PAGE TEN HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2B. I0K2 ! Navy's Iron Men Growing Smaller NEW YORK Tim Nmy, which until now lms nmde nil its cullslccl men's bolls 4 Inches lonnr. sld Thursday H will bruin sav ing S35.000 n your by innltinK linll the belts lot' their dtmKurrcii or work clothing six inches shorter. At the sugRestton of trxlllc technologist, Louis OiuunrlnL n Brooklyu, the Mnvy snid it dis covered thai half Its men were culling off and discarding more than six Inches of their bells to make them the proper size. SMILE OF HOPE Catherine Matera, her face alight with hope, is visited in Sea View hospital, Staten Island, N.Y., ' by Dr. H. Herbert Fox. She is a tuberculosis patient who ; faces a brighter future because of the effectiveness of two ; drugs described as the best anti-tubercular agents yet dis- covered. Dr. Fox is the chemist who synthesized the two . drugs which soon will be available in pill form on a physi ' cian's prescription.. He holds a bottle of the pills. Nehru Says Communism Bad Policy NEW DELHI, India Wl Prime Minister Nehru declared Thursday that despite left wing gains in the recent elections he is convinced that .for India Communism would be Vutterly disruptionist . and in jurious." At hli iirst news conference since the end of India's national elec tions, Nehru said the general pol icies of the Communists are "con ditioned by factors which are extra . territorial. That I do not like." Nehru's Congress Party won an everwhelming majority In the Na tional Parliament, with the Com munists placing third behind vari ous independent factions. But the Reds gained surprising strength in state Legislatures in big and important sections ot Southern India and West Bengal. Nehru had an explanation for this: "we won because we had many fine workers. Where we did n't work, we lost." The prime minister said that "un thinking applause and unthinking denunciation of Communism is equally bad. It depends on tactics of the Communist Party in the par ticular country. "My difficulty Is that I know something about Communism and most people don't. You frequently have to talk about this subject to people who know nothing about it" Nehru viewed the doctrine of Karl Marx as "out of date today to talk about him is reactionary. Communists with all their fire and fury are in their outlook and some ways reactionary." Northwest Solons All For Alaska WASHINGTON I All four Pa cific Northwest Senators Cordon and Morse of Oregon and Magim son and Cain of Washington voted against sending the Alaska slate hood bill back to committee.' Mag nuson is a Democrat; the other three Republicans. Alaska Statehood Kicked Gut By Senate; Hawaii In Limelight Of Fight How Bv FRANK W. V.M1.1.K WASHINGTON Ml The Semite rejected Alaska statehood Wednes day but a batllo immediately be gan on 111? issue of admitting Hawaii into (he union. By n one-vole margin, the Alaska bill Was returned to committee Three Killed In Plane Crash NOME. Alaska A light plane crash six miles east of here Tues day night claimed the lives of three persons, including veteran Alaska Bush Pilot Reggie Joule and his bride of a month. The third victim was Identified as Bill Porter, a mechanic for Muni Airways. The head of the Nome office nf the Atnsfci, Nnllve PORTLAND Rep. Harris service. F.mll Fisher, was critical- Ellsworth predicted Wednesday i ly injured. that President Truman will run lor The plane crashed shortly after re-election. I taking off from Nome, on a flight "The party leaders know Tvu- to Igloo, man is their best bet against the , Ellsworth Says Truman Will Run Republican nominee and they want him to run regardless of his own personal desires." said Ellsworth. The Republican congressman re turned to his home state by plane. He will srjeak here Saturday night. He also plans to visit his mother in Eugene before returning to Washington. Navy Transport Reaches Seattle SEATTLE W The Navy trans port Sadao Munemori arrived at ; the Seattle Port of Embarkation i Thursday with 1.269 army rotation troops from the Par East. i The group raised to 88.259 the number of troops returned through Seattle under the rotation program, j BRISCOE GETS COMMAND TOKYO (iP Command of the ! U.S. Seventh Fleet in the Far East ! will be handed over Monday by I Vice Adm. Harold M. Martin to i Vice. Adm. Robert P. Briscoe i aboard the battleship Wisconsin at Yokosuka. Martin is scheduled to leave for the United Slates immediately aff-; er the ceremonies. with Instructions that hearings he held and study Riven to (he pos sibility of "commonwealth" status for boih ten uorles. The vote was . It effectively ended any probability or furl her Somite consideration of the bill at Hut session, Republicans Immediately bid to bring the Hawaii measiuo to the Hoar, but the Senaie recessed with out reaching a decision on wlinl to consider next. Sen. Knowlimd iR.-Callf.l said he would nush for Immcdliito con sideration of statehood for Hawaii. In response to micstlons bv Sen. Tall R.-Ohlo) and Knowland. Sen- ale Majority Leader MrFiirlunrt iD.-Aru.) said he had "no Inten tion at this tlmo of bringing up the Hawaiian bill." He said Alaska and Hawaii are "in the same position and should be treated together." He said the Alaska bill was sent back to committee because of Uie need for hearings, and (he same argument could be used against About 1.400 persons were killed Hawaii, in the 1911 eruption of Ml. Tanl. Twenty-five Democrats. inosll loomed on an island 39 miles south southerners. Inined with 20 repub of Manila. 'hcuns in returning the Alaska bill In cnmmlltco. Thn conimnnweiillli proposal would give Alaska and Hawaii each the right to elect their own gov ernors and local ofllelaN, partici pate In piisldeulliil eleclUiliM, have lull voting house represent at inn mid n non-vollng Senator, It would leniilra a constitutional nmcud iiirnl. Wednesday's four-hour delmle found two presldi'iillal lioiiclul:. Utklnti onnnslnn views, pen. Tall favored recnininlltiil. 1 cuiilliuie development conleuillng Ilia pioijimcd nliilrhii'iA bill would leave Aluska t ' "" economic dependency" ol Hie I'd crnl government. Hen, Kefaiivrr D.-'I'enn. opine' the motion, saving statehood wiiiimi oi i nr In order to get square biscuits, , use the metal divider from the Ice i tray of your refrigerator, and bake I in the oven of your modern gas range in the regular way. When baked separate biscuits at dividing line for a new "square biscuits deal." ...the best bet for urn Twj Mission Spaghetti w i vi f vil fvi ivrv fi wviviww -l -. t r i Not onltihc most economical foodifalLbut- NO OTHER SPAGHETTI TASTES AS AS mission 1 !$ the top-qualify spagheHi that's made from pure . Durum Semolina, the protein-rich Inner granules of finest hard wheat, so rich in energy-building values. Mission is quick and easy to prepare, cooks firm, yet finder, and tastes better than any other spaghetti! J-AM Recipe for SPAGHETTI 'n ANCHOVY SAUCE I 8-rr. Mi'inlonLong , 1 large onion. ffioppTfl 2 llj. choppnl panlry a ancuoiirt, rltofipru 4 tln. ttuMr I tun whit wine I runcliirkenconiomi IVppiT i Cook enapliclti in rapidly boil ins salted wafrr for miiniici. Drain. I'm onion, pnrsiYy, anrhovioi in skill. miiii wuiicr, iry for 5 minules. To tint add the cool i nn ovrr ii pour me vine anrt ronwrnittr, Zseaton nh prppcr, immcr for 15 miiniics. Mix wrll put on hot planer and vprinklc Hilli grated chcce itc in ojirr. rcrvei lour f H MACARONI SPAGHETTI EGG NOODLES Iff I PROMENADERS OPEN SQUARE DANCE Saturday Nite MARCH 1 So. 6th COMMUNITY HALL (Peterson Holl-Noit to little Sweden) OUR MOTTO: 'More Square Dancing Fun for Everyone" Allen and Viola Howard FIRST TONSCONTINErJrAL ., RAILRaAD L rW MATCHIISS HIND Or ITIAIOHt WHISKIII roof CONTININTAl OlSriUINO COIPOtATION f MIlAOIir MIA, f-A. 7 mm Plastic Plastic Grade A large, freth ranch Table Covers Dust Pans TUMBLERS SWIGTM .. 59' 19' 59' (P 34b. E C Vi3 Tln (Q)d) Anchorgjasi PINEAPPLE Juice 35' PRUNE JUICE 29 CHERRIES " 19' jr g" gT7k Apple Juice dW) 'SkS Cl"t 25c , 3 II jl p p. with MORTON'S 1 &8!58f Inlams 32) m SMOKED ' Pork Chops - 69c r , j . to c i w nn Salad Dressin9 T-BoneSteaks -j 98c v 49c FRYERS Pan Ready 69c earooas Fresh Crabs 39c- ib. LENTEN SPECIALS CA1C LTL Fresh Filler of JlLL lb. UUl Salmon or Halibut ,b. 65c Fresh Smelt . , 33c fresh Oysrcrs 15 to 18 75c pt. Smoked Salmon Chunkies 69c KRISPIE CRACKERS 59c 2 lbs. CHLORODENT TOOTH PASTE T.i. 69c DISH CLOTHES 10c each LISTERINE Giant Silt 79c Bayer's ASPIRIN 57c 75c sizo CIGARETTES 5159 I All CTN. Popular Brands TUNA FISH Rorol Club Gr.ltJ. )r No. Yx Tin JW SALMON DEL MONTI No. I Tin 89c SPAGHETTI 15c FRANCO AMERICAN No. 1 Tin VEGETARIAN Vegetable Soup 12c CAMPBELL'S CHEESE TILLAMOOK t-lb. 88c IROOKFIELD 21b. Loaf AMERICAN CHEESE 98c Cracker Jack 6for25c HP PAI7IT FARM FRESH PRODUCE Florida Oranges Peppers n- Ce ery Hearts Spinach Grapefruit Daffodils ib. lb. Florida Cello bag Cello bag 5-lb. bag Doz. 8c 23c 23c 20c 39c 29c Plant' your tweet peas now! Wo have a good assortment of teed on hand. Special for Friday and Saturday KLAMATH FALLS STEWART-LENOX MERRILL GRIGGS GSg FOODS "WSf"