PAGE EIGHT HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON TUESDAY, FERRUARY 20, 11)52 MARKETS and FINANCIAL Grains Extend Monday's Losses CHICAOO W) Grains extended Monday's losses at the board of trade Tuesday. The tone of the market was weak from the start, with the exception of a mild rally In wheat midway tnrouiin uie morning session. A little commercial buying and some mild exports gave wheat a better tone for a time, but selltivr In other pits communicated to wheat. Talk of a mild business recession combined with weakness in other market was reflected in the trad ing. At the finish wheat was 1 V, to 1 ',4 lower than Monday's close, Mar. $2.52 (,. Corn was . to 2 j lower Mar. $1.77 '. Outs were ' to 1 '4 lower, Mar. 81 R-H. Rye was S ',4 to 4 i lower, Mar. MM 3i Soybeans were t to 3 ' loner. Mar. $2.92-92 and lard was S8 to 42 cents a hundred lower, Mar. $11.60. Wheat Open High Low Close Mar . 2.53 3, 2.54 2.52 3, 2.52 May 2.51 2.52 2.50 V, 2 50 Jly 2.45 4 245 2.44 i, 2.44 i Sept 2.46 H 2.46 2.45 'i 2 45 Dec 2.49 2.49 2.48 14 2.48 Is Stocks Decline As Lowest Point Hit NEW YORK PI The stock market declined Tuesday with trad ing at around the slowest pace of the year. Isolated strong spots had little or no effect on the trend. Loses were mostly fractional with the deepest inroads going to between 2 and 3 points among lead ing issues. The volume of business was es timated at 1.100,000 shares. BARBER JOB SALEM Wl Earl Sutton. Eu gene, was appointed by Gov. Mc Kay Tuesday to the State Board of Barber Examiners for a three year term. He succeeds Clarence Townsend, Salem. Personal To Women With Nagging Backache Nanring backache, lou of pep and energy, headaches and diuiness may be due to slow down of kidney function. Doctors say spod kidney function is rery important to rood health. When some everyday condition. uch ms stress and strain, causes this important function to slow down, many folks suffernajr- E'ng backache feel miserable. Minor blad r irritations due to cold or wrong diet may cause Kettins up nights or frequent passages. Don't neglect your kidneys if these condi tions bother you. Try Doan's Pills a mild diuretic. Used successfully by millions for over 50 years. It's amaxing how many times Doan's give happy relief from these diseom forts help thelSmilesof kidney tubes and ni ters flush out waste. Get Doaa's Pills today! Th. JAYHAWK Says . a a THERE'S HONE BETTER "91" Octont Ethyl 31e JAYHAWK GAS 2135 South 6th MM . . . i , Clip EARL MANCHIJT1, (14 Kiamara . NAM! . AODUSS Pi 1 1 1 1 1 1 .UJilf' ' ' MJMj 1 1 1 1 1 1 ITTT I ' " " LB MARCH VALUES COME THURSDAY WATCH FOR IT! Hog Price Down As Supply Gains CHICAGO Lfi There was only a small Increase over Uie expected supply of hogs Tuesday but It was enough In the face of weak de mand to send prices skittering to their lowest in 22 months. All class es were mostly 50 cents lower. Cattle wei'e steady to 50 cents lower and sheep about steady. Barrows and gilts moved irreg ularly from $15.75 lo $17.50. A few lots were' higher and a short load sold at $17.90. Sows took $13.75 to M5.75. Closing bids were off more than 50 cents. Good to prime steers and yearl ings ranged from $29.50 to $38.50 and choice to low-prime heilers took 531 50 to 34.25. Two loads of high choice and prime heifers lrom coioraao toucniw 1.0ns topped at $24.00. A load of choice to prime mostly fall-shorn fed lambs sold at $27.75 but bids on the remainder of the run were weak to 50 cents lower. Ewes topped at 514.75. Potatoes CSM TPtJ IMmcen m Pntntnes' 11 a,.c An lra-lr orrivnle Pnllfnr- nia 2, Idaho 1. Maine 1. Oregon 5 market firm; Klamath Russets No. 1-A, 2 inch, $4.74 delivered. LOS ANGELES I Potatoes: 108 cars on track; arrivals, Ore gon 6, Nevada 1, Minnesota 2. Mon tana 1. California 14, Florida 6 Idaho 24. by truck 11: market slightly stronger on Idaho Russets, steadv on others: Idaho Russets No. 1-A, $5.30-40; Deschutes No. 1 bakers $5.3:!. CHICAGO lPi Potatoes: Arriv als 47. on track 320: total U.S. shipments 975: market firm on Russets, dull and slightly weaker on others. Street sales, per 100 lb according to basis of sale: Colorado McClures $5.65-6.01: Idaho Russets $6.41-66, Standards $5.20. Potato Shipments 50-51 51-52 Feb. 25 0 21 Month to date 677 723 Season to date 8232 7632 Friendly Helpfulness To Every Creed and Purse Ward's Klamath Funeral Home Marguerite M. Word and Sons Phone 3334 WSJQ Hurt the broken fU proper IT replaced br a skilled auto Ctaiier that tl will be safr from the ilralai f czcesilre track TlbratloM. We ne the best arailable flaat and de tbe work properly, premptlr IW5 High Plmw 2-0213 jj Ij Quotations New York Stocks By The Aasoclaled Prrsa Admiral Corporation Allied Chemical Allls Chalmers American Airlines American Power & Light American Tel A Tel Anaconda Copper Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Co, Bora; Warner Burroughs Adding Machine California Packing Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Consolidated Edison Consolidated Vullce Crown Zrllerbach Curtlss Wright Douglas Aircraft duPont de Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio General Electric General Foods General Motors Georgia Pac Plywood Goodyear Tire Homestake Mining Co. International Harvester International Paper Johns Manville Kennecott Copper Llbby, McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Loew s Incorporated Long Bell A Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvinator New York Central Northern Pacific Pacific American Fi?h Pacific Gas & Electr Pacific Tel. b Tel. Packard Motor Car Penney (J.C.) Co. Pennsylvania R.R. o 49 M M 1M , 48 I? 74 s 49 I, 48 K 11 3ft 33 60 4 44 , 08 101 S3 j 17 'a M it 8 84 , 44 , 13 s 84 43 50 , JO ' 43 j 33 V, 46 63 i 80 , 8 . 20 , 16 7, 61 19 1.1 35 110 . 4 . 68 18 9 3S 34 , 63 41 61 54 3!) 2 52 si 3; 35 , 62 a 50 14 a, 32 10 32 a 23 18 4 36 't 110 a. 29 h 30 5 , 31 '3 38 . 15 40 a, 25 , 35 42 j Pepsi Cola Co. I Philco Radio I Radio Corporation Rayoftier lncorp i Ravcnier lncorp Pfd I Republic S eel I Reynolds Metals I Richfield Oil Safeway Sio:es Inc. , Srott Paper Co. Sears Roebuck to. Socony-Vacuum Oil Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif Standard Oil N.J. Studebaker Corp. Sunshine Mining Swift & Company Transamerica Corp. Twentieth Century Fox Union Oil Company Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United States Plywood United States Steel Warner Pictures Western Union Tel Westinghouse Air Brake Westinghouse Electric Woolworth Company Portland Livestock PORTLAND UV- (USDA) Cat Ue salable 100: including two loads cows not shown Tuesday; market rather slow on limited supply avail able; about steady with Monday: steers tacking: top Monday 35.50; odd utility heifers 23.00-27.50: ca:-.-ner and cutter cows mostly 17.50 21.00; shells downward to 12.00: few low utility cows 2130-22.50; utility and low commercial bulls 25 00-28.50. Calves salable 35; market ac tive; steady: several choice veal ers 35.00-37.00: utility and commer cial grades 20.00-30.00. Hogs salable 250: market fairly active: mostly steady: choice 180 235 lb largely 20.00-20.25; few lots mostly No. 1 butchers 20.00-35.0: cr.'-e ?"0-270 lb 1 ..iO-19.00; fev 6 lb ten 16.-I6.5; flew an. feeder pigs nominally steady at 7.017.50. Sheep salable 25; scattered sales steady: one lot mostly choice 113 lb wooled lambs 27.00 with 133 lb weights out at 24.50; odd cull ewes unsold. Portland Grain PORTLAND UH No coarse grains. Wheat (bidi. to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft white 2.52; soft white (exclud ing rex) 2.52: white club 2.52. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.54: 10 per cent 2.5; 11 per cent 2.54; 12 per cent 2.54. Hard white baart: Ordinary 2.52: 10 per cent 2.52; 11 per cent 2.52; V per cent 2.52. Car receipts: Wheat 3. Obituary D'ANTOVIO Michael Franclt D'Antonlo. 29, na tive of Grove City. Pa. died here Feb. 2r. 195?. Si!-v'vcra '--rh-'ee: hi- m-t.-.. er. Mr. Pauline Davia. Burlington, towi: broth-. Jsmea D'Anto:o. Si. Lorenzo. Calif.: two listers. Mrs. Wm. Eades. Evansvllle. Ind. and Mrs. Allen Parrlsh. Boulder, Colo.; a grandmother Mrs. Chiotelda Geuni, Evansville, Ind.; uncle, Hev. Father Henry Geuss. Port land University: also several uncles and an aunt In Evansvllle. Ind. He ?iv served In the Navv durlnc World War n and In Korea having been discharged Jan. 31, 1952. The body was sent to the Joseph Schaeffer At Son Funeral Home In Evmsvllle. Ind . O'Halr's Me morial Chapel in charge of arrange ments. Funeral services will be held in Evansvllle, Ind., Friday or Saturday morning. Bertha J. Frakes, 85. native of Tenn Van. N Y., died hare Feb. 26. 152. Survivors Include a son, Stewart Frakes Delleker, Calif. Mrs. Frakes had been a resident of Klamalh Falls since 1017. Notice of funeral services will be an nounced by O'Halr's Memorial Chapel. QUAKE MANAGUA, Nicaragua Wl A strong earthquake was felt here Tuesday. The quake was very strong In some other sections of Nicaragua, but no damage was reported. The tremor also was felt in Lima, Peru, but so lightly as hardly to be noticed. DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS WEDNESDAY CEC'S SIGNAL SERVICE 76 MAIN ST. NOW Every Wednesday DOUBLE S&H GREEN STAMPS CliffYaden's SIGNAL SERVICE 2560 South 6th (Open 24 hrt. Every Day) i Kalina To Head Malin Chamber MALIN Vaclav Kalina, long time resident and business man f Malin Is the new president of the Malin chamber of commerce. He. succeeds Merle J. Loosley, who last night emceed the pi durum at the largest annual membership meeting in the history of the cham ber. The crab-feed. In the Broadway Hall, highlight of chamber activi ties during the year;, drew a capa city crowd of 529 persons repre senting all communities of Uie Klamath Basin. Names of five new directors, Lou Drager. Phil Blolim. Wayne Klt-k, Richard Hnlousek and Tom Laird , were also announced. Tuny Stey j skal will serve as vice president ; on the board, Richard Halousek as ' secretary and treasurer, i Holdover members are Joe Hal I onset, Edwin Pctresek, Tony Stey i skal, Vac Kalina and Laddie Kaj j mis. Retiring members are T. A. j DeMerritt, Mervyn Wilde, Ivan Ot toman and Merle Loosley. I Arby Paris, high srlinc' athlete. I vote:! by the student body r'irl fac I uity is the boy shov.;ir t b::t i sportsmanship during the basket j ball season was presented with a trophy donated bv E. O. Adam. ! local secdman. The presentation I was made bv Jim Cunroy, athletic roach. Arbv is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Paris. Loosely, speaking of chamber ac complishment the past yenr mentioned proterls on the raise in leicplmne rites elie:timt subscrib ers of the Co'umbta Utilities Com j:am participation In the annual Merrill, cooperation with the Red Cross Blco.-imo'oile. spen orship for a money raising campaign for suits ior the high school basketball squad and hosting a dinner for the Malin high school football squad, Klam ath county-champions last year. The annual dinner was inaugur ated in 1936 as a Dutch Lunch, : outgrew Uie high school gymnasium and the Helping Hand society and , several vears ago a crab feed sup planted the usual turkey dinners. ! Appearing on the program were i the high school band, directed by i Charles Dobry. a girls quartette, I Elizabeth Bunnell. Berta Shogren, j Barbara Cornell and Phyliss John I son with Jean Rajnus at the piano; I the "What Fours." Klamath Falls ; barbershop quartette, John Hous ton, Merton Fcreoee, Ben urns, gaard, Klamath Falls and Olney Rudd. Tulelake. Fred Divlck, ac cordionlst. native of Malin also pre sented several numbers. Weather Western Oregon Occasional rain Tuesday, becoming partly cloudy with scattered showers luesday night and Wednesday. Little change in temperature with highs both days 42 to 52. Lows Tuesdav night 32 to 42. Winds off coast northerly and 10 to 20 miles an hour. Eastern Oregon Partly cloudy with sc-tttered showers of snow or light rain Tuesday. Partly cloudy Tuesdav night and Wednesday. Lit tie change in temperature with highs both davs 32 to 45. Lows Tuesday night 18 to 30. Northern California Cloudy Tuesday and Wednesday with chance of light rain in north Tues day and Tuesday night and in south Tuesday night and Wednes day. Partly cloudy in extreme north Wednesday. Cooler Tuesday Southerly to southeasterly winds of 10 to 24 miles an hour off coast, except northeasterly from Point Reyes northward by Wednesday. Grants Pass and vicinity A few sprinkles Tuesday, becomli partly cloudy Tuesday night and Wednesday, with morning lo. High Tuesdav 53. Low TiK-sdav night 34. High Wednesday 50. i4 hours to 4:30 a.m. Tuesday . Max. Min. Preclp. ; Baker Bend ' Eugene La Grande Lake view i Medford I North Bend 'Ontario Pendleton Portland Roseburg Salem Boise hicago (Denver ,Los Angeles New ork Red Bluff 27 47 50 38 42 21 29 44 24 20 .47 60. 28 51 45 51 46 4"i l: 3' 4 V 42 19 V 22 51 2': 46 47 41 .48 .34 41 44 78 43 62 63 50 42 San Francisco Seattle Spokane .34 .05 Spud Order Too Vague The Office of Price Stabilization Washington, D. C, has Issued what it calls a major change in regula tions of price ceilings to potato growers. The regulation, released in a news release late last week, was received here by Oregon Potato Commission 'Chairman Scott War ren. It read: "Another major change places a ceiling on the price which a grower may sell potatoes. This Is done by providing that grower's celling is a country shipper's cell ing less the cost of preparing the potatoes for shipment. This cost j Includes the country shippers sell ! Ing charges . . . (OPS) has learned ! that in many areas growers are being paid prices for bulk potatoes ; close to or at f.o.b. country ship ping point ceilings, thus placing price pressure on subsequent sell I ers." Local potato experts refused to 1 day to attempt Interpretation of this latest order. One said the OPS : would probably Issue another order ! Interpreting It Itself. Meanwhile, the Oregon-California I Potato Marketing Agreement Con S trol Committee had not been not! ! fied of anv action on Its recom mendation that size B potatoes be released for market Immediately. The recommendation was sub mitted to the Secretary of Agri culture late last week, but yester day, because of holidays, was the first day any action could appar ently be taken on It. A report was expected any time today from Washington, according to Committee Asst. Secy. Bill Huso. Tulelake. v.. rana Continued from page 1 a bad way they gel 40 per cent LB;ss than everybody else, So there you are. In the old days t again I almost said the GOOD old days) the Idea was thai such things cured them j. selves. If farmers uot worse oil than anybody else, they moved to town and got town Job. Now the prevailing Idea Is that If government statistics show the lurnier Is worse off than anvbodv I else IT IS THE GOVERNMENT'S I JOB TO FIX THE FARMER UP ;SO THAT HE WON'T HE WORSE i OFF THAN OTHKIt PEOPLE. I I'm beginning to believe thati1 : ideas like that cast a lot of money. Here's . FACT that, If you're it close observer, you must have noted lor yourself: I In every community, there are Icmilles that will live reasonably well, save up somelhlng for the future and gel a little ahead in the world on $60 a week while ihrre are other liunllles that will I be perpetually broke on $120 a I week. ' I As lonp a that remains true, how Is nVI'VMHT gc'ig to .fix II so that everybody remains .exactly equal with everybody else? Students To Get Tour Of Endusiiies An estimated 32 Klamath Union High School science students are lo make the school's third annual industrial science field trip the week of March 18. A toimtivc schiMiule for the trip was presented Monday night at the regular Joint nn'Ctlnit o Uie City Elementary and High School Boards. The schedule was arramied and presented by Charles Carlson, Ihlirh school science instructor. The group Is lo leave here by school bus the morning of March 16. Their tour will take them to jEerkeley and San Francisco. They are to have specially conducted j tours of many Industrial plants and 'ordinary sightseeing points of In : tcrest. i The School Board supplies trans portation for the trip and students pav other expenses. Adults expected to accompany Ih. cl,lnlD Up inH Mm Harold Ashley and Mr. and Mrs. ! Carlson. i Students making the trip are to j the top science students . . . stu dents who exDcct to continue their .industrial chemistry study In col jlcge. The science trip Is one of sev eral similar orientation trips con ducted annually for students. Salarv committees representing teachers, coaches and Janitors last night presented the two boards I with salary adjustment requests for the coming year, i The teachers' request would amounj to an approximate 4 per i cent increase, the coaches' request i is based on an Increase of 50 cents ;an hour for after-school coaching time and the janitors ask a straight 30 a month increase. The requests were . taken under study bv the boards. The boards also considered the iollcv of allowlmr funds drives In I the schools. (Portland school I boards have voted a ban on al lowing such drives In the schools.) The boards here decided lo ap prove the coming American Junior Red Cross drive, which collects 50 'cents from each school room. I Policy of allowing other drives Is to be studied further. Schram Gets Severe Jolt Thomas Patrick Schram. already a three-time loser with the law, lost a fourth battle Monday In Cir cuit Court. Schram was sentenced to 15 years at the Oregon State prison for robbery of Oregon Food 8tore No. 2, Dec. 11, 1951, of $476. He pleaded guilty Jan. 7, to charge of robbery by putting In Vaughn, manager of the store, and fear of force and violence, not be ing armed with a dangerous wea pon." Schram was caught 90 minutes after he approached Walter Vaughn, manager of the store, and pointed a gun at him. The gun, thought by police to have been a toy pistol, was never found. In court yesterday Schram said he threw it in a snowbank across the street from the store after the robbery. In 1946 Schram was sentenced from here on a charge of obtain ing money by false pretenses. In 1948 In Portland he received two four-year terms on the same charges that got him the 15 years yesterday. Only 252 of the 1476 was re covered by police when Schram was arrested at Woe us tavern. Thief Asks Sentence Cut PORTLAND m A bank robber who drew an 18-year sentence three years ago applied Monday for a reduced term because 18 years was "too harsh." Federal Judge James A. Fee, who pronounced the sentence, agreed with the application of Franklin T. Davnport that Daven port's sentence was harsh: "I Intended It to be," said the Judge in taking the request under advisement. Davenport was sentenced March 1, 1948 for robbing the Carlton State and Savings Bank the Octo ber before. Sentenced the same day were his confederates, Wal lace R. Watts to three years, and Wllburn W. Earley to fix years. All but $100 of the $11,345 loot was recovered In a fast piece of detective work which brougnt cap ture of the men the next day. CLASSIFIED RATES Ont dJ ,-.,-. per word 4a rhret Dayi , per word llo Week run per word 30c Month run per word 85c MINIMUM The minimum charge for any one ad l We BOX NUMBERS Answeri to ads may be handled through box numbers at the paper for a service charge of 'JSo, DEADLINES CUvuUtltd am aocrptea up to 1:30 p.m. tor following day publication Clasiltltd display ads accepted up to 11 noon for following day s pub lication. ADJUSTMENTS PleaM muKo all claims tor adjust ments without delay. Correction or cancellations re ceived by $:30 pm will be mads in following day's publication IN MIMORIAM flfTOVlNtl "memory ot L"Vr'l"nrWtf. who oirtl awsy ntn yar so lo dy. 111. r.mlly. SNOWclOOSB -In irim'r.v"of' our" lovvri hiuband and (Miliar. CharlrH Snow lorn, who nauvri away two iara aim today, Wa ml- you. Mra. l"htirlr Snow Sooir. Urn Snowgon, Mr nnd Mta. Amtrrw tlanticloR. Mr. anil Mm. S. L. Full. Mr. and Mri. C. O Morinw. C FUNERAL MOMIS WAHli'S KlaivNlii FtTiral "floina a2r lltrh Sl.i Phona MEETING NOVCES Calvary Coinmnndry No. Ill Knight Templar will hold a stated mcet- Mg Wed., Feb. 30. 7:311. Round Table Dlsrus an." Refreshments. .'I n:ng sir Knights in vited Wm. D. Milne. EC. LOST AND FOUND t.OST. tttht'pta:lic'rimiiiVd"colfirrd glat e- Pho' H i . , GENERAL" NOTICES' CHARLKS M. IX)UOLAS BAHBKR SHOP IS HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE MR IS NOW LOCATED AT THK HIU Y LAKEVIEW-MKHRII.L JUNC. Wflronie Old fc Nrw Cusinnitra PERSONALS WASIliNUTON Hrautv ShopTrvrn'lnt appulnlment. Phona 322, loin Wanhlng tun bHI)kR"VourSprnrVrgarmrnt Iwforr wlritlng your ipring wardrobe. Phone 7133. S1ANLKY liomTP'uctirPiontti9" 8 TRANSPORTATION DRlViNG to 'Oklahoma "Mar.-h I.I, uill taka four. Write llox OM MrrriU. Orr 10 ScRVICE CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU What you don't want, someone n.-c neca.i! t.ei us tinn wnat you want or find the person who neetli what you don't want This Is the kind of service we are ouering . . . wny not taier advant age of this unique opportunity. Drop in at 255 East Main in Klam ath Fal's and get acquainted or . Phone 5670 Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE. FOR H1RF. Honeal Rates Weight Service Insured ANDERSEN FREIOHT LINE 2802 South Sixth Ph. 9240 or 3J86 EXCAVAJ ING MoDll dhovel and Trench Hoi Bulldmer Fill Dirt lopsoil Crushed Rack . Driveway Clndeit Compressor CRANE ERVICB GRAHAM BROS. Phoi.e 6541 or 9110 Septic Tanks Cleaned Newest Sanitary Methods Aim ROTO ROOTER SERVICE j.enni Lines of Roots, Ef ED F KINO 1434 Orchard Phone 9641 ELECTRICAL eontra'cllns. Work suar- l,re- . -hr,. f 2-lnln for TUNrriii.. tone rich-music let Wm. Morgan tune your piano or oran. Our hlirhly skilled lunlns-masirr puts new life Into your Instrument and new vitality Into your playlnf. Phone 2-0200. Kyle Morgan Pianos. SEPTIC TANKS Pumped, ronrrete tanks and drain fields Installed. Orvllle Mu.Jrav., phone 3070. REPAIR SERVICE On washers, radios and outboard mo tors. MONTGOMERY WARDS j)th and Pint ph,,n PAINTING and paoerhanin Phone 7S17 TRIPP'S AUTO painting, body and fen der work Phone 4040 " J L DEATJ Public Accountant ani Auditor Office al 30 No 7lh Phone 01r I Ol: THEK THIMMlTvfi Phnne 2.lj:i.Vl INCOME TAX HKTtnNS Tor appointment Phone 2-02.11. Harvey Bisnham. CURTAINS iaunds-ed and stretched PBone4l4 FULLEnBmshcsT"Pnoncn 12 EDUCATIONAL ROOKKEEPINC1 shorthand typing kin drad subjects, office machines KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE IIS Pine Phona 47M Legal Notice NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of ALONZO R. COLE. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that T have bean appointed administrator of the es tate of Alnnr.o R. Cole, deceased. All persons having claims against said es tate are required to present to me with proper vouchers, at the office of Ganong At Ganong, 724 Main Street. Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from February 13. lnsa, which la the dale ot first publication of this notice, Wm. Ganong, Administrator Ganong At Ganong Attorneys for Administrator M-4 No. mi NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been a p n n I n t a rl Administrator of the estate of Olive M. Burke, deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Klamnfh County. All persons having claims against said aslate are hereby notified to present the sama properly verified to me at the office of George H. Proctor, 12 Melhase Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from the dale of first publication of this notice which Is Feb. 12. I nia. CECIL THURBER Administrator George H. Proctor 1 Attoroey for the Estate F-I2-1S-2S M-4 No. Bl)2 1 IS HEALTH MASsAtlC!."" Oittra prill to iirrrUpnr women IS, ot r oil. h-In ftilurcd. I'hum ;iMUj fl.VKt. 14 HELP WANTED FEMALE Vft(fNcfwomiwi,iriii (Mir. Mum bm good typUt Apply l lln aIi) anil Nrwft, Mr. Hinllti. Htlt'NKK EKl'ttH in " llinlhar-liii "Wilt. I'linnf ;iiiii, MIIHit.K A(JKi) woiiWii in ivorli tin rnnrlt rook mill huukpr, Mod fiti hninv, mmd wain, pvrmatifiil (oh. Anvinip lulirrNtril pl-pnx writ to Mri. .11)11 Wfikrllrltl, Atlol, Oi, WANTKU.' limiipkpiWr io TTv'rTtTTtl, Bootl rftfri'tum. riv In ih family. Cinml nagrn I'linnt 37 IB. 16 HELP WANTED, MALI WANTKU, ihnp foreman, rint appor l.mily for rivM man. Klahn Nailt Co. HAI.KMMAN-raritlntfi (o ilarC approW. W I wr immllt. UpiHirlunlty Ut atlvaitr Atcra IH l ."HI. Apply hlandard Him lUni. Itir. and and Main or Etplanada nnd Nirln HI. "into rAMll.V Waik!iii"rmiii niiVavalU altlv. If you want your own builnrni unit hrlier than avvraiia Inruma, wrlia (or Inroi niallmi lo The J. H. Walklni Co., I IV iJrxt.r. Noatilt 9, Wan)! Iniiton." WANT one innliir"niai ViorovpiPialFi nltlliu , with i r and wI1IIiimm lo poiiil tlnir un ttia road. It you liava vttinrd KHHHl prr ar on riimiulwlun till our tlral will doubla that lor you. No "ti!'dlr: plf.iit-, Plioii A "tun ml 3 Uil or writa IWx 67 for an appoint' llirut. rl'i.i. thm uirtuiNii wlth"Virodrar to aril Hrd f.-inpi Autotnallr lr fculln itntahrrii In Klamath County rural arraa. NnlUMinllv ailvrlld In Stalurdav Kv in nit I'ol, Colllrit and, Country (lntl lofio. Alii'Vfi avrrnur riininiluliini, Wrltr I. C. Hood l)llrlhutor, TO. llox .TllJortliind Ifi, Oregon, IB SITUATIONS WANTID DKIKf4lArtl.K rh'iia care niy fioine, l'lm i Jtl.",tl CHILI) CAIIK-lHmy'-Tiimar"rper, IN- ', Pit- If lilo HOi'lt "work Phone '3-2411.1.' -. J. ill i- ' ';frpine. slenograi.hir rxHrleuce will tin work In her home. I'huiie II4.IO or 2-:il2n. C'OI (lll:l wanli hou.ework by hi.itr. I'hntir 2-.UHI7. V t 1 1 r N t ; mule nurse. Meek. Private i-rt-c. I'hnne 2-34.14. ' v rk rh i-ic "2-;l2lli. CAlil'r.NfKII WOHK " wanleJl HepaTl a iti-lll. Jim Alexander. 2130 Tunnel HI Phnne 0;iO2. IIAltV silting Phiiiie"3 0.173. It'll. Li're for fhUdren In my noma .1.11. or your home evenings Call 3-1.14.1 22 ROOMS FOR RENT IEOOMH for rent Private nlranr. Clot. in IMume 4444 t'.OVr.I.Y room lor rant M-V wn. Cunt in I hurt 41M HloNf nH.m for relit. CJreer Apart mtriii. 710 Main HO A HI).' mum. renVunattfc l'hunvUM. NICK," heated roonii.' 923 "Pacific Ter- ) 1 1(J H.-j, 1 1 ' : J ! 1 h " 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT miNl.SIIKl) iM-dr.H.iri apartment I hone 7tm. Bin and Walnut, Audley Anarlmeniit r'l'MNINIiri). mmtern' four room apart men!, with heat, (aood location. Adults Phone 4.117 rt'HNI.HHKIl" "roonT aplfnrmonlht Iraoe or longer Jut re decor a ted, nice and clrnn. with waler. IlihU and heal alt funuphed. No dn or pels. Man jind wile preferred tf you want turne thin good ee at MS Shta Way. KIVK rtwm apurlntrnl. electrically emiipped aln two room apartment. I'lo-e in 7-MM. HAt'HKl.OH apartment. Phone Merrill 4fil i rHNIvVlVo' tiuer rV.u'm dupleM. ka rate V .V) Phnne 3 1WO KfMI tlKNT riirninhed a oar Intent for working girt, t'lllliiei lurniahed tte of automatic waher and drrer 3' tiloclta from 7th and Main. Phone 7347 or call at 4M N, 7th. mTSji.SIIKD ""three " room apartment j Mr two room unit all ulilltlei inrludcd 410 N Tenth MOIIKMN furniittpd apartrnVil for rni pie Cline In on nth IKt M. l.ighii and water Itirluiled. Phone 4493 or :4AT roil ""hKNT " iCrimm anartmenlT tur nlthed Adulli XW tlroatl. TWO niom furniihed apartmenlTXlghu and water. .13.. Walnut SMAI.'. iinfu:nthe(J apartment. t.ocate ri'i l"r'r'' P a" AduM Ph"ne (llflT STrATffRATRDartrnenPwiiir'bd- room tan Oak St. rtft!NI.ltRU "apartment 'for "rent Anartinent 1, 30(1 Market TMItr.E HOOM furnlahed apartrnenT. '"joBI White - ONf. ttedriiom imfurnlihed a part me nl f.a eouinied. Calt 3. 'Mil. NMVI.V 'dernrated private " tal Wit rhenelte Kteam heat electric ranve II" wee flex Armi Aoartntent fToi' 'itRNT- furnUhed apBrtr-ent"TrT nulre filff High 26 HOUSES FOR " RENT i'm the talk of the taxed . . , Tax paying folka rave about me at this time of year. They call me the silver lining behind the cloud . . . That's because a a Classified ad I help them make up the doimh the tax collector took. And yea, I have many ways of doing It. Through me you make money by renting vacancies. You also turn un-nrcded belongings Into cash through my For Sale column, and you find a Juicy Job through my Help Wanted. Sec? it's easy I Just phone 8111 herald & newi KIMINISHF.D, I'honc HI70. two bedroom house. HOUSE lor rem. Inquire Pl!y Wlfiiy. lno:. .1231. FOrl ItKN'r; iwoheir'minrfuniTshea house. Oil rurnare, elertrle range. Wi er furnished Close In Phone 2-1S41 or tan FOII ItKN'F.eiean TwolonTfurnlshed cnhln. CMose In. Plione nonll. ItKNT low. t-ienn, 'compleleiy Turnisheii house. One or Iwo proer persons. 1KI4 Onk. FOli" nENT, "three room furnished hoiiso vniU balh. 1121 Walniil. FOilll room unrumished house. ao. One child under three. No pels. Phone 74117. LAIlftK furnished ca"hln7ftoute 3, Box l?iW.'ru!Mra. Oordon, KOn LKASF;, three bedroom house, one hinrk from Main. Phnne fl!7fl. VKHV a'llrnrilve unfurnished duplex. 9H7. AO Includes heat, water, washing; mnrhine, garnae. Couple only. Phone iuiil.1. UNt UIINiailKIJ four room duplex. Kx ccpt for atoves. 90. Call 3027 before a n.m. FOR ItKNT, small furnished house, (las equipped. Water furnished. Couple. I'none 2-ihsi. FIVE ROOM modern housed two 2 room rahlns. In Stewart-Lennox. Phona A704 afler six ' ntlPi.F.X for rent, J2H Homedale. . IIOlTsEKEEPINQ cabins. Close In. i'none :i2ao. TWO bedroom furnished house for rant. I4S. Adults only. Phone B127. TIlllKE room furnished house for rent. Phone 47:1.1. 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT BEEHIVE U TRUCKS v- DRIVE Move Yourself Save 'A New Trucks For Long Trips Pickups Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 EMnln Phone B304 FOn I1ENT. nil acres poTnlo land." S years In alfalfa, near Adama Point. Phone aflfl Malin. 11 MISCILLANIOUS FOR HINT flAfiACIE" Inr "rent; llHillraTigly"Wig- glv. Phona MM. ofVR'e for rent, tea Main Phong Tim. roil-TtENfHo'or einlers lales'l type enulpnisiit Suliiirban Lumber Co llltl andWalnlll Phone 7T0B cah STonAo "-' HrA'rrrV'deV wk or month Karl Lamb, phono 4n7,l or. nm) t 10 RIAL ISTATI FOR SALI "CHEAP! ES" 1 Bfdrnnm modern with semi modern rnbln. Located on paved street. Oily aewer. Bltlewalk. Price $3500. $000 down, balance $:0.00 per month. Carpenter Special J Bedroom modern with basement. Walking distance to tirade and High Hi'ltflfll. Pavement and city aewer. Prlre $4150. Good terms. J lii'tlronm unfinished home on acrrKlrrlgnied. Ilallirnoni fixtures ami millennia Int'ludnd. Price $:itlU0. Cloud terms. ULTRA-MODERN 3 BEDROOM An ultra modern limited In Mill Addition. A beautiful, well built home HIS yrs.l .Priced lo aell quirk at $13,500 F.II.A. Lwn quali fication. By appointment only. WALT DIKTZ, Willi T. B. WATTERS HKAlmK mid INSURANCE 107 So. 7th ph. 4103 iKvcb O-KW) 3 BEDROOM HOME Yea here it la. Nice three bedroom home, living room with flreplare, attidy or den. Two hatha, part basement, utility room and porch, attached Karnue. This la situated "on three anil 13 arrr.n, with Uuee Jame rhlrken hnuaea, barn and work shop. Nicely landscaped, berrlea. apple trees and etc. Better Hive us a call anon on tills one. We Imve mime rnxid farm and raiirlira llslrd, rump in and aee ui atxiut thrin. 1 bedroom house for rent. Unfurn ished. Jay P. OrliiKS Even. Ph. 42M Oene Favell ' Evea Ph 6046. Claire Ellis Evea Ph. a-3050 W. W. al Malin J. W. SANDERS HKAI.TOR 1313 Main 81, Phone 7M1 MILLS Lame lo bedroom Nice lawn and ahrubbery. Inrne anruar and work shop. Was 7SO0, this week 17.000. 1IKRB SCHMIDT VKHNON DUflANT ANDY SILANI HEAL ESTATE 0-H 8n. Sixth Phone 0106. 8M4 7933 or 070 SUBURBAN Two bedroom h,... . treel. This one has large living w., ..nun roum, kltclien. tub and shower balh. utility room, ltrire rlfnfh,i , lovely trees, flowers and shrubs. on .cnc-cii. mis is the house we have all been irutWitm r..,.. DUPLEX Two lovely adjoining apartmenu with fireplace in one of Klamath's finest and most popular districts. Full basements, double garage, nice lawn and shrubs. Here la a chance to own your own home and have an income lo help out with the high cost of living. Reasonably priced. Terms can be arranged. Shown by appointment. SUBURBAN Cot.V tun htvl rnnm hnma ah ...... nRp lot. Living room, kltrhcn. bnth ami nnu. iuu Dn.spmrnt that could be thp.1 bedroom or playroom nnd DnrnHT. Ijiroit la un mitU ni. I r- ( "ill! IWI41 ill shrubs, beautiful trees for Iota oi anaue. Johnny Hobson Dale Orubb Art Frederlckson I Eves 8804) (Eves 3644) (Eves 8735) With AL LONGE, Realtor REAL ESTATE nnd INSURANCE 111 So. 8th Phono 8263 (toofi buy In hnrne clone lo town! Thin one hm three liedroimm, nil on one flimr, new rarpntlni nnd (ireplnr that renlly work, You'll enjoy the I'lPHnllnrM anil comfort of hot water heat. The Interior ) very rlran and HvnIiIc, I he exterior could utand aome work. The hoiiM la surrtiunded by a nice yard and a roomy driveway can accommodate nevernl cam, iartte build Inn In rear can be rented or Improved, fiel Ihli plare complete for only fii.Aon. flee Don Klrkpntrfck, Mleiman. (phnne n7ili with Everett Dennli, Realtor. 121 North fltli. I'hone tUlU. FOR 8AI.R, two bedroom home. Larue living and dining room, nak flnom, fire place, kitchen and dinette, service porch. Large garage. 24 1 a Wlard. I'hone ami. HOME WITH INCOMK, furnlHhrd I ' tory, tl momi down, room for two up, auto. Heal, double gnrnge, work room, relall nur. cry find ahop, acre 9 year old blueherry'i, all under Irriga tion, cheap water. Fenced river fron tage. Income unlimited, depends on how much you want to make, nine-. for three yeara force my selling, Termn If cieKlreri. Orvnir M. P. Nei'tt, Box JOfllft. Sennldpregon. SlintnnAN acre for aale, fenced. $1400. cmi noni. SlfntJRBAN HOMR $14,750. Modern H he tlronm-flreptace-pnrtly carpeted. Newly redecorated in i trie and mil. DlNhwimhrr-outhiilldlngii-nenr nchnnl nnd bun. H order two streeta Cnn he niibdlvltledCall IH)H1. FOfi SALE, In kiiimiith Fnlli, One bedroom completely furntihed home, New hath, electric heat, acre of ground. Helling below coat. Call Tula- aae 7-ohoh alter 4 p.m. rji onitrj, live room nrnme, oiner bulldlnga. Two gcrei of ground. Phone num. NKW HOMES for aale. William & niwru. i'none ttnitii. Ftfli HALKnice level lot N r.. corner Addlann nnd I-nkevlew. Accept rennnn nhle offer. Dorla White, P.O. Box laas. Freano, Calif,