THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 211. HM2 "PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON 'n.. I m j eV fJoT ?Ja . Wi m i m rw m a Wj WW w mra, m. u m jf if A "W 41 V" t-j I Olr1 Legltimoti Advertised Prices! . uj- ,rm i iiM1 i? i5i nnrvn n s?v jy.Yi i 1 2iT 1 s-ii.- i Mmrir I .v..,,!rrr- e, - .... II II IIX1 No. Virni T . 11 V-'JIVTK V U l..rV -, ; . . r Viiff,!-; .S, I l-K i;vj Ml I PI : af H II II II II II II fill II 11 U U T CI nUfl A If E Mnlnfl in Oil kin Vi 'ilRiC 2lb.Pkg. CCc bJj?.l.b.?jj ! ;?Lt?telki h 'tSsB lge. size LJ nnrprppr? ipir., fm, 1 mW 25' iWKBSB " XT F) - M rrri m i! FLOUR ---J.99- GRANDMA'S GOT IT! Hollywood's youngest grand-' mother is the title claimed by pretty Patricia Bowers, right, 37-year-old wife of a casting executive and mother of two. Mrs. Bowers is perched alongside movie actress Piper Laurie, for whom she is a stand-in. . Hildebrand By MRS. T. P. MICHAEL Mr. and Mrs. Bud Brown and daughters, Sheryl and Leslie, of Klamath Falls visited Friday. Feb. 15 with Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Butts and broth er, Billy. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ritter were transacting business in Klam ath Falls on Monday, Feb. 18, and they also visited with Mrs. Mary Egert. A large number of parents at tended the Valentine party at the Bonanza . school Thursday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Blotcher have cold their home to Mr, and Mrs. WiHiam Bell, and they left on Wednesday, Feb. 13. for Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jones and ton, Jimmie, transacted business in Klamath Falls on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Hartzler and ion, John, were transacting busi ness in Klamath Falls on Friday. Mrs. Hartzler spent the day visit ing Mrs. Mary Egert. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Falkoski and daughter, Virginia, visited on Thur day evening with Mrs. Ann Joan White and Charlie Inman. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bisbey ac companied by their mother. Mrs. Emest Bisbey, were Klamath Falls visitors on Tuesday. Mrs. W. C. Moore and daugh ter, Alice, of Merrill, spent sev eral days of the past week with her mother, Mrs. E. C. Jones and sister, Elaine. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Angle and daughters, Cathy and Marie, were Dairy visitors on Tuesday. Mrs. W. Gober of Klamath Falls epent the weekend with her daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. led Falkoski and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boroughs of Bprague River visited on Satur day with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Michael. Albert Burgdorf and son, Eldon, visited on Sunday with his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Arant. Mrs. Ted Falkoski and daugh ter, Virginia, visited on Friday with Mrs. Sarah Michael. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hoefler and children. Ray Gloria and Wanda, of Klamath Falls visited on Sun day with their mother, Mrs. Sarah Michael. Mrs. Harvey Butts accompanied by Mrs. Ann Joan White, was shop ding in Klamath Falls on Friday, Mrs. Martha McCumber visited m Thursday fternoon with her sis Mrs. H. L. Arant. Mrs. S.- K. Hartzler visited on Thursday with her sister, Mrs. Sarah Michael. E. C. Jones returned home last week from Oakland, Calif., where he visited with his sister who is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Pool and children, Lillian, Bernice and Carl, of Bly, were dinner guests on Sun jay of their sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vieira. Mrs. Sarah Michael visited on Monday in Klamath Falls with Mrs. Mary Egert. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vieira and son, Jerry and Lee, were dinner guests on Monday evening of Mr. and Mrs. W. R Pool of Bly. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Michael were transacting business In Klam ath Falls on Monday. By MRS. E. R. NELSON Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Leyva re turned recently from Lexington, Ore., where they spent a few days visiting their son. Gar, and family at the Lexington Air Field, where they now live. Gar has been ap pointed by the Oregon State Board of Aeronautics as an industrial flight examiner at any base of op erations in Oregon- The regular session of - Grange 754 was held Saturday, Feb. 23, fol lowed by a dance. Mrs. George Carlon entertained the guild members to a Valentine party, Feb. 14, when the group met at her home for their regu lar meeting. Officers elected for the coming year were Mrs. Ruth Graves, president; Mrs. Mae Ley va, vice-president; Mrs. Kathleen Car Ion, secretary-treasurer. The Guild will sponsor a card party at the Grange hall Feb. 29. Following the business meeting the guests were seated at a beautifully ap pointed table suggestive of the Val entine . motif. Dessert and coffee were served. The next meeting will be held at the Summer Lake Lodge with Mrs. Ruth Graves as hostess. Mrs. James Foster had the mis fortune to wreck her car enroute to Lakeview two weeks ago where she was taking her children to the dentist. It is assumed she struck an icy spot on the highway and overturned her car in the ditch. We are happy to' report that no one was injured Mr. and Mrs. William Harvey at tended the bull sale in Redding, Calif., on Feb. 9, while enroute home from a trip to San Francisco, where they had gone to attend the funeral of Mr. Harvey's brother, Joe. About three inches of new snow fell here a weekend ago. However, it was very wet and no doubt will not stay long. We have really had a rugged winter but the moisture was needed following the very dry summer. Church school was held at the Episcopal churchFrlday, Feb. 15. Regular church service was held Sunday afternoon Feb. 17. Rev. H. N. Tragitt made the trip up from Lakeview for both services. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police were organized in 1873. DOUIU TM STRENGTH Of IECU1AI $t SODA ARM & HAMMER SAL SODA CONCENTRATED A big help to farmers, cleans mllkpailB, milk cans, strain era, cream separators, churns. 1 i CAMAY CAMAY! CAMAY I BATH SIZE 3251.225 PERSONAL IVORY LAVA Medium Site WHITE NAPHTHA SOAP DUZ or OXYDOL LGE. SIZE 4 DURKEE'S GENUINE MAYONNAISE quart 45c Bring Us all your Coupons - It will save you money! Corn Kcr.r.303 .15 7 for 1.00 Corn.3Nr373Who,.Krn, .15 7 ,1.00 Hominy TtJZl -12 9 ,or1.00 PeaS Mh.HM.Ne. 303 .14 8 ,or1.00 New Potatoes Hr3oo .10 11 ,Of1.00 Spinach ,, No rl .18 6 , 1 .00 Tomatoes .21 5 for 1.00 Hot Sauce -05 21 fer 1.00 Chicken Spread No.I4 .10 11 far1.00 Mackerel ,s5lhe,"Geni .18 6 for 1.00 Tomato Juice .21 5 ,or 1 .00 Applesauce Totw.n 303. .14 8 ,or1.00 Apricots ,. No 211 .26 4 r1.00 Cherries w. -26 4 ,er 1.00 Marks! nlth, Ns. 3 tins Hunt's, No. 2!i .11 .18 .26 1.00 Prune Plums Ibits,. Smllo, No. 2 tint Oregon, No. 1 Pr.ildsnr, 12 Saracen No. 2 eans H'"',',' Lc DlnaHs No. 2 Tim kAc Dal Mont No. 2 .15 .11 .11 .09 .21 .14 .11 .11 .18 10 ,J.OO 6 ,1.00 4 ,or1.00 3 ,,,1.00 4 (or 1.00 7 ,.,1.00 10 (or 1.00 10 , 1.00 12 ,1.00 5 ,1.00 8 , 1.00 10 ,.,1.00 10 ,.,1.00 6 ,.,1.00 TIDE LGE. SIZE ilIiX LGE. SIZE iSpic f ana I P 'L'"im JOY msco Ik lor eakel. 1 BkPMtry,lrylng Jr OUR, LEADER Crsco NO WASTE I ONE SHORTENING FOR EVERY COOKINO USE ' CELERY 15c I Fresh on 9- Large bunch CARROTS Fresh an" "r Large bunches CABBAGE 7CI New trop Solid beads LETTUCE I-J "Bin Mac IU ' I I -.. SOIIU. I b'5- - variety AVOCADOS 3. ..29c I lb. Fancy. Large site (or FRYERS"-;' ' t 59c CHICKENS i59c SMELT F 'hc-""w"",t 25c (TROUT 'i J sliced 'I nllMnlW laolalD) 1H AISO TRY-Spaghetti, Saladettei, Macaroni, Ssa Shells one) Kurle-Q-Noodlet... POt.!CARP(lll AUCMONI CO, FOItTlAND, OtEOON A 4480 So. 6th 2410 So. 6th 1749 Oreaon Ave. OREGON FOOD MEAT LABELS SAVE OREGON FOOD MEAT LABELS SAVE OREGON FOOD MEAT LABELS SAVE