WKDNKSDAY, r'KRKUARY 27. 1052 PAGE TWO HERALD AND NKWS. KLAMATH KAI.I.X. OH WON wwr,mT, . T j it r -I J I - -.T KFJI-1150 Ke. FST . ' Wednesday Evening, Feb. 27 e 00 Oabrlel Hralter MBS 6:10 Klamath Theater iuut :30 Around Town New tM Earn Hayaa Newa MBa :S Bill' Henry MBS 7.00 Family Theatre MBS 7:30 CUro Km MBS 11:00 What'a Name Sunf MBS B::.o You ever Know 8:4.1 Heidelberg Harmonaire 00 Glenn Hardy Kewa MBS 0:1.1 Fulton Lewis Jr. :30 WreitUn B M It-MIn Final MBS 10:00 Wrexllnf 10:19 I Love a Myilery MBS 10:30 Out of Thundrr MBo 11:00 Night Owli Kfi 11:0.1 Nisht Owl Club 12:00 Sign Oil t NaBLTt to imc l jKjl iiso Kc. PtT Thursday. Tcb, 28 , 6:00 MUflcal ReYei.lt (M.'i harm reporter I.U Regional News T OO HemmfiW.. Newt MBS 7:15 Breakfast Gang MBS 7 .10 Headline and B lines T: Bet Buy 11:00 Cecil Brawn MBS II IS RrfAkfaat Gang MBS B.tO Haven of Rt MUS 9 iiO Homemakcr Jlarmoniei (t 15 Marlon fi-om Miller ll .'iO Platter Party 6.43 Familiar r'avorllet 1000 Glenn Hard - Newt MBS 10 IS Tello Test MUS lo ;:o l.Ai'otnte 10 4.1 Miniature Concert 10 N) Currlna 10:53 Ken Canon MRS 11 00 l.adlei Fair MUS 11 2.1 News MBS 11:30 Queen for Day MBS 12:00 Name Bands 11 13 Noonday Newi 12 .10 Your Dance Tunes 12:43 Muifc Box I2:.vj Market A Mvctock 13:33 Market Notes 1.00 Jack Kirk wood Shew MBS 1:30 Tane a Number MBS 2:00 Newi MBS 2:03 New MBS . 3:13 Two at 2 15 2.43 Answer Man MBS 3:00 Ricky's Request 4:00 Speed Gibson 4:13 Hemingway News MBS 4:. '1 Curl I .atsey V .n.e MS 4 Sam Hayes MBS o UJ .Sff.se.vH Pri-tvi MBS 5:30 Sky Kins MBS 3:33 Cecil Brown MBS 6:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS 6:13 Klam. Theater Quix 6:30 Around Town Newt 6:43 Sam Hayes New MBS 6 55 Bill Henry MBS 7:00 Harmony Time 7:15 Sport Album 7:30 Red Cross Kickoff MBS 8:00 Tarun MBS 8:.:0 Adven. Your Heritage 8:45 Heidelberg Harmor.aires 9:00 Glenn HardyNews MBS 9:15 Fulton Lewis Jr. MBS 9:30 Mutual Newsreel MBS 9:45 Sports Final 9:55 5-Mm. Final MBS 1000 I Love a Mystery MBS 10:13 Rod it. Gun Club MBS 10:30 Bandstand USA MBS -10:43 Serenade in Blue 11:00 Night Owls News 11:03 Niaht Owls Club 12:00 Sign Off. KFLW 1450 Kc. PST Wednesday Evening, Feb. 27 6:00 Sport Highlights 6:13 Home Town News 6:23 World News Summary 6:30 Suburban Serenade 6:45 Headline Edition ABC 6:55 Coming Attractions on APT 7:00 The Lone Ranger ABC 7-30 Mystery Theater ABC 8:00 The Top Guy ABC 8:30 Rogues Gallery ADC 9 00 Prmimy We liatl 30 Norlhwert ArtlMs i 10 00 10 P M Headlines 10 13 Dream Harbor ABC 10:30 Inoonmia Club 11:00 News Summary 11.05 Sen Off KFLW 1450 Kc PST Thursday,- Feb. SR DM Sign on New Summary 6 C3 Cut it in the Moin. 6 43 Fann Fare 7i News Bkt.t tttitton 7 13 Charlie's Rounuup 7 ?0 Bob l.arred & Newt ABC 7 -'l Tort o' the VMnf T 55 John Conta ABC tU HrrMkiA.t Cluo ABC 9 00 Hank llerr Show 9 30 Break the Rank ABC 10 00 Chet Huntle, Neus ABC 10:13 Lone Journey ABC 10:30 My True Story ABC It) 33 Edward Arnold ABC . 11 00 petty Crot-ker ABC 11:15 Stop ft Shop 11:0 Jimmie Fidicr 11:30 AKnlnst the Storm ABC 1t:43 Mui'O.i) Roundup 11:35 Market Reports iJ.OO NiKn. Eoi..un News 12:13 Pay lew Sidewalk Show Lucky U Ranch ABC :O0 Paul Harv?.' ABC 115 Better Living 1:10 Mary Margaret McBride ABC 2:(U Bain Bries 2 1.. Accent on Melody I 2:30 Joyce Jordan. M I) ABC ! 2:43 Rom. Evelyn Winters AB 3:00 When Girl .Marries ABC ' :;:'j Tfi f- one AB" 3:30 De.n Cameron ABC 3:43 Mary Mnrlin AEC ; 4:00 Rcquestfully Yours .t:"u -i' i--. cti. sijrr r"" adv 3:23 World Flight Reporter ABC 5:30 Chet Huntley ABC 5:43 Adven. Your Heritage 6:00 S-Krts Highlights 6-15 Home Town New 6:25 World News Summary 6:30 Suburban Serenade 6 45 Headline Edition ABC 6 53 Coming Attraction on ABC 7 00 Mr President ABC 7:30 Defense Attorney ABC 8:C0 Ong. Amateur Hr. ABC 8:45 Stars of Defense 9:00 The Redhead ABC 9:30 Conre.t of Europe ABC 10:00 10 P M Headlines 10:15 Starlight Roof ABC 10:30 Imomnia Club 11:00 News Summary 11.05 Sign Off 1 73 - i-;:- ..,. P' afaenU : CONTINUOUS icpflu BENEATH TOWERING MOUNT SHASTA, Air Force Pvt. Harlcy Pallette (left), poses with KASRU pilot Ed Scholcr after being flown from the scene of his forced-down air craft near McCloud Sunday. Pallette and two others walked into McCloud, leaving a fourth Air Force man, James Sims, Sacramento, with the plane. He then flew back to the scene with another pilot, and stayed behind as Sims was flown out. Scholer then went in' to get Pallette. Note skis on landing gear. Tom Hagre, McCoud TOMORROW -THURSDAY- wsm heading a great cast in the western Technicolor - spectacle in years! J., fc-o- biggest I I.V THE 4 lesue" aLEN ALEXANDER KNOX bchasd soea mvm. am Sfassen Hat in Ore. Ring SALEM Forms to enable Harold A. Stassen to file in Ore gon's Presidential primary were sent to Stassen Tuesday by the State Elections Division. David O'Hara. chief clerk of the elections division, said Stassen asked for the forms in a telegram Stassen is the first candidate of I"' MIG-15 and damaged another either party to indicate he would Wednesday in a 10-minute fight In file his own name. clearing North Korean skies. The names of the other candi-1 It wis the first Jet battle since dates who have filed so far and iSaturdny. Gens. Elsenhower and MacArthur ; were filed by petition. Stassen ran in the primary four years ago closing out to Thomas E. Dewey, who won the F.epuou- US Planes Blast Red Jet As Sky Battles Resume -Ground Action Held Down By MILO FARNKTI SEOUL, Korea U.S. Sabre let pilots shot down one Commu. can nomination for president. Petitions are not necessary if a candidate files his own name. The deadline for filing is March 7. and the primary will be held May 16. i US Ahead In PSane Making NEW YORK l.fl How does the United States Air Force stack up against Russia's?" 1 Air Secretary Thomas K. Finlet ter. in a speech before the New Vnrlr Patent Law Association Tues- day night, had these comments on j Pa"- . . . h,nr. Production - Russia is ahead. , sent the fleet to show the flag and 10 snow irienu.MiiLj. A Naval spokesman said trie cur- US Destroyers Touring World By ROBERT EUNSON YOKOHAMA, p WedneaJay. Feb. 27 iP Four sleek U.S. destroy ers, veterans of the Korean war, ? JIL T Wn.Trt. "bout 200 Red Jets showed up south ey.ia". of the Yalu River. The Sabres the world "to show the flag The good will cruise was rem iniscent of the famed White Fleet cruise of 1908 when 16 warships under Rear. Adm. R. D. Evans toured the world and dropped an chor at Yokohama to impress Ja- Rooscvelt knocked down one and damaged two. Fifteen bombers on Operation Stranglt Wednesday cut Red rail lines in 90 places and destroyed or damaged one rail bridge. 72 roll cars, two field pieces, one anti aircraft position. 34 supply build ings and three fuel dumps. Ground action continued Ugh Wednesdoy. The U. S. Eighth Army's nlRht communique report- but the U.S. is catching up. definiteTvahead ""t cruis llkewise "ls t0 hw ed nIy ,Bht patrol clashes all Medium and lone rsntre bombers ! the na"-'. .... along the 155-mlle battlelront. Meoiurr and long rang' omoers i Selected for the cruise are the Th commUnlfue said the big-cuaUty'- ' Hyman Beatty. Purdy and Bristol t balllc wn 70.n,lnule cU..h quaiiij. , moriprn uarshlos which IE ,.i or. Lignt Domoers ine iwo air ri.,i.r iot "':u i"i forces are about equal. The newest Russian bomber, known ns "type 31" not as good as our B-36 heavy bomber. HOTEL LANDMARK GOES PINCHER CREEK, Alia. A landmark in the Southern Alberta town since 1889. the Arlington ho tel has been torn down. The hotel, build of hand-made bricks made on a district farm, was known for many years simply as "The Brick Hotel." mikJJmyB::!-1' -W district farm, was known for VHMMHBaaaaaaa,,,,,,,,.. many years simply as "The Brick 1 'J VS. K 1 iV 1 ' loll Timmljodor I rdJLL Lr; i L . .. , i n i rs an t-w rmm i f "ON OUR STAGE I W.C' &k?lMJtjM I tsA dobaii moldovan 1 -' " urniui " IT&STrl&i JrZQ I I p,...u I iik patricia MEDINA 1 ukL 'jSi I "KLAMATH GEORGE TOBIAS RAYMOND BURR 1 lOsW f ' ' JUNIOR Jmmm-hmimmm-timkmLJlgr t make up uestroyer uiv sion i. rhin(se ,,. of chorwon on the The first port ot call is Mong : w , Fl.nt ib,?ThC"!ifil;l S Ihli force, on the Port Said, Naples, Cannes, Glbralt- skl, m.L nel W , J U l,i i er and the Awres. ia platoon in strength, mostly along Capt. W. H. Gioverman. Coving- 'he Ktimhwa-Knmsopg road. ton, Ky., commander ol uestrover Division 122. hopes to have the men and ships home in Newport, R. I., about April 30. Hay, Straw Go On Banned List A HAPPY ME M TWO L WASHINGTON lfl Agriculture Department officials said Tuesday an order banning livestock ship- outbreak of foot and mouth disease, s'h the savage beast and lo lend also applies to hay and straw. ! Influence to todays An official told a reporter these """"" "" " by Lloyd Derby Although "Music hath charms to products are involved: Prohibited: Cows, sheep, goats, and hogs and any fresh, chilled or frozen beef, veal, mutton, lamb and pork. Restricted: Hoy and straw and animal by-products, such as hides skias and bone meal. In efleci. the .official said, there 's litt.e differ 'ence betwen a flat prohibition f nd ' a restriction. that the greatest benefits are got ten from music when we make It ourselves. Just listening to music is a Passive-action. And youll notice In so-doing that the mind and the mood are not always completely absorbed in the mood of the Music. But when you're actually playing the music yourself, you're complete ly engrossed In making It say what vmi wnnl. tn exnress. It's the act of LONDON Wl The funeral of i ,,, ih mucin tlint makes it King George VI cost 58,000 pounds j Rn effcctive outlet for frustrations S162,400. i and emotions. When you're concen- The government presented Ihe I ,",." ' L , iov rrtin bill to Parliament Wednesday. ak- t'ngf " PSln cf ccW you're ing it to vote the necessary money. I wa, r,l " 'T.S. i The total Includes 8.000 pounds , , t:: ($22,400) for entertaining royal nd ; ' be paid or appointments to keep. ! overseas gueste, hiring cars and ; You're relaxed. And at the same i railway expenses. I time, you're enjoying a Creative mgcresi item was a mil irom ouuci. , . the armed forces for 36,750 pound I So remember, Music is not Just Royal Funeral Cost $162,400 ($100,010) for the troops who t.ok part in the ceremonies. That does not include their pay only special costs resulting from the royal funeral on Feb. 15. Teen-Ager On Most Wanted List WASHINGTON The FBI's "most wanted" list was revised Wednesday to Include a teen-ager, the youngest person ever placed among the nation's 10 top fugitives. He is 19 year old Kenneth Lee Maurer of Detroit, sought for the bludgeon deaths of his mother and 11-year old sister In Detroit's Rouge Park section last Nov. 2fl. - Maurer went on the "most want ed' list as a replacement for Wil lie Sutton, long sought for bank robbery In Brooklyn and captured by police there Feb. 18. Churchill Wins Vote Of Confidence As Socialist" Vina Loses Smear Battle t'htirdhlll said AlHco hh Jimtl j lied In junking audi uimiiueiiiriii,. .1 i j - .' LnNIWIJlutlrHrliM Mlnl.ir Churchill won n Mouse ol Chiiiiiio.ih cunfli.riif-e vule mi ln.i rr.iricn l.iil. Icy Tup.mUv .1'uht a tie:' asserting ills pieoge ot "piompi, ri'-unun rim (.I (relive ' arUuii in Knuvi only con tiniird pollclri a liit May by the former Labor uvoiiiiiiimi.. lift fllKf'In-.i.ft nl.4n lh.il 111,, f.nlinr reiilino of Pr'nm Mln.siov Aiilre aecrrtlv set up pi.Mil lor I'rguiiir produrtlon ot atomic bimibi and lmd produced mi nlv.n bomb. C'lllii clilll won I he -onild'Mier votp 3IH In 'JHA. n llinruln of :i:l vnle. Liberal pnrly 'oai-k-n.; t.u t-llocl his lumuiiu vonscrvii io eob.c oi u votes. Ills revelulloiii on Koivnll polley Mill the u'.omb uoin'i ruiiu'. CIiiiit nlll said, from cabin"! tiociiinrnl.i which lie hud no cliniiiv In i.e. until his CoiiH'ivuiive miily piMid the I.nboriies in 1M Oitubcr's Kcnrrul elerlliin. Mardi Gras Over For Another Year NEW ORLEANS ' The "wid est main street In Uie world" was almost empty as New Orleans marked the end of carnival season with Ash Wrdiie.stiny observances of the beginning of I he 40 fn.st days of Lent. Thousands who enjoyed Iho mad lies. of Mardi Uru.s wended Dielr unlet ways lo church to hove their forehead, aiinolntpd with the ashes of last Palm Sunday's palms. About 110 worried over police charges filed against them during Tuesday's fun and frolic thnt wus replete with parades, (Inuring, masking and general lun-maklng. Police said It was an unusually (.rderly celebration; usually about boo persons are arrested on Mardi Oras. Canal Street, which the Cham ber of Commerce publicises as the widest main street In the world, had little traffic. Malw cejebratnrs slept late: uthers had already lelt; shoppers wero few. Ills (IhcluMii'H brnimlit coulilsioii and auger ain-m.i .ho Laborl'e. This may sharpen Urn dlvMNi ue tween such ino-li'iali' lenders a.- Atllco and Hurbcil Morrison and the left wing- fni-Mon Ir I nv f.iriiior Labor Minister Aiumviii l'evau, Tho confidence vole enme on a ;..ionr utimiiv motion uri'imlnu Cliiirclilll of milking i-prret n llllniy pledged to Pie.si'l.M1. Tiuiitiiii. Hoc lullnt critics clvnucd !la..p rledges were hinted .it ivIk.ii C'imi lull prninlsrd Hi a speech In CniiuirM last nionlli that Hi nam wiiuui inse I "prompt, regime and eflecllve" ' action If n Korea truce were I reached, I hen broken by Iho Com 1 munlst. Churchill denied , anv secret agrrrmcut with the President, He said Atllee's agreement i reached a secret military iindrr i standing with III United Milieu lusl I May lo take Joint ni-l m "outside ! Korea" If Coinmiinlst nlanes bndlv btnslrd U.N, furces frniu Chinese buses. mjjw- ... Jn IAV KLAMATH fAlL. tllHI AMERICAN CHINESE H. 4t Ut Oram T. TaW Oil en B. Lee, Mgr. ' foR casual weak f "liuoyanl as a Bobbtr" Streaking icroli (lit nutlon lo ntw hf (glut ol popularity! Cool, color ful, nrxihir, light, airy footwear .fill, tlii. It Inna.wearina rulhlnn crvpe tolri. Aik for 'cm by nama " HUBS'' by the makm of Rind ihocs. a Caal fabrli vatiri a All faawlar calan a lttl ihanhl a WWlhi-I.CO.I .' 1 i .'$5.95 M.n'i la l $6.95 Laothtr Uppart J8.95 L VAN ORMAN'S 527 Moln The Sabre pilots said they traded firing passes with about 190 MIGs 50 in the morning, HO early In : inc Hiieinoon una ou luwnia even ing. It was In the last brush that the Sabres scored. MaJ. Van Chandler of Waxohachle. Tex., was credited with destroying one Red Jet, his third of the war. capt. George Dunn of Wilmington, Del., dam aged one. As the snow and clouds of the past few days cleared, the U.S. Fifth Air Force flew about boo sorties in the 24-hour period ended at 6 p.m. Wednesday a nearly normal number. In the preceding 24-hour period the Fifth Air Force flew only 20 sorties, lowest . In three months. In the last Jet battle on Saturday for the Youngsters. It's for EVERY BODY. And It's never too lnte to start learning to play your favorite Musical Instrument. If you would like a pleasant eve ning an evening full of music, Songs, Dances, and Comedy 1 recommend the "SHOWBOAT" to be put on In Mills Auditorium by the Malln Mariner's on March 7th. Curtain time 8:00 p.m. This show is sponsored by the Klamath Falh Lions club. It's a good show, don't miss It. But, If you would like to make a little music yourself you will find your favorite Musical Instrument . . . no matter what It is . . you will find every thing from a Har monica to a sousaphone In our stock. Oome In und look over our selection of band Instruments right away. You'll always find friendly folks to help you at Derby's Music co. 120 North 7th. rnonc lain FIRK CLAIMS FIVE , MONTREAL lf- Five member of a family died early Wednesday when lire swept their home in nearby Vllle Ste. Pierre. The cause of the fire was un known. IN JOT TNIS TOP-QUALITY AID Now ... o easy, so inaipenaiv to enjoy claar, comjorlablt hearing at home, church, work, movies, titrywhrr! By makera of famous Zenith Radio. KM, TelavUion rietn. lO Hav rrlurn privilrfr. Miaaaa4 a4 bana vaaaaallan aavlaaa arallaala al aiaiaraMi - Ira rwl. -'"in" 71 S Main Street 8ena Smart! BeTuna Sum! ?fs I THE SAME PRICE AS ORDINARY TUNA... but what a difference in flavor and tenderness! These select 'Connoisseur cuts" are packed to the hilt, too, with health and nourish ment! White Star Erand Solid Pack (Fancy) . . . packed exclusively from select tuna filets! The brand that made tuna famous! P '. made tuna famous! I i M'--iH t i l ra m mi m n ! i i MA "" " mri i. BLUE LABEL... I vftn -, "Brft'V CrotVa" arid "Ctd Medal" 0' roj. l(odmorlt of Gtol M-lli Inc., WfiWft Oil ll 0 'eg. Irodt-'nark el th WtnonO'l and nowdnfl Co , Inc. WtiitS'of Brand Tuno U o Vflft ComoStafoedooC'tdbYVanCarno 'to food Company. Inc. Moln Qllci laiminol lilofld, Caiiloino. BLUE LABEL..., Alio tit lf Crtinlobtl and WMt ifflf Brand Dittei-e Tuno, 7cfMR0lL-UPS This delicious Lenten Dish was developed by Belly Crocker's Staff at General Mills (Kaol avan lo 450'. Sill logalhar J (upi ,lll,d CO10 MEDAl Hour, 'J lip. doubla otlion bok lug powdar, ! l,p. ,oll. four Into a m.omrlng cup fbul don'l ilir togglhai) ', cup WESSON Oil, , cup milk. Than pour oil ol onca Inlo lha flour. Stir with 0,k n,i mi,,u ,,,, lid o( bowl ond round! up inlo o boll. Smoolh by knaodlns dovtjh oboul 10 limoi without oddl. lionol flour. Ploca lha dough balwaen 1 ih.eli woiad popaj, (IJ In. iquora). oll oul until dough roochai adgai ef popar. aal off lop popar. Cut dough Inlo iquoiai. Moba tuna filling floka I con (I cup) WHITE STA Srond TUNA) mil loo.lh.r wilh , cup mlncad calaiy, I agg, unbaolan. Spreod J ibip. luno filling ovar aoih iquora. Doll up toch quota ol for ally roll. )floca. roll-upi, laolad lido down, on llnqraoiad cookie ihoat. taka 10 lo 15 mlnulat In hoi av.n t MO'). Sana wllh hoi louca mod. by bringing to a boil (ovar low haol, Hitting comlonllyl on I0tt-o. con condamad craom of muihtoom, calory or chlckon loup ond J ibip. choppad porilay. Cornlih with potil.y 6t popriko. Strvaiolo. If you ma OO10 MEDAl SaifHliIng flour dold In th Sovlh), emit boklng powdar ond loll.