PAGE FOUR MARKETS and FINANCIAL Groins Sink As All Cereals Slump CHICAGO Wl Oralns sank Into new low ground on the current de cline tn fairly active dealings on the board of trade Wednesday Corn was the weakest cereal. Brokers attributed the slump to general liquidation. There was no export business and flour demand continued slow. Cash prices eased. Loose lard and crude soybean oil quotations were marked down with a generally lower fats and oils market. , Wheat closed Vt lower to high er. March $3.53 Vv'a. corn 1 to 2 cents lower, March $1.75 oats ,- lower, March 80 -V4, rye un changed to 1 cent higher. May $1.94 , soybeans Va-3 La higher, March $2.85 V4-4, and lard 2 to 20 cents a hundred pounds lower, March $11.40. Wheat Open High lew Close Mar May 8ep Dee 2.52 2.52 i 2.50 H 2.53 y, 2.50 2 50 2.48 3 2.50 .... 2.45 V, 2.48 , .i'i V4.t.i 2.48 2.49 H 2.47 ! 2.49 Vs Quotations lbylu vstox rwl232o 27 124 new imi o iw. .. By The Associated Press Admiral Corporation . Allied Chemical Allls Chalmers American Airlines American Power & Light American Tel & Tel. American Tobacco Anaconda Copper Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Co. Borg Warner Burroughs Adding Machine California Packing Canadian Pacific Caterpillar- Tractor v Celanese Corporation . Chrveler Corporation Cities Service Consolidated Edison Consolidated Vultee . Crown Zellerbach Curtiss Wright Douglas Aircraft duPont de Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio General Electric Genera Foods General Motors Georgia Pac Plywood Goodyear Tire Homestake Mining Co. International Harvester International Paper Johns Manvllle Kennecott Copper Libby, McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Loew's Incorporated Long Bell A Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvinator New York Central Northern Paciic Pacific American Fish -. Pacifio Gas & Electrio Pacific Tel. & Tel. Packard Motor Car Penney J.C.) Co. Pennsylvania R-R. Pepsi Cola Co. Fhilco Radio -Radio Corporation Rayonier Incorp Rayonier Incorp PJd Republic Steel Reynolds Metals Richfield OU Safeway Stores Inc. Scott Paper Co. Sears Roebuck V Co, fjocony-Vacuum OU Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif Standard Oil N.J. Etudebaker Corp. Sunshine Mining Swift tt Company Transamerica Corp. Twentieth Century Fox Union Oil Company Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United States Plywood United States Steel Warner Pictures ' Western Union Tel Westinghouse Air Brake Westinghouse Electric Woolworth Company 26 70'-. 49 ? 14 i 23 "!' 154 61 i 484 75 49'.'i 48 631. 17 li 26 i 34' 50 45 14 68 2 102 i 33 vt 17 li 55 H 8 S 56 ?i 85 44 y. 14 55 43 ; 50 U 43 H 35 V 33 47 'i 64 4 80 8 20 ? 17 39 V 60 ? .19 19 69 ft 16 35 110 V, 4 i 68 V 18 tt 8 28 tt 24 tt 64 41 tt 61 64' 30 Vi 52 tt 50 36 64 tt SO 3 75 tt 32 tt 10 tt 31 tt 23 tt 18 tt 36 tt 110 tt 28 tt 30 4 5 tt 31 tt 38 tt 15 tt 40 tt 25 tt 35 tt 42 tt Potatoes SAN FRANCISCO I Potatoes: 14 cars on track; arrivals, Cali fornia 1. Maine 2, Nevada 3; no tales. LOS ANGELES Wl Potatoes: 12 cars on track; Oregon 5. Min nesota 1, Maine 1, Montana I, Cal ifornia 3, Idaho 10, by truck 10; market steady; no sales. CHICAGO Wl Potatoes: Arriv als 79. on track 279; total U.S. shiDments 1.034: market dull track sales, none: street sales per 100 lb according to basis of sale:! Colorado "cuiures sd.di-s.ui; Ida ho Russets $6.41-66. The National Geographic Society says more menhaden, a fish spe cies, have been taken from Amer ican waters than any other fish. Dorothy Gray Hormone Hand Cream i may make the wonderful difference! This extraordinary cream is made with natural estrogenic hormones (10,000 units per ounce!) to help telltale hands hide their age ! PLUS an exclusive emollient ingre dient to gnard against wind, weather, water. Get Dorothy Cray Hnnrtone Hand Cieam today while yon save 50. TVT 1 now xo WOOD'S Mdicol-Dental Building Most Stocks On Losing Side NEW YORK Wl The stock market made a show of strength Wednesday under the influence of substantial advances in the rail road division, but the display was dimmed by a long list of losers. Progress was labored and not without its setbacks, but there were enough plus signs to give an upside tinge to the whole list. Gains extended from fractions to around 2 point while losses were almost universally in a iracuonai range. The volume of business was an estimated 11.300.000 shares. Hog Supply At Markets Eases CHICAGO Wl Country supplies cased off their hog supply a little Wednesday but demand was so poor that prices ruled steady to 25 cents lower. This placed levels at new lows since April, 1950. Cattle were mostly sioaoy to ou cents higher but good grade and poorer steers were as much as 50 cents lower. Lambs failed to sell early. Most barrows and gilts sold from 115.50 to $17.25. a few choice light weights getting up to $17.35. Sows took 113.50 to $15.75. ... Choice to prime steers ranged from $33.50 to $39.00 ana goon to prime heifers from $29.50 to $35.50. Cows topped at 24.00 and vealers at $40.00. Bidding on lambs was weak to 50 cents lower. Yearlings were ab sent from the run while slaughter ewes held fully steady at $15.00 and below. Portland Livestock - PORTLAND W Cattle salable 150: holdover 75; market moder ately active, generally fully steady but some steers unsold; odd head commercial and low good sters 30.00-34.00: few uility steers 25.00 29.00; utility heifers 23 00-28.00: odd commercial heifers held high er; canner and cutter cows 17.50 21.00: shells downward to 11.00: utility cows mostly 21.50-25.00: high utility and commercial holdovers 1.029 and 1,167 lbs 26.00-26.25. light ly sorted: utility bulls 25.00-28.00: Odd commercial bulls 28.50-30.00. Calves salable 35: market active, steady; few choice vealers 34.00 37.00; odd head 37.50; commercial and good 27 00-33.00; utUity 20.00 26.00. Hogs salable 300: market rather choice 180-235 lbs largely 19.75 20.00; few lots 20.25 and small lot 2035; choice 260-280 lbs 18.50: choice 135-170 lbs 18.00-19.00: choice 340-500 lb sows 16.00-17.00: 60 lb sows down to 15.0: 1 lot medium 90 lb feeder pigs 15.50: good and choice salable 17.00-18.00. Sheep salable 50: market active, strong; considering improved qual ity; 1 lot mostly choice with few prime 91 lb wooled lambs 2750: odd head good and choice 100-110 lbs 26.00-27.00: few medium 70 lb feeders 24.00: good slaughter ewes salable about 13.00. )' , Chemult . ,' j By VIRGINIA TAYLOR The regular monthly meeting of the Gilchrist Garden Club was held Wednesday evening at 7:40 at the club. Co-hostesses were Mrs. O. C. Jordan and Mrs. R. J. Terrell. The table and refreshments were based on the George Washington theme. Plans for entertaining the Cascade District were made for the May event. The theme for this event will be called "Amer ica the Beautiful" program for the February meeting was In charge of Mrs. Corwln Galbreath which con sisted of a showing by Newell Cory of 35mm slides on Wild Flow ers of the Northwest. These were loaned from the private collection of Mr. J. E. Parker of Bend. It was reported that the Food and White Elephant Sale the club had last week netted $52.35. Those help ing with the sale were Mrs. AlbTt Carmichael, Mrs. R. J. Terrell. Mrs. O. C. Jordan and Mrs. I. Ezell. Naw members of the clua are Mrs. Ox Burrow of Crescent and Mrs. William Taylor of Che mult. Miss Dolores Sporrer arrived for a visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. D. Sporrer. She has been liv ing and working In Oakland, Calif, the past year. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Jessup and children left Thursday for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Geoige Talbot of San Leandro, Calif. They were accompanied as far as Mar tinez by Mrs. Wayne Steckler who will join her mother or a few days in Los Angeles Mr. and Mix. Steckler are newcomers in Che mult. He Is the telegrapher for Southern Pacific. Mrs. George Epperson Is spend ing a few days witn his parents in New Plymouth, Ida. His father has been serious ill, out is report ed to be Improving slowly. Mrs. Lew Williams and ton Wil- Price! DRUG Ph. 6712 Weather Northern California Fair tn north and pnrtly cloudy In central California Wednesday and 1 Intra dv. Scattered light showers pos sible south of Fresno and King City. Continued mild temperatures. Winds off const 10 to 20 miles an hour, northerly north of San Fran cisco and southerly south of San Francisco. Grants Pass and vicinity Fair through Thursday with morning fog. High both days 57, Low Wednesday night 35. Western Oregon Partly cloudy with considerable valley fog morn ing hours Wednesday and Thurs day. Little change in temperature with highs both days 50 to 60. Lows Wednesday night 30 to 40. Winds off and 10 to 20 miles an hour. Eastern Oregon Partly cloudv Wednesday and Thursday except mostly cloudy with lew showers in northeast Wednesday. Litlle change in temperature with highs both davs 35 to 4.i. Lows Wednes day night 15 to 30. 34 hours to 4:50 a.m. Wednesday Max. Mln. 1'rcelp. Baker Bend Eugene La Grande Lakeview Medford North Bend Ontario Pendleton Portland Roseburg Salem 32 18 47 27 50 40 T 40 31 , 49 25 62 M I 57 38 T 34 11 50 36 54 39 .01 59 45 54 38 .05 36 22 45 2ti 66 33 57 44 ' 68 54 45 34 61 47 l 64 51 44 31 38 31 .10 Boise i Chicago Denver Eureka Los Angeles New York Red Bluff San Francisco Sent tie Spokane Funeral FRAKtTS services for Funeral Bertha Frakes. 85. will be held at ti-.e grave side in Kl.itnath Memorial Par Thurs day, Feb. 28 at 3 P ni. The Rev. E. M. Causev of the First Baptist Church officiating. O Hair's Memorial Chapel will be in charge of arrangements. aonr.ERs Funeral services for Janette Lyn Rod gen, 34. who died here February 23. uill take nlare from the chaoel of Ward's Klamath Funeral Home, 92 Hih St.. on Thursday. February 33, 1952 at 10:00 a.m.. Rev. Marvis Key- ser of the Community Presbyterian church. Tulelake. California officiating. Commitment service and interment will take place in Siskiyou Memorial park. Meaxora, ureson at ?.w p.m. Rev. W. L. Gray officiating. Obituary SILVA Pamela Jean Stlva. the Infant daiiffh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Sllvi of ihi clly died here February 2t. 19.12. Besides the Darents iur-ivors in elude m nitter. Re-erlv Ann and BTand- parenls, Mr. and Mn. G. Lombardi of Mi Shsta. Ca ifornia and Mr. A. C Silva of Yreka. California. Funeral fervicef will take place from the chap el of Noble's Funeral Home. Mt. Shasta California on Thursday. February 20 at 2:00 p.m.. Father Christen of St. Anthony's churh officiating. Commit ment service and interment in the ML Shasta cemetery. Ward's Klamath Fun eral Home in charge of Ihe arrange ments. RODGERS Janette Lyn Rodgers. 34. . native of Vale. Oregon and a resident of Klam ath Falls for 7 years, died here Feb. 25. 1952. Survivors include: the widow er. Felbert O. and a son. Wayne of this city: her father. Henry Heal of Krnnewick, Washington: 3 brothers. Jake Raat of Kennewick. Washington. Abbte Raat of Portland. Oregon and John Raat of Prairie Lily. Oregon: sisters. Lois Raat of Portland. Oregon and Mrs. Nina Heme ol Kenmeion Oregon. Notice of funeral services wlil he found elsewhere in this issue. Wards Klamath Funeral Home in charge of the arrangements. San Francisco Livestock SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO I Cattle: 25, not enouRh to test the market, tew sales cows steady, canners and cutter cows 16.00 20.50, utility ud to $23.00, Tuesday load good-choice 845 pound fed heifers $32.00, four head 875 pound out at $30.00. Calves: None. Hogs: 250, not enough butchers to test market, supply mostly feed er pigs, few choice 200-240 pound butchers $19.00, few choice sows steady $14.75. Sheep. 150. salable supply aug mented by 300 head not shown Tuesdav. no earlv sales. Tuesday load choice and prime wooled 105 straight, steady. Ham Schultz are visiting In Cald well, Ida. Little Marilyn Bourne celebrat ed her second birthday Feb. 20 with several small friends to help her open her gifts and munch birthday goodies. Wednesday night was one of 'he coldest we have had this year go ing down to 25 below zero. Wonder if Fort Klamath can top it this time? FIRST APPLICATION RCLIEVES ITCHY SICK Zemo modern highly medicated antiseptic promptly relieves itch and audi healing of surface skin frmmrk and scalp irriutiong, stLlTltJ ti 1 f Wi V ' ilia - 11KKALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH Pair Held Here In, County Jail Two men being taken to Port land to face criminal charges were held overnight in tho Klamath County Jail. . . v They were Marvin Jack Ryan, 20 wanted for robbery, and Hur ley O. Erwln, 23, wanted for lar ceny by bailee. The two were being brought from Los Angeles In custody of two Portland dolectlves, 1 Qnito Ml HI MS JOHNSON Hon. t Klamath VaUev tloipiml, Feb an, lta. ti Mr. nri Mr. Gerald Johiuon, TulrUke, Calif.. a bow Weight: B pounds U' oum-e. DAVIS Born at Klamath Valley HoplUI. Feb. 3. 11)53. ti Mr. and Mn. Domini Oavltt. 303 1 Humnivra Lane, a girl. Weigh,: fi pound Ul ounce. JOHNSON Born at Klamath Valley Noapltal, Feb. 30, 10.13, to Mr. and Mm. Virgil Johnnon. box tH.'l. ktanuith Fulls, a boy. Weight. 8 pounds J1, ounce. ,, LUDLOW- Born at Klamath Vallev Hoitptul. Feb. 3ti. 1PM, to Mr. and Mn. Jam Ludlow. 3046 Htipe hi.. a bov. Weight: 8 pound l ouiu-e. DOM P1EK--Born at Klamath Valley Hospital. Feb 37, IW3. tu Mr. and Mrs. Klmer Compter. S70H Avalon, a boy. Weight: T pound U ounce. ('OMIM.AI.NTti FILM Laura EtiMwood vi. Simeon liber Eastwood, lull for divorce. Couple married Feb, 7. WW. Klamath KaHm. Ore. Charge, deiertlon. Plaintiff seek restoration former name. Laura U. Jardine. U. -S. Balenlme. attorney for plaintiff. Donald W. Baker, administrator of estate of Thelma Irene Baker v. John R. McCulloch, doing bume a Mc CtiUoch Motor, and Robert D Baker, suit to collect SH.WO damagei. coU and disbursement. C. J. Burrell. at torney for plaintiff. MARHIAtlK LU'FNSrlS FULLEN fl'LLEN Elmer D. Fulton. 2;t, truck driver. Native of Knnwi Reiddent or Klamath Falls. Ore. Coleen 1 Ftillen, '20, cashier. Native of Oregon. Resident of Klamath FalU. Ore. WHAIK SALE TOKYO . Whale meal 1.700. noo nouiids of it coos on snle J t Thursday. It was brought into Shi- hmirn nnrt bv the lirsi snip 10 re turn from this year's Japanese Ant arctic whaling expedition. j. A IF yours is like most businesses today, medium -weight transportation enters many times into the cost of your product from procurement of raw materials to delivery of the finished product. ' For the first time, these "average" loads can be moved at spectacular savings at a cost far below anything you've ever paid for medium-weight transportation in the Past! The efficiency and economy of Diesel power become available to every user of trucks rated as low as 2 tons (19,500 GVW-35,000 GCW). It's the latest 677 So. 7th St. KA1 LS. OR KG ON v Fort Klamath U..H. ,1 , i.l i. ii W.H--- ' A brlRlit not In th local news on Simdny. Feb. 17. Harry Oii'in went by cur to l'ottliiml on lum py mission to brum buck homo In wile,- who tins been ti putlent lor the post Nix weeks ut 81. Vincent's luispltiil, whero she underwent sur Rery three times. Tho iminy frlriiri.i of the younii million will bo Rliul to hour Unit she Is Hi'tlum tilium just fine. Durum her stay In the hospital, her two small children. Gnry and Anne, were eareil (or by Mrs. Ord Prltcliett nl her home In Fort Klamath. Mr. and Mrs. Al Smith loll last Monday (or Crescent City, alter vt.Mltnif here Inr the pasl two months al Die Walter MlilklK Sr., home al tho Wood River motel. Further Muns of nimrnachlnn sprliiR have been observed here iniely, when moatlowinrks and a bluebird were noted, In the wuv ol birds retlirnlnit: iiIm), Mrs. llallue Itrattain, who lives In Ft. Klamath at one of the lilKhtmler apart menu, has an unusual story to port. Early In February, she was amniicd to spy two little chipmunks vanishing under the porch ot her home. KnnvvliiK that the deep snow would make it prucllcally Impossl hie lor llieni to net lood, Mrs. Brnttam set out bread at tho edue ot the porch, and watched tor re- Mills which weren t lonu In comlni;. The cunnhiK little striped creiituees soon emerged from benemh the porch lust Ioiir enoimh to sier pieces of bread and return to their hideout. A pile of iurs placed near the porch by Mrs. Ill-attain also disappeared, the chipmunks movlm: llieni under the porch lor u comly nest. While at least two local lam illes have pet chipmunks in canes, to dale thev have showed absolute ly no stuns of life, beiiiR still In Ilieir deep winter sleep in theli nests within the canes. From pres ent Indications, Mrs. Brnttam will have to continue Indefinitely In her chipmunk - feedim operation, as It snowed hard this last weekend. Death eumo on Thursday, Feb 14. to Miss Carrie Ulcon, who (passed nway nl hr homo in Ruse 'burn niter havtnR been bedfast in Shsases 2m l& to I WW W MS that's why this -ton Diesel may be WEST-HITCHCOCK CORPORATION Klamath Falli, Ore.' . You'll do Utter valid tor the past nine months pil low inn an accident in which Klin loll and Iractiired a hip. ttho was 11.1 years old al the lime of her death, and hi addition to u brother, It. 8. "Belli" Dixon of Ft. Kllimnlll, Is survived by another brother, Wil liam, of liosebiii'R, also n nicer llvlnu t l.ouu lleach, Cull!., us well as several cousins. Included ainoiiK the latter In a well known Kin in it Hi County limn, Jim Ulxon of Illy, Ore., who wan for innnv years a resident ol Fori Klamath, whero he was enuaRed In tho Riocerv business, Anolher cou sin, Walter Ulxon. Is also well known In tills vicinity. huvhiK lived hero for several years. Mr. and Mrs. K. ti. Dixon won spcndhiK the winter months at Ku.i Francisco, Cahl., and were called in ltoM'burii recently by news of the critical condition of his older sister. Final riles for Miss Dixon were held at KosehuiR Monday inoniloii, Feb. Ill, with commitment services mid Inlermeiit 111 tho fam ily plot at the Hoselnuit cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Dixon planned to remain at HosehuiK lor ten days, then to come hero for u short slay "ibihii'O leluinliiR to Hun Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. William .iminiiin have returned from Hod lllull. Ciilll., where thev attended tho bull sole held there this month, niter hnvliiR visited at rortervllle, Calif., Willi Mrs. Zuiubriiu'a relatives In nild-Deceinher. Mr. and Mrs. Zum brim hud three bulls up lor snle at the Heel lllull allalr, and hrotiRlit i one of the minimis hack with them, Ihe other two Imvlim been sold . . By the way, this Is still another siu of sprlnit, for when Ihe callle 'men stall coinhm buck to Wood ; Ulver valley, we know It won't be jlonii until the snow is none and lonce more the whltefnee r.erelord'. ibv the thousands will be broiiuhi in for seasonal pasture In local meadows. I ATKM1 UFCOVKKIM. TKHHAN. Iran 'f Drputy Prt'inlrr Mcwhrln FaU'nit. vuitin of mi nssHiwiniitloii atcempt on Feb. 15, was oprrntcd on Wi'dtuvsiliiy to cUv:p thrtM Uullft holes in his in tcstiiuvf. Ills Inunctllntf coiullllon wus dtvst'iihcd as Rood. Fntrmt. 38. was idiot by a youthful MohIciii IcrrortM. i 1 message about America's first the most important you've ever read! advance from the world's largest producer of Diesel trucks. It's an entirely new kind of GMC truck tractor powered by a revolutionary, lighter-weight, more compact model of the famous General Motors, two-cycle engine that is first choice among Diesel truck users today. It offers the advantages of more miles per gallon and lower maintenance in hauling operations where there has been no choice but gasoline power in the past. Before you waste another cent in your larg est hidden cost of doing business trans portation check the important role this SHE Tm on a userf truck with your GMC dealer Oregon Seed Acreage Up CORVAI.LI8 11 Oitroii'ii cer tified seed acreiiRB Increased In 1 115 1 to nearly Ull.OflO acres, a Rnln of 11.000 acres over the previous yenr, an Oreiion Stnte College ex pert reported Wednesday. Harold Flnnell, OSO cerlltlcatton apeclallsl, mild the alfnlfu seed ucreiiRe lienriy nouuiro wmi acres passlnit Inspeclloii. Nenrly half win the new variety called Talent. I.adlno led clover seed produc tion Willi Jn.OOtl acre-i cerllfled, while Alls Fcbciio was hiRli nmonit Kiasses with more than U.IKHI acres, an Increiisa of 4.000, over 11180. Oriiln certification totaled 4.(100 acres, double the previous yenr's tot 111. Uut Willamette Veeh dropped to an nll-llmo low of 91)0 acres, coin pared with 330 In 1W00. IMMTRK T COI'nT l.ttk llnrruuiit ovrlod, Forfvtt t'M bint Willium t. llonpyball. ovvrloail. rnr frii sift ItMlt Wtlllnut I, HuticytiMll, m-trlmf (h. for fril lift hat). Wiiimm H ;rvcit. pMtif iniufflrlt nl i'lottrnitt p Fine 15. l.tiivii W. rivlti. Imprniivr muffler. Km- W Wlltrrd A Clark, no vehicle llctnav. Mvrllv A Chnllitirit, no vthlrl II rrK rurfrll hull- ItdV o Johimon. nu whirl Hcnt f i.ucv r. tTt. no upeminr iirn. rtririi Jm T. Mrrrt?r Jr . violation blf rulr riite fin Knt II Mun.tthry, vii-Ulln ntklc rule, rorfpll u bail John I- fiinu. permlitlnf utillcentea mitiur orral vein tie Fin 9IU- Canaxlft Shtifflrri. inmri and Slfu .... Voliht't Plonrrr Offlcr Supply. Bin Mntn. new CjMC 2-ton Diesel trwck-tractor stands ready to play in yonrowa operation. As your GMC dealer, we extend this invitation: if you are processor, manu facturer, retailer, distributor, farmer or commercial hauler using 2S'-ton equipment , come m and see why thia new GMC Diesel will mean extra profits to you cry mile of th way. WKDNKSDAY, FEBRUARY 27. IBM FBI Nabs , Klansmen In Big Cleanup lly NOI'.I, YANOKY WIIITKVIIit.K, N. C, 11 Mora Until a acoro of Until and county officer, moving aitalnnt hooded tnrrorlnin In Hoiitlirantern Norlh Carolina for the aecond time within I wo week., aiienled elnlit former Kti KltlX Klnilninnn Wednegiliiy, The arienta worn amiotintied by Bliile II u i rit u of InvvallKiitlnii 1)1- rerlor Jiiinea Pownll, who with Hlierlff IIiikM Niiiu-e of Cnlunilitin County directed the early morning rtiiiiidtin. Howell mi Id the former Klnnn men, all Identified u mrniliem ol Ihe Fair Mlull Klnvern In Coltnn linn County, were Involved In Ihe kldiiuplnit of n Neitro womiin, Ka tlirr Lee F'lnyd, Nov. 14 Inul year. He milled that all drfeitdiinla were clmrged with conspiracy to kltliiup nnd itMiiiiill, and with kid nnpliiK and iiiwnult. 1'owell mild four of them, Includ ing a fitther anil Ilia noil, were iimonu 10 men arreted by Fill and North Carolina offlrera In the flint major blow aiialnnl the Klan In thin area Feb. III. One win Identified ax Knily llruokir, 4-t. exnllrd ryrlnp. ip '. dent I of the Fulr lllull Khiveru unci a former police chief of Fair llltiff. lie In a IlKhtnlng rod halenman and wus Imi a Fair Hlull coo Htnble. The oilier wax tinted an Bobby 11 rook n. Inn 18-yriir old aon, kard (lectureri of the Klnvern. A moved to llnlrliih, N. V.. about sf month bko antl wan arrested there. At leant a dozen cane of Ilot uliiRn luiva been reported In the Coltmibiia County area In the part two yearn, but offlrera were un able to pernimde vlctlnui to U-ntlfy. Many renlrientn of the area kept their doom barred at mailt and feard to aiuwer a' nocturnal knock. did '4 OENIIMl MOTO.J