Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 25, 1952, Page 9, Image 9

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0 CM
(, "' m ill)
'ift. """" "," '"-k-llmll king ol llm
.KIniiiiilli County Cliin j cltuntiln
H;ir Ihe second MiiiikIiI year and
,f Jho limit torluv l.i looking Inwnrd
.-eiMifiurrliiH more territory.
l, 'Hip Antlers' 411-43 vlclol'v over 1
I uriirlBliin MiiIIii leiun Siiiurdiiy
higlil on IVIUihi conn hi thti
,. KIiiiiiuIIi (,'uiinly tourney lliml
ruined Conch Merton Whipple's
, cnnrrn H IIIiiii nt diMiitt honors.
' Sillied llrurt, n prn-iii'imoii fnvor
I lit, wiiii tuiiMiliiliim honors Willi ft
, 62-40 win ovit Mrrrlll.
I A DIM. 5 I Hie would tin ml Hip
I Aullris n ticket lo llm Clrss II
Hull- tournament In Hiilcin. Marti!
13 Ifl.
Hill lodiiy llio iil'iinc whh Minio.
tvlin t iniiddliil. iiir diMrli't In
dudes Jackson, Josephine , Klinniiili
mid l.nkp louiilltv. Puinlry, tlio
iinlv f;liiM I) riiHPM-iitmivp lii Luke
County, inny ciinllnmc Munimn in
H 'lt v-ri 1 1 i.prpn Inr Hip til; 111 lo
inrrt Domic Itlvrr, Jackson County
rliiiniilnn. In Hip showdown. Jose,
fhinr County Inn no Class U
... Mlllly I lltitrn in Hip pint I'umlpy
has waived lis right, lecllng Its
bnind of- basketball wasn't mli
nuiilr. II wn hoped Hip Miuir
thing would happen this yrur im.v
murli nil 1'iiislcy linn been liputcn
twlrc UiIh wnsou by Klamath
Ciiiitiiy ' Illy, by some 20 points
flirll UlllP.
II I'nlivlpy pusses up ik rlnlit.
thru llonnnzn would go directly
nmiliiM Rogue Itlvrr In n twoot
tlueo series to (IpcIiIp Hip Dint. 6
representative In Salem's sinto i
j lire ui "illy Mulln tp.iin, hopelessly
trnllliiic tlonunr.u fur mnrp Ihnn two
i quarters Saturday li Ik I it. brewed up
I rally Una cauie close lo catch-
J Iiik the AnUrrn
'Hie Anllcrs lpd 25-13 nt Hip hull
J and stretched It lo 36-til midway
, U the third wIipii the Mustangs
kicked up a scoring blimp paced
' by Cenlcr Bob Stevenson that
HuMiixft, th K la ninth County
bjiftkrtball rhaninlnn. and Kao
tlrrd tfrart, -onilatlon winner,
men plarrd three playera on
the allKlainath aunty team
picked 8a I unlay nlihl after the
title tournament.
Itonania plated Hon llubhle.
Irwin Crume and .Maurlre
( handler. Ihr eliht coarhea In
the Iraiue voted In Narred
llrart'a Jim Mahoney, Hob How
ard and It ay Heard.
'the other five getting atl-htar
nods were Wayne II Irk and Hob
htevennon, in en t lie m of the Ma
lin runner-up team; Franklin
HulrliliiRnn and John Jufluyfth
,ff Hly and Gene Gentry of
a, niimiuin.
A tenHi-plare tie neeeanltatcd
r homing of 11 playert.
Itlrlt and Hubble were unanl-
-fit oua choirea.
i'.o.ipd tlic count lo 31-36 when the
fourth framp opened.
i.osi-: tor.NT
It wna 34-38 shortly alter the
openltiK of the fourth finnin and II
ljrnnn to look like Mulln would
iilinnufncture the blKRpM uptei ol
the annual tournament that Is la
'inoua lor Ita reverialn.
' But little Marlin Wil.on. who was
(Tie real hero of tile piece al
Uiouith he has taken a buck seat
10 his nunc lllumrloiu temn mntes.
added a bin field Ronl from fur out
after Don Hubble had dunked three
free throws and the Antlers went
ahead with a comfortable 34-43
. Irwin Crume added a field Boal
lo-settle the Issue with Malm try
"Inn lo net back In Uie swim on
two - pointers by Vli u II Rick and
Hlcvenson and a nniiic-endlng tree
throw by Wnyne Rick.
Wilson scored 13 points for Bo
nnnza along with Crume and Hub
ble with thp amo number. Vernon
,Hnley added 11.
: But. Wilson stood out with Ills
door work and ability to set up
plays. Half of his points came
when they were big and needed.
Wayne Rick was hlRh for the
(Tame with 16 and Stevenson added
13 for Mnlln.
rJIm Mahoney, the tournnmcnt's
high scorer with 57 points, paced
Hncred Heart In Its consolation fi
nal aiinlnst Morrill with 24.
.iMerrlll out-scored the Trojans SO-
SO In the last half but Sacred
Heart's 24-10 first half lead was
Soo big to overcome.
Dill ,1,-I.V, ...... ,,rrrirt 11 1nrb
.Dill TKiniltlll3 PW, LU 11, vnvM
lendrlck.ion 9 for Merrill.
llox .core.;
"U.M.IN (12(
W. Hlrk IS
.Hteventon IS
1'anlrri 7
F 12 Crume
P II llnlev
(' 3 Hubble
(i 7 ChJiniller
-. 12 WlUolt
V. nick S
Malln nun. Trim 3. McAulllfe. Do-
riRnii um llya.
mi Ran. 1. 1101
It'll SAC. HT.
I Korh
24 Mshonev
0 Howard
4 Beard
WeUhani II
lleavea 2
llenrlrlckion 9
MappIH alth (YNftil 2
Vlnlari 2. Hurry. Wnlter. Sarred
llearl ub Prall 2. lleUlerer 10. Mc-
Andrewa 1, Wewel 2, llarrcra. .
Jayvees Win
"TCIamath's JVs used a thrce-mln-lite,
61-second stall to take a slim
42-39 decision from the Mcdford
Junior Varsllv In the preliminary
t tho second Pellcnn-Black Torna
'tfc Rame Bnturdny night.
Tho Klnmnth's JVs took a 14-6
lead al the Ilnlfh of tho first quar
ter of play, then widened thoir
lend to 2fi to 13 lit the half.
( The Mcdford Junior Varsity
,cjimo back In the third quarter to
'narrow tho Klamath, lead to 37 to
. The KU JVs slnrled stalling In
tho fourth period while lending 40
lo 37 with less than four minutes
remaining to piny. , .
'! Don Mills, KU forwnid, made 11
points lo capture high point honors,
iind gained high scoring honors of
130 points for IB games.
Soleimon to Travel
Selling Athletic Equipment.
Coll in Person
SPECIAL GRINS that of champions are shown here by the six seniors on Bonanza's
championship catfe team when Antler Coach Morton Whipple (second from left) was pre
sented with the title trophy Saturday night by County Schools Supt. Carroll Howe alter
Bonanza beat Malin for the title and earned the right to district play. The players II to r)
are Irwin Crume, Don Hubble, Maurice Chandler, Marlin Wilson (partially hidden), Ver
non Haley and Wayne Dye.
Idaho Mix
For 2nd
Northern Olviidon
W I, Pit.
Wa.shlniitnn SUIc
Oregon 8 hup
Salurday'a RptulU
Wa.ililimion stale (17 Oreuon 55
Soulhrrn Dlvlnlon
.... 8
. 5
... 4
fly The Ao latrd I'rpsa
The Northern DivlMon clones Its
half of thp Pacific Coast Confer
ence biihkelbiill scrnmble this week
with the Idaho Vnudiils and the
Oregon Ducks slugslng It out lor
second pmcc Honors,
Washington nailed Sown the divi
sion title a week auo, leaving the
Huskies only a pair of wrupup
tin men with Washington Stale be
fore tackling the winner of the rcd-
noi southern Division race In a
buttle lor the Coast crown and a
NCAA regional playoff berth. The
Huskies won the championship last
year and are favored again In 1952.
Idaho, Idle over the week-end
while Oregon was splitting 71-61
and 55-67 with Washington Slate,
will hnve the edge over the Ducks
In the struggle for second-place in
tho final standings. A spill in the
Monday-Tuesdny series at Moscow
would give Idaho a tie. and a sweep
would aisiire the Vandals ihe run
nerup slot.
Oregon closes Its season ngaln.it
tail-end Oregon Slate Friday and
Saturday, while Washington Is host
to Washington .State for the last
games of the schedule.
Wyoming turned in a clnssy per
formance In Ihe two-game series
Willi Washington at Laramie.
Washington won Friday 52-50
with a clinching basket In the Init
nine seconds. Wyoming won with
ciise 55-45 on Saturday.
Bruins SD
: ny The Associated Press
' UCLA's Bruins look good to re
tain the Pnclflo Const Southern
Division Conference title although
the Bruins are only a game ahead
, as play goes Into Ihe final week.
The Bruins, with a 6-4 record.
I play in their own lair tills week-end
wnere uiey nave lost only tnrce
straight games in the past four
years. Angling for their fourth
straight Bouthcrn Division crown.
Ihcy hope lo tnnglc with the
Washington Huskies In the PCC
UCLA bumped California out of
the lend over Ihe week-end with
two Impressive wins, 67-54 Friday
and 68-42 Saturday. Stanford, em
ploying stalling tactics that drew
loud howls of protest from the Tro
jans, won both Its games against
I Southern California,. 61-41 and 73-
HARTFORD, Conn, lifv Ray Oost
ing, Trinity College's Director of
Athletics .now In his 29th year as
a faculty member, tins been Its
basketball conch for 25 years. To
gether with Dean : Joseph . Clarke,
swimming conch, and Dan Jessee,
footbnll nncl bnscbnll conch, this
trio has n combined coaching ten
ure of three quarters of a century,
Extra Work
Medt loiy
Elaelrio er Hand
La! itienlh'a rental in applied la lha
purrhaae prlre.
n nrr. n ' t
Fwneer unice supply
Hilt Main
5 6tio .,(?-
0 .400
' ' io mwo, arotxt tofiot ' j .
1J.SI' J1 Cracks , i
I -4SML -
. . . challenge accepted
Kurt Face
The Gorky brothers have accept
ed Yorg Crctorinn's challenge
hurled Inst Wednesday from ring
side, thus promising the fans a
lag tenm match they won t soon
Soldnt and Ivnn Gorky, winner
over the Pnrks brothers last week,
will meet Cretorian and Kurt Von
Poppeuheim In a tag brawl ex
pected to set nn nll-ilmo record
for thrills.
Both tennis clnim the tenm
wrestling title on the Pnclllc Coast.
It's n battle Hint will take a
niKRed referee to handle. Promoter
Mack Llllard Is trying to get Enrl
Vonkley, huge Mcdford arbiter, to
be the third man In the ring.
This is the match promoters up
and down the const have been try
ing to land. Klamath Falls' mat
customers get the first chance to
see It.
Olno Nicollnl. good-looking Ital
ian wrestling star, faces rough
Buck Weaver In the opener.
Reserved tickets are on sale nt
Casllebcrry Drugs.
Pacific Coast Hockey
By The Associated Press
Seattle 4 New Westminster 3
Saturday results
Calgnry 1 Saskatoon 1
Tacomn 7 Vancouver 4
New Westminster 5 Victoria 2
This month only!
complete -
410 So. 6th
SEATTLE Johnnv O'Brien
Jumplng-jack Seattle University
3uard. owned a new national col
legiate single season basketball
scoring record of 9"0 points Mon
day. The 5 foot 9 youngster with
springs in his legs broke the old
mark of 867 Saturday night ai?nlnsl
Portland University with a 37 point
performance. Oeorgc King of Morris-Harvey
-was the record-holder
he overtook.
But despite O'Brien's 71 points In
two nights nt Portland, his club
lost both games, 83-82 and 93-80. lo
dim its hopes of a bid lo the NCAA
regional -tournament at Corvallis,
Ore., next month.
The South Amboy. N. J., twin,
who teams with his brother at
guard for the Seattle U. Chieftains,
nils iw'o games left against Port
land here Thursday and Friday to
become the first plnyer in col
legiate history to score 1.000 or
more points in a single season.
O'Brien earlier broke the free
throw record of 291 and now has
322 points from the gift line.
"Sorry, but I bet a friend that I
could run faster than this nag we
bet on yesterday!"
'Cats Lose
Medtoid's Sophomore tenm bent
the Klnmnth Wildcats, 43 to 37, at
Mcdford Saturday afternoon.
Leo Davis. 6-3 center from Klnm
nth, wns high in the gnme with 16.
lAppllfi in molnrs
. with & lit. crank ri
Ph. 4113
; f
ds Face IrHumboldt
OTI Nips
W I. I'll.
Vannurt . 8 2 .WfO
Orraon Colleae ... . . 7 3 -7f
Orea"n Tli ... O 0 .yl
iCtttrn rnKon I II .(111
Saturday. Rt.ulu
Ortgtm Tttrh 70 Vanp,jrl ofl
Oregon Collega S6 Eastern Oregon 54
Oregon Tech's Owls closed out
their Oregon Collegiate Conference
schedule in bright and somewhat
unexpected lashlon Saturday night,
beating the Vanport Vikings 70 tc
IS. It was the only occasion In four
tries tnls season the Owls had
beaten ihe Vanport Vikings.
Despite the loss. Vanport Is prac
tically assured of the conference
crown. The Owls finlahe! third.
Oregon Tech winds up Its bas
ketball season now with a two-
game series here with the Hum
boldt State Lumberjacks, tonight
and Tuesday night. Game time is
8 p. in.
Marv Hammack and Homer Dun
can were the aces backed up in
Saturday night's game. Duncan
scored 24 points, high for the eve
ning, and Hammack had 20. includ
ing the two baskets that broke a
ee-60 tic in the final minutes of
play and won the game for the
Vanport built up an early lead,
though the game was never the
rout the one Friday night was.
when Ihe Vikings won 70-49. The
Portland visitors were ahead 16-13
at the juarter and 35-26 at half
time, coasting along.
The Owls got busy as the' third
period opened, dumping in seven
points In what seemed like a mat
ter of seconds to force Vsnport to
call timo out- From then on it
was a -matter of closing the gap.
The Owls had the offensive.
Thcv tied the score three times
In the early stages of that
quarter, only to have the Vikings
creep ud again, hut linally Ham
mack and Jack Pinkley canned a
couple of free throws to make It
60-66 and Hammack came back
with two. quick baskets one on a
length-oPcourt football pass from
Al Foreman that caught the Viks
nupping and put the game away.
The prelim Saturday night was
n thriller, too. The Oregon Tech
Javvees beat the downtown Payless
Drug team of the City League 62
to 56.
Box arore;
Hubert, f
Poctsch. I -
Barne., c
Hlntr. I
Strader. g
MacLean. f
N. Johnaon, f ....
B. Johnaon. c ..
Mclnlyre. c .
Kokl. I
Rae. g
Jackson, g -
Duncan, f -
Schubert, t
HoUfuaa. e -
Cenetln. g
Foreman, g
Flanlngam. c . .
Pinkley. c
Hammack. g -
2 2
26 14 34 63
HaUtirne: Vanport 33. Oregon Tech
28. Missed tree inrows: ""J
2n! Vanport 12. Officials: Bonney aad
n Th Accnrlated Press
Today A Year Ago Dick But
ton of Englewood. N. J., won his
fourth straight world figure skating
championship at Milan, Italy.
ti. .a VAnrc Aon Pnhert W.
Voigts was named head football
coach at Northwestern University,
succeeding Lynn vvaioon.
Tan Vanl-c Aon The New York
Yankees obtained Outfielder Tuck
Stninback from Kansas uny in ex
change lor ouineiaer oianicy
"Frenchy" Bordagaray and Pitch
er George Washburn.
Twentv Years Ago Princeton
announced the nppointment of Her
bert O. "Fritz" Crlsler as head
football conch.
Man's Sites 29 te 44, $3.65 pr.
820 Main
SfitJ. Lf 1
Not Mi fVM w'wHl
Land in State I
Klamath Falls qualified 13 wrest-
lux for the stale tournament j Klamath Falls will seek Its fifth
.scheduled Feb. 29 and March 1 at ! straight title were Harold Shearer
Oregon Stale College In a sub-dis- j 106. George Knight 115. Sam Wil
incl mat meet in Bend Saturday. bur 123. Jay Dearing 130 and
The Pels scored eight firsts, five (heavyweight Jim Young
seconds and added five thirds and
two fourths to run up 103 points
almost tripling second-place Bend
with 39.
Bend qualified four. Burns four
and Redmond, Prlneville and Crane
one each.
Klamath Falls champions are
Carl Slew-art in the 106-pound di
vision. Don Dexter 115, Orville
Swindler. 123. Perry Williams. 130,
Tom Wells 136, Roland Blehn 141.
Dean Johnson 148 and heavyweight
Vernon Pryor.
Placing second and also qualify-
Crimins Shatters Halbrook's
Scoring Mark With 73 Points
Associated Press Sports Writer
Medford remained the favorite
for the district 4 championship and
two Portland teams clinched state
tournament spots in a week-end of
Oregon high school basketball play
that saw the Northwest individual
scoring record broken twice.
Wade (Swede) Halbrook of Lin
coln set a new mark of 71 Friday
night. Jerry Crimins of Milton
Freewater cracked It Saturday
night by scoring 73.
Dennis Conner's free throw In
the last 25 seconds Saturday night
gave Medford a 53-52 victory over
Klamath Falls, evening the week
end series between the teams.
Thus Medford, rated No. 7 in
last week's Associated Press poll,
regained its one-game lead over
sixth-ranked Klamath Falls in the
Southern Oregon district's big four
division. But Medford's remaining
two division games are with tough
Grants Pass, while Klamath Falls
has a pair with last-place Ashland.
The division winner will be heav
ily favored to beat Crater High of
Central Point for the district title
and a place in the state tourney
at Eugene next month.
Cleveland and Lincoln, each with
a 17-2 record and ranked No. 2
and No. 3 respectively. In the state,
won Friday night games to become
Portland league representatives in
the tournament
souen.fnnt nne-inrh Halbrook
posted 71 points in Lincoln's 90-53
victory over Roosevelt
Twentv-four hours later, Crimins.
who's only five-foot 11, registered
73 for a new record as Milton
Freewater set a new Oregon one
game team scoring mark in de
feating Hermlston, 116-63. The old
team record, 115, was set by Rufus
Hinh of Sherman County in 1939.
Crimins. who's also a star foot-
ball quarterback, scored 41 of his
points in the second half while he
i had four personal
personal louis agamsi
Five new Oregon individual scor
ing records now have beep set this
season. First. Johnny Frederick Jr.
of Tigard hit for 52 points to
erase Halbrook's old mark of 51.
established last year. Halbrook
then came back with 66. Gerald
Bloom of Crow wiped this out with
67 points in a Lane County B
League gnme. Thnt stood until the
perf'ormnnces of Halbrook and
Crimins last week-end.
Halbrook, has three more Port
land league games and the state
tournament to shoot for a new re
cord. He has scored 715 points in
19 gnmes.
Halbrook and Crimins met in a
1951 state tournament game, Hal
brook scoring 33 points and Crim
ins 31. The duel won't be repeated
this yenr, because Milton-Freewater
isn't going to the tourney.
7 U
Set ut for all your automotive
j ' needs repair! and accessories,
I ' all makes, all models.
4th & Klamath Ph. 8146
ing for the stale tournament where
pelicans imisning tnird Just out
of the monev were Ronnie Conner
98, Donald Blehn 136. Louie Tauch
er 141, Elvis Mitchell 157 and Har
old Simmers 178. Fourth-place win
ners were Don Shell 157 and Larry
Mathews 178.
Other qualifiers were Davidson,
Burns, 98; Henderson, Bend. 157;
Rogerson. Bend. 168: and Thorne,
178. first place; Scott. Burns.
Burns. 98; Gardner, Bend, 136:
Hoeffs. Redmond. 141; Dunn, Crane
148; Baker, Bend 157; Tyler, Burns
168; and Haynes, Prlneville. 178,
Central Catholic of Portland
ranked No. 1 in the state and al
most a cinch entry In the tourna
ment, beat Oregon City and Hood
River over the week-end for Its
18th and 19th victories In 20 games
Marshfield, rated No. 4 and fav
ored to win the Southwest Oregon
district S title and a tournament
berth, swept a two-game series
from North Bend to make its sea
son record 18 wins and four losses.
La Grande, tied with Salem for
No. 8 rating and favored to win
the district 1 crown, lost to Boise.
52-49. Saturday night. Baker, rank
ed No. 10. was upset by Vale, 52
45. iff a district game.
Bend, unbeaten in Central Ore
gon district 3 and favored to win
the district play-off. drubbed Cor
vallis, one of the district 7 leaders,
in two week-end games.
Astoria, expected to cop the Ore
gon coastal district 10 play-off and
go to tne siaie lournamem, lost io
Milwaukie and the Portland Uni
versity Frosh.
The district 9 aouoie-enminaiion
play-off continued Tuesday night,
with Banks meeting Sherwood, Ti
gard playing Forest Grove and
Hillsboro meeting Beaverton. Ti
gard and Hillsboro, the favorites,
and Beaverton won the first round
The district 6 double-elimination
tourney line-up was completed over
the week-end, with University of
Eugene joining Junction t-ltV, uan-
; ridge and Eugene, the defending
champion, in the play-off.
Raiders Tie
For Second
ASHLAND W Southern Ore
gon ended Its Far Western Con
ference basketball season Saturday
night by defeating Humboldt State
The victory, which gave SOC a
clean sweep 01 me iwo-game ser
ies here, tied the two teams tor
second place in conference stand
ings. Harlan Weaver of SOC was high
scorer of the game with 16 points.
Burke Wins
HOUSTON, Tex. m All little
Jack Burke Jr. needed was to
plav it safe to win the J10.000
Houston Open Golf Tournament
and he did.
The 29 year old son of an old
time Houston golf professional Sun
day turned in an even par 72 for
a 72 hole total of 277 and $2,000
first . money. It was his second
tournament victory in as many
weeks. His first was the Texas
Open at San Antonio.
Straight touitsON whiskey, u proof,
r v
Vtlaiaaaai"111 ... te
Medf ord
In Slim
53-52 Win
Klamath Fall.
Gronta Paaa
Saturday's R.sdII.
Medford S.1 Klamath Pall. A?
Grants Paaa SO Ashland 00
The Klamath -Pelicans have a
slim mathematical chance of over,
taking Medford in the Big Four di
vision of Dlst. 4 after Saturday
night's 52-53 loss to the Black
Tornado but Grants Pass will
have to help the Pels with their
arithmetic problem.
The weekend split with Medford
the Pels won 54-42 Friday kept
the Tornado s one-game lead over
Klamath Falls. Each have two
games to go. Klamath hosting Ash
land here this weekend, Medford
facing Grants Pass.
If the Pels can beat A.ohlnnrl
twice. Grants Pass can hand Klam
ath Falls the title by beating Med
ford twice. If the Cavemen split
with Medford, the district will end
a ue ana would necessitate a
one-game play-off.
Dennis Conner was the horn nf
Medford's squeaky win Saturday
night. His one-hander tied it
52-all with less than two minutes
to play. His free shot with 25 sec
onds left was the margin of vic
tory. Medford iumDed Into a lead hut
the Pelicans rallied to cut It to
14-16 at the auarter mark and
stretched to 30-25 at the half, Klam
ath held two nine-point leads
34-25 and 36-27 in the third but
Medford closed sap to 41-44 coins?
Into the fourth.
Jack Boardman hacked it to 43-44
but free throws by Jerry Johnson
and Calvin Gilmore gave Klamath
a 46-43 edge. Derald Wooten
brought Medford up to 45-46. But
a field goal and free throw bv
Ralph Carroll and a charity toss
by Doug Pence gave Klamath a
50-46 lead. Conner and Pence trad
ed field goals and Klamath Falls
lead 52-48. Wooten threw in a- field
goal and Conner followed with his
big one that tied the game, 52-all.
Ray Bell missed two free throws
with the score tied but both were
apparently deliberate misses to
give Carroll tip-In chances.
Then with Just 25 seconds left,
Conner was successful on his free
Medford ganged up on Carroll
but Klamath's 6-7 center nonethe
less dunked 25 points.
, Conner's 17 led Medford.
Box scores:
Bell, f 4 2 1 10
Horton, t 2 0 3 4
Carrotl. c 10 3 4 2S
Johnaon. I 2 3:4 7
Gilmore. f 114 3
Pence, a 1.1 0 3
s Totals
Boardman. f .
Bingham, f
Wooton, c
Conner, g
Spinas, g
Atterbury, a ,
Thompson, a ,
Crippen. a .
.20 12 18 92
...4 1 3
...3 1 3 7
... 2 S 2 7
20 13 it 33
The Little Brown Jug, world's
richest pacing race, is staged an
nually for three-year olds.
Buraa Tears Moth Hole
Worn Place Bewoven
" , Pt.
45 q.
the stags but. CO.Jsanwo.t, icy,
II ..g rirow" .