t TIIUHSIMY, KKRHUARY 211, 10!2 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN Core and Training, Pert f Pet Poodles Made Easy W MiiHliH it .'trtWWdMnel THE CARE AND TRAIN ING of your poodle cut la easy . . keep your flirly ctii ls crisp mid shining like the noon-day sun with lirushiiiK. Use Imagination. I'Ijkc those rinfilols whore they do the most good for your limpid eyes and keep your topknot trim with frequent trips to the beauty salon. 'HiM-fl lirnhiiljlv hnfih't llffll Imlmtyl In yriirs ni bncomliw to voinan of nil aura thn Pnnclle. rrcnnunrn Invc It null do lliclr mollicm. To tlio yoniiK Ihco II IrnilH nn Kir ol perl noihlNtloiiilnn: Li i I hn iiiiituro fiim II uIvch n tronh vmitlifiil look.' Hut Ihwn "II klil n( nuodlra: lunu. nlioit, null mxl llRht, wnvfd mill wlimod. The moil papular vithIoii In nhort nil, nbout two Indira nil over IculuilhK eny wiivea mid noil curl. . The InUlul nondln cut nlionld bi ilono by nn rxpr-rt broniiB Ibliinliin ii nil Khmiliiu hit no linporiiim. un- lenn your Imlr In nntiirnlly curly, you mini hnvr n prnnnnrnt wave . -prounhlv hh oIIpii nn rvcry two to 1 1 n i'P inomii.t. ICAHY I Tim inro nnd training of your , Poodle l-i n Hiinplo inittl'T. Run u , comb thrmwh It n coiii!e of llnicn, n da V or 1)1 vihh It mi, ill), ni' KriMi n wulchlul rvr on lliime M I In lirniirllM und liniik mil nnd j lriirn how In trim llu-so Utile xl"'K lllrn. Willi u unliiuir coiitu-rnxur vmi rim ibln out n bur.liv hwirt ol , Imlr and whni.k off tlio.c fly-nwin IikW Willi the nklll of n Jnroui' or Louis, li'i iiulck nnd uny m kroiin your poodle bciiuufully hhaurcl und groomed. A poodle Ii lovrlliv.t whrn M lluntroiis. A ood crcnir rln.sp nlln t nidi Mianiuoo, 10 iiiiikc your mm : bliiliiK-brliihl nnd o miinimpi'.bl'1 1 Hint your pet Imlr do limy wi-ll be the poodle cut. j tWTC-Camp 6 , 11 I.I.KANOK TIIOMI'HON Mr, ud Mrn Everett Hey wood hpent n ID dny vacation In Dm Hun Fninclnco Buy nii'H vlftltlnR wllh Ihrlr nun nnd Inmlly. the Htmi ley lleywood'n. Tliry iil'o vlnlted 4 nlnler of Hrywood'n nt Woodlnnd, nnd fit i ii I Iv , the Joe Phillip, 'fhelr lion Wayne xtnyed diirlnn their nb beuca with the Dun lluek'n. Don Hunk wan oil wink for one nnd one hull wenkn Willi the flu. He npent four dnvn nt Klninuth Valley liospllnl limt week. D, F. HimiiIpiwiii wnn on Ihe nick lint Ian week with the flu. Utile Knren Unv Fiilrlleld eele hrnleri her second blrthdny mini vemnrv with n little pnrty iilvrn lor her by her mother, Mrn. Dick Fnlrfleld, Among the Kuentn wnn her little 8-week-old brotlier Hlch li rd Ln Verne, Mr, nnd Mrn. Dick Fnlrfleld and Mr. nnd Mrn. Thonmn Thormon nt- tended the Mnrcli or Dlinos dunce nt HI v on March 11. Followlnir the Klormn of ' Innt week-end the nnow hnn been melt ing lunl arid It 'In making t wet kuonfte out ol our roudn. PENRITH, Eng. W Two farm em out foxhunting In the hllh res cued alive Wednesday a nheep which hud been burled four weeks In n nnowdrlft. Bald John ttdmond non, one of the fnrmern: "Apart from being atlff nnd emaciated It wnn healthy nnd alter manwigc Im mediately began eating grann." The ntlng ol s jcllyfloh In seldom nerloun. ATTENTION ! THttyliC.. J Suspect In. Theft Held A 20-year-old, youth, aoucht by Poitlnnd police nevernl weeks lor hln nllcgrd purl In u funtu.iilc lioune robbery, wnn loilged In Klamath County lull Tuesday night while enroute from Lon Angelen to Portlnnd. Tlie youth wnn Identified by two 'itelpcllvrn of Hie Portland Poller -llurenu Homlrldc and Dm Kin ry ill rVl.ilon an Marvin Muck Ryan. " Tlie deterllves nnld) Ryan wan In ivolved In Ihe robbery of a Port Jiinil pliymclnn nnd liln wile, nnd that Ryan, nppuronlly under thr Mnfliieuie of dope, played piano In Die hour.e while his partner wn ;carchlng for loot. J Ryan'n partner In the robbery 'unidentified by the detectives. wn captured a werk ngo In Everett, ."Wiihh., following a burglary at tempt with Ryan's uncle. . Alco inrouic with Rvan to Porl 'land In cuMody of ihe Portland .office Van Uurley O. Erwln, 23. reportedly w anted there on a '(Charge of larceny by bailee. MILITARY POOL OPK.NTU HINOAPORK l A new MO.OW, nwinunlng pool haa been openei; 1 for menibera ol the British Armed forccn In thin area, limit with fundi from the Nuffield Trust with main tenance by the Navy, Army anil Air Force Institute, the pool b . open to both men nud women mem-1 hern of the forces and servicemen's ; wivrn. 'I Tlie an.HCs.ied valuation of Man hattan properly ln New York City Is I0S0-61 wan $8. 301.241,400. SALESMEN AND SALESLADIES wanted for Klamath and Lake Counties. Call 2-0131 between 12 and 5 j For appointments. 8 complete cleaning and polishing units in one-Ask for free home demonstra- tion. Phone 2-0131 to M M Price . effective FRIDAY - SATURDAY We Reserve the A Right To Limit! Free delivery On meat' and grocery orders totaling $5 or more. Deliveries at 10:30 and 2:30. o ''JTM Tii em mm V -xfcueem Your LUX, SURF & SPRY Shortening Coupons at Piggly Wiggl',: Maxwell House Drip or Regular Grind Southern Maid " 2 lbs. 4S' SKT Fisher's Ige. pkg. 39' SALAD wEmm Durkee's Whipped Quart 53 mm Drifted Snow or Gold Medal 25 lb :2" 50 lb. 4 29 ; tll'ICK RKTI'RN? MIAMI. I Victor Cns- Tcaruno told oice that he thinks Ihe bint taken from Ins home Wcdnc.v , flay niiiht will come back. He said Uneven took Ti homing . pigeons, worth t'220. i Mend n broken IIUKernnll with ' v a special patch of Bcolch tape cut i to 111. Cover with colorless nail j polish, and your pud will be nl- Vv'nthkt nn Rrfod an 'new.' ' Men Decide . from Or o onion Morttl Pop Your BEST food buy BT JOW Jio..iu MUUl n,nn pov in. m.inuln . lUnawos . powers 1 ..hinton iho .w"' -very 1 nc v..- look for fftes vorlffi: SAKIR NITTID OIMS DCSCHUTIS Ntmo OIMS KLAMATH NITTID OIMS ..OREGON POTATOES Ortgon Potato Growr know that the best way to give you the moit for your food dollar is to keep on selling only quality potatoes. Good potatoes give you more food value at a lower cost per pound . . . substandard potatoes ore an expensive bargain! Compared to other fresh vegetables, potatoes offer you nourishing food at an economical price. Moke sure you get your money's worth... buy Oregei potatoes ond gel quality potatoes I Oregon Potato Commiss.ci: REDMOND OREGON for mere 14 votut per povtW, serve Oregon petotoee bafcetf, fried, frencfi fried, Jiesh-browned, In untp mnd id. Diamond - Carton of 6 Boxes MJMM Alaska Pink "Party Time" Brand. No. 1 tall tin SOAP mate friends "Of course Hills Bros. Coffee is thriftythere's "ore flavor and ijoyment ln every single cup." "My wife ttaki the best cup of coffee ln town. It's always the cc -always Just right I " .. "I've bought it ever since I started keeping house. And it's still . the be3t coffee 1 ever tasted!" r One single sip will tell you that this Is Ihe finest, friendliest flavor you'll find In any cup . . . always satisfying, always rich, deliclously the same. That's because Hills Bros, select only the choicest of the world's coffees. Balanced blending and "Controlled Roasting" assure rare, unchanging flavor. ' "Here's the best part of the party I That's because ItldimiiM Hi U 1. NL 00. Copyi.tM HM-H.Hi ItoL Cefltt, Iftfc White King Granulated 29 Giant size 59! mm k "Success" Brand. Light meat I U PI A solid pack V2's 27c BEANS " 2.29c SALT Leslies. Plain or iodized 2pk9- 15C PEAS smaTaM ' 'ar9e ' 2 for 29t tfUII I C0N CARNE W Ii I lm I Mario; No. 1 tin Standby, chunks C ABB AGE ,b M CBBYu"hT,PI w9c TURNIPS ,k 7c hi C nneappie No.2tin. Rose Bowl Brand, sliced PEACHES 29c Freestones '. 00 No. 2'jtin JJiQ CAKE FLOUR Occident All purpose JA or Devil's Food, pkg. SYRUP Nalley's Lumberjack Bottle Z7C SUNSHINE HI HO "'" "! Crackers ,b. 35c SUNSHINE SHREDDED Wheat pk917c SUNSHINE Marshmallows i-ib. pk9. 32c Fresh Frozen FOODS Fillet of Perch jbjsfc Fillet of Sole , lb; 75c Fillet of Rockflsb lb. 52c SMELT iMflc SCALLOPS : :i lb;. 99c Honor Brand , ' Frozen Peas ,a:J2,ozf Ijfc Honor Brand : . y Strawberries : . 12 o 39c mm I Jmm1 i (333013 MABg-sr gg POBKTC 'A.. I SLICED 1(5)c BEEF BACON ; feijV"'- STEAKS vSf' Eastern , . TIColc' Pork "Jll BaconSquares ivyi- Sausage : u)$- ! . ' ' ' a