v5 PAGE TWO I IKK A LP AN'O NEWS, KLAMATH FA I IS. OK KG ON TUKSDAY, I'KliHUAHY 211, HlMj. 1 ' : '.-..,,1 CFLW-TurMlav Fvenlnf, Feb. 6:00 Sports Hlffhltfhti :1ft Homo Town Newt fl:2S World New Sum mar j 8:30 Suburban Serenade 6 45 Ueeflllne Edition ABC 8:.Vt Coming Attraction go ABC 9.00 Greeteat Story ABC ?:.u Newatand Thcelre ABC 1:00 Mat Audition of Air ABC S:30 "How Can We Better Support O law Enfowmfnt Offlclali?" . 10:00 10 PM Hcadlinea Hi; 1 Dream Ha bor ABC 10:30 Iniomnla Club ll:oo Newi Summary tl:W Sign Off KFLW Wednnday. Ffb. 27 6:00 8tgn On Newt Summary 6:05 Corn In the Morn 6:45 Farm Fare 1:00 News, Bkfit. Edition 7:15 Charllt'a Rounoup 7:30 Bob C aired & News ABC 7:40 Top of the Morning 7:55 John Conte ABC 6:00 Breafctett Cluu ABC 0:00 Hank Henry Show 9:30 Break the Bank ABC 10:00 Chet Huntley ABC 10:1.1 Lone Jour-ey A'r 10:30 My True Story ABC 10:55 Edward Arnold ABC 11:00 Betty Crocker ABC 11:13 Stop St Shop 11:30 Against Storm ABC . 11:43 Musiral Boundup 11:55 Market Report 12:00 Newa. Noon Edition 12:13 Pay lew Sidewalk Show 12:30 Lucky-U Ranch ABC 1:00 Paul Harvey ABC 1:15 Better Living 1:30 Mary Marftaiet McBridc ABC 3:00 Basin Briefs 2:15 Accent on Melody Joyce Jordan, M D. ABC 2-45 Rom. Evelyn Winters ARC 3:00 When a Girl Marries ABC 3:15 Ted Malone ABC 3:30 Dean Cameron ABC ' 3:45 Mary Marltn ABC 4:00 KequefU'iiPy Vours 5:00 Fun Factory ABC 5:25 World Fllgnt Keporter ABC 5:30 Chet Huntley ABC 5:45 Town House Orch. ABC 6:00 Sports Highlights 6:15 Home Town News -6:25 World News Summary 6:30 Suburban Serenade 6:45 Headline Edition ABC 6:55 Coming Attractions on ABC 7:00 The Lone Ranter ABC 7:30 Mvatery Theater ABC 8:0O The Top Cuv A- 1 30 Rogues Gallery ABC 9:C0 Proualy We Hail 9:30 Northwest Art in 10.00 10 P.M. Headlines 10:15 Dream Harbor ABC 10:30 Insomnia Club 11:00 News Summary 11.-05 Sign Off KFJI Tuesday Evening, Feb. 26 6-O0 Gabriel Heatter MBS 6:15 Klajnatli Theater Quix 6:45 Sam Hayes News MBS 6:55 Bill Henry MBS 7:00 Black Museum MBS 7:30 Peter Salem MBS 8:04 Count Monte CristO ftlBS 8:30 Roving at Rudy's 8:45 Heidelberg Harmonaires 9:00 Glenn Hardy-News MBS 9:15 Fulton Lewis-News MBS 9: u : tuaaJ e. ireei .HbS 9:45 Sports Final 9:55 5-Minute Final MBS 10:00 I Love a Mystery MBS 10:15 Official Detective MBS 10:45 Here's to Vet 10:30 Opera Concert MBS 11.-00 Night Owls Edition 11:05 Night Owls Club U:ou Si. O. . . KF-TN-Wednday, Feb. 27 6:00 Musical Reveille 6:45 Farm Penoner 6:55 Local News 7:00 Hemingway News MBS 7:15 Breakfast Gang MBS 7:30 News 7:45 Beet Buye 8 00 Cecil Brown MBS 8:15 Breakfast Gang MBS -8:30 Bible Iniililuta MBS 00 Hrmemakera Harmonies 9:15 Platter Party 9:43 Favorites of Yesterday 10 00 Glenn Hardy MD6 10.13 Tello Test MBS 10:30 La Pol n tea 10:43 v'oncert 10:30 Currins 10:55 Ken Carson Show MBS 11:00 ladies Fair MBS 11:25 News k.ns 11:30 Queen for Day MBS 12:00 Name Bands 12:15 News 12:30 Dance Tunes 12:43 Music Be 12 50 Market & Livestock 12 53 News 1.00 Jack Klrkwood MRS 1:30 Take a Number UBS 2:00 News MRS 2:05 News MRS 2:15 Two at 2:15 2:45 Answer Man MBS 3 00 Rlckvs Request 4:00 Speed Gibjop 4:13 Hemingway News MRS 4.30 Curt Ma&sey Time MPS 4:iS Sam Halves News MBS 5 00 Twilight Time 5:30 Wild Bill Hick ok MBS 5:55 News MBS 6:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS 6:15 Klamath Theater Quia 6:30 Around Town News 6:45 Sam Hayes News MBS 6 55 Bill Kenry MBS 7:00 Family Theatre MBS 7:30 Cisco Kid MBS 6:00 What's Name or So.it MBS 8 You Never Know MBS 8:43 Heidelberg Harmonaires 9:00 Glenn Hardy News MBS 9:15 Fulton Lewis Jr MBS 9:S0 Wrettling 9:55 5-Min. Final MBS 10:00 Wrestling 10:13 I Love a Mystery MBS 10:30 Out of Thunder MBS liw Nfrht nwu 'vs 11:05 Night Owls Club 12.00 Sign Off , ' Johnnie Ray Riding Cloud As Result of Smash Disc By KRSKINE JOHNSON HOLLYWOOD iNEAl Behind the Screen: Johnnie Rnv. nn un known singer ft few nuinllis ago, Is riding on "Cloud 3" over his sma;li song hll, "Little While Cloud." and the movie offers are pouring In. Al.o pouring In lire ru mors that the luuintlnn "Little White Cloud was a much prettier ' cr HI., three years aco. "I was doing nothing and doing It slow," he told me. "when they offered me the role or the King, fish. I couldn't turn It down." Tim, who clnlm.1 he's the sump nge us Jark Benny, wns race truck Jockey hs a kid and had 104 fichus as a proieretonnl prlr.e fight- Vilhelm Eyes Speaker Post SALEM W State Rep. Rudie f'ilhelm. Jr.. Portland Republican Mentioned as the most likely can didate for speaker of the House in 1953, filed for reelection Monday. Other filings: District Attorney W. W. Dillard jf Columbia County, for reelection. He is a St. Helens Democrat. State Sen. Elmo E. Smith, John Day Republican, for reelection. State Rep. Russell Hudson, The Dalles Republican, . for reelection. State Rep. Robert W. Root. Med lord Republican, for reelection. frank K. Aiaerson. Grants Pass Republican, for Josephine County listrict attorney. State Rep. B. A. Stover, Bend Republican, for reelection. Defense For Germany On Slow List By BRACK CURRY BONN. Germany IB Allied Of- icials said Tuesday that the At lantic Army will have to wait at least until 1955 for the 12 German divisions it counts on to help de- iena me west. Despite the sreen lisht siven the European Army by the Atlantic Allies at their moon conlerence, these officials said that recent po litical developments, especially in France, have1 set back the previous time table calllne for combat-ready German troops bv 1954. The sources here explain the sit uation thus: The Germans will need two full esrs from the starting oolnt to call up, arm and train 300.000 to 400.000 men to serve with the six nation European Army. The outlook now is that not a inele German soldier will be draft ed before early 1953 and perhaps months later. The Germans plan to start their new army with small units of volunteers who later will take over the training of draftees. Nor do these prospects for Ger man manpower for Western de fense take into account a possible change in the West German gov ernment Chancellor Konrad Adenauer's pro-rearmament coalition faces an election battle in the summer of 1953 with the bitterly anti-rearma ment socialists. The Socialists warned last week end that they would continue to oppose German participation In the Western defense system "under present conditions." even If they tnke over the government next year. They have demanded Immediate elections. . song when Rudolf Friml wrote it lor "Rase Marie and called It "Totem Tomtom." But Johiuile and his record bo.v.ej aren't worried. Mitch Miller of Columbia Rec ords blasted the similarity charge for me with: Every time there's a hit son somebody compares It to some thing rise.' It's like gnats flying around I Mitch's expert musical opinion on why 35-year-old. partlallv . deaf Johnny Is clicking with 'the teen age set: "Johnnie and his song reflect the sadness and frustration of present day living for kids who are uncer tain about the future. Hollywood's breaking out In a rash of new faces, and veteran I HOME. wv "Operation Grand stars quietly are being advised, I Slam," siarls Tuesday the largest "Change your type. Give 'em some- jaeiinl and naval inimeuvr ever tiling new. carried out by Allied navies hi the I quiszed.Joan Fontaine about the Mediterranean, "lets switch epidemic" and she Adm. Robert B. Carney, South sa'd: em Europe Commnnder of i,e Change my type? Ye Gads, no. j NATO navies will gupen Le Hie After licking- 13 Irishmen I had a complex that an Irishman could not beat me, but Young McCIuslty knocked me cold for 45 minutes, he said. He then toured the world In vaudeville, musical shows and burlesque. Tims played Mexican. Chinese stage, but he'll never forget the time he donned kills in an Austra lian theater and warbled, "Im Real Black Scot. Remembers Jim: "The houso fell apart. L m Allied Fleets In Maneuvers I don i know what type I am yet. Joan has two biggies about to nit the screen Paramount's Alcoholics Anonymous, and MQM's costume epic. "Ivanhoe." Has she heard from Alv Khan since their dates in Paris last summer? "No," she said, "and I don't think I will. There's no romance in my life." FOR THE GIRLS Closeups and Lone Shots: The years biggest hunk of movie beef cake will be exhibited by Burt Lan caster in "The Crimson Pirate." He goes through the film bare-chested. Ernest HeminewAV win char in the film profits, if Bill Marshall and Sam Marx put together their plan to co-star Garv Cooper in "Across The River And Into The Trees" You wont be seelns the an. nounced movie. "The Hnnlc joint venture of Elia Kaian and piaywrignt Arthur Miller, who wrote "Death of a Salesmen." Or ganised labor got a peek at the script, decided It was anti.nnlnn and pressured the picture plans into UJIIUU. Arthur Kennedy's quote on why uc a tuning up siaxes soon lor a long stay in New York and Europe: "Hollywood gets Impossible to take after a couple of years." Writers at Fox are working on a film biography of the late W. C. Fields . . .Mercedes McCambrldge is home from the hospital after the tragic death of her newborn child . . . Lana Turner turned down the role of an Army nurse in "Mash." She alreiirlv nlovAH .n In "Homecoming." . . . "The Pri vate Life of Helen of Troy" will be filmed at Warner Bros. STEALS THE SHOW It may be the "Amos "n Andv" show but it's the Kipgfish Tim Moore who socks home the lauirti and bursts the applause meters In the TV version. Tim, who broke Into show business at the age of 12, as one of the Gold Dust Twins, re tired to his home in Rock Island. operations, in which humirril i'f VS.. British, French and Italian naval vesso,s will participant. The operation will Include a mas sive bombardment by the Allied warships. Builders May -Complete Jobs TALLAHASSEE. Fla. i.T Sec- retary of Commerce Sawyer said Monday the aovernment Is going to nermit builders to complete con struction Jobs that were halted by the fixing of controls on scarce materials. In Washington, authorities said the National Production Authority already has set the machinery In notion to carry out the new order, Sawyer disclosed the shift In planning in an address to the Tal, lahassee Chamber of Commerce. PVT. JAMES V. DYCHE, son of Mr. ami Mrs. Tom Dyche of Fort Klamath, is now training in the aggres sion force exercise Lone; Hornkat Ft. Hood, Tex. A 1950 gradunle of Chiloqnin . high, he enlisted in the paratroops Feb. 27, 1951, and trained at Ft. BraflR, N.C., and Ft. Benninp. Ga. Fercbee Photo In 1951 an Irrigation prolrct was completed at llnrsetooth Dam. near Ft. Collins. Colo. Your claims are paid with smile. Hans Norland Insurance. 627 Pine SL Phone 2-3515. New York and Philadelphia, as well as Washington, have wit nessed the inaugurations of Pres idents of the United States. Bring th fan -for cofftt . .! QHHDCHID AN EASY WAY TO HAVE A PIANO Van can rent a lovtly nrw spinal plina (ram tbe I.aui R, Mann rian cm panjr, if ft. lib. at a low aionihljt rata. Afttr rkionat1 itmt you ran. If yon with, rhania (rum rent lo ptir cbaia atrcenient. Tha rtnt already pal ( all rrtdltrd la )our pun-ha iveouni an4 aa albrr daw u pirmrnl la ntrrt aarv. The inanlhljr payintnlt ran bt llllla higher than rent. Or. K vu ara (r. Tau en eonllnut l rtnt. Father Takes Silver Star SNOHOMISH. Wash. Wl A anononiish, Wiinii., father, who re lumed his dead aon'a Piunlo llonrt nnd wmll with bitter urltlulam ol President Truman, him decided to accept a silver star lor his son's vaior in Korea. Haro.'d Carlson, a luuuer-rnrnrn ter, reported Iho notice of the sil ver Slur, the nation's third htuhe.st award lor heroism, arrived Snliir. day. It was only the previous nlaht iluit he had wired President Tru man, In rejcrllnir I lie Purple Heart: "now did you earn the ilitht to use these noble words about our son and other sons?" Master sal. John Howard Carl son, 'jfl, wan- killed on a nluht ini tio! last Oct. 18. Of the Silver Slur. Mrs. Carlson explained: "I ahull accept it for mv son. 11 la no ours: it Is his.' The father nodded asrcemenl: Yes. it Is his." The Carbon have one other son, Kenneth, In IiIkIi school. THEFT INDIANAPOLIS l.fl Mii .1,,, sephlne Yoiiiir. a department store policewoman, told cllv police Mon day that while slio was ni a ulnve counter looking for ahoiillflri.s somebody stole St and her biuluc liom her purse. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY BIGGEST OVSfiinany Household Ranjt 1U11 1 UCH 4V" KLAMATN eALLt. OMCaO . AMERICAN CHINESE m at rkeli kotl Pk. 4t tmi (Mara T T.k. 0 en B. Let, Mgr. ' Smmrl . . cOBi ATTENTION . SALESMEN AND SALESLADIES wanted for Klamath and Lake Counties. Call 2-0131 between 12 and 5 For appointments. 8 complete cleaning and polishing units in one-Ask for free home demonstra- tion. Phone 2-0131 tti!ii m m Con tin no as From I; 45 I' -j'' - ITU I n ,!., N OW! ' rurrAfffoiffPemfmB 17 vat at tm rennj Clark Avo I GABLE GARDNER li Broderick CRAWFORD, I f l Doors Open 11 Pep peppers are reporting to Peucan court durlne activity te- riod and the noon hour all this week In order to practice march. ing formations for the Ashland game this Saturday nluht. Presented during the half-time, they will use flashlights and will oe assisted oy tne KU pep band, directed by LaMar Jensen. ' Formations will consist of a tan dem bicycle. "52" WIN, KP for Klamath Pelicans and AG stand ing for the Ashland Grizzlies. Bernice Mathovitch, vlce-presi dent of the pep neDDers. is in charge of the marching formations, The El Rodeo staff Is trying to beat the last of their deadlines which is set for the first of March. If the deadline Is met, the book will be sent to the printers. It will take the printers about two monins to set tne book into type and bind it. With luck It will be back and handed out to the stud ents by the middle of Mav. The staff is now choosin out standing seniors for each depart ment. All club pictures are completed and the clubs are being asked to pay tor meir pictures promptly. A rjmnellfi fhnlr I. vervirHlntr mi side of a record to be sent by the Bed Cross to Europe. Outstanding grade school groups will fill the Other KiriP Mr .1,. Vanlar l In charge of the record. "You Gotta Stay Happy" Is this Week's noon movie. Rnnntnrpri hv the T and I club and the Honor Society, the movie stars Joan Pnn. talne and Jimmy Stewart. Admis sion is one dime. I If A i.i 1 1 i ,, v-a- OS IwiIih tlirf if tifli li" jEfeflE, rriiut MM IMIIIIH'---'"1 Huge Allowance To Be Continued LOS ANGELES Ifl Mrs. Wil liam Randolph Hearst's $10,000 a month allowance from her late hus band's militlmllllnn rfnllni. has been continued by court order for another year. She was granted an extension Monday to the original six-month allowance ordered last August. The publisher's will and nine codicils left most of the estate in trust for the widow, five sons and several cnHmaoie ana educational Institu tlons. FREAK LUENFRTTR.n riormanu IJK A 900 Dounri niff nhnt nntt n,r...Ar.A A 'butcher who was trying to kill It, police reported Tuesday. The butcher was kneeling beside the pig and loading his bolt gun when the pig sprang up and struck tfiA frivfrai laHtt, a inA 1 -m. butcher was shot through the knee. FRIG1DAIRE Frrgidarm Automatic 'Thrifty 30" Vasher Flecfnc Range m a? ti 'if J ' " DOWN CASH PRICE iin.JS Thara'i no rough scrubbing ol clolhai with Uva-Wolar Action. Ckrtfiai or lubmargtd In water all Iht tlmt, with rolling currtnti of hot, tudty walar going through them. Two frih-watrt Liv -Woiar rimai ftool all dirt away. t'Zf:T",nnn' - "..cring wo.hln, Conv.nl.,,,,.,, lo- Undnwolw Surf. Com. In I Set a Demonifralisn I VERN Bokti 6 piti ol one, or a 35 -lb. turk.y-y.l only 30 Inches wld.l Hal mony oth.r lamout Frlgldair. I.atur.t tuch an Hlgh-ip.d Radlantub. Unlit llf.tlm. Porcelain finish Iniid. and out full-wldlh Storog. Drawer Automatic Ov.n Clock Control Hlgh-ip.td firoll.r Sliding ov.n ah.lv.i N.w Tim. Signal Only tuy It now (or $33" Down CASH PRICE S2J2.7S RO-30: $183.30 OWENS' CASCADE HOME FURNISHINGS CO. 24- No. 4th Phone 8361 i Sltintiard cqulprntint, acctiMflti and irlm lllutlrottd a iubl It chonga wlihewt nelk, Whil tide-wall Itrai, whn voilabU. at citia coil. ' ' HZ, " NEW "JET-SCOOP" FORERUNNER STYLING Htr's th mt chollcnglng nw car dttlgri on th American Rood mod potilbl by new mtthodi In mtol n gin ring. Th rtiulfit ntw and aiffarnl "Ul'i go" lines, "Spat ptonntd" fnfarlorif up to 17 greater viiibllily, ip dally over the lew hood. NEW 125 HP V I PERFORMANCE Up goes the horie power. Up goat the compression ratio. This engine has lo be good. It's preciilonmamifoctured by the builders of more V8s than all other companies combined. NEW "INTERCEPTOR" PANEL The most practical Instrument panel ever designed. It takes Mi Inspiration from the quick -sight controls In the latest fighting aircraft. All Instruments are conveniently grouped Ni a handsome, unitized console built out from the dash for easy reading, reaching, and "eyes-front" safety. A A, ' -on rnfTi (C lo) fT 1 1 lo) W NEW SPORTS-CAR "FLOW-FREE" PEDAL The brake pedal Is suspension mounted (no need for a floor hole) for easier action and extra foot room. Drafts and dust are mini mixed. Big, powerful, quick-acting brakes provide smoother, safer, straight-line slops In response to the slightest toe pressure. NEW CENTRALIZED "HIDE-AWAY" OAS CAP It Is located behind the new hinged license -plate holder. You con approach gas pumps from either side, everywhere you look there's something new, for the 1952 Mercury Is a really new carl See the 1932 Mercury, aompore It, today. WU MERC-O-MATIC DRIVE "2-WAV CHOICE ! Three dppendoMe, performance-proved drives: Silent-ear-o standard transmission; thrifty Touch-O-Matic Overdrive; and Mcrc-O-Malic, ' greatest of all automatic drives, Opllottal at extra tett oPOui-Jnt! BASIN MOTORS 424 So. 6th. St. Phone 7778 1 4