WKDNKSDAY. PKHKUAKY 27, ll).r2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE NINE i, MONTH-END SPORTSWEAR DAN RIVER PLAID BLOUSES CHILDREN'S TODDLER'S ' DRESSES FASHION SALON SECOND FLOOR A SECOND PLACE WINNER in Sun Valley ski champion .ships was Clair Smith of Lakcvicw, who placed in the inter mediate men's class of the annual races held al the famous Union Pacific resort Feb. 22. US Needs Expanded Yool Growing Program To Keep Supply Up In Case Of War lly The AwarUIrd Frru 'I1i United Hlulcn a country Hint linen In MronK lur wool aulla, wool (tockN and wool drcsncn nrrdx to rulne more lirrp to grow morr wool. llmt'H wliut a coinniltlre o Con uir:.Miirn miiu allrr lookiuu Into the mtuatlun. Othrrwlse, the r Mild, we're In tor terrlllc wool nhorliiite In case nt all-out r llinl would prucllcnlly ntrunule Uie lies lnnrs. Hut -ihertmien ol the west, who-e animal ronm over Icm ot million ul acres ol rmiKf-lnnd. Miy that's rnMrr talked about than done. Thrro l.-i no eunv road lo blttrer sheep numbers lind lnrn.cr Mock nllri o( urown-in-U B A. wool. 'Iliry ,-ay they need help, auch an: I. Wiping out urlce restriction nn wool and (at iamb. 3. More aherphcrdrra (It'll a lonely life) 3. More grazing lands n national foienla. . Greater taritf nrotertlon B-29 Blows Up In Air HONOLULU Wi A crippled B ID weather plane blew no high In the air off Guam Tueuiav a a rescue plane llcw aloiiKMdc trying lo aliepherd It to safely. The Morlanan Naval Command leporled five men from the auper lortrena had been Mglited In the water. The rr.icur plane dropped a llleboal to survivors. B-29s nor mally carry a crew ot 10 or II. Three ol the crewmen were teen lulrr In the llleboul and two others mill were In the water. A Naval spokesman expressed tear the lest wero scattered over a wide area. The daah tor safety eivlcd ab ruptly with the explosion 160 miles northwest ol Guam about 4 p.m. Tuesday, Guam time. The plane was attached to the Mill Strategic Weather and Re connaissance Squadron of the 18th Homo wing, at Anderson Air Force Uuse, Oiiam. En rquie to Its home base from a weather mission, the aupcrfort radioed It had a severe oil leak and had lost control of a propeller. AMLMCAN COMPLAINTS VANCOUVER. B.C. Ifl The Van. couver Tourist Association faith fully noted down SuxRcstlons and complaints by American visitors for study at Its annual meeting. "City far tod smoky" headed the list. Other visitors wanted to know "Where are the Indlons?" uunlnst forclirn wool, 6. Interstate controls on preda tory animals. Including wild dogs. As one i-hei'pman phrased It, "this Is a doggoucd hardworking game." The Associated Press polled rep resentative: of wool irowin asso ciations In elidil slates to get their views on what It happening In the sheep business. Estimated production of stock sheep lor these stutes on Jan. 1 was U.8VI.0OO as against 15.il8.000 us recently as IMI. Hi-re Is the Oregon report: Farm flocks have been holding steady or growing, while range iioeks have declined sharply. Oregon's wool production last year was about 6. 500. 000 pounds .compared Willi an average of 20 million in IIMU-Ji. Hheep men urge an end to price controls, a domestic wool purchas ing price by the government to bolstflr prices, better ranges and mora herders. Oregon had - 3.1)79.000 sheep In ID3I but this number had dwindled to about CiiU.WH) by this year. In Idaho, wool production has dropped lo D.soo.OOO pounds from n.ooo.ooo annually In 0 years. President David Little of the Idaho wool growers said Insecurity caused bv "a inajo of govern mental restrictions'' Is mainly rc :.iionsll!c. Little .-.aid that 10 vears ago the (United Stoics produced more than half of 11 ic wool used In tins country. Now It depends upon Imports for more than luo-lliirns. lie said, too. mat the govern ments plans lo subsidize synineuc fiber nlants were a factor in caus ing wool prices to drop more than 50 ner cent in the lust year. During the war a number of llO'tno Mieen grown s cihuikcu u Icaltle, Little said, "because (here j were fewer government regula tions and less labor Is reoulred." Before the war. Idaho had I.S28,- !0O0 sheep, but this total was down I to 1.0:'0.000 on Jan. 1. Washington was not among the I states surveyed. HEY GALS! THERE WILL BE A LEAP YEAR ID A MCE AT THE ARMORY SATURDAY NIGHT There Will Be Lots of Tag Dances MUSIC Br BALDY'S BAND "Juit Good1 Do see Muilc" featuring George Willi! A Peul Swljorf DANCING 9-1 SI. 20 PER PERSON (Tax Inc.) 98 Beoutiful gingham blouse in famous "wrinklo-shed." Vat dyed , , , sanforiicd. SECOND FLOOR RAYON CREPE BLOUSES Three adorablo styles. Jewel neck and collars in white. Special Purchase 298 SECOND FLOOR RAYON Gowns and Pajamas Jersey knit with lace shoulder trims end others. 295 SECOND FLOOR DOWNSTAIRS STORE CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Full siie and twin in all new decorator shades. Some white background floral pattern. Specially priced! 5'5 ana 50 6 DOWNSTAIRS NYLON PRISCILLAS 84" long, SO, 72, 96 inch width. Priced just in time for your spring planning. 20 REDUCTION DOWNSTAIRS HAND SEWN LAMP SHADES Table siie in silk. Some with cut velvet, ' and bottom drape, trims. Exceptional Values! Vi PRICE DOWNSTAIRS COMFY WARM BLANKETS A fine quolity blanket by Ficd crest and Textron in plaid or floral designs. Also plain colors. Reg. to 10.95 7 00 DOWNSTAIRS Kitchen Curtains 20 REDUCT,0N PLASTIC 3 yd$ 100 DOWNSTAIRS NEEDLEWORK DEPARTMENT CLOSEOUT! BERNATS - MASTER DYED LAURELSPUN A very large, selection In colors specially -priced for this event. l-oi. ball 59 STREET FLOOR DURING OUR MONTH-EHDER 60 DRESSES NOW U95 ni , to 00 These "Fashion Find" All of them in stock less than thirty days Are now specially priced for our Month End Sale only . . . (Back to their original prices Monday). All new fabrics including paper taffetas, salynas, rayon casuals and taf fetized prints to wear before and after Easter. Junior misses halfsizes. YARDAGE CHOICE TABLE WOOLS, GABARDINES CREPES, FLANNELS Value to 8.50 up Vi MCI STREET FLOOR RAYON SUITINGS Plaid check, plains. Crease resistant 54" wide. Wide assortment to choose from Vi reicn STREET FLOOR Adorable styles In beautiful spring colors. 1 to 3. 1 88 ana! I 249 SECOND FLOOR GIRL'S AND BOY'S SWEATERS All wool. For play or dress. Zipper and burton styles or slip-over. Yelues to 4.95. 1188 SECOND FLOOR MEN'S SHOP NATIONALLY ADVERTISED DRESS SHIRTS Your opportunity to select the best shirt at a real saving. Reg. 3.95 1 98 STREET FLOOR CLOSEOUT J MEN'S HATS Still a marvelous selection to choose from. All genuine fur felt. Nationally famous 88 4 ' ana 688 STREET FLOOR SPECIAL GROUP MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS We have regrouped these fa save you more money. Don't miss seeing these now. Values ta 5.95 298 STREET FLOOR CLOSEOUT HOSIERY VANETTE ' A Reg. sold at 1.65. We offer DaiSi these at ridiculous price. 15 u Ull denier, 51 and 60 gauge. STREET FLOOR SPECIAL PURCHASE i NEW SPRING PURSES Beautiful new spring selection in faille plastic, calf suede. Brawn, black, banedictine, red, grean, grey. '' 2" STREET FLOOR NOTIONS PLASTIC APRONS Trimmed with terry cloth and seer- ? sucker. Exceptional values. See these. . Vi PRICE STREET FLOOR GIRDLES BIEN JOLIE AND YOUTHLINE FOUNDATIONS .,,,. 7.88 BRASSIERES 2 50 Wkittond black Re. 3.00 t 10.00 v YOUTHLINE GIRDLES P88 88 788 3 0 I NOW SECOND FLOOR t I