HERALD fNO NEWS. KIAMATH PALLS. ORKT-M PACE FfFTFIF.N I. i i wii 30 RIAL FOR SALI 30 RIAL ISTATI COR SAll 30 REAL ISTATI FOR 5 A LI 44 FINANCIAL LOANS AVTQMOTiVt WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1052 I I. a i. 3 1 $4200 rrxim lioinr (in nrr", tfnnd JtiiimliiUmi, lliMiliit'':l, KlTlrle hi-nt ((nod fill mi'lrr Irrlciilinn. Wfimll iliiwn pn y itici it, Imlnmo Hko rent. Aunt! Mn.ntl Kvrn, (!7H -Kilrtir IHwIi-y 2IMHH iBOGUEDALE, Realtor yji B. Dtli Plume Tim ' cheapTes j llcdi'Kiin minimi Willi wml niidrm rnliln. I wnlrd m invrd ' Bt.rfrf, Oily tewnr. Hldfwulk. Price 2MI0. Mild dimn, balance IDO.flO prr mouth. ; Carpenter Special '2 - iV(ltnnm mmlrrn wtih bitM-mnit. f W.ilklnR (Ichinrr Id Omrir und i HH'U BrHiuA. I'ltvrntriit ami city newer, I'rlcc M7'0. dnotl Ifrin. '2 Bftlroom tmflhlhfd home on i ttne Irtipntrtl. JJuthroom fixture p nil inn trrln In .nelmlcil, Pi ice tJUUO. Clout I trrnin. I ULTRA-MODERN : 3 BEDROOM "An (lit modern locittrd In Mill? .Addltlun. A beautiful, wtll bill!) linmp 13' i vrn.i .I'rlrnl . tn Mill lll-k nl 13.M)0 I' ll A l.uiil) IkKtlmi. Ily npixiliitiiiriil (inly, WALT UIKTZ, Willi T. B. WATTERS HKALTOn and INSURANCE "107 Ho. 71 h Ni. 4 1 U3 (Em 04001 - 3 BEDROOM HOME Yr here II In. Nice thrre bedroom linnic livtnit room with fireplace, uliidy or dni. Two bnttn, part -,nrmi.H, utility room Mid Krch. I'jillnrhed Rnrnnr. Till" Hi Mtuiilrd on Hirer mid 1 3 acre., ullh three ImiKi rhlrkrn Iioimph, burn and "work ulrnp. Nicely lundM-nried, ,,brrrlM, apple trrri nnd etc. Hrlter KIVD ua o mil nun nil.. Mil-. Vi have aoiiie ikkxI farm nnd "ranches Kurd, come In and see us ,about ihem. 3 bedroom home for rent. Unfurn . Lined. Jav P. Grlccs Evrs. Ph. 42&4 Kiei Nl 6045. Eves Ph. 3-2650 .llOene Fulfil Clnlre Ellis W. W. Thompson at Mnlin '! J. W. SANDERS rtKALTort 131J Mnln St. Phone 752S HERE'S NEWS - , . If you're louklns for a good buy 9 .In n lioinc ilo.'.e to lownl "Ihli one hns 3 brdrooinn. all on .una floor, new cnrprtlnii nnd n lire- ? I ji.ace Unit really works. i 'Jk'ou'll enjoy the clennllnea nnd . Jnerlor Is very clenn nnd livable, I lie exterior could slnnd some work. .The home Li surrounded by n nice .yard nnd a roomy driveway cjui ncrommcK.'nte several cars. Lame abnlldlnii In renr can be rented nr Unproved. Ot this plncc complete our only fii.DOO. Don Klrkpntrlck, SulCMniui iKvenlnm Phone 87fi0i If i- EVERETT DENNIS ?j , REALTOR 121 No. 8ih Phone 8401 SUBURBAN Two bedroom home nn paved aireet. This one has lame livliis 1-ooni, dining room, kitchen, tub jind shower bath, utility room. Larue detached itaraee, lots of lovely trees, flowers anil shrubs. "All fenced. Tills Is the house we Jinve all been looking lor. Only . tsivo. duplex Two lovely adjoining npnrtmenU lth fireplace In one of Klamath's finest nnd most popular districts. 'ull bnsrnients, double garage, nice Isaii nnd shrubs. Here Is a ehnnce to own your own home and have nn Income to help out with the high cost nf living. Reasonably priced. Tonus enn be arranged, Shown by appointment. SUBURBAN Cozy two bedroom home on aver age lot. Living room, kitchen, bath anil hall, full bnsemcnt that could hn thlr:l bedroom or playroom nnd' knrnge. Lnrgo Inwn with lots of shrubs, beautiful trees lor lots I ' Of shade. ! ' Oohnny Hobson ( Eves 8804 1 HI hnle Oilthh lEves SS441 'Wit Frederick-son (Eves 8725) t with '-;AL LONGE, Realtor REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 'ill So. 8th Phone 8283 9 BEDROOMS Mills close to bus J5500. i BEDROOM North Side Silly furnished $5600. BEDROOMS South Suburban ir 13 acre J0950. I HlODROOMa Mills hard wood floors, one year old, $9500, VERNON DURANT ANDY SILANI ' REAL KSTATE ,JJ1 So. Sixth Phone 0195, 5544 ' or 7823 -jjfE IN THE KNOW I Read Her 'ittP & Now Clossiiied. nds dally Jet the latest Information on what's 'vhnt In ev'brvrtiiv business trends, . MILLS I.niKr Van bedroom. Nice lawn and sin uiili'-'-y, Jiijkc kmniko nnd work simp, Wu 7M)0, llild week 7,000. liratH HC'IIMIIJT VKUHUN DUIIANT ANDY SILANI HKAI, KHTATR 031 Ho. Wlxlli Phone 0105, i'M Vm r 0(178 ACT NOW! Thli tlnce bitlrooni home, two lili. ks lioin Mllh School, wont mill! I,ai kc living rwimdlnlug tfmin roiitblualtou, attractive kitch en with plenty of cupboard space. Aulomntli oil hrut. Attached g ingc. VM. MILLS ADDITION Three bedroom home on n'celv iMiidt.cnpcd lot, Needs redrcoiatlna. but prted less than I'.H.A. ap. ii nl' nl, 17050. 'TAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Phnun 2-3545-W48 1025 Main Evening Hon richer 8070 "Hap" Davidson 3871 liriue Owens Merrill 140 HOT SPRINGS 4 Ilrdrwims, 2 large baths, living room, dining room, kitchen, lull baiemenl, oil furnace. This comfort able home l on a level lot on the best located street In the iiistrici. licst S nil, It may be had for $14,600. with very reasonable down payment, NEW 3 BEDROOM Excellent construction throughout. Hardwood floors, Ariwjna I'lngstone Facade fireplace, automatic oil piped heat. This home Is designed and built for conibortable luxur ious Hvlim. Price $11.7fi0. only $1000 down, paynieuu like rent. NEAR CARL FREI'S CORNER ! Juit off the highwni', a very well built 2 bedroom house, concrete foundation, good construction, large garage, fully fenced. Only $5000, convenient terms can be arranged 2V2. ACRES Located on Altainont Drive. 1 bed room modern home, good outbulld Itnts. consisting of large barn, 2 chicken houses, rabbit hutches, fruit cellar, and an ahnoM new building easily converted Into 2 bedroom home, llnrgalii priced at only $4500. Open Evenings by Apiwlutmeut See Don Kloan Phone 5058 Eves. Homer Kttea 2-2400 Eves. Trcd Scott 6703 Eves. CH1LCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1900 111 N. 0th Street Ph. 45(14 or 5520 You Will Ha Ha Ha As You Hoe Hoe Hoe The rich snndy soil on this dandy acre In the HhaMa District. You will kick your.-elf If you miss this chance of a lifetime. Large 6 room modern home all newly redecorated Inside. 2 bedrooms, nice living room, dining room, light modern kitchen, sun room or sewing room, dandy large bath room with loui of linen space and attached garage. All thLs for only 5,7f0. $1,450 for owners equity and assume Veterans Lonn on the bnlnnce. Monthly payments like rent. LOOKING FOR A CHEAPIE? If you want a real bargain in a small neat etean lnex)ienslve home DONT MIS8 THIS BUY. Nice residential district. Only 1 block to store. Well constructed and easy to heat. Partially furnished. Newly redecorated. Cash sale price $2750. Near Mills School 1 bedroom home only 4 blocks to the school. Ideal for a small Inmlly. Concrete foundation and automatic heat. Nice living room with fire place. Hard to believe but the price Is only $4950. Assume owners a.I. Loan or refinance to suit on any type lonn. BATHTUB Only $7,500. Beautiful white porce lain, hot nnd cold running water. Willi this we will throw In 1 large living room, 2 nice bedrooms with light modern kitchen and dinette. For good mensuro we will give you a gnrngc with concrete floor, con crete walks nnd metal clothesline mounted Jn concrete. House has insulation and storm windows. All kidding aside you should sec this one. Situated on ' acre In the South Suburban area. Only 2 blocks lo school. Al tonnniiro Joe Perry 6724 Eves. 6332 BURTON E. GRAY REALTOR and INSURANCE 1037 Main St. Ph. 3665 or 3421 75 ACRES All under gravity Irrigation, level. 35 acres alfalfa, balance apuoe, last year. The spuded land should produce an excellent grain crop. Fenced. Some Improvements. Nice location. Full price $27,000 terms. $12,000 down, balance $1000 year. CHAS. A. BOLESTA REAL ESTATE INSURANCE - Phono Merrill 8501 CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER $B to $15 per (tcro buys (food ranch and timber land at Oov't, Btnte and County land Sales. FREE LAND CATALOO, Pacific Lanrls 1021 KT5 Cahucnga Blvd. Hollywood 28, Calil. -v 3 BEDROOMS A well arraniifd II room home In the Howli HuIjuiIwh dMrlcl, Hunch houw ntyle on Inrsce Int. Apiiroved iy I'.H.A. In nil rcspccls. A-nutne irttt,ttt Et,t,n t,i,,l ftitttUkliit nuiiitlilV ' pnvminti for npprmt, tfifllin. Will sell, IiijiiWii'd or iinlunil'.hcil. SUNNYLAND 2 bedroom home, hardwood floors, fireplace, electric heat, (Jumblon lion playroom and i.erviee room at tached to hounc. Large lot. Price $SSi0. Terms. Fred Cofcr Bob Stephens (Kves. 3503 1 Evc. 0230) Barnhisel Agency 112 8. 8th St. Phone 4105 32 BUILDING t REMODCLING iiOOFiNtl T lititU-up C'omiKihition Bhlii5!les Aluminum Shingles SIDINO Asbestos Cedar Shakes INSULATION k lilown-lii Fiberglass COMBINATION ALUMINUM 8CRELN AND blOHM WINDOWS Kuhlmon Insulation Phone 4408 or CLEM LEHUEUIl 2-2143, Agent ALL WORK GUARANTEED WHATF.VKM VOl.H t.fiiliKH .NKK1J Ui,l Hullflil frlii!, ((-. H ll rutin? W csiry a full hoe f JUfifi lm. dw,f. )!, fiuuic. pol. Il'mr harijwiife, pulnl and no on. Iml Willi rmilldence. i'liono 2-i'illJ. 47IH Hiiulll Hlstti. .... jinsT Dm Itiuuruml ni Viiimr ownrr iiiiw fiijiiyina in'Hlmn linlbroiiim, hnw m, itltrlinni.. TlinHn In new, iuxufimc Al.CMEWAU,. itidlvltltml AlulnlnuH- Wall Tilc. Ymtr rlwilee if U y hur 0ir,ntliii colof. )r J-'ri-c Kumst". ntll Katt Main Cablnrl SHop. iillonr Ri'jn. cvrniis rail ll-IHM nr :mi) 34 FUEL HIATINQ STANDARD HEATING OILS 6love Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill System MEIER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Of licallng tialLsfactiuii FRED H. HEILBRONNER ! ' 'Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" ; I Since 1018 I : 821 Spring St. Phone 4153 j and partir liealfr: il'd hut exel. Irnlli 10 M. FOB, 41M SJ.W. Bunj , S' . Porllanil. Clrr. STANDARD HEATINR OIL ' Stfve. fufi're llfht ful, col, wood I :hrfrcnal Peyton and Co. BU Mrnt DHV pine lilorKa for lr Upen eve- ) ntnif-i and werkrnrii. Meltert Ilro. I'KKi'TOLOGS pickup or tifllverni Citff Vatirn Himat Srpv)r. 25f0 So ftthPhmir- MHf J-MSfl S .ri.nKEN STAMPS 'given on htaf ins oil Ptton 303t or 3-026U tot prompt rf!rvry CUrr ADf:S SIGNAL SEtlVlC ?B BOATS ITF5 SPORTS HOBBJIS KOR fiMX. rrititlererf wire haired 1r iler t"P. CaU 2 H56 or sec at 'Jlti (.'Imitm. if E A t'Tt KU iTlF'cV metprt pnyT Wtifwn to eiitipEe ots Piteine 2-3295. ANUKHSON Boartlsng Kei.t.ii Phom '47 Htm DeSw'e nft Hnmttlait BOAHblNG KENNELS Oof tmartlmg fey dn. week or month Satff!ry kennei WeH bsUrteed diet Cfen lndlv(fu( tndxit rum for cr Hog Dg nsndJert durlit jnttn. Wii' pick up and deliver VUHori Welcome Poor 6071 Merrill ftA m a. Bo so Rf!ART CASCADE KENVEIS FOR SALE, regUtered wire-hatred ter rtpr pups. C,t i-H&i or e t 391 40 TO EXCHANGE TltADE. nine monthi Guernsey h.fer and 3 rr gy teer for hay . Phone 5-t;NtT apartment houe in Anhland. for tate modet toitiint trurk. John Reedy, 7l lo. AxhUnd. Phone 2-TXH. 42 UVISTOCK ft POULTRY AUCTION Friday. Feb. 29, at 1 00 o'clock Sale at Tulare Sales Yard, Inc.. Special dairy heifer and white lace sloaker calf tale. 900 HEAD 600 550 well marked holsteln heifers. 350 white lace stocker calves. The holsteln heifers are well marked, range in age Irom year- I lings to breeding nsc, also some ' 1 1 fll. l.n,,n 1 UIUU HCIlll. IIBVi; VUII0IM1' ment of 130 head, balance of con signments ranee from 30 to so head Most heifers in very good condition, well marked. We have consignments of 350 white luce stocker calves. These cnlvcs are Just right to turn out If in need of well niarkol hol tcin dairy heifers or stocker calves you should attend this stile. Sale at Tulare Sales Yard Inc. 1'3 miles north of Tulare. Calif., P.O. Box 57. Phone Tulare 6-4131 FOH SAtTEiit my homei? yeafiTni white fnri catlle. three letter ear lim, hitifors. Uva Jersey milk cow, one 3 jear old redlsleied palomino marc, j one small palomino kill's pony. Phone , aiM.l. FOR SALE, day old calves. 1322 Home dale. f'OIt PALI, thiee hoa:s. Ph.te "732. WANTED colored hens Phone 45fll WEAKER P1C1S and cil -potatoes for sale. Phore Htt7HKSfprK;es paid for poultry, hots and livestock. BIG JkffiAf MARKET ts(tview Juficti"R Phone 4WQ Farmers! Eggs To Sell? We are buying. For your convenience we have a receiving station at Oregon State Hatchery or deliver to our farm. Buyer . Gooding Poultry Farm Phone 494(1 POULiRY WANTED Cash paid for Miy amount. Top market prices for good quality. Por quotations PHONE 3ifn7 1 , s ' rTLAMATH POULTRY FARMS AtiTiFR-iAj, nnmniNQ sedvicb Phona 87at M C. IClrorlH Warren H a, Rot 528. H no amwer Phone 4400. Eveninpa - , , $$MONEY$$ ON THE ' FIRST CALL 1 Up to tm oif your auto On "nut salary or furniture up to $300 "Pay Day loans specially - $10. 125, $50 loaned till "pay day" or longer. Hi cost but 18 cents lor one eek, tin other ehargei, LOCAL LOAN CO. us No lath et, M-354 DON MclNTYRE, Mgr. 43 Year Friendly Service SI MISCELLANEOUS fOR SALf WATCH iftr TRADE-IN'S -SOLD FOR REPAIRS - 1 HnmiHon Man's Yellow Gold Filled 17 Jewel in-7W Wrist Watch, ... O 2 Hulovg -Man's Yellow Geld Filled 17 Jewel jnSO Wrist Wntch ZO 3 Oruen Man's Stalnle-s Steel J 7 Jewel trsrsbQ Wrist Watch ZZ. 4 Elgin Man's Rose GoM s 17 Jewel o j 50 245 Deluxe 6 Bulova Man's Yellow Gold Filled 2'1 Jewel. f 7 7 C'amy Man's 17 Jewel Shock Proof Wrist Watch, JO-Elgin Man's Ycilow Gold Filled 15 Jewti Wrist Watch. n o5o u" No. 24 GRUEN MAN'S WHITE GOLD 17 JEWEL 12 SIZE POCKET WATCH. THESE PRICES INCLUDE TAX N ALL WATCHES IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION NEW WATCH GUARANTEE WE ALSO HAVE SEVERAL OTHER BRANDS AND MODELS NOT LISTED REPAIR DEPARTMENT RICKYS JEWELERS 700 Main 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED, to rpnl( two Wdroom unftir nitird hou. by fe1ibi cotiule wih onr rhtlff. Phonts 3t3i bewten S .m nJ a p m. WANTF.D. uird trr wr cheit of dr wm. Phone isa jtveninf . LIKE' TO IJtJY. wheel drive pickup nr lt mfxiel t vtiiii 4 speed rsnmUion. Phong Z-jgg3. WANTED to buy. 3 vrv ijrwnl.p for !- ton iruetc opn dnve hnt. Phone Mil WASTED lo Iee, hoa. Cloe in, with pimytoom. Box 23, mad New WAATElT Cvid Bradley r Hrrt. Rale leader, Almt Bunch. Phone 7221 Merrill. WANTED, to Je, butldfn iH3he tor repair hop. Prefer on South Sixth. Pnoi a-orn. op prtf Plum. Rrr Mntpr Co Bth end 46 ffNANCEAt LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pa Onl $100 , . S7.27 Mo Repav In IS Installment UP VO S0Q ON fTRNlTURB OR SALARt UP TO tViOO ON CARS ' HIE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Converuenl to Borrow Convenient to par Locally owned New Cars Qac4 bank rate "WONKY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 20 year aerfiag Klamath Bai See "Chuci" Bailej Wrr. 114 N It St Phon SS2 S-341 t-Tt Commercial Furnishes Cashi CASH LOANS 150 to S300 Auto Furnltur Livestock Salary $50 to $500 Automobiles fpaid lor or notl Private Sale of Autos Financed Maka your deals CASH deals 1 Commercial Finance " Corporation . Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie. S-251 N-223 107 No 8th Phon Till 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIIS DRY-cl.EANINfi route for sale. Oopor- ninlly fur -ateady employment at good pay. For full particulars write Box 35 Herald and Nowa. OT1IKH WORK nrccasltates jiale of cs talillKhed and arowlno; local hiislncss. Car and few hoiira weekly needed. In vestment seeured. Write ipr flt partt clara to Rax 34 Tleraitt and News. ESTABLISH proven fram-hli Iststnees. Captlal needed SWOO to $00, No selling or trcvelin". Kxnertenee a-d age noi Important. Ideal for man and u-lte. Box 30. Herald and Neu-a, SI MISCELLANCOUS FOR SALE Build Better With Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Phone, 5149 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL , FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M.'J. Barnes : Ph. 7659 v .-Ph.-7991 LANDSCAPING, evergreens, hntb and trees, Wa trim, tpray and mov iarse treeit. LAKESHOnE RARDKNS NURSES V . - Phone " Phone 2-2537 8-25S 12 Hamilton Man's YtiSww GoM Filled 17 Jewel $1 rib Wrist Watch. !- 13 Buren Lady's 14 Carat Yellow Gold $24 17 Jewel. , T"k? " yeBow . - - utji'i rial:' i i w 2I 17 Jewel. 10 Elgin Man's 15 Jewel 12 BiM Pocket Watch 16W 18 Elgin Mans 17 Jewel 18 Muse tr)'X. Pocket. Watch. ZO 50 20 f-.lgm Mans White Gold 17 jewel io him S. $2450: Pocket Watch, 21 Hrmllton Men's Ycilow GoW Filled 17 Jewel ! 75 12 Size Pocket Watch, i O 19 75 Phone 3 15 1 SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE "1001 BARGAINS" Appliances, tools, motors, radios, furniture, shoes, clothes, pocket knives, garden hose, lawn mowers, etc. i Cofer's Exchange 619 Klamath Ave. Ph. 7160 Colored BATH ROOM SETS IN STOCK ! No Delay Take Them With You! We now have many styles and colors to choose from. Free Estimate Gladly Given! COME IN TODAY r -n kiii , c? . iviotiev 812 Klamath Ave. Phone 6616 crushed rock and anvcjty cunlers ADDING MACHINES, caJcuJator, lype writen, ch rrj utcrs, dcsiti, chaix ttics Jot tale ot rent. !?. "" . yg? OIL ltorazs tanks. Pevton and trn ai3 ft!arkci. ElatClROUIJX CLEANER and polishei and supplies. Phor.e 7i Trkei Tweet CSED FCK.NITCRE values can alwavj. be found at Kismaih Furmture Ca. 221 Main. Phtnc XiXL concrete culvert pipe ccgu per foot. PEYTON A CO DRIVE WAV Barl, 9735. JlATKiAiaS. Pnune Jot AKSCO P.tilex Camera. Case, flash gun. New condition. $iJ3, Call 2-3100. EACH EXCHANGE We buy used tires. O.X. Rubber Wei tr 2:,9l So 6th. Phone 4J45 WJIX SACHU JC'E 10 cu. It, Ks4vieatGr rcrrlferator. ha ireeiui unit Nearl new. Phone 4522. BOTO-TILLEH. M50, Call erator, Krigtdaire stove, both excellent, eicclrtc Sunbeam lion. Phone 5S21, sec at ISOfljSak DRIVEWAY MATERIAL. Phone 2-16S4. rOR SALE, flood rrade altalta hay. iw rveuer. ttHBrr. r"none ONE new. blonde. Jimcd-oak drocleai J dinelte tnble with two matchinij uphol- i atercd rhairs, 3-piece sectional daven- port, one davenport with mstctiins cnair one rteedleDoint fireside fciij'h. sstis vacuum with attachments, floor ismps and inble lamps, small rugs. Phone 62SS. See nt ;i22 North Ninth. USED our door lr?,al file. Voyrhts Ot fico SupDty. Main, NEW breakfast table and chairs, iav eno and swinfi rocker, cocktail rocker, new rujj. two end tables, two reading lamps, combination radio-phonograph. Other Tmmgro.s items. Phone ttfft). MAiJlC Ctiiet tiibie top gas mntte Late model, esceiient condition. Burns any ';tnd rt sa ;S CSiiSfoa IOH SALE, rmc used washing maersiru with ptimp. $30. 20;i Darrow. FOR SALE, hydraulic farm hnti. with tuck rake. Black and V."h:te Rsrtch. FOR SALE. 20 tons bated alfalfa havj .w.-ni per i . von roitcr, . iicsaR FOH LUMBER ' KNOW-HOW1 see Ba sin BuMiimfi Maicrisis inc. if ysn itsow exnetty what you, need !, we fiU ihat need. If you're not sure, we do our best lo Dim) out ivhaFs beat for yo'ir ob. For all your buMtiinj materials. Viit47K4 Smith Sixth or phone 2-a5t33. HSXONliiTIONKO Oliver 70 tractor, new Oliser gram ttnti used less than week. Phone a-APSS. J1U ?!1"'?l8. J FOR SALE. Farmail tractor rnotrnted plow, excellent eotirfHion. Phone LARGE showcase. Six feet ions. Piate fiass. hartiwooil. Phone SStiS. GOVT. BLDU. SALK: 20 ft. X 40 ft. 2 AnU dn)ex hmise: OnSv SSffij Complete, including free lellverr in numbered. eav -tt;-ere-i rpafset street to your lol-' TFXAS WRECKING CO N.W. Frnnl Portland. Or. CRUSHED HOCK, driveway PhAii 5.MI- cmders. KiRBY arutim cieaner and poUsfier. $31.30. Phone !atH. . HAY baled. Stored in bam, 20 tons. Second cutting. Jarl Maek.Ph.one SKU, CARLOAD SALE n BtliweH divenport and chalrx. bed daveno and rha(re. -plece jwlionalii and awing rocker. This special carload purchase allows us to oticr these sets at a Rreat saving tn you. Wool frtlre totHes start at S1R4.50. the iarscst wlrrflnn we sve ever offered tn years- Smali fewa tiajmeni. Ions Imif o balance, Mow 1 the lime to save money on your davenport and chairs, bed davenos. 2 piere HCftfonntK and swing rockeTs. Buy now at Luras Furniture. 133 F.ast Main. SS AUfOMOTIVI CADILLAC. 1U41 four door sedan. AH extra. Oood tires Good condition. Price $673. Phone 8283. . FOR SALK, 1833 LaSaile 5-uas. eeise. Mechanically fair. Good body, Sndio and heater. ReaaNg.oae3-Sy, FOR SALE. WW INTERNATIONAL L tm dual drive r750. 1947 K-8 inter national tractor and 43 Fruehaiff single axle scml-dump Thompson Pum- Jre Co. Tlouevta, Call!. .LOOK! 1949 BU1CK ROADMASTER SEDANET Radio, heater, Oyiialiow drive 1950 BU1CK SPECIAL SEBAKET ' Radio, heater, standard trsasmisilorj. 1948 BUICK SUPER SEDANET Radio, heater, . : 1950 BL'ICK SPECIAL SEDANET Radio, heater, DynaBow Drive. , 1942 BUICK SUPER SEDANET . Radio, heater. ISM PACKARD '8' DLX. 4-DR, SEDAN $ Radio, heater, overdrive il5 BUICK SUPER CONVERTIBLE ' Radio, heater - 1947 OLDS 6 "76 CLUB SEDAN Radio, heater, Hydramatic. 1549 FORD V-8 CUSTOM FORDOB Radio, heater. 1545 CHEVROLET , TOS PICKUP 4-Spced transmission. .... , i OUR WARRANTY V "THE CUSTOMER MUST BE SATISFIED REAL GOOD LOW-PRICED BUYS U3S FORD V-8 TUDOR SEDAN, Heater I .. 1838 CHEVROLET BUSINESS COUPE. Radio, heater. A wonderful toy 1540 PLYMOUTH BUSINESS COUPE. 3941 DODGE FOUR-DOOR SEDAN. Fluid Driv;. ..... 1933 DODGE LUXURY LINER 4-DR, Radio, heater, late motor. 1940 FORD V-8 SUPER DLX. TUDOR. Radio, heater 1340 BUICK SPECIAL 5-PASSENGER CPE. Radio, heater. 1941 FORD V-8 SUPER DLX. FORDOR. Reconditioned motor, 1341 OLDS '6' 76 FOUR-DOOR SEDAN. Radio, teater, Hid. QUALITY IS SUPEB10E PRICES ARE COMPETITIVE Shop Around First Then SEE US1 H.E. HAUGER "29 USED Main at Broad ss AUTOMOTIVE Drum-Lot Oil Sale AT WARDS Year's lowest price on Wards Prem ium Grade Vitalized Oil and heavy duty oil. Make big savings imy nan ail you need for the months ahead. Ail prices include Federal Tax. Vitalized premium grade Reg. SBc gal. in 55 gal drum now 63c gal. In 30 gal, drum no 70c gal. 3 five gal. cans Reg. $5.08 now 4459. Montgomery Ward Sih and Pine Phone 31SS FEBRUARY is thrift month at your i HUDSON DEALER Select One of Our PERSONALIZED USED CARS '51 '50 49 '49 48 BUICK Spec. 4-Dr. Sedan 2295 STUDE. Champ, 4-Dr, Sedan PONTIAC 8' 4-Dr. Sedan DODGE Coronet 4-Dr. Sedan HUDSON Com. "fi" 4-Dr. Sdn. HUDSON Sup. "6" 4-Dr. Sdn. OLDS "8'' 4-Dr. Sedan J1545 1795 1565 1435 1365 $1195 i A D j 40 A7 J 1'47 STUDE. Champ. Jiaca 5-Pass. CP. IVDKJ : j T A 1 i PONTIAC "6" 2-Dr. Sedan BUICK Rdmstr, Convertible s 395 '40 $395 COMMERCIAL SPECIAL 1947 DODGE S TON PANEL Nice appearance, CoDd S 895 mechanically. JUCKELAND'S Uth & Klamath' Thorn 2-25S1 'it a NEW or USED TE0CK Always See JHHY" or MUCK" Sour JnternatJonaJ Truck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES Hih and Klamath Phone 2-25B! SUS SARUASTS K SU CAMi BUY. SELL AND TftADE Corner Shaau Way and Arthur Street Phone S203 3? ffED CARS. Mt top price cow Rose tenter Ca tb and Plum WHY WALK? DREVE MORE MOTORS 302 E. Mam. Phone 3579 we wiU cel. vnur ear for vou " We buy n4 frde WILL SELL equity in 1950 Hudson Pacemaker. Phone tC23. 1951 PONTIAC Chleftan (our door 0 with everything. Standard transmission 230. StiOO miles can bo seen at 235 Martin or phone 3-0243. PANEL SPECIALS! 1050 Ford ra dio and heater $.393: i8 Ford V-S. heater, Both jusi like new. Bcf- sgers lsed Car lil. Phone -43 4 . FOSSAlC Ford pickup loaded with extras. Phone 4149 day. See t 133J Wiard after 5 p.m. WfLL SELL equity or trade on sJder model car, 1931 Hudson Commodore, 3s5QQjnileM.3l23 Cmmon JPr ai.m. FOR SALS or trade, equliy te 198 PfliMJac aedan. Badio. iicalcr. lia)anve 8483, nay meat Q.Phone4aa3. TOH SALE. IPa? Packard sedan. Recently overhauled. Good condition, P25 Call fnrnla Avenue. r41 NASH"four door acdan. 3U84 Ebef lien. Phone 2-24211. USED CAR ; BUYERS! ; EVERY CAR LISTED HERE' ,V ' A REAL BUY i: r- 1925 llJQf I AVD $1165 1345 1195 1919 FORD V-B CUSTOM FORDOB Radio, heater, everdrfw. . 1950 CHEVROLET TON WCKUP Radio, heater. IS49 PONTIAC YEARS YOUR BUICK DEALER" CAR DEPARTMENT MORE EVERY DAY AGREE THAT THE BEST WAY TO BUY-ANY USED CAR IS WITH A 2-DAY FREE DRIVING TRIAL; ,OU PAY NO MORE YET YOU TAKE NO CHANCES. -SEE. US TODAY FOR THE BEST DEAL 1951 HENRY "3 139T 1949 OLDS CLUB CPE. S15S7 1950 CHEV. SDN SISOT 1S18 PONTL&C Staet $1297 $7,00 Down Specials 38 PLYMOUTH . 31 PLYMOUTH 35 POJTTIAC . 97 $127 For the BEST in DUGAN DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated" TRUCKS . " 522 So. 6th - " Phone Sibl THESE CARS MUST SO TO MAKE ROOM FOR '52 Nash Golden Airflyte Models - SHOWING IN MARCH - ' NEW 1951 NASH CUSTOM RAMBLER Radio, Weather-Eye, verdrive, deck, i directional signals, airioara rubber seats. . NEW 1951 NASH SUPER AMBASSADOR 4-DR. '. Hydramatic, Weather-Eye, TecHis seat and . bed features, air loam rubber seats. ' ' ' -It : OUR SELECT USED CARS CAN'T BE BEAT - . . CEIL1NQ OUR ... . PRICE PRICE 1949 NASH AMBASSADOR SUPER $1613 $1495 1949 NASH "BOO" SUPER $1468 $1395 1948 NASH AMBASSADOR SUPER $1294 $1145 1948 NASH AMBASSADOR SUPER ........ $1294 $1145 $25.00 DOWN THE ONLY REQUIREMENTS STEADY EMPLOY MENT FOR 1 YEAR GOOD CREDIT STANDING ALL PRE-WAR CARS SOLD AS IS l CHEV. Rolgh $295 '39 FOHD 245 '41 NASH "600- $298 "39 DESOTO .... 2 OLDS L-90 VMS 38 BUICK 1M ffl PLYMOUTH - i 45 41 OLDS 8- - 4 1339 PONTIAC ?195 SHOP EVENINGS Open ?;30 p.m, lor your conveniencp, Saturday till 8 p.m. KLAHN NASH CO: 608 South 6th COMPLETE Radiator Service CLEANING , FLUSHING REPAIRING BALS1GER MOTOR CO. Main it Esp!anad ' LOOK! :..::L;:?1795::i 395. '1895 '595 1951 STUDE. CHAMP, REGAL 4-DR, $ brt f Radio, heater, auto, trans j Ov O 1348 PONTIAC '8' STRJMLINER 4-DR, ItfQC Radio, heater - -(170 1395 1395 V STR.MLINEK DLX. $1 CDC 4 -Dr. Sedan. Radio, healer, Hyd. 4225 . S365 3fi5 - K . Phone 5151-: T PEOPLE - IN TOWN- 1950 PLYMOtmr SDK..'-..'W4'I 1948 CHEV. 2-DR. 1087 1949 BQDGB COSOHET . tmi 194B FOHD CLUB CPE,. i 927 SS CHEVHOLET 39 PLYMOUTH 39 PLYMOUTH . ..:s7 -!-297 , iS7 the WEST see" & MES i Phone 3650 BEST VALUES! USED , TRUCKS -CARS GUARANTEED ' AS 8EPRESENTE0 yVesr-Hirchcoek Corpl YOUR CMC DEALER ST. 8 mil Phrnm mt FOR SALE, Mil Plymouth, Mew nm. Overainrn, A-l anapc. iont -iwi or J1B3 CnsstRt Av. I