HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON Atom Spies Plan Appeal NKW YOflK m Julius and Ethel Rosenborg, husband nnd wife sentenced to die for giving Kusslii atomic, secrets, looked to tho U.H, Huproiiio Court Tuesday to r.avo them from the eloctrlu ciuilr. Tho Uosenber.'is, I li st Americans ever doomed for espionage outside n military courtroom, olatitud to appeal to tho nation's highest til FIVE LITTLE SLAMS ROSETOWN, Sask. IP) Bidding Isn't unusual. But' Mr, and Mr. Jack Cruckiicll bid and made flv Utile slums in rnv at a brld tournament here. and making a little slam at bridge ?.!!.'' W.H'W MW'T "M!il',!iy.!.( A tome To The ---Wi-liC-Itl COFFEE SHOP I ( not just to eat Ihit To Eat Heller Fond bunnl lifter a U.ll. Court of Appeals upheld unanimously Monday their sentences. Defense Ally. Emanuel If. Block said ho "definitely" would take the ciino to tho Hiiiiromn Court. If the Bupror.tii Court rules against the Rosenborg), only n commutation of their sentenco by the President could keep them from dying In tho electric chulr lit Blng Ulng prison. Rosenberg, nn electrical engi ot reasonable prices-! ! 4 ? ' ' ' " ' ' '''' neer who will bo 34 In May, nnd his CHARLES A. WALKER, 10, son o Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walker, Bonnn.a, Is serving with the U.S. Navy aboard tho USS Misplllion In Ko roan waters. Sex Crime Probe Opens V PORTLAND W Kdilcnlorn, Inw riiiurccmriil nlllcluln mid othcro will inert Hiurniliiy tn outline n )Iiiii lor prutccllnil children Irani MX (tltVllltl'fl. A prrllmlimry conference vim held Mniidny In tho olllco of Mnyor Uornlhy McCullnuKli Lea. Inclelcr inlniito prlMin rnti'nc, employ ment or a pnyclilutriHl lor the I'ortlniul municipal court nnd c liibllMimenl of otit-piilleni cllnlcn were noma o llic pomlblo nolullom dlnctiHHPd. liul Mclvln Murphy, executive npcrrtiiry of the Oregon Mental llt-iillh Aiuoclntlon, mild IcKlnliillon would he itlmoi worthier unlet tientinenl fncllltlen with trained pernnnnel were provided lor itcx nffcndrrii. Bus Drivers Vote Strike BAN rilANfriBCO Ml Armed with nuthorlrnllon or a Bnturdny inUlnlithl wnlkoul of hun diivi-rn In even WtKtern uliiten, union of f lolnla were to talk wimen with Ia clllc Greyhound Unci Tuesday. A. A. linker, lnml head of the ATI, Motor CoiK'll Employe Union, mild D'i per cent of the 3.500 VOL driver nnd Million employes In volved voted to mrlke. Cnllfornln, Oregon, Nevndn, Arl ronn, New Mexico nnd portions of Vtnh nnd Trxns would bo nllected. Union demnnds Include n $1.34 Incren.m In the 17. 211 paid drivers fur 100-mlle ruai, ntid a o-crnt hoo.nl in the II (H hourly ruto for nhortrtin drivers. Ttie compimy him offered four per cent Increusr-s In n two-yejir contract that would Incluilo-' an . escnlntor clause linking w.ites to Hie co.it of living. Mother Saves 4-Year-Old Son L0CU8T. N. J. M A 30-yrnr old mother whose four-yenr old son tumbled Into all 18 loot well Monday Jumped In to rescue hhn nnd went through n hall-hour ordenl until help came. Mrs. Edith Mri.wll said 8he spent the time clutching her son to keep him nllont In the elght-fcct deep water while reciting nursery rhymes. She hiniK on to a small plc on the side of the well. "I promised htm Ice cream, enkr.1 nnd no spunking If he would hold on to mo quietly. It did the trick." the mother of four children snld. Both mother nnd son were In Rood condition nfter police fished them out with a ladder. Cities League To Meet In Klamath A district meeting of the Lengue of Oregon Cities Is scheduled for Klnninth Falls March 11. with offi cials of the league nnd of Lake nnd Klamath County cities nnd county offlclnls in attendance. A dinner nnd the business ses sion are to bo at Sail's. The Capitol building In Washing ton, D. C Is sltunted on a plateau BH feet above the level of tho Po tomac River. OVERHAUL YOUR CAR MOTOR NOW.. PAY LATER! OUR SPECIAL complete overhaul mjv WILL: " - .. . i... lM0ll P'"" lntt.ll PI'0B Grind volv" . d.on end "fact """ ormt . Adut mo'" fj.tlna toi bool"9 Cloon oil pu"P pcrtorrnea ASHLEY CHEVROLET 410 So. 6th 311-year old wlfo were corniced of ferreting out wartime American secrets for the same Kunslan- bossed spy ring that Included im prisoned urlll'in sciential Klaus h'uclu. "Dead" Wife Snares Hubby CHICAGO Mj William P. Reich- el, 32, a bus driver, went to his estranged wife's homo Monday pre sumubly to arrange for her funeral nod was greeted by two deputy sheriffs nnd his wife. "He turned whllo nnd looked ns If he'd seen n ghost," Mrs. Irene Itelrliel. 30. told circuit Judge John T. Dempsey. "And he seemed dis appointed." Relchel was brought Into court for being tU75 In arrears on pay ments lor support of tho couple's children, Judith. 11, and Gerald, 9. Mrs. Relchel has a divorce suit pending, charging cruelty. Hut before he went to court ne telephoned nn undertaker and can celled his order to pick up the "body. Mrs. Relchel told Judge Demp- sev she had Just been released Horn hospital nnd wss 1 'desper ately In need of ninnev." Hhr nrranued with friends to tel ephone Relchel nnd tell hhn 'he hsd died nnd he was wanted to moke funeral nrrangrments. Relchel complained thut hh wife's "denth" trick was unfair. Me was released on 11,000 bond and told to pny the $075. Douglas Eyed For Top Job PORTLAND W Pc'Clem ere being circulated here io put t ie name of Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas o:i Oregon's May 16 Democratic presidential primary ballot. Reuben 0. Lenske, a Portlnnd attorney, Is chairman of the group which began circulating the peti tions last week. l.en'iko snld he thought D itiglns could be drafted to run. noui.lns snld enrller he was not seeking the nomination. Signatures of 1.000 registered Democrats are required oi, tlrt nominating petitions. A candidate's permission to enter hi-i name is not required. Son Discovers Body of Mother Denth of Mrs. F. O. Rodgers. about 35. wns discovered lnte yes terday afternoon by her ' 14-ycnr- old son, Wnvne. Mrs. Rodgers' body wns In the family car In the garage. Ciiuko of death lias not been determined. Resides her son, Mrs Rod gers Ik survived by the widower, Felbert Rodgers Other details were not available nt press time. Funeral arrange ments are to bo announced by Ward's Funeral Home. HKi.rc.ATR PORTLAND Ofl Portland Au thor Robert Ormond Cnsc will be a candidate for delegate at lnrgc to the Republican national conven tion, he snld Monday, MIRRORS M f r for any & 4 Room In the Homo! Qcdlwi Main R Piiton rlngt Plit.n pln I Distributor polnt Cond.ni.r AH ooaketa v-Wo and po j Qu.rti ou I 1 ,i gm r WRESTED FROM Iwln-enilned llylnf boat, the TV Ban Puts Girls On Prod WASHINGTON W-8peakcr Sam Rayburn's suddenly announced new ban on broadcasting or telecasting of House Committee hearings touched olf n rolling storm of pro tests from housewives on up to Congress members Tuesday, but there wns no immediate sign It would be revoked. While Republican congressmen and radio-TV offlclnls complained vigorously ngnlnst what they term ed "rnw censorship" nnd violation of free speech, the House GOP lender, Rep. Joseph W. Mnrlln Jr. of MnKMichuvttH, said he doubted anything could be done. The Immediate effect of the rul ing, while barring radio micro phones nnd TV cameras from nil future sessions of the House nnd Its committee:!, was to pull the rug out from under arrangements to telecast the opening oi House Un Amcrlcan hearings In Detroit Mon nav. The hearing on Communism In Mlchlgun finally got under way In relative privacy, niter a three-hour delav, but telephone switchbonrds were flooded by calls from house wives nnd others who hnd looked forward to watching the proceed ings on their TV sets. Ore. Airmen 60 To Orient WASHINGTON W The 403rd Troop Currier Wing, composed mostly of Portland, Ore., and Van couver, Wash., men. soon will Join the Air Force In the Fnr East. Date of departure was not an nounced. The unit will replace an unnamed carrier wing In the Far East and will u.ve airplanes already there. There nre 18 Amcricnn Air Force whirs now In the Far East. Four of them arc lroop carriers. The number of planes In a wing 18 to 15 depends upon the typo of plnnc. Brig. Oen. Chester E. McCarty of Portlnnd, will remain in com mnnd. He Is a past national presi dent of the Air Reserve Associa tion nnd is an Air Force member of the Defense Department's Re serve Forces Policy Board. Ho served with the Air Trans port Command in Puerto Rico, North Africa, Iran nnd the U.S. during World War II. FT. FRANCES, Ont.. Mv Several permits have been granted here to hunters planning to shoot wolves from nlrcrall A special permit Is required. DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS WEDNESDAY CEC'S SIGNAL SERVICE 76 MAIN ST. For q limited time only Pay Only $6.63 Per Month! FIX YOUR CAR MOW AND FIX US LATER! Ph. 4113 DAVY JONES'CRIP weekly Navy courier from Manila, if V ACCUSE D Marie Bes nard, accused of killing 11 persons including her, par ents and two husbands, an swers questions at the open ing of her trial at Poitiers, France. She is said to have inherited hotels, houses and land from the deceased. Chinese Execute Communist Party HONG KONG ttf The news paper Wah Klu at Po reported Tuesday villagers in Red China and mllitinmen recently executed a 12-man Communist land reform pnrly. The newspaper snld It happened Feb. 15 In Hochlng, Kwangtung province. The villagers seized the land re formers at 2 a.m. and turned them over to militiamen who executed them. The first machine for making wire nails from Iron and brass was built over 100 years ago In New York City. 86 PROOF KENTUCKY WHISKEY SPIRITS THE 010 SUNNY BROOK unnv m I) bHAMI .i0 o " By A Brlllsh Royal Navy craft raises (he wlnu of a V. S. Navy PBM which crashed during- a test flight over Hong Kong's Kowloon Bay. ' McDonald RFC Chieftain WASHINGTON Wl Harry A. vIcDonald takes over Tuesday as bops of the scandal-marked Re construction Finance Corporation a-IUi a warning to influence ped dlers to "stay away." Senator Douglas ID. -111.), calling McDonald honest but "too weak" Lo stand up to Influence pressures, waged a futile two-hour fight In the Senate Monday to block the ap pointment. The roll call vote in McDonald's favor was 46 to 23. The way was cleared for final Senate approval of his appointment when a House subcommittee look ing into charges of fraud in Secur ity and Exchange Commission ac tivities announced it has "no credi ble evidence" of wrongdoing by McDonald. McDonald was SEC chairman. Court Upholds Moran Rap NEW YORK UP) A federal ap- peals Court has upheld ' the con viction and sentence of James J. Moran for perjury before the U.S. Senate Crime Committee. Moran, long-time friend and po litical protege of former Mayor Wil liam o Dwyer, la under sentence of five years In prison and $2,000 fine. He wa convicted of lying to the investigators about his relations with a Brooklyn numbers racketeer when Moran was llrst deputy lire commissioner. The second U.S. circuit court of appeals upheld the conviction unan imously Monday. Senate Would Repeal Surcharge WASHINGTON. WP The Senate voted Monday to repeal the 10 per cent surcharge on quantity-lot-pur-Chnses of post cards. The bill now goes to the House. The surcharge, applying on pur chases of 50 or more two-cent post caMs was written Into the postal rate Increase bill passed last fall. JEFF'S BARBER SHOP 920 Main A BLEND 65 GRAIN NEUTRAl COMPANY, 10UISVIUE, KENTUCKY Armed Force Waste Eyed WASHINGTON Wl Rep. Hebert D.-La.,) charges that a "gigantic and colossal DroDaganda machine" of the Armed Forces has turned on "all the faucets" in an attempt to explain away bis committee's expose of waste in the military." He called on the Defense Depart ment Monday to turn over to the House Armed Services Committee "the name and salary paid each civilian press agent, ghost writer and public relations expert and for whom and under whose direction the individual works." Hebert, a former New Orleans newspaper editor, said, "Straw men are being built up, phony is sues are being raised and an all out effort Is being made to explain away that which does not lend it self to logical and sensible explana tion." Hebert predicted "personal at tacks" on members of the subcom mittee. DUKE SAILS THURSDAY I LONDON Ufl The Duke of Windsor arrived back in London on i the night train from Paris, where he had spent the week-end. Thei uuse win remain at Marirjorougn House, London home of his mother. Queen Mary, until he sails for the United States Thursday. One of the world's moat Impene trable jungles Is located in Vene zuela. NOW Every Wednesday DOUBLE S&H GREEN STAMPS CliffYaden's SIGNAL SERVICE 2560 So. 6th (Open 24 hrs. Every Day) A m 221 Main if GALS! HERE'S YOUR CHANCE! LEAP YEAR DANCE SATURDAY, MARCH 7 MAUN MUSIC BY BUNNELL'S ORCHESTRA Make Your Yard the Most Beautiful for Miles Around! Grows up to 80 ft. high EXTRA GIFT RED TWIG DOGWOOD Order new and r telv s hardjr yoanr Kcd T w 1 c Dorwosd. BUm with ItvclT ir hit flowers. Hu rtriklac anaiaal r d Iwlgil KRUSE NURSERIES, DEPT. 74736 Bloom in gton, Illinois Norn tddress - VII 1EIRL00M TREASURES AT SALE PRICES! DISCONTINUED! 1 ORIENTAL RUG Only the rarest good fortune brings you these priceless beau ties. You'll never tire of the myroid of jewel-like colors and wonderously intricate patterns of these fine rugs. All at sub stantial savings. While quantities last. Regular . Sale Price Price 10'6"x20' Kirrran 730.00 590.00 9'x12' Kirman 355.00 269.00 9'xl2' Rose-Beige Embossed 355.00 269.50 9'xl2' Kirman Medallion 355.00 269.50 9'xl2' Sarouk 285.00 229.50 3'x5' Assorted Patterns 56.95 47.50 3'x5' Assorted Patterns 44.95 . 34.50 2'2"x4' Assorted Patterns 34.95 28.50 2'2"x4" Assorted Patterns 26.95 20.50 (All Rugs American Woven. All Sizes Approximate) "Four Floors of Fine Furniture and Floor Coverings" Kfamatk unnitune Co Phone Early Blooming TREE Special-by Mail! 1- 1 (3 for $2) Nothlnr job could plant wllT riva yon as much Mtltfacllon af ona of theie tall, nabcllevcablv lovely- Tolly Treei. And It will Increase the Talna or your property hundreds of dollars In just a few years. Blooms early and lone with dense masses of d-petal tulip flowers. Leaves are a deep rich green. Wonderful shade. Will make yoar yard a show place for years to come. Grows fast. Very hardy. We aend a strong tree S to S feet for successful trans planting. On arrival trees can be planted r stored at year convenience. Limited supply 1 Send $L for 1. t for S. postpaid. C.O.D.e welcome. Satisfaction guaranteed or yoor money back. 5353 or 5339