impaliiiR the Humanian on the rojies. Ivan jjrah.s a choke 'liold while Soldat concentrates on York's arm. But for all (heir Illegal efforts, all the Hussians could do was get a draw with Crctorian and Kurt Von l'oppcnheim. Soldat and Yorg ended tip asleep. OCE.. Bearcats I Open Tourney if PORTLAND M"i Willuniettc 4 T ill pin v Oregon College of Kdtlca I lion anil I'ortliiud University will I k meet Leu-is and Clark In the open I '..init round of Ihe district NAID bas I tit:l)all louiniinient here Mniilay. 'liic winners will meet the follow ing night lor tho right to represent . I.. ..ii I U Ml Tmlr. HKUI1 ill mc iiii.hii ...- j riev at Kansas City. The pairings j fccre announced Wednesday. QUI ICC QTI ICC ii ii & i W I t m m m I Wchiis turned In two whltcwaMi Jobs Tuesday and Wednesday In i the rly shulflebnard league, blank- 1 lug the Vets Tuesday night, 4 0, ' nd Ihe Kaules last night. i si s aim inns fiace spin -j-j v Tuesday night, Mecca out-tjiuftcd ! the Vcls, 3-1, last night. 1 ! '.J $L Let's Go Fishing IN THE UPPER KLAMATH LAKE! THE WINNER THIS WEEK: RAY NELSON 110 No. Carroll '5 lbs. 5'i oz. Clconed Wciqht ENTER YOUR FISH Any fiih caught in Upper Klamath Lake or ' tribuiarici. Muit be cleaned head on, gills out. Weigh in before S p.m. Monday evening. 1 Upper Klamath Specials: Pop's Eggi . 73c C-lais Coitinj Rods from $5.95 New Style "Steclhcod" "Field Colling Reels from $2.50 Potk" Eegs plj. 40e . Plostie Floots 10e Hooks pkg. 35c and 40c Plastic Cubbies for spin fish- Lcodor roll . ,. . 25c to 50c ing from 1 5c Catting Line spool 45c lo $2 Mullet Hooks From 5c Spinning Lino $1.45 to 52.25 A complete supply of ell neces- Flatfish and Kustclurot Complete selection. sary items for fishing! Pflrtl P' SPORTING ypEaga tdP GOODS 222 So. 7th Ph. 5520 How to judge whiskey value : HavV or. of Calvert put in one glou and the same amount of any other whiilcey in another , without knowing which ia which. 3r r CSM V 'in 7 ?1 2 Sniff one brand for ronifl. Taste it criti cally fofimoofines. Swallow carefully to judge its freedom from bitr, burn or sting. Tairelheotherwhit- key in the same analyt ical way then pick the one that really tastes better to you. BE YOUR OWN WHISKEY EXPERT I The big difference in whiskey values is the difference in taste. That's why it will pay you to make an easy 60-sccond taste test between Calvert Reserve and your present brand. We're sure you will prefer Calvert because its smoother, mellower taste is pfotcctcd from bite, burn or sting by "vacuum distil ling" at low temperature. But don't take our word for it. Compare and make your own choice. Fair enough? M ' in . $155 0 Pinr mi vii I H.. - I s " rrj 1 Calvert Challenges Comparison K ' with any whiskey on the market ! CAIVERI RESERVE HENDED WHISKEY 86.8 PROOF 65 GRAIN NEUTRAt SPIRITS. CAIVERI DISTILLERS CORP., N. Y. C MM I mm k .tel. . f f ; ' i i . . at te-, I- Are you interested in saving up to 25.50 on a new suit ? SALE ENDS MAR. 11 ! us Closeout! 101 men's suits at these unbelievably low prices! Top brands are included in Jhis big money-saving event at Hardy's. Come in . . look 'em over see what you save! ONE LARGE GROUP! Handsome regular and tropical weights in sharkskins, gabardines, and flannels. CHECK YOUR SIZE BELOW: Short ""X X X X R.ouior xnx"x XX Lonoi X y X X X Stout VALUES TO $49.75 2 ONE LARGE GROUP! A top brand at a 1940 price! Fabrics include sharkskins, worsteds, sheen gabs. CHECK YOUR SIZE BELOW: Short X X Roowtot xxxx""xxxx Long! XXX X Stout X 4 WAYS TO BUY! 1USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN 2 USE YOUR CHARGE ACCOUNT 3 90 DAY BUDGET TERMS A W will even let you Vy cosh If you choose. VALUES TO $65.00 820 Main STORE FR MEN. Ph. 6778