,j.i.-AKY 27. 10.;: iAGE FOURTEEN '('i Jj U ;! i . t PONY EXPRESS They have to dodge a different kind of Redskin but Pfc. Edward J. Chandler astride Francis, an Army mule, do the same chore as the riders of the plains in the early days of the West. Come shell or high snowdrift Chandler and Francis get the mail through to U.S. troops at the front in Korea. Legal Notice CliilmV Allowed by the Cnunly Court and Warrant It turd by the Count y Clerk during the month of Jan. M2 on the varloui fundi of the County, i E mrr A, Rowden. Salary, Exp. Area f IM.4S Harold Ugiun ...... lliMin O. Gram fM .t Clark Kenrfetl 8.99 (i iiiiNT kxrtNsi; und A. K uriwt A. E. Cirou ..... A. E. Gro?s A. t. GlOM Aubrey B Terry, Salary, Watertra-ter Waller Zimmerman, Salary, J in t Peace Alvie O. Yountblood . Jerry V. Rajnua, Mileage, County Court J. C Frar.e.v, Board of Prioner .. J. K. Franry Expemei, Sheriff APPOINTED SALEM iXi Gov. DouR.as Mc Kay Appointed F. H. Brundage, Portland, to the State Board of Forestry.. Brundnpe represents the Oregon Forest Fire Association on the board. He succeeds E. B. Tanner, Portland, who resigned. f V for any S .Room in the Home! Woodbum CC Blasts Boys Terry u. Srhrunk. Sheriff Service.. Multnomah Denver Youm. Sheriff Si'im.. C- U Lancrlet. Prtinaaler Stamp.. Co. Clerk C. U Langilet. Potmaater Envelope. Asea.or . AMorlatlon of Or. Count!, Ou for 19.13 .. tOI'NTY ROAD Fl'XD Will M. RAaker. Salary Carl Bell H V. Borlon James E. Bell Ceo. S. Boyd . Burton Bout'tard Clyo'e B. Brown Neal C. Bumry Jack L. Church . ...... D. w. Cox R. C. Cox ... H. J. Depuv R. F. Finland - E. P. Evnna .. V. U Hal ,. D. E. Hc.ith - C. W. Hcu - r H. T. Kellison , H. T. Lanctta T. C. Martin - ?.ar..hal M. McClay A. D. MiUee .... s.irt i r;t it.w .J8 ID.1 10 ... !. a.M .... 530. JO ... 1 ton 400 III J.V00 TOM UT.M M. U. IM 1H8.W .tirt Xl. 10:M9 114.10 5.4.t W.lil 58.!H) 43. .2 .41 1.70 4CIW tto:t tj.f.1 4:1.110 John V. Mill Clint Mjpr J. V.'. M.viutl . W. W. MHitlnnal H, A. Pri'rtint . Goi n hllllia J. W. Pltrhcr . .. r. O. Pool R. L. I'r or J. O. Rimer .. . . I. . U Srarl-rcioah . Ten L. S'iroiMrtI 1 luyd Sntoman i. J. s . . .. n. J. Sn'llh W. 11. Stllet U A. Vni.ly G. R. WelU . L. V. WelU J. I. Whlttrnbr 41'lttlLXT IX1MX8E ll'NK J. M. Briton. E.Ten:c. Deputy Sheriff Robert . G lurd SiibKif.eiH'e. Appralial ....... Cora Mi'ler - ........ .. Irving Wa,nr Orion Hell Roland S.huh Or. Stat Aarir. Colli r.rd quarter Sl-iU Or. Sta.e t.cme Cen'mUrlon P.d. Animal Control S. M. Kerron. M. 1). Mileage. Health Dept. - - Annla Mrulhera Ruth Crambllt . E. Mae Spc:r .... W. P. Green . ri-itENT rxri:xK vnd J. E. Frjnry, Stampa. Tsx Ofic - J. M. Britton. Evven.ea, Sheriff The Texaa Compali)' ... C L. t.ailg'let, Supplier. Co. Clerk Mnrl.n County Recorder. Service Marlon Co. Phi'tat R. (liitd. Sunn '.as. . .... Klamalh County Sclu'ol DUI I 1' .l.lil 15.80 1.1 4"..II .1.1. W i.iu.'ia .V.T lt".H a i. (Mi 9 -III lir.in ! !UI sa:a A 41.1 111 13 ton 1 34 IM no R7.no a.7.00 7 on T.19 S.tltSO 100 00 13 01 HII JO 0.1 12 :ii M.oa Leqol Notice Currini foe Driigs, juppYi, iiru iomi'TI (ie.i ral I'e.rulcum Cor,, J. V. Kcra HvroUl U. Srhtefeutoln, 21- &I.1U Legal Notice NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an attachment execu tion dulv issued toy the Clerk of tiie , Circuit Court of the County of Klsm a;n. State of Oregon, the ltt day ol ; February, 1953. In a certain action in I the Circuit Court for the Said Count a .id Stale, wherein, Owens Adjustment service. In?., as Plaintiff rece ed t:c Er.n nt against Lawrence J. Sir.cy A 3rt ' H. AHIer. Cnronera feeii o .in, Ir Prm .1. r.f P. cm i y cmo i I SO C. L. Lav. let. S zw- vvm i nt r.xrt ssi: u nd R(ws Au :-c.v. iala.i, S. Ft) nt In- . Jc; n Vc;.c.-i, S. livy, Ae.-or I'" 1 E. V. Uuiui. Ju-U;t ol P, . - liii.W l.a&ter SnIOer . .. w. C. I f.-: cy tir-:..r i: Vlrlr ;a T.lr; ?y, S-! , C-.u - SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA SecBafiIlr Treaui , IxeltiiiT HtU)l tn H. 1th Pbaae ? Ckirapraetle PbTtlclao HOTELS OSIURN HOLLAND UflfNE, 0RL MEDF0R0 Thoroughly Modern I lr. and Mrs. J. E. Earley nd Joe Earley Proprietor SALEM W The Woodburn Junior Chamber of Commerce is uo ; in arms because escaping boys ' from the state school there ste.-l cars belonging to Woodburn citi-' sens. j The chamber, charging that boys escape irom tne scnooi aimo. t ai a campaign to teach woodburn citizens to lock their cars and thus remove the temptation to steal them. The board took no action on the requested investigation, but Board i Secretary Roy Mills said that j James Lamb, superintendent of the school, is makine a survev to ; find out if the number of escapes erJJ IX.-a to-.iru. O Ll .e . . Irma Dt...-i I t :;r Xc. 'II - . ISeli.r Kni'.;p . .. . I.va Coj': Jrl.n J. V.hr.ei Ee !e Ancier.cn. Cc.i..ty Cler;: . Ri:h Carr. Ae:;or'a Ctf Ua. ii I cert Seen ftf..'on '1 i.u:..ej E. Ker . Cns-. A. Ho.eet J. F. Newman end B-.iU-e Slrlev, his wife, for the urn of $13.00 with lntcre.it th?ron at 6 per cent per annum frrm Ap-.i 18. lt'4. until paid: for the sum of Sl"2 with interest thereon at ti per ccrii per annum from September 3. 19-49. un'il paid: for the cum of $6 .50 w ' t imc:'e:t the :eon at fix per cent per annum, until paid. ar. appears by the transcript of the juogmrnt and pro ceedings filed in the office of the C!' . ' t c ' : 4 : t r Will, asked the board to investigate.' of O-rgon, for the County of KU.nth Gov. Douglas McKav and State ; ViKu ntMl only two members of the board i Notice is hereby given that I will ! !ri!.,ii;"ey, Di(t Alty" present at Tuesday's meetinir. sug- ,n thtp,h y of March. ifta. the iTAefui tViBt ,u ,.v,- -l..r t Court Hoire of the County of Klam- gested that the chamber conduct . ,lh. ln Klamath Fain in said county. at 10 o cIo--i in t .9 t im day. sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for caih. equity in the foMowing-described property, to-wit: Northwest Quarter-Northwest Quar ter. Section 5, Township 38, Range, 9 EWM. Also, Assesor Lot No. 1759-P in lot 3 described in D?ed Volume 147. Pajte 279. 2.12 acres in Section 31, Town hip 37, Range 9 EWM Taken and levied upon as the prop- tr.- f zr. . . f 1 and Bernice Sirley, his wife, or as Off . ' much thereof, as may be neccriary Bureau Sticks To Milk Control Law to aatisfy the said judgment ln favor j w; of The Owens Adjustrrent S-rvice. 1 fX ,V- n.V :f Inc.. Plaintiff, against said Lawrence V-n ill I x.- J. Slsley and Bernice Sley. his wife. , C";'VI . " with interest thereon, together with all - Pr . V'.'.'., Doris Sc ion i.e e O e;.er V. D. Cac. Vets Serv. Francis L. Malhews. Juvcn le - Fa; e Klacknie.- Rooirda Ktnl;ead L. J. HicuHro: on. Janitor . Raymond Mclnt: re Norma Rlchara:on C ovi Salter Lauvelia Lancers -.. ii.il Senders Wi la tJea.i Sanders Beuel t-:.-.t.e. .... H. B. S-hieier.iein. eed Control W. E. Dyer. Salary. Asia.. or m Off. Court . Kxren-e. Wfiml Control . Ba alger Motor Co. . Sc-vd'o, Juven.lt - J. W. Kerns .... K.ttmatli Falls Craauitry &'inpr.i ,. , G. C. Mo.lty ihe Art c't iter CAiholtc Char'tfef. Inc. . Car Dependent Children rt Chtlaren'i Farm Hum The Loul-t Him ...... Star Drug Slo t, Supplies . ... State Inriuitrlal Arc. Cotnm. Coverage, Ue Public lamp. Retire. S1. Contrib. Vec. lfM w C. U. tnf It i P.M. Slft'iipi. Health Uept Ruumn'i Welding Suppllee, SupplieH General Eeletrlc x-ftay Corp t-Ki'. t'el At ml Co. Senicea . .. Western Union CaHf. Or. Power Co, ,. Kal Side Kelctrlc , Suoer or Tiy laundry M 7.9 lerbarh Paoer Co, . 6. ale Industrial Arc, Comm. Coverage, tJc. &1 county uon USD State Industrial Arc. Comm. Cuvemge uc. 1W1 Stale Tax Commission With holding for ijuarier LAW MHRARV rrD 40 00 West PublAhing Co. Supplies .. in.il COt'KTV l.lnRABV Ft'ND . Cotlertiu- of Inloinal Rev. Wtthlioltiltig for Dec. 1951 Klamath Met. u-l Serv, Bureau Co;agt Dec. 1B.M m Public k.mp'o.es Reti". Sa. C ntrll.;ition Mtc. luM , .M Siwl It'.i uitr.al An. Cunim. C A'f;,i(( Dec. 1S..1 Str:c tunnnt jU i Withholding Dec. ItUI COCNTV ROAD UNO Marvin K. Arnold, Salary n. v 165.00 1 x i.-i:cr " ... i Coil Cell --.. .. Re.i K. V. Borton lieo. S. Bij d Kur on Rrotiillavd . . . . C M Bron . Albert L. B: uley Jack U C.iurvh Dwiu!d V. Cos. 94 A ! C. C .. 2j U0 (7eo A. D.'Uonge , Kr ve Ox. ... ttl-Vxi V. i .fflL.rt r. i. R.a s V. L, L. )c . .. i ' "O.1 ... Il.-V- tirt i Dale r. ; r.-; u, v- c- IUu rich " u i w. - e ;; .Oil 1 UI ! on ,. i.i ' - IT' -1 arilce r.r lt M. M. M. r Zy w. .. A. D. MtXe- . " Jc.a w. f Us Clint M. e.-a . ... Jrd: Mna:t Cla,re f.'e' on W. M. Nlrlil 'tgclt Arnrld Ootrg ... K. A. Perl: 1,11 Irr.c.t Prl-hurst , Ce.i Ph'll Ptic:-.er - .,. la.ud 30.00 50 00 - "ia.oo tn in jo to.oo no saw aw . i.ao J0 00 6.1 ik 600 ' LOO 6549 30 00 600 131 J. .79 41) UVM 6S3 369 39 106 00 U6 60 13 tO I04.1U 3.11 M00 12.00 67.49 ' V in 7100 It' 1 t vi. m 1 :..un CLASSIFIED RATES On, flay , .......... p,r word 4' I'arf, Day r. per wnrd Hi We,k nin ...... per word '.'0, Month run per word 03: MINIMUM The minimum charge (or ny one d U Wc BOX NUMUCIIS Anwrt lo ada m.iy be handled through Dux number, it the pupcr tor k tervlcd chant ol 3.1c. DEADLINES CI willed iub at.ipica up to 6 '31' p.m lot following day , publication C:sJlled display ad, arcepted up to 12 noou lor lollowini day imu lioauon. ' ADJUSTMENTS Please ma. an ciu.m, liv adjust, menu wiin.iut delay. Correction, or cancellation, r, ctlved by 1:30 pm will b, made in tollnwinR dV, oubliraMon A CArtrTorTHANKS CNftKmiN-w wiah"ta" ihati)TtrVr our Uliul Irlenda ami na'ffliluua for Ihrlr many kind xpiit lona of aympalhv and ronunlanr durlna our rrnl Ih. raviunl. Mlrliarl Krlrkann and lam lly. C FUNERAl HOMES 1 MitTING NO Urnter (..like LurHie, Nu, ail, AP Ac AM Will mrrt at the IOO.K. hull ot 7:1(1 pin,, Tliui'Mlity, Vrbrnary SB. The imliin will vlr.it the DrMiilny meelliiK nt the MiimiiiIg Temple, Dill r.nk, Hrc. FALLS Aerie No. amid Rrqtilnr meelltie Friday m ....-a- - . v. n, imu. vin f&VTthl'U&V nd Walnut. Vt: ..ih iiiriiibem cordially Invited. Itulfet hniir, 10:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. " LODGE MEETING EVERY THURSDAY TW?f9 iniuntion every nun i iMirauny W. C. HOOPER flerretnry 1010 Pine vll eVfiy Prll tJ MtALTM KlAHit(A7,K.",iftVaipiitli' e'iri7i.eir(1 wiitneit Hpol redut'liig featured. I'hnn S'tilNti" Wf.ii'Mii" WfUlfii Iffartt iele t viit. Midi Im guild t.vplt I. Ally llettiltl .611(1 Ni'Ws Mr, Hmllli. f i)tnl rererinriit, KH'f In ' the ' family iiMtdtvitgiv I'hnne ;iTlft. 16 HELP WANVfO MALI WAN! Pin." ahi-ir (nrfiun! ""l'lne "iniun"? ItinitV fir riuht iiinii. Klului Ni(fi t'n 'I ton Hlr-lWrril Kta 3nd and Main r KiptattMfi W.MIDS KU'valS ?V ViT Hum '- Hllll SI l Phon ,M34 Legal Notice V7 Cnhnry Commnndry No, 16 Knlttht Trmplnr ulll link! Mitrcl mrrt- W Wrtl.. Yri, 20. 7:30. Round Tublr Ulitutw. Ion." Hrlrc-limrnl. Vhillnii Sir KnlfiliUJn Vltcd Win. D. Mllnr. EC. LCSV AND FOUND litter strlrictl with tonwt lb l.i o 1 .i. Ii It .(,. Thrra Snvax . A iia.hv ... . Am ir: ii Ja.'fi.-lliii" Ca .r . I'aulli. OtflflU .... .. T.:V Ctrr n.imi I'r.rrs . . ; -iWn (V t I .. ... Jtii vcr i i 1 t ry J. K. u ,vt K 1-e.a .... t's A. PtHr-t , . .. J. I" Kf M'.- . . A. V. T. "nhon , .. - m rV IU Ki.i if. Sflr.j . 01 ' . Off. to l.Ofif. ca tmit! Iialr. l.t!Sj, rmall tlui-h hrnun Itrlnrllr llns". tn tr ler-Aitowtirs l ltii naiiir of Jlg- . I. -a GTNCRAl NOTICES CONVALESCENTS AGED - INVALIDS 10 ' 00 f. ).0J It 1 .00 'laJ.lhl 5J.00 110.IW f3.0' 1.00 7.1.tJU 7.1 1 J 7.-..J I n.-rii r- l).nili A. W. Puier Francs - Dr. U 1 '-9 f'-gvr ... 7;"'t - 9l 4iL flu 00 117.00 ... KC.IH) fl..iH) M Tfl.OO - H3.1J 7a.no 7t.tl I 7fl.no 15- . I P. O. PpoI ikt ! R. L. Prior 12.V0U O. plmir . ... 7J.00 Bfn I- Slieppard 23 ft i Floyd Shtpman ...... 50V0 ! D- J- SkylM , 5 I R- J. Smith 4AMJJ W- H. 3'. rs j o. r. SL":rav . .. 35.0J i w- K- Tun: ias ti. R. Wr!. 100 00 , V. Wcl's 116 00 . B4.00 .... 10-1. 00 M.00 moo ... 10000 64 03 ... 11700 an.uo . - 7;.oi .... 75 r,o ino oo 72 00 r. (; '.' Srrv. Offlt'rr Ui ir!ct Cou-t ..It ' OVI r costs and disbursements that have or may accrue. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon Feb- f Suburban Service J On Your Worn Equipment 1 1th a Wolnut Ph. 7709 RtcoameiiM Ij Maqr Ltadmg CAST DOCTORS to relim distress of kiddies' GUEST COLDS ChUd'a Mild Musterole Is made espe cially for kiddles to promptly relieve coughs, sore throat and break up local ongeation ot chest colds. Musterole creates ft sensation of protective warmth on cnest, throat and back, bringlnc amazing relief 1 - CMTsM V SALEM OP The Oreeon Farm Bureau Federation still supDorts ruarv i. 19.12. state milk control, under which thej J. M. britton state fixed auotas and minimum' l5.e"Jf?,,A K?'i'I?.?1,"1 i?,?""1 prices 101 miiic. , p.., --20-27 No. ssi County dairy chairmen of thr federation met here Monday and denied reports that the federation might be changing its ml" I Legal Notice NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I have filed my Final Account. Report of Executrix, and Petition for Dtstrl- fVi,Lonvin th maUer ff th5 ?lute.0' uch fln sccount and the settlement NOTICE OF DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT JN TT - ' . J t COl'RT or THE STATE OF OREGON rc. x-a 1 atu co;j.iy In the Matter of the Estate of LAURA A. WILLITS. Debased. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed The First National Bank o Portland has filed Its llnl ccount of the administration of the above en tilled estate and that the Court has anp-'n'eo March 27. lfl."2 at 10 A.V. as the time for hearing objections to 300 i 75.00 ; cuit Court has set Thursday, the 6 day oi marr. isfcjz, at ine ncur ot tc o'clock A.M. in tb Cfrf'l C-nrt norr of the Klamath County Court House. Klamath Falls, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing of exceptions and objections to said Final Account, if any there by. PAMELA FERRONI. EXFCITRIX OF Estate of JTALO FERRONI, Deceased. EDWIN E. DRISCOLL Pine Tree Building Klamath Falls. Oregon Attorney for Estate F-S-13-20-27 M-5 No. 883 The First National Bank of Portland. Executor Canong St Ganong Attorneys for E::crutor F27-M5-12-19 No B97 Vandenberg. Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Klamath, has set Monday, the lOlr day of March. 1932, at the hour o 10:00 o'clock A.M.. In the Circuit Cour Room of the Klamath County Cour House. Klamath Fa' If. Oregon, as tt--time and place for hearing of excep tions and objections to said Final Ac count, if am there be. WM. NOVOTNY, ADMINISTRATOR of the Estate of John P. Bunn. NOTICE OF HEARING ON Deceased. FINAL ACCOUNT n.AVTOX J TUmRKl.t. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I 1 Pine Tree Building have filed my Final Account in the i Xlemath Falls, Oregon matter of the estate of JOHN P. Attorney for Estate BUNN. DECEASED. AND Hon. David R. 1 F-11-1 8-23 M-3 No 803 Co 'ec.or of Internal Kevcaue W.thholcirg, bee Schedule Klami.h Mcuical Scr. Bureau, Coverage Dec. . i Shaw Stationery Co., Supplies S'.Ji2 i'ar: Co mm If Ion I W i-,,ihclblnr. Nat:c.irl As.'Cw. of Co. Off.ciaU I iubrrip. County Couri I Roy Rice. TreajLver 1 Avtai. Land Gicnt Dues Public Employes Ketiie. S: s. Ccnirib. Dec. See Sc. cd. 1,504 39 : MuU'al Benefit Health c I Act. Coverage Jan. 133 wn Pioneer Office Suppfy, ' Supplies : Bud's Photo Service ! National Cah Register, Tax Office ; Unaeiv.ood Corporation f. t. urccnan, services Crerceni Jail ' Smith-Bates Printing Co. ' SuDDlies. Asies. Siteriff Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Sheriff .. Superior Troy Laundry Wi-ggoner Drug C'o- - .. Bakiger Motor Co. Dimbat Motors . Loyd Lewis. Sheriff Joe Matllck. Expenses,. Deputy Sheriff The 'icr.as Company supplier, oneriu f. ii I, S .(-; I. D. Ii' tie.-, C'-Mtlt r. L. Mathev Malary O ' ice Fa1 e R'Rfknir . Rrlirda l.inl.etd , Jennie Nrm Fair m l-eil' e 7.. M. Iloitir.uling L. J. nirh"(' . Star, Janitor . . R.' m'. nd ir tm. re Norn a Rlrliar'-n .., Cluv i W, Zanders ... . Lav el a Sft.den. P ll San e.s Willi Dean Banders . Bethel Snnrier L. A. Smith. Salary, Xi i . - -x , Ellraheth flmlth .. - . O. H. Morrow . .. M'nnle .Vorrow Mary Califf . ..,. .. Marie KaiVnn ttnr.'a,'- h u I nlla AllBii-fila 11S.14 : CoiUcirr of Internal Rev"." " Anna L. Morrow ... '2 :- .- " tthoWing for Qt. 4 131 go Bel" L Thomas .. 4?.W i Klairr-h Medical Serv. Bureau : Haiel Califf ... I Cove-ire ry-?. 93 -J3eo'Do ' pf :' "r - 70.00 j Mutual Er ieHi Hea'th St Ace. j A'lre Hurley Cnvereae Jan. 1932 34 11 ' "-essle Sal ' ery 7 238.40 Public Emnlo; es Retire. Sys. I Harry Califf ... I Contribution Dec. 31 117 82 I Hln Vo,n)(ork ...... i:u Sti State T-: Com-niislon. With- ' iVernHavlrr ho'ding for Quar.er 441,99! H. Scliieferstetn. Salary Weed iu a Ander Auto Service Co. x Control 1 u Siifrl'At ,.JWil!ir Zlmmfrnian. J.1.11 Milt " v r jni . I 8rt igrr Vote" Co. rrva t;ar.ttt CO. . Bell's Ht-durr. Bend PoUand Truck Ser;lre !?4-Hour NuihjiKT Cirr, Willi Hruift- ri iriC:i NutKt In ch-ifie. .. 1 , At'-ntlon 'K.vftt lo fiDcctnl Dt. F'tultiped fr brU rnMrnlg. fully I tlcetrcd by State of Oreiion. Your n t 'nvicr'.ion Invited. J"j Courtciy to your fnmllv douir. ., , Pnv.ite or pnW-11 f:'(.- wc!r-inf. ot The Mitchell Sanaiarium .": j Jnkionvillr, Ore. 1 Phono JnckvjuVllIf 651 ROOMS FOR RCN? 87. M 4.t C 31 1 11 -'J 7 ' 10 17 fll :il 14 l2 '? 1 i 00 CIIAHI,KS M. UOUOLA8 IaRnKR BItOP IS HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE IK 18 NOW LOCATED AT THE BIO Y LAKE VIE W-MKRUtLL JUNC. Welcomf Old A: Nrw Customera 170 34 i:' 5 w l.'fl 40 u.t m tm no 07 Vfl I10O0 NfYrtf " Penallv will ha ... d.g 1i.iit n.-r Sal March 11. Ch r. llfl-ap County C'lprk. pVuyE'"lNUln dUh " to PELICAN PERiONALi j I 53 1.1 50 333 nt Peace Alvie O. Voungt lood. C-mMahle 12.30 92 02 2.U Ins Ricrer TTrtr rnui ai xjiw. rower o. , . , Ct'umb'a. EQulpn-.ent Co. Cobeer Motor Sale Co. . ConsotKatetl rrci;htnaa, Inc. freight Howard Cooler Corporation auppnes . H0fl7 43.. 18 . 794.33 3.03 99 33 . St 10 ik Machinery Co. M.3t T' I tu'tNi t- L Crookg A Co, Inc 47.93 13.00 22.64 as personal as... Jnion Oil Co. of Calif. .ranklin Printing Co. Countv C:erk International Bus. Machines Corp Simmons Carbon Co. Inc. - n West Coast Printing Binding Co. Underwood Corporation Supplies. Asre'ior . Balflger Motor Co., Supplies. Assessor Dimbat Motors . ... Tide Water Associated Oil Co. Clayton Hoff, Subsistence, George Miller ,- Roland Schuh .... Irving Wagnor h Klamath County Abstract Co.. Supplies Chase & Lawler, Services, Dlst. Atty. C. L. Langslet P.M. Postage United States Nat l Bank Safety Box Rent, Treas. . Harry A. Leonard, Bangs 8c T. B. Testing .., Joseph T. Hiker ., Fred J. We dam V. H. Potect, Witness 4V Jurror, Dlst, . Mmnie Carr Mrle ritzeerald John K. Fabinek Dusan-Meat Cet i Contractors Equipment Corp. SB0 'W ; Fort Klamath Garage nann c:c.rx Cnniisny . ... Hcalcn Mach: ;e Works ' it ' "u Meiiovonr.er w q. ! K Hitchpfjck . . Home Lumher A Supply Co. . Juckeland Truck Sales Serv. " Ice. Inc. I Don Kenyon . .. Kirr.baTs C:i Shop i? t . ery Cn. Loom's Gla te Mirror Co, Dick B. Miller Co. 3-eth M. Kerron. Health Drparl- ment . 34 M Annls Strut hers ...,.. f)4 Ruth E. Crttmbllt H 2. 1 'i t. Mae Spetrs 1 99 74 W. P. Crrcn .. , . ... 2in M Luci'le Wllkiru .,.. , U1 ii4 Muriel Wiiottei . r..2 ui Dorthv Cls li ... l?:j ".'I l-eo Rita VaVe Kit Ken Kathleen 30 37 Joe MalUck :M fl'.' nuetl Ellec'ee . .. . 30 10 Il.oo ' Marvin L. Simpherd. Juror's 88.48 I Circuit Court . .... 23 n . 10 u2 ' Winter .. Mm .. 30.1 40 1 Leo Md.oen .21 4J 13 :t8 f James Rogrrs 211.12 34 30 1 Melvlna Nttchelm 20 f)0 ,.. 221.43 H'.old L Oryoen 2 ) ;ij ! Ro lo F. England - 2 ' 31,80 I Lelfrd P.Jie , art' 32 00 Momer nils . , in.: Robert Petrlk . ... a. 87 74 ' Iun R. Andrieu 2t ' Money 14.74 lOtro WASIIINC;t6n Heatitv " Shnp" Fvenlng ?i ft eppuiniu cnts. Phone 3e33, lots Washing- ion (jo 1 u n fl JI OltliKIt your Spencer' garment before 111!;? 1 7iia1"" our wardrobe. Pht..e tt AM.FLV"iume Pfi.duitt Phoiie8e TRANSPORTATION DKIVING ! Oklahoma March lit,"".!!! U' r fmir. Wrlle lime 9B3. Merrill. Ore Vt'RVICE 200 24 ' 93 44 191 10 19 4U 10 MOVING?... Call 743.1 LornM.onj Dl-tuner Pin no nnd appllniKe movlni pnclnliy Trsiwlcr mid Bloragf nrk.'n, Mnvlng and Slornet Peoples Warehouse "Since 1PI8" s.21 , 1.57 Monarch .r, Snrlc, . I St n.:a .. IM 12 a 61 192a' a ... . a. 23 Oreaon Wa'r Corporation M uo , . , ,ler rtwx stor, 1.33 ! n.cnn.ia uii corporation 1 Shell Oil ComD.nv o aa Sn"P Scnu', Tlr, Sarvlc -"J SAorty m,rr Boiltrmaktr It 52 wid Sifnal Oil Co 1 8pclallr,d Srvl Co J" j Stat, ol Oregon' Bureau of 105. 17.30' I 7 50 j 3401 .... 401 U Ktlin Kli.r . .. 2r ' Oorla Pe.vt'tn . . II. 1. Paul K. l.u. : . Ivan Kandra .. . 8 20 I Duar., riar;.inan 1;.:.: Tom ChatLtirn Jr. H 10 o lloran J. llretl lain Ceil U.cw .. 13. U C. L. Lna.let, Poktrratur fliampa. Circuit Juug, . . ia.m John N, A-ntan 14 Charle, A. I'oteet .. . - 21 2,1 Wen, Callahan 0.72 .1.114 at 23.4I FREE personalized checks Your Personalized Checks are the "day to day,r record of expenses... cancelled checks your receipts. You can open your'regular checking account any day (except Sunday) 10 to 5, and begin paying bills by mail with Per sonalized checks... checks with your name and address printed on them. You'll find it's easier.. .more convenient to do all your banking at the bank that stays open 10 to 5, SIX DAYS a week. Establish your credit with this state-wide banking system. FIRST (L3 Klamath Falls Branch, South 6th Strut Branch Merrill Branch NATIONAL DANK OF PORTLAND Ih batik lhat riayt OPEN 10 TO 5 SIX DAYS A WESK for your eonvantnc UT'S BUILD OREGON TOGETHER aarijar PMara4 BHrt twratie, CafpHMM Forrctt M. Breithaupt w. j. e.iuo ... Otto Sari Chaa. Eaton E. P. Llvlna.ton - Isabelle Tlchenor . Roy Lln Hay Vonier Albert J. Wlrta . Wm Ryrer V. Ft. Poteet Labor Th Texaa Comnanv , "nlon Oil Company ot California 3.00 Wen-Hllchcoek Corporation I State Indtlttrlal Acr. Comm. - "'Klamath Prinllnc Company Pioneer Ofice Supply Co. 15.03 Shaw Stationery Co am . 4-VKKKST EXPEKaF ri'KD John J. O Donnell. Co. Auditor, Bor( 01 Prlaonera. if??. : Sln' 011 Co SupplUa, Sherltl ... ..... ,. 30.21 I i-acuic ici ar jei uo., service,, Appralaal Enf 17.13 . O. Patteraon. M. D.. Inrana Exam tn no O. A Ma--; , M. O lo o - racuic ici at jei co. servleaa 310 IM 8.41 04 O.tiO 3.10 3.4: 3.' . 3.' Merla Fita,erald Cnaa. Potter .. ... forreat M. Breithaupt Chrlatlna Patrick Crtarlea Eaton Roy Leln Ray Wonaer Jarnea Kern.. Jr. . Richard Flnnell . Roy Wllbanka Frank Sleel, ..., Dale Mattoon ...... n. u. Barry - A. H. Wampler Wit It Juror fee, Gr. Jury Coneumera' Heatlnf Co. Service,, Courthouse M..HM. Calif, Ore. Power Co Klamath rail. Garbage Co, n OreKon Water Corporation Pacific Tel tt Tel Weatern Union Leach Service Co. .-. . Bell'. Hardware Blake Moffllt At Town, ....... . Eellerhach Paper Co. Boyd Coffee Co., Suppllea Kl. N. Home Currin'a for Duma .. Fred H. Hellbronner ... Consolidated Chemical Co. Tluhrer'a Bakery Loa nselea Soap Co. . Iwell'i Lockera H . Payle.a Druaa n...n.,....,v Shaw Sumlcal Co .w Standard Feed Storo w Waggoner Drug Co. Calif. Ore. Power Co Davii Plumbing aV Heating Co. Hahn Electric Company Chaa. B. Lalb -.. SI, I IS . S.:' i s.r' 3.41 7.C'i 7b 5fl 3.40 3.I 3.:;' 6.S0 401,72 J7.1.57 13.00 3.1.H0 ' 3.00 b.ii; 3.00 1.1.00 30.41 111.13 33.04 24.07 352.18 98.10 41. :a 37.14 105.14. 174.S8' 00.113 334.33 5.1,40 112.40 361.10 21.42 17.1.39 DtTffiM Oan't 8m0r 4nlftr Mlmrnt N Mttttr hw mnr fmt4if ymm trM far Mfhlni 9i tttmt, inrfU. -Mttint, ithUtt't ImC mr whattrtr rw ikin lf4Mbl mtf h9 nythlnr frtn hMt) U fMt WONDER 8ALVK WONDER MfJle..M SOAP tuft hH tm. Dntow4 fmr ih hmjt In ih Arm mmm Jr van falkt mt km W0NDKR iALVE to wMU, grMttlfM, ittliaptic N flfflr wnt9. Saft fr rhIMrfn. Oct WONDER SALVE a4 WONDER SOAP rtwlu f rWaridf). Tnlf rn4rfl prtpmntit. Sild In Klanuth Fall by Payleu and Valareftn Drug Store: or your home town drugglat. . - Court hail Coniolidalcd Freichtwaya, Inc. Preiirht .. .. AddreuoMranhMulttaroh Corp. Suppllta, County Clerk U6A.17 CI R HINT KXPF.NSE FtNO Herald St awa, Cancelled . Geo J. Kunzman, Suppllea, Sheilff Rlrhfleld Oil Corporation 7.0 : Guide Printing. Dlit. Atty Pine Street Market. Juvenile 184.73 Bender-Moia Company, Suppllea Circuit Court .. IS.flfl The American Law Book Co 12..W Walter Zimmerman, Servlcea, Courthouie 11.69 Herald St Newt, Advt. County Court 118.53 COUNTT ROAD FUND Fort Kltnjth Hotel .; IS..1A Rainbow .Garage 20.70 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Intemtate Asttoclatlon o( Pub lic Land Countiti 7M.00 ieo 4. xunman, auppnea, Tax Office The Calif. Ore. Power Co, Serv leta. Sheriff. Joe Mnrfarui, Deputy Exnensea.. Carl Srhubert, Servlccf, Co, Clerk Shaw Stationery Co., Sup pi tea Health Dent Oregon Water Corporation) Service COUNT f ROAD FUND Time OH Co.. Supplied 409.80 CURRENT EXPENSE PUND Virginia Rlchey 70.30 Joe Madarur Salary Dep. Sheriff 248.no Alton Short . ; Ihomai E. Hen Oe'.jie i""-. Appra.sal Irving Wagner Inland ..-htih Claiton l.off . , 13.1.60 Robert S. O'lund i C. L. Langnlel, Poitm.ter H 00 Stamp. Juen!le t,12 COUNTV I.IRRARV FUND (W..L, f Evelyn Cooper, Salary ?e IM ; Aileen heever mini Aiauge inucoie .. M.Oii Olaoa Cox l.(Hi I Adelaide Branaman - 8.30 iili Steele Julia cat. ei Klliabeth VanderpoM .Vri. Eert C. thoiiuii Mallace Car el Snlrley Cos i. J. W. Ulftur I. AH l,IHR' KV MM) Dora Goddaid, Salary OlMr LOAD IL'NU M. K. Arnold. Salary W, M Baker .. C. H. Hell FIX THAT "iADIO Our BulnoM l Bound CONNFR'8 BKRVTCE CO. Plionr S117B CENTRALIZED-" SERVICE BUREAU s wi . whnt you don't nl. nonifcne I ij rxi eli nc-i'l tn iml whnt you 112 1 wont or find !h p-rson who nrrd: ibioo 1 wl,nt yu dnn l 'nnl' Tlll. la tile kind of aorvlrr we re offerlnc . . . why not tnkr nivant one of thl tinlnur o:iiortimltv. Din;' In ot JS Enjt Mr'n In Klrtti r"1 r.-l' pnd get crii- nl'd -or Phone 5670 Dora Goddard Elafa Slemana m..m Irma Dixon Mlnnl, Robin.on w.. Eather Nawell . Nalll, V. Knupp Eva Cook Karle Rlanchard J. J. Whalen Dale Maltoon m.,,,... Dorothy Poat 00.74 . 6I..14 .... 70.00 1.13.211 434.48 ' J. E. Br I H. V. Bi.. ion , Ml , O. Boyt, Bricn L.r..ultlard ... . Clyoa B. Urov.n . Albert L. Bruley N,al C. B'irn,y V'. B. Canton , J. L. Cnurch D. W. Cox R. C. Co G. A. UcLon.e H. 1. Llj.juy R. V. KneHnd P. F.vjna ' V. L. Halo y.llr.nr hLvlland M ... D. E. Heath C. C. HHdlch C. W. Hctut H. T. Krlllion H. W. King II. L. Lantll, M. C. 1arlln M. M. McClay L. D, MrCormfck A. D McOee W. II. Malhaaa J. W. Mill. Clint Myera J. W. Mynott O. M. Nolann W. M. MUhllnmle A. C. Oh,r E. W. Parkhural H. A. Parhlna a. R, Phillip., Salary 3. W. Pllchir r. o. Pom Edward Prnpat R. Lawl, Pryor M . J, O, Rimer r. H. Saaaledt B. I.. Sheppard .w .... P. D. shlpman ........ D. J. Sk; lr. r. J, Smllh . W. H. Stllaa K. Sukrow k. W. K. Thomaa C. K. Wlla . .., O. R. Well v. wella 15.00 3.17 24.SB - 3.90 U.2S ... t.13 10. 00 ... 103..14 70.14 , 1 110.74 ,. BI1..10 .... 13. nO.14 109.94 W. C. Pankty uorotny Roger., aaiary i7ep. CO. Clark . 2.W.M Ethel Lehner ; 1HO.40 June Wever 1D2.00 Violet Plewr i ; lfrT.SO Olady, M, Del.ap ... 151.00 Betty Hromada 182.70 Pbpl DO TOO read small space ads,- you are! 13 00 34.1 01 71 IH) . 2 n o;t on - 7,W .. KM . J1. i 1 - ft7.).4 . 2..2 ... 2U. Yd 21U.U4 iaw .. 1A3 00 .30 144 mi . X'.r,n ... r.w in .. 1 12 .. a:.; a 4 . io: m tr.t; a rim I1C! ..S'ff.411 i?,.a:. 4,;.ifi 141.o o:i.f .01 101.00 (14. in IUII.0A 12D.77 .... ..3H.,VI - 21.17 2fir.:;o 10A.lt IM.7'1 217.3R 1(11.00 lUII.ftl mo. :io ,..... 241. no 1 Hi. (10 K9.70 204.71 - 07.14 410.2.1 1.HS.2? 44.40 10II.M 11V.77 lnn.ofi ....... fl.1.07 120.2ft 01.01 lB3.fln 312.70 .03 .30 Railway ExDreii Aiencv. Ex- preai, Hoad Dept H 67.01 George Howard, Servlcea 60.00 'a'n of Orexon County of Klamath, u. I, Chaa. F. Del.ap, County Clerk of the above named Countv and Stale, hereby certify that the foregoing la a true and correct atatement of Clalma allowed ny the County Court of Klam ath County, Oregon and Warrant la eued In payment of name during the month of January, 1052. Thfa Publication ln puriuance to Oregon Lawi, WltneM my hand and the neat of eld County thte 11th. day of February, IBM. Chan F, Del.ap County Clerk, Klamath County, Oregon. No, m. , . Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE, FOR HJRE Hon-rt Rrtes Wclihts - Service Imurerl ANDETifiEN FREIGHT LINE 202 South Sixth Ph. B240 or Xm II Aaea IR to .111. A pi (int., mr. ami j a." S-fM,g m-. tAMH.V Wailttn7iiule'miwVvifr able. If ymi wmnl yntir own littt n'oi Willi tteltrr Hum aver r if Ittfoin. wt t for lnf'MMmH(Mi lo Tim J, R. MBtljmi Co, 1 IT Uvaler, lie I lie .0, Watl It'ilmt." WANT one' mat u rW inau'ii iiriivViCautlei alillll) , with rmr aiul wllllneiteia lr prml Unit, nn mt road. If von Iiav anti m.oo per vent' nn rtmiiHlatl'in ..a let otir deal will f1i.ul.te that fur ytiu, J1 l '', " - - l( 2-1221 or wrlle It. fl7 for en eppotttt men I, fltJ. I'tm ,.'. iTa-i witn grtii'ti tr"Tn rl 4t C-'-rl trl-Mial'i rtre Entln. iiil'lirm In Klamath Cniinlv rural mrtm. Nnliiutnllv . anvni Hel In finlnnlnv ICve ntMM I'uil, (-llien anil ('minlrv Oenlli mni. AtiiiVD v(4i:r -ntnii.tMiont, Wrift I., f IIiuhI Dutiiliulor, l.0. Uiik aiial'ui llmid III. Oiexit. IS SITUATIONS WANTED iO0SK54ICANIur7Mum;'ati4 t'()(K cm rtMH'li or prrfen alilv " nnl iwr rump, Witte lltix a Herald and Ttiu.Ni'iti. huto o;um" " " RAMY'Siri'lNtl, le i-'iulMe larl,"(y or itiahi. 1'lKMit 2 ().Vt4. tiri' -lNliAHi K rhlld cart my"" h'vmiZ L, it i.'.ni. in m hoine K-.jci t'VJL ',,", 2 24IU ""-"" - J ' ia: :;"1o t- rcriniM wilt fn work In her home. IM.o-te rnn or 2-.ii3o. Cti;.tit;t:t tu . wnnti" lunur wnrh " by l- tii. t'lmre 2-.i."1. ' l -. V'Vittlnj 1h nr 2 0.--72 J ttri-l, r n-r rl'lln'i-li Mi my"hOfi lay or tour home avemnaa Call 22 itOoMS fur" rc' Y IVivaie nirati- Clme lit. Phone 4444. n.te- ren-nim'hiij" I'ri.iTe 4rjf. roVKi.V Voomi tut rent M4ti weef. CVi .n Phuna 41M I i'OKT fOiiin for tent.' (ireer Aparf-nrni-. 710 ?oin, iKlAttt). ri'i iit. fva- oVialil ltiana" 'J23", Mt- ii, lietited 'rnoin. 453 'larlfic1 race. MiMjTiVVnriV'lliift -24 APARTMENTS' FOR HINT AVl'HAl'VtVK lw"rin,i(t Everything tmnl t etl bill i-iMerir. U3 I'm fini HKNT. fur (ii.fif-.i ' 2 ' lMtr'Km ai'arlinciit mUa 1 be mnm apartmant. f'rlvale enliatxe. 20I4 Oregon Avenue. Plutna 10.ua ri'MNtJillKt 'helrtifir"""ipriM(iot Pnone 7041, lih and Walnut, Auillay Anartmeni r I'HNtMIKt). modern futtr room apari m-nt. Mitit heal. (;mm ticaUon. Adultt Plittna ) iT M'ltNtMiM 4 ro4.ni ait (r "monihi Ia or lunfvr. Jmt f rrirrnrated. nlra anti clean. nh watar. UaliU and hat all furnlh-.i No l-i or pl. Mn and wile nreferred It mi anl torn. Ih'ng md i yjto fhAu W IMCIIKUJIt aparlnient. l'hone Mt(tt3 l i i i'u r .tiTtti.le. rate, M.1 M. Phone 2 35H7 rt'.VIMIED" (hre. r.n.m 'aparVnUnl M SO. two room unit $M. all ulilMia mr h Kirn 4IB N Tenih MOOKltN fnrnltha t aiirlrti.ii lor ViT- pl cto-e in n lull Ji( IM, Uthf and water inrlutied Phone 4402 or J4 FtJM tii.NT. j-rmim apartment, tut nuhed Adult XM IlroAl. 'I WO mom (iKnuhrl a par l men li (.Ighta aud waler llJi Walnut HTEAM HKA1EI) apartment with fctd- .t-Mifn lijn On It HI i ttltNtPUKI) aporirranl "for m.1 Anartmriil 1, 2c ,Va kel. llliiKE BOOM furtii.hed apartment'."2ll S nita .Nk. i t'frmnn unfVrn1hr(jwprtmttT .rWI,. "en.iaTru, prrvate Kattt. ix tiienaite Steam heal elecittr ran hf Arnt Aoarin.eni rti iu-.M iurii .'ned apartr em liv 56 HOUSES fORRINT " 1 ONE tieirwim" ftiriiulied houa' ' Jt - Wa-hlnatott St MJHM ttOOM "turnuhed "ioij,""ne vl i rrorated 1200 lilnrfc 0eni 1 -n TT4J .ut'SE tor rent. Inguiie t'igtly "Wir.iy. j hmi Ott ftirnare. alcrlrlr rnnjii-. Wa Irr Mrnnlied (.Ink In phone f-tMl tQH RKNTrc lean "two 'ru4mturnUtted rafcm C'fi in Phore fri-a, MJK m.SY.' three ""r,.nni""frnuhr3 hnu-e wild batn 1131 Walnut. rOUfi rmim ui-.tuniiihed hnme it6 0'- f"d under three. No peta. Phnna f.At'CiE hirnttitted "laWnT houle"X" Unit 10W Wm u; , Mr. CtWon. yy-irf attiart.ve ur fur 1VtahV4fHu1.tr . i3.i inr'inie heat, water. w hmg r.a-hme, garage. Couple only, rhino IK; 0.1. epl for t"t rbiCnKNrTVn it;ulpr-ft. Water furnrhed. VtJt i'OO tJ mmlm. ""hoiwe, fwn" $ rurm ratiiita. In Htev.art'Innox. Phun alt fmfl itftt hoiite. "fl C nn pi a. :if(:- n- PI'!- 32;ri. tat; inn, Cloe in. tXLAVAl ING Mooil fimrl ann Ircnrn Hi B Idorrt PHI Out . pr.rnl 'Jtitff'.'d Rot it Urivfwm Cin'lr Conpica',ni CF.AN'f iF.R'. Ct GRAHAM BROS Plio,.c or 9110 2 MircitLANEOUS FORJI'NT." " 'BEEHIVE"-""' U TRUCKS DV'VE A'ove Youriitlf Stive H Nrw Trurk.i For l-onj Trips P;cl:iii.i Siokcii V::nit BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Mnln rimn- -oi Septic I anks Cleoned- NctTflai Simtnry M.'hr)i A'Ml R0IO ROOTER SERVICE Jicam .V'. ;i I. ir ul RnnU, El KD P KINO Orrhnrrl Phnnf 04i PK'.ICN "WilV!"lN,fw I.nTrn"mtmia". niJTToraioi ku,' ! rain. ZZI RLRCfHicAX' 4mirilntWmii guar. raitTCRrCirnfcHniB let wm. Mnrnnn ttina your piano or ornn. Our hlahly aklllrd tnnlna-niailrr pula new life Into your fn.trumant and new vitality Into vour playing. Phone 2 li;00. Kyle Mnruan Piano.. SKPTIC TANKS Pumped, ronrrete lank, and dram Held. installed. Orvllle Muxrave. HEP All h s'rnvir ' ' On waahera, radloa and outboard mo tora, MONTGOMERY WARDS t'il?,VlpJ? Phone 31m PAiNTlNO and pap.rhanmn, Phon7 PP S AUTO painting, body and1 fen der work Phone 4040 J U DEAfJ " Public Accountant and Auditor Otlre at 30 No 7th. - Phnnt KMC rOH THEE T11IMM1NO rnnne a.n.1,1,1 INCOME TA)t RKTtmNS Tor appointment Phone 2.02M. Harvav Blaphatn. curtains Uund,-ad anoi itratchtd Phone 4014 FULLER Bruahea. PhoneBOMtir ajj?! 12 EDUCATIONAL BOOKKEEPING, .hnrlhand typlni kin, dred aubjerla, office machine. KI.AMATH BUSINESS COI.LEOB TU Pin Phona 4TM pe'-lHav. Phore NrwrM Z. Li fnr". !" . """ nsar Adam, Point. k for rent, hah Main Phone Of, ICE 7101. er late! type eciiirmeni Hubnrhan i.nmber Co Hth nrtWnlnni Phone 7700 CAR RTonACE IfRATROi dav'we4rfi or monlh Earl Lamb phone 4(17.1 or 77W) 30 RIArjSTA'fk0ii SAtf rhn HALB, In Ktnnnltr Ha7 One herirnom comn'eielv furnished home. Nrw hnth. eleclrlc heit. acre of Btound. Benin boiuw coat. Call Tule lake J-oooc) alter 4 p.m. J fbn SALE. flvoroomhmttie. other building. Two acres of ground. Ph'np Nf.Vt IKiMKH for Powell Phone tlfiao "Mlfl Wi"liiam Si SOP 8 n r.v lr vet i it N K rrr er AildUon and Ijikeview, Accept re?iort ah e offer. Dorla White. P.O. Box l..:tS. Pre no. CMf. 1 on SAIB, ;i ronrn Rouiie ftir:'!t-itpV r"JL..c,hnf(lJP'l27 K. Rfh Parrel. BO ACIIR ranch. partly "fe'ured, h-jit dairy barn. Tillable. 00 rr idy for r win batnnce In natnro. With or wll'inul a,ockjn)' M Herald end JJewa. TWO HKDKOOM mo'ern heme. nrrS He, outbiillfiinm Irrigated. (1")0., $1500 down, hntnnca like rent Box 38 i.y'JifL jtw.i. Fori SALK, eoullv In two hedi urn modern home. Phnne a on;tl. HUMKSJ MJM MAI CVCHRT1 DRNN18 REAb-lUII Don Klrkoatrlck Salesman 131 tlfk ""Lf .91 FOR SAI.K, two bedroom home. L ree living and dining room, onk fltiore. Ore place, kitchen and dinette, nervic porch. Large garage. 34 18 Wlard, Phne 8007. SUBURBAN acre for aate, fenced. -an mm i, RIlllttnnAN HOME 14.7A0, Modorn 3 he('ronm-flrei.lc partly carpeted. Nowly ret'ecorrier) in ide and out, niiihwaxher-oiiihiilldinBa-near achnol and hue. Ilordnra two at recti Can ha auhdlvlded. Call 8081. 1 j