TUKSDAY, 1'ICBIUJAItY 20, l(),p)2 HERALD AND WKWS. KLAMATH KALLS. OREGON PAGE NINE 30 RIAL ISTATI FOR SALI VMILLS ADDITION A MMIO ljuruiilii. Climd nlunly V IjmIhioiii liimin on wrll Iniincl corner lot, climo to Klwuiiln Pink, hlorcn mid liiiallnc. Thin cjnc won't li'hl Inntf. (looU tfirniN cull bn nr. lunm-rt. Cnll now (or uiipoliitinciit. 7 UN IT APARTMENT On Mnlil Hired. Net profit VlOOO per ynir. Priced nl only $20,000. Annual profit I ft on your Invent tnrnt. Vny rcnnoimblo trrirui cim be arranged. SUBURBAN Well conntrurtert mortrrn 2 bed. room In rrntrlrtrd cllMrlct, umonii nlhrr line hoinra. Ntorni window, liiMilnlrd, Iwnlwund floorii, nuto innlle Ileal, ntlnrhrd unruur A homo you'll be proud lo own, Tolnl price MM)U. MIA leriim. ONLY $3500 Kor llils rich hnlf ncre with com fortnble 1 bedroom hounc, lume uu tune with npiire bedroom In reur, rliicken limine n ml miiiiII barn. Good termn can he nrruniied. Open Evening) by A)polnlmenl Bee Homer Slllen I'll. 2-2VS0 Evei. Don Sloan 66!8 Even. Fred Scott 6703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH KEALTORS Since 1509 111 No. Sill St. rii. VM or 6520 HILLSIDE AVENUE Priced for quick le. Comfortable two bedroom home. Attractive kitchen, aeparate dining room, utility room, nicely flnllicd room In baiement, concrete foundation, Karate, fenced yard. 1701)0. SUBURBAN Beautiful five room ranch style home in excellent neighborhood. Large living room and dining room, two apacloua bedrooms with large closets, very attractive bath and kitchen, utility room, attached gn. rage. Large nicely landscaped lot. IS.MO terms. MILLS Do not miss seeing this fine five room house located close to bus and stores. Spacious living room, Mining room and liundy kitchen. Two large elevated bedrooms and bath. Garage and utility room. Ex rrllent construction throughout. Immediate possession. $0100 terms. HAIlflY VAN lEves. 8204) JOE LEONARD i Eves. join) ALSCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 617 Moln Phone 3211 I 3 BEDROOMS ' A well arranged 6 room home In the South Suuurbnn district. Ranch house style on a lame lot. Approved by F.H.A. In all respects. Assume present loan and conilnur monthly payments for approx. $."8 00. Will sell furnished or unfurnished. SUNNYLAND 2 bedroom home, hardwood floors, fireplace, electric heat. Comblna. lion playroom and service room at- inched to house. Large lot. Price bbjuu. Terms. Fred Cofer Bob Stephens Eves. 3593) i Eves. 92301 Barnhisel Agency 112 S. 8th St. Phone 4105 CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER $S to $15 per acre buys good ranch and timber land at Gov't, State lid t.'nlinlv Innrl Hilm t.'RL'B LAND CATALOO. Pacific Lanis' iDJi ke unnucnga Blvd. Hollywood 28. Cnllf. SUBURBAN lovely two bolroom home In St. riancls pnrK. Kiectrlc heat, fenced yard. Some furnishings. $8750. A nod buy In a modern three bed room on Homedalc Road. i acre. 13000. , HOMES IN TOWN Well kept two bedroom home In Hot Springs. Fireplace, good base ment. Fenced yard. $8750. Two bedroom home. Basement, double ftarnue. Owner leaving city and must sell. $3500. Neat threo room home. Closo In. $2850, $500 down. BEARD AGENCY REALTORS and INSURANCE 1020 Main Til. 2-3471, 4880. 4734 3 BEDROOMS Mills close to bus $5500. 1 BEDROOM North Side fully furnished $5500, 2 BEDROOMS South Suburban 13 acre $11060. 2 BEDROOMS Mills hard wood floors, one year old, $9500. VERNON DURA NT ANDYSILANI i REAL ESTATE 631'. So. Sixth Phone 019B, 6644 or 7023 iiomks run sai,k CVKHETT DKNNIS REALTOR Dnn Klrknatrlck. Salesman 121 N atk Phone un 42 LIVESTOCK . LIVESTOCK AUCTION WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27 1 P.M. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 25 REGISTERED BULLS . . . r Hereford vV Angus Most of these hulls arc coming 2 yr. olds and arc Oregon raised. This Is an open consignment sale. If you have breeding bulls for sale, bring them in Feb. 27. 50 Head mixed Hereford calves. Also the usual run of 300 to 500 head of fat feeder hogs, cattle and sheep. Livestock Trucks for hire one head or carload. i When you want lo buy or sell livestock it's KLAMATH LIVESTOCK, Inc. Midland Road itionc 3074 R. E. "BOB" RHODES, Auct. Ph. 4032 ATTENTION RANCHERS! Start that small band of sheep . . . available now. Young good hardy sheep with lambs by their side. "fr White faced crossed and Black faced pure breds. & Sold in lots to suit. 'U Shown by appointment. Write Box 31 - HERALD AND NEWS 10 RIAL ISTATI fOR SALI 3 Bedroom Home III South Suburbs. All nmmt mn. venlently arraniied. Step saving kitchen with new bullt-lns and breakfast area. Lame entrance hall, complete bath, oak floors, Venetian blinds. One acre ttood Imitated soil, double uarniie, chicken house. Price $13,000 terms. ALSO.. ' .Six bedroom home In Hut Springs. $20,500. One bedroom home off California Avenue. $2250. Anne Mason Eves. 6114 Eddie Hoslcy 2 0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 123 S. 9th Phone 7200 25 ACRE RANCH Eight miles out. Paved road. Good Irrigated soil, well drained. Allalla, permanent pasture, hay barn, 8 stanchion concrete floored stable, hog house, henhouse, garnge. small two bedroom hou.se. Pressured water from deep well. $11,500. Terms. Gomer Jones, Realtor 111 S. 4th , Phone 7597-6321 LOVELY Three bedroom stucco home In Wlillams Addition. Hot water heat, fireplace, arched living room with new wall-to-wall carpeting. Also rental building In rear bringing In $30 month. Price $11,500. ONE BEDROOM On Menlo way. Kitchen living room. Just right for couple. Price $'.'800 partly furnished, $3000 furn ished. See or Call Bob Causcmaker James Heseltlnc 1 Salesmen with M. L. JOHNSON REAL ESTATE ' 434 Main St. Office Phonc5113 foil SALE,, atiractive W0 EcdYilom &...S"h....'"c,.r" eompte'ieTy' 32BUILDMjtEMODEi,NO ni.AmAlll VALLEV LUMBER a so. inn. ph. m )01"INO BullUip ' Composition Shingles Altimlrhim Shinnies SIDING Asbestos Ccclnr Shakes INSULATION Blown-In Fiberglass COMRTNATTOM ai.iisatmtts SCREEN AND STORM WINDOWS Kuhlman Insulation Phone 4468 or CLEM LESUEUR 2-2443, Agent ALL WORK GUARANTEED WXTEni'UUa anThoroieil hydraulic cament for waterproofing basemont floora and walla. It wnrka, KLAMATH VALLEY LUMRER lino So. uih, Phone4nio ix4's, lix07a and ahlplap $4fl "per M'. Tlila la a real buy. Coma In and tee lllCRe aperlaH. KLAMATIt VALLEY LUMnKR 1040 So. Otn. Phone 4RI0 I POULTRY J2 BUILDING REMODELING WA1.LH1TK fl(,wrrr'(l build, HEpuiif. tJ.JO per son ii. rii. ' ....lJ,'AMAT" valley LtTMnrrt Ml..ne4"l BUILDING MATKHIAI.S pramplly de" lured by Born Dulldlnii Mulrr.:i Inc. Lumlwr. innllng, pliuicr. pjtinl, Moor-flnlih or WHAT Dili I. Ihe pli lo Itl II. 7M South Slxlli. phoni JOIN Ihe IhoUKindt or home owntrt now enjoying modem ualhrnomt. how er. kllcheiu. Tlmnka lo new, luxurlout ALUM1WALL. individual Aluminum v!l Tlle. Vour choice of 13 Kuy hr monlrlm colon. Kor rrce Ktltmatci call Kmt Main Cabinet Shop, phone IH-'W. evenlnf call 2-lll.r,4 or ;IHM. 34 FUEL HEATING STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Healing Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER 'Fuels that Satlsfy-Plus Service" Cln.n m.s Slpringst. Ph011e 4 , . uuvt. wood ,oi n.-A-rr-Trr. ana parlor healrrr M'.ed hi i V., " ' W. Bun': sTANOARb HEATINGotL "" "lock, tor n,e olSTrcTe" nlnianjywkend. McMrr, ,!" r"i!?Ti"i0,;s P'UP or dcTlTerTS "in pnotif .1B11I or 3-9300 !!f!JlDFSSos,c.L 8"v-- JsAjsprrejPtslioyBjES- TOR SALE, registered wire haired ler cTmlo'r,'"" C'" 314M "I 31U liEAUTiri)LPeklese puppy, tftiriu lorouple onlv.Phone J-.liS lJttS8 Delawarejofl Homedale nOARDINC KENNELS Dot board ng by riav week nr mnn,h aSSrUr&ntf WV" n'ndn,e, r,"""11111"1 e,noor runs tor ench A m" "J""." durlt niallna. will Dick up and deliver. d. v. Visitors Welcom. Phona ami Merru a SHASCASADjrJjENr? toft SALE, rrgls'terrd wlre-hal'redlef- ni'i!!"';.c"" a"MM or 'o 0 TO EXCHANGE : TRADE, nine months Cuernnev helfc"r V"rtri'iJ,,r'orhay:Phone J-sran WILL TRADE eqiiily in cYtTiTperiv 0?C,l" y '" ,uburl,n diairlct Phone .VllTJiTparrmeiil hoiisen5TlaTHirfo"r , ,,,Kwing irucK. jonn Kcedv. 7nn lna. Anhlnnd. Phone J-7:isi. AUCTION Friday, Feb. 29, at 1:00 o'clock Sale at Tulare Sales Yard. Inc., Special clalrv heifer nnri whim ! stockcr calf sale. 900 HEAD 900 550 well marked holstcln hellers. 350 white fnce stockcr calves. The holstcln heifers arc well marked, ratiRe in a Re from year Hum to breeding brc, also Some bred heifers. We have 1 consign ment of 130 head, balance of oon slRnments range from 30 to 60 head Most heifers In verv Rood condition, well- marked. .We have consignments of 350 white face stockcr calves. These, calves nre Just right to turn out , If In need of well mnrkol hoi tein dairy heifers or blocker calves you should attend this sale, Salo at Tularo Sales Yard Inc. lVi miles north of Tulare. Calif.. P.O. Box 657. Phone Tulare 6-4131 KOIt SALE, dny old cnTvos. lliaa lluino- dnlc. VOU SAl.K. three hoars. Phono WANTKD colnred nerVa h'ona fli. 44 FINANCIAL $$MONEY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL ! Up to 1600 on your auto. On your salary or furniture up to 1300 "Pay Day" loam a specialty no, 16, 160 loaned till "pay day" or longer, fib ooau but 18 cent (or one week. No other charges. LOCAL LOAN CO. 115 No. 10th BU M-3M DON McINTYRE, Mgr. 4J Yeara friendly Service 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALI ft WATCH TRADE IN'S -SOLD FOR REPAIRS - 1 Hamilton Man'i Yellow Gold Filled 17 Jewel -jW Wrist Walch 0 2 Bulova Man's Yellow Gold J'llled 17 Jewel 0.60 Wrist Wntth ZO 3 (iruen Man's Btalnlen Steel 17 Jewel OOM Wrist Watch ZZ 4 Flgm Man's Hose Gold 17 Jewel I-, .50 Deluxe Z4- 8 Bulova Mnn's Yellow Gold Filled mM I 21 Jewel I 7 7 Camy Man's 17 Jewel j Bhock Proof $1 QS0 WrIM Watch 10 10 KlKln Man's Yellow I Gold Filled 16 1 j50 Jewel Wrist Watch. .. 1 4 No. 24 ORUEN MAN'S 17 JEWEL 12 SIZE POCKET WATfM THESE PRICES INCLUDE TAX ALL WATCHE8 IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION NEW WATCH GUARANTEE WE ALSO HAVE 8EVERAL OTHER BRANDS AND MODELS NOT LISTED REPAIR DEPARTMENT RICKYS JEWELERS i 700 Main 42 LIVESTOCK I POULTRY Farmers! Eggs To Sell? We are buying. For your convenience we have a receiving station at Oregon State Hatchery or deliver to our farm. Buyer Gooding Poultry Farm . Phone 4948 POULTRY WANTED Cash paid for fcny amount Top maxket prices for good quality, For quotations PHONE 3857 KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS WEANJR PIGS and cull potatoei for MIUHKST prices paid tor poultry, taogi BIG Y MEAT MARKET t-aaevlew Junction Phon a&lr. ARTtrlCIA.'. BRELDINQ SERVICi Phnna 3731 M C. IChueki Warren Rl 2. Hox 322. If no anawer Phone 4400. evenings 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED to buy. 3 way Brownllpe for jMj ton truck open drive line. Phone n,. .cu iu rent iwa or mree Deoroom home, by local representative of Albers Mllllnv rn Prmk...n D ... .ir. r-nmic WANTED to leate. large houie. Cloe in. with playroom. Box 29, Herald and WANTED, David Bradley or Harris tine i.oaaer. Aaimt nanctt. Phone 723) WANTED, to lease, building .suitable ir repair nup. rreicr Oil &OUW Sixth. rnone z-nij7. Wa NTED, upright coat rack, " Phone WANTED to rent, pasture for 40 head iti traiiie. rnone aim. AE NEED CARS! Get top prlc BOW Roe Motor Co fltn and Plum. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow pj Onl $100 7.J7 Ma Repay in U Installments UP IX) 1300 ON FURNITURE OR SALARY UP TO 11200 ON CARS rirE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cars 'nancx at bank raw "MONKV IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. i0 years serving Klamath Batlr See "C.uck" Bailey Mgr. I It N 7U1 SU Phone 3326 8-341 M-S7 Commercial Furnishes Cash! CASH LOANS ISO to 1300 Auto Furnltur Livestock Salary 150 to 1900 Automobiles (paid for or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH dealal Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lio. 8-1161 - ti-'m 107 No 8th Phon Tfll 48 BUSINtSS OPPORTUNITIES KSTAIU.ISH proven frnnrhfae business. Capital needed $4000 to SIHWO. No Belling nr travellnil. Flxoerlenee and axe not Important. Ideal for man and wife, Box 30, Herald and News. LOANS Phone 2-2537 8-27 12 Hamilton Man's Yellow Gold Filled 17 Jewel $i rib Wrist Watth. ... 10 13 Burnt Lady's H Carat Yellow Gold $r i M 17 Jewel Z4 H Bulova Lady'a Yellow Gold Filled IrtiM 17 Jewel Z I 18 Elgin Man's 15 Jewel 12 Size $i 75 Pocket Watch. . 10 18 Elgin Mans 17 Jewel 18 Size $ro50 Pocket Watch ZO 20 Elgin Man's White Gold 17 Jewel 18 Size n lit Pocket Watch. ... Z4 21 Hamilton Man's Yellow Gold Filled 17 Jewel $i 75 12 Size Pocket Watch. I O WHITE GOI.n '19 15 Phone 3151 ! 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE i cure tax-itis . . . Taxltls Is that March 15th ail ment that results in a big head ache for many Klamathites. If you're among them. I'm the doc tor to bring you relief I As a Herald and News Classified ad I put extra money into your pockets by renting your vacancy, selling those things you're no longer using and finding you a good-pay Job. My services are speedy and economical, and you can easily reach me! phone 81 11 herald & news Build Better With Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Phone 5149 FOR SALE "1001 BARGAINS" Appliances, tools, mdtors, radios, furniture, shoes, clothes, pocket knives, garden hose, lawn mowers, etc. Cofer's Exchange 619 Klamath Ave. ph. 7160 LANDSCAPING. everreent. shrubs nd trees. Wt uim. spray and remove large trees. LAKESHORE GARDENS NURSERY Phone 42B6 CRUSHED rock and driveway cinders. ADDING MACHINES, calculators, type writers, cash registers, desks, chairs (lies, for tale or rent. PIONEER OFFICE SllPPi V Main pnon. 74.. P,lL..,tor t11- Peyton and Co S35 Market FOR SALE 1990 27 foot trailer house toilet and shower. Will consider trad ing equity in 1948 to 1950 car. J. R v'tKriiii, i-erez, -ainorni. rvn yurtblll LUMBtH, IOI KS CO me to Basin Buildtnc Materials Inc. And U-hathir Vnnr inK I. (,..,. .i or light repairs, BaMn Building Mater- ,ur icnsioic ouiiaing maieriai headquarters. 4784 South Sixth, phone ELECTROLUX CLEANER and polisher and supplies. Phone 7167 Tarkel Tweet 92i Market USED FURNITURE values can always be found at Klamath Furniture Co. 221 Main. Phone 5333. 8-INCH concrete culvert pipe, 70 cents per loot. . PEYTON & CO DRIVEWAY MATERIALS. Phone Joe Bart. 9753 ANSCO Reflex Camera. Case, flash gun. New condition. 150. Call 2-3100. blMxlU RbCAHS $5.93 EACH EXCHANGE We bu used tires. O.K. Rubber Weld. ers. 2391 So. 6th. Phone 4315. WILL SACRIFICE 10 cu. ft. Kelvinstor refrigerator, has freextng unit. Nearly new. Phone 4522. FIVE H.P. ROTO-T1LLER. $250. Call 2-1396. S i EEL T-fenre posts. Unload direct from car and save. Shi omen I arrlv about March 10. Order now, All lengths. 6i ft. posts H'2 cent. nUAMATH VALLEY LUMBER 1040 So 6th. Phone 481 6 FOR SALE. 19.0 model Coldsoot elriff- erator, Frigtrtaire stove, both excellent. electric sunbeam iron, rnone SB21. see at 1500 Oak. DRIVEWAY MATERIAL. Phone 2-1684. FOR SALE, aood grade alfalfa hav. Joe Keller, Hager. Phone 5949. ONE new, blonde, limed-oak dropleat dinette table with two matching uphol stered chairs, 3-piece sectional daven port, one davenport with matching chair one needlepoint fireside bench, antique walnut nrcdlcnotnt rhalr. Electroiux vacuum with attachments, floor tamps and table lumps, small rugs. Phone 2ii3. See at 323 North Ninth. USED four door lrftAt file. Voights OI- i ire supply. Bau Ma i n , NEW breakfast tnble and chairs, dav- eno and swing rocker, cocktail rocker, new rug, two end tables, two reading lamps, combination radio-phonograph. Other numerous Items. Phone 7196. MAGIC Chief table top gas range. Late model, excellent condition. Burns any kind of gns, 3063 Clinton, FOR RALE, one nstrt wiuthinS much In with pump. $30. 2036 Darrow. FOR SALE, hydraulic farm hri. with buck rnke. Black and White Ranch, LOOK! 1949 BU1CK ROADMASTER SEDANET Radio, heater, Dynaflow drive 1950 BUICK SPECIAL SEDANET Radio, heater, standard transmission 1948' BUICK SUPER SEDANET Radio, heater 1950 BUICK SPECIAL SEDANET Radio, heater, Dynaflow Drive 1942 BUICK SUPER SEDANET Radio, heater. 1950 11848 1947 1949 1949 I I PACKARD '8' DLX. 4-DR. SEDAN $ Radio, heater, overdrive BUICK SUPER CONVERTIBLE Radio, heater OLDS 6 "78" CLUB 8EDAN Radio, heater, Hydramatlc. FORD V-8 CUSTOM FORDOR Radio, heater CHEVROLET i TON PICKUP 4-Speed transmission tr OUR WARRANTY & "THE CUSTOMER MUST BE SATISFIED' REAL GOOD LOW-PRICED BUYS 1936 FORD V-8 TUDOR SEDAN. Heater ' 1939 CHEVROLET BUSINESS COUPE. Radio, heater. A wonderful buy."..Z 1940 PLYMOUTH BUSINESS COUPE 1941 DODGE FOUR-DOOR SEDAN. Fluid Drlv. I 1939 DODGE LUXURY LINER 4-DR. Radio, heater, late motor. , "',' 1940 FORD V-8 SUPER DLX. TUDOR. Radio, heater. 1940 BUICK SPECIAL S-PASSENGER CPE. Radio, heater. - 1941 FORD V-8 SUPER DLX. FORDOR. Reconditioned motor 1941 OLDS '6' 76 FOUR-DOOR QUALITY IS SUPERIOR PRICES ARE Shop Main at Broad 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 Colored BATH ROOM SETS IN STOCK No Delay Take Them With You! we now have many styles and colors to choose from. Free Estimates Gladly Given! COME IN TODAY G. C: Motley 812 Klamath Ave. Phone 6616 KIRBY vacuum cleaner and polisher. $37.50. Phone 9200. HAY baled. Stored in barn. 20 tons. jgi-ona ruiiini. Mri iwaca. J none 8781. CARLOAD SALE on Biltwell davenports -uu iiMtirs, wa aavenos ana cnairs, 2-olece sectionals anri awintr m-ii.H This special carload purchase allows us to offer these set at a great saving to you. Wool frelze suites start at 164.50. the largest selection we have ever offered in 30 years. Small down payment, long time on balance. Now is the time to save money on your ua ven pur i ana cnairs, dco aavenos. piece sectionals and swing rockers. Buy nww m l,ucm furniture, mo cssi main. GOVT. BLDG. SALE! 20 ft. x 40 ft. 2 Apt. duplex houses! Only SI 300 Complete, including free delivery In numbered, easy -to-erect panels direct io your tot: tea as WR.UK.irsti tU. N.W. Front Portland. Ore. 55 AUTOMOTIVE FEBRUARY is thrift month at your HUDSON DEALER Select One of Our PERSONALIZED USED CARS '51 '50 "49 '49 48 48 '47 '47 '41 40 BUICK Spec. 4-Dr. Sedan STUDE. Champ. 4-Dr. Sedan PONTIAC "8" 4-Dr. Sedan DODGE Coronet 4-Dr. Sedan HUDSON Com. "6" 4-Dr. Sdn. HUDSON Sup. "6" 4-Dr. Sdn. OLDS "8" 4- Dr. Sedan STUDE. Champ. 5- Pass. Cpe. PONTIAC "6" S-Dr. Sedan BUICK Rdmstr. Convertible $2295 1545 '1795 1565 1435 M365 1195 1050 395 395 COMMERCIAL SPECIAL 1947 DODGE H TON PANEL Nice appearance. Good JnQr mechanically OD JUCKELAND'S 11th & Klamath Phone 2-2581 1931 PONTIAC Chieftan four door 0 with everything. Standard transmission 2350. 8600 miles can b seen at 33J fti artin or pnone 2-0243. PANEL SPECIALS! 1050 Vord "fl, ra dio and heater 9130.1; 1049 Ford V-8, heater, $1295. Both lust like new. Bal sigers Used Car Lot. Phone 4354, FOR SALE, 1049 Ford pickup loaded with extras. Phone 4149 days. See t i.m wiarq aner o p.m. WILL SELL equity or trade on older model car. 1951 Hudson Commodore. 3,500 milcs.3123 Cannon after S p.m. FOR SALE or trade, eaultv in 104B Pont lac 6 sedan. Radio, heater. Balance $483, payments 130. Phone 4283. FOR SALE, lfl.17 PaeVnrH A nrian. Recently overhauled. Good condition. 035 California Avenue. ss AUTOMOTIVI USED CAR BUYERS! EVERY CAR LISTED A REAL BUY 1925 '1495 '1165 '1345 '1195 SEDAN. Radio, heater, Hyd. Around First Then SEE H.E.HAUGER "29 YEARS YOUR BUICK DEALER" USED CAR DEPARTMENT MORE EVERY DAY AGREE THAT USED CAR IS WITH A 2-DAY FREE DRIVING TRIAL. YOU PAY NO MORE YET YOU TAKE NO CHANCES. SEE US TODAY FOR THE BEST DEAL IN TOWN. 1951 HENRY"J" 1949 OLDS CLUB CPE. . 1397 .. $1597 1950 CHEV. SDN 1948 PONTIAC Sdnet. 1597 .. $1297 $7.00 Down Specials 38 PLYMOUTH $ 87 37 PLYMOUTH $127 36 PONTIAC $ 67 For the BEST in DUSAN & MEST J DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated" TRUCKS E 522 So. 6th Phone 8101 . A-l 1950 FORD "6" DLX. FORDOR SEDAN Heater .. ' . . 1949 FORD V-8 CUSTOM TUDOR SEDAN " Radio, heater 1946 FORD V-8 SUPER DLX. FORDOR SEDAN Heater 1947 OLDS CLUB COUPE ; Radio, heater, Hydramatlc 1941 CHEVROLET MASTER DLX. 2-DR. SEDAN " .Heater 1940 CHEVROLET SPECIAL DLX. 2-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater. . For On-The-Spot appraisals, see JACK MILLER Home Phone 4202 Sundays or Evenings MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM BALSISER'S S LOT 2152 South 6th St. For a NEW , or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Your Internationa) Truck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES 11th and Klamath Phone 2-2581 BUS SARQANT'S USED CARS WE BUY. SELL AND TPAnK Corner Shaitm Way and Arthur Streets pnone 8205 rfVli NEED CARS! Ut lop price now Rose Motor Co eth and Plum. WHY WALK? DRIVE MORE MOTORS 302 C Main. Phone 3379. "We will tel. vour car (or vou." wa buy anJ trada' FOR SALE, 1030 INTERNATIONAL L iw dual drive ?B730, 1047 K-8 inter national tractor and 49 Fruehauf tingle axle lemUdumn Thnmrnuin Pum. ice Co. Tionetta. Calif. EQUITY In 1948 Chrviler club couna. Call 2-3670 after 4:30. CADILLAC. 1941 four door aedan. All extras. Good ttret. Good condition. trice yno, rnone Hiiou, FOR SALE," 1939 LaSalle S-pau.' coupe. Mechanically fair. Good hod v. Kariio uu neater, neuuniuie. rnoiitj it-uoto. WILL SELL eauitv Tn 1930 Hudson Pacemaker, Phone 6623, LOOK! HERE '1765 '1795 '1395 '1895 '595 .' 1951 STUDE. CHAMP. REGAL 4-DR. Il QOC Radio, heater, auto, trans. O70 1948 PONTIAC '8' STR.MLINER 4-DR. nnr Radio, heater yj 1949 FORD V-8 CUSTOM FORDOR 1 O - C Radio, heater, overdrive lOO 1950 CHEVROLET Vz TON PICKUP $1 O n T Radio, heater IvjVO 1949 PONTIAC V STR.MLINER DLX. i COC 4-Dr. Sedan. Radio, heater, Hyd. 1070- . $100 $325 8225 $395 $295 $385 $305 $425 $495 COMPETITIVE US! Phone 5151 PEOPLE : THE BEST WAY TO BUY ANY 1950 PLYMOUTH SDN. ... $1647 1948 . CHEV. 2-DR. .. $1097 1949 DODGE CORONET I1U4T 1946 FORD CLUB CPE $ 927 "38 CHEVROLET 39 PLYMOUTH . "39 PLYMOUTH $167 $297 $197 the WEST see USED CARS $1495 ,?1295 795 ?1145 495 395 Phons 4354 BEST VALUES! USED TRUCKS -CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED West-Hitchcock Corp.1 YOUR GMC DEALER 877 a 7th Pnon mi COMPLETE Radiator ! Service CLEANING FLUSHING V REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanade- ' FOR SALE, 1941 Plymouth. New tiree. . Overhauled. A-L ihaoe. Phone 3120 or 1183 Crescent Ave,