WEDNESDAY, FEnrHJARY 27, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE FTV1S fauped-Elenmir Kmrry, 1010 f )liiiuid' wiin citpix'ct lit l'ortliuid lust Wnr-k In ceremony nt Angus ..linn I.uthriiiii rhtli'cli. Hlin In lit minted wllh I.cwlii mid Chirk Col , ege mill iiiiw In In Induing ul , Uuud Hlililllllliui llwiullul. llunor Hluilrnln Piitrli'ln Ores Well i id Murluii Mcliilyre, both - ul Kliinmth Kii IK, wi-ro iiimuig 7U itudi'iitM to iiliici' on the l, owl nnd 'Clark erilli-uo honor lull lor the ' lull semester. Name (lli-iin Outlier In Hip twine ; of mill born Fib, la to Mr. und Mm. Cliiirli'd Gunler, 2053 Iliid .illllo. Kg ii ii rr lliineliigThiiro In to be , miuuro dancing tmilKhl m Fremont ,.i.i-hnol, 8 until 1(1:3", with plenty nt room lor beginners nnd lute-i -mediate dancers. Come mid KC?t ri-iidv (or n bin dunce with Leu ,(lolcher calling April 0. Men's Ciub o the Congregation- III Church In to lll'M'l ut Loviil 1 list's. 'Ill Mitchell, tonight lit 7:30 All men ol the church sro Invited The meeting will adjourn lit 1) 30. ( limed -The U.S. Army nnd Air ' Force recrultliiK olllre will be cloned Friday mid Hiiturdity. The l'iciil recruiters hiivit been called In Portland lor n recruiting con lercnce to bo held there. 'I"' To Ashland Mr. nnd Mm. Will ter Kerrigan huve returned to Ihelr home ul Anhliintl alter meetings 1,1 Swim Inland mid Hiilem regard- i lug Indian adults nnd n visit ul - Kliunnlh Agency. Canton (Tuter 7 1. adieu Atixtl . Inrv meets Thursday B IOOK Hall. Knterlnliinient mid refresh ments following meetlliK. Klantnlh Suburban League Meets 'lliursday, B p.m., at Hlinsta school lor nomination of ofllrera. Hnnltarliin lull Green will sneak on the controversial subject of sunt tntlon as It applies to the suburban cllslrlrl. Member arc urged to attend. Igle A regular meeting ol Eagle Auxlllnry Is m-hedulecl lor tonight lit 8 In the Knglcs Hull. There will be Initiation nnd tint lurk will be nerved ulter lodge. Husbands arc welcome. Vylhlnn Sister card pnrlv scheduled for Huliirday night nt Mae Anderion'H hnn been post poned until March 7. Home Mr. nnd Mm. Scott Mc Kendree. 1K!)3 Del Moro have re turned Irom a three-weeks vaca timi spent nt Gunymas, Mexico nnd points In Southern Cnlllnniln. Their ilittuthtcr Alice remained here In school, slaying III the L. A. Van Clcvc home, Card Party The Tiileliiko lilxh school PTA will sponsor u public i-iiril party Biiturdny night, In the high school gymnasium. Canantit, bridge und plnochlo will be In play Willi lor high "core. A group ol square dunces litught by Otto Kills ua purl ol the PTA project lor youth recreation nnd entertain ment will Klvo exhibition lluiicen lollowlnic Clll'dS. Iliimtt L. F. Orell Sr., lit. 3. Woeus uccoiiipmiled bv bin son, Lewis K. Orroll Jr., nlteuded lu nerul services for the senior Or re I In brother, Monilny nl Oakland. Cnllf. Kites wore In chiu-go of tho MiihoiiIu nnd Hhrlhn lodges, (JoIiik HoiiIIi ulno lor Um liinerul were Mr. und Mm, Itlalne One I und ynunii noil, ol LliiK Klver Moiom, Jiiiiii On ell und Jack Orrcll, nephewn. Women of the Moono Drum Coriw Initeud of "nun" corpa u l.revloiinlv iinnounced win meet to nlKht, 7:30 ut the Mnwc J (nil. Any one wlxhbiH to Join tho corp.i hhould attend thla iiieellnu. Tiny Boy Tho two pound, 13 ounce r.on of Mr. nnd Mm. T'hotnnn I.. Unllantyno born Dec. 20. HIM linn been releuned from the hos pital. The little boy whh cared lor. lor many weeks in un Incubator Maternal itruiKlpiireiits are Mr. mill Mrs. Vernon E, Puckctt, Kc-no. Funeral services for the Infant clitiiKliler ol Mr. and Mrs. A. (I. Hllvu who died Tuesday ut birth will be held Thursday, 2 p.m. Irom the Noble Chanel 111 Mt. Hliusla. Mr. and Mrs. Hllva nnd their duiwh ter Beverly Ann reside at 1018 Mananlta, Klndiir Marvin Nerneth nnd IiIh mother Mrs. Mnrvln Nerselh will both slnir durinii the pronrnm nttntii.1 "Unrlll IlllV of PrilVfT" ervlces Friday nl the First Prcs- byterlnn churtn. Mrs. ncriwui is subsillullnii for Rev. D. It. Proctt who la III. Traveler Wllllnm DcPew of Kohn s Flowers nnd (Jilts Is north on n business trip. He Is expccU.l home this week. Chuimo of Spot The Keno Rnuiirn Danee Club Is chunnliiK lo callonH Irom Uie Keno Cominunllv Hall to the South Sixth St. Com munity Hall next lo Little Sweden. The first dunce at the new loan lion Is planned for Saturday nlKht. Allen Howard Is cnllcr. 1 General m I Hans Frci I BOOKKEEPING I Service 711 So. 6li Phrna 3-0293 Hpeeliil Meet The Stewart-Lennox Flro Ilell'-s will hold an Im portant special mcctliiir with the board of directors, Thursday, 7:30 p.hi. Kervlees-Mld-wcek Lenten serv ices will bo held every Thursdny durliiK Lent, 7:46 p.m. nt the Klam ath Lutheran church. Theme of tho services will bo "A Place Culled Calvary." Muslo will bo by tho senior choir, Meetlnr The YouiiK Republicans will meet tonlKht, 8 o'clock In the Wlueiiut Hotel, Sluto Kvprcsonta live Ed Geary will speak on the truck bill. Charles Johnson, presi dent will preside, I'alrvlew PTA Is holdlna a Founder's Day meetlliK, Thursday. 2:15 at the auditorium of the school limine, llov. Guoi'ku Alder will speak. Hf....llHf,H,.lM. rlrfln Ttf-nu. byterliui church will meet 2 p.m. 'l-iiiii'Miliiv i, llm ,-htireh narlnrs. Hostesses will be Mrs. Hen Heed, Airs, auu Hptirrciorn. ucvoiionuin v 1 1 1 be by Mrs. Laura Black and Mrs. Bert 'lTiomftH will be the speaker, her topic to be on Korcu. Caneellnllnn ol the square dune inu idf the Reiittien children and -,ielH tilaiini-H for Frldav nluht at illio club has been announced. The next dance proxrum Is plunnc-d lor March 12. (iuet Mm. Churles Slid, arrived Monday Irom her home In Hood lllver to spend some time W'lih her father, Alex Brndburn, 324 S. 0th. She Is a former resident. Kepe:il The minstrel show thai broiiKht down the house when pre nented Feb. 11 nt Henley will be repeated by popular request following- the dinner Saturday nlKht to be served by the Ml. Lakl Ladles i,!d from 8:30 to 7:30 nt the Hen ley school cafeteria. Appointed -Hinth J. Thompson, formerlv with Shell Oil Comnany in Por'lnnd. Medlord nnd Klam ath Fulls, has been appointed bus iness analv:t In tlp price opera tions branch of the Portlnnd dls li let Olllco of Price Stabilization. Speech A tape recording of a .' peech mnde bv Marllee Crawford. Lewis and Clark College student from Klamath Falls. Is to bo en tered In a regional "peace" ora tory content. The speech won first place In state competition at Salem. Tanker Saves Navy Fliers OOAM 11 A U.S. Navy tanker Wednesday rescued four of five airmen who balled out of B-2D weather plane when an onxlne ex ploded 160 miles northwest of Clunin Tuesday. Search la still on for a fifth man. Five others presumably died In the explosion. Military authorities named three of those rescued: Capt. Michael Judge, New York, whose wife, Ruth, and family live on Gun in: Lt. Edward W. Erlck son. Superior, Wis., and PFC. James L. Dcese, Camden, Ark. They were uninjured. Tho name of the fourth man res cued whs not available. He wan picked up about nine miles from the spot where the other three were found. The four survivors were aboard the tanker Tomblifbee, due to reach Oiifim early Thursday. An Air Force spokesman said the plane was returning from a routine weather mission when oil leaks developed. The pilot radioed for help and was Joined by a B-29 rcKcuc plane. The eniflne on the weather plane exploded shortly after. The rescue pilot saw men parachuting from the weather plane, dropped a life boat and a life raft, and radioed for more help. It's Cheaper To EatAtAI's PITTSBURGH Iffl A restaurant owner rolled back prices "lo the 1030 level Wednesday In hopes of Improving business. Prices Include: Coffee five cents: hamburger 15 cents, roast beef dinner 70 cents, fresh ham dinner with trimmings 85 cents and large fish sandwich 15 cents. Does 40-year old Albert Mlcheluc cl, who operates the restaurant with his wife, think he'll make out? 'It's a gamble." Friday Meet Slated For OTI Board The Oregon Slal Advisory Com mittee for Oregon Technical Insti tute meets at Oretcch this Friday with a heavy agenda calling for some reorganizations of functions and operations on the mile-high campus. The committee meets with On officials annually, and makes rec ommendations lor action to the state board of education. Two members of the state board will sit In on this meeting Mrs. Paul Patterson, Hlllsboro, and Mrs. Lucille O'Neill, Klamath Falls. Committee members scheduled to attend Include Jess Bell, Port land, representing employes: Ed ward Branchflcld, chairman of the committee from Mcdford, repre senting veterans: Harley Llbby, Jefferson, representing agriculture: A. 8. Teller. Portland, represent ing employers; William M. Bell, and Fred Hellbronner, Klamath Falls, renresentlnir veterans. Committee members Include Al len R. Leake, Helix, who repre sents public Interests: William Ross. Vale, representing agriculture and Mrs. Albert Powers, Coos Bay, rep prescntlng home Interests. Also scheduled to attend the con ference Is Rex Putnam, superin tendent of the state board of edu cation, Salem. A reception lor the guests has been scheduled for tomorrow night, 7:30 to 8:30 presented by the fac ulty staff at OH. The session Is due to close Friday afternoon at 4 following a tour of the campus In the afternoon. Morning sessions will be devoted to a lengthy agenda OTI Director Winston Purvlne re ports. Included In reorganization! plans Is the placing of the recreation and physical education operations under a separate department head. This has been done within the school already, but needs approval of the committee and subsequently of the state board to gain perma nent standing. Skeet O'Connell Is the head of the present department. The school also plans to ask the committee to recommend to the rtate board that approval be given the continued negotiation leading to the national accreditation ol Ore gon Technical Institute. SALVADOR QUAKE SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador 'opi a strong earth tremor was felt in San Salvador at 12:0 a.m. Wednesday. It lasted 45 seconds. There were no reports of damage. Similar tremors were reported In Nicaragua Tuesday. Diamonds were apparently brought south to tho Great Lakes, retilon bv glaciers. AN EASY WAY TO HAVE A PIANO Too ran rent a toTly ntw iplncl plan frvm thff l.oalB R, Mann Fia Com pany. I2e N. fib. at low monthly rtlt. Aflrr rronatlt llm you ean, If yea wiih, rltanfe Irom rrnl lo pttr rhi asrrrmrnl. Tht rrnl alrrady palA la all crrdltrd yttr porrhno scroti nt and no oibtr down paymmt la nacrt karv. Tha monthly pay men It can bt little hlgbrr than rtnt. Or, If yoa pr fr, you can conllnao lo rtnt. Extra Work Mod Easy BENT A TVrEWRITER or ADDING MACHINE Eltctrle or Band Laat month's rental la applied to tht P arena price. V6igki's Pioneer Office Supply gw ml I -iff automatically I . I JI ' lncreai.1 I I r 1 ft- . lemparalure I v f i Mr A ofwoih i' 11 w k 1 . wo,er - I A h Jf1 yrMi-'-i ep$ it hotl I ; .a kltl V. I" X- K I '( ' 'A f Sie lh "Snow White" Demonitrpf ion .. . i pXMr See Spots Vaniih Before Your Eyei . 1 I ... and 6e fheij' fRU GIHS ITia- I New colorful 32-pag ' BwKg5 I "Snow While" comle te WJ'tiuTfali i I an .1 aterHottsr 4 u"T" :.f mm Cjitae waihday development In yearsi HOTTER wash water aulomatlcallyl-and it STAYS HOT all during the washing period. That meant the brightest washes ever be cause every woman knows, !The Hotter the Water, the Cleaner the Clothes." . Your Work-Free Washday Starts with the Snap of a Dial! Finest automatic washer made but not the most' expensive! Washes in just 7 gallons of water or less. Saves soap, too. Washes, triple rinses, damp-drys, tt QC drains, cleans Itself and P iUU'' slops . . . all automatically. m M STILL NO INCRFAtr f.t5ftOwWh!fandtst3vanDwarf(olrourfov0rlf.fsatr. (M pprc I C Woll Pilot f t ,fucllen. RICK'S fraAKl of IINMX NOME ArKWKIS Olvlilon AVCO Manvfoclwliw Cory FOR SALES and SERVICE! Factory Authorized Parts, and Service Men. 1001 Main . Ph. 2-2518 or 2-25 "i 9 GALS! HERE'S YOUR CHANCE! LEAP YEAR DANCE SATURDAY, MARCH 1 MAUN MUSIC BY BUNNELL'S ORCHESTRA Ralston To Speak At Knife, Fork Cameron Rnlston nil ex-sold Ir-r, miner, coleue professor and execu tive secretary of the fnmous Chl caKO'g One Hundred In the dys when It was gunning for Al Cnpone will be the principal speaker at the next meeting of the Knife and Fork club here. He will speak at the Wlllard ho tel on a topic enltled "Back Stairs of History" Mnr. 4. Knife and Fork officials report Ralston "a man of courage and vision ... a brilliant lecturer." The Oreek Island of Lesbos lies less than 10 miles off the Turkish coast. for COIDS' Muscle Aches- ass WORLD'S LARGEST SELLER AT IOC CHAINS NEEUKD , SALEM tfi Mrttorlalu eroMlnt Willamette Pass should oarry chains, the Oregon Highway Com mission said Wednesday. All other routes were clear cept for a few Icy spots on ntouti. tain roads. "FEED AWAY" YOUR DOG'S BAD ODORS! Make this wonderful discovery! By feed ing Ken-L-Ration cvety dajr, you can quickly rid your dog of bad breath anil offensive coac odors! Ken-L-Ration now contain tblmfhiK tin nature's own mitJcle Jcodonnt. You pay no more for this famous dog food. And dog! love it because it's packed witn choice cuts of lean, ted U, S. Govt. In spected horse meat. feed Ken-L- Ration regulsrly and strong inn odors are ended forever! Get Ken-U Ration at your favorite store or dealer's, or write for free special certificate that saves you Hi on your fust can. Send this, ad on a postcard to Ken-L-Products, Dept. 249, Box 5339, Chicago 77, IIL Enjoy a home that is just the way you want it in appearance and arrangement. We can sup ply ideas that will save you time, trouble, money. Let us , know what you have in mind! J. W. Copeland Lumber Yards Klamath Falls . . . Tuleloke . . . Chiloquin 1 4ssists with Lenten mcnu prob,cms r .HSlv '0l"sIS('--' ,&y3 ...;-.i;. : fix :-"". . VL r-- ' I l' K. -. -. ti --X 141 MOM YOUR OEALCR OR " , st V-X fgj CRATIR UKt ROUTI MAei k? 'U0 ftjG ' -CH THESE DELICIOUS COTTAGE CHEESE PAHCAKES ONE OF THOSE "SURPRISE-OF-YOUR-LIFE" DISHES. THE RECIPE IS ON PAGE 14 OF THE CRATER LAKE COTTAGE CHEESE RECIPE BOOK . . . FREE WHEN YOU CALL AT KLAMATH FALLS CREAMERY OR MAILED FREE IF YOU CALL 5101 . . THERE ARE 68 LUSCIOUS AIDS IN PLANNING THE LENTEN MENUE. V i;i'ni!fl!iiiy; 7l & wwma. r aji is -m r i sr m m a9mm m v wm w T' n f. t i