WKUNKSDAY, KKHMJAHY 21, 11)52 II1;HALI)'ANj NKWS. KLAMATH kai.ls. ORBGON PAGR thirtkkn Owls Perk Up in M For Win Ol'UUon ')Vl'h Hd'ii'il 111. M'Iimhi jml IHHllt on ii fur fnn;i Imjii i'h tlvn min nt Iriiftl nr tlitrii iimr irm. Alt KlrklmuTn OuIh llimlly perki'd lip slier IhiFf thill liiiincn Lo pull kwiiv Irmn I'lill Kurlme'it Hum boldt bliile I.iiiiilirrjiule to iu.l I 1301 victory. The win, Willi 1'ililiiy lilitlil n live ly UII-60 victory, nnvr I he Owllri. clrmi swrru ill Ihc IwoKiiinc set unit Ifi-lll m-iimiu'h reninl. Tim OwIh If ir Unci- ipmiuri. looked llkr lliey expiMtrrl Hit Miirkri to ili'op (li'iul niter Krltliiy nlKlit nuTliome victory. limy were llnllrnn nml thi'lr nt lurk nun hluxldy, i;aiii,v u ad lint Dm llmnlmlilt kiiiik, thirst Inu lor victory iillrr it Inur-uiiinr In k Into Orruun lioni llielr AiiiiUi, Ciilll,, lieuilciunrlerti, weren't the leni.t till liiinif M,i(l liv P'rlduv nliilit's l)(iinbii) mid promptly took t r-o iciiti. I.riid by (.Hen Wulliicr. tlir linn lierjiiikn kept tlir lend lor hull Ihe Hint chapter until Wuynr J!.lfu-.s ninnrit oni- to ulvr tliia ulti n temporary B7 iiilvn in an'' lliiinliulili Niulihed It iiitaln on 11 Im.kit by Hob pilniiwuy II wim tied u couple ul more tlini'n In Hip llrr.l iiurpr until Jerry Wyiitt pupped oiip In Ml Hip lirM-oimrti-r nu.ci lo 1,'lvp Hie Owls a l.'i M lend. or i n I I' 'Dip OwIh htnypd nlipad the rrhl of tlio wny but Hip I.ii iiilo l iiickn wcrp nlwnyii wltliln romlorliible I MiootlnK tllMnnce until Hip lourtli trump oppiipd mid thp Owl lound A nconns recipe. I It. li..i..f , I iiwitit-r iiiiK.uii, iiiitf.i unn, iviiiiv Hiiiiimnck And Wyult look turns lilltlliK tllr lipl iilni inldwuy In Hip fourth quarter Hip OwIk hud looted HhPitd, !, from Mini 4-3D Uilrd-uurtPr lead Iloh Uunawuy piled up 10 point for Humboldt, Wullitcp In. Duncan Unbilled with aa fur high point honorn while IlolzfiinH and wyiitt chlperi In with 17 and 14. 'Hie l.umberjiKkii didn't try to break In for In v u in Iml niKht. In Klpnd thpy allot thrm long and were nucccsMul inoKl of the tunc. Wdt9 . fim1 IWVk- TW7 mi ' : t'-'i 'i 2au ' ' ' -ii i wmmm If ! l4 wmmLm Mmmmm YORG CRETORIAN and KURT VON POPPENHEIM . scoff Jit Hussions' re)iitation I'.n tuiir HI MIIOI.ItT Y'llr, Dunawtiv, t .. Atttlrretm, r &1rt'hal, Ullaott, ( . . Jmv fr ... WIU - ToUlt OKI Tt; tl f)iinri, J KrhutMrl, f ., Unlt1uM, e ... lUrnmxrk. . ftlln, $ , . t orrnian M. Wlt . I'inklty Humphr? MmtintfMrn . 1'atCioon Tout! rn i r rr nr .1 1 4 11 . fl 4 4 in ... I :i o y o i n l .o o fl Oi o o o o in it i m rr. ti rr 9 4 4 22 0 7 ... I 1 .... I :n ii in 7.n II nil Hit h'nr: OrrKun IVrlt 2fJ Hum bnlilt 17, Krro llunwi inUard: 1 In tic twlill Wnllmr '1. I)unway, Mmlmli. Wilson n, t)re inn Tf'h tJtinrun. Nrhulirrl. Mnlfu.. 1. llAmitmrk i Wv- lt. Offli'ioU; KrnmiUer unit Iluttney Merrill Moose Riflers Win Thp 1errlll Mntw. rlflti tpnm tiul II the ullverwnre at the rifle hhtait ! which van a part of thp LOOM nudwlntpr conference at Limrnr la.tt wpekpnd. ThPre uero aeven trophlen. and the Merrill marksmen sot them all. Illlth nlniile honors were won by Frank Vlclorln, who Kcorrd 103 out of a poMilble 300. The team which W'on top honors wn composed of Frank Vlclorln. Bob Powell, Gary Price, Bob Vlclorln and J. C. Haley. Each member of the team won an Individual trophy. Competing In the tourney were teams from Merrill, Kliimnth Falls. iitiKcne, Portland, Corvallis and other cIIIps. Lester Wilson Is captain of the Merrill team. Tag Foes Tangle Tonicrhf Ituiuiiiiliin YorK Creltirlan mi I Prussian Kurt Von I'oppenlieim have latiflt'd Ivan mid Boldat Cor fcv's claim to I'millc Const 1 .111 teiiiii Invincibility Just "soine moie Hu.ssliin propiiKiinda" and iirp prc purpd to prove It Uinlfht In u scuf- IIp that lias mat patrons JumplUK witn hpeculittlon. 'Ihe chitrKc leveled by Cretorlan and Von l'otpenheim uctually fall III Iho "pan calllllK the keltic blai-k" catcHory. because Yoin and Kurt also lay claim to the I'uclllr Const tuK team title. 'Hiey'll seltle the ciunrrel nt least unofficially tunlxht. When you mix two Russians Kiilnsi a rtumiinlun and a I'run slan, Ihn result Is an International donnybrnok that promises a new Ii lull 111 the unexpected, UIAM.KNGR Cretorlan hurled Ihe chnlleiiRe lust week Just belore Ihe Corky brothers uuliliiKcd Herb and Hilly Parks. 'Hie Parks brothers rerenlly beat Cretorlan and Von Poppcnhelin but Cretorlan, In challenKUiu the Cior- kys, spolie a lew liundred words on the subject, sum and sulntnncc of which meant, "we wuz robbed." U s a bout that every v-tciiIihk promoter In the Northwest has been tryinu to land. N ATI II A 1, Hut it's a natural for Klamulh Falls and Promoter Mack Lillard wnsted 110 tune In closinu It late Inst week. An Interesting opener w-lll put Clno Nlcollnl UKainsl Uuck Weaver. Ilnth bouts arc one-hour nflalrs, or the best two of three falls. Lillard Is trylnii to net Earl Yonk ley to handle the ofllclatlnr chore It will Lake someone of Yoaklcy'n sire to keep some senibl; use . ol order in the tan team match. Vandals Outlast Webfoots Ity The Associated Press W I, Pel. WiihlnKlon I'll, ho On-Kon Washington State Oregon Htatc 12 2 .1157 9 7 M3 7 7 .600 8 Am 2 12 .143 Layne-Maiiliews Baltic Eyed BALI' LAKK Ci'lY ' A lt' Laync lli.rry iKIdt Mi ,in ws l.iht nravywclKlil lixbl In Cincinnati h'lty be In the works, Marv Jen: en, I.ayiie's manaKor. said 'I'ucsflity nlKlil a Clnctnuitti t.iomoicr bus ollercd Lavne tlO. C'll) to meet Mat'hews on a Youth i'oiiud; I'on Ij'-cf' . :'-'-w April 32. MOHCOW, Idaho W The Ore gon Ducks headed home from a hard lilty-flfty basketball road trip Inlo the Palouse country Wednes day to face a crucial week-end series Willi Oregon Blale. Oregon lost Its chances of win ning a full second place spot in Ihe Northern Division standings 'lucMluy night by losing to the Idaho Vandals G0-C0. The win av sured Idaho of at least a tic as runncnip and the Ducks will have lo lake both games with OSC lo share the spot, Hitting well from the start of Its game Idaho built up an early lead Hint lasted through hallllme. The Vnndals lapsed In the third period an the Ducks, led by Captain Ken Hunt arid Center Chet Noe, staged a basket spree that put Oregon ahead 48-44 at the third quarter '" ii. But Ihey cMine hue1: early in the Ionian lo take a ijh'. cdro i i"' then moved slowly out ol reach v.lli a ball control perlormancc tli' I shut oul the Oregon chances In the lasl three minutes. Slade, Moore Mix Tonight ST, LOUIH I Jimmy Blade b laces his hopes of a European lour on Ills most eiinciivc wcap ons youth, speed and good left hook In a 10 round light-heavy. weight bout with Veteran Archie Moore Wednesday night. At 25 Hlsde only recently gained ring recognition when he knocked out England's Dan Cockell In Lon don last December. The 35 year old aioore ranis as Ihe No. 3 light-heavy behind Champ joey Maxim Sports Mirror Today A Year Ago Curt Stone. United States, won the 1,000 meter run as the Pan-American games opened at Buenos Aires. I Five Years Ago Ijuls B. Mav icr's racing stable was auctioned 1 for I1A53.500. Ten Years Ago Allle Stoh (outpointed Bobby Ruffln In a ten I round lightweight bout at Madison Square Garden. Twenty Years Ago Gene Vcn- ke won the 1.500 meter run In 3:53 1 2-5 to set a world Indoor record at ! the K. of C. games In Madison I Square Garden. Kentucky Trio Pleads Guilty NEW YORK W- Three former University of Kentu-ky bnr.kclball players face up to three years In a New York City prison after pleading guilty to a conspiracy charge, Alex Oroza and Ralph Beard, All-Americas, and Dale Barnstable pleaded guilty Tuesday to conspir ing with gamblers to shave points In a l!)4fl National Invitation Tour nament game at Madison Square Garden against Loyola of Chicago. Loyola won, 67-56. Thev were paroled bv General 8esslon Judge Saul S. Slrcit until March 28, when they will be sentenced. EOCE Finishes Season With Win LA GRANDE, Ore. (Pi Eastern Oregon College of Education broke a deadlock with two minutes to go In overtime Tuesday night, then stalled to a 74-72 basketball victory over Northwest Naznrene. The game ended the soason for iSOCE. EOCEs Lowell Kolbaba paced JEFF'S BARBER SHOP 920 Main the scoring with M points. Bud Ba.ska was high lor Northwest Na nirene with 31, DRAIN TILE "1 t... Brain lilt far Itoli artla MlXlo teat Ml. rhlfte PEYTON Ii CO. BBS Mrii SI. M I Arnold (Jigger) Slate and Jake Fournier. loi iner Brooklyn Dod ! ii'tk. now scoots biucbull talent lor I the Chicago Co -. Expert Gun Repairing and Rebluing THE GUN STORE Jim Bpgers is 0 Mn yho Cares Teran Stops Riley in 6 nun v,liu cares - BROOKLYN lT) Dodger fnns that uninhibited group of faithful Flatbush supporters will not have to Interrupt ball gnmes to get their heroes' autographs. The Brooklyn rlub has nnnounced Unit It will ael aside certain "nutograph days" at F.bbet Field. The Dod ger playesrs will be located In booths under the grandstand and will sign books, scorccards or pic tures to accomodate the lans. LOS ANGELFS - Up and coming young Keeny Trran. Lo Angeles bantamweight, scored a knockout Tuesday night against a promising fighter from Scotland. Hugh Riley, In a scheduled 10 round bout at Olympic Auditorium Riley, 21. from Edinburgh, mnk Inp his American debut, said It was the first time he's been stopped In 13 fights as a pro mid V2i as an amateur In Great Britain. Teran. 10, now Is undefeated In N as a pro. &$m&r 2S56S5S" rn j .'. , ,; I kiMifVM()Atfn ft 99 V'"' fiuiftA .jjirfw: 1 ffl s93 V CARSWRS MB vs Jim Cull tell he's a for the very best; Hii tuit is a double-breasted, clear-finished v. orstcd, tailored by Society Brand. His tie is a handsome foulard, with figured pattern, smartly styled by Beau Brummcll. His drink is made with Carstairs, the choice of Men who Care for the best. He prefers its smooth, mellow taste, and finds it costs less than other fine whiskies. His advice to you is try Carstairs yourself . . . tonight! You'll enjoy a better drink at i better price . . . so ask for it twl.' 45 QUART CAHS1AIRS BROS. DISTILLING CO., INC., NEW YORK, N. Y. BLENDED WHISKEY. 86 PROOF, 72 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS At Drews! Hurry! Ends March 1st! 1 WINTER TOPCOATS ! Our prized new stock at Vi price! All wool tweeds and jobardines, smart styles. In regulors, shorts, and longs: Regular $45.00... Regular $60.00... s22 50 '30.00 118 PAIR DRESS OXFORDS! Lucky you if you wear a B or a small or large size D . -width! Handsome styles all . . . and at Vi price! Regular $12.95... Regular $15.95... '6.45 '7.95 CLOSE OUT! Work Hats 4 Regular to 12.50 95 CLOSE OUT! Western Hats America's Foremost Brand! ' Regular 095 to 17.50 V 733 Main Ph. 34o3 How to get what you want and need in a truck "Bodge 'Job-Rated' Trucks are the best we've ever used!" . . . says PAUL CRUCE, Croce Bufone Co., Tulsa, Okla. LET US EXPLAIN THE , MYSTERY OF COLMAN'S MAGIC TWIN GRILLES ...xa.' y. "Wc do a lot of driving on narrow roads, in and out of driveways, in small yards and other tight spots. We need trucks that are real easy to handle, so we switched to Dodge. They'll turn on a dime! "We service oil wells, too, and that's the toughest off-the-road hauling there is. We need plenty of pulling power. For mud and heavy pulling. Dodge 'Job-Rated" trucks arc dependable and economical to operate." .J A JLtVHXt-Y-T HEATING SYSTEMS Are EASY to plan into row horns n.w or old. (OMfORT COSTS SO UTILt lafcllsijfifWB --'-i-iV-Ain-l"' Suppose you need a 1H- or 2-ton truck. Naturally, you'll want ona that costs less to run. You'll want one engineered to last for years and years. Above all, you'll want one that fits your job to a "T". That calls for a truck in which every unit that motes the load is engineered to meet most severe conditions and every unit that tupportt the load is engineered to provide the strength and capacity needed. What's more, load-moving and load-supporting units must be engineered to work together. The way to get such a truck is to see us about a Dodge ' TJob-Rated" truck one that's factory-engineered for your kind of work! Yes . . . when it comes to your hauling job, you'll find everything you want and need in Dodge "Job-Rated truck. Come in today. Sb -irf , ' Timo-savingperformanee.Lowloadingheight on 1 and 2-ton models and hinged center sections on stake bodies make loading and unloading easier. 6-speed transmission avail able on most models for more power, speed. Power with economy. The big high-compression engine of a Dodge "Job-Rated" lf or 2-ton truck operates with outstanding econ omy. You get chrome-plated top piston rings, and exhaust valve seat inserts. Easy handling. Exceptional handling and steering ease is made possible by wide front tread and short wheelbase. Thanks to shorter turning diameters, you can turn sharper either way back into tight places easier. See. us fodoy far Ma best buy to fow-cosf ftonsportofion DUGAN and MEST '522 So. 6th St. -Phone 8101