TUESDAY, I'-KBllUARY 21). 10:2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON f AGE nv Meets Wednesday Thcte Thela Ilho In tn linvo Its regular inrrl. Inn Wrdneiilny, 7: JO )i in. nt tlic JOOl" Hull. Pate I'hunapDnlf) for ijrnnnil -linn nl "Voire of liiti Turtle" liv Ihe New oik Driiinii Guild tins lirrn changed from March 14 la March I 'J briuuno o( iiinlllct Willi I lift Spring Opening. The three net pin V Is scheduled I in1 8 . in. In Hie Mills auditorium. Meeting 'Jhn Ml. Lskl Ladles Aid will iiippI Wrliir' tlnv, 'i 11 in. nl 1 1 10 home ul Mm. Howard Jink mm. (irmluiilrd 1'vl. parrell .1 HI Louis, Mill ol Mr. mill Mm. Wlllliun M. Louis, I mil ol rci-enl gindu vim ol Ilia track vehicle liiprhiill lis ruiirnr, Kent Knnx, Ky. lie joined 1 1 in Army In April, IHM. Visitors Mm. Charles Slink, wile ol the tiiiiiinger nl the Ogdcn, Ulnh, Chamber o Commerce, veil ed brleilv here IIiIji week. She wir. nl ruulr home Irom I'uitliuid where she vli.lted her inolhrr. Plark It H former manager ol Hip Klnmnlli mils Chamber ol com merce. Siiri Inl (iuesl N'eliUnt Ihr Wil Inrd llolrl li i I ii in cl liv I hp lluM. iip.'im mid l'rolensliintil Wompn's club lor March 3. The dlnniT liuur will be II 3U p. in. Ciuesl snciiker y will bp Mm. Victor O'Neill who will review "Earth Abides" by (ieorge Stewart. MuMc will bp fur ulshcd by Hip KUIIH String Quin tette undPr illicillnii ol John Drvs (Inlp. II you arc not contacted lihonp (I5fi8 (or reservations lor joursclf and guest. taril Puny 'I hp Wlneina Wri ts ro C'llll) 'llirlnkp. bus set March i as date tor public curd )iurly, l . in. In the sehoolhouip. Mm. Joseph Ihilnk will Iip In limine ol arrangements. nsMMed bv Mm Hurry MiipIipII. Mrs. K. Kurry mid Mm. M. BlPiid. I'olluek The Khiinnlh farm Bu rr nn C'PnlPr hnH f.lntt-l a potluek dinner lor the l-'nli grounds tonight at 6:30. Prti, Claude Kerns has announced. Superintendent A. E. dross, Kluinulii Experiment Bta lion, will br Hip guest speaker, discussing pRMure mnnnupmpiit mid Improvcnipiil. Vnrhf Club Ciirdn ThurMlny. 1 p. in. lor iiipmbprii mid iiupMs. 'll Uip Mlkp RpRiinn lor rpurrvu lions nnrt lurlhrr Inlormntlon. Pole Price Ceilings On CORVAI.I.IS iTi Prlcp rontrol on polp.n nnd pllini; doinhmir nrwit nt Ihr liirm lore-it product ncllvlty. UrPKon Blnln CoIIpkb cxlrnMon Rprvlce reported Tupndny. Cnmp run kuwIokk muht not rxcped the rllliii tor No. 3 fnw)oi, the wrv li rroricd nil OlJb intprprci tlon. No Inlrrprptntlnn l ypt nvnllnblp on tvPcond-Kiowlh prlcps tor 1.i1p C'ouniv which wcra oiiiltlrd from thp OPH order. On tlie cMiip-run rullim. It l hfiumed thiil all Iora will bp of the lowen iirRdp. Tn kpI bplicr thun So. 3 prlcrii, Mnlt-a will have to bo on grndc bu.M. These Scouts Worked Swiftly HARLAN, Ky. I Fire Riinrfr William MuMc Imi lot of conll eipncp 111 tlic younn.iters of Hiirlun County. He was called Monday nlulil to put out Krns lire nt nenrby Cox ton, whprc n bline hnd npreiul out of control. But when he arrived. Music found neverul volunteer llre-Ilnht-em hnd dun n cnrthern rlnn n round the uprendlnit lire, which burned lUielf out at tlie edge of the ring. When the Fire nanner returned to hla truck, he found thin note on alip ot paper under the wind thlPld wiper: "Too late, Troop Id, Boy Scouts rif America. Virgil Sawyer, Scout master." New Truck Line To Open Soon Modoo Transport, new motor truck aervlce between Lakcvlew and Burns, with Klamath Falls connections, Is to begin operations Mnrch 1. The service Is to have connec tions for serving Northern Califor nia and Nevada points. Qcncral offices are nt Alturas. Anti-Betting Petition Started SALEM (A A preliminary Init iative petition to ban all betting on horse and dog races In Oregon was filed hero Tuesday by the Ore gon Council of Churches. If the sponsors get 3(1,2(16 signa tures, the measure would be on the November election ballot. It vould amend the state con f,lilullonal, which now prohibits lot teries. COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE CLEANING FLUSHING K KCrAIKIHVJ m mm m0 ww Home from IIikiiIUI - lliirry Les ter, who bus bi'PH In IIIIIMde Hos pital lor spvrrnl days. iTlurnrd to his home, a.'.'d LaVcmc, today. Henley I nrm lliireaii A mepllnd Is lo br lipid at the Urniige Hull, tonight, 7:30. K In ninth ( suier.i Club Movie Kii linii in lo meet tonight nt B at Una Mnln. Jnck Klllolt will be mu ni In tilling zoo plenties. Klllolt Is lo lurniili lllters mid pictures but needs Ideas. I Culled by llratli -Mr. and Mrs. I.iiiil.i Miiudros were rnlli'd lo Chcy 'lie, Wyo., Willi the death ol Man jdron' nephew. Mil nil lira Is u Boulli lei n I'iicIIIc employe here. I l'lrt Mrlhodlst Cliiiri h- General jineelliiK ol WKCH ill church purlors li'eb. I M p, m. SlKhlu PTA Meets Wednes ; tin v, 2 p. in. at Hip school. Hludcnls Will lllPSPIIl H piOltrillll Ul-IIH-HIIIIK Hip slnle IIhk. There will be rler lion of a nomlniitlnu coiliinlllee. nnd Founder's U'iy Is lo be oh- .'.! ved. riedafd-Uennls iDennvi Short. Ireshiiniii at Oieiion. has pledtipd ;Hnniii Nil Iraternlly. He Is the miit ol Mr. and Mis. I'nl Short. 2U N. !lM. I tirpjl lliiiilt.t Oioiiii Is to inept I'lhumdiiv. 8 p. in. at Hip Cllv LI jbrarv. Milton's "Paradise Loil" will be iIIscushpiI. I.padprs nrp Mrs. 'lions rtiiKlnnd and Curolyn Collier. j llliln t'lub Meets Thursday, 7 3(1 l). in., at Hip home of Mrs. I'eftny Uinu. oreuon Ave. 'Hume nimble to attend are e.ikcd lo call Mrs. Long. Wumen of Moone Gun Corp nieeli Wednesday. 7 30 p. m.. at Ihe MOO--P hull. MPmbprs wishing lo Join the gun corp aie asked lo be present. Dam Hearings To Open Soon WA81HNGTON i The House Itpcliimnllon subcommittee will open a hearlnn March 20 on the Hells Canvon Uam and Snnke Riv er reclnmalinn project. Chairman Knnle ilJ.-Calll.i announcca lues dav. The Idaho Dam Is one of four big power project recommended for Immediate construction by Presi dent Truman In his budget message to Coiikicss this yenr.' He suggested six million dollars bo spent on It during t: e year be ginning July i. Engle said In a letter lo Rep. Murdock iD.-Arli". chairman of Ihe Howe Interior Committee. Hint Ihe hearing will be held on March 20. 27, 2 and 31. He added Ihe subcommittee could meet again on April 4 "to decide what action should be taken. Hydroelectric projects recom mended by Mr. Truman for con structlon, other than Hells Cnnym Dam, ore the St. Lawrence Hucr project, the Ice Harbor Lock and Dam, also on the Snake River, nnd Hnriwcll Reservoir In foulh Caro lina. "Suspects" In Wilson Case Told OLYMPIA ifi Attorneys for Utah and Turman Wilson and the brothers' spiritual advisors met with Gov. Langlle Monday. Alter the conferences Atty. Irvln Goodman said he had given the governor the names of persons who might be "suspects" In the kidnap murder of JoAnn Dewey at Van couver, Wash., two years ago. The Wilson brolhers are under death sentence for the killing. Goodman said he also would mall Ihe governor a list of additional names of persons he believed might be Involved In the slaying. The spiritual advisors were the Rev. anl Mrs. Frank E. Morgan. 23 IjejcM Aj& Monday, February 25, 1929 County Judge Fred R. Goddord, Commissioners Charles R. Williams and Silas Obenchain, County Engineer E. B. Henry and Roadmaster Chorles Spidell will leave todoy to locate the east side Langcll valley road. The road will run from the Compbcll ranch to the Mo lone bridge on the east side of Longell volley. Tuesday, Ftbruory 26, 1929 Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bubb re turned home yesterday from a month's vacation spent in Ha vana, Miami, Phoenix and Los Angeles. Mr. Bubb Is cashier for tlit American Nationol Bank. Their daughters Virginio Jane ond Mary Janet remoined ot Polo Alto. While In Los Angeles they visited with Mrs. Bubb's mother, Mrs. L. Noel. Wednesday, February 27, 1929 After on absence of sev erol months In Pittsburg, Po., Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reed, their young daughter and son, hove returned to their home at 130 No, First St. Joe Hicks hos accepted a position with the Baldwin Hordware Store. For the winter months Mr. Hicks visited In Portland. Thursday, February 28, 1929 The monthly business ond social meeting of Ihe Ladies' Aid ot Merrill wos held ot the home of Mrs. W. F. Fruits with Mrs. G. W. Offield assisting. Those pres ent were: Mesdames M. A. Bowmon, C. Bowman, M. L. Moore, C. N. Hoskins, J. L. Haskins, C. P. Haskins, Vclton Hoskins, J. A. Brown, C. A, Brown, Anlce Anderson, W, H. Anderson, W, F. Hill, H. F. Tolle, W. F. Jinnctte, J. W. Taylor, Etta Scog. gins, Albert Myors, W. C. Boilcy, H. P. Blonton, ond Burr West brook, Friday, March 1, 1929 Mr. ond Mrs. Tom Wallers, Mr. ond Mrs. Lloyd Crosby, Glen Jester ond son, ond Charles School ore leaving this morning for Medford, where the men will bowl the Medford Elks team ot the Elks temple. Austin Hayden ond School will also participate In a trap shoot ol Ihe Medford Gun Club. Saturday, March 2, 1929 A drum corps has been formed in Ihe Klamath Falls Chapter of DeMoloy, ond will attend the stale convention to be held in Bend In April. The following boys ore In the drum corps: Charles Dennis, Joe Evons, Lawrence Willioms, Roland Ulrlch, Frank Redkey ond Dick Kronenburg. "Insure With Landry" THE Jlandfcy LIABILITY V. T. Johnson John A. McCall D. L. Thomas AUTO PROPERTY 419 Main Street Phone 2-2526 Oregon Roads Free Of Snow BALKM i.n Motorists could drive any place In Oreiion Tuesday without chains, the Slate Highway CiiinlilisMi.il reported. The commission said there were spots of In In Willamette Pass, nnd at Mcacham, Bly, Baker and Senein. Pavement was bare at all other points. The commission. In lis weekly construction report, listed Iho loi- owing trallic delays because ol construction: Columbia River Highway from Ciii.cnde Locks lo Hood River. Pa- clllc Highway at Ciiiiyonvllle and li'oin Lone county line to Anlnul, Coast highway from Hcedsporl lo WliichcMcr Buy, and Bunker Hill In Dclmar; Uitlty-Bnker highway Irom Bumpier Junction to Bnker, Umpfiuii Highway on the needs- j orl-Hcottsburg section, Willamet te nignviiy around jvuthiihii lihhi. Hliniilko-I osflll liigiiwny, and on tne Warner Vnlley highway from Drake's Creek lo Adel. UMT Debate Hottest Yet WASHINGTON ' Universal Military Training was assailed In House debntc Tuesday as "undem ocratic and unnecessary" and was in lied as a step the United State mint dike for Its own snlely. Opening debnle on Ihe hottest Is sue now belore Congress, Rep. Vinson (D.Oa.l seld UMT Is needed because the United Stntes luces "a possibility of sudden war tomorrow and a threat of war over an extended period of time." Vinson Is chnlrmnn of the House Armed Services Committee which put together the UMT bill. In renlv. Rep. Arends (R.-Ill.) called UMT "undemocratic, costlv. Impractical. Inequitable and un necessnry." "This Is .a permanent peacetime conscription bill brought here under the Kulse of an emergency need and an erroneous conception as to our defenso requirements," Arends said. The House schedule throughout this week calls for debate on whether 18-year-old youths shall be required to tnke six months of military training and then revert to a reserve status for the next 7 i years. SOI TH KOREAN AMNESTY PU8AN, Korea The South Korean government announced Tuesday 3.613 prisoners would oc rclcnsed from Inlls Mnrcn I and sentences of 2 218 others recuccd. Tlie general amnesty, rn annual affair, commemorates the Korean Independence movement ftgjuir.t tlie Japanese. mmm IHI tlllNOlV 1US UNI 904 Klamath Art. Pheat tOTt Co.. FIRE Living Cost Spiral Said Held Steady By NORMAN WALKER WASHINGTON 11 The steady rise In living costs, as measured by the government, has stopped temporarily at least. The "new series" version of Ihe Labor Department's Consumers Price Index. Issued Tuesday, show ed no change from mid-December to mid-January. The Index had been going up steadily since Au gust, Hie "old series," another form of the index maintained on a dif ferent aet of consumer Items showed an Increase of two-tenths ol one per cent for the month be tween mld-Deccmbcr and mid-January. This showed Ihe "old" Index un lust enough to give a three cent hourly pay boost to more than a million members of the CIO's Auto lomobllc. aircraft and farm equip ment Industries. The pay increase may be sublect to a formal okay from the Wage Stabilization Board. An Increase vlll also go to about 160.000 sal pried workers In the Industries. The workers have union contracts giving them wage boosts, or de creases, based on changes in the government's "old" Index. This expected pause In the stead ily Increasing living co.-it trend since the Korean War began may be only temporary, or reflect post holiday price declines. But wholesale commodity prices have been declining and are now five per cent below a year ago. tven retail grocery prices have been falling a bit. So a halt In the living cost spiral may be here for a while. HERE ARE THE RHYTHM NYLON SLIPS YOU ALWAYS BUY... NOW AT IMPORTANT PRICE SAVINGS Now the exquisite nylon Rhythm slips at im portant savings . . . Wonderful news for you who know the fine fit of the Rhythmese Bias Band . . . the wonderful Rhythm quality ... All of these Nylon slips wash in seconds, drip dry in minutes, make ironing unnecessary. ! 'l i V ;", . FREE EASY PARKING V it'Vlv ft 9 s ! - I ... COME... PICK FROM OUR NEW CROP OF COTTONS 8.95 Gayer, mere colorful than ever . . . our cleverly iryled new cotton frocks will brighten your wardrobe now terve you well all summer. Pick your favorite from all the wonderful new novelty fabrics and color combinations. FREE EASY PARKING -X ) and up MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanade Ph. 3121 Paul O. Landry