TUHSDAY, MUKUAIIY 'MS, Wl IIKHALI) AND NKWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OKKGON PAGE SKVKN Chieftains Mext hv AmiSleirs TIME OUT! "Tiiiish break! Would have been hli flrxl :n gam If lir liuiln't liiluli'il Iruin surprise mid fallen ovrr Clin foul line on dial last Irlkrl" City Cage Schedule Moved Up Two liiv me sliupliiR up In the CIlY IcilgllC. Hli ky.i trounced Hercules, ti-M. lii.'.t iilKltt In brliiK Ha record to Hl i. even Willi I'uylrtn Drugs. Kuril hu h kiiiiic left and lllnllld Will. riir HitiiIiI mid News (innt drubbed I'lilmeiloil III lnl lilKlll's opellcr. 'Illlll ItlVCh UlC NcWMIICIl u 4-H record. Corn Colli should alio and with 4-8 when the Cokes meet Kicky. I.eiiKiic Prr.slilcnl Oenc Fiivell In moving 'I'liuiMliiy nlitlit's lust dnu blrtiriidcr I,, Wediil-Mlny iiIkIH lln Herald mid News, mid the Coke will piny oil their lourlli-pliice lie 'I Inn niln v inula lit Alluinolll. unlcan Ciw ii Coin Uici Itlrkya and thiil'K tinllkelv. Ililllop Cnlr Is solidly ciiliciiehed In llilrd place. Itlckyn mid I'uylriw will probably (Hp ii coin to deter mine pmlliim.i In the lour lenm pliiy-olln Mulch 3 and 5. Dim I'ctciNon nnd Lurry Wills sinned n two-umn scoring nice Iriftt nlKlit lor Itickvs WIIIk linlnhrd with 30, PclerMin with 'J7 B. WiMirr nod V. Kluetke scored 111 and IB lor Hercules. Kavell scored 3(1 lor Hie Herald and New. Jnv Griuxa IS. Eddie Hull Ird Pulmrrtoii Willi 15 lli wnrcs III IK I'l l 111) f1l Mil KVK KliMitkB III T 27 llt-rolt A llcypr 4 K Vslllrnrour M.Kav II ' 14 llaivtv l-ulnxv 3 Ci .10 Willi II Wlinvr IS (i 2 KoiliT llorriilri aulas--K Ileyr. l Al"it V 11 Ailrlun. MAN lll rAI.MrKTOS Krsnls II T 10 DiKltU IK.WH1 7 r 2 Y KlW l ' It'll May 1 t' 1-t Moll s.trll 30 ti 1 rmlrr IIA.N aulas- r.plo S. Il.lllcy l"l mritin sutis - Zalanarrto a. Americans Second To Norwegians By UKN PIII.I.CAIl OSLO i.H A shift in nknnu dom Iniiiue from Sweden nnd Swllier lit ud to Norway and Klnhmd tipse. the balance ol power In the Wi winter Olympic mimon niwl unvc the hont Norweiilana b runaway victory. When the nlxlh nnd 1 argent winter carnival under Olympic un- Kiccs cloned Monday nmlu, Norway nd scored IU5 , points n the ur. ulllclal. but Irndltlonal. seorinit table that allows 10 polnln lor a flint place Rold medal, live polnl-s lor second nnd then 4-3-2-1 lor other pluclriRs In the llral six. ITie United 8lnln. with Its bent balanced lenm In the history ol the winter names, wnn a suiprls IiikIv slroriK eecond. but Its total ol 89 ' i was a long wny behind Norway. Four yeara ano. at 81. MouU. lens than 14 points aepiirnted top-ol-Ihe table Sweden unl the fourth place Americana. 'Hie United Slates tills yenr Im proved In every department ex cept bobsleddlng. Amerlcnn skiers scored 9 more point thun Innt lime nnd produced their first win ter Olympic, double winner Mrs. Andren Mend Lawrence. 19 yenr old daredevil from Hutlnnd. Vt. Even the Amerlcnn hockey tenm did beer than expected. An nil out effort nmiinnt unbenten Cnnndn In the llnal mime produced a 3-3 lie which unvc the U.S. the one ad ditional point II needed to llnlsh second. The flnnl unofficial point stand Inns for Ihe 32 evenLi: Norway 135 ' j; United 8tntcs 811 'i; Finland 73: Austria 60; Germany SOS; Swe den a 'o; lln ly 25; Holland 24; Switzerland 21; Cnnudn 18 Kj; Client Britain 13; France 10; Hun gary 4: Czechoslovak 3; Belgium 1; Polnnd 1; Jnpun li. Kolbaba Adds 37 t A nnlNnff IPi Tefmlern Ore gon Collego opened up In the sec ond hall to defont Northwest Na7. rene College 69 to 65 here Monday nliiht. Lowell Kolbaba, KOC center, led tho victory with 37 point. HOCKEY liafirin f'nnut lliirkev By The Asnoelalcd Press Victoria 6 Cnlgnry 4 Every Wednesday DOUBLE S&H GREEN STAMPS at Cliff Yaden's SIGNAL SERVICE 2560 So. 6th (Open 24 hn. Every Day) Paisley Out Of Play-offs Now Unit Boimny.ii him the Klnni iith County crown Jewels mifely tucked HWny In It" eiie client, the Anl lor.i hiive IiIuk'T thlnn In mind To lie cx.uct, Merton Whipple Hoiiiinr.iin arc looklnu town r (I Mil i ch 6 when they'll open it Dint fi pliiy-off series with the Kokiic Klver Chieftain on the Henley lloor. HoKiie fllver, Jucknon Counlv chump, wriipped up lln title hint Piltlny wllli mi Ull-42 win over i'ron pert. I'ulnley, Luke County Dint. 6 rep renenlHtlve, dropped out of conten tion when It wus dlM'Overed It oiienert lln pluylnu ssiihou belore Dec. I, KKiilnni OrcHon Schooln Ac tlvlllen Annoclutlon rillen. itK.in I'ii l.-ilc-y . under ordlnurv clrcuin Ntinicen, In entitled to h crock at Ihe Kluniiilh County winner before the I U in I dlhlrlit nhowdowi) with the Jucknon County cliuniploii, Hut Pulnloy wlnely withdrew. The winner of the Honun.ii-Kouue Diver ploy-oil will eurn ntulc lournuiiient berth. The ntuto tourney In ncheduled lor Murch 13-16 In Hiilcni. Lunt ycur Bonun.u lont two MrulMbt to Phoenix In Uic Ulnt. It piny-olls. 'Ihe liml two umnen will show In Ihe Henley nyin Mnrch i nnd (I. A third, H neceiinury. aen to n neu tral court over the hill, probublv Ihe Ornnln Punn uymmiMuni March Sl;c()M) Itonitu.n won Itn second ntrulitht Kliiuiiuh Couutv tide hint 8uliirduv nlKhl on I'ellcun Court by IlKhtlnit oil a elnnliiK runh by Miilln lor ii 4'j-43 victory In the lournuiiient lln- I ill j H wan conMdered a break lor bnnan,ii when f'ulnlev dropped out Ihe exlrn time will lilve Don llubble'n nnkle lime lo heal. The Uonanzu lorward performed In itond uly Ic for Ihe Anllers In the tourna ment but the strain on hln nnkle nturted to nhow In the Inte ntiiKcn of ihe lournuiiient. HI-ltAIN Hubble npmlued hln ankle 10 dayn before the tournament In nnn-lcuuue name with Hly. nonanr.a's victory wnn connidered a cnlnehnrlr lent Innumtf-h fhre ol the Anllern were declared Ineil- lilble. one a reuulnr, Just before tournament lime. Thin, toitether with Huliblc'K In lury, bumped Bonnn.u nut of n luvorllen' role In the three-day tournament. Malin Keeps Rifle Lead a an dim; w 1. in. MUn t. , .. i im i.iiihi Vally ..... a a .7M Mull Vdllry 3 2 .114 Ktam.th rllt 3 2 .714 Chiitium - a a 2M Mimm ! Hi American legion .. .. 0 7 DUO LuiikcII Valley Irin.mrd both Moo.so and Anicrtcnn LrKlon in re cent nuitchcs to ft lip into second place In the Midland Empire rule Uauuc behind Malm, winner over Uutte Valley. Klamath Kails in tied for thud with Butte Valley alter out-shoot- UiK Cniloqum. Hiix trnrea (i;t. MM ( IIH.OUt'lN Wln Baldwin Opprti ;m;i Mitittlry :i7H Word .170 tUU .174 :wm Jack MM L'olr 3M Kirk IIBINI MA I, IN .1H0 Vic tori nr :i;ti Italev .17 Pnwoll ;(74 Victorlnr JX it wn titan MOOSK rtt Wakhburn awi CroM Wia Kiluore Iftft Carl nd 3-M) Thorlkr U7II4) l.Kf.KlN .16:1 Wnldar :M11 Ttll4n .TV7 OttirtM-m .141 lUrum 34U Millar Tallow II. A Its mrrl .171 t.Y IINtHI Lur .17:1 KUhrr MM lliinlrr M,i I.. VMII V !l D. Settle M. Scllle I! Nnblt 3R( ;i74 374 wootrn .ivrt w. Nodi :m I,. VAI.l.J.V 4 1 ' ) Srllla M. SrlD II. Nohl Wlrn W. NoUl ;i74 374 SHUFF STUFF Last nlKht's results Mecca blanked EhkIcs, 4-0. Schus.s doled out the same Irent ment to Suburban. Roundup beat Summers Lane. 31. Rockets Win One The Dick B. Miller Rockets won their first Knme of the season Inst nlKht at Mills, a 30-19 win over Pclrofts In the girls city basket ball lcilRUC. Peytons Jumped Into second place behind the unbeaten Orenon Wools with a squeaky 26-24 triumph over OrlRs. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE ALWAYS THINK OF tSRSSXSSImm 'Ji.aiua Engine Overhauling Our Specialty Cars and Trucks III1 If CI A MH TDIir 1 SALES & JUVIXbLMIMI ItAUVft 11th and Klamath, Klamath i i Owls I Orefech Ends Run Tonight 'Hie Orenon Tech Owl scored virtually every time they wheeleo up their spacious court last nlxht In a 80-50 win over the Humboldt Btute Lumberjacks. The Owls close out their season tonlKht URiilnst the Areata. Calif.. vIMlors. Ihe Junior vurkltles ol bolh clubs mix In Hie 6:45 pre liminary. It ws the second tune this year ihe Owls had the crowd yellniK for a hundred points. If the first learn hud Rone all the way, it would live been much more than 100 But the rcKuinrs played Ju.it a little more than half the game. LONG SHOT Lcn Ueuetin aUrtcd the seor init parade with a long shot. Bob Dunnwny tied up or the Jacks but that's the only time the Areata live was in tho ball game. It was 24-12 at the quarter mark. 49 - 26 nl the half with OTI reserves moppliiK up In the second quarter. The lirsl tenm ran It to 71-33 In the third, then reserves finished the chore. Wayne Holzluss, moving nicely In the key and controlling the boards with authority, rolled in 21 points for high point honors as nine players took big whacks at the score column. 17 FOR TOM Tom Schubert, sparking lirst nd third quarter fplurgcs, llnlshed Willi 17- Jerry Wyntt had 14. Gene tin 13 nnd Dick Flanlngnm 10. Ill one spurt In the second quar ter, tiie Owls ran the score from 26-15 to 43-15 In Just sllRhtly more tune than It takes to write about It. Holluss led this blitz. Orctech made it a grand slam lor the evening. The Junior varsity liounccd the Humboldt Jnyvccs, 50- 40, in the preliminary. Flanln gnm nnd John Koch ench hud 9 as practically every player scored. But Humboldt's Jerry Smith was Hi Hli with 15. Bux u-urt: iiCMitoi.nr Walter. I .... Uunaway. I ... Amlerfton. c . . Mrrhali. I,.-. .. HIImhi. Kif rvea, Mstthewf ....... Joy .'. EBKfn Hindi - - in it rr tp a 1 4 3 2 1 II 1 O 1 4 1 7 Watt Total! nariioN tech Duncan. 1 Schubert, f Hnliliui. c . llammack. I . . t;enetln. g . Iteervea: I'nreman Wyall Pink ley l-wt KlanlnBnm PalenKin 32 19 50 10 IT .. 3 2 .. a l 10 i ... l r tp 1 a 3 17 3 21 2 a 1 12 t Total! . ... 42 12 13 06 lliiltllm acore: Orenon Tech 49 Hum boldt 20. Tree thrown missed: Humboldt: Wallace. Dunnwny, Meehala 2. Matthews ;l. Handle. Watts 4: Oregon Tech: Dun can. Schubert 4. Holifusa. Hammack 2. tlrnetln 2. Wyalt. Flanlngsm. pateraon Officials :Bonney and Keyinltzer. , TITLE CHANGES NEW YORK (irV-Johnny Simp son Is no longer the youngest of the more than 100 harness drivers who have driven a mile in two minutes or better. Jimmy Fit Patrick, 20, dethroned Simpson by going in 2.00 flnt behind the pneer Hal scnnlor. Simpson has held the "youngest driver" crown by riding a two-minute mile behind the pacer My Birthday In 1943. Simpson was 22 at the time. FOR - w -t?v $,ivti Falls RED HURD, SPORTS EDITOR r j rub Humboldt, Webfoots Whip Idaho, Move Into Second Behind Huskies By The Associated Tress W L Pel. Washington . 12 2 .857 Oregon 7 6 .538 Idaho 8 7 .533 Washington State 6 8 .429 Oregon Slute 2 12 .143 Monday's results Oregon 66 Idaho 60 MOSCOW, Idaho Wl The Idaho VuxHalv nnt-n t-vnrrlfH iik a red hot candidate to win the Northern n.,.itiAn till,, umri un their Pacific Coast Conference basketball season Tuesday night trying to stay out oi third place. ti UnnHni how out nfninst the Oregon Ducks who laced them 66- Illinois Second In AP Poll NEW YORK m The National Champion Kentucky Wildcats kept a llrm hold on first place in tne Associated Press weekly basketball standings Tuesday, but 11 they looked over their snouiaer tneya iccognt7e a new pursuer. Illinois, which Just about clinched Uie Big Ten title by upending Iowa 78-62 Saturday, leaped trom fifth to the runnerup spot In the latest ratings by the nation's sports writ ers and broadcasters. Kansas State and Duquesne. who had been breathing down the Wild cats' necks. lost little prestige, however, from their upset defeats over the week-end. The Kansas staters, surpnsea bv Colorado 67-57. fell only a notch. from second to third and at the snme time shoved Duquesne. Its 18-game winning streak broken by Villnnova. lrom third to fourth. Kentucky picked up 51 of the 133 tirst-nlaee votes cast and scored n total ol 953 points on the basis ol a ten lor a lirst place vote, nine lor second and on down the line. Actually there was a remarkably mild sha'keup in the ton ten con sidering the wave of upsets that swept through college basketball rnnlcc tne last lew days. St. Louis moved from ninth to fifth nlace and Iowa dropped irom tniirlh In seventh. Otherwise, the changes weren i anything to get excitea aooui. Washington, for example, held the sixth position despite a 55-45 loss to Wyoming. The Cowboys were rewarded by graduating from Itllh to IRttv Seattle University, No. 16 last week, drooped out of the second ten after its double loss to Port land. Seattle ranked No. 22 in the new poll. The top 20 (First place votes in parenthesis!: Kentucy ton, iiuuois wo. o.nu sns State (3), Duquesne (5), St. Louis (3), Washington (9), Iowa (1), Kansas (31, St. John's (2), West Vimlnia (16). Dayton (8), St. Bonaventure 13), Louisville (3), Holy Cross (4), Western Kentucky (4i, vuinnova, oiena. Besides Seattle, also-rans Includ ed Stanford. Notre Dame, Brighani Young, UCLA, rorunna mo. an DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS WEDNESDAY CEC'S SIGNAL SERVICE 76 MAIN ST. SERVICE wi- s v i SERVICE, Inc. Phone 775S 60 Monday night to move" up to i.econd behind the champion Wash ington Huskies. The victory gave Oregon the run nerup spot by six percentage points. The Ducks have two games left with Oregon State. Capt. Ken Hunt and big Chet Noc chalked up 33 points between them hall the Oregon total as the Ducks won the series opener. Hunt got 19 and generally euided . the Oregon offense. uregon rea at naiiume ana was never beaded but twice blew j comfortable leads. The Ducks had a 43-34 edge ear ly In the third period before Hart lev Kruger, Dwight Morrison and Herb Millard cut It down to 47-45. It was 61-52 lor Oregon In the fourth and Kruger led a rally that narrowed the score to 61-59. Bob Peterson, Noe and Mel Streeter then extended the margin. Oregon was able to stall out the final four minutes. Kruger. a tall Junior with a fine hook shot, led the Vandals with 18 points. Idaho hit on 31 per cent of its shots, Oregon on 34 per cent. Metiers Win 11th Tex Robinson and Ronnie Cheyne one-two scoring punch for unbeaten Metiers, gave mat t.:am its elev enth straight win last night in uie Victory league, a 45-22 vtc'oty over Men's Hand- Laundry. Robinson potted CO. Cheyne 17 in the landslide win at Fnirview. In the other game on the double headed cage program, DeMtJay Number I stayed in thirl ;i!ace with a 42-28 win over Crater Lake. Tonight's games. 7 ind 8 o'clock put DcMolay Number ! against Gun Store and Men's Han.1 Laun dry against DeMolay Nupibcr 1. Box scores: CRAT1R i-.t St. John 3 Hanson 6 Lentz 3 Dexter 11 (CI DeMOl.A Y T 4 Pickett F 13 Montgomery C 4 Cummings ft 8 Vlahos ft Smith Flora 2 DeMolay subsSuoenbur 2, Hannon t. Hilton 3. MIT1.ERS 1131 CM) LACNDRV Cheyne 17 F Lund Lyona 4 F 3 Goddard Metier 4 C 7 Thompson Roberts ft Gonzales Dow G Powell Metier subs Roulnson 30. Thornton- Laundrv subs Hawkins, Woodard S. Felts. Stiles. Victorians Change Name VICTORIA. B. C. OP Victoria's entry In the Western International Baseball League this season will be called the "Tyees" Instead of the "Athletics." Business Manager Reg Patterson announced the name change Mon day. He said Tyee is an Indian word meaning "big". And Now 70 nARnNRRVTT.I.R. Nev. I One man scoring machine: Jim Sum mers tallied 7U points (- goais and 14 free throws) as Douglas County High spilled Stewart Indian School 94-45 Saturday. Put SPRING TIME ZIP in Your Motor! TUNE-UP NOW! OUR SCIENTIFIC MOTOR ANALYSER INSURES ' A PERFECT JOB More Pep - Power - Performance ADJUST DtttrfbuHr, Timing, 6nrstor, Vlv TppH, llt. CHAN Hr Ttrmimls, fswk Huji. n CHICK fnarhr, CH, Ditrrlkutor, Can ' t)nir. Veil; Conlwl, latter Veil!, Vtiuunt Ctrl, Cm frssjn. Heat Cntrti, 410So.th 96-50 Klamath, Medford Switch By The Associated Press Central Catholic of Portland has been .voted Oregon's best high school basketball team for the fifth straight week. The Rams, who have won 19 of their 20 cames. now have been rated No. 1 six times this year by sportswritcrs and sportscasters who choose the top ten teams in the weekly Associated Press poll. Lincoln of Portland moved up from third to second after defeat ing Cleveland, which dropped from second to third. Lincoln got two first-place votes from writers, who perhaps were impressed by Wade (Swede) Halbrook's 71-point night against Roosevelt last Friday. Central Catholic polled 10 votes for first It probably will be in the same bracket as Lincoln or Cleveland, whichever is top in tho Portland league, in the first round of the state tournament ai, Eugene next month. Marshfield and McMinnvllle. placing No. 4 and No. 5, again were rated as the best upstate teams. They have completed their regular schedules and will be idle until play-oils in tneir districts. . Marshfield is expected to repre sent Southwest Oregon district 51 in the state tournament and Me Mlnnville Is favored to be the dist ict 8 entry. Medford Jumped a notch to No. 6 after edging Klamath Falls Saturday night and (becoming favo rite to win the Southern Oregon district 4 title. Klamath Falls drop ped from No. 6 to No. 7 despite an impressive victory over Med f'rd Friday night. La Grande, a favorite to take the district 1 title and a state tour ney berth, was eighth. Oregon City elbowed into the top ten by trimming Tigard and losing to Central Catholic only after giv ing the Rams the toughest battle thev have had in weeks. Oregon City. Milwaukie and West Linn are the favorites in the district 12 play offs, which begins Tuesday night. The poll, with season record listed for each team: Points 1. Central Catholic, 19-1 118 3. Lincoln, 17-2 107 3. Cleveland, 17-3 92 4. Marshfield, 19-4 75 5. McMinnvllle, 18-4 63 6. Medford, 15-5 51 7. Klamath Falls, 15-4 37 8. La Grande, 11-6 ' " 32 9. Oregon City, 13-6 30 10. Salem, 15-6 26 Others: Baker 11. Reedsport and Milton-Freewater 3 each, Bend and Milwaukie 2 each. WANTED Salesman to Travel Selling Athletic Equipment. Call in Person THE GUN STORE TIGHTIN CyflaaV Hd, Manifold, Hsu ConncrloM, chk Carbiir. 20 OPERATIONS EXTRA SPECIAL BJJ porta ASHLEY CHEVROLET Phone 41 U ?lfUli IVAN AND SOLDAT GORKY . . . accept tag team challenge Team Foes Fuss For Unofficial Mat Title Two wrestling teams will settle at least unofllclally tomorrow night at the armory which is the champion of the Pacific Coast. And the settling is bound to be a bruising aiiair. The outstanding match nuts the Gorky brothers, Soldat and Ivan, against Yorg Cretorlan and Kurt Von Poppenneim. The Russian brothers have been unbeaten in team affairs up and down the coast the past several months and last week added Herb and Billy Parks to their list of vic tims at the armory. Cretorlan and Von Popnenheim. trying for months to get the Rus sian ruffians in the ring with them. CLASSIC LEAOt'C W L Pel. Oregon Woolen ... 3S 24 .600 Suburban Kitchen M 26 .567 Landry Insurance 31 29 .317 Parkmor Drive In 30 30 .500 KFLW ... .. 28 32 .467 Dick Reeders 22 38 .367 Last Week's Results Landry 3 Parkmor 0 Suburban 2 Reeder's 0 Oregon Woolen 2 KFLW I Oregon Woolen holds to a squeaky two-game lead over Suburban Kitchen heading down the home stretch of the Classic bowling league. Both teams won last week, the Wools edging KFLW 2-1. and Sub urban blanking Dick Reeder's 3-0. Suburban had both high team game and series. 774 and 2161. Bill Kienas. Landry Insurance, notched the single high game. 246, ten pins better than Al Haken werth, subbing for Landry, could do. But Hakenwerth copped the se ries honor with a 180-192-236-608 line. Mel Robinson, Wools, was second with a 596 series, topped by a 205 game. Parkmor s Charlie Booth clings to his lead lor season's average with a 188. Robinson is second with 184 while Hakenwerth is in a close third place with 183. COMMERCIAL LEAGUE W L Pel. Nesbitt Orange 58 14 .806 Johnson Insurance 42 3n .583 Oretech Faculty -vt 34 .528 Griggs Food . 33 39 .458 Ashley Chevrolet 11 41 .431 Bar a boo Electric 17 55 .238 Last Week'a Results Neskltt 4 Faculty 0 Ashley 4 Griggs 0 Johnson 3 Baraboo 1 Nesbitt Orange rolled both high team game and series last week to bloat its lead In the Commer cial bowling league with a 4-0 win over third-place Oretech Faculty, The high marks were 985 and 2797. Individual honors went to Al Woldt, Ashley, with a 548 series, and Pete Green, Johnson Insur ance, with a 218 single game. I . you'll like the LEE LICHTLEE Yes, you'll join the ranks of thousands of Americans who prefer Lightlee by Lee. Because it's one of the lightest fur felts ever crafted. Because rain rolls right off (it's Aridex-treated for water-repel lency). Because it has a costly hand-felted edge and new narrow hand. ReasoH enough why you ought to slip into a Lee Lightlee today! $J20 820 Main . I A.J , 9 I TV ' I m ii.iaJjaWFiC also lay claim to the Pacific Toast team title. . That both have racked un anvU able records in tag matches by using every conceivable Illegal tactic is oesioc tne point. The match tomorrow . night will hinge on which team can score first with the largest portion of skullduggery. None of the principals need anv introduction to local fans. All hit the acme of unorthodoxy. The match was signed by Pro moter Mack Llllard after Cretor lan. speaking or himsell and Von Poppenhelm, challenged the winner of last week's tag team match be tween the Gorky brothers and th Parks brothers. The Rumanian, In hurling the challenge, claimed he and Prussian Von Poppenhelm were "robbed" In a recent loss to the Parks family here. Gino Nlcolinl. Italian wrestlintr star, returns in the opener against Buck Weaver, cx-Indlana Univer sity football star. Headquarters for reserved ticket is, as usual, Castlcberry Drugs. CAGE SCORES College Baketball By The Associated Pres FAR WEST Oregon 66 Idaho '60 Colorado 50 Oklahoma 45 Whitman 60 Pacific UnJv Si EAST Holy Cross 75 St. John's (Bknl 70 noire uame is new York unlT 74 (overtime) Rutgers 63 Johns Hopkins 61 SOUTH Seton Hall 83 Louisville' 81 Wake Forest 73 South Carolina It MIDWEST I Duquesne 69 Akron 51 Kansas 65 Missouri 54 Iowa 61 Michigan State 52 ' Indiana 95 Ohio State SO -. Wisconsin 69 Michigan 53 ' Nebraska 75 Iowa Stat S3 Oklahoma A&M 54 Bradley M SOUTHWEST .. Baylor 62 Southern Methodist 49 New Mexico A&M 65 Arlkona bi Arkansas Tech 72 Ouachita 60 Texas Christian 68 Arkansas 56 STORE FR MEN. Phone 6778 1