PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, IBM TIME OUT! "Come to think of it, I thought I detected slight uilrkrr when we concluded that big trade deal with him last fall!" POST MORTEMS from the re cent Klamath County Class B bas ketball tournament: Leading scorer was Jumpln' Jinv my Mahoney. The Sacred Heart easer totaled 67 in three games. for a 19-per average. He still gets my nomination as tne nest au around hoop performer in the eight team county leaRue. The lad who, in my opinion, was conspicuous for his absence on the . all-star team, was Mamn wuson, ' Bonanza's fine play-maker. Wilson was the lad who did the main steadying job when the cham plon Bonanza team came close to ' loslnsr its lead over Malin when the Mustangs touched off a third- quarter aplurge. THE HERALD AND NEWS no loneer votes in the all-county sel ections the last eight of the tour ney. But from what I've Been, my first team would have Mahoney and Malta's Wayne Rick at for wards. Bonanza's Don Hubble at center, and Wilson and Bob How ard, Sacred Heart, at guards. FRAXBXYN HUTCHISON. Biys harp-shooter. Is Just a sophomore and can develop into one of the Basin's brightest high school bas ketball stars with two years to go. But right now he Js, from where T sit, the most over-rated player in the league. The kid can shoot with the best of them. His book shot from siae- eourt is uncanny. But he's got a lot to learn about teamwork. Invariably he'll dribble the length of the court, then lire when he's stopped. Hutchinson will have to learn to pass off more. Right now he's a shooting star who forgets there's lour other ooys on ine warn. Several times, particularly no ticeable in the Bonanza game, Hut chinson went It all alone the length of the court. He got away with it several times but a still wasn t mod basketball. On several occasions there was a teammate near the basket in a better position to shoot. A pass could have meant two points. He's young yet, just a sophomore. He'll no doubt learn the value of passing and moving the ball. When The does hell be twice the player he Is now. THE TOP TEN scorers In the tournament were Mahoney, Malin's Bob Stevenson with 40, Malin's Rick and Bonanza's Irwin Crume each with 39, Hutchinson with 35, Bonanza's Vernon Haley with 34, Bonanza's Hubble with 31. Merrill's Dick Reeves with 30,- Bonanza's Wilson with 29 and Sacred Heart's Howard with 28. Hutchinson played In Just two games, tne rest in three. Pels ESooit fair Galley S pi lift KF Eyes Help From Cavemen It's unusual for Klamath Falls to cheer Grants Pass athletically. But that's what the basketballing Pelicans are doing rs they drill for the invasion of Ashland in a Friday-Saturday season-closer on Pelican Court. Because the Pelicans need the Cavemen's help In an arithmetic problem. with just this weekend s sum left, Medford leads Klamath Falls by a full game. The Pelicans are highly favored to hold up their end of the prob lem by whipping Ashland twice. TIE POSSIBLE Grants Pass could give Klamam Falls n tie with Medford by split ting its two-game set with the Black Tornado. If Grants Pass can upset Medford twice, the title would go to Klamath Falls pro viding the Pels bent Ashland twice. But even the most optimistic ana loval fans ore expecting no more than a split in the Medford-Grants Pass series. Ashland was hurt recently wnen Bill Hollingsworth, one of tne league's leading scorers, chipped an ankle bone and was benched for the season. Mel Taylor may also oe iosi a the Grizzlies for the Pel series with a sprained ankle. STARTERS Ashland Coach Cnuck janareau will likely start with Ted lenney and Bill Miles and Center Gregg Lininger. Harvey Woods will get one starting guard call along with either Vern Tenney or noo iuyi.. Poliran coacn raui Mtwi" probably stay with his live regu lars l- orwaras xiay dch j Horton, Center itaipn " Guards Jerry Johnson and Calvin Gilmore. , , Carroll scored 67 pomis m weekend's two-game sput wiro Medlord. . in the event uranis rss man ages a split with Medford. throwing th wi Pour nf Dist. 4 into a tie. Medford and Klamath Falls would probably settle the issue in a single- game playoff on a neutral court. Mrs. rr: vv ,f ""JwiK m KTVv V j r J f AJ , .3 , ", HOT SHOT Ralph Car roll, Southern Oregon con ference's leading scorer, will be in his familiar key spot when the Pelicans host Ashland in a weekend cage set. Wolves In NAIB Meet ARGUMENTS of tournament vs. double round-robin play waged not ana heavy during the tourney. xve gone into some detail on Where I stand on the Issue and there'll probably be a good deal more in the future. The tournaments are Interesting and good cage shows. But the champion should be picked on Its won and lost record In 14 games, playing around twice. Those opposed to the idea have Ho really logical reasons. In the final analysis, the reason for keeping the tournament as a titlist-decider is a monetary one. The tournament gate and it's al ways a money-maker is split ev enly among the eight teams in the league after expenses are taken out. It helps the athletic, programs at the various schools. Even if the tourney were kept as an extra aaaed attraction with a special trophy as a prize, it would lose its drawing value. The bulk of interest in the tour ney is centered in the fact that there's a title riding In the balance. CAGE SCORES College Basketball By The Associated Press FAB WEST Idaho 66 Oregon 60 Montana State 79 Utah State 60 St. Mary's (Calif..) 63 College of Pacific 58 (overtime) Oregon Tech 73 Humboldt 51 San Diego State 68 Whittier 64 Eastern Oregon 74 Northwest Na- zarene 72 EAST Penn 67 Notre Dame 66 Villanova 57 Siena 49 St. Bonaventure 62 Niagara 51 Harvard 54 Boston niversity 48 SOUTHWEST Texas 54 Rice 48 Texas A&M 46 Oklahoma City 42 New Mexico A&M 57 Arizona State (Temrje) 44 Texas Tech 72 Hardin-Simmons 58 MIDWEST Western Michigan 70 Toledo 59 Cincinnati 98 Western Reserve 52 Hamline 73 St. laf 52 SOUTH Duke 58 Davidson 50 North Carolina State 65 Wake For est 51 Mississippi 73 Mississippi State 61 George Washington 80 Washington and Lee 62 PORTLAND l The NAIB district 2 basketball ' tournament will be held here Monday and Tues day with Willamette, Lewis and Clark. Oregon College of educa tion and Portland U- competing. Winner of the tournament will represent Oregon in the National Association Intercollegiate Basket ball tournament at Kansas City. The four schools were selected by Jim "Mush" Torson. Portland u. coach and director of tli5 Ore gon NAIB district; John Lewis, Willamette coach, and Bob Quimi, Eastern Oregon College of Educa tion coach. Torson said Willamttte and Lewis and Clark were selected be cause of finishing first and second respectively in Northwest Confer ence play. Portland U. was chosn because of its victories over a num ber of independent schools and be cause of defeating Oregon State and Oregon. OCE, which placed second in Ore gon collegiate conference stand ings. was seleced for its strong showing this season. Vannort. OCC conference leader, is not eligible tor tne tournament. Monday's and Tuesday s rames will be held at the Portland Inter national Livestock Pavilion. MIAMI W) Eight stables which have won Hlaleah's Flamingo Stakes will be striving for another victory in the same race this sea son. Two of them Greentree Sta ble and Woolford Farm will be gunning for their third win. The other stables with previous win ners are Fred W. Hooper, Mrs. W. M. Jeffords, Brookmeade Sta ble, King Ranch, G. D. Widener and B. F. Whltaker. HIGH SCHOOL Portland League Lincoln 70. Grant 55 Cleveland 69, Jefferson 56 Franklin 48, Benson 34 Roosevelt 67, Washington 43 District 14 suiKie-eiimination Tournament (First Round) West Linn 57, Canby 46 Milwaukie 52, Molalla 47 District 9 Double-elimination Tournament (Second Round) Banks 38, Sherwood 34 (Sherwood Grove eliminated) Tigard 50. Forest Grove 46 (Forest Grove tliminated) Hillsboro 64, Beaverton 46 Lane County B Tournament Coburg 37. Lowell 36 Pleasant Hill 59, Lorane 22 Doueias county a League Tournament (First Round) Drain 41, Canyonville 27 Oakland 34, Riddle 26 Yoncalla 65, Glendale 21 Elkton 55, Days Creek 3 District 4 Coos County Division (Final Round) Powers 58, Bandon 42 s2! MUt NVI NTOt - " . '. tm in i ..II.. -, i- Soviets Charge Ice Fix MOSCOW UV-The Soviets have accused the American and Cana dian Olympic hockey teams of a behind scenes deal" by which tne Canadian team "threw" its last game with the Americans, thereby permitting the United States to win second place in the winter games. (Canada and tne U.S. played a 3-3 tie in their last game In the Olympic competition at Oslo, The draw gave the Canadians the hoc key championship and jumped the Americans from 4th to 2nd place iu the tournament. The tie also clinch ed second nlace for the Americans in team honors with 89 j points.) The Soviet Press stated Wednes- day that the "behind scenes deal was so evident that even the bourgeois Norwegian press was forced openly to make declarations on It." The Soviets charged the alleged 'deal" was aimed at keeping Czechoslovakia out of second place in the hockey competition. There was no immediate com ment from Canadian - and U.S. sources. Victory Loop Sees Upsets i A HAROLD HENDRICKSON, president of the Klamath Basin league, has an-, nounccd pairings for the four team playoffs that open tomorrow night at Merrill. Martin, Adams Tie In Shoot C. J. Martin won the Klamath Gun Club's regular Sunday uliool at Wocur In tile hiiiidlcnp division a ivl tlnl with J. M. Adams in the ltt-yard event. Martin and Adams pouted 4(1x50 scoio.i In the lH-ynid shoot. Mar tin's 48 Ird the handicap Held. Tho field wiin trimmed to Just 10 nhootci'ii wllh many KOO mom bern In Medford lor a registered shuol, ntcuiut in lldm. Martin . . ., 411 40 Admin 4U 4n Crl Oliity 47 37 J. II. Mnrlin 4U 41 O. M. Grmll ......... 43 43 llud Cluako 43 41 Helen OIney 44 Ittl C, C. CouLon - 44 R. D. Uranamnn H 43 3.1 Tom CarUnd at 33 VICTOIY LEAGl'E Metlert - KUmaltl Pack .. DtMolay No. 1 Gun Stora T ac 1 . Crater Lake . .. Men a Hand Ldry. . DeMolay No. i 3 a ret. 1.000 .aiK) .600 .33 .300 .373 .373 .183 Vic Wertz. outfielder for the De troit Tigers, worked as a mem ber of the sales staff of a Detroit tool company during the off-season. Both of last night's games at Falrview in the Victory league could be labeled mild upsets. The Gun Store beat DeMolay's first team, 55-61. DeMolay's second team upended Men's Hand Laundry, 38-34. Gun Store's Boettcher led the up set over DeMolay One with 23 points. John Mason scored 16 in De Molay's win over the Laundry quint. Tonight's games put Crater Lake against unbeaten Metiers at 7 and Men's Hand Laundry against second-place Klamath Pack a: 8. Box aeorei: LAl'NDBY (34) (31) DeMOI.AV Lund 1 T 4 Klttredee Godard 4 P 4 Kenmark Thompson IS C IS Mason Gonzales 2 G 9 Larson PoweU G 5 Sweek Laundry subs Hawkins 6. Woodard 4. Foltz 3. DeMolay aubs Haydeo, Por ter. Ward. 4 Basin Fives in Playoff The top four teams in tho 12 team Klamath Basin league opens lis playoff tournament tomorrow, 8 p.m.. In tho Merrill cvm. Second-seeded Malm faces Chilo- quin 4i in the opener. P'lrst-sceded Tulelake squares off against Jay hawks (3) in the aflprplcce. Saturday night the two losers open the show. Uie two winners square off for the' championship. Saturday night's finalists the winner and runner-up will keep basketball gear for a similar play off against the city league's two top teams March 7 and 8. The city league winds up Its sea son tomorrow night and has sched uled Its playoffs for March 3 and 5. Tulelake and Malln ended in a tie for first place with Identical 10-1 records. The Inners beat Ma lin in a one-game decider. Jayhawlu and Chtloquln also fin ished in a dead heat, both wllh 9-2 season records. A coin-flip de termined third and fourth positions in the playoffs. DeMOLAT 1 (31) Pickett 11 r Smith r Montgomery 4 C Vlahos 13 G Hannon 13 G 133) GUN STORE 6 Keane S Plummer 10 Mullens a Blsbv 23 Boettcher I HOCKEY Pacific Coast Hockey By The Associated Press Edmonton 4 Victoria 3. TOI'CIIDOWN FRUSTRATION DURHAM. N.H. if) When Dalo Hall, University of New Hamp shire basketball coach, was a star hallback on Army's football team he once scored on three consecu tive plays BKiilan Pennsylvania but cut-It time tho touchdown was minified. The Cadets wcro off slrio on each piny nnd were pena lized five yards at a clip. On the fourth pluy, Hull tossed a touch down puss to Doc Blnnchard to end the frustration. McCall Gets Pelican Assistant Grid Post Paul McCull was named this week lo succeed Dutch l'reneli as nsslstitnt fimtbiill oiiach lit Klain ulh Union high school, Fronchi veteran local conch, re cently loHlKiietl tlio imM lo direct nioio tiMnutlon to IiIh duties us deuu nl llio school. A aimkcunnn for the school board, In making tho iiiinouncemciit, aatils tho varsity and Junior vurnlty would operate an ono unit, untln would coinprlso no inure (hull 30 playors, Tho grid nqund will be handled by Coach Dob llcndurnhott and two usulstanta, McCall will fill ono nnslslant pout nnd will probably concciiliulo on back Held work. The other assistant has nut been named. McCall Is head basketball couch. Owlbabes Finish 13-2 The Orcuoii Tech Junior varsity cloned Its season Willi u 13-2 record lu.-.t night. Hex Hiin.iaker's Inds bent the Humboldt State Jnyvcv fur the second nit tiiK lit nlulil by a 04-41 count. John Mchmcd scored 12 lor the Owlbabes, Don Ho'l'mlllii 11 for tho Limiberjiicks. f" , -,,,, I ! A '7 PAUL McCAlX . . . accepts grid post WANTED Salesman lo Travel Scllinq Athletic Equipmont. Coll in Perion THE GUN STORE BROADCAST., 9:30 Spomorcd by DICK REEDER 5000 WATTS KFJI 1 1 so ON YOUR DIAL st like tie CflflD 0L8 5AVS! Ejoy iim GREAT STRAIGHT BOURBON OLD TIME QUALITY! $1)60 Pinf The Bourbon Buy of the Century" M10 .... . .. STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 86 PROOF a NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CORPORATION, NEW YORK, N.Y. DeMolay ub Hilton 2. Gun Store tuba Henry, Wood, STYLE-MART'S Exclusive "Neck Zone" Tailoring assures you KLAMATH BASIN BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP PLAY-OFFS MERRILL HIGH GYM Thursday, Saturday - Feb. 28 & Mar. 1 THURSDAY- SATURDAY- ADULTS 1.00 - STUDENTS 25c 8 p.m. Malin VI. Chiloquin Tulelok vi, Joy Hawks 8 p.m. Consolation Gam 9:15 - Championship Game 1 B i!ft( ZtSs M M , f yM) from I 820 Mairi If you've ever worn a suit that didn't fit right around the neck, you'll really appreciate Sfyh-Mari's NECK ZONE tailoring, which prevents unsightly collar gap. See the wide variety of Slyla-Mart uits we have in your size now. 50 STORE FR MEH r Phone 6778 Mffi Mils on 'ptxtmcu YOKES 9 Lb plus tax and your old tire Size 6.00 x 1 6 SIZE 6.70x15 . . Plus tax and your $14.95 old tire MARATHON iy(IDT?EAK As Low as $1.25 a week for a PAIR of tires! i-J,.-,,n,lljiffl) 8th ond Klomath SERVICE STORE m Phone 8141 R'yTv - .