Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 27, 1952, Page 11, Image 11

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    - WEDNESDAY, FPT.RUAnY 27, 10B2
i mm ...'. -'la
Housing Faces
Ag Committee
Ciood houNinir tor mlKrnnt furm
Inliur In Impoiliint in gelling mid
plucliiK wrirkrn who hnrvoai many
of UrcKon'M niOHt valuable vropn.
Yet MH'li hoiilni( In limited nr.d
much ol It Ik mib-xtandiird. with
llttla attention Riven to nnnltiitlon,
puiR wilier nupply, or adetiuutc
conking luclllllcn.
Thin Informnllon w turned up
by the nliitnwltlo ruml ill" c
mitten headed by L, K. Pratic'n,
Tllluinook, which met In I'oiiiund
recently. The commllee. l one ol
II plunnliiK fur the Oregon ni;i i
piiltunil conference Mar. 27-2D at
Ori'Kon Sliilo college.
Mix. Lee Ifollldny, Klamath Full"
hnuMnit (uncommitted chiilrmnn,
ruiiorti'd 1111 oulHliindlnK coopern
live hibor ciimn ia operating- near
Mllton-frcewiiler. Thin helps Hla
bllla Die farm labor force In that
area. 'I he Athena Pea Grower an
noclntlon also maintain! a no.,ii
camp for ttltiKlc workcra, Hhe il'l.
Hereford Show
At PI in '52
PORTLAND, 'Hpeclali A nation
ol Hurcloxl Hhow will headline the
event 8t the 1 orly-second atmiial
I'aclflc International Livestock Kx
uonltlon to be held hero October
i through 11.
Choice specimens of the Hereford
breed of beef cattle will compete
lor H record $16,000 In premium
money during the show, ofllolah
of the Pacific Internatlonnl and the
American Hereford Association an
nounced today.
How Secret Can
The Boys Get?
a bus accident a military secret?
When the bun in being used to in the war outlook.
train civil defence driver my;
CG Reports
On '52 Dues
A confidential Government mem
orandum 1h quoted by the March
Issue of Country Ccntlcman to
dive farincrj dome Idea of what
to expect In the next y?ar or to.
The memorandum la not official
policy but it docs reflect top-level
thinking on the probable trend In
both military and civilian produc
tion planning.
The' military schedule.! now call
for reaching peak dclcn.se expendi
tures of about 14.000,000.000 a
month by the end of this year or
Rotation Top
Weed Killer
A Texas rancher this winter fed
cattle 4,000 tons of grain Borghum
that he had put In a trench silo
sllnao was In excellent condition and
cattle ale It with relish. The ranch
er says It was the most economical
feed he ever used, lmvln been
fourteen years ago, says tue March 1 put un when labor and feed wora
Issue of Country Gentleman. The' low-priced.
Crop rotation remains the most
effective practical method lor con-1
trol of many farm weeds. Except
lor certain noxious species, weeds'
arc not able to thrive Indefinitely
on crop rotated land, points out,
Tulclake Farm Advisor Ken Bag
hott, University ol California Agri
cultural Extension Service.
Annual weeds are restricted by a
rotation that Includes a small-grain
crop, a cultivated crop, such as
early next. It is planned to hold i'..,i .'h' ," ,, " 7 , ' vX: u
l,h,? " Bl, aout ,lM 1 .ihr," "!l' ' b rotations that Include smaller
""iir.i bT u "Cr; eP auch "B"a. Weeds that
oil In MM, If there is no change tr,lhle0me In irrigated nn.
war outlook. ,urB - rctiucer bv rotation that
TVin m.mnrnnilnin frtrffttit a ll.t.l , in.l...i ...... ..,.u - .... .. ni
Defense Instructor Clarence O, La-iln maximum Inflationary pressure I sikn clover unrl small rm. '
oi me ocicnse progrnm win oe leu Publications telline of different
methods of weed control can be
hey, a municipal railway Inspector.
A Muni bus. driven by a woman ; about the middle of this year. Alt.
umnec uniier i,in.v a iiifiLruLtiuii. er ifiat ino .prouuction oi civilian .,.riH nt lVm K-ai-m i,iuiCn.'a
lumned a curb Tuesday niKht. ! uoods will bt-Hln to Increase while uPf-J'V.-f." Vviior.s o1.
Tk. Illlll.e llnrf .L... u J I-.,.,.- ' I " ..!.. .. u. ... 'I,:J.
"iu ' t.ti.T.i.i u n,.u ni &ijuvmjiiK uuwii u uvuunvi lair 1 uui uiinajnK iuwci jniiiniiir , anuui
Available Now ) j
While face crossed and black face pure breds Sold
in lots to suit. Shown by appointment . . , write tiox 31
1 co Herold S. News ,
reus have taken sore su-p::
Improve Ihclr situation, but con
ditions are not yet entirely sails
laetory, she added.
Throughout the Wlllamelle val-
HORSE BLOOD-DONOR Hit-hard and Mary Crilt-y ft-ud
suKiir lo Llrownlo, 5-ycar-old horse, at the laboratories of
Wyt'th, Incorporated, Marietta, I'a. Brownie weighs 1.000
oiiiuls hut has given more than 2,000 pounds of blood for
use in tetanus antitoxin. Blood is taken twice a month,
about two gallons at a time. Richard and Mary arc children
of Dr. B. H. Crilt-y, imiminologi.st at the laboratories.
Mink Farmers Troubles
Brina About Discussion
, , . , . . . . i day nlitht either lo strike lo get
Obtaining an adequate u-td sup- Inns, little research has been done ln(,r ocmBn(js i,y Apn j or to
plv is one of the problems lacing 0n nutrition and disease. j arbitrate It the company will agree
the slate a mink fanners. . ,. ... .. to do so
n it w.n u. m. .h.i.m.n Distemper Is the chief disease ; w Q0
f . !. wy.m , Problem. Allho.mh shots are avail- Harvey Thomas, union buslnesi
of a luielde committee prej bp ;b, , t , de- BRcnt. Mild the strike authorization
Inn a report for the Oregon Slate i ...i i. uu. h .. i.i ..,,.ri nt ih. nv
m "r,, , vr :r ,..' control U possible.
which Is 10 lo B5 percent flail by M1r",'?fr" ' V"', c0"lip."";,! te''6
I.ahrv declined to Klve details. I steady. Starling early In 1B5J, it
Military secret, he said. i ' IHiUred, the supply of civilian
Police were not so secretive. Hoods should be in good bulance
They said Ella B. Faync lost con- h""lh demand.
Iril nf thn him urhllf mciUinf u llirn I In Inrtnn nf furmlncr Ihic KhnlilH
ley with the possible exception of John Nuchupoff, 60. was taken lo a mean a pretty firm market and
hop arras, adequate hou-ilnn for ; hopllal with a broken leg. I fewer shortages than expected,
niliirants is scarce. That available I - -
ficfiiicntiy lulls short ol minimum
needs, i
What can be done to remedy
I Ihls situation, whlcn lias a vital
bearing on Oregon's farm income,
will be dlscu.-iscd at the agrlcultur
' al conlcrencc.
Portland Bus
Strike Talked
PORTLAND Mt Portland Trac-
lion Company drivers voted Mon-
c&f 'idck '
cut and wrap your beef
and pork for your locker
And we still cure your hams and bacon
427 Market
A. G. "Butch" Zwcigort
Klamath Falls
Phone 7060
I 1 A m mm A
V rou rt liinkim about a fina lou, DON'T OVERLOOK THE LEADER!
Tht Pradrntisl InMrane Compsar of America ia die nation'a leadlnz Injiorance company farm
tra6r. Tkera mail be a rcaaoa and there la! In farm lendinl. PHljUKNXlAL MfUNS PRO
TF.tTIOM ProUrtkma like Fair Appraiaala, Fair Treatment, No Feet, Stock, or Comaituloiia,
Low Rate, Loa( Term (L'a la 40 Years) Prepayment Prirllefea.
Ralld Protedioa Into 7 oar farm tnaadnl preiram with Pnidentlal a farm lender alaca 1898 a
tana kaa leader today. fOT further Information, Call, Wrile or See
Howard Barnhisel Agency
xtf. Authorized Mmlaaat Loan Solicitor for
Klamath, Lake, Modoc and Siskiyou Counties
preference causes a continual head- i "V wail inciuao it. . jbcksoii.
acho for producers. Not only must1 Ncwberg; Harvey Ronne. Balem;
llsh be obtaliied. but mink are'0- A. bmlth. Seaside; C. W. bta-
lllrkv anil rhmul) nl,l ll, i Cey. Blllem; J-.llgellO I' llllay. JCI'
fllllon of Ihelr fish. It must be! ',rr",,"; 2,7, des Imbler:
drivers. Hut. he said. If Ihe com
pany will arbitrate the points In
disagreement, the drivers will ap
prove. The drivers seek a 15-cent hour
ly wage boost a cost-of-living e
Ted calator clause and various other
Iresh so most fur farmers must 1 JK "amoo: r.ugcnc jwanon ! ociioius. uomraci laias nave oecn
liistBll expcnslvo reliigerulloni Astoria; and Andrew Warls, Clut- under way for two months without
. . 1 rtKHiiif - miirn nrnorru. jnnmHi nil in.
tui 111 nrni. "
Tlie Investment for bolh runrh '
and breeding stock, the commit-.
lee says. Is the chief handicap
facing anyone having plans (o ginn
an industry fooihold. At present
Oregon has about 160 "mink fur
funns with a, total of noma 30.0UU ,
breeders Annuiil kit output ap
proaches 7S.000. Walt lUles In
coma from brerdtng s:ok and
Veils Is approximately 8100,000
Tlie trend Is toward fewer
ranches housing more mink, the
committee lias learned. It. K.
1) murk, head of the Oregon Slalc
College fish and giime department,
serves (he commllieo ns secrcUity.
Although Oregon mink farms run
towiud .coli'jcrviulvc slie,, quality)
Is boiler than that found In areas
where farms arc larger, In Wis- .
eonsln and Minnesota, for example, I
some Hlnglc farms turn out 30,000
kits during a single season.
Another of tlie problems facing
mink producers Is the fact that
theirs is n strictly luxury business,
and uiurkou are buffctrd mater
ially by economic tips and downs. '
In addition lo feed supply prob-
Planes Win Out
Over Train Travel !
WASHINGTON lf Air travel ;
miicago exceeded pullman travel
mileage last year for the first tlmo
on record.
The Civil Aeronautics Board said
domestic iilrllncs Hew 10,500.304,
ono passenger miles last vear,
vhlle rail travel on Pullmans
totaled 10,432,300.000 passenger
A "passenger mile" Is one pas
senger carried one mile.
If conditions are exactly rlRht
Ihe sun can he hidden In an,
eclipse lor as long as 7'3 minutes. 1
Row crop. Excellent condition.
Standard. Completely overhauled
An oldtimcr. As is.
Row crop. A buy at the price!
$ 995
1 ' 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 ' 1
Going at Cost!
All new machinery
on our lot will be
sold cr our cost- to
you. Save as high as
20 ! Sale will be
from February 20 to
March 1. All sales
-Case Dealer -Tulclake, Calif.
. I ,.-1
Most Revolutionary Engine Design
In a Generation-plus Power Steering I
Tf YOU NEVER DROVE like this before! On regular fuel,
Fire Dome gives acceleration and 160-h.p. performance
beyond anything you've ever known. Tremendous
power reserve for hills and passing. -
YOU NEVER STEERED like this before! New De Soto
Power Steering (see below) actually does the work for
you hydraulically. Parking is easy at last I
YOU NEVER ENJOYED so many wonderful ride-and-drive
features . . . like super-safe Power Brakes, famous
Tip-Toe Shift for no-shift driving, Onflow Shock Ab-
sorbers, Electric Window Lifts; Solex Heat-Resistant..
Glass. Come in and drive this sensational new
De Soto Fire Dome Eight it's on display right nowl
. SIS & ,r
': , , , : .X .mr'r
4 .
II ft' 77l
' ' ..-:'; .... '' i -J
S. - .i44m1i..-J.sav' -s V'kjsk , .;K : . , . .ca, ,."v -. . ,x f ..--;. ;-..-. M 3t . a - ,. ' Volt's
- -T5V
POWER STEERING. ..easy as dialing a telephone Ij
You can actually turn tlie wheel with one finger
even when the car is at a standstill. ' '
T I j wiffipiyllii'pr'lwwl'',iwl'i
to the carburetor ; . , for greater engine power. j
Vhltt liclewall tirti, whtn ovollabl ara optional tqulpmenf,
So. 6th and Walnut Phone 8101
. . . . . . .. . i,..m --t L..U. a.jl. ..J T.Uut.l IKiar n.lyiArltlnr.i.ni.J In uu Tit SClTft. PLYMOUTH Daalarr :
Tune in oxwuvnu itihka in "iou eer Tour 1110 vry wa on t.n nn.v ........ r, ........ ......